• Published 1st Apr 2012
  • 6,397 Views, 538 Comments

Christian and Geo in Equestria - ChrisTheCat

Two humans, one hot-headed and loud, the other cold and calculating, have been warped to Equestria.

  • ...

The Hospital

A short while later, at Ponyville General Hospital...

Upon seeing the sorry state of Rainbow Dash when Geo and Fluttershy had arrived with the cyan pegasus, the doctors had immediately sprung into action. Taking her from Geo's arms and placing her on a hospital bed and wheeling her away was one of the hardest things Fluttershy had ever had to watch.

The two had waited for hours, waiting for the doctors to say something to them. Fluttershy had been crying a lot, with Geo unable to do anything but try and comfort her and quiet her down, to no avail. The canary pegasus had repeatedly stated her worries, not knowing the full extent of Rainbow's injuries. She had been pacing in the waiting room, over and over, unable to rest.

Not long after they had arrived, the other elements arrived with Christian. His unconscious form was taken to a different part of the hospital. Geo wanted to go see, but one look at Fluttershy and she was there to comfort.

It was then that Nurse Redheart had asked for an audience with them. This was announced over the intercom.

"Fluttershy, please see Nurse Redheart in room 233, Fluttershy to room 223, thank you."

Throughout the whole walk through the white halls, Fluttershy continued to voice her concerns and somewhat dark thoughts concerning what had happened, through choked gasps and tears.

Geo was receiving odd stares from pretty much everypony, doctors and patients alike. Nopony knew what she was, the suspicion was natural. Ponies moved to the other end of hallways, as close to the walls as they could when she passed by. It was not what you would call an ego boost for the human girl.

When they arrived at the door of room 233, Fluttershy was somewhat hesitant to enter.

Geo sighed. "What's wrong, Fluttershy? You know, besides your friend being bashed by mine."

"What if she can never walk again? What of she can never fly again? Oh my goodness, it's all my fault. I was there, outside the library. I should have stopped her, I should-" Fluttershy whimpered.

Geo bent down to Fluttershy's level, and put a hand on her back. "She'll be fine, Fluttershy. Rainbow looks like a tough girl. And it's not your fault. How did you know that Christian would do what he did?"

Fluttershy was looking at the floor, now unresponsive.

"Fluttershy? I think we should head in." Geo said, trying to get a response.

Fluttershy, without a word, but with a quivering lip, opened the door to room 233, and went inside, followed by her human counterpart.

Nurse Redheart was inside, standing in front of a curtain that no doubt held Rainbow Dash behind it. She turned at the sound of the door opening, and had begun to greet Fluttershy.

"Oh good, Ms. Fluttershy, you're here. I need-" Nurse Redheart immediatley stopped talking at the sight of the human who followed the pegasus inside. She was shocked, curious, and a little frightened.

"What...is that?" Nurse Redheart asked, staring at Geo, making her slightly uncomfortable. Nopony else in the hospital had stare at her like that.

"Look lady, who and what I am doesn't matter right now. What matters is that Rainbow Dash is hurt, and we want to know how she is! So tell us already!" Geo growled at the earth pony nurse.

Nurse Redheart was still interested in what Geo was, but complied when she was the look on Fluttershy's face.

"Alright, now before I show you the patient and tell you what's wrong, I just want to assure you that she'll be fine. We've treated much worse before." the nurse assured the two. "I'm going to pull the curtains back. We've cleaned up the blood, so she will at least look presentable."

And with that, she pulled back the curtain, revealing the cyan pegasus to the two.

Lying in the bed was an unconscious Rainbow Dash, with bandages around her face. Her lower half was covered in a blanket. It was true, it wasn't that bad. It didn't stop Fluttershy from bursting into tears, though.

Geo bent down and patted the pegasus on the back for a bit once again, trying to get her to calm down. A small part of the girl was angry that she wouldn't shut the hell up, but for the most part, Geo was sympathetic.

After Fluttershy had stopped crying, Nurse Redheart continued. "Rainbow Dash has a broken nose, hence the bandages on her face, and some slight head trauma. Nothing too serious. She also has a large bruise on her stomach." the nurse shook her head. "We've had Rainbow Dash in here before for worse. Trust me, she will be fine."

Nurse Redheart didn't stop there though. "She'll need a few days in the hospital for her nose to heal, and for the damage in her head to heal itself. The bruise isn't that bad either. But I need to ask," she looked up at Geo, "how did this happen?These do not look like injuries someone would get from crashing. She had to have been fighting somepony."

Geo decided to explain. "Well, Nurse...erm..."


"Right, right...My friend Christian and I were taken from another dimension..."

From there, Geo explained their entire predicament, from being here to the fight. Nurse Redheart waited in rapt attention until the story was over before asking any questions.

