• Published 1st Apr 2012
  • 6,397 Views, 538 Comments

Christian and Geo in Equestria - ChrisTheCat

Two humans, one hot-headed and loud, the other cold and calculating, have been warped to Equestria.

  • ...

Veni, Vidi, Vici

Meanwhile, at the Carousel Boutique...

Geo was still staring out of the window, smiling jovially at what she had just witnessed. Rainbows were relatively common, and not exactly amazing where she came from. But that...

That was freaking epic.

From what she had guessed, she was told that Rainbow Dash was to be released today. Well, she wasn't told, she just remembered the doctor saying "You'll be here for a couple of days." She had also remembered that Dash was the fastest flier in all of Equestria, and could probably break the sound barrier.

The explosion was also multi-coloured anyway, and that just screamed Rainbow Dash.

With a content sigh, Geo went and wrapped the towel around herself so she could head downstairs. Hopefully, she could make herself a somewhat edible breakfast. Maybe pancakes. They have those here, right?

With thoughts of butter, maple syrup, sugar and lemon juice slathered pancakes filling her mind, the large girl opened the door of Sweetie Bell's room, turned towards the stairs, and slowly walked down. The floor was not any warmer than it was last night.

When Geo made it down the stairs to the main room, humming a nameless tune to herself, she was somewhat surprised to see Rarity there, working on her clothing still. She must have gotten up early...

"Uh, morning Rarity." Geo greeted, suddenly yawning. Scratching her head, she asked "So, what time did you head up to bed?"

"Oh, dear, I didn't. I stayed up all night making these odd garments for you." Rarity replied, without taking her eyes off of her work.

Geo couldn't believe it. "You...stayed up all night?" A pause. "As in, no sleep? At all?"

Rarity stopped and looked at her. "Well, of course dear. I couldn't have you spend all day indoors while I worked, so I did it while you slept." The fashionista smiled. "Besides, however challenging this was, I've had to make more difficult things in less time before."

The human girl didn't really understand how anyone could stay up all night, making clothes for someone they hardly knew. When she voiced her concerns, the seamstress just laughed it off.

"Dear, I'm the Element of Generosity. That's really an explanation in itself."

Geo nodded, muttering "Right", before walking over to Rarity and hovering over her shoulder, trying to see the clothes she'd be wearing.

Before she could see her new garments though, she was enveloped in blue magic, and pushed back slightly.

"No peeking, Geo. I'd hate for you to ruin the surprise." Rarity admonished.

"Aren't surprises more...Pinkie's style?" the human inquired.

"Yes, but I can be adventurous too, you know."

With a shrug, Geo was left with only two questions. "Uh, can you at least tell me how long they'll be? The towel isn't the best thing to be wandering this place in."

"They should be done in a little while, dear. Be patient." Rarity sniffed. "I've been up all night making these. You could show a little gratitude..."

"Hey, I am grateful!" Geo snapped defensively. "I'm just bloody cold, and wondering when I can warm up! Is that too much to ask? Bloody hell!"

The white unicorn didn't look to happy at this. She didn't say a word, however. There was no need.

The human sighed. "Look, I'm sorry. I..."

"It's alright, Geo." Rarity assured. "I know you didn't mean it."

With that, there was a long lapse in conversation between the two. Rarity worked, and Geo tried to watch. Inevitably, the human girl got bored.

"Hey, you have a kitchen?"

"Of course, dear. I'm not some kind of savage!" Rarity said, mock shock filling her voice, and probably her features, though she still faced the clothing, so it was impossible to tell.

"Uh huh...uh, you have pancake batter?"

"Yes I do. Are you going to try and cook some pancakes?"

"No, Rarity. I'm asking because I want to eat the batter on its own." Geo said jokingly.

"Very funny." Rarity replied. "The kitchen is upstairs, a few doors down from Sweetie Bell's room."

Geo just nodded, and turned towards the stairs. As she reached the bottom step, she turned towards the fashionista. "You want some?"

"I'd appreciate that, thank you."

