• Published 17th Apr 2014
  • 1,127 Views, 22 Comments

A thousand redemptions for a thousand dead sons. - ThatRarityIsaSpy

65 standard years after the destruction of the realm of chaos, the Primarch Magnus the red makes one least gamble to destroy the Imperium. A motley band of misfits are all that stand in his way.

  • ...

Chapter 9

"DON'T HIDE BEHIND YA MINIONS LAD! FIGHT LIKE A REAL MAN!" Tavish taunted as he threw the rubric marine out a gaping hole in the wall. "FOR THE EMPEROR!"

"And we thought they were crazy." One of the freed prisoners said as a large group of them made their way out. They had just witnessed Tavish armed with nothing but a frying pan, beat a chaos sorcerer to death. A FRYING PAN.

"Tavish. What part of we were supposed to do this silently did you not understand?" Fraken sighed as he sent a bolter round through a Cultist's head, causing an explosion of blood and bits.

"What's the fun in that?!" Tavish shot back. "It'd be no fun if I couldn't do any of my face-to-face MAN FIGHTING."

Fraken threw his hands up and sighed. Looking around, he watched as several of Magnus' hostages made their way outside to safety. That was one thing out of the way.

"Where'd you think Magnus is?" Fraken asked to his Techmarine as they fought their way down a long winding hallway. "We kill him and this ends."

"Expect him to be somewhere within the upper floors." The Techmarine said. "Captain, what you are planning is highly inadvi..."

"No time." Fraken said as he broke open a nearby window. Readying his jump pack, he looked up at where he intended to go. "Tavish, you're with me. Everyone else, push through this fortress, leave no traitor alive and free their hostages. As soon as that is done, get the hell out of here."

"What will you do Captain?"

"We kill Magnus. And we have our ship level this place from orbit."

"On it. We will clear this entire building in the name of The Emperor."

"Good. Come on Tavish."

"Right behind ya mate!"


"I think it's time we left milord." Magnus' advisor said as they watched the mayhem that was being wrecked across the fortress. "I have my doubts that this structure will hold against that horde outside."

"This fortress isn't the only thing that won't hold." Magnus said as he got up. "The False Emperor's webway will collapse once we have finished."

"But we haven't even..."

"Shhh.... I will see to that." Magnus said. "As soon as you can, collapse the mine."

"But we still have..."

"They will all be avenged in due time. As of now..."

The massive explosion that shook the room along with all the flying body parts and bits of machinery caused Magnus to be unable to finish his sentence. As the dust finally settled, he was met with Fraken and Tavish, weapons at the ready and facing him.

"I am gonna stick me thumbs in your eye and hold on until you are DEAD!"

"Arrogant fool." Magnus muttered underneath this breath. It seemed this one was completely oblivious to the fact that he was a DAEMON PRIMARCH and probably was more powerful than him and all his lunatics combined. He would have a smart reply but not this time. He was probably too stupid to understand. Or maybe, just too crazy.

"You will pay for your crimes daemon." Fraken said as he drew his sword.

"Ha! You think you two mad dogs can stop me?! I never knew the Emperor had a sense of humor. A good one at that!"

"Even if we don't stop you. Leman Russ is on his way." Fraken said. "He has given me the honor of first try however."

"Oh right... you're here to fight me?"

"We're here to kill you." Fraken said as he looked at his blade and at his foe.

"Then... try it." Magnus said as he sent a massive tidal wave of warp fire at the two astartes who dove off to find something to hide behind. As the unholy flames cleared, the two were gone. As in gone.

"NOW!" Fraken yelled as he jumped back from the window. Out of nowhere did a massive volley of grenades hit Magnus all over his body, the explosions causing him great pain as his daemonic flesh began to endure the blast. He retaliated by hurling a massive piece of rubble right back at Tavish's hiding spot, causing the astartes to have to run in an extremely undignified manner.

As Magnus dealt with Tavish, Fraken began to advance upon the Primarch's back. Sword at the ready.

"Sophia is already out." The old woman, Felicity said as she saw Kertus again, who pulled himself out of the rubble with a golden ring.

"Here." Kertus said as he dusted himself off. Finding his helmet, he quickly put it back on. He would need it to where he would be going.

"Where you going?!"

"Magnus is going to collapse the mine! I have to get them out!" Kertus said as he ran down to the dig area. "Get out!"

"I am not leaving without you!"

"You must!" Kertus called back as he readied himself. "I WILL make it back. I promise!"

His superhuman body readied itself as he ran through speeds that lesser men would have almost been unable to comprehend. He made his way down to the mine only to find it already evacuated much to his relief. What wasn't to his relief was that rocks and rubble began to fall again.

Suddenly something fell through the ceiling.

No. Someone.

A space wolf.

"FRAKEN!" Tavish yelled as he saw the massive gaping hole made in the floor. "YA BLOODY DAEMON! I AM GONNA BLAST YA INTO THIN GLUE!!!"

He also seemed to be oblivious to the fact that the grenades weren't doing much against Magnus. Perhaps causing him pain but that was about it. As he finally was in range Magnus pulled back his mighty fist and punched Tavish creating a massive hole in the wall.


"What is that sound?"

"It's getting closer... get ready... wait... it's above us!

Looking up, the group of astartes saw Tavish, sailing and yelling incomprehensible things as he was about to hit them.