• Published 26th Apr 2014
  • 3,759 Views, 85 Comments

Hearts of Class - ImAPonyXY

This story is a love story between Sweetiebelle and Spike. Both are teenagers now and the story is anthro. It may also be NSFw at times so read with care. Enjoy.

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Chapter Five

Author's Note:

Hey everyone, I hope you enjoyed this lovely chapter of… well.. love! Also, please leave in the comments what you would like to see happen or what you think will eventually happen; I would very much like to know. Anyway, enjoy Chapter Five, it's a very anticipated chapter and I'm sure that it'll revive the story towards being more romantic. Enjoy!

A Night Full of Memories

Later that evening, Spike and Sweetiebelle were getting ready for their date. They had planned to meet each other down in the courtyard. Since it was close and no doubt dark, they had a fairly good chance of not being caught. Yet they still ran that risk as they were going to break two rules. However, to them, it was worth it; because nothing was going to get in the way of their first date especially not a stupid, worthless rule made up by a crazy, old, man.

It was after dinner, the sun had set behind the large, snowy mountains that lined the horizon. A soft breeze swept through the silent castle-school and only a few clouds darkened the night from the illuminating moonlight. This was the time were everyone would be going to sleep so that they would be well rested for their first class of the year, however, this was not the case for Sweetiebelle nor Spike; these two were both frantically deciding what to wear for their special night.

In dorm number 23, the dorm which housed Sweetiebelle, Lyvia, Lil’ Dew, and Tyra Tomb was as eventful as the night before. Lil’ Dew and Tyra were slouching on the couch either reading a book, or practicing a talent, Sweetiebelle though, had occupied the change room as she was desperately trying to see what dress looked better on her. She couldn’t decide whether she would wear a red, or a black dress. The red dress was simple and kind of dull, but it did seem to go well with her fur colour. However the black dress was elegant and pretty but didn’t suit her. She tried to think of what Spike would want her to wear, but she didn’t know what he would like.

“What do you think, Lyvia? Do I look pretty in this?” Sweetiebelle asked as she stepped out of the change room wearing the red dress, with no jewellery and no shoes, only the dress.

Lyvia was leaning against the wall with her arms crossed. She let out a small yawn, as she too, was exhausted.

“I dunno. Good I guess,” she replied blankly as she was blindly judging her fashion choices. “I’m not the one wearing it am I?”

Sweetiebelle sighed as she heard this. She had previously asked Lyvia to help her choose but that was clearly not working out.

“You know I did ask you to help. So I need an actual opinion from you, please.” she pleaded, hoping that it might change something.

“I did give my opinion, ‘I dunno. Good I guess.” Lyvia repeated, “Do you want me to lie to you instead?”

This took Sweetiebelle aback; she didn’t know what to say to this. She didn’t want her to lie but she also knew that only way that Lyvia would actually give a damn was if she did lie. Lyvia wasn’t going to be much help then, so she would just have to decide by herself.

“Alright then, go away.” Sweetiebelle said, sounding annoyed as she pointed to Lyvia’s bed. “If you’re not going to give a shit, then next time just say no!”

Lyvia shrugged and began to walk off to her bed. She climbed in; she was already in her sleepwear. Which was just a white, tank top and purple, linen, pants.

Sweetiebelle sighed and went back into the change room. She had decided on what she was going to wear, she would keep the red dress on, since it suited her fur colour and she figured that Spike would prefer simple over elegant.

She picked up the black dress and put it back onto the coat hanger, hanging it up in her private closet. She locked the door to it too so no one could take her glorious clothes. She then wandered off the other side of the room to slip on her red sandals again, which were under a table. On the table was all her jewellery. She grabbed her bangles but soon decided to not wear them, as she didn’t want to make too much noise while sneaking around. She did however put on her golden, manticore necklace and her diamond earrings that she was wearing earlier today.

After she had made herself pretty she decided it was time to sneak out. So she slowly opened the door of the change room and saw that everyone was now asleep. She quietly crept past them, struggling not to make a single sound as she stepped one foot at a time. She first passed Lil’ Dew’s bed, then Tyra’s bed, then finally, Lyvia’s bed, which was closest to the door. After successfully sneaking past her fellow dorm mates, she slowly opened the door that let out a small creek as it eased open. She snuck out without closing the door behind her and she began to walk silently down the empty hallway.

