• Published 1st Apr 2012
  • 6,398 Views, 538 Comments

Christian and Geo in Equestria - ChrisTheCat

Two humans, one hot-headed and loud, the other cold and calculating, have been warped to Equestria.

  • ...

How He Came to Be

Author note: I'll be taking a short break from storytelling. Instead, Geo will be Author for this chapter. Take her away!

WARNING: This chapter contains a lot of swearing, and several adult themes not suitable for young fillies and colts. Run for the hills, children! Seriously though, this will get dark.

You've all seen Christian, who he is, what he's like. He is, to be frank, and awful person. He can be nice, but overall he prefers to cause people to suffer.

You know, throughout his entire life, he has literally never done anything that did not benefit him in some way? Everything has been for his gain, whether immediate or later on in life.

Well, today, I'm going to tell you how and why he is the way he is. He may be a horrible person, but he has his reasons. At first, I didn't believe him, but he has the proof literally all over him.

So, we'll start first when he was but an infant, barely out of the womb...


The baby began to cry. Again.

It was 4:00 am, and Steven and Nicole had had enough of it. They'd already gone through this crap once, they didn't want to do it again.

Steven rolled over to look at his wife. "You gonna get that, bitch?"

Nicole looked back at him, eyes bleary from sleep deprivation. "Fuck that. If you won't do it, I ain't either. You get the little shit some milk, or he starves." she growled, and rolled back over, falling asleep almost instantly.

Steven just didn't care enough to get out of bed and feed the kid. So, he just fell back to sleep, no guilty conscience about letting his infant son starve.

The Rhodes household was not a nice one. The parents did not care about the kids, and did not care about each other. They only stayed together because neither of them had high enough paying jobs to survive without one another.

Luckily for baby Christian, he had an older sister. Alex.

She had gone through the starvation herself when she was an infant. She didn't want her kid brother to go through the same torture that she did. While Steven and Nicole where not the kind of people who would actually kill their kid, they cared very little for them. The baby would not be fed very often.

So, Alex had taken it upon herself to install a baby monitor in her room, so whenever Christian cried, she could hear him, and feed him with the baby formula in the kitchen. No girl her age should have to do the things she had to do. She was only fifteen.

So, getting off of her bare mattress, the only luxury she really had at the time, Alex went into her parents bedroom, being careful not to wake them up, lest she get another beating. She reached down into the crib, and pulled the still crying Christian out of it, pulled him to her chest, and began to rock gently back and forward before leaving the room, just as quietly.

"Shh...come on, Christian...someone is hungry, yes? I have just what you need." Alex whispered to her baby brother, while he slowly began to quieten down. He was used to being helped by Alex, rather than his actual mother.

Alex reached for the bottle of baby formula, which she had previously heated up in the microwave. She waited for it to cool slightly before tilting the bottle so Christian had enough to drink,

"It is going to be okay..." she whispered, looking out the nearby window. "One day, we will both leave this place..."

She looked down at her brother once again. "How about I sing you a lullaby?

"Hush, little baby, do not say a word.
Alex is going to buy you a mockingbird

And if that mockingbird will not sing,
Alex is going to buy you a diamond ring

And if that diamond ring turns brass,
Alex is going to buy you a looking glass

And if that looking glass gets broke,
Alex is going to buy you a billy goat

And if that billy goat will not pull,
Alex is going tp buy you a cart and bull

And if that cart and bull turn over,
Alex is going tp buy you a dog named Rover

And if that dog named Rover will not bark
Alex is going to buy you a horse and cart

And if that horse and cart fall down,
You will still be the sweetest little baby in town."

At this, Christian had fallen asleep to the sweet serenade of Alex's voice. She could hear him breathing in and out gently, eyes closed, little face all red from crying. He even yawned cutely. Alex smiled, in the kind of way that should be between a mother and her baby. But Alex was the only real mother Christian had or ever will have.

The young girl walked slowly back into her parents bedroom, listening to them snore. She hated them, she hated them with a passion. If not for Christian, she probably would have run away. She was fifteen, she could find someone to help her.

Alex and Christian's father was a pedophile, and their mother was an abusive alcoholic. Nothing was ever done to the baby because, well, he was a baby, so all of their anger and lust went her direction. Yet, she never faltered. As long as her little brother was safe, she was happy with her life, even with the scars she bore, both mental and physical.

