• Published 1st Apr 2012
  • 6,398 Views, 538 Comments

Christian and Geo in Equestria - ChrisTheCat

Two humans, one hot-headed and loud, the other cold and calculating, have been warped to Equestria.

  • ...

The Other Human

Celestia stood up straight. "Don't worry girls. Luna and I will take care of this." With that, the princesses of the Sun and Moon walked into the library to confront this wicked creature. They closed the door behind them.

Twilight turned to the remaining Elements, looking at them with a twinkle in her purple eyes.

"Don't worry, girls. If anyone can teach Christian some manners, it's the Princess." With that remark, Twilight smiled, confident that her words would ring true.

The girls relaxed slightly, though what Christian did to Rarity and Spike was still fresh in their minds.

"Do ya'll think these humans are all like that?" Applejack asked, not to anyone in particular.

"Well, we've only spoken to one." Rainbow countered. "We can'T really find out."

The group fell silent, not really sure where to go from there. The silence was broken by Applejack, who looked behind them, at the wall of the library next to the door.

"Well, there is one way..."

Fluttershy was the first of understand what she meant, and immediately began to panic. "No, please! I-I don't want the other one near me too!"

"Sugarcube, she is near you."

"Yes, but, um, it isn't awake." Fluttershy turned to Twilight. "Please don't wake it up, Twilight, I beg you!" Fluttershy stood there, her face rather close to Twilight's. Fluttershy noticed the proximity, and backed off. "I mean, if that's alright with you..."

Twilight sighed. "Guys, I think we should wake it up. After all, we need as many sides to the story as possible."

Applejack and Rainbow nodded, while Pinkie Pie bounced around, not really paying any attention. Fluttershy seemed to be the only one against it.

"Please, Twilight? They tried to eat me." Fluttershy whimpered.

Rainbow flew over to her fillyhood friend. "Don't worry, 'Shy. If it tries to hurt you, I'll beat the hay out of it!" she declared. Fluttershy hid behind her mane from Rainbows loud voice, but smiled in gratitude nonetheless.

"Alright, everyone stand behind me." Twilight said, and Applejack, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash did as they were told. Who knows what would happen? The only one to not comply was Pinkie Pie.


"Oops, sorry Twilight! What are we doing?"

"Get behind me, I'm going to wake up the human."


Everyone was behind Twilight now, as she charged up her horn, preparing to wake up the creature before her. The horn in question began to glow a light purple. They were all looking on in anticipation.

'Alright, here goes nothing!" Twilight cried, and with a flash, a beam of purple hit the creature in front of the group.

They waited. Nothing happened.

"Hey, uh, Twilight? Maybe ya'll should try again." Applejack said, confused as to why the human was not awake.

"No, you see, it's actually the same spell as the one that knocked them out. If I use it again, and it's actually awake, then it'll fall asleep again." Twilight replied.

They all watched to see if the spell had worked. And not long after, the human began to stir.



My head hurts...

It...it really hurts! OW?! What the hell? Did I get hit by a plane? Christ alive!

Geo's eyes began to flutter. She was awake, just unable to open her eyes.

"Hey, it's waking up!"

"Gee, you think?"

"Don't be rude, RD!"

"Sorry. I think Christian's attitude is rubbing off on me..."

Oh goodie, people. Maybe they can tell me why I feel like I headbutted a brick wall for a couple of days.

It took some effort, but Geo finally opened her eyes. Her glasses were still on her face, much to her shock. You'd think I'd be able to fell 'em, Geo thought.

Even with her glasses on, the shapes in front of her were still blurry. They were...brightly coloured. She raised her hands to run her eyes, removing her glasses first, hoping this would help her see whoever had woken her up from that weird dream she was having. A little yellow pegasus would have been cool, though...damn Christian, ruining things for me, even in my dreams...

Her eyes began to focus. Oh tHank God, I can see. Now, who can explaoh God I'm still asleep. There is a unicorn.


"Hello to you too."

Geo snapped awake. Hey, it's like that dream with the pegasus. They can talk.

"Hey there, little guys. Oh, aren't you cute?" Geo said, looking at the colourful assortment of horses in front of her.

"Let's see...we got a purple unicorn...and a pink pony...and an orange pony in a hat...and a blue pegasus...and a...oh hey, i remember you! You're that pegasus form that dream I had in the forest!" Geo scratched her head as the yellow pegasus hid behind the blue one. "Huh. I didn't know dreams had continuity."

