• Published 26th Apr 2014
  • 3,763 Views, 85 Comments

Hearts of Class - ImAPonyXY

This story is a love story between Sweetiebelle and Spike. Both are teenagers now and the story is anthro. It may also be NSFw at times so read with care. Enjoy.

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Chapter One

Author's Note:

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of my story, and don't forget to leave a comment if you have any feedback or suggestions.

A Long and Eventful Journey

“Uhhh” Spike hesitated. He didn’t really know how to explain it. “It’s a little dumb,” he admitted.

Sweetiebelle crossed her arms as she was getting inpatient. “Spike, I haven’t got all day. Just tell me already!”

“Fine, if you really want to know, I’ll tell you. Just, promise not to laugh. Please?” Spike felt a little embarrassed, his reasons for not telling her were dumb and idiotic.

“I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want you to get upset. I didn’t know that you were coming to this school and we only just became really good friends. I was afraid that if I told you that you would get upset about me going away.” he took a deep breath, he felt a lot better now that he had explained it. “I’m sorry, I should have told you.”

Sweetiebelle glared at him for few seconds. His reasons were really sweet and kind, but he was right, they were dumb. She laughed a little. “Oh silly. That’s no reason to keep something from a lady.” she giggled again.

A tint of crimson hinted on Spike’s cheeks. “Hey! You promised not to laugh!” he felt stupid now, but also a little angry with Sweetiebelle.

“No I didn’t, you just asked me too,” she corrected him; she liked proving her intellectual superiority over people, especially Spike. “I promised nothing,” she smiled innocently; she knew that this would get under his skin. She figured that that’s what he deserved after keeping just a dumb secret from her.

“Yeah well...” he had nothing to say to that. He was stumped, and felt even stupider. That white unicorn had found flaws in his words twice now; it was hard to believe that Sweetiebelle could even be that smart. He never really imagined her getting over her curiosity and overt way of thinking, but she did. She had grown up, well, in his eyes she had anyway.

“I thought only smart people were allowed into this school?” Sweetiebelle teased and she giggled again.

Spike looked down, he had the feeling that she was just trying to embarrass him now, but she had gone a little too far with that comment. There was no way that a fashion unicorn would out-smart a Princess’ Assistant. He looked at her and burped, right in her face. However, since he was a dragon, his burp was flaming and it burned the fur off Sweetiebelle’s right cheek as well as singeing the skin.

A few drops of blood dripped from the singed skin of the petrified unicorn. Her eyes were full of emotion; betrayal, regret, anger. She just couldn’t believe that Spike, of all dragons, would dare breath fire at her.

“You burned me by calling me stupid, so I burned you by breathing fire into your face!” Spike snarled, as he chuckled a bit. “How does it feel?”

She was shocked; all she could do was hold a hand to her cheek and scream. “AAAAAAHHHH!!!” she cried out loudly. Everybody on the carriage turned around to look at her, they all gasped as they saw the burnt flesh and the dripping blood.

“What... What the hell happened here?” spoke one person.

“Is she okay?” another spoke with concern.

“Who, or what, did that to her?!” someone else asked.

Murmured chatter broke out through the crowd, almost all in shock of what had happened, yet, no one had seen what had happened so Spike was safe at the moment, although a few suspected him.

“Hey, it... It wasn’t really that bad, was it?” Spike whispered to Sweetiebelle as he came to the realisation of what he had done.
Sweetiebelle didn’t reply for a little bit, but she didn’t at all look back at him. She was furious with him, but also terrified. She didn’t really know what to do.

Spike felt bad, he had gone way to far. “I’m sorry, Sweetiebelle. Truly.” he apologised. He looked back on it, and now, he didn’t even know why he thought that it was a good idea in the first place. “I can help heal the wound if you’d like?”

“How?” she murmured.

Spike was a little stunned that she had actually responded to him.

“Well I... I can bandage it up, if you want?” he asked, he knew how to do a little bit of First Aid, Twilight had taught him a little bit last year but he never really thought that would have to use. “So, what do you say?”

“Fine! Just let me get rid of this crowd.” she replied, still only a whisper to him.

Spike was a little curious as to what she was going to do. How exactly would she get rid of the crowd a people that had responded to her scream? Would she use magic, or maybe just tell them all to go away and hope to Celestia that it’ll work. Yet, to Spike’s surprise, what she did was completely unexpected, and a little unnerving. Sweetiebelle began to laugh loudly, as if she had just played a huge joke on everyone.

