• Published 17th Apr 2014
  • 1,127 Views, 22 Comments

A thousand redemptions for a thousand dead sons. - ThatRarityIsaSpy

65 standard years after the destruction of the realm of chaos, the Primarch Magnus the red makes one least gamble to destroy the Imperium. A motley band of misfits are all that stand in his way.

  • ...

Chapter 10

Fraken grunted for a single moment as his body grew aflame in pain. He hoped that his power armor wasn't TOO damaged. He was going to be needing it.

As he slowly got up, he silently cursed himself for not using his armory to it's full extent. He cursed himself again in thinking that he could of defeated Magnus while poorly equipped. As skilled of a warrior as he was, he was a fool to think that defeating Magnus would have been so easy, even with the help of a friend that was just as skilled.

Getting up, he found that he still had his combat knife and a bolt pistol. He had lost his sword when he was hammered at least a few hundred meters down through the building.

He stopped thinking as his augmented senses picked up something.

There was someone in this room with him.

Taking his knife, he gripped it tightly and got ready for trouble.


"I feel like every bone in me body is broken!" Tavish sobbed as the apothecary went to work on him. He had been blubbering like that for the past hour and wasn't going to stop any time soon.

"On the contrary brother, you are very fortunate to only have shattered ribs, a single broken leg and two broken arms. Your skull has a minor wound but that is negligible. It seems The Emperor watches over you rather well. You are lucky to be mostly in one piece."

Whether or not he should of said that, no one really knew in the next moments. All they could listen to was Tavish's rambling about how he wanted a drink and his incomprehensible threats and vows to Magnus.

"Hey.... where is the Captain?"

"He got punched through a bloody hole!"


"He's still there! He's fighting! I AM COMING FRA..."

He passed out. Much to the relief of everybody.

"I think he's been drinking way too much."

"You'd think he was a Space Wolf and not a Dark Angel..."

"And then the Captain, who's a Space Wolf, never drinks... well he does occasionally, but I think we all understand the point that's being made here... hey... look. It's that dragon again. Wonder what he has to say."


"Come out coward. I know you are hiding in the shadows." Fraken said as he held his weapons. "Come out and face me. Like a man."


"I am in no mood for games. Show yourself and I may be willing to show mercy."

More silence.

"Do you really want to play this game then? Fine. I will enjoy gutting you."

Fraken inwardly sighed as he just realized there was no way he could find his target. Sure, his senses let him see in the darkness but even then, there was just too much darkness. Even an astartes couldn't exactly gaze into a pitch black void and see things, and that perfectly described where he was no. Wherever his foe was, he couldn't see him.

On the bright side, that meant he couldn't see Fraken either. Or did it? This was going to go badly.

Just then, he thought he heard something from behind. With a silent roar, he ran to where he thought he had heard the noise and swung his blade.

It struck home.


"Naggghhh..." Kertus gasped as the short blade pierced his flesh taking off a piece of his shoulder plates.

"You were hiding here this entire time." Fraken said with unsettling calmness, he pulled out his pistol and aimed it at the sorcerer's head. "Any last words?"

"They may not be my last." Kertus replied. "But I am not your enemy."

"You take me for a fool?"

"Trust me, I am not your enemy." Kertus said as he repeated himself. "The Thousand Sons, I am as much as their enemy as you are theirs."

"You're trying to deceive me. You wear their colors and say you're their enemy?"

"Indeed I am." Kertus said, calmly this time. "If you're going to kill me, pull that trigger. If not, then listen to what I have to say. It's of the utmost importance."


"Yes. Magnus has his flagship in orbit. But something tells me you already know that, what is important is that there are 3 million men and women aboard that ship."

"What's your point?"

"They are The Emperor's people." Kertus said firmly before moving on. "I also know where Magnus is going."

"Tell me then."

He did. Did it seem like a farce? No... something about this one... it made Fraken feel uneasy, though he made a good effort on not showing it.

"Now then, do you believe me?"

"Oh I believe you." Fraken said as he raised his pistol.




"Captain?" One of the astartes asked as Fraken dug himself out of the massive hole in the ground.

"I am fine, I am fine." Fraken said curtly as he hoped that his power armor would hold. It was pretty much in pieces given it's current condition. "Listen, there's no time to lose, see to it that everyone is in fighting condition. Also, get me our navigator."


"You see... I just learned the location of Magnus' main hideout. But first I remembered something. Our navigator's soul posses an ability to weaken chaos. They all do in their souls."

"So we bring it here to fight?" The astartes asked uneasily. "It's not..."

"No. Not yet at least. Have our ship cripple Magnus' ship. Then have some men board it. There are about 3 million people aboard who deserve to see the Emperor's light once again."

"And then?"

"Having learned Magnus' location, we'll launch a full-scale assault. Of course, I hope our friends and brothers have arrived by then."

"But we don't have the manpower to launch two campaigns at once. It's going to take time with all our injuries...."

"Spike raze their fortress. I will take only three squads to said fortress. Everyone else makes a rescue mission for Photep. When everyone is off.... remember the battle over Macragge? The one where we sacrificed a good ship to destroy their entire fleet? Well... it'll be coming out of their pockets this time."

The astartes slowly began to smile then remembered that he had news to deliver.

"Tavish isn't recovered yet..."

"He's a loose cannon that one. Get him some medical help and no matter how much he begs, complains and threatens, give him nothing to drink. Once he can stand on his two feet and swing a sword the right way, get him down here."

Comments ( 2 )


I am thinking of doing Tyranids first. But I kinda got to do my homework on that.

i just finished long marathon of reading all your stories up untill now.
Was realy fun, though, it could use some proofreading (im willing to help if you wish).
Looking forward the rest of the story ;)

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