The animals in front of her had confused looks on their faces. "You...aren't dreaming. We are actually in front of you." The purple unicorn said.

Pffft...yeah right...

"Pffft...yeah right." Geo dismissed the unicorns claim. "Look, if I were awake, you wouldn't be talking. Horses don't talk. Unicorns don't exist. Neither do pegausus." Geo paused. "That...sounds wrong somehow. Pegasusus...oh, wait, pegasi. There we go."

Geo turned her head to the right, trying to look behind her. "See, look. If I were awake, what I'm about to do would hurt like hell." She raised her arm, curled her hand into a fist, and slammed it into the wall behind her.

There was a few seconds of awkward silence before Geo cried out.


Geo clutched her hand, still sitting on the ground propped against the wall. Her fingers were bleeding, she could definitely feel that.

Geo was sitting there, grumbling to herself, looking away from thE horses in front of her.

Applejack spoke up. "Listen, human, we ain't got time to convince ya'll that yer awake, so-"

"No, no, the pain is convincing enough. The searing, goddamn pain." Geo mumbled.

"Alright, so, I'm here, in a world with talking horses, unicorns and pegasi." Geo looked behind the group to see the town, and a few onlooker staring at her. "You have a town. That usually means people." She looked back at the purple unicorn. "So, you got people?"

Twilight looked confused. "If you're asking if we have other humans, then the only other one here is-"

Geo cut her off. "Christian. Yeah, I remember form the forest."

Geo sat there for a few seconds more, dwelling on what happened in the forest. Suddenly, her green eyes shot wide open, and she quickly stood and looked at Fluttershy.

"Oh, crap! I am so sorry! I didn't know pegasi were real and we had no food and humans kind of need meat and I didn't want to but Christian convinced me and first impressions and I'm so so so sooooo-"

"Woah, woah, woah. Slow down there." Applejack said, her voice raised somewhat. "We woke ya'll up for a reason, and that reason was questions. We ain't gonna try'n hurt ya'll." She gave Geo a stern look. "Unless ya'll provoke us."

Geo calmed down a little bit, still looking at Fluttershy with a look of pure guilt on her face. 'Alright...alright. I'll answer your questions. Again, I am so sorry. it was just a misunderstanding." Geo slumped against the wall behind her, and slowly slid into a sitting position.

Twilight cleared her throat. "Alright then. My name is Twilight Sparkle. I-"

Geo snorted with laughter. "I'm sorry, your name is Twilight? Oh God, that is not a popular name where I'm from."

Twilight frowned. "Why not?"

"It's the name of a book series about vampires and werewolves. The first book was alright, but the rest sucked. Then, the movies came out, and people began to hate them!" She giggled. "Sorry. It's not your fault." She cleared her throat. "My name is Geo." Geo extended her hand.

Twilight knew the gesture as a hoof-shake, but...

"How does that work with claws?"

Geo looked confused. "I know my nails are bad, but claws? Really?"

She looked at the confused faces, and realisation dawned on her. "Oh, my fingers. Right. These are not claws, far from it. I can't cut things with them. They're used for grabbing tools." She opened her hand, and held it in the air so they could all see. "See? Opposable thumbs and all."

Twilight nodded. "Like a chimp."

"Yeah, like a chi-HEY!"

Twilight backed away. "Woah, I'm sorry."

Geo sighed. "No, I should be sorry for overreacting. I've been known to...get angry for no reason. Speak my mind when it's not really necessary. Tell the truth when I should lie. ThinGs like that."

Applejack glared at her. "Lying ain't ever alright."

Geo shrugged. "Well, my Mum taught me a rhyme as a kid, something about 'white lies'."

Sometimes the truth can make your heart ache,
So sometimes a lie is better to take.

Applejack thought she knew that poem from somewhere, bit shrugged it off.

"Well then, howdy. I'm Applejack." Applejack greeted, trotting over and extending a hoof, which Geo grabbed and shook. Applejack wasn't used to the fingers, so it felt kind of weird.

The blue pegasus flew up to her. "I'm Rainbow Dash, fastest flier in all of Equestria." She looked angrily at Geo. "You tried to eat my friend. What the hay is wrong with you?! Can't you just eat daisies or fruit or something, like an normal pony?"

