• Published 30th Aug 2014
  • 1,991 Views, 369 Comments

Sunset Rekindled - EldritchNexus

Sequel to "Sunset Eclipsed". Sunset Shimmer and her friends go on a new adventure that takes them to Las Pegasus, Saddle Arabia, and beyond..

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At the Summerset Casino

"Fillies and gentlecolts! Citizens of Las Pegasus!" said an earth pony standing on a stage at the western end of the casino. "And now for the first act of our live entertainment, the Summerset Casino is proud to give you....the Supreme! The Mystical! Artemis!"

There was a flash of light, and a mustachioed unicorn stallion appeared on the stage, wearing a dark blue cape and a top hat.

"Greeting and salutations, everypony!" said Artemis. "I am proud to be here, at the glorious Summerset Casino. Do the rest of you feel the same?"

The crowd of ponies cheered in agreement.

"Well, then without further ado, let the show begin!" said Artemis.

He took off his hat, revealing his horn, which glowed.

"And now, I'm going to pull a rabbit out of my hat!" said Artemis.

He reached a hoof into his hat, and pulled out a rabbit...which was being held by two yellow hooves.

"Angel, you get back here!" said a soft and barely audible voice inside the hat.

"Oops, it looks like I picked up a stowaway!" said Artemis, surprised. "Back in you go!"

And then he let the rabbit back into the hat, while the audience laughed joyfully.

"Thank you! Thank you!" Artemis grinned devilishly. "Now for my next trick, I'm going to make myself disappear!"

He set his hat on the ground and then covered himself in his cape, while members of the audience started to clamor. All of a sudden, the cape collapsed to the ground, and Artemis was nowhere in sight. Several ponies gasped. But the gasps ceased abruptly when Artemis suddenly climbed his way out of his hat, despite the fact that it was several times too small for him. The audience applauded even louder than before.

"Darn it, he's good!" growled Trixie, who was in the audience with Teddy.

"How are you gonna upstage somepony like that?" asked Teddy.

"Don't you worry, I've got a plan." said Trixie.


Radiant Dawn and Sunset Shimmer left the movie theatre.

"So, what'd you think of the movie?" asked Radiant.

"I'm surprised!" said Sunset. "It was very good! I mean, I thought I wouldn't like it at all, but I was on the edge of my seat by the end of the movie! I just wish it wasn't so short. I mean it was only seventy minutes long!"

"I know what you mean." said Radiant. "They really could've taken another five minutes to make that ending seem less rushed...and less stupid, for that matter. That's my only complaint: The ending was dumb and made no sense."

"I know what you mean." said Sunset. "But hopefully they'll explain why it happened that way in the sequel!"

"Yeah, we just have to wait a whole other year for that sequel to come out!" said Radiant. "I could easily write an entire book--maybe even two--about what I think happened next by the time that sequel actually comes out."

"Well, good luck with that." said Sunset. "Still, I like that they put a dedication to us at the end: 'Special thanks go to Sunset Shimmer and the Daystar family, who helped make this film possible'. Now wasn't that nice?"

"Yeah, I guess it was." said Radiant. "So, do you wanna go check out that casino?"

"I don't see why not." said Sunset Shimmer. "Maybe Trixie and Teddy will already have met Trixie's dad!"

"Well, I'm gonna hail a cab!" said Radiant Dawn.

Nose Nip and Frosty were chugging down milkshakes at the bar. Frosty had six drinks, but Nose Nip had nine.

"Nips, ya gotta slow down!" said Frosty.

"No, you...you gotta stop!" Nose Nip said. "I'm a big guy! I can take anything these milkshakes can..."

His bowels shifted.

"Bathroom!" he said, bolting out of his seat. "I gotta find the bathroom!"

"Ha! I win!" said Frosty.

"Frosty, is that you?" said a familiar voice.

Frosty turned around to see who was speaking. It was Lightning Dust.

"Hey, Lightnin' Dust!" said Frosty. "Long time, no see!"

"What're you doing here, Frosty?" asked Lightning.

"Oh, me and Nips got dragged here by your best friend's mama." Frosty explained. "She's looking around for the guy that runs this joint!"

Frosty burped.

"And I hope she finds him soon. These milkshakes need more flavors! I'm gettin' sick of vanilla!"

"Where's Nose Nip, though?" asked Lightning.

"Oh, he ran to the bathroom." said Frosty.

"Tell me, have you seen Sunset Shimmer anywhere?" asked Lightning.

"No." said Frosty. "Me, Nips, and Scarlet went here on our own. Besides, I thought Sunset was still in Canterlot."

"Well, she was, but then she went here for a vacation." said Lightning.

"Lucky her!" said Frosty. "I wish I could be here on vacation, but instead I'm standin' around waiting for Scarlet to tell me what ta do!"

"You don't get it, though!" said Lightning. "Sunset might be in serious trouble! This Summerset guy's not what he seems!"

"This whole city ain't what it seems!" said Frosty. "You think you can have a good time in this town, but nope! Not at all! It's all just trouble and even utter doom at every corner!"

"What the heck are you talking about?" said Lightning.

"I don't know!" laughed Frosty. "I think all these milkshakes are makin' me hysterical! Then what isn't these days?"

Lightning seized Frosty to set him straight.

"Listen, if you see Sunset Shimmer anywhere, tell her to stay as far away from Summerset as possible!" said Lightning. "Do you understand me?"

"Okay, okay!" Frosty shouted. "Just cool yer jets, woman! You know, I wonder what Scarlet's doing, anyway."