As she walked she overheard teachers talking. These teachers were patrolling the passageways for any rogue students. Sweetiebelle took a mental note to avoid them at all costs, because if she did, she risked exposing both her and Spike; which she would hate to do. However, just as she was about to reach the courtyard, she heard footsteps approaching ever closer. Her eyes widened and she looked around frantically for somewhere to hide. Yet, there was nothing but empty hallways. She began to panic and sweat from the threat that loamed closer and closer with every passing second.

“Are you sure that she could be around?” one of the asked, she sounded still a fair-way-away though.

“Yes, the other student that we caught said that there were two students sneaking out at night.” the other replied hastily, she sounded a little closer and her voice echoed throughout the empty school

“Juniors are known to lie sometimes.”

The other teacher sighed and they drew closer to their target.

“Well, now that you think of it, that junior didn’t say where they were going. Should we head back and ask him?”

“That’s a good idea,” the other replied and the two teachers turned tail and went back to their office.

Sweetiebelle took a sigh of relief as the threat went way. She was lucky and she wasn’t going to waste this chance. She waited until the footsteps went away and she pushed open the door that led to outside. A strong gush of chilling breeze hit her and immediately made her shiver. She had forgotten to prepare for the cold again.

Sweetiebelle looked around at the wonderful sight that beheld her, the Celestial Courtyard was absolutely stunning at night. The soft moonlight glared on the statue of Celestia, which made it shone and gleam. The statue reflected and enhanced the moonlight to illuminate the courtyard of which she stood in.

“Sweetiebelle you made it,” whispered a voice, which sounded so familiar from behind the statue. The owner of the voice stepped out from behind the statue to reveal that it was Spike who was still wearing the same clothes as earlier, but he was holding a second jacket. It was light purple jacket.

“Here.” he said as he through the jacket over to Sweetiebelle, “I brought this for you just in case you didn’t bring one. It’s a little cold tonight.”

Sweetiebelle smiled and put the jacket on, one arm at a time.

“Thanks, Spiky.” she replied and she walked over to him. “So what do you want to do first?” she asked as she took his hand.

“Well, I was thinking...” he began and pointed over to a large oval that was too, illuminated by the mystical moonlight. “That we should go over to the oval so that we’re not too close to the school. We don’t want to risk being caught.”

Sweetiebelle agreed completely, but she still wanted to hang out around this courtyard, it was absolutely beautiful and gorgeous and she wanted to inspect the carvings of the royal family to learn who was actually part of it. But, that would have to wait, because she knew that Spike was right and that they would have to move away from the school to not risk being caught. She wanted this night to be magical.

“Alright, Spike. Lead the way.” she said as she kissed his cheek and put on an adorable smile.

Spike rubbed his cheek slightly and smiled adorably too as he pulled on her hand and lead her out of the courtyard and onto the grass.

The grass was soft, cold and evenly cut, it had recently been watered and was still wet, which allowed it to reflect the light from the moon.

“I’m really looking forward to spending the night with you, Spike.” Sweetiebelle announced as she walked along beside him; still holding his hand.

“Me too, Sweetiebelle. It’s really sweet for you to come along with me. I’m sure it’s going to be a lovely night.” Spike replied as he led his girlfriend over the oval until they reached the middle.

When they did Spike let go of Sweetie’s hand a lay down, he gestured for her to do the same next to him. Which she did, but she also didn’t. Instead, she lay her head down on his chest.

Spike smirked and began to stroke her soft, pink and purple hair and held her hand again.

“So what do you feel like doing, Sweetie?” Spike asked. He knew that she had asked him before and he didn’t answer, he wanted her to choose and he also knew that she would have no objection to that.

“Hmmm...?” Sweetiebelle began to think to herself, she hadn’t really though about it, since she asked Spike and she though that he had planned something. “How about we star-gaze?” she replied, it was the first thing that came to her mind.

Spike shrugged. “Alrighty then. Lets star-gaze.” he approved.

The two of them both looked upwards, staring at the starry sky. It was clear and dark, only a few clouds were present which made it easy for them to spot the different constellations which Twilight had so effortlessly taught Spike. He loved the stars and had grown an interest in them for a few years now. It amazed him that there were so many twinkling lights in the night sky and that nearly all of them formed patterns or shapes.