Geo sighed. "Alright, look, Jesus. I'm sorry about your friend, it was a complete misunderstanding. To be fair, I tried to stop Christian from getting her down from tree, but then you guys showed up and..." Geo suddenly looked really angry, and looked at Twilight. "Hey! You knocked me out! That's how I got here!" Geo then proceeded to yell. "What the hell was that for? I wasn't going to do anything!"

Twilight looked at her. "Alright, we both made some mistAkes. Look, we'll discuss that later. You've got ponies to introduce yourself too."

Geo mumbled something incomprehensible, before growling "Fine."

"Alright, Rainbow Dash, fastest flier in Equestria...Applejack, the..."

"Apple farmer."

"Right, apple farmer...Twilight Sparkle, the..."


"Huh, no kidding...That just leaves..."

Geo's vision was suddenly obscured with pink.

"Hiya, Mr. Geo Human! I'm Pinkie Pie!"

"Yeah, hey there Pinkie Pie. Nice to...did you say Mr?"

Pinkie Pie just smiled. "Yep! I don't know if you're a mare or colt, so I just assumed-"

Geo interrupted by putting her hand over Pinkie's mouth. The sudden motion almost caused Rainbow Dash to attack, until she saw it was just to get the pink mare to shut up, not to hurt her.

"Please, don't assume. I'm a girl. Or mare." Geo assured.

Pinkie stopped trying to talk through Geo's hand (now wet with spittle) and just smiled. Geo removed her hand.

"So, Pinkie, what do you do?"

'Well, Geo, I work over at Sugar Cube Corner. That's a bakery! I make all sorts of cupcakes and pies and cakes and sugary treats for everypony! And I throw parties all the time! I'm super good at it too!"

Geo nodded, making a 'not bad' face, before asking Twilight who else there was to introduce.

Twilight just pointed at Fluttershy.

Geo looked at her sadly. "Oh. Yeah..."

She stood up, and began to slowly and cautiously walk towards the canary pegasus. Fluttershy was trying to hide behind Rainbow Dash, who was glaring angrily at Geo with her red eyes.

Geo kneeled in front of the two. She looked at Rainbow. "Look, I'm not going to hurt your friend. I just need to apologise."

"You can apologise through me. I'm not letting you near her after you tried to eat her!" Rainbow growled.

Geo sighed, and pinched the bridge of her nose. "I already explained. It wasn't my idea, nor was it my fault, nor did I want to." She looked back at the cyan pegasus. "Look, I need to do this. I promise I will not hurt her."

Rainbow looked like she was going to kill Geo. "You'd better not." was all she said before she turned and whispered something to Fluttershy. After s little whispering, which Geo did not hear a word of, Rainbow moved out of the way, exposing Fluttershy to the human female.

"Um, hey, Fluttershy."

Fluttershy just whimpered.

Geo rubbed the back of her head.

"Listen, Fluttershy, I really am sorry. I didn't mean to scare you, I didn't want to...eat you. I'd never even seen a real, live pegasus before you. Trust me when I say I am a nice person, and what happened was just a misunderstanding. You seem nice, and I'd like to get to know you. Again, I'm sorry." Geo smiled as best she could, and extended a hand towards the timid pegasus.

Fluttershy just looked at it for a few seconds, and Geo feared her apology was not accepted. But, at the last second before Geo was about to give up, Fluttershy lightly touched her hoof against her hand.

"Apology accepted. You seem...nice. Nice ponies don't eat other ponies, so..."

There was a few seconds of awkward silence.

Geo, without a word, stood up and walked back to her spot against the wall. She didn't need to say a word, her face said it all.

She then looked at Rainbow. "You know what? I like your determination. Willing to fight off a creature woith unknown capabilities just to save a friend." Geo smiled. "I wish my world had more people like you."

The ponies looked confused. "Your world doesn't have nice people? That's so sad!" Pinkie Pie cried, making a sad face.

"Well we do, but...they aren't as common as we'd like." Geo took a deep breath, and let it out. She then looked at the purple unicorn with the unfortunate naMe.

"Alright, Twilight. I've been introduced to all of your friends." Geo smiled. Twilight just shook her head. "Actually, there are two more. Rarity, who's a unicorn like me, and Spike, a baby dragon."