Nodding once more, Geo walked up the stairs, walked down the hall past Sweetie Bell's room, past the bathroom, two other rooms (one was probably Rarity's room), and opened the door at the end of the hall. There, stood the immaculate white tiles of the kitchen. An oven with a stove, a fridge, a wooden table with four equally wooden chairs,

Alright. Pancakes time.

Looking around the kitchen, the human girl opened up several cupboards in search of the fabled pancake batter that she so desired. She found pretty much everything else she needed, the frying pan, the plates, knives and forks, butter, lemon juice and maple syrup. But no batter.

Finding all of these objects took the better half of twenty minutes, so when Geo finally found the batter, it was up in a high shelf, right at the back. She had needed to stand on a chair she'd pulled over from the table nearby.

"Oh that's bloody ridiculous. Who keeps pancake batter up that high?" Geo asked nobody in particular. Shaking her head, she reached up as high as she could, standing on her toes as she tried her hardest to get the batter out from its little hiding spot.

With a small hop, she managed to grab the container. From the top of the wooden chair, she then jumped down to the cold tiled floor. She didn't feel the cold, though. She was too busy with her little happy dance.

"Haha! Once again, humans come out on top over inanimate objects!" Geo cried triumphantly, thrusting the container into the air in what she had now designated her success stance.

"Alright! Let's start cooking stuff!" Geo exclaimed, and with that, walked over to the stove, turned on the gas, placed the frying pan on the flame, and got to work.


Meanwhile, at Sweet Apple Acres...

The human and farm pony had only just gotten over the fact that Rainbow Dash was out of the hospital. Applejack was overjoyed. Her friend was alright, and able to fly superbly once again. The farm pony couldn't be happier.

Christian, on the other hand, wasn't so happy.

That confounded cyan thug has returned! This will change my plans somewhat...

The two were standing next to each other, looking up into the skies above, where the Sonic Rainboom had taken place not moments ago. Applejack was imagining Rainbow Dash all healthy and joyful that she can fly. Christian was not daydreaming, he was scheming.

For this challenge, I will have to knock down more apples from the trees in this section of the orchard than 'southern beauty' over there. Easy enough.


"Huh? Oh, uh, yeah." The orange mare said, snapping out of her trance. "Alright, so, when this part o' th' orchard has been harvested completely, then we stop an' compare how many apples we bucked down."

"I am aware of the wager, pony." Christian snapped. "Are there any rules I should be aware of?"

Applejack hadn't really though that far ahead. "Uh, okay. Rule number one, the apples ya buck down have t' be ripe. If they ain't, they don' count."

Applejack thought a little more. "Rule number two...ya'll have t' use th' apples ya kicked down on yer first kick. Ya can't kick th' same tree twice. Rule number three, if Ah've kicked a tree, ya'll can't kick it, an' vice versa."

She though a little more. "That's it, really. Nothin' more to it."

Christian shrugged. "Indeed. Do we have a starting position? Do we have a referee? What?"

"Ah can go get Apple Bloom t' watch us," Applejack replied, "an' th' start can be right here."

Christian pinched the bridge of his nose. "You did not put any thought into this, did you?"

"Hey, it was yer idea!"

"Fetch your sister, pony. Then, we will see who is the best."

"Yer on!" The farm pony cried, turning and galloping towards the farmhouse, giving Christian the solitude he was so desperately hoping for.

Excellent. She is gone, and now my plans can get underway.

Christian leaned against a nearby tree, and began to plan.

The rules of the wager are based around the objective, and less around contestant safety. Not once did Applejack mention that it was illegal to cause harm to another pony. If she complains that it was unfair, then I will simply remind her that she never explicitly stated I was not allowed.

However, what objects should I buy? I already know how I will exact vengeance on Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack and Fluttershy, but Twilight Sparkle will be a little harder to deal with. Then there is the matter of the princesses to deal with.

For Pinkie Pie, I will need a tube of lipstick and some perfume. For Rainbow Dash, I just need some alcohol, and a distraction. For Fluttershy, I will need some of Applejack's apples, and a pot of water. For Rarity, I will need some gems, and Spike. For Applejack, I will have all I need for her after all of the items have been purchased.

But how to deal with that accursed lavender unicorn?

Nothing. Not a single idea came up that was devious enough.