“Sweetiebelle?” Spike asked.

“Hmm?” she replied.

“Why did you decide to date me?”

Sweetiebelle didn’t really know how to answer this. She liked him and he cared for her. That was all she really knew; also, he was a great kisser.

“Well, you’re a great kisser and I like a guy who knows how to treat a lady in a proper way. Your very chivalric you know, you’re always looking out for me. That’s why I decided to date you,” she answered in a gleeful tone and she looked him in the eyes by turning her head. His chest was hard and yet, his scales made it comfortable; she didn’t want to take her head away, his abdomen was a nice pillow.

“Why do you ask?”

“Oh no reason. Just curious that’s all. I’m still trying to get my head around all this, it happened quite fast.” Spike replied and he looked her in the eyes too and he caressed her non-burnt cheek. Her white fur was nice and soft. It was like a kitten’s coat, he could stroke it all night and surely she wouldn’t mind.

Sweetiebelle giggled, “Oh your silly, Spike. I would only date someone if I loved them.” she held the hand that Spike had caressed her with; she did like the feel of his hand against her face. It just felt so romantic. “I don’t ever want to be heart broken, Spike. So promise that you’ll stay with me.”

Spike smiled and moved her hair out of her face.

“I promise that I will always stay with you, Sweetiebelle. You are a beautiful girl in both appearance and personality; and only a jealous fool would miss that.”

This made Sweetiebelle blush deep as he cheeks were stained with a crimson colour. That was the sweetest and cutest thing that she had ever heard Spike say and she was most definitely cherish those words.

“Thanks, Spiky.” she thanked and her voice broke as she did.

Spike chuckled, “Not a problem Squeakiebelle.” he assured and he pulled her head closer to his as he pulled her in for a kiss.

The kiss was long. It was passionate. And it was glorious! The kiss was pure love itself as it was a declaration that neither of them would part from each other. Spike, held Sweetie by the hand and nape and as her stroked her hair during the kiss.

Sweetiebelle was still blushing deep but she loved the kiss all too much and she wouldn’t dare be the first to break away. She held the kiss for as long as she could. Her hands were behind Spike’s head as she felt his green spikes. They were tough and remarkable.

Spike closed his eyes and so did Sweetie. They were enjoying themselves and the kiss, which was bringing the night to life. Nothing was going to ruin this perfect moment, and even if a teacher were to find them, they would not separate. They would defy them and the rule until the end. They did not care if they got expelled; they had no fear of that. Rarity and Twilight wouldn’t be able to scold them over loving one another.

Spike pulled away so that he could take a breath, and so did Sweetiebelle. They were both blushing but they went for another kiss, the night was becoming better by the minute. This time Sweetiebelle pulled Spike in, and the kiss was just as, if not even better then the last one. It wasn’t as long though as they were still short of breath. Eventually they broke the kiss before the suffocated.

Spike and Sweetiebelle looked each other in the eyes yet again, both having the love and romance printed all over them.

“Enjoy yourself?” Spike asked, even though he knew the answer, he just wanted to hear her cute voice.

“Of course!” she replied and she laid her head back on his chest, still gazing at him.

Spike smiled and stroked her hair again.

“I have something for you, Spiky.” she began. “I bet you’re going to love it.”

Spike looked at her with surprise. He wasn’t expecting a gift; if he were he would’ve gotten her something too.

“What is it?” he asked curiously.

“A song. I’ve been practicing it for a while, for when I finally found a boyfriend. I want to sing it to you.”

She awed spike, he couldn’t believe that he was going to her sweet ad cute voice sing him a song.

“The sparkle in your eye,
The warmth of your skin.
Your breath on my neck,
That shakes me within.

The touch of your hand,
The smell of your hair.
The naughtiness in your smile,
That strength in your stare.

Your kiss on my lips,
Your body near mine.
The stroke of your touch,
That feeling inside.

The Compassion in your embrace.
The power in your face.
The beating of your heart.
That we may never part

The beauty of your kiss,
and that magic in your touch.
It is for all these reasons and more,
Why I love you so...”

Sweetiebelle stopped singing; that was the end of her most beautiful song.

“How was it?” she asked eagerly, she had never sung that to anyone before and she was nervous to see if it was actually good.