Alex placed the baby back in his crib, and walked out, looking back at the crib one last time before she did. She entered her own room, lay down on the mattress, and tried to get what sleep she could. After all, she had to get up for school in three hours.


So, we know that Christian and his sister Alex never had an easy childhood, and that Alex was essentially his mother figure, seeing how his real mother just didn't care.

"Now how in thunderation can anypony be so horrible to a foal? He was just a foal! Ah can't believe that your world is so awful!"

Applejack, please hold your questions 'till the end, thanks. Trust me on this one, there are worse people than Christian's parents.

Anyway, Christian has what is called an 'eidetic memory'. He can remember nearly everything about everything in his life. Apparently, to him, it's like being able to rewind, fast-forward, pause and replay memories in his head with perfect clarity. It'd be pretty cool, but the downside is he can;t repress memories. Also, I doubt he remembers literally everything. His mind probably couldn't take the birth trauma.

"Um, if you don't mind me asking...why did you bring up his memory?"

Right, I brought that up because Christian can only remember so far as his first birthday, so he only knew about those memories from his sister.

The next important part of this story would actually be his first day of school.


Because Christian's parents continued to not care about him, Alex had to take him to school every day. She had always caught the bus, but now bringing the ever-inquisitive Christian along with her seemed to annoy the other passengers.

"Hey Alex? Why are there so many people on the bus?"

"They have their own reasons. Maybe they cannot afford a car, or this is cheaper. Do not ask them, they may consider it rude."

"Oh, okay. Hey Alex? Why do you have to pay to go on the bus?"

"The bus drivers need to be payed for their jobs, otherwise they will not do their jobs, and the buses will not run, causing lots of people to be late."

"Oh, okay. Hey Alex? Why can't Mum ever do Mum things, like she's meant to?" Christian asked. He was unusually bright for his age, to the point where he could read and comprehend words that some adults don't even know. Have you ever met a six year old who knows the meaning of the word 'psychology'?

Christian had asked this because he knew that mothers where meant to take care of their children, and their mother and father decided they didn't care. Even with those facts, this question still took Alex by surprise.

"Christian, we do not ask question like that in public, alright?"

"Oh, okay. Hey Alex? Why do you like animals so much?"

"Well, I find that sometimes, animals can be better than people. They listen to your problems, they never make fun of you, that sort of thing."

"Oh, really? Alex liked animals too?"

Yes Fluttershy. Please, people, stop interrupting.

Some man on the bus finally got angry with the child and his incessant questions. "Hey, girl? Shit that kid up before I shut you both up!" The man yelled.

Alex pulled Christian closer to her. "Shh, Christian. Quiet time now."

"Okay Alex. You're hurting me."

"I know you do not like touching people, but we have to right now, so try and be strong, alright?"


And so the rest of the trip went in silence.

When the two did arrive at school, they both got out of the bus and went into the gates, onto school grounds.

Alex got on one knee to look her little brother in the eye. "Now Christian, we need to settle a few things, alright?"


"Alright, one, you cannot go around telling people about our life at home. Our life may be bad, but we do not need others to feel sorry for us, alright?" Alex urged.


"Two, and this is an important one...try to make some friends, alright?"

"Okay!" Christian cried gleefully.

Alex patted him on the back quickly, knowing he did not like to be touched, and said "Good boy. I will see you at the end of the day. You are in room 1A. You know where that is?"

"I know how to count, Alex!" Christian whined.

Alex giggled. "I know, I just do not want you to get lost. Now, off you go."

I'll skip slightly ahead here...

Christian was sitting in class, looking at the teacher Miss Flanagan, and the other kids, as she tried to explain to them basic mathematics. She had them repeat after her, "One plus one is two! One plus two is three!" and so on.

Christian was bored. He needed to learn faster, or at least show these other kids how smart he was!

He raised his little arm in the air, trying to get the teachers attention.

"Yes, little boy? Remind me what your name is?"

"Christian, Miss Flanagan!"

"What was your question?"

The sat still for a second. "Do we get to learn how to do times tables or division or anything like that? I know all of this already!"

Miss Flanagan looked a little shocked that a Prep student would know what those even are. "Do you...know how to do those?"

"Yep! You should test me!"

The teacher stood there for a little longer before deciding a question for him. "What is...seven times seven?"

"Forty-nine" Christian spouted off immediately.

"Five times nine?"


"Twelve times eleven?"