“Sw-Sweetiebelle! What are you doing?” Spike asked curiously, although very surprised at what she was doing.

Sweetiebelle didn’t reply, she just kept laughing at the top of her lungs. Her laugh sounded insane yet pure, as it seemed to strike a sort of fear to those around her.

“Is she crazy? Why would she be laughing after something like that?” one person yelled from the crowd.

“Maybe’s she just screamed for the attention.” another said, many people seemed to agree with her.

“Or maybe, she’s just a little coo-coo in the head!” someone else blurted out.

People began to disperse, they grumbled disappointingly as their time had been wasted by her. They went back to what they were doing before.

“So, do you want me to patch it up for you now?” Spike asked, still quite confused about her ethics.

“No.” she said simply and leaned into his ear, “But if you ever do that again, I’ll sew your mouth shut so you can’t breath fire again,” she leaned away again. “So where do you want to go now? Should we head over to the food cart?”

Spike was even more confused than before now. Had she just forgiven him or was this all just a ploy? “B-But, your cheek.”

“I don’t really care if it’s bleeding or not. Rarity may have told me to be a lady, but I don’t have to listen to her, now.” she grabbed his hand and began to pull him along the train. “Lets go get something to eat!

“Wait but... Sweetiebelle!” the young dragon called out as he tried to talk a little sense into her. “Do you really think that you should go up their with a burnt and bleeding cheek?”

Sweetiebelle nodded. “I don’t care, I’ve already said that, and if others are smart too, they won’t care either. Well, if they know what’s good for them.” a small smile appeared on her face.

“Sweetiebelle are you alright?” Spike asked, he hated to admit but he was concerned for her. This wasn’t the Sweetiebelle that he had become friends with.

Sweetiebelle nodded again. “Yeah of course I am. Why would you say that?”

“Uhhh no reason. Just, you acting a little strange, and I’m kinda worried.” the dragon admitted.

“Strange, how?” Sweetiebelle ask curiously as she lead him through the train still.
“Well, you did kinda creep everyone out when you broke into laughter. Also, you don’t care that I burnt your cheek!”

“No, I care about the fact that you attacked me. I just don’t care that it’s bleeding. As in, sure it hurts like a bitch but It’ll heal over time and I doubt that it’s going to scar.” she replied.

“So why didn’t you let me patch it up? It would have healed so much faster.”

“Because Spike, even if you did, it wouldn’t make the pain, or the wound go away immediately. The burn would still be there and my cheek would still be hairless.” she explained. “Do you see where I’m coming from?”

Spike shook his head. “Nope.” he spoke simply. “I have no idea what you mean.”

Sweetiebelle giggled again. “Good.”

She continued to pull on his hand and tug him along to the food cart. The train wasn’t quiet, it was buzzing with life as all the students were chatting. Most were too busy to notice Sweetiebelle’s cheek, but others gave her a concerned glance. She was still holding onto her cheek, her hand was stained with red and every now and then a fresh drop of blood would ooze out and fall to the floor.

“Are you sure that you’re okay?” Spike asked again, he wasn’t afraid to express his concern anymore.

“Yes, Spikey, I’m fine.” she replied, with a little bit of a giggled added to the end.
Spike felt another tint of crimson over his cheeks. “Did you, just give me a pet name?” he asked, embarrassed.

“Mhmm,” she nodded. “It’s cute, it suits you.”

“Right...” he felt uneasy. First Sweetiebelle had forgiven him for burning her cheek, now she was giving him a pet name. What was she playing at?

Never the less, the two soon reached the Food Cart and the sat down at a table.

“So what do you want to have Spike?” Sweetiebelle asked kindly.

He shook his head, “I’m not hungry.”

Sweetiebelle shrugged and stood up, “Well I’m going to get something to eat and I’ll meet you back here, okay?”

Sweetiebelle looked around, trying to locate the stalls, and as soon as she spotted one off to the corner she rushed over, standing in the long queue.

Spike eyed her, she was still holding her cheek, and he wondered what the staff would say about all this, would he perhaps be expelled on the first day? Or would she stand up for him again. With motives like hers it was hard to tell, he couldn’t help but feel a little nervous. What if he was expelled, what would Twilight say? She had pulled quite a few strings to get him here; he didn’t want to disappoint her. What if Sweetiebelle covered for him, would that make it any better or would she get in trouble instead, then what would Rarity think? Spike sat their and pondered for a while, nearly every single scenario that flashed into his head seemed bad and nearly all of them involved him getting in trouble by Twilight. He began to sweat just by thinking about all this; he could only hope that Sweetiebelle had a brilliant plan and excuse to get them out of this.