He thought about burning the library, but that had a chance of killing her, and others, and was just too brutish for him. He thought of forging a letter to Celestia, insulting her or something similar, but quickly withdrew the thought when he remembered he would need Spike to send it. He even thought of finding some sort of journal or diary, and just revealing its contents to the world, but that would require Twilight to have a diary, and that was not a certainty.

Christian was at a loss.

How can I take her down a couple of notches?

Christian sighed heavily, giving up for the moment. I will come up with something. In the meantime, I have a wager to win.

Of course, he had to wait for Applejack to return, a prospect that he did not find very appealing. So, putting his powerful memory to use, the cruel human decided to just watch a movie. Thinking about his choices, he settled for 'The Nightmare Before Christmas', slid to the foot of the tree, and just began to watch. Granted, the barn was not very far away, so Applejack had returned with her younger sister before the 'movie' even reached the end of the first song.

When the two ponies, one yellow and one orange, arrived back at the tree they had left their human charge at, they found him slumped against the bottom of the trunk, eyes closed, a small smile on his face as he hummed a tune they were not familiar with. He seemed totally disconnected from the world around him, just sitting and humming, not a care in the world.

Applejack knew him better than that, however.

"C'mon, ya lazy ape! Ah went an' got a referee, so let's get this goin'," the blonde-maned mare said, nudging the human on the shoulder. While she was in such close proximity with him, however, she managed to smell exactly how long he hadn't washed for.

She reeled back, a hoof covering her nose. "Good gravy, ya'll stink!" she cried, causing a giggle from Apple Bloom.

Christian had just been taken from his little movie-memory-world, and that annoyed him enough. But being told he stank did not make him feel any better.

He shook his head. I cannot and will not allow the petty insults of these equine imbeciles get to me.

Rising to his feet, the Apple girls in front of him had another chance to bask in just how tall the human was before he spoke to them.

"Oh. You have returned." he said simply.

"Really? Ah hadn't noticed." Applejack remarked, before beckoning the human towards them with a hoof. "Alright, we gonna get this done with? Ah'd like t' put ya in yer place as soon as Ah can."

He said nothing, walking over to the ponies with his face scrunched up in annoyance. He had really wanted to watch that film.

"Now Apple Bloom," the orange mare addressed her younger sibling, "Ah want ya'll t' watch th' both o' us closely. Make sure he don't cheat."

"Alright, Ah can do that!" the little filly said proudly. "Ya can count on me, big sis!"

Applejack gave a small smile. "Atta girl."

Christian heard what the two of them were talking about. To be honest, he had been planning on cheating. More specifically he was going to kick Applejack in the side of the legs at the starting line, making sure she fell, and ensuring himself a head start. However, as he thought further into it, he realised something.

It would make her feel much, much worse if I am able to defeat her at her own game fairly. If I beat her out of skill alone, then I can lord it over her. She will never live it down!

Christian was smirking now. Playing fair to win. That is something I have not done for a while.

He was lost so deep in thought that he hadn't noticed the others still talking.

"Apple Bloom, Ah also need ya t' be honest." Applejack declared. "If Christian does win somehow, ya'll don't go ahead an' make me th' winner anyway."

"But sis-" the small yellow pony began, but her older sister cut her off.

"If he wins, he wins. Be honest with me, sugarcube."

Apple Bloom nodded, determined to be as honest as she could. Applejack couldn't have been prouder.

"Now then, are th' baskets all set up?" the orange mare inquired. Her sister nodded the affirmative, prompting Christian to question when they had found the time to do that. His question was promptly ignored.

"Alrighty then! Let's do this!" the farm pony cried, trotting to an area she had designated as the finish line. Christian followed suit, the ever-watching eye of Apple Bloom following him, making sure he didn't do anything he'd regret.

Applejack began to stretch her legs, getting ready for the running she was about to do. Christian, on the other hand, just began singing a song under his breath. As she warmed up, she listened in to what he was singing.

"Jack and Jill went up the hill
To fetch a pale of water,
Jack fell down, and broke his crown,
And Jill sued for damages."

He gave out a slight chuckle when he finished.

