• Published 30th Aug 2014
  • 1,991 Views, 369 Comments

Sunset Rekindled - EldritchNexus

Sequel to "Sunset Eclipsed". Sunset Shimmer and her friends go on a new adventure that takes them to Las Pegasus, Saddle Arabia, and beyond..

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A Night in Las Pegasus

Later that night, Sunset Shimmer and Radiant Dawn accompanied Quick Shot to the Applewood district of Las Pegasus, where all the film studios and movie theatres were found. For the occasion, Radiant Dawn had trimmed the untamed bristles of orange hair from his chin and upper lip, and was wearing a bright fuchsia pastel suit with bronze sunglasses, and Sunset Shimmer was wearing a bright shiny purple dress covered with glitter, which reminded her of a dress she once wore for one of the Fall Formals at Canterlot High.

"You look great, Sunny." Radiant said to Sunset as they rode in the taxi.

"You look really good too, bro." said Sunset. "In fact, you look absolutely handsome."

"I know, right?" said Radiant. "I just wish Lightning Dust was here. I think she'd go crazy for me if she saw me now."

They made it to the premiere, which was crowding with ponyfolk from all over Equestria. There were even reporters present, interviewing members of the movie's cast and crew. When the paparazzi noticed Quick Shot, they swarmed him, pelting him with questions and taking snapshots of him at every opportunity.

"Please! I'm afraid I can't take your questions right now!" said Quick Shot. "You'll have to wait till the movie's over! I can guarantee, though, that you're all going to love it! Miss Shimmer and Mr. Dawn, are you two ready?"

"I'd might as well be, since you're the one that brought us here." said Sunset.

"That's the spirit!" said Quick Shot.

"Man, I ain't been at a casino since I was in Baltimare!" said Frosty. "I used ta play the slots all the time when I was Sunset's age."

"We're going to need to get ourselves some decent clothes." said Scarlet. "There's no way you two are ever going to be accepted into that place looking like you do now. Especially Nose Nip."

"Why?" asked Nose Nip, looking at his overalls and t-shirt.

"Never mind." said Scarlet. "We need a place to get us some decent outfits, and we need to do it now!"

Scarlet Blaze, Frosty, and Nose Nip arrived at a fashion boutique called Suri's Suits.

"Welcome to my shop, ma'am and sirs!" said Suri Polomare, who was wearing a very forced-looking smile. "If you came for the best threads in Las Pegasus, then you've come to the right place!"

"Just give me something green." said Scarlet Blaze. "Maybe a little old-fashioned, too."

"Oh, I can see it now!" said Suri. "Maybe put a little gold around the collar, too! Of course, I can make it happen! Would you like a tiara, too?"

"No." said Scarlet. "I just want a dress and that's it."

"And what would these fine gentlecolts like?" asked Suri Polomare.

"I don't know, I'm...I don't really have much of a fashion sense." said Nose Nip.

"Oh, I love your accent!" said Suri. "Maybe something thick and tough! Maybe blue and furry, too!"

"And I'd like ta wear somethin' flashy and smooth!" said Frosty. "Gimme the brightest pastel suit ya got!"

"Oh, that would make you look soooo dreamy!" said Suri. "All the mares will love you! Okay, I'll be right back! I just have to tell my assistants what you three want, and they'll get your outfits in no time!"

"Yeah, whatever." Frosty muttered under his breath.

Then Suri came back with two unicorn assistants, who measured the three, and put their new outfits on them.

"Oh, you're all looking so swell!" said Suri, smiling. "Especially you, little man."

Frosty looked at her unamused.

"Oh, and I think you should have this, too!" said Suri, who started to try putting a hat on him.

"Hey! Oy!" said Frosty, trying to fight Suri off of him. "Get away from me, ya meshuggeneh!"

Frosty used his telekinesis to shoot the hat away. Scarlet quickly paid Suri, and led her companions out of the building.

"What did you say to her? asked Nose Nip. "Shama-whatsit?"

"He said 'Meshuggeneh'." said Scarlet. "It means 'crazy lady'."

"How do you know that?" asked Frosty.

"Because when I was a filly, my grandfather used to say it all the time." said Scarlet. "You could say he was a real schlemiel."

"Wait a minute, so you're--" said Frosty.

"Yep. Born and raised!" said Scarlet, smiling.

"Get outta here!" said Frosty, jokingly.

"No, I'm serious!" said Scarlet. "Don't expect me to do that nasty throat thing, though."

Scarlet Blaze and Frosty both laughed, while Nose Nip just looked at them cluelessly.

"I don't get it." he said.

Daring Do and Lightning Dust were at the main entrance of the Summerset Casino, at the back of a crowd of gamblers and assorted party-goers. They were both wearing sleek black dresses, and Daring even wore her mane up for the occasion.

"Okay, I'm going to go into that building and try to dig up some dirt on Summerset's plans." said Daring Do. "When I find proof, that's when you arrest him."

"Got it, Daring." said Lightning.

When the line cleared, the two pegasus mares went in and quickly melded into the crowd of guests in the vast foyer of the Summerset Casino, which was vast and cavernous to host the Grand Galloping Gala inside. At the bottom of a staircase at the far end was Lionel Summerset himself, flanked by two pegasus bodyguards.

