• Published 26th Apr 2014
  • 3,763 Views, 85 Comments

Hearts of Class - ImAPonyXY

This story is a love story between Sweetiebelle and Spike. Both are teenagers now and the story is anthro. It may also be NSFw at times so read with care. Enjoy.

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Chapter Four

Canterlot School for Equestria's Gifted

Lyvia continued to stair at the key, which she was holding in her hand. A tear dripped from her eye as the memories of that day flooded her mind.

“Why... Why do I have to remember this now?” she cried out, more tears falling from the ducts. Her voice projected throughout the dark, silent and empty halls.

She closed her hand into a fist, gripping the key tightly until her hand began to bleed, she let the blood ooze onto her knuckles and from there drip onto the cold, hard floor.

“God fucking dammit, dad!” she yelled out loudly as she let her emotions take control of her. More tears dripped from her eyes and rolled down her now wet cheeks. She collapsed to her knees and covered her face with her hands. She broke down and sobbed loudly.

“Why? Why? WHY!?” she cried out, enraged by the memories that tormented her now.

She kept crying, trying to drain away the events that flashed throughout her mind with her tears that streamed down her cheeks.

“Lyvia?” called a soft, kind, and sweet sounding voice which sounded all too familiar. “Lyvia are you alright?” the voice sounded as though it was getting closer.

Lyvia brought her hands off her face and she looked up, staring up at the person who had spoken her name. To her shock, it was Sweetiebelle. Fear overwhelmed her face as she saw the white unicorn approach her; she didn’t want her to see her like this.

“Sw-Sweetiebelle!” she weakly said, tears still rolling down her face.

Sweetiebelle frowned at seeing her friend like this; she wandered over to Lyvia and sat next to her.

“What’s wrong?” she asked softly, concerned for her. ‘This isn’t like you.”

Lyvia glared at her, fear still expressed on her face. She wasn’t able to answer, she couldn’t stand having Sweetiebelle seeing her like this; she was broken, weak and helpless. Lyvia gulped, she would have to answer her at some point.

“It’s... It’s just... the memories.” she managed to say, looking away from Sweetiebelle as she did. She was ashamed.

“Memories? What memories?” she inquired, “Lyvia, what ever your remembering is breaking you.”

Lyvia whimpered a little at that thought, she didn’t know what was happening to her, she was becoming weak and helpless, but she wanted to fight that. She couldn’t bear to go back to the way she was. She couldn’t trust anyone, and as soon as Sweetiebelle recognised her last name, she would find out her tragic life. Never the less, she would find out at some point, perhaps she would help her along and hope that Sweetiebelle would remain her friend.

“You know my last n-name right?” Lyvia asked.

Sweetiebelle eyed her and rubbed her back, hoping to cheer her up, “Yeah, Sounds, right?”

Lyvia nodded. “And I’m from Fillydelfia...”

Sweetiebelle’s eyes widened.

“Wait! Your that girl who killed your entire family?!”

Lyvia gulped and looked down, covering her face again as even more tears streamed from her eyes and down her cheeks. She had no idea that that whole event was being pinned on her. She thought that the world was smart enough to realise that it wasn’t her, but she was proven wrong. She was only a small, weak, little girl that relied on others for help, and yet everyone thought that she was the one who had killed her beloved mother and brother.

She shook her head.

“No... My father killed them, and I kill m-my father...” she weakly said. “Then he tried to kill me.”

Sweetiebelle frowned and pulled Lyvia into a hug. It was a warm, tight, and caring hug; it was something that she needed right now. She needed to know that someone still cared for her, but she didn’t want to be betrayed again, she wouldn’t be able to handle it.

Lyvia smiled and cherished the hug; she put her head on Sweetiebelle’s shoulder and began to cry once more.

Sweetiebelle stroked her hair and pat her back hoping that she could calm her down.

“Hey, it’s alright. Don’t be ashamed about this. It’s perfectly normal to feel sad about something like this.” Sweetiebelle said comforting.
“But it was two years ago!” Lyvia said back, but her words were slightly muffled by Sweetie’s shoulder.

“Memories always reappear, and you’ll never forget what happened. You lost your entire family and everyone you loved. You lost everything you needed, it’s normal to feel sad about this, even scary at times.”

