• Published 26th Apr 2014
  • 3,762 Views, 85 Comments

Hearts of Class - ImAPonyXY

This story is a love story between Sweetiebelle and Spike. Both are teenagers now and the story is anthro. It may also be NSFw at times so read with care. Enjoy.

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Chapter Three

Lyvia Sounds

-- Two years prior to the events of the story –

Lyvia woke up one, cold morning to the sounds of her parents calling her down for breakfast. She groaned and rolled over, looking at the alarm clock; it was 8:35 am. She shot up and out of bed, dressing into her usual attire of her Red, hooded, zip-up jumper, with her white shirt exposed, she was also wearing blue, flexible jeans. However, she was also wearing shoes, not boots, but black shoes. She left her room and ventured downstairs.

Lyvia Sounds was a 12 year old, peaceful girl who hated pointless violence. She had a loving family who had adopted her when she was only five. She attended Fillydelfia Primary School, which her parents supported. They also helped with anything she needed, she loved her family. Her house was Three Stories high with over 12 rooms. She had an older brother who protected her from bullies and other nasty predators in the world. He showed no emotion to anything he did and was a star-student at school. He was 17, and his name was Blazer Sounds.

Lyvia adored him and his love towards her. However, today was awfully quiet, usually he would training outside which would cause a lot of noise, but today it was silent. Anyway, Lyvia enjoyed the peace. She continued on back down stairs until she reached the bottom. That when she felt a hard smash on her head and she fell to the ground, darkness consumed her consciousness as she drifted off.

The last thing she saw was the body of Blazer who's blood was drowning him and he said to her, "Remember... what I taught you... please..."

When she finally woke up she found herself unable to move. When she truly gained focus she found that she was tied to a post. The post was on the roof of the Third Story, she began to panic madly, she was scared of heights.

"Daddy? Mummy?" she tried hard to loosen the ropes around her wrists and abdomen by kicking and squirming.

As she wriggled around she heard an insane chuckle that oddly sounded to be her father.

"Daddy?" She whimpered quietly, scared that it was actually him who had done this.
A large man stepped out onto the roof eyeing her and holding a sword with blood covering it.

"Yes, it's your daddy, sweet heart!" the man spoke roughly and he chuckled once more.

"You-You can untie me now, please?" she pleaded with him. "Mummy and Blazer aren't going t-to like this,” she weakly explained.

The man burst out into laughter.

"They're Dead!" he yelled and he raised the sword. "AND YOU'RE NEXT!"

Lyvia breathing hastened quickly and she shut her eyes tight. She began to thrash around against the ropes in one last desperate attempt to get free. Then, the words of her dead brother echoed throughout her head. "Remember what I taught you,” she repeated quietly as she began to calm herself down; controlling her breathing and releasing herself from fear. She them tried to slip her hands free from the knot. This was a special technique that Blazer had taught her.

It worked and she got her hands free. She shot her eyes open in happiness. "It worked!"

Her father eyed her as he walked slowly and ever so closer to her. "Good work, sweetie, but you still won't be able to get free from the other ropes."

Lyvia searched rapidly around the ropes to find the knot so she could untie. With her wriggling around she was able to loosen it enough to slightly shift around. So when her father swung downward with his sword, she was able to dodge the blade, and the ropes were cut.

"Yes!" she yelled loudly in excitement, but now she had to get away. She wasn’t going to go near the edge of the roof; the height would give her a heart attack for sure.

"What!?" her father said, astounded, "You're supposed to die!"

"Y-You're not going to kill me now, daddy!" she ducted under him, running straight past and making a beeline for the rooftop door. Freedom was so close. Once she would get down there she would get the police and be safe again, but her father's next words crushed the idea of freedom.

"I have the key." he reached into his pocket and pulled out a key "and that door is locked. So if you want it, come and get it."

Lyvia stood there in pure fear, she didn't know what to do, she would have to confront him and she would surely be killed in the process. Her breathing went up again and so did her heart rate. Her death was standing right in front of her, all he had to do was swing his sword and spill her blood.

But then, Blazer's words echoed throughout her head again.

She then came to a realisation, "I have to be strong, I will avenge his death!" she yelled out and she began to charge at her dad.

His dad laughed loudly, "I must admit, there's a certain beauty to your resistance." and he swung his sword. But only to miss as Lyvia had ducked and weaved around his attack.

When she was close enough she grabbed is hand and lower arm, and sunk her teeth deep into his wrist, which made him drop his sword.

"AAAAARRRHHH!!! STUPID GIRL!!" He kicked her but then was blocked by her leg.
She let away her teeth, blood dripping from her mouth and she picked up the sword.
"No dad, it's your turn to die!" she said as she charged at her now petrified dad and sunk the blade deep into his neck, nearly decapitating him.

Her dad now lay dead on the rooftop, her whole family was dead now. She wouldn't go back to orphanage as she would never be adopted again, and if she ran off to the police they would surely arrest her for murder. She couldn't trust anyone anymore; everyone was a potential enemy. She searched the corpse for the key, and soon found it. Freedom was now hers, but what would she do with it?

-- Present Day –

Lyvia stood in the shadows of the unilluminated hallways, holding the key in her hand. "Why am I remembering this now?" she asked herself.

Author's Note:

- Because every badass character has daddy problems. Enjoy Lyvia's backstory.