"Fillies and gentlecolts, my name is Lionel Summerset, proud stallion from Saddle Arabia and humble citizen of Equestria. I bid you all welcome to my new and fabulous casino." said Mr. Summerset. "The Summerset Casino is of course not my first contribution to Las Pegasus, nor will it be my last. Though I may not have been born here, I love this city more than I do the rest of Equestria, so consider this building--as well as every bit, chip, or whatever other prize you win while you're here--my gift to you, the wonderful citizens of this glamorous metropolis! We have many games and activities in every room on the casino's first floor for whatever suits your interest: Cards, Bingo, slots, and of course, Pool. We also have live entertainment from all over Equestria, and a well-stocked bar at the far end over there. Enjoy your time, and may everypony here be a winner tonight!"

The crowd applauded loudly, and gradually moved on to the card tables, pool tables, slot machines, and other activities in the casino.

"Remember, Lightning." said Daring Do. "Act natural. I'm zooming in on the big cheese."

"Ten-Four." nodded Lightning.

Trixie and Teddy were sitting at the casino's bar.

"Feeling excited about being here, Trixie?" asked Teddy.

"I sure am!" said Trixie. "I just can't wait to show my dad how much my magic skills have improved! I even have half a mind to upstage him the moment he puts on his little magic act!"

She grinned mischievously and snickered.

"Oooohhh-kay." said Teddy.

His ear twitched at a noise close-by.

"Dude, I just heard a pinball machine!" said Teddy. "See ya later, Trix!"

He was about to leave, when Trixie suddenly pulled him back with her telekinesis.

"No! You stay here!" said Trixie. "The Great and Powerful Trixie will require your assistance!"

"Um...okay." said Teddy, reluctantly.

Trixie called the bartender over to her.

"What would the lady like?" he asked.

"I shall have a chocolate and peanut butter milkshake." said Trixie. "And get my boyfriend a glass of lemonade on the rocks."

"Of course, ma'am." said the bartender.

Teddy anxiously leaned over and whispered into Trixie's ear.

"Boyfriend?!" he whispered nervously.

"That's right." said Trixie. "As long as we're here, you're going to pretend to be my assistant and my boyfriend. It's to show my father that I'm a successful showpony with a healthy lifestyle!"

"But you're not really my t--" said Teddy, who was interrupted by Trixie growling at him. "Okay, I'll be your boyfriend!"

"Good boy!" said Trixie, who patted Teddy on the head, and then pretended to nuzzle against him in a perky manner.

Sunset Shimmer and Radiant Dawn were sitting in the movie theatre, watching an action scene that was filmed in Daystar Manor's living room. In the movie, three gas mask-wearing gryphons were attacking the protagonist and hurling furniture at him. Chairs and tables were hurled through the air and splintered against the wall.

"Wow, they sure paid no expense in wrecking our home, huh?" whispered Sunset.

"Nah, they bought extra furniture for that scene." Radiant whispered back. "Plus, our home's insured...I think."

"Oh! Here's the part that I helped write!" said Sunset.

The protagonist of the movie galloped swiftly up the wall, jumped off, and landed on one of the gryphons. As he mounted the gryphon, he bucked another gryphon that tried to grab him, and then jumped onto the third, and then struck him three times in the head, knocking him unconscious. Then the first gryphon rushed at him, only for the protagonist to leap into the air, causing the gryphon to crash into the wall. The protagonist made several flips in the air, then landed on his front hooves, juggling the second gryphon, who tried intercepting him again, with his back hooves, and then kicked him into the first gryphon. And then he flipped back up and made a dramatic pose.

"Nice!" said Radiant.

"Scarlet, what are we supposed to do again?" asked Nose Nip, once the trio entered the Summerset Casino.

"We need to find where Summerset's office is, and then ask him about the artifacts." said Scarlet.

"And what are we supposed to do until then?" asked Frosty.

"I don't know, just act natural." said Scarlet. "I have no idea who Summerset is, but he might not take kindly to visitors snooping around. Let's wait till he shows up, and go and talk to him."

"Okay." said Nose Nip. "I'm gonna hit the buffet table!"

"Me, too." said Frosty. "We haven't really had a decent meal since Vanhoover."

Then the two stallions went there, and Scarlet decided to visit a blackjack table.

"Six! Ace Spades wins!" said a tall bearded stallion at the table.

The card players exchanged chips, and left the table. Though she had never seen Summerset before, Scarlet had reason to believe that the stallion was him. She decided to speak to him.

"Excuse me, but you wouldn't happen to be--" Scarlet began.

"Hey, Summerset!" said a mare's voice.

A brown pegasus with a charcoal mane and tail approached the tall stallion.

"Ah, Ms. Yearling." said Summerset. "Good evening. And welcome to my casino!"

"I challenge you to a game of cards!" said A.K. Yearling.

A few nearby guests stopped chattering with each other, and crowded around the table.

"And what stakes shall we set?" asked Summerset.

"If I win, you answer every question I ask you." said Yearling. "If you win, you get every bit I have with me."

She placed a bag of gold and silver on the table, and then took a seat.

"You're on, Ms. Yearling." smiled Mr. Summerset, taking a seat himself.

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