• Published 1st Apr 2012
  • 6,398 Views, 538 Comments

Christian and Geo in Equestria - ChrisTheCat

Two humans, one hot-headed and loud, the other cold and calculating, have been warped to Equestria.

  • ...

The Interview

Back in Ponyville, everypony was still somewhat unnerved by the explosion from earlier in the Everfree Forest, but seeing as nothing had come to harm them, there was no cause for panic. For the citizens of this quiet town, nothing interesting had happened.

That is, until three ponies and a baby dragon came from the forest with two strange creatures in tow.

Rarity was still holding on to Fluttershy, who was still shaking from her 'experience'. Spike was trying to ward off the other ponies, who were all gathering around, trying to catch a glimpse of what Twilight and the others had come across. To them, the creatures were completely foreign. Nopony had seen anything like them.

Fluttershy was not taking the large influx of ponies very well, so the group sped up to Twilight's library. When they finally arrived inside, Twilight found that the tall creature, Christian, was too large to fit through the doorway. She did get him inside, but only after several minutes of changing his position, in which the citizens had much time to study the odd thing before them, and ask further questions, none of which I need you to go get would or could be answered.

The door finally closed with a slam, signalling to everypony to go about their daily business, and they did so, with disappointed looks and unsatisfied curiosity.

After letting the two creatures down in a corner, Twilight turned to Spike.

"Okay, Spike, I need you to go get Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie for us. We may need all of the Elements of Harmony here, just in case." Twilight meant to make this sound like a plea, but it came out as more of a command. Spike did not seem to mind.

"Sure, Twilight! Who should I go see first?" Spike asked, not really sure with himself.

"Applejack is closer. Try her. Now please hurry!" Twilight asked, nudging the baby dragon towards the door. Spike brushed Twilight off with a "Fine, fine", and opened the door to go and find the Element of Honesty.

Twilight turned to Rarity and Fluttershy. Rarity was eyeing the unconscious beings with caution, while Fluttershy was not looking at them at all, choosing to cover her eyes and stay on the opposite side of the room. She had gone through a traumatic experience. Twilight guessed that Fluttershy would rather be at home with her animals, but she was probably going to be needed here.

"Rarity, can you watch over these things while I send a letter to the Princess? I have a feeling that she'll want to know about this. I'm also not sure how long my spell will work for. A pony will go under for a few hours, but I'm not sure about them." Twilight said, motioning to the creatures.

Fluttershy mumbled something that neither unicorns heard.

"Fluttershy, what was that, darling?" Rarity asked, walking over to the pegasus in case she needed further comforting.

"Th-they said th-they w-were called hu-humans. I-I think..."

Rarity looked over at Twilight, hoping she knew something about these so called 'humans'. The look on Twilight's face told her otherwise.

"I've never heard of a human before. But it's clear that they are not nice creatures." Twilight said indigently. "I mean, they were going to eat a pony! That's sick!"

"You don't have to remind me, dear. I heard them. Vile beasts!" Rarity yelled in the direction of the creatures.

Twilight suddenly sighed in annoyance. Rarity looked over to see what was aggravating her bookworm friend, besides this whole situation.

"What's the matter, darling?" Rarity asked, genuinely curious.

Twilight looked over at her. "Remember how I said I was going to write to the Princess?" Rarity nodded in confirmation. Twilight looked towards the door and sighed once again.

"I need Spike for that."


Spike had already been running as fast as he could towards Sweet Apple Acres. Too many thoughts were racing through the poor baby dragons mind.

What were those things? Why were they there? I remember a red flash, and then...

Spike's proverbial train of thought was interrupted by a literal apple tree. Spike stood still, rubbing his head in pain. I need to pay attention to where I'm going, he thought to himself.

"Well hey there, Spike! Whatchya doin' out here?" came a squeaky voice with a southern accent. Spike turned, still rubbing his head, to see Apple Bloom looking at him curiously. Spike shook his head to try and get rid of some of the pain before running up to the yellow coated filly.