"Nineteen!" said Lionel Summerset. "Congratulations, Ms. Yearling. You have won! You and I have played the best card game I have seen in a long time. Very well, if you'll follow me to my office, I'll be glad to answer your questions."

"Wait!" said Scarlet Blaze, rushing over to them. "I want to speak with you, too."

"I'm so sorry, madam." said Summerset without even looking at Scarlet. "But I have some catching up to do with my friend here."

"No!" said Scarlet, stomping a hoof. "It's important that I speak with you now!"

"Ma'am, please con--" said Summerset, turning his head.

He paused when he saw Scarlet.

"Hmm...very well." he said. "You may come along, too. Follow me."

"Thank you!" said Scarlet.

Lionel Summerset, A.K. Yearling, and Scarlet Blaze went up the stairs until they came to a door flanked by what looked like metal detectors. The three of them went inside, but as Scarlet crossed the devices, she felt a surge inside her horn, and then numbness.

"What...happened?" Scarlet asked.

"I hope you don't mind, ma'am..." said Lionel Summerset. "But I have a protective field placed on my office, and it disables unicorn magic. Don't worry, though; it's only temporary. Once you're back outside, you can use your magic all you want."

"Really." said Scarlet.

"Yes, you see I've had a few close calls with unicorns and other magic users in the past, and would prefer not to take further risks." said Summerset.

"Well, I suppose ten minutes or so of no magic won't kill me." said Scarlet.

"Now, since you seem so eager to talk with me, I think I will start with you first." said Summerset. "If you don't mind, Ms. Yearling."

"No, of course not." said Yearling. "I'll wait outside for you."

Then she left the office.

"Hmm...your tallness astounds me." said Summerset. "You have Saddle Arabian blood in you. A rare sight, indeed, for a unicorn."

"Yes, I get that a lot actually." said Scarlet.

"So, what can I do for a lovely mare like you?" asked Summerset.

"My name is Blaze. Scarlet Blaze." said Scarlet. "And I believe that not too long ago, you purchased artifacts from the University of Baltimare. Artifacts that once belonged to my husband, who used to be a professor there."

"And this professor would be?" asked Summerset.

"Golden Sun." said Scarlet.

"Ah, Professor Sun!" said Summerset. "You know, he was a very good friend of mine, before his unfortunate disappearance."

"Really." said Scarlet. "How come I never met or heard of you before?"

"Because unfortunately, my sophisticated career prevents me from making cross-country visits to colleagues as frequently as I desire." said Summerset. "But I do understand that you and Professor Sun had a daughter, correct?"

"Yes, and a son." said Scarlet.

"Two children, then." said Summerset. "To think that they both had to go fifteen years straight without their parents. If it weren't for my devotion to Las Pegasus, I would have gladly gone to Vanhoover to adopt them myself."

"You would?" asked Scarlet.

"Yes! Professor Sun was one of my closest friends in all of Equestria. So it would've been so much to me if I had the chance to raise his children as my own!"

"...So you could use their magic, no doubt." said Scarlet.

"Possibly, possibly." said Summerset. "But it would've been for a great cause! I could've shaped them both into model citizens! They could have done wonders here in this wonderful city!"

Scarlet rolled her eyes.

"But that reminds me, whatever happened to you and your husband? Why did you disappear for so long?"

"Well, because something very unfortunate came up." Scarlet Blaze explained. "We were attacked by Changelings in our own home."

"Changelings? Hmm..." said Summerset. "So, did the Changelings take you and your husband captive?"

"No." said Scarlet. "While we were fending them off, my husband tried casting a spell, but one of the Changelings deflected it, and it hit me instead. Next thing I knew, I was outside our home, fifteen years in the future."

"So, you don't know where your husband is, then?" asked Summerset.

"No." said Scarlet. "And that's why I came all the way to you, here in Las Pegasus, to see if one of the artifacts you purchased could reunite me with him."

Summerset sat there silently for a moment.

"I'm sorry, but I don't think that your plan would work." said Summerset.

"Why not?"

"Because I need every resource I have with me."

"Then can you at least let me know why?"

"I could tell you." said Lionel, frowning. "But then there would be...trouble between the two of us."

"Believe me, there will be trouble if you don't give me a straight answer, Summerset." glared Scarlet. "Just tell me what you can, and I'll be on my way back home."

"I can't even do that." said Lionel. "There is no version of this conversation where I tell you what you want to know that doesn't end with something...particularly painful happening to one of us. And I think it's obvious who it would be in this particular scenario, given how many guards I have in this building."

"Ah, you're right." said Scarlet, sighing. "I guess I'm a little delirious from the cider."

"Speaking of which, if you were to come work for me, maybe we could come to a much better understanding." suggested Summerset. "It would be a delight to work alongside one of my own country-folk...for a change."

"No, thanks." said Scarlet. "I already have a job, and that's to find my husband, whether he's alive or not."

"Then it looks like our minds are made up, ma'am." said Summerset.

Mr. Yellow approached Mr. Blue and Mr. Red in the lobby of Summerset Tower.

"I just found out from a couple ponies that Sunset Shimmer's been spotted in this town!" he told them.

"Are you sure?" asked Mr. Red.

"I am." said Mr. Yellow. "She apparently went to the premiere of Quick Shot's movie, which ended a few minutes ago. Since the boss wants Sunset more than anything, I think we ought to track her down and find her."

"Sounds like a plan." said Mr. Blue. "If my instincts mean anything, she'll probably be en route to the casino."

Author's Note:

Artemis was created by The Albinocorn, and used in this story with his permission. Credit goes to him.

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