Spike was in awe. He gazed at her. Her heavenly voice had captivated him. “It was beautiful, Sweetie.” he spoke, sounding entranced.

“Really? You liked it?” Sweetiebelle asked, as she blushed again. She had just admitted all of her feelings to him and she was so glad the he liked it.

Spike nodded.

“Of course. Your voice is heavenly, it’s like an angels.” he reassured.

Sweetiebelle smiled, kissing him on the forehead and hugging him tightly. This night was turning out to be the most memorable night ever.

“Thanks Spiky, I’m glad you liked it.”

For the rest of the night Spike and Sweetiebelle did nothing but lay down and stargaze. They talked about their past adventures and how much fun it was to be a child. they also discussed their future and how they thought it was going to turn out and what they were going to be. Spike had not the slightest idea, but Sweetiebelle went on about how Rarity wanted her to take over Carousel Boutique but she wanted to be a famous singer who brought smiles to people’s faces. She wanted to brighten the world with her sonnets and poems. That was her dream, and Spike thought that it was a exquisite dream, one that he hoped she achieved, one that he would help her accomplish. It was safe to say, that the night was a success.

Sweetiebelle closed her eyes, and slowly began to dose off, her head still on his chest.

Spike continued to stroke her hair and caress her cheek, he knew she liked that and it helped her sleep. They were probably going to spend the entire night out here now, as he didn’t wish to wake her up.

Spike let her sleep for next few hours as he just lay there, remembering all the beautiful moments that they had experienced tonight, he would not forget a single on of them. He even began to recite the song that Sweetiebelle had sung him, it was hard but her managed to remember it. These memories of their first date would last a lifetime, and he would treasure every single one of them to his dying breath.

A dragon was loyal to those he loved, and he loved Sweetiebelle ever so much so he would remain loyal to her for as long as she remained loyal to him. He glanced the Sleeping Beauty that lay on his chest as if it were a pillow. He smiled, she was wonderful unicorn; pretty in every way. Her thoughts stunned him and her beauty captivated him. Her charm drove him and her love bound him.

Her breathing was soft and she slept with a smile, her face for as beautiful as an angel’s and her emerald eyes were hidden behind her eyelids, which were protected by a set of divine eyelashes. Her ears, which pointed out of her hair, were as soft as a puppy’s and her hair had the cutest curls that perfectly contrasted the pink and purple.

Spike continued to glare at her beauty, but as time passed something began to seem wrong with her. It wasn’t her that was wrong, but it seemed that her breathing had increased, in fact it had increased, her breathing was getting faster and she began to rock in her sleep. Spike sat up, holding her as she rolled and wriggled.

“Sweetiebelle, what’s wrong?” he asked in a whisper.

Sweetiebelle’s eyelids eventually began to quiver and soon her eyes shot up and she shot up. Breathing heavily and a few tears fell from her eyes. She had just had a nightmare. She pat her chest frantically as if she was checking for a wound or an injuring.

Spike held her close and she slowly came to the realization that it was all a dream.

“It was only a dream. It was only a dream...” she repeated to herself as she recovered from her shock.

“Sweetiebelle, what’s wrong?” Spike asked concerned, caressing her cheek again.

“I-It was just a nightmare, Spike... I-I’m alright.” she said, trying to sound reassuring as she didn’t wish to scare him. She had had a terrifying dream.

“Do you want to talk about it?”

Sweetiebelle shook her head as he asked. It was painful, and kind of awkward to talk about.

“That’s okay, Sweetie. I understand if you don’t want to talk about it.” Spike said as he hugged her tightly and he wiped away the tears from her cheeks, being careful of her burn.

He was still concerned for her though. Maybe it was time to heard back, it was way past midnight and they needed a good night sleep for tomorrow, which was their first classes.

“Do you wanna head back?” Spike asked her, breaking her hug and smiling at her, letting her know that he was there for her.

Sweetiebelle nodded at him. It was time for the date to end. Although, she had a wonderful time with Spike.

“Alright then.” he stood up and took her hands, helping her to her feet and the two of them began to walk back to the school.

Even though the night ended on a horrible note, the overall success of the night was astounding as both of them had the both experienced the best night ever.

Spike though, as he led Sweetiebelle back, was still very curious as to what Sweetiebelle had dreamt that made her scared.