• Published 30th Aug 2014
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Sunset Rekindled - EldritchNexus

Sequel to "Sunset Eclipsed". Sunset Shimmer and her friends go on a new adventure that takes them to Las Pegasus, Saddle Arabia, and beyond..

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The Road to Baltimare, Part 1

The next morning, Shining Armor, Star Shield, Radiant Dawn, Lightning Dust, and several royal and night guards and Shadowbolts, were being briefed by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.

"My loyal subjects..." began Celestia.

"And of course, my own." added Luna.

"As you are all aware by now, a crisis has recently befallen our distant neighbors in Saddle Arabia." said Celestia. "But just last night, we received very unfortunate, even disturbing news from the leaders of the Changeling Empire."

"Have they decided to end their truce with Equestria?" asked Captain Star Shield.

"Thankfully, no." said Celestia. "But several of their valued citizens, as well as many of our own, are being held prisoner by a group of renegade royal guards..."

"And they are led by..." Luna paused uncomfortably. "Your own Royal Commander, Firewing."

Several guards had shocked expressions on their faces.

"According to a Changeling soldier by the name of Remix Acapella, the renegades are holding ponies and Changelings alike prisoner somewhere in the vicinity of Baltimare." said Celestia. "Which is why I am sending a detachment to that city to find these fugitives and free their hostages."

"Even the Changelings?" asked Radiant Dawn and Shining Armor at once.

"Even the Changelings." confirmed Luna. "And since Changelings are being held prisoner as well, Queen Chrysalis and Lord Umbriel are sending a task force of their own elite soldiers to assist you and my Shadowbolts."

"Collaborating with Changelings?" Radiant grumbled under his breath. "That's just a backstabbing waiting to happen."

Some of the other guards and Shadowbolts turned to look at him, so he quickly inquired:

"But what about Saddle Arabia?" asked Radiant. "Don't they need our help, too?"

"Of course, but I'm afraid the problems on our own doorstep are a greater priority than the problems of a distant land." said Celestia. "Which is why I must persist that this mission be completed as quickly as possible."

"So when do we start hangin' with the bug-boys?" asked Lightning Dust.

"The Changeling Elite will meet be meeting you outside the city limits of Baltimare, disguised as out-of-towners." said Celestia. "They've been instructed to respond to a code. If they hear one of you say 'Basilisk' after one of them says 'Gorgon', they will know we sent you."

"Why would they need a code to know it's us?" asked Skyboom.

"Because there are renegade guards in that area, they might confuse you for them and vice-versa, and we don't want any misunderstandings to occur because of this." said Luna. "We don't want to make our relationship with the Changelings any...rockier than necessary."

"Good point." said Skywater, who was standing next to Skyboom.

"Captains Shining Armor and Star Shield will now choose which of you guards will be part of the detachment." said Celestia.

"We're not going there ourselves?" asked Shining Armor.

"We must not create a panic, so both of you captains will need to stay here in order to keep things from getting out of control." said Luna.

"Then we will do what you believe is right, princess." said Star Shield, bowing humbly.

It was half past noon, when Radiant Dawn was saying his farewells to Sunset Shimmer.

"It looks like I've got a big mission of my own, Sunny." he said. "In our mom's hometown of Baltimare, no less."

"I would really like to come with you, Red." said Sunset, frowning.

"I know you do, and I feel the same way." said Radiant. "But this is guard stuff. And you've got your own responsibilities as Princess Luna's student. Plus, if...things go wrong...there'll only be one funeral for our family to go to."

"Red, don't talk like that." Sunset shook her head.

"Sorry, Sunny." said Radiant. "It's just that I'm a little nervous about my mission. We're gonna be dealing with the Commander of the entire Royal Guard, both day and night. There's no telling what kind of experience he'll have in combat, or how many soldiers he's got with him."

"I don't know, you didn't do to bad against Lord Umbriel or Lionel Summerset..." said Sunset. "Plus, you've been training to fight like a Saddle Arabian paladin, haven't ya?"

Radiant sighed.

"Right. Thanks for reminding me, sis." said Radiant. "Well, I'm going to get going now. I love you, Sunset."