"You...are a completely new species! What are you called?"


"Where are you from?"


"Are you male or female?"

"Oh come on, is it that hard to tell? I'm a girl!"

"I'm sorry, but the doctor in me wants to run so many tests on you!"

Geo thought back to Christian. "Didn't you notice the other human they brought in?"

"Um...no, I didn't. Where is it?"

"He, and you should know, it's your freaking hospital."

Nurse Redheart suddenly took off to ask someone where this 'other human' was, leaving Fluttershy and Geo alone with Rainbow Dash.

Geo looked out the door. "Hey, come back!" She gave a frustrated sigh before looking back at Fluttershy. "She's not coming back. Jesus tap-dancing Christ..."

Fluttershy was still looking over at Rainbow Dash, still unconscious on the bed. The canary pegasus still had tears in her eyes. "What...if she doesn't wake up?"

Geo frowned. "You heard the doctor. It's not as bad as it looks."


"No buts, Fluttershy. She'll be fine. trust the doctor, alright?"

"Um...not to be rude, but she's a nurse..."

"Splitting hairs, Fluttershy."


The two stood there, waiting for a while in awkward silence, the only noise in the room being the heart monitor.

Geo really didn't like the silence.

"Hey, Fluttershy, your, uh, what did you call it?"

"What did I call what?"

"The tattoo on your side."

Fluttershy brightened up slightly. 'Oh, my Cutie Mark. Yes, what about it?"

Geo paused before continuing. "Well, I was wondering, you said they just...appear after you've found your special talent?"

Fluttershy smiled, realising what Geo was doing, or rather, trying to do. "Geo, I know you're, um, trying to calm me down. A part of me knows that Rainbow Dash will be just fine...it's just, um, she's my oldest friend, and I overreacted." Fluttershy lost her smile. "I don't know what I'd do without her..."

"You really care for her, don't you?" Geo asked. What she was implying flew right over Fluttershy's head.

"I care for all of my friends."

"No, I mean you care care for her, right?"

"Are you saying that I care for her more than my other friends? I couldn't do that. I love all of my friends equally." Fluttershy smiled, still not getting at what the human was implying.

Geo sighed. "No, what I'm asking is, do you love her?"

"Yes, she's my friend."

Geo looked a little angry. "Okay, Fluttershy? There's innocence, and the there's ignorance." She shook her head slightly, before returning her gaze to the canary pegasus.

"I'm asking, are you in love with Rainbow Dash?"

Fluttershy gasped, finally getting it. "Oh, no! I mean, I love her like a friend, but...not like that! I don't like mares in that way!"

Geo was sort of confused. "So, you say you don't have feelings for her...yet you cry like you just lost a soulmate when she's even slightly hurt."

Fluttershy sighed and blushed. "I'm just...emotional like that."


Fluttershy looked at the Geo, and asked "How can you be so open about questions like that? Is...are two girls...um, normal, where you're from?"

Geo shrugged. "Well, yeah, kinda. I mean, there are people who still oppose it, but it's mostly accepted."

Fluttershy smiled. "Your world doesn't seem as bad as you make it out to be." She paused. "Um, if you don't mind me saying that, that is."

Geo was silent for a while before she responded. "My world...has a lot of problems. Seriously, a lot. We have war, we have famine and disease, poverty, you name it. But," she herself smiled, "there are good points too. It's not totally horrible, though from what the princesses told me in front of the library, Equestria is much better."

"Yeah, I guess it is...if you don't min-"

"Fluttershy, are you really that polite?" Geo laughed. "We all have our own opinions. If i don;t want to answer a question, then I'll tell you. You don't have to ask."

Fluttershy blushed a bit, and hid behind her bubblegum pink mane. "Oh, um, sorry..."

"You also don't have to apologise for every little thing." Fluttershy opened her mouth. "Don't apologise for that, either."

"Well...um, Geo..."

Geo looked at the pegasus through her glasses. "Yeah, Fluttershy?"

"Um, well, we were talking about, you know, filly-foolers earlier, and I was wondering if, um, if you don't mind me asking that is, I, um..."

Geo sighed. "Fluttershy, I'm open about who I like. It's not exactly a crime to like the same gender."

"Oh, does that mean-"

"I like both, Fluttershy. Guys and girls."

Fluttershy blushed, but looked puzzled. "Is that common in your world as well?"

"Not so much, though it's just as accepted."

"Oh, okay."

The two stood there, in more awkward silence, which was again broken by Geo, who was noticing . "So, about your cutie mark...how did you get yours exactly?"

Fluttershy lit up. "Oh, well, it all started back in my hometown of Cloudsdale..."