"One hundred and thirty-two."

These questions went on for about five minutes before the teacher stopped, and asked, "Little boy, how do you know all of this?"

Christian smiled and said "Well, I taught myself!"

All the other kids, even though they didn't fully understand what was the teacher and Christian were saying, thought it was really cool that someone they knew was as smart as Miss Flanagan. When he said that he was self-taught, a few of the other kids said "Wow!"

Christian was very happy, and he felt like he truly belonged somewhere. Of course, that was to change when the teachers called home to tell the parents how smart their child was.

They were furious, and for no real reason either.

"What the fuck were you thinking? Huh? You dare embarrass me?" Nicole yelled at her son, slapping him hard across the face yet again.

"I-I don't know w-what I d-did wrong..." Christian blubbered, crying from the pain.

"What you did, you little shit, was say that you taught yourself! You fucking moron! Any all all credit for your brain goes to me, and me alone! Not your useless bitch sister, not your deadbeat fuck of a father, and certainly not you, you worthless fucker! Me! Nicole howled.

She slapped Christian across the face as hard as she could, and he fell to the ground. She proceeded to kick him in the stomach a few times. "How do you like that, huh. smart boy?"

Christian was crying, but his crying couldn't drown the crying in the master bedroom, where Steven was doing unspeakable things to his daughter, while he yelled at her to shut up.

"Oh, oh, what things were those?"

*sigh* Alright Pinkie. What do a girl and a boy do together to make a baby?

"Oh! They- *gasp* ...oh..."

Exactly. Back to the story...

Unfortunately for Christian and Alex, their parents did this to them on a daily basis, always finding some reason for it. "You didn't button up all the way! Get over here so I can beat you senseless!" and such things. Even at a young age, Christian had read books on biology from when his sister had taken him to the local library, because God forbid they have reading material in that household. "Reading is for loser fucktards to stupid to buy a TV." Christians father had once said.

With said biology books, Christian knew about the human anatomy, and how boys and girls did things to make a child. He was pretty sure he knew what his father was doing behind that door.

But there was no time for that. Now, he had to deal with the pain of being hit repeatedly. If he was lucky, maybe she wouldn't bring out the knife again.

"Wait here, fucker. I'm getting the knife."

So much for that hope.

When she returned, Christian was still bleeding on the ground, crying. She had no sympathy for this thing in front of her. It wasn't human. Hell, to her, she was the only human, and everyone else deserved to be gutted simply because they were not her.

So, Nicole stood him up, tore off his shirt, and began to cut-

"Geo, I believe that is enough for the moment."

Yeah, sorry, Princess. I'll skip ahead slightly...actually, should I point out which ones were the result of that particular day?


Right. Moving on...

When Nicole was done, another four cuts were present on the young boy. One running up his chest, one on his left shoulder, and two on his back. They joined at least one hundred others, total.

It was around this time that Steven was done with Alex, and he walked out of the room. Alex followed, stumbling slightly. A look of absolute horror washed over her when she saw the cuts on her brother. She turned to Steven.

"You promised! If I did things with you, she would not hurt him! You promised!"

In response, all she received was a punch in the stomach. "Did I ask for your opinion?" Steven growled. "You keep doing these things, and we won't slit the little fuckers goddamn throat!"

At that moment, Christian had understood what his sister had been doing for him. She was the only one who really cared. She was the only one who wanted to protect him. She loved him.

And he loved her back. Through the pain, he loved her back for all the sacrifices she had made for him.


"Despite the circumstances, that's somewhat sweet."

Yeah, you could say that, um, Rarity. Anyway, the next major memory that he told me about was when Christian first spoke to me, six year later.


It had been six years since Christian had first started school. The boy had skipped Year 1 and 2 due to his intellect. Alex had graduated four years prior, though their parents...persuaded her to keep living with them. Christian had now started Year 8.

At this point, Christian had long since taken up his sister's habit of never abbreviating, never using 'don't' or 'can't', only saying 'do not' 'cannot' and such. He had also begun to take an interest in girls. One in particular, for whatever reason, stuck out among the rest.

Her name was Georgina.

Wait, wait, wait. Christian likes you? Like, like likes you?"

He used to, Pinkie. It was flattering, but not what I was looking for. Anyway, this part is particularly nasty.

He had taken a liking to her, and watched her from afar. It was kind of creepy, but hey, if he wanted to look...