He looked at her again, her cheek had stopped bleeding but her hand was still stained with blood. He had done this; he still couldn’t get his around it though. What exactly was going through his mind as he did this? It wasn’t like him to burst out in anger like that, but, he had been experiencing similar occurrence like this of late.

“Hey you, Dragon!” a voice spoke from above.

Spike looked up, not saying anything. It was a student, a senior by the looks of it, who had spoken to him. Spike was irritated; his thoughts had just been rudely interrupted.

“You’re the one who breathed fire into that pretty mare’s face right?”

Spike didn’t say anything again. What were they even doing here? He thought to himself.

“Hey!” the senior grabbed him by the collar of his jacket and forcefully pulled him to his feet. “I’m talking to you!”

“I know.” Spike said simply, he figured not to waste time on him. He couldn’t really be bothered.

“So...!” the senior raised his fist to Spike’s face. “Answer me!”

“No.” Spike said simple again. This time though, he burped in his face, setting his hair on fire.

“AAAAAHHHH!!!!” the senior dropped Spike and screamed as he desperately tried to pat out the flames with his hands. “YOU LITTLE SHIT!!!” he yelled loudly, this caught the attention of everyone in the cart as the all stared at him and Spike.

Spike smiled, he noticed that everyone around was laughing. “I guess nobody like him, huh?” he said to himself.

The senior was quick to pat away the flames but his hand was burnt. “You’ll pay for that!” he threatened as he picked up the dragon by the collar yet again, thrusting his elbow into his throat.

Spike did nothing, he wouldn’t be able to even if he tried. This senior was stronger and bigger then him. He wondered whether or not to burn his face off, but he didn’t really want to kill anyone today.

“I WANT TO HEAR YOU BEG FOR MERCY YOU LITTLE CUNT!” the senior yelled as he pushed into Spike’s throat harder. “BEG!”

Spike felt his consciousness slipping away as he couldn’t draw anymore breath, and just as he thought that he was going to faint, the senior’s grip fell away. Spike was curious but as soon as he realised what was happening he felt grateful.

Right swing, left swing, jab to the stomach and kick to the balls. This is what he saw happen to the senior as he gained focus.

Elbow to the face, knee to the chest, and as he was down, a stomp to the spine! The senior was finished.

"AAAARRRHHH!" cried the senior as he whimpered away and rolled on floor in severe pain. Spike had witnessed the most pleasurable experience today; by watching the senior get his ass handed to him.

Spike looked up to see a small girl, well a teenage girl, and probably the age of fourteen. She had short blonde hair with a ponytail, green eyes and a scar along her lip. Her fur was the colour of cream and she wore a red, hooded, zip-up jumper with her white shirt exposed. She had blue, flexible jeans and she wasn't wearing any shoes.

This girl looked at Spike with a disgusted expression planted on her uninterested face.

Spike cautiously approached her, holding out his hand as he did. "Thank you... uhhh, what was your name, again?"

As soon as Spike got close enough the girl grabbed his hand and shoulder. She gripped him tightly and flipped him over her shoulder.

"OOF!" he landed dead on his back, facing up at her. "Ow! Hey! What was that for?"

The girl sighed, her expression turned back from disgust to uninterested, as she stomped a foot onto his stomach to pin him down. She stared straight into his eyes. "Did you honestly think that I was protecting your sorry ass?" She asked. "Because if so, then you're stupider than I thought!"

Everyone laughed.

"I didn’t beat up that senior because I wanted too, nor did I to help you. I did it so that I could beat some manners into you myself!" She threatened as she applied pressure to her foot, slowly crushing it into Spike's abdomen.

Spike winced as he tried to hold back the pain. His dragon scales helped with that a little but he couldn’t deny that it hurt a lot. However, before the pain became unbearable, the girl took her foot off and slammed it into his side. Causing him to yelp and whimper like a dog.

She laughed at this, "I guess I've had my fun though," she stepped away, allowing Spike to pick himself up. She turned her back to him and began to walk over to table. Although she stopped; halfway there. "Oh. And I suggest you stop lighting people on fire." She said calmly but still having her back turned to him. "Unless you have a death wish that is." She smirked, but spike couldn't see.

She then continued her way back over to the table and sat down, staring out of the window. She liked seeing the beautiful scenery of nature flash past, it was the one of the two things in this world that made her happy. Well that and showing off her martial arts.