Apple Bloom was elated at aniother chance to earn her cutie mark, although a little disappointed to be doing it without her fellow members of the CMC. "CUTIE MARK CRUSADER REFEREE! YAY!" She shouted excitedly while she jumped in the air, leaving Christian asking what she was on about. Applejack just waved it off.

"Ya ready t' see who's th' better apple bucker, boy?" Applejack asked, looking over at her competetor.

She got a "Yes. Very much so," in response.

"Alright, on yer marks!" The yellow filly cried. Her sister stopped her warm ups, and got down into the customary 'racing position' that she did at the beginning of running races. Christian did something similar, bending his long legs slightly.

"Get set!" Apple Bloom called, her voice having increased in pitch. She was excited, and couldn't wait for Applejack to show Christian who was boss!

Christian saw the filly inhale, getting ready to shout 'go'. He took the chance. He quickly leaned down to Applejack's ear, and whispered, "Rainbow Dash loves Fluttershy."

It wasn't cheating, it was friendly conversation, he reasoned with himself.

The orange mare only had time for a loud "What?" before her younger sister officially began their little wager.

"GO!" Apple Bloom cried. Christian, aware of what he had done, bolted forward towards the nearest tree. Not only had he gained a head start, but he also had very long legs, causing him to cover more distance.

Applejack was still at the starting line, thinking about what she had just heard. Rainbow...loves Fluttershy? No, that ain't true, Christian's tryin' t' trick me! Well Ah won't let 'im!

"Sis? I said GO!" Apple Bloom shouted, snapping her sister out of her trance. She noticed Christian was a fair bit ahead of her, and had already kicked a few trees, sending the apples careening into the baskets below.

Oh, horseapples, he already did.

She ran as fast as she could towards the nearest tree, bucking it with all her might, and then galloped to the next one, not stopping to check if any apples even fallen from her first buck.

She kept bucking every tree with ripe apples she could see, never stopping to see if a particular tree had dropped its bounty. Christian, however, had as much time as he needed, jump-kicking the trees from side on, so when he kicked the tree, he would bounce of towards whichever tree he wished to kick next. This was a much more effective method than stopping, turning around and kicking a tree full force. He also had time to check if apples fell. To his devilish glee, they did almost every time.

Apple Bloom was following the two, trying to make out if either of them were cheating, as well as their overall progress. She wasn't happy with the current results. Applejack had bucked 20 trees so far, and was beginning to tire. She had never needed to buck trees this fast before, and the strain was taking its toll. The baskets under the trees she had bucked were full of big, red apples, none of which were unripe. Christian's baskets were pretty much the same, though his method of kicking was more efficient, and he was always at least two trees worth of fruit in front of the orange mare.

Christian looked like he could keep going for days. Either that, or he was very good at hiding his discomfort.

Apple Bloom wanted to help, but she wasn't allowed. So, she did the next best thing (at least, in her eyes). She began to cheer.

"C'mon, Applejack! Ya'll can beat that big ol' meanie! Ah know ya can!" she cheered, hoping her words would have some sort of effect on her sister.

The orange mare had needed that encouragement. Springing to her hooves as if the ground was made of hot iron, Applejack continued on, trying her hardest to keep going, her sister's words inspiring her.

Christian heard the cheering, and was glad (or as glad as was actually possible for him) that no one was cheering for him. It is little more than a distraction. Listening to the high pitched voice of Apple Bloom was not at all pleasant either. Granted, it did not distract him from his goal, but it was highly irritating.

Ugh, her voice is like an armada of tiny, angry road workers with jackhammers on my eardrums.

By Apple Blooms count, there weren't many trees left to buck. Applejack had fallen far behind in her apple quota, compared to Christian, who had far, far more. Th exact number didn't matter, only that it was higher than her sisters.

Applejack was going to lose, and there was nothing she could do about it, no matter how hard or loud her sister cheered.

That was how it was for the next few minutes, until the small section of Sweet Apple Acres that they had been competing in had run out of ripe apples to buck down.

Final score:

Applejack with 58 trees bucked, Christian with 65. The human had won.

The worst part was, he didn't even look tired.

"That was more fun than I had been expecting," Christian remarked, smirking. "I had never pictured physical labor as entertaining. Perhaps it was the added bonus of defeating you, pony."