Geo's face scrunched up in thought (causing Pinkie to giggle) before she could picture the two. "Oh yeah, they were both in the forest." She paused. "Uh, why aren't they here?"

"Well they were, but...well, your friend..."

Geo sighed. 'Oh God, what did he do this time? No, wait, let me guess. Christian asked to speak to you individually, and then revealed something to her that Rarity thought was a secret, or made her reveal something to Spike, and she ran off in tears?"

The five ponies stared at her. "How in tarnation did ya'll guess that?" Applejack cried.

Geo smiled sadly. "I've known Christian for fourteen years, and lived in the same apartment with him for six of those years. I know more about him than he cares to mention."

Geo lost her smile. "Seriously, though. Christian can be mean, and can also be downright sociopathic. Don;t judge him to harshly, though. He's had probably the single suckiest life I've ever heard of." She chuckled morbidly. "And I've read Ann Frank's diary.

"So, where is Christian, anyway? I'm probably going to have to be the one to keep him in check." Geo proclaimed. The ponies looked at her oddly.

"Well, he-"

Suddenly, the door to the library opened, and two large horses trotted out. They both had wings and horns. One was black and blue, the other several colours.

The one with the black coat looked really angry. She looked at Pinkie Pie. "Alright, he wants to talk to you."

"Oh, yay! I can get that big ol' meanie pants to turn his frown upside down!" Pinkie declared, bouncing into the library and closing the door behind her.

Everyone was silent for another time that day as they stared at the Princesses, who in turn stared at Geo. She felt...intimidated.

"Um...hey, I'm Geo." The human said, extending a hand. "Who're you?"

The black one looked like she was going to yell, when the white one stepped in, cutting her off. "Hello human. My name is Princess Celestia, and this is my sister, Princess Luna. We are the rulers of Equestria."

Geo stared for a second, her hand still extended, before dropping to one knee. "I'm sorry, your majesties, I'm not used to...er, royalty." Geo looked up at the white horse, who was very tall, though Christian was still taller. Celestia, as she had introduced herself, looked at Geo with a small smile, seemingly pleased with the formalities.

Luna was not convinced, but kept silent.

"Please rise, Georgina." Celestia said, happy that things were going right for a change.

Geo twitched slightly.

"My name is Geo."

Luna looked down at her. "We are the rulers of this land, and we will call you whatever we wish."

Celestia looked at Geo. "I apologise for my sister, she-"

Geo looked really angry. "I hate my name, so I choose to be called Geo for a reason, not just for friends. Everyone calls me Geo. And so will you." She looked confused for a second. "How did you even know my full-" Realisation dawned on her face.


Geo suddenly realised something else. They had left Christian alone in a room with Pinkie Pie. That was not a good combination.

"Princesses, we-"


The doors burst open once again, and this time Pinkie Pie burst out, her hair straightened out, and she ran, tears streaming from her face.

Everyone was silent.

The silence lasted a little while longer before Rainbow spoke up. She was furious.

"Alright, that does it. Rarity and Spike can handle an insult, but Pinkie Pie can't! I'm going in to teach this guy a lesson!" She flew to the doorway, and looked back at the group. "Somepony go comfort Pinkie Pie. In fact, somepony go find Rarity and Spike as well." She looked at Christian through the doorway, who was smirking evilly. "I'll take care of this guy."

The door slammed closed, leaving everyone in stunned silence.

Applejack broke said silence. "I'll go get Pinkie Pie, see if she's alright. Twilight, you get Spike and Rarity." Twilight noddEd, running of in the direction of Carousel Boutique, as Applejack ran off to Sugar Cube Corner.

This left Celestia, Luna, Fluttershy and Geo in front of the library, still in silence.

"So..." Geo started. The other three looked at her.

"Um...why do you all have tattoo's on your sides?"

That was the next step in the chain of events centering around the strangest crwatures in all of Equestria, Christian and Georgina.


Sorry, Geo.


Author notes: Next chapter, Rainbow Dash fights Christian, Applejack comforts Pinkie Pie, Twilight finds Rarity and Spike, and Geo talks with the Princesses!

Sorry this one's a little short. My minimum is 3,000 words per chapter, and I barely met that. Yeah, I'm tired.

P.S. There's a hidden message in this chapter. PM me if you find it for a free internet.