Spike stood up. He was overwhelmed at all this. Was there no one on this train that was on his side, was there anyone nice? He doubted so. He looked around, Sweetiebelle had just seen all this, and she was laughing; she thought that he completely deserved that.

She made her way over to the table that the girl was sitting at. "Hey there, what's your name?" She asked politely, not wanting to get on her bad side.

"You're that girl who got your face burnt by that dragon right?" the girl question, not answering Sweetiebelle.

"Yes, I am. I'm Sweetiebelle, now, answer my question please." She said, getting a little annoyed.

"My name is Lyvia, and I never asked for your name. So why did you tell it me; a stranger?"

"Because." she began to explain, "I trust you enough."

"What do you mean by trust?" Lyvia asked curiously. She had taken her focus away fro the racing scenery and stared at Sweetiebelle. Nobody had ever said anything like that to her.

"Well I believe you knocked some sense into Spike over there. He deserved what he got, and I respect you for what you did. I trust you because you seem to know what you're doing, you always have a plan for something and you treat the world like it's a game," Sweetiebelle answered. "That's why I trust you."

Lyvia continued to stare at her, she was a little surprise at what she was hearing, but she didn't really care.

"I see. And why did you ask for my name?" Lyvia asked, again. "Didn't I beat up your boyfriend?"

Sweetiebelle glared at her, "He's not my boyfriend!" she rebutted, "We're just friends that's all!"

Lyvia laughed a little, “You're not fooling anyone." She said simply, and she returned her glance to back out the window. "We should be arriving at Canterlot in just under an hour."

"Right, well it seems that you don't feel like talking, so I'll leave you now." Sweetiebelle said as she stood up.

"Finally I can sight-see in peace!" Lyvia replied.

Sweetiebelle grumbled as she heard that and took a look around the room. She was still hungry so she could go buy some food now, or she could go see Spike who was now sitting alone at his own table. Alas, she decided to go to Spike, she could buy food later.

She walked up to Spike's table slowly; she noticed that he was feeling down. He was silent which wasn’t like him and he didn't look around. Spike hadn't even noticed that she was going towards him. She continued to advance towards the gloomy, purple dragon, she felt sorry for him, she shouldn't have laughed when he got beat, which was really mean. Sweetiebelle sighed and stopped half way there. What was she even going to say to him, she had never really needed to cheer him up before and she never thought she would have to. He always seemed happy and he never let anything get him down. Maybe she would stop the foolish hostilities between them and say something nice? No that wouldn't do, she had to be nice. Maybe, she would apologise to him? Yeah, that would do, but what would she apologise about? Would she apologise about laughing at him, would she apologise about worrying him, or would she apologise about making him feel stupid because she knew that he wasn't.

She smiled. She knew what she was going to say now, she would apologise about everything, that way he would feel better. She began to walk back over to him when all of a sudden the train jerked and everyone lost their balance, including Sweetiebelle. In fact, she fell over, and she landed on Spike's lap.

Spike blushed. " Sw-Sweetiebelle!? What are you doing?" He was shocked and quite frankly surprised at this.

"Sorry Spiky." Sweetiebelle apologized as she helped herself off of his lap. She looked around, a little embarrassed. However, she saw a bunch of groups staring at them, most of the giggling or chuckling.

"Kiss, kiss, kiss!" They all began to chant. "Kiss, kiss, kiss!" They continued.

Sweetiebelle looked at Spike. "Please tell me that you're not listening to them?"

Spike shrugged, "Hey why not. We have to get on their good side at some point."

"Spike! This is not how to do...." she was immediately interrupted by Spike grabbing her and pulling her into a deep kiss.

Sweetiebelle blushed a deep crimson. The kiss was a deep one, and a long one. Yet it was a beautiful one, Spike had thought that Sweetiebelle would be the first to break away, but he was surprised, it seemed that she was enjoying this as much as he was. Spike soon too blushed again, also in a deep crimson. It was passionate and they were exactly what the crown wanted. They all roared and cheered as they saw love blossom right in front of them.

Spike broke away the kiss and looked Sweetiebelle in the eyes. "How was that?" he asked. He was nervous, yet anxious to what she was going to say.

"Well I won't deny anything, you're a great kisser, Spike!" she admitted.

"Really, you liked it?"

"Yeah, it was great." she stood up and took Spike's hand helping up. "I want to introduce you to someone."

"Who?" Spike asked, giving into his curiosity.

"Oh you'll see," she giggled and began to pull him over to the table where Lyvia was still sitting at.

Spike saw her and gulped, "oh no Sweetiebelle, you can keep me way from her!"