Anyway, Georgina confronted him about it one day. She approached him in the courtyard, where he was siting by his lonesome. As it turns out, being smarter than everyone else did not get you friends.

Georgina said "Hey there. You're Chris, right?" She only knew his name from role call, because he was moved ahead into her class.

He had looked her dead in the eye, and said "My name is Christian, not Chris." It was, in all honesty, very cold.

She tried to be friendly again. "Alright, Christian. I'm-"

He raised a hand to stop her. "I know who you are." Georgina suspected as much, but let him continue. "Your name is Georgina, though you prefer Geo."

She was a little confused as to how he knew that. "How in the hell do you know that?"

He looked at her, his expression softening slightly. "When you have no one to talk to, you learn to watch and listen."

From there, the two did actually speak with each other for a while, but Geo had other friends to talk to. Christian did not.

*gasp* "No friends? None at all?"

No, Pinkie. No more questions, dammit.

"Okie dokie lokie!"

Anyway, that was the first time he had actually spoken to her, though he knew about her from listening to other people's conversations. He knew enough to have what would pass as a crush. it was the first and last time in eight years they would speak.

It was also that night in particular that messed him up so badly.

When he had arrived home, he had found his sister there, who was cleaning the house, because Nicole certainly would not. She was sweaty and tired, but when she saw her little brother, her face lit up.

"Hello, Christian. How was school today?" she asked. Her voice was weak, but sincere. When they were younger, Christian would have attributed that to the constant sexual abuse she suffered for him. However, she had passed the age where her father was interested in her like that.

The brunt of Steven's desire was focused on Christian. But let's not focus on that.

"Well, Alex, do you remember all of those times I told you about Georgina?"

"Oh, yes, the girl you like."

"Hey, how did-"

"It is rather obvious. You talk about everything you find out about her constantly. If you were not so young, you would probably be classified as a stalker." Alex joked.

Christian laughed a little, before his face turned serious.

"Alex? I was wondering if you would...um..."

"Yes? Come on Christian, spit it out! You know we do not have long before..." Alex's face darkened, "He comes home."

By this point, Nicole had died in a car accident. She was drunk. She had, however, left a will. It said all of her personal possessions were to be burned, so no one else could have them. Needless to say, she was a horrible woman. Alex had to get a job so that they could continue living in the house.

"Alright then. I was wondering, well, I wanted to maybe ask her out, and, well..."

"You do not know how to treat a woman?"


Alex smiled. "Well, you have come to the right place! I can teach you exactly what you need to know."

Christian smiled in return, and sighed in relief. "Good. I am unsure as to what to do, so may we start now?"

"Sure, Christian."

A few minutes later, they were in Alex's bedroom, and Alex had begun her lesson.

"Alright Christian, the first thing about most women is that they are very sensitive. Never treat them badly." Alex started.

Christian nodded, taking it down mentally.

"I have been on my fair share of dates. If I recall correctly, twenty-seven of them in total. Oh, do not tell father I said that."

"Do not worry, Alex. I will not."

Alex sighed with relief, though she knew better than to question Christian's loyalty. She smiled again.

"You may wish to give her a gift of some kind. Maybe some chocolate or something?"

"Georgina likes flowers." Christian said, proud that he knew such a fact.

Alex smiled at her brother. "That's good, get her some of her favourite flowers."

These lessons went on and on, and before the two knew it, a whole hour had passed. They had covered pretty much everything to do with the subject, except the biological aspect. Christian knew that already.

"Well, that is really all I can teach you, Christian. Though remember, not every girl likes these kinds of things. Try to be flexible when it comes to dating."

Christian was very happy. Maybe he would even ask Georgina out tomorrow.

Just some context, I wouldn't have accepted.

"That's not a very nice thought, Geo."

Moving on...

Alex stopped Christian before he could thank her. "Actually, there is something else you could learn..."

Christian lit up, excited to be learning something else that could help. As it turns out, this particular lesson would end disastrously.

"Well, I could teach you how to dance. That might impress her."

It wouldn't have.

"Oh, thank you, Alex! Thank you so much!" Christian was literally bouncing up and down. He might actually find some sort of happiness in this horrid life of his.

"Well, I could teach you how to waltz." Alex said after a few seconds thought.

Christian thought about it as well, wondering if Georgina actually knew how, before accepting anyway.

