• Published 17th Apr 2014
  • 1,124 Views, 22 Comments

A thousand redemptions for a thousand dead sons. - ThatRarityIsaSpy

65 standard years after the destruction of the realm of chaos, the Primarch Magnus the red makes one least gamble to destroy the Imperium. A motley band of misfits are all that stand in his way.

  • ...

Chapter 2

"I hate the snow." The Space Wolf grumbled moodily as he prepared to meet up with his superiors. Like most members of his chapter, he had long hair which he probably never cut in his entire life, unlike most members of his chapter, he lacked a beard, only a relatively small mustache that he was secretly proud of.

"Lad... what don't ya hate?" Tavish asked. The Dark Angel winked cheekily at his gloomy companion who made no notice of him.

"Now that you think of it..." Fraken started. "There isn't much that I do like."

"And that's yer problem laddie."

"Stop calling me laddie for one, we know both enough that I am older than you."

"And who bloody cares about that?" Tavish replied. "Now then mate, we've got a meeting.... and by the looks of things, those gits don't look happy to see you!"

"If I get in any trouble, know that you were my accomplice." Fraken shot back. "Alright then, let's see what our superiors have to complain about this time."

"Bloody hell... those lassies can't shut up for one minute!" Tavish agreed. "I wish they would all shut the bloody hell up and let us do our face to face MANFIGHTING."

"And if we let you get away with that, half the galaxy would be in flames. Is face to face fighting to you burning down half a planet?"

"Rather destroy a world than let it fall to the Orks. The entire civilian population was gone, and there was no one and nothing left to protect." Fraken said in his normal, soft voice. He didn't yell like most of his brothers. He almost never yelled as a matter of fact. "If we abandoned the world, the damn greenskins would have had it."

"Nothing left? We could have salvaged plenty of useful materials from the planet, and you and your merry band of fools alike decide you wanted to go through a damn manual Exterminatus!" The angry Administratum officer ranted. "You have any idea how much that's going to cost to repair?! That equipment?"

"What's a manual exterminates?"

"It's the stuff lady!"

[About two days ago.]

"YEAHHH! LET'S DO IT!" Tavish cheered along with his brothers as their ship crashed straight into the orbital shipyard. "Come on ya Ork gits! Not one of ya is going to survive this!"

With a hearty laugh, the Dark Angel leapt at them with two plasma pistols in hand, shooting wildly at anything that wasn't on his side. When his two weapons overheated, he flung them at the Orks, gleefully laughing at the explosions before taking up a massive powersword.


"Stomp dat humie git for mork's sake!"


"Yew worthless... wat... HEY HUMIE... I AM TALKING TO YA. FOIGHT ME!"

"I aint gonna fight ya! I am gonna liquefy ya!"

He punched the Ork boss with a mighty blow, picking him up, he flung him straight into a massive generator....

Whoops... oh wait... he did that on purpose. Never mind.

A few minutes later, Tavish was back on board his own ship. Safe and sound. No losses.

"OH THEY'RE GONNA HAVE TO GLUE YEW ALL BACK TOGETHER... IN HELL!" Tavish screamed to the void outside.

"Had fun?" Fraken asked as he sat in the Captain's chair.

"Ya! You missed a lot lad!"

"Don't care. Captain died, they needed a new one." He replied as he turned to a navigator. "Take us home."

[Back to the present]

"Orks had it taken as far as we were concerned. And since when did we take orders from you exactly?" Fraken asked with amused disbelief. "If I recall correctly, I was supposed to meet with MY superiors. Not you and some whiny pretenders who are more concerned with their wealth than actual lives or defeating the enemy."


"You heard me quite well. You are more concerned with your paycheck and your approval rating from you commanders than you are with lives or the status of the Imperium. Want to know what's the difference between us? I don't get paid. That's why I am loyal to the imperium, and not to some shiny pieces of currency."


"I do. And I say this to ALL of you. Go home. I will put up with MY superiors, not angry hoarders."

"You dare insult us like this space marine?" One of the men spoke up. "We will not forget this."

"You dare insulting me by calling yourself my superior? I will not forget this either." Fraken said. "Come on Tavish, we have better things to do."

"You will regret this."

"Oh trust me. Meeting the likes of you already made me regret coming here. And they told us it was impolite to keep our superiors waiting."

Tavish burst into hearty laughter as the two exited the chamber, leaving a mass of angry men who could only rant and curse, but nothing more. On the way out, they bumped straight into a man in a white hood. Cypher.

"Oh Emperor have mercy!" Tavish panicked. "What the bloody hell did we do now?!"

"Come with me." Cypher said coldly. "He would like to see you."

"He? As in..."

"The Emperor? Yes." Cypher replied. "Hurry up. It is impolite to keep your superiors waiting."

"Milord... is something wrong?" Tavish asked nervously as he found himself in front of the glowing form of The Emperor. It wasn't just being in the presence of a god that made him nervous, it was the fact that there was about eight custodes in the room, who could probably tear him apart with nothing but their bare hands.

"Wrong? What's wrong?" The Emperor asked quizzically. "Do you know why I summoned you here?"


"Shut up." Fraken shot at Tavish. "We do not sire. Please enlighten us."

"Well then...