"Man up Spike, she's a nice gal if you get to know her."

"And did you get to know her?"

"Well no.. but I bet she is a nice gal."

Lyvia turned her head to the two noticing that they were talking about her, "Oh you're back again?"

"Yes." she pulled Spike in front of her, "Lyvia, this is Spike. Spike, this is Lyvia." she smiled and sat down, hoping that they would make up.

Spike held out his hand to her. This time he was ready for an attack if she tried anything. Lyvia shook it.

"Where are your shoes?" Spike asked her.

"You don't need to know." she replied, sounding hostile to the dragon.

An awkward silence broke out between the three of them. Spike decided to sit down, next to Sweetiebelle, he enjoyed he comfort even more now than before.

"Well," Sweetiebelle began as she planned to break the silence, "Spike and I kissed." she announced, grabbing hold of his hand.
"I didn't notice." Lyvia replied half-assed. She didn't really care, but she supposed she might as well show some interest, "Does that mean you two are dating now?"

Spike gulped and looked at Sweetiebelle who nodded at him.

"Yes, yes we are." Spike said with glee as a huge smile fell on his face, and a deep crimson tint fell onto Sweetiebelle's cheeks.

“I see.” Lyvia spoke calmly, yet still sounding uninterested as always. “So do you two plan on staying together at all?”

Spike eyed her suspiciously. “What do you mean?” he asked curiously.

“What do you think I mean?” Lyvia said coolly and she crossed her arms over chest. “I asking you whether or not you two plan to stay together or if this is all a ploy to get the attention of strangers?”

Spike looked at Sweetiebelle, he was planning to stay with her, but he didn’t know is she felt the same way.

“What do you think Sweetiebelle? I don’t mind so it’s up to you.” Spike asked her, anxious to what she might say. Would she even feel the same way, it seemed as though she did when they kissed, but she could be deluding him. It wouldn’t be the first time.

“I don’t know. I guess we should. I’m sure you didn’t just kiss me because you wanted to be popular.” she stated. “It would be a nice change after all.”

Spike smiled and looked back to Lyvia. “Yeah, we’re going to be staying together.”

Lyvia sighed and stood up, only just glaring at them as she turned away, “Young love never lasts.” she began to walk away.

She glanced down a little at her feet; she still wasn’t wearing any shoes. “I should probably go find my shoes.” she murmured to herself as she stepped out of the food carriage. She looked around, examining her surroundings; she was in just a regular passenger carriage. She smirked; surely she would be able to find them here. She had seen the senior walk through here, him and his friends, unfortunately for them; she was on their trail.

She slowly wandered down the aisle of the carriage, softly glancing at all the passengers who sat down in the seats. She saw a young couple smooching half way down the carriage. One of them was blue and the other was red. “Blue and Red, the colours of friendship. Why don’t they just stay friends? They’re only dooming themselves, young love never last after all.” she commented, but sighed. She was going to let them have their fun.
She continued walking; examining each student; hair, eyes, clothes, hoping that one of them or some of them would be the senior and his friends. Then finally she took a glance at the third seat from the back, when she saw the senior and his friends.

“Hey, do you still have that crazy girl’s shoes?” one of them asked.

“Yeah.” the senior replied.

Lyvia smirked as she heard this; she then approached a nearby empty table and sat down, glaring out the window again as she overheard their conversation.

“Should we return them? She’s only a junior, she could get into trouble without her shoes.”

“No! We are not returning them. If she gets into trouble then it’s not our problem!” the senior yelled out.

“But it will be our problem when she comes looking for us!” one of his expressed, he was terrified of the consequences. “She’s the one who beat you up, right?”

“Yes, but only because I was alone and unprepared for her. It won’t happen again!” the senior reassured. “Because next time, it’ll be four of us, and one of her.”

Lyvia stood up; she smirked and made her way over to the table of the four seniors.
“I would like to have my shoes back now.” she said casually as she put her hands in her pockets.

The senior stood up, he towered over her and crossed his arms in defiance. He had a bruise on his cheek and his hand was burnt from when he doused the flames on his head. Parts of his hair was missing, and his once glorious golden hair was now black and brown.

“Yeah well, you’re not getting them back, girl!” he said aggressively, he was looking for a fight against her. He wanted a rematch, but this time he wouldn’t be fighting alone.

“Why not, they are my shoes, you know?” she replied, still keeping her cool. She found his words incredibly stupid, she would enjoy putting him in his place, but she wanted him to make the first move.