Geo stood there and listened to Fluttershy's whole story. The filly in question was very animated when she wanted to be. Geo thought that this pegasus just needed a little encouragement and she could be out making new friends. Fluttershy is a very nice person...er, pony, after all.

When Fluttershy had finished, she looked at Rainbow Dash on the bed. "It's all thanks to her that I got my Cutie Mark."

Fluttershy did actually have much to thank Rainbow for, and not just her Cutie Mark. Rainbow had been her only friend during Flight School, and had protected her from the bullies who made fun of her for being a poor flyer. Rainbow had also come to visit her, and was very worried about her after she realised that Fluttershy had fallen to the ground. Rainbow was her closest and best friend.

And to think, Geo thought that we were filly-foolers. Rainbow would probably laugh at that, Fluttershy thought to herself.

She truly wished Rainbow would get well soon.

Over the intercom, an announcement was made directed at Fluttershy.

"Fluttershy and company, please go to room 45, Fluttershy to room 45."

Geo looked slightly annoyed at being called 'company', but thought better of questioning it, mostly because she knew she hadn't told anyone in the hospital her name yet besides Nurse Redheart.

"Oh my...I wonder why they want us there?" Fluttershy wondered aloud.

"Well, it;s probably about Christian. They brought him here not long after we arrived." Geo laughed grimly. "I bet that took them a lot of consideration, knowing what he did to Rainbow Dash."

Fluttershy suddenly looked frightened. "W-we have to go to him? Why?"

Geo sighed. "Probably because I'm the only one here besides Christian to know anything about the human anatomy."

Geo turned to head out the door, but stopped when she realised Fluttershy wasn't following her.

"Fluttershy, they asked for both of us."

"I'd rather stay with Rainbow Dash, thank you." Fluttershy replied, still looking somewhat frightened.

Geo sighed yet again. "Come on, Fluttershy. Rainbow is fine, the doctor said so herself."


"Whatever. Anyway, you probably shouldn't mess with the people who handle Rainbow's medicine. Now let's go." Geo said, raising the volume in her voice slightly, but still causing Fluttershy to jump a bit.

"A-alright. Just let me say goodbye." The canary pegasus whimpered in defeat.

She trotted over to Rainbows bed, and gently reached over to hug the cyan pegasus. "Please get well soon," she whispered into Rainbow's ear.

She let go, and the two of them left the room, walking out the door to find room 45, and see how Christian was faring.

Though Fluttershy was genuinely worried about Christian, what he did to Rainbow Dash caused Fluttershy to care just that little bit less.


Meanwhile, in room 45...

This room was larger than other hospital rooms, as it was originally meant to treat those with viral infections. It was currently being re-purposed to accommodate Christian and his unique body structure.

Inside said large room was Christian, unconscious on a hospital bed too small for him, half of his lower legs poked out from the end of the blanket. He was still unconscious due to the vicious blow to the head he received from Applejack. Only recently had the Elements been allowed inside, as the doctors wanted to run tests to see how the human's body worked. He was completely naked, covered only by the blanket.

At the present time, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Spike were all in the room with the doctor, along with both Princesses. Most of them were glaring at Christian with hate.

"So doctor, how is he?" Asked Princess Celestia. She seemed genuinely concerned with the human in front of her, even with all that he had done. She has an incredible capacity for forgiveness. It also helps that she and Twilight Sparkle were the only ones who wanted him to go to the hospital. The others were fine to let him suffer.

"Well, this is a very interesting specimen you've brought to me, Princess. This 'human' is very similar to a chimpanzee, though it can think like we can. Actually, this particular specimen seems to be some sort of genius." The doctor, a unicorn, continued. "the magic tests we ran on it seem to confirm that it is highly intelligent.

"However, we found something disturbing on it's body." The doctor finished. He looked at everyone in the room one by one.

"What I'm going to show you may be a little distressing for you all, but try to remain calm."

The doctor turned to Christian;s unconscious form, and used his magic to move the blanket down to just above the waist. What they saw caused almost everyone in the room to gasp, even the Princesses. The doctor was the only one who seemed unfazed.

Christian's chest, shoulders, arms and stomach, and likely his back as well, were covered in scars.

These were not just small scars though. He had scars that ran the entire length of him, from his waist to his shoulder. They were deep scars as well, not just surface ones. Some overlapped each other, some were so close to each other that one had to look closer to distinguish the two.

The doctor shook his head. "It has the same amount, if not more, on its back. We counted them all, and he had more on his legs. The total amount of scars this creature has totals over five hundred."

This caused another collective gasp from the rest of the ponies in the room.

Twilight was the first to speak up. "Who...who would do something so horrible to anypony? Even Christian doesn't deserve the pain these must have caused!" She exclaimed in horror.

