• Published 30th Aug 2014
  • 1,990 Views, 369 Comments

Sunset Rekindled - EldritchNexus

Sequel to "Sunset Eclipsed". Sunset Shimmer and her friends go on a new adventure that takes them to Las Pegasus, Saddle Arabia, and beyond..

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The Call of the Gods, Part 1

Princess Luna sat atop the ruins of Fort Echidna, alone under the night sky. She looked eastwards, thinking about her student once again. She couldn't help but feel uneasy about what awaited Sunset Shimmer in Saddle Arabia, even if King Nelphyn had nothing to do with it.

"Princess, I have news for you!" said a night guard, flying up to her.

"And what it is?" said Luna, turning to the guard.

The guard spontaneously burst into green flames, revealing the form of Lord Umbriel.

"You need someone to talk to." he finished, slowly approaching Luna as he did so.

"Ahh...what do you want, Umbriel?" asked Luna, wearisome. "I am hardly in any mood for this right now."

"I know, Luna." said Umbriel. "That's why I just want to talk with you. Nothing nefarious, just a nice, civilized conversation between the two of us."

"Fine, I shall give you ten minutes." said Luna, blandly. "After that, I want you to get out of my sight."

"Oh, Luna." said Umbriel. "Just because the night is cold doesn't mean you have to be, too."

"There is nothing pleasant I would rather say to you right now." said Luna.

"I'm sure you can't." said Umbriel. "Not when you're too busy worrying about your precious student."

Luna narrowed her eyes.

"And what about Sunset Shimmer?" asked Luna. "Why does she matter to you so much?"

"I would like to ask you the same question." said Umbriel.

"I have my reasons, Umbriel, and they're something a Changeling like you could never understand." said Luna.

"Couldn't I?" asked Umbriel, frowning slightly. "If I couldn't understand compassion or concern, would I be as loyal to my sister as I am? Or even be here having this concersation with you?"

"You show concern for me?" asked Luna, flatly. "You try to maim or kill my student and her friends, and then try to dispose of me yourself, and yet you still claim to show concern for me?"

"And why wouldn't I?" asked Umbriel. "Didn't I say you were my favorite of the alicorn princesses?"

"You did, yes." said Luna.

"Well, whatever you might think, what I said couldn't be any closer to the truth." said Umbriel, approaching Luna even more closely. "And that's because...it is the truth. You see, I never intended to try killing you at all. I wanted you to pay as much attention to me as possible and always think of me."

"Why?" asked Luna.

"Because I think the same of you." said Umbriel. "I respect you as a worthy opponent, and since we were clearly at a stalemate during out little fight back in Canterlot, I'm confident that you can think the same of me."

"Yes, I will certainly admit." said Luna. "You fought very well against me, Umbriel."

"And of course, I'm also grateful that you helped save my son and daughter from this place." said Umbriel, looking down. "If I didn't respect you before, I certainly like you now."

Luna looked at him, stone-faced.

"I don't care what you think of me, Umbriel." she said. "Especially not after what you have done."

"So you won't object if I said you were extraordinarily beautiful?" asked Umbriel, smiling again.

Princess Luna blushed.

"Really?" she began softly, because clearing her throat and telekinetically lifting the hood of her cloak and slipping it on her head to hide the fact that she was blushing. "I mean, do you really expect me to believe your words, Umbriel?"

"You don't have to believe them Luna." said Umbriel, coolly. "But they're true."

Umbriel sat beside Luna, and put one of his strong legs around her body, pulling her against his side. Her hooded face had an amusingly surprised expression as she found herself in Umbriel's grip.

"Don't worry, Luna." said Umbriel, calmly. "I won't hurt you--not that you need to be afraid of me or anything. Just take it easy, and stop worrying about your student so much. Just enjoy the night--your night--for once."

Luna didn't want to admit it, but Umbriel had a point.

"I can't believe I'm about to say this, but thank you." she said.

"My pleasure, really." said Umbriel. "Well, it's time for me to go. I have an empire to run and two kids and a sister to look after."

"Before you go, Umbriel..." Luna said quickly. "What did you mean when you said you had another sister?"

"Oh, yes." Umbriel said softly. "I was referring to Danauria. She was my twin sister. But we weren't identical."

"What happened to her?" asked Luna.

"I will tell you only when I'm ready to do so." said Umbriel.

"Fair enough." said Luna. "Is there anything else you do want to talk about?"

"Ah...not too much." said Umbriel. "Just a family I watch over. My sister, my uncle, my two children..."

"Speaking of which, I spoke with Prince Naurius before you all left this place, just the other day." said Luna. "A polite little child, considering who his father is."

"Ah, my lovable little son." Umbriel muttered. "Always searching for the perfect female influence in his life."

"Female influence?" repeated Luna, curiously.

"Yes, his mother passed away shortly after he was born." said Umbriel, shaking his head slowly. "He didn't really get to know her for long."

"And so he was left with his sister..." said Luna.

"Yes." said Lord Umbriel. "Dana has been very ambitious, resourceful, and even unscrupulous. But has no maternal instincts whatsoever."

Luna slipped her hood back, so that her aetherial mane would once again blow freely in the night air.

"I've seen a lot of myself in your son." said Luna. "He reminds me so much of myself at a young age, come to think of it. But at least my sister never mistreated me. I wish there was something I could do about his...problems. But since you're his parent, Umbriel, I expect you to be the one that handles it. My responsibilities are with my citizens and subjects. I expect you to be the same with your own."

"Of course, princess." said Umbriel. "But if I could make one last suggestion."


"If you aren't...too busy later--"


"Very well. Ciao!"