Applejack was crestfallen. She had been bested by somepony who had not only never bucked trees before in his life, but was arrogant enough to say he could beat her after bucking a single tree. What made it worse was that he had actually done it.

"Ya'll cheated!" Applejack cried, pointing a hoof at the human. "Ya'll tried to distract me by lyin' 'bout Rainbow 'n' Fluttershy. That ain't fair!"

"If you will recall, pony, not once was it mentioned in the rules that I could not talk to you during the wager. I was simply making friendly conversation." Christian retorted.

"Ah ain't partial t' lyin' cheats."

"I did not cheat, and I did not lie."

"Ya did too cheat! Ah was there! Ya'll-" Applejack suddenly stopped. "Hold on, ya didn't lie?"

"No. For what purpose would I have to lie?" Christian inquired.

The orange mare snorted. "T' get me t' lose th' bet."

He smirked. "Oh yes, there is that."

"Admit it, ya cheater!"

"I will admit to no such thing! Veni, vidi, vici!"

"What in th' hay does that mean?"

"it means 'I came, I saw, I conquered'. I did not cheat. I defeated you at your own game fairly."

"QUIET!" Apple Bloom squealed at the top of her lungs, which was more effective than any whistle. Christian immediately covered his ears and let out a groan. Applejack, however, was used to it, though she did flinch slightly.

"Sis, ya told me t' be honest, and Ah will be." the yellow filly explained. This brought a smile to her sisters face, until Apple Bloom continued. "Ah didn't see 'im do nothin' bad. Ah didn't hear 'im whisper nothin' to ya. He won, fair 'n' square."

"But...but..." Applejack sputtered, unable to get a word out.

"I told you, I did not cheat." He flashed his teeth. "Or do you not trust your sisters judgement?"

Giving the human a spiteful glare, Applejack did not respond. Technically, he didn't cheat. He just said a few words before the start, and those few words were enough to give her pause. He didn't kick her or anything.

She sighed, hating that she was wrong. "Alright, fine. Ya beat me then. Well done." Applejack said half-heartedly.

Christian just smiled. Not is usual arrogant smirk, but what seemed to be a genuine grin. "Go and recover your purse, or whatever you use to transport your currency." He turned towards the barn, and began to walk off, clapping his hands together in excitement. "Now, we get to go shopping."

His plan was coming into fruition.

He left the Apple girls standing out in the orchard, all by themselves. The two of them had honestly expected more bragging, further psychological torment, but apparently winning was enough for him. Either that, or he was buttering them up for something...

Applejack sighed heavily. She didn't understand. How had he done it? He was so much faster, he had a better method, and all that after kicking a single tree.

She felt a hoof on her side. She looked over to see Apple Bloom patting her, trying to comfort her. She wasn't tall enough to reach her older sisters shoulder, so this was the best she could do.

"S'alright, sis," she Apple Bloom said calmingly, a comforting smile on her face, "ya did yer best. That counts fer somethin', right?"

"Yeah, I guess." the orange mare sighed once again. It just...didn't feel right. She'd been doing this her whole life, and yet, she was beaten by some cruel creature from another dimension without him having any prior knowledge on the matter.

The two walked back towards the barn in silence.

This was the next step in the large chain of events centred around the two strangest creatures in all of Equestria, now unofficial guests, Christian and Georgina.

Sorry, Geo.


Author notes: This felt...rushed, somehow. I wanted to put further detail into the wager itself, but i didn't really know how. I also noticed that this chapter is slightly shorter than usual.

Well, that settles it. I am going to get myself a proofreader. Not just for grammatical and spelling errors and small plot holes, but to improve my writing in general. There will probably be another two chapters before that happens, though.

Also, remember that the "Christian and Geo" questions system is still up and running. Ask them anything. It doesn't even have to be story related. Ask them their favourite food, pastimes, and the like. Ask them the meaning of life, or what love truly is, or similar questions, just for the hell of it.

Next chapter, Applejack and Christian go into town and buy some seemingly inconspicuous item, while the other ponies decide to meet for lunch, and discuss exactly what's going to happen next.