• Published 17th Apr 2014
  • 1,124 Views, 22 Comments

A thousand redemptions for a thousand dead sons. - ThatRarityIsaSpy

65 standard years after the destruction of the realm of chaos, the Primarch Magnus the red makes one least gamble to destroy the Imperium. A motley band of misfits are all that stand in his way.

  • ...

Chapter 8

"And here comes the boss man himself!" Tavish announced as Fraken's drop pod landed right on top of an unfortunate cultist. The doors came off and the leader of this circus stepped out. Even in power armor, he still cut quite the elegant figure. His grey armor shined almost of a silver color with the polish, red cloak was made of a rich red fabric that flowed in the wind like a flag. He was armed with a powersword in one hand a melta in the other.

"Magnus has just been sighted headed down here. He is going to be in his personal base of operations. We are going after him."

"Now ya talking my language mate!" Tavish said as he pulled out his grenade launcher. "Come on lads! THUS BEGINS MY THOUSAND YEAR REIGN OF BLOOD!!!!"

Lightning flashed dramatically behind Tavish as he laughed manically with both his grenade launcher and his sword, waving both tools of war around that anyone within a ten meter radius felt rather concerned.

"How we going to do this?!"

"You see..." Fraken said as he unfurled a map. "Magnus has holed up in this fortress with many men and arms. This wouldn't be easy even if the bulk of the invasion force was with us, but I suppose we can still as easily as finish this job ourselves. I want everyone to make a diversion outside, just make sure none of you die until I or The Emperor say you can. Once Magnus' army is distracted, we will have a team sneak in. Cut off the head and the rest of the snake will die. I will hand pick a squad, and then we will storm his stronghold. We will find him and we will destroy him. Without him the rest of the legion dies."

"Now that's a good plan! Tell me Fraken, we kill them all afterwards!"

"Indeed we do!"




"I hope you are making progress." Magnus said to the Sorceror in front of him.

"I am." Kertus glared back as he gripped his staff tightly, watching the daemon's every movement carefully.

"You want to kill me don't you now whelp? Go on. Drive your staff through my eye like you always wanted. Try it as a matter of fact. Embrace who you truly are. You don't care about what happens to others, it's yourself, to erase your guilt is all that matters."

"The consequences would only heap more." Kertus said as he turned his back on Magnus. "Go back to your lair fiend. There is nothing for you here save for a dig."

"I'd rather watch." Magnus said as he sat down on a rock, watching the toiling slaves that kept at their labor. "These mortals... why do you pity them? Their lives mean nothing. In their pathetic perhaps less than a century worth. That is nothing. Now look back to yourself, one who is imbued with the gift of immortality. You have all the time you can want, and with this time, you can grab whatever you desire. Be it strength, knowledge or wealth. Why waste your time on others?"

"The same reason you waste your time on others. Aren't you wasting your time to try and undermine The Emperor?'

"I am far from wasting my time when we speak of that, whelp." Magnus said as he thought deeply to himself.

"Then I am far from wasting my time when I choose to do something meaningful."


Thought of the day: If one man dies so another may live, than man's spirit will eat at the Emperor's table.

"Kertus. You look tired." Sophia said as she watched the giant of a man arrive inside the chambers. "I don't know much about how you work, but you may want to lie down for a moment."

"No." Kertus said as he turned to face the ground. "I'd rather not sleep yet. If Magnus gets what he wants, chances are, I may not sleep in an eternity."

"What stops you?"

"Sophia... I think I figured out what Magnus wants." Kertus said as he continued to play stare-eyes with the ground. "It's... it's an ancient device that allows it's user to move unimpeded across the galaxy instantly. In simpler terms, he may go anywhere he pleases without anything to stop him."

"What good will that do him? Even if he shows up on places like Terra or Mars, they'll be ready for him the moment he pokes his head out."

"He won't go there at all. He'll go to somewhere that may be even more important. He'll got to a planet called Equestria."


"It's a planet located on the south eastern edges of the Imperium." Kertus said. "It's also home to race known as "Equestrians". They are each about four feet tall, and seem to be the manifestation of some children's coloring book if you ask anyone. Though, I'd give up my limbs to have a herd of them be in here. Their souls act as a repellant to the ruinous powers, most servants of the dark gods find their links and lives severed in moments when they as much as touch one of these beautiful things. I've never seen one, though I've seen pictures. I hope to meet one, one day, ask it how it manages to live in a life of paradise. That is Equestria. Paradise. A world where even the most hard-hearted will found a place of solace. It also houses an important device that stables The Emperor's webway. Without it, he'd face an invasion of warp beasts.... I believe that is Magnus' goal. To destroy this device."

"Then... why are you digging for him?"

"I am not. The moment I stop and eighteen million lives are lost. I am hoping... no. Praying that...."

Without warning, a massive explosion rocked the entire fortress as sounds of bolters and rockets filled the air to the brim with their lethal screams.

"Get out of here! Hurry!" Kertus said. "I'll get my mother!"

The old woman was already making her way towards the pair. Well... sorta. She was looking around all over the place like how someone would look around the floor of where they lost their glasses.

"What are you waiting for? Get out of here!"

"I can't! I lost my ring!"


"They both mean the same! You don't understand!" She cried. "Kertus... please! Find me the ring! It's gold and..."

"I'll do my best!" Kertus said as a chunk of rubble clonked him on the head. "Move! Move! Move!"