Lyvia smiled, she was glad that someone was there for her, and she was glad that Sweetiebelle still saw her as a friend. “Rea-Really?”

“Yeah of course. Why would I lie to you?” she stood up, helping Lyvia to her feet as she did. “Now c’mon, we should head back to our dorm and get a good night sleep. We have a big day tomorrow.”

Lyvia nodded, she wiped her eyes and her cheeks, sweeping away the tears, she couldn’t let anyone else see her like this.

“O-Okay,” she began to walk with Sweetiebelle, a smile still beaming on her face.

-- The Next Day --

After waking up, everyone had gotten dressed and was heading down to the food hall for breakfast, including Spike. Spike was walking down the old hallways as the warm, morning sun glared through the windows and lit up the school. He was just one in a crowd of a thousand and he looked around excitedly, seeing if he could see Sweetiebelle or Lyvia.

He turned a corner, and astoundingly he ran into Sweetiebelle.

“Hey Sweetiebelle.” he said with a smile.

“Oh hey Spike, can I talk to you for a moment?” she asked, sounding a little worried, “It’s about Lyvia.”

Spike looked a little unsure, but he nodded and agreed to it. “Yeah sure.” he said simply, hoping that it wasn’t bad news.”

“I saw Lyvia crying last night.”

Spike looked at her weirdly. He didn’t believe that Lyvia even had emotions.

“Are you sure?” he asked, “That doesn’t sound like Lyvia at all.”

Sweetiebelle nodded. “I’m sure.” she looked down, “You know her last name right?”

Spike nodded. “Yeah, it’s Sounds” he had read it off from Sweetiebelle’s dorm sheet. “Wait, you don’t mean, that she’s that girl from Fillydelfia who killed her entire family?”

Sweetiebelle shook her head, she felt slightly uncomfortable revealing all this, but Spike needed to know.

“No, her father was the one that killed her family, and she killed her father.” she took Spike’s hand, “She’s mourning for them, Spike.”

Spike came to the realisation that Lyvia did actually have feelings, that she more real than he had though and not just a mindless robot that ran on programed instinct.

“So, she misses them?”

Sweetiebelle nodded. “Of course she does, anyone would.”

“I see. What do you want me to do about it though?” Spike asked, he was unsure on what to do; he didn’t know how to handle a situation like this.

“I need you to choose at least one class with her, so that she has a friend that she can trust with her. You never know when she might need you. Or vice-versa. Can you do that?” Sweetiebelle pleaded, she need Spike to do this, she knew that she wouldn’t be able to go with her; all the classes she wanted would never suit the interests of Lyvia.

Spike thought to himself for a while, he assumed that she would choose some hard-core classes but he would need to go with her. The trust between them couldn’t afford being torn and he valued her as a friend; and if she needed comfort she would get it, and he would be the one to give it to her.

“Alright.” he announced, “I’ll do it, I’ll stay with her and comfort her. It’s the least I can do for her.”

Sweetiebelle smiled and pulled him into a deep hug. “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” her voice cracked as she spoke.

Spike hugged her back and chuckled slightly. “No need to thank me, Squeakiebelle. I’m happy to do it.”

He pulled away from the hug and kissed her forehead. “Right, do you wanna head over to breakfast now?”

“Yeah, Lyvia’s already down there.”

The two of them held hands as they began to walk down the now empty hallways and headed towards the food hall, which wasn’t very far away. When they reached it, they saw that it was packed with students of all years. There was a group of people playing musical instruments, and another group singing loudly with their heavenly voices. Some people were arm-wrestling and others were writing. Nearly everyone was exercising his or her talents.

Over in the far corner though, was Lyvia, who sat alone. She was wearing her signature attire as usual and she had a bowl of cereal in front of her that she ate slowly. She had her cool about her and she seemed so much calmer than what Sweetiebelle had implied.

“Sweetiebelle. She seems fine.” Spike revealed, “She doesn’t seem upset.”

“Spike, do you really think that she’s going to appear weak in front of the whole school?” she replied as she and Spike walked over to get some food.

There was toast, pancakes, porridge, cereal and of course gems up for offer. Of course it was all free as well being that the school had to feed their students. Spike grabbed a large bowl of gems while Sweetiebelle took a pancake and some porridge. After they had gotten their food they ventured over to Lyvia’s table and sat down.