The two got into position, and after a few instructions, they got underway. Alex had set up a radio on her bedside table, and the CD inside played back some classic dance music.

"Alright, Christian, now, feet together, facing me..." Alex instructed.

"Feet together, facing you..." Christian repeated, eager to learn.

"Place your left hand on my hip, and grab my hand with your right."

Christian did so, and that was it.

"Now, follow my lead."

The two danced around the room, to the music. One-two-three one-two-three one-two three.

The two were laughing. Alex was happy that her brother may find love, and Christian was happy that he was learning. The world just disappeared, and it was just them and their own thoughts.

Then, they came rushing back to reality when they heard a rather loud yell.

"What the fuck are you two doing?" Steven screamed, having come home from work. He did not have a good day, and seeing he would be arrested if he went out and started randomly beating and killing people in his frustration, he decided to take it out on his kids. Again. However, when he got home, he found them having fun. They were happy. No happiness in this household unless it's MINE, he thought.

"Alex, get your ass out here so I can have some alone time with your brother." Steven said, his voice venomous.

"No." Alex said simply.

Steven was pretty sure he heard that wrong. Someone not doing what he said? Unheard of!

"Alex, do as I fucking well say, or I will stab you in the goddamn throat."

"No. You come here, and expect to treat us as if you own the world. Well let me tell you something, asshole. We are LEAVING!" Alex finally shouted. She had never been brave enough to stand up to her father before. It felt good.

Until, of course, he punched her in the face, knocking her unconscious. Without a word, he then went to the kitchen, and brought back the knife. Christian was afraid that he and Alex would get cut for this. He was right, in a way.

Steven did bring back the knife, and he did move over Alex's unconscious form to get better access to her chest. But instead of removing her clothing to begin cutting, he made good on his promise earlier, and brought the point of the knife into her throat, full force.

These are the parts that Christian wishes he could block out. He can't. Sometimes I wish for a memory like his, but then I remember that I would never be able to block out events like this. It's a blessing and a curse, all rolled into one.

Christian watched his sister die that day.

"What are you doing?!" he screamed at his father, and ran up to him, hitting him weakly through his sudden onset of tears.

"What does it look like, fuckstick? I got her to stop defying me." Steven said, calmer than he should have been.

"How could you kill her? You killed another human being! You killed your own daughter!" Christian screamed again.

Steven walked up to Christian, and punched him in the gut. "You think I care? Everyone knows she wasn't a real person. No one is but me! And as such, I have the right to do whatever the fuck I want, whenever the fuck I want to."

Christian always knew there was something wrong with his father, but this proved it. His father had actually deluded himself into thinking he was above the law.

"You think I'll go to jail for this, fucker? Nope. I'll get off scott-free. Why? Because I said so." He looked own on the corpse, not feeling even the slightest amount of regret. "She was a useless fuck." He looked at her, then at his son. "But...not entirely useless..."

Steven pulled the knife out of her throat with a sickening squelch-

"No sound effect! Please!

Alright, sorry...

Steven pulled the knife out of his daughters throat, and pointed it at Christian. Steven looked at it, nothing more than an object for him to use. He then looked at the knife.

"You were dancing...what, you were dating her, were you?" Steven taunted.

Christian was still crying. "N-no, I wanted t-to impress a girl at s-school...she was t-teaching me how to dance..."

He looked at his sisters corpse. "Then you killed her..."

"Hey, dickwit! So if you were getting ready for a date, why t=didnlt she teach you about ruffies?"


"What, are you retarded? Yo don't treat people with respect, you use them until they have no use, and then either kill them or leave them. Do it to girls on a date as well." he smirked. "You put a ruffie in her drink, watch her collapse, take her body home, fuck it however you want, then dump her in a river or something."

"But I-" Christian began.

"Oh, wait, she didn't teach you everything, did she?" Steven asked, again far too calmly.

"No...there was stuff I already knew." Christian, for some reason, didn't feel sad anymore. He just felt...empty.

"I bet she didn't teach you how to fuck."

Christian had a sudden realisation of where this was going.


"Come on, you fucking wimp! She's right there!"

"NO!" Christian screamed at the top of his lungs. "I WOULD NEVER DO SOMETHING SO DISGUSTING!"

Unfortunately, Steven, being the twisted individual that he was, saw things differently.

"Actually, you will do something like that, because if you don't, I will fucking well flay you."