Umbriel flew up into the night sky, with Princess Luna looking up at him.

"Nelphyn, are you perhaps aware that a group of adventurers from Equestria has landed on Saddle Arabian soil?" boomed the voice of Saegmuntitus in King Nelphyn's mind.

"Adventurers do not concern me, master." said King Nelphyn, coolly. "I have this entire nation to reclaim before I can worry about a few...tourists."

"Then it should interest you to know...Sunset Shimmer leads them." said the Ram King. "I have had my eye on her for sometime now, and I do believe she may be an obstruction in your...goals."

"Magic or not, I am more powerful now than any unicorn that exists today." said Nelphyn. "Besides, I doubt that Sunset Shimmer will even reach Mareusalem alive, given the precautions I've placed throughout the land. The creatures and enchantments I've stirred up will ensure that even a full invasion force from Equestria will provide too much of a problem for me. Listen...with all due respect, master. If you see a flaw in my strategies, then by all means, correct them in whatever way you see fit. Do not mistake this as a plea for help, I would simply like you to demonstrate your handiwork to me to ensure I don't completely...tune you out."

The deep voice of Saegmuntitus the Ram King laughed.

"Very well. I may be losing my patience with you, but I'm willing to humor one as outspoken as yourself."

Later that day, Sunset and the others were invited to the dining chamber of the palace for an early dinner. They were all given special meals consisting of various fruits and vegetables imported from the jungles and rainforests.

"I do hope you're enjoying the food." said Quartz Sandstorm.

"It's some great stuff!" said Teddy through a full mouth.

"You've got some great stuff here, Quartz." said Lightning Dust. "If I were a food critic, I'd give this stuff an A."

"I am pleased to hear you like it." said Quartz Sandstorm. "Our city has always been known for its hospitality."

"Even if that hospitality has lessened of late." Felix muttered under his breath.

Sunset decided to tell Quartz about her own adventures in Equestria and the human world, hoping that it would inspire Quartz to change his mind.

"You are a good storyteller, Miss Sunset Shimmer." said Sandstorm. "Your adventures are almost on par with the great stories I was told in my youth. My own life seems particularly drab by comparison."

"Well, I'm glad you liked them." said Sunset.

"I think you and your friends should stay here in my city." said Sandstorm. "I mean, my city has much to offer for its citizens, no matter what kind of career they choose. In fact, I could even get your brother and grandfather both positions in my city guard."

"That's a very nice offer, Lord Sandstorm..." said Sunset. "But we kind of have an important mission of our own. Plus, things didn't go too well for me the last time I tried staying somewhere that wasn't in Equestria. I mean if you'd remember how I told you about--"

"Oh, yes." said Quartz quickly. "I apologize, that must have been a truly disorienting experience for you."

"So, uh...Quartz." Radiant Dawn said to Lord Sandstorm. "Can ya point us in the direction of the next city?"

"Oh, of course." said Quartz, brandishing a map of Saddle Arabia. "Here, let me mark the following locations on this map, which I shall give to you as a sign of good will."

Once he marked the locations. Sunset smiled.

"Thanks." said Sunset. "It's an honor to be in the company of such a fine ruler, even if we did start off on the wrong hoof."

"And I am glad to have met a fine lady such as yourself." said Quartz. "May Akriddius shine upon you."

"Akkridius?" repeated Sunset.

"Yes, the great star of the day. The Sun is a very important icon of worship in our land."

"Yeah, I'm sure Princess Celestia would love to hear that." said Sunset.

"Then praise Celestia as well." smiled Quartz. "She trained a fine student."

"Maybe she did." said Sunset, muttering quietly. "But it probably wasn't me."

"My dearest guest, whose fair face and wonderful tales have illuminated my heart and soul in this time of fear and uncertainty, I wish you the best of luck on whatever you hope to accomplish out there." said Quartz Sandstorm, raising a gilded cup. "I salute you."

"So, does this mean you'll consider sending help to the paladins?" asked Sunset.

"Umm...no." said Sandstorm blankly. "I'm going to need all my guards here to keep the peace in my city. I have many citizens to govern and too much city to watch over. And during this crisis, I can't afford to let my guards be spread so thin. You must understand."

"Don't worry, we kinda do." smiled Sunset.

The large group of cultists that gathered around the golden idol of Jarukia formed a thick, solemn semi-circle as their leader prayed.

"O Jarukia, what is the word you bring to your humble children?" said the cult leader.

Suddenly, the eyes of the idol began to glow with an ominous light, and a deep voice thundered from its inanimate mouth.

"The lord Jarukia hears and heeds you, my child." said the voice. "Your lord demands a higher tribute. You shall surrender to Jarukia the firstborn of the last generation of a family whose history stems from the distant past of your land."

"What purpose shall this firstborn serve, O lord?" asked the cult leader.

"His soul must be cleansed to avenge his bloodline's infidelity." said Jarukia's voice. "An infidelity that exists only to mock what the lord Jarukia commands and controls. Only when this sacrifice is made can there truly be peace in the Sacred Land."

"Where is this firstborn now?" asked the cult leader.

"He is in this land, but a strange magic blinds even my eyes from knowing where he is. I know, though, that his name is..."

Suddenly, a different, slightly deeper voice emerged from the idol, distorting the words the original was going to say, uttering in its place two words:

"Radiant Dawn."

A strange trance befell the cultists, all having a uniform blank stare.

"Find him, and offer him to me." said the new voice. "Your god demands tribute. Now seek him and bring the infidel here so that the ritual may begin."

"We hear and obey, O lord!" they all said in unison.

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