• Published 26th Apr 2014
  • 3,762 Views, 85 Comments

Hearts of Class - ImAPonyXY

This story is a love story between Sweetiebelle and Spike. Both are teenagers now and the story is anthro. It may also be NSFw at times so read with care. Enjoy.

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Chapter Eight

Glowing Lies

“Spike wait!” called out Lil’ Dew from behind.

Spike was surprised as to how she managed to even talk in a state like she was in. So he turned around to face her wondering what was wrong.

“What is it?” he asked curiously, noticing the little mare running towards him.

“D- Don’t go... please!” she begged and she hugged him tightly.

Spike didn’t know what to do; he was a surprised. However, he guessed that she would just want company.

“I- I need someone... anyone... to stay with me... I don’t want to be alone!” she continued to beg, still hugging the dragon tightly.

Spike let out a soft smile and hugged her back. Of course he would stay with her, if its what she wanted right now he would do it. She needed it.

“Alright, I’ll stay here for a little while longer.”

“Thank you...” she replied; really quietly.

Spike sat down and she sat down next to him. They could see the walls of the school grounds in front of them and they could feel the forest behind them. He smiled at her again and stroked her soft hair as tears still dripped from her eyes.

“Do you... do you really think what I did wa- was right?” she asked.

“Well... you had good intentions and I’m thankful that you saved us... but... It’s a shame that he had to die.” Spike replied. “I’m not going to lie to you, Lil’ Dew, but killing someone is never right.”

Lil’ Dew looked down and her tears soaked the grass under them, his words made her feel worse. She hadn’t done the right thing well at least, not in his eyes. She had done a bad thing; she was a bad girl, just like what her parents always said.

“So I’m a bad girl, right...?”

“Huh?” Spike sighed and rubbed her back, “no you’re not. You did a good thing in saving our lives. You’re a good girl.”

“But he’s dead!” she cried out in anger and frustration. Spike was making no sense to her; first she did a good thing, then a bad thing and now a good thing again. She just didn’t know anymore.
“I know, and wish that he wasn’t so you’d be alright. But you saved our lives. You took away one life so that two may live. That’s called being a hero, Lil’ Dew. Sometimes though, hero’s don’t get the praise they deserve even if they did a good thing.”

Lil’ Dew looked at him weirdly; no one had ever called her a hero before, she always seemed to just do something wrong or stupid. She was glad to have a friend like him.

“Do you, really think that?” she inquired, desperate for an honest answer.

Spike nodded, “Of course. I did say that I wasn’t going to lie to you.”

Without hesitation Lil’ Dew hugged him again tightly, pressing her shaking and scared body against his. She wanted a friend like, because he actually cared about her and what happened in her life. That was more than she could say for her family.

The two of them held each other in embrace for a while longer. Spike was pondering how they would get out of this mess while Lil’ Dew wondered how long she would have friends like him. However suddenly, both train of thoughts were interrupted when the sound of Sweetiebelle’s voice travelled across the plains.

“Spike! Lil’ Dew!” she cried out, running towards the two of them. She was holding her heels in her hands as she ran so she wouldn’t trip.

Spike looked around and saw her.

“Sweetiebelle? What are you doing here?” he asked her as she reached them. “Shouldn’t you be in class by now?”

“I would ask you that too. Look, I have something really important to say.” she looked at Lil’ Dew mainly, “he’s not dead.”

This took Spike by complete surprise, surely she wasn’t talking about the senior, as in he had a knife stuck in his neck.

On the other hand, this made Lil’ Dew extremely happy. She hadn’t committed murder, and he hadn’t seen her when he stabbed him so she wouldn’t be caught out.

“You mean... he’s not dead!” Lil’ Dew asked with anticipation.

Sweetiebelle only nodded. “Yeah, he’s a live.”

“YES!!!” Lil’ Dew shouted out. She was so glad that she hadn’t killed anyone.

“But Sweetiebelle, He was stabbed in the neck! How could he have survived that?” Spike asked, having a feeling that something wasn’t right.

“I don’t know, Spiky. I just know that he was still breathing and he still had a pulse.” Sweetiebelle explained. “He also stopped bleeding as well.”

“Where is he now, I need to see this!” Spike asked urgently.

“You can’t Spike, I took him to the school infirmary so he’ll live.” she replied. “Look I didn’t them that you were involved,” she looked at Lil’ Dew as she said that. “I only told them that he tried to kill me and Spike but he fell on a rock.”

“So I’m... So I’m safe?!” Lil’ Dew questioned; looking at Sweetiebelle hopefully.

“Yep. No one suspects you.”

Lil’ Dew’s face of concern and worry quickly changed into one of happiness and joy. She no longer had to live in secret and fear of being caught for murder. Yet, never the less, she was still curious as to how the senior survived. She doubted anyone would be able to survive such an assault.

“I’m safe... Oh great Celestia I’m safe!” she sat down next to a tree and took a giant breath of relief. This was all too much for her; the stress of everything was unbearable. She would never do anything like that every again, not even if she needed too.

Spike smiled at Sweetiebelle and then looked at Lil’ Dew.

“That’s right, we’re all safe, and he’s going to get into trouble for trying to kill us.” he said. “It feels great knowing that it all worked out.”

“Do you know why it worked out?” spoke a voice from out of nowhere. “Or do you just plan on saying that it was a miracle?”

The three of them looked around peculiarly trying to find out where the voice had come from and where the owner of it was. Since it didn’t seem to be coming from any particular direction it was very hard to pinpoint it.

As they look around a cruel laughter boomed out. “I’m in the tree, dumbasses!”

They looked up to see none other then Lyvia Sounds.

She was sitting on a branch not too high above Lil’ Dew. In her hand was her pocketknife, which looked oddly similar to the one that Dew used to attack that senior.

“Lyvia? What are you doing her?” Spike growled and he demanded an answer. He didn’t trust her anymore. “I thought you’d be off dobbing me and Sweetiebelle in to the principal?!”

“Wait what?” Sweetiebelle turned to Spike in confusion.

“She said that she’d expose us if I didn’t help her burn a log book being sent to the princess. But I can’t do that because I’m loyal to royalty.”

Sweetiebelle glared up at the traitorous bitch that sat before them. She couldn’t believe that Lyvia would do something like that, she thought that they were friends.

“What is your problem Lyvia? How could you do something like this!” she was angry, very angry with Lyvia.

There was silence between the four of them for a while. Lil’ Dew, Spike and Sweetiebelle were all glancing up at Lyvia who seemed to have secrets worth revealing. Lyvia smirked and put away her knife before glancing down at them again.

“Are you sure you really want to know?” she began, “Because if you do, then you have to promise that you’ll forgive me for whatever you here.”

“What do you mean Lyvia? Why in Equestria would we forgive you?!” Spike yelled out, again demanding an answer.

“Because I will explain everything, all my action, my motives and my goals in hopes that you, my friends, will understand.” she took a deep breath, “So do you really want to here it?”

Spike took a second to pause, he didn’t know if her was ready to here all this. Lyvia was such a secretive girl and by revealing all of her secrets then they could know everything. But, since they were all secrets, they might not want to hear them.

However, before Spike could open his mouth, Sweetiebelle chimed in and replied with only a simple, yet determining, “Yes.”

“Yes we want to know!”

Author's Note:

Hey guys, sorry about the short chapter and the long wait but I'm doing exams at the moment and I'm devoting my time to study. Also, at this point, i would really like to know what you guys want to happen because as I said, I have no plan for this story and I'm running out of ideas.