• Published 17th Apr 2014
  • 1,127 Views, 22 Comments

A thousand redemptions for a thousand dead sons. - ThatRarityIsaSpy

65 standard years after the destruction of the realm of chaos, the Primarch Magnus the red makes one least gamble to destroy the Imperium. A motley band of misfits are all that stand in his way.

  • ...

Chapter 7

"Ground secure Captain." The space marine said as he tossed the broken remains of a rubric marine into a ditch while they established a vantage point. "This ground is secure. We have taken no casualties."

"Good. It seems all is going according to plan." Fraken said as he sat down in his chair. Opening a bottle of fine wine, he poured the liquid into a crystal glass, sipping in the wine and savoring it's taste. "I will have everyone else down there in a minute. If Magnus joins the fight, tell me. Until then. Fraken out."

Deactivating the vox, the Astartes turned back to the wine he was sipping down. It was a rarity for him to consume alcohol of any kind. He allowed himself to go wild in his own thoughts until the unicorn sat across from him. It's small frame seemed to be out of place in a seat that was normally built to support an astartes in full power armor.

"I wish you can talk." Fraken said as he sipped his wine. Grabbing another glass, he poured some for Stargazer, whom sipped the thing without a word. She only looked at him through her massive eyes which seemed to be the size of dinner plates.

"You think we can kill Magnus?"

The unicorn gave no reply. Didn't even as much as move her head. Only gazed at her as if she was having a silent conversation that didn't require her to open her mouth unless you counted her sipping the wine.

"Yeah. I agree." Fraken said as he sat back. Looking down at his hand, the large golden ring on his finger stared back at him. The beautiful gold glimmered and burned itself into the innermost reaches of his mind as his hands both clenched tightly together.



"He's one to talk." Someone murmured over the vox as they watched the damage Spike was causing just on his own. "In all honesty, I am relieved that we have a feel surprises of our own we can throw at the heretics."

"So... anyone know exactly how he hasn't had his soul torn our or been shredded by bolters? It's not like his skin is made out of..."

"Analysis shows that entity known as "Spike" has hardened scales that are of similar quality of ceramite. It seems that his origins from planet known as "Equestria" has made him more immune to the ruinous powers. Collecting more data..."

"Now that's a bloody monster I tell ya!" Tavish said as he watched Spike incinerate a building where a bunch of cultists were hiding. "What the bloody hell would happen if he weren't on our side?!"

"We'd get crushed to death. He was only knee high when I saw him this morning."

"Well that boyo can change his bloody size! What kind of witchcraft is that?! Surely The Emperor didn't think having that beast here was a good idea!"

"He did brother. In fact, he actually said he wanted the dragon here personally."

"Well then... it seems I am going to have some SERIOUS COMPETITION for my kills lads! HEY DRAGON! SAVE SOME FOR ME YA GREEDY PURPLE LIZARD!"

"He's not ac.."

Anyone who was hiding in the ditch just saw Tavish grab his sword and charge right into the ranks of at least a few hundred cultists and traitor space marines. Even with a dragon ravaging through their ranks, Tavish would probably....

"To hell with it! Attack brothers!"

As the incoherent screaming once again begun, the traitors soon found themselves being assaulted on two fronts. On one had, they had a 50 feet tall dragon breathing green fire that seemed to carry rather harmful properties, while on the other, they had about 120 screaming lunatics all armed to the teeth ranging from plasma rifles to power bats.

While seeming like a mob of lunatics who maybe for the better, should have ended up all in a mental institution than as space marines, the mob weren't completely crazy or stupid. In fact, they were perhaps among the best fighters in the Imperium. No small part due to their inherent ways of screaming like they stubbed their toes and charge into battle with a massive array of weapons that'd make Lootas turn even more green with envy. Much to anyone's surprise, this strategy actually works. Why? Who the hell knows? Maybe for the same reasons why when an Ork says it works. It works.

As the Mob began to tear up it's enemies on the ground. Fraken watched them from orbit and beamed widely. His men were some of the best. Granted, they weren't the most sane people to walk the universe, but of course, they were good to have in battles like these. His grin widened as he saw a single one of his men take a power axe to three rubric marines simultaneously while another picked up a cultist and used him as a bludgeon against his fellow heretics. It was needless to say that these were the best men Fraken could get. And that was something he could never replace. The friendship that bonded everyone together or their collective skill as a fighting force.

"My lord." The Captain of the ship said as he approached Fraken.


"We've sighted Magnus. He's making his way down."

Fraken was out of the room in ten seconds flat. In a short time, he had already put on his power armor and grabbed his sword.

He had a score to settle. He had brothers and friends to avenge.