"I love you too, Radiant." said Sunset. "I'll miss you...a lot."

The two siblings hugged each other tightly and parted ways, with Sunset going back into Canterlot Castle, and Radiant going to meet with the rest of the royal guard detachment.

Later that day, Sunset Shimmer found herself pacing around her bedroom, worrying about Radiant and Lightning Dust's safety, and about what damage King Nelphyn may be doing to Saddle Arabia. She felt that she had to do something about Firewing herself, so that he wouldn't do any harm to her friends and family. But the princesses probably wouldn't allow her to go to Baltimare, even with an escort. So she had to find a way to get there herself.

She went out of her room and started searching the castle for Flash Sentry, until she remembered that he was sent back to the Crystal Empire. As she stood in the middle of a corridor thinking about what to do, a tall stallion accidentally knocked her over as he strode down the halls.

"Ah! Forgive me, Miss Sunset!" said a familiar voice.

"It's okay, Felix." Sunset quickly got up. "How's it going?"

"I am doing quite well, Miss Sunset." said Felix Summerset. "Your princesses are most hospitable!"

"Tell me, can you help me with something?" asked Sunset. "My brother's been sent on a mission to Baltimare, and I'm afraid he might not survive it."

"Do you not have confidence in him?" Felix asked curiously.

"It's not that I don't have confidence in him, it's just that I'm afraid that something might go wrong. He's going to be fighting renegade royal guards, and they sound very dangerous."

"Then what may I do to help?" said Felix. "As a paladin of Saddle Arabia, it would be my pleasure to assist you in whatever way possible!"

"Well, could you come with me and help round up my friends to mount a rescue mission?" asked Sunset.

"I'll do what I can." nodded Felix.

Sunset and Felix found Teddy wandering the streets, and stopped him so that they could tell him what they were trying to do.

"Um...sorry." Teddy shook his head. "I'd really love to help ya, Sunset, but I'd rather not get in trouble with any royal guards, even if they're renegades. You understand, don't ya?"

"I guess." said Sunset. "See ya later, Ted."

"But...hang on..." Teddy stammered with a concerned tone in his voice.

But Sunset and Felix left before Teddy could properly respond to them.

"Look, Sunset." said Frosty, at the inn where he and Nose Nip were staying. "Nips and I got dates tonight, and we ain't gonna stand our ladies up just fo' what sounds like'a suicide mission."

"Sorry, Sunset." said Nose Nip. "But we just don't have time right now to run around looking for trouble."

"The Great and Powerful Trixie is sorry, but she is too busy preparing for her next performance to risk her life battling the forces of evil." said Trixie Lulamoon.

"Aren't you concerned about Radiant--or me--at all?" said Sunset.

"Of course I am, but Trixie presently sees no reason to interfere with the work of those brutish royal guards."

"Fine." said Sunset, with a huff.

Sunset Shimmer and Felix Summerset went to the door of the apartment that Golden Sun and Scarlet Blaze were staying during their time in Canterlot.

"Hey, mom? Dad?" Sunset was about to call to them.

Sunset was about to knock on the door, when they suddenly heard a sound inside and Felix leaned forward to listen in.

"I hear noises in there." said Felix.

"What kind?" asked Sunset.

"I hear the rustling of bed-springs, objects being knocked to the floor, heavy grunting, and random, sporadic shouting." said Felix. "Either your parents are fighting, or..."

"Yeah, I get the idea." Sunset said quickly. "Let's get out of here."

"You know, you must be desperate if you're coming to me for help." said Dr. Pressure Point in his ward.

"I am desperate, Presh!" said Sunset. "The life of my brother may be at stake, and nopony else will help me!"

"Then I guess nopony will." said Pressure, flatly. "I'm a very busy pony, and have no time to go on wild goose chases!"

"But..." Sunset began.

"Please...just leave me to my work, Sunset Shimmer." said Pressure Point. "I have to get ready to deliver triplets in ten minutes."

There were cries of pain coming from an unseen room. And a nurse ran into the ward from the hallway outside.

"Hey, doc?!" she said. "Things are not looking good! I think we might need to do a C-section!"

Pressure Point scoffed.