Geo sat there in her seat, not sure how to proceed. She didn't want to scar the ponies, but they did ask.

"W-what happened? He...he didn't. Tell me he didn't" Twilight pleaded.

Geo looked back at the unconscious Christian behind her, lying there on the bed. She looked back at the ponies.

"Well, his father threatened to skin him alive if he didn't."

That didn't answer their questions.

"But he didn't. he got out of it somehow, right?"

Geo looked at the floor.

"He had a choice. Do things with his sisters corpse, or die in impossible agony, all of his skin cut off slowly." She looked up at them. She had no tears, only pity. "He still has his skin, doesn't he?"

Nopony said a word. Applejack was turning a shade of green, while Twilight and both Princesses had a look of absolute horror on their faces. Rarity had fainted, and was being tended to by the doctor, who was eager to keep his mind off of what he had just heard. Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy had begun to cry.

Geo felt that she had to continue. She smiled without joy or humor. "But wait, there's more."


Christian had done it. He was mortified, and wanted nothing more than to grab the knife out of his fathers hands, and to kill him. And then, kill himself. But he couldn't. He was to busy crying on the ground while his father laughed at him.

"That's it? You lasted, what, a whole three minutes? You're a fucking disgrace." he stopped laughing suddenly, and looked at his son. "You know, this is your fault."

Christian didn't reply.

"She died to give you a better life. It's your fault."

Christian said nothing.

Steven walked over to his son, and grabbed his shoulder. "Say it with me now. It's your fault."


"Come on. Say it."

"My fault..."

Steven smiled. His work was done. He stretched, and went back to the kitchen, putting the knife away. He looked back into the room. "So, yeah, g'night. Sweet dreams." he said, seeing nothing wrong with the situation. He would go to bed, and dream happy dreams, as if none of this had ever happened. Alex's source of income was gone, but he could just get the kid to work. No problem.

Christian, on the other hand, would probably never sleep again. She lay there, looking at his sisters face. She stared back lifelessly.

"My fault...my fault...my fault..."


Later on that night, Christian was standing in his fathers room, knife in hand. He looked down on the sleeping form of Steven, who was snoring lightly.

Christian had debated with himself for a little while before deciding that he would kill is father, and run away from home.

He had done the thinking, and had no reason not to continue. He lifted the knife, and stabbed downwards. The driving force behind it being anger.

The blade pierced the side of Stevens head. He didn't even feel it.

Christian, however, was long past the stage of feeling anything.

You see, something happened earlier, with his sister. After Steven had made him do those things, and then told him it was his fault, he just sort of...stopped feeling. He no longer felt guilt for what he did. He did not care that his entire family was dead. His small crush on Georgina was forgotten. He stopped caring. Emotion just didn't register anymore.

So, with that, Christian left. He took everything of value, put it into his schoolbag, and left.

His last thoughts in the house were "I will do what you wanted for me, Alex. I will live free."

For the rest of his life, he resented the idea of others living better lives than he did, and would do whatever he could to make sure what he felt was felt by everyone. Because it was his fault.


Geo made the motion of closing a storybook. The ponies in front of her were probably traumatised by what she'd just told them, but she had a feeling that would happen.

Geo simply stood up, and left the room. Not a word left her mouth.

A few of the others left as well, one by one. Luna first, then Twilight, then Spike, and everyone else until the only ones left were Celestia and Fluttershy.

The Princess was there to make sure that when Christian awoke, he would be informed that Geo told them everything. She also had a sort of...plan in mind, to which she would give more thought.

Fluttershy was there, however, for Christian himself. She trotted up to the bed, leaned over, and pulled the unconscious human into a hug. "Nopony deserved what you went through." she whispered.

With that, she went and sat back down. For some reason, she wanted to be there when he awoke, to comfort him. To her, it felt as if she was caring for another animal. She knew it was much more than that, but that's what it felt like. His story was truly the most horrifying thing she had ever heard, and she wanted to make sure he would be alright.

It didn't seem to register that this had happened a long time ago, and that he might be long over it. She didn't care. She would be there for the poor soul.

Whether he liked it or not.

This was the next step in the chain of events centred around the two strangest creatures in Equestria, Christian and Georgina.

Sorry, Geo.


Author note: I hope that didn't seem too over the top. Or, you know, traumatising.
Just a quick note, this was not meant to make you feel sorry for Christian. If you do, that's your choice. I just wanted to show how bad people could be.