The senior growled at her. “Did you not hear me? I said that you’re not getting them back!"

Lyvia eyed his curiously. “I heard you. You have no right to them though. That’s called stealing, and I can’t stand the sight of thieves!” she threatened. “The sight of thieves is disgusting; just like vermin, and so are you.”
This pushed the senior over the edge as he roared in aggression. He lunged at her, aiming one of his huge fists at her tiny face. Surely he would be no match for her. She was only 4 foot 8 after all; and he was 6 foot 5, he towered her.

Lyvia dodged it with ease as she stepped to the side; she let him follow through with his momentum as he managed to crash into the opposite table. She wouldn’t bother with him; she was going to focus on his friends for a bit. She just stood there as she was still bored by their pathetic efforts.

The senior’s friends stood up and the formed a circle around her; hoping to be able to catch her off-guard. A brown, male, of the age of 17 who had a black mane and blue eyes went for a kick to her stomach. However, unfortunately for the friend, it was all to easily to counter; as Lyvia grabbed onto his leg and yanked upwards, causing the friend to fall flat on his ass. While he was down Lyvia showed no mercy and stomped on his balls. She smiled as she heard the screams of him.

“You little bitch!” another friend said as he; a yellow male, also of the age of 17 with red hair went to grab her, hoping to pin her down.

She yawned at his attempt and grabbed his wrists; twisting them until she heard a pop. She cried out in laughter as soon as she heard his wrists snap and as soon as he heard him scream even louder than his friend.

She took a moment to glance at the remaining friend who was trembling in fear now. She smirked and the friend began to run off, terrified by her merciless tactics.

She then looked at the senior who was still lying on the table, the impact had took more out of him then he thought.

“Now, I won’t ask you again, where are my shoes?” she threatened as she pulled out a small pocketknife.

The senior’s eyes shot open in horror and he began to panic. “Th-They’re in my bag, th-the green one.”

“Thank you.” she said calmly as she sheathed her knife and walked back over to their old table. Noticing the green pack on the seat; she opened and searched through it. Immediately seeing her shoes. They weren’t actually shoes though; they were more-or-less boots, steel-capped boats to be exact.

She slipped them on and took another look at the senior who had got up and ducted himself off. “You’re pathetic,” she said. “You trusted your friends to help you, and they failed. Just like you will. Always!” she began to walk off, back down the carriage. She was going to see if she could find Sweetiebelle and Spike, she had a question to ask them.

She travelled back to the food cart, seeing them still at the same table as before. They had both ordered food now. Sweetiebelle was eating fruit salad and Spike had a bowl of Gems. She roamed over to them and sat down at the table, next to Sweetiebelle.

“Where have you been?” Spike asked as he popped another gem into his mouth.
“I was getting my shoes back.” she announced softly.

“Oh. Can I see them?” Sweetiebelle asked excitedly. She was a sucker for fashion, especially shoes.

“You won’t be impressed, so no.” Lyvia said. She knew that Sweetiebelle would be able to see the from under the table so she wasn’t going to go to the trouble of moving her feet for her.

“Oh,” Sweetiebelle said disappointed.

Spike threw another gem into his mouth; an amethyst.

“So where were your shoes?”

“In a bag of that senior who threatened you.” Lyvia declared.

“Did you have trouble getting them back then?”

“No, he was no trouble. Students are always terrified of knives."

Sweetiebelle dropped her grape as she heard this, stared at Lyvia with shock and surprise. “You-You pulled a knife on him?”

Lyvia nodded.

“Won’t you get into trouble?”

Lyvia shook her head. “If he knows what’s good for him, he’ll stay quiet.”

Spike rolled his eyes as he heard this. “I hope you’re right, because you’re a valuable friend to have around.”

Lyvia glared at him. “Why do you say that?” she asked without hesitation.

“Because you know how to defend yourself. You always have a plan and you never do anything pointless. It’s good to have a friend like that.” he smiled, “Also, Sweetiebelle and I would enjoy your company. You seem nice enough.”

A small smile appeared on Lyvia’s face; she hadn’t smiled in a long time. She was glad that Spike thought of her like this, it was heart lifting.

“I’m glad that you think of me like that, Spike. I hope you and Sweetiebelle can prove me wrong and have a glorified and enjoyable relationship.”

The train suddenly came to a stop. Lyvia looked out the window to see that they had arrived at Canterlot School for Equestria’s Gifted. The school was beautiful; it had a wall around it, which marked its boundaries. Inside those walls were stunning courtyards, awing gardens and glamorous ovals.