"I'll be right there!" he said. "Just get these two out of my hospital."

"Actually, we can see ourselves out just fine, doctor." groaned Sunset.

It was almost sundown when Sunset and Felix were walking aimlessly down the streets.

"I'm so sorry that you weren't able to get anyone to help, Miss Sunset." said Felix. "But are you sure they're your only friends?"

"Well, the only ones here in Canterlot." said Sunset. "But all the other ones are too far away to help with something as urgent as this."

"Not all of them, mon cherie." said a familiar voice.

Sunset turned around and saw the Cajun pegasus that was actually...

"Craw?" Sunset blerted aloud.

"Good." said the Cajun pegasus, who sporadically burst into green flames.

The pegasus's body elongated and darkened in the flame, becoming its true form.

"Sunset Shimmer, it's been a long time, hasn't it?" said King Craw, stepping out from the flames and sneering like usual. "I heard about your fight with the Chrysalis Syndicate, and about your little 'vacation' in Las Pegasus."

"And?" said Sunset. "Why are you here now?"

"If you mean Miss Sunset any harm, Changeling, you will be treated in kind!" said Felix, gallantly.

Craw sighed, but otherwise did not change his expression.

"Sunset Shimmer, don't tell me you're already seeing somepony else!" he said, bemused.

"Excuse me?" Sunset tilted her head suspiciously and narrowed her eyes.

"Don't you find me appealing anymore?" said Craw, dryly. "Why else would you trust me?"

"Sunset, what is he talking about?" asked Felix.

Sunset Shimmer turned to face King Craw.

"Craw, I'm not seeing anypony else." then she turned to Felix. "And Felix, I didn't encourage Craw to take an interest in me, or at least I didn't mean to. It's a long story."

"I will take your word for it, Miss Sunset." said Felix.

"What did you come here for, Craw?" asked Sunset.

"Well, I heard that the Changeling Empire has made some enemies that aren't aligned with your princesses." said King Craw. "And thought I'd stop by to check up on you."

"Well, as you can see, I'm just fine without you." said Sunset, bluntly.

"Why so harsh, Sunset Shimmer?" asked Craw. "I thought you and I were friends?"

"We weren't friends, Craw." said Sunset. "Just because I had a few conversations with you and...inadvertantly helped you get back to normal doesn't make you my friend. Friends don't try to kill each other."

"I already explained why I did what I did when we last met." said Craw. "But I think we should put the past behind us, if you want to help the royal guard deal with those renegades."

"How do you know about that?" asked Sunset.

"I have my ways, Sunset Shimmer." said Craw. "And I know where the renegades are holding their prisoners."

"Really?" said Sunset, skeptically. "And where?"

"Fort Echidna." said Craw. "It's been abandoned for years, but the renegades are using it as their base of operations."

"How do you know this?" asked Sunset.

"Because they're the ones that kicked me out of it, just a couple weeks ago." said King Craw. "I've already been forced out of a hiding place once, and I won't tolerate it happening again."

"So you're not doing it to help the Changelings, is it?" deduced Sunset. "You just wanna get the bats out of your attic."

"That is correct, from a certain point of view." said Craw.

"What is that supposed to mean?" asked Felix.

"Ah, don't worry about it. He likes messing with ponies' heads." said Sunset dismissively.

"And I thought that I would give my favorite unicorn in all of Equestria something to do." said Craw. "You'll see I can be a nice guy when I feel like it."

"Okay, so you're going to help us get to that fort?" asked Sunset.

"I can guide you there, but then I'm afraid I'll have to do business somewhere else." said Craw.

Sunset scoffed.

"Fine." she said. "But if you do something that will put us in more danger than what we'd already be heading into, you'll regret it. Got it?"

"It's a deal, Miss Shimmer." Craw said.

"Miss Sunset, are you sure that we three are the only ones that can handle this situation?" Felix whispered into Sunset's ear.

"I'm sure." confirmed Sunset. "But I'm afraid that one of you's going to have to give me a ride there, since I don't have wings and have no idea how to fly an airship."

Felix Summerset and King Craw looked at each other and glared intensely before turning to Sunset, awaiting her choice.

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