"Yes, about that. We assume 'Christian' was in a fight of some kind, because he has three fractured ribs and one broken one, a dislocated shoulder and minor head trauma."

The room was silent once more before Applejack spoke. "Well doctor, Christian got into a fight with Rainbow Dash, and-"

The doctor looked in shock at the human on the bed. "This did that to Rainbow? To be honest, it could have come out of this much worse."

Applejack looked at him somewhat sheepishly. "Yeah, um, Ah'm the one who bucked him in the head..."

"You did? It's a wonder it's not dead!"

The doctor looked at each of the girls in turn. "Now, we have it in a magically induced coma. We could bring it out if it, if you wish. You may want to admonish it for what it did, or ask about the scars, or anything, really." He turned to Christian. "Maybe you could also ask it about what it's been muttering in it's sleep."

"Christian's talking in his sleep? Why would he do that, there's nopony to talk to!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

Ignoring her, Twilight walked closer to the unconscious human, who was indeed, talking softly in his sleep. She could only make out a few words, however.

"I am...never...twenty seven...flowers...thank...feet together...are you...stop...my fault...knife, and...I will live..." from there, he began to repeat.

Twilight was genuinely puzzled. "I have no idea what he's on about."

"Neither does anypony else." the doctor replied.

There was a sudden knocking on the door. "Enter," called the doctor, focusing more on the scars than the ponies around him, and thus failed to notice the human and pegasus enter the room.

"Oh, Fluttershy, yer here!" Applejack cried, trotting up to the Fluttershy. "Please tell me RD's okay?"

"Oh um, Rainbow Dash will be fine. She has a broken nose and some slight head trauma and a bruise on her stomach, but she's fine otherwise. The doctor said she'll be here for a few days, but no more than that." Fluttershy replied, smiling. "She's going to be fine, everypony!" She called to the rest of the room.

"Fluttershy, dear, are you...alright?" Rarity asked. "You seem...a touch too happy, given the circumstances."

"Rarity, I'm so happy because Rainbow is going to be just fine in a few days. She isn't hurt too badly, so there's no need for me to fret!"

Pinkie looked at her. "Yeah, but Fluttershy, your all super happy and stuff. You can talk to everypony without hiding behind you mane! Why do you even do that, anyway?" Pinkie then gasped. "I could use my mane as a hiding spot next time I play hide-and-go-seek! Yay! Thanks, Fluttershy!"

Geo just stared at the pink mare, who bounced happily.

"Is she always like that?" she whispered to Fluttershy.

"Um, yes. It's annoying sometimes." Fluttershy gasped. "I can't believe I just said that. I'm a terrible friend..."

"No you aren't, Fluttershy."

"Oh, um, okay."

Geo sighed. "Alright, hey everyone." Geo called out to the room. She looked over at Christian. "So, how's he doing and everyone has seen the scars, he won't like that at all."

The doctor was staring at Geo himself. "There's another one?" She turned to the Princess. "With all due respect Princess Celestia, how many of these things do you have locked away?"

Unfortunately, Geo heard him. "Hey, screw off, buddy!" she yelled. She then noticed that the Princesses were staring at her. She blushed, and took a step back. "Ah. Right. Sorry."

The Princesses remained silent. Twilight took it upon herself to update Geo on what happened to Christian. Geo just got more and more worried, especially when Twilight mentioned he was talking in his sleep.

"What did he say?" she asked, somewhat urgently.

"I don't really remember-" Twilight began

"Then remember harder! What did he say?" Geo growled, scaring Twilight.

"Um, he said random things, like 'feet together', 'stop', 'flowers' and 'I will live.'" Twilight turned her head curiously. "Do you know what that means?"

Geo looked very distressed. "You, uh, heard that?" She sighed, seemingly in defeat. "Well, I may as well tell you what he meant. The scars, the muttering, and why he's such an, uh..." Normally Geo would call him an asshole, but she didn't think that'd be appropriate in front of royalty.

"Meanie-pants?" Pinkie interjected, in her usual bouncy fashion.

"Yeah, let's go with that."

Geo looked around. "So, uh, do you guys have, like, chairs? Because I haven't sat down since the library."

The doctor looked appalled. "Of course we do! This is a hospital!"

"Right, right."

After Geo had sat down, she cleared her throat, adjusted her glasses, looked everypony in the eye, one by one, and began the story.

This was the next step in the large chain of events centred around Equestria's two strangest creatures, Christian and Georgina.

Sorry, Geo.


Author note: This one seems...of lower quality than the others. I don't know why, but I can;t shake the feeling that this is a really crappy chapter. *sigh* Oh well.

Next chapter, we delve into the past life of Christian, and we get to see exactly why he is such a dick to everyone and everypony. See you tomorrow.