"Apple Bloom, I need you to tell me where Applejack is, alright?" Spike said hurriedly. Apple Bloom just looked confused.

"Well. Applejack'd be out on th' farm, buckin' apple trees. Why do ya need me ta find her?"

Spike just grabbed Apple Bloom by her shoulders and looked her dead in the eye. "Apple Bloom, this is an emergency. Please help me find your sister." Spike said, his voice showing exactly how serious he was.

Apple Bloom still looked confused, but went along with it anyway, and the two began searching for the orange earth-pony. It took about fifteen solid minutes, but they finally found Applejack bucking apple trees at the south-east end of the orchard.

"Howdy, Spike. What can Ah do ya for?" Applejack greeted kindly. She stood there, a smile on her face, but Spike did not have time for pleasantries.

"Applejack, I need you to come with me to the library right now! It's an emergency! We need all of the Elements right away!" Spike cried, pointing in the direction of the town. Applejack lost her smile, and her expression became one of worried curiosity.

"Well shoot, Ah'll be right there. Are you comin' too, Spike?" Applejack asked as she began to move towards the town. Spike shook his head.

"I have to go get Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie! Twilight, Rarity and Fluttershy are already there. I gotta go. See ya!" Spike called out as he ran in the direction of Dash's house, leaving Applejack to question what the hay was going on.

As it turns out, Rainbow Dash was found not too long afterwards, but not at her house. She was on the outskirts of town, planning pranks with Pinkie Pie. Score, that's both of them! I can be back in no time! Spike thought to himself as he ran up to the duo.

"Oh hey, Spike! What's up?" Rainbow Dash called out to him. Before he could answer, however, Pinkie Pie did.

"Oh oh oh! Spike's here! I bet I know what you want! Do you want gems! Because we don't have gems, silly? Why didn't you go to Rarity for that?" She gasped. "Did you and Rarity have a fight? What happened? Are you still friends? Because I can throw you both a party to get you-"

"Pinkie Pie, we have no time." Spike stopped her by holding a claw over the pink earth-pony's mouth. This of course did not stop her from talking, only from being coherent.

"Dash, Pinkie, this is an emergency! Twilight needs you both back at the library. This is a matter for the Elements of Harmony!" Spike declared. Rainbow immediately perked up.

"I've got your back, Spike! Hop on my back, we'll get there in no time!" Rainbow shouted, opening her wings and flapping them proudly. Spike did not hesitate, and jumped on immediately. The two took off, leaving Pinkie Pie in the dust.

"What about Pinkie Pie?" Spike yelled over the wind. Rainbow Dash just looked over her shoulder at him.

"Relax, Spike. When we were planning her surprise party a while back, she caught up to me. I don't know how, but she did. She'll probably be there before we are." Rainbow yelled back to Spike, just as they arrived at the library.

Pinkie Pie was already there.

The three opened the door to find Twilight pacing around the room, Rarity still glaring at the creatures, Applejack actually looking like she was going to charge over and buck them in the face, and Fluttershy still sitting on the other side of the room to the things that wanted to eat her, hiding behind her mane.

"What in tarnation are these things called again? Applejack asked Twilight, who just responded with "Humans."

Of course, Pinkie Pie had the strangest reaction to the humans.

"Oh wowie! What are those? They look silly!" Pinkie giggled. Of course, the giggling stopped when Rarity told them they had tried to eat Fluttershy. Pinkie gasped, and out flooded a torrent of questions that nopony knew the answers to.

"Where are they from? Why would they eat a pony? What are they wearing?" and so on.

Twilight called out for everyone to gather in the middle.

"Alright, everypony. Does anyone have any idea what these 'humans' are, where they are from? Anything?" Twilight asked in desperation. Nopony had a proper answer. Except Fluttershy.

"Um, if you don't mind me saying, but I remember a red flash and a loud bang. Then, I woke up with those two dragging me away to-" Fluttershy began, but stopped as the memory became to painful. Twilight immediately knew what she meant, and guilt overcame her.

"Fluttershy, I...think that means that these 'humans' came from another dimension." Twilight then looked at the ground. "And I think I may have brought them here by mistake."

The only person who gasped was Pinkie Pie.

Twilight looked around at her friends, waiting for a negative response. Instead, she was met with silence. Said silence lasted for a little while, until Fluttershy broke it once again, highly uncharacteristic for her.

"It's okay, Twilight. It's not your fault. You didn't know this was going to happen. I don't blame you." The canary pegasus said, calming her friend considerably. Twilight smiled sadly in response. She knew it was her fault, but silently thanked Fluttershy for her forgiveness.

Twilight then turned to Spike. "Spike, take a letter, please." Spike immediately pulled out some parchment an a quill from seemingly nowhere, and began to write everything that Twilight said.

Dear Princess Celestia,

The experiment you issued me has succeeded, but with disastrous results. The interdimensional portal I opened released two creatures called 'humans' who tried to eat Fluttershy!

Please, we either need you to come down here, or to go to Canterlot ourselves. We would feel much better if you could talk to these things, and see why they did what they did. It is both a matter of dire importance, and scientific inquiry.

Please respond immediately.

Your faithful student,
Twilight Sparkle

And with that, Spike took a breath and blew the letter away. Twilight then turned to her friends.

"Well what do we do now?" cried Rainbow Dash.

Twilight just looked up, out of a window towards Canterlot.

"Now, we wait."


Twilight was right about one thing. Spells work differently on humans.

With a pounding headache, Christian awoke from his magically induced slumber to find himself on the floor next to Geo, in some sort of library. What caught his attention, however, were the seven animals in front of him, all with their backs turned.

He had a feeling that his being awake would not sit well with them, and so did not move. He did what he felt he did best. Christian made mental notes in a few minutes, and noticed things others would overlook.

He observed.

Seven animals, two pegasi, two unicorns, two ponies, one lizard.

Pony one with orange coat, blonde mane. Wearing a hat. Green eyes. Tattoo of three apples on flank. Facial expression suggests rage. Does not seem the kind to take new situations with ease. Body structure suggests female. Possesses a stereotypical southern accent. Muscly. Overall, seems to be an average individual. I hate average.

Pony two with bright pink coat, dark pink mane. Blue eyes. Tattoo of three balloons on flank. Facial expression suggests whimsy. Seems overexcited, possibly an outgoing creature. Voice suggests female. High pitched voice...annoying. Bouncing up and down repeatedly. May be on some kind of narcotic. Thin. Seems to be the centre of attention. Seems to like it. Overall, annoying brat who enjoys attention. Can change that.

Unicorn one with white coat, dark purple mane. Blue eyes. Tattoo of three diamond on flank. Facial expression suggests worry. Further observation suggests not worry for herself but for others. Wasted effort. Posture suggests elegance, and...ugh, she has makeup. Suggests obsession with appearance. Voice suggests a high lifestyle. Wait...she was in the forest. Not the unicorn who captured me, but was involved. Overall, pompous woman, uptight, and definitely an enemy.

Quick scan suggests all are female, except lizard. Not sure.

Unicorn two with lavender coat, black mane with pink streak. Wait...this is the one who knocked me out! Instant enemy. Purple eyes. Unusual, for any creature. Has tattoo of pink star surrounded by smaller white stars on flank. Facial expression suggests...posture suggests...voice suggests...hmm...cannot seem to read this one. Further inquiry required.

Lizard with purple and green scales. Stands on two legs, odd. Facial expression suggests annoyance. Again, vying for attention, however, not receiving it. Voice suggests male. Was there, in the forest. Tried to look intimidating. Failed. Seems to have a high opinion of himself, much like white unicorn. Wait...lizard looking at white unicorn. Facial expression now suggests...euphoria...crush...further inquiry suggests secret crush. White unicorn looks his way, facial expression recedes. Can use this to my advantage. No tattoo.

Pegasus one had cyan coat, multicoloured mane. Currently flying. Rainbow mane...may represent homosexuality. Facial expression is one of anger-



No longer looking in my direction. Avoided detection.

Eyes red. Seems arrogant. Tomboyish. If homosexual, would most likely not be open about it, seem to be hotheaded, according to speech patterns. Body in thin, but healthily so, wings appear muscular. Tattoo on flank of cloud shooting rainbow lightening. Overall, arrogant and proud, with questionable sexuality, much like a certain human girl i know...

Must check on Geo.

Geo is unconscious. No bodily harm. Glasses intact. Looks...peaceful...no time for that. Geo fine, continuing observation.

Pegausu two-

This is the one I wanted to eat. Fluttershy.

Flank has tattoo of three butterfly's. Wings seem thin, undernourished, underused. Coat canary, mane bubblegum pink. Large wound on front-left hoof. No bandages. No one tried to heal her. Amusing, considering what she went through. Seems shy, like her name suggests...blue eyes...soft facial expression, one of nervousness...I...find myself...enthralled by her...

Still want to eat her.

Seems like something of an angel...nothing wrong with her...seems kind enough...

Well, brighter picture, darker negative. She has something to hide, I am sure.

Quick scan of surroundings. Two doors. One small, one large. Sunlight coming from underneath large, must be a way out.

Cannot use distraction...cannot risk unconsciousness...speaking of which, been longer than five minutes. Geo still unconscious. Suggests...brain damage...

Oh, this will not work to my advantage.

Can create distraction of some kind...could try just running. No, need to take Geo with me, cannot risk unicorn doing...whatever it did.

Whatever unicorn did, should not be scientifically possible. Cannot simply levitate someone, or knock them unconscious with a light.

Further observation required.


Still thinking of Fluttershy...

Lavender unicorn levitating letter...listening in...


"Everyone, the Princess has returned a letter. Let me read it out." Twilight called out to the other ponies, and without her knowledge, Christian as well.

My most faithful student,

This is a dire situation indeed. I am already on my way. I feel it safe to maybe conduct the questions at your library. If these 'humans' wake up on the ride up to Canterlot, who knows what would happen.

I appologise for the experiment, Twilight. I did not know what the results would be. I put you in danger.

I am taking my chariot, and I will be there soon. Luna is coming as well.

Take care,
Princess Celestia

Twilight finished reading out the letter, and looked to the rest of the Elements, and Spike. Looking over the group of friends, she looked at their reactions. They were all looks of determination, even Fluttershy.

"We finally get to ask these things why they would commit such horrible attrocities! We just have to wait an hour or so, and we will have our answers." Rarity exclaimed, looking over at the humans, lying propped up against the wall, still believing them unconscious.

They all gasped when Christian made himself known.

"We have time now. Ask me whatever you wish." Christian stated, rising to his feet, smirking. Fluttershy whimpered, but the others all looked at him with hateful expressions. Not a word was spoken. Just the faces.

"Not all at once, ladies." Christian said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Alright then. I have a question" Twilight said. "Who are you, and why did you try to eat Fluttershy?" she asked angrily. Christian could only smirk at her emotional reaction. Now that, i can read.

"I will answer your questions, ladies, but I have a few requests." The smirk never left his face as some of the ponies looked at him in disbelief. Here he was, standing in front of six ponies and one baby dragon who could kick his plot all the way back to wherever he came from, and yet he had the gall to stand up and demand something? Rainbow would have admired his guts if she wasn't so angry.

"What makes you think we-" Twilight began, but Christian cut her off.

"I am not finished speaking! My, my, the nerve of you people...ponies." Christian corrected himself. Before Twilight could reply, he began his list of demands.

"One, I wish to talk to all seven of you. One at a time. Two, I wish for Geo to be awakened. Three, I wish for you to interview Geo in the same manner as you do me. Questions?" Christian finished, to the shock and outrage of the ponies in front of him. Pinkie Pie raised her hoof. "Any questions from anyone besides the deranged attention seeker?" Christian asked, his facial expression not changing in the least as he shot down Pinkie Pie. She lowered her hoof, her hair deflated.

"What makes you think we would agree to those demands?" Twilight repeated, glaring at the human male in front of her. He chuckled slightly. "Something funny?"

"No, no, not at all, simple unicorn. I only ask for these things so as you get to know us, why we are the way we are, and why I tried to devour your succulent looking friend over there" Christian stated casually, as if he were talking about the weather, and pointing to Fluttershy, who subsequently cowered behind Rarity.

Rainbow Dash had had enough. "Nopony talks about my friends like that!" She yelled, flying towards him at full speed. This turned out to be her downfall, as Christian anticipated the move, noticing her aggravated twitching during his Fluttershy taunt, and stepped aside, causing Rainbow to slam into the wall were Christian used to be standing. She fell to the ground on top of Geo.

"Besides, I have a device that can kill all of you in a couple of seconds. Here, I will show you." Christian stated, that smirk still on his face, as he pulled out his iPhone from his pocket. Turning it on, he quickly scrolled through the apps until he reached the Countdown app. He opened it, and started the countdown.


Twilight began to panic. "Stop, stop, stop!" not realising he was bluffing. Christian stopped the fake countdown, and placed the phone in his pocket once more. Funny, i did not even know if that would work...

The only one in the room who did not look horrified at the fact that this human was willing to kill everyone in the room was Pinkie, who was actually counting down with the device, her hair poofy once again. This got her a stern look from Applejack.

"So, unicorn, do we have a deal?" Christian asked, still standing casually, as if nothing was going wrong,

Twilight looked at the others, who all looked at him, wanting answers. Twilight asked them one by one, and they all agreed to talk to the human, even Fluttershy.

"Splendid! This will be such fun!" Christian declared, lighting up in mock delight. He then closed his eyes. "Eenie meenie minie moe..." he muttered to himself, pointing at the different ponies with each word spoken. He finally rested on...Rarity.

"Well then, white unicorn, let us begin! Everyone else, please leave the room. Take Geo with you. Wake her up if possible." Christian ordered them.

With a grumble, the ponies and baby dragon left to go outside, Twilight levitating Geo with her. Everyone was outside the library, except for Christian and Rarity.

And with that, the first interview began.


Christian sat down, cross legged on the floor, and looked at the white unicorn in front of him.

"So, unicorn, tell me your name."

Rarity was hesitant at first, but she was all too aware of the device in his pocket that could kill them all (or so she thought).

"Rarity...my name is Rarity." she finally replied, looking at him with a mixture of hate and fear.

"Hmm, Rarity...fitting, somehow..." Christian mumbled to himself, before returning his attention to the unicorn in front of him.

"Rarity, I would like to ask you a few questions. The first and foremost being 'Where am I?' The second being 'How is it that equines such as yourselves can talk? The third being 'Tell me about yourself'. Aaaaaaaand...action." Christian stated, in the space of about twelve seconds.

Rarity took a deep breath, and began answering them. "Well...Christian, you are in Ponyville, Equestria. We can talk because we are taught as fillies. And myself...I am a unicorn, as you can plainly see, my job is to make dresses and clothing of all kinds for ponies everywhere. I am the element of Generosity." Rarity finished, refusing to look him in the eyes, though for different reasons than what he was used to.

"Intriguing...what do you mean by 'Element of Generosity?'" The human inquired.

Rarity looked at him, confused. "Everyone knows about the Elements of Harmony. You know, Generosity, Kindness, Loyalty, Honesty, Laughter and Magic?" She did not understand how he had not heard of them before. Everyone in Equestria knew...she thought for a second. Oh, yes, of course, he's not from here...

Christian shook his head. "I am afraid I know not what you speak of. The elements I know of are of the Periodic Table, not of 'Harmony'. Hydrogen, Oxygen, Helium, the real elements."

"What in