Sweetiebelle was sitting next to Lyvia and across from Spike who had already began to engulf his gems.

“Feeling better Lyvia?” she asked her, smiling.

Lyvia nodded. “They’re just memories now. They can’t hurt me,” she admitted. She had become strong again, but that could change at any moment.

She had a bandage around her hand which she had made bleed from the key which sat in her pocket. She fiddled around with the bandages on her hand; she couldn’t believe that she had let her emotions get the better of her.

“Okay, well that’s good to here. We’re here if you need us.” she smiled, rubbing her back and she began to eat her breakfast, she was starving.

Lyvia smiled a little, but she wouldn’t, no, she couldn’t let this happen again, it wasn’t like her and this was the last thing she needed in her life. Reliving that life was torturous. So she too, went back to eating.

After they had finished the three of them stood up and left for the main hall to choose their subjects. Everyone was anxious and nervous; they would have to choose their subjects, which would determine their classes for the next few years.

Once reaching upon the main hall, it wasn’t very full as there weren’t very many juniors. There was the headmaster as well as various teachers all around the room. Each teacher had a list that they would place down the names of their future students who would wish to do their class. The headmaster stood up and began to speak.

“Good morning, students.” he spoke calmly, “today you shall be choosing your classes for the next few years. I suggest you choose wisely as you will only be offered this choice again when you finally become seniors.”

Murmured chatter broke out between everyone, as they were clearly excited. They separated off and visited the teachers, having their names taken down by them. Among them, was Lyvia who had walked off away from Spike and Sweetiebelle again.

“So what classes are you going to choose, Sweetiebelle?” Spike asked.

“Umm... I’m going to do design, fashion and definitely Singing.” she replied, what are you going to do, Spike?”

“Well Twilight wants me to do magical studies and mathematics... but I was also going to do a subject that Lyvia was going to do.”

Sweetiebelle nodded and the two of them split up to choose their subjects. Spike chose mathematics and magical studies first before he went over to Lyvia who was at the Advanced Martial Arts class.

“Hey, Lyvia. What subjects are you doing?” Spike asked her.

“None of your business, Spike. I chose what I wanted to do.” she replied.

“Okay. So you wanna do Advanced Martial Arts as well?”

“Isn’t it obvious?” she said as she placed her name down.

“Should I do this subject as well?” he asked her.

Lyvia sighed and turned around to look at him.

“How about you do what you want to do, and not let my opinion influence you. You should learn to take some initiative,” she explained to him.

“Okay then.” he said nervously as he also placed his name down for the subject.

Both Lyvia and Spike met up with Sweetiebelle in the main hallway that exited the main hall. They quietly walked down the hallways until they reached one of the courtyards. Their classes didn’t start until tomorrow.

Once they reached the courtyard, the saw that they were surrounded by beautiful stonework with stunning carvings in them of the Royal Family.

“Wow, this place is beautiful. I love it!” Sweetiebelle said loudly with her voice cracking yet again.

“Yeah I know. We should come here more often.” Spike replied.

Lyvia remained quiet she just took a leaned against a statue of Celestia that towered over the courtyard itself.

“Do you want to come back her tonight?” Spike asked Sweetiebelle, “You know, on a sort of date?”

Sweetiebelle smiled and did a tackle hug on him, knocking him to the ground.

“YES!!!” she screamed loudly. Even though they were only dating for a day, they couldn’t afford to take things slow with the rule in place.

Lyvia glared at them. “You two are going to get into trouble,” she said simply, but a small smirk appeared on her face.

Spike and Sweetiebelle both looked at her. “What do you mean, we won’t be caught.”

“You will. You can’t run away from the inevitable.” she crossed her arms again, staring off into the sky.

It was a clear, sunny day with only a few fluffy clouds in the sky. It was beautiful and the warmth of the sun’s rays beamed down and gave the place such a happy feel.

It was settled, Spike and Sweetiebelle had a date for tonight, they would make there way down to this courtyard late at night, hopefully avoiding teachers so they wouldn’t get into trouble. Once here they would most likely spend a few hours star gazing hopefully kissing too.

Author's Note:

There's nothing really for me to say here, just you know, leave a comment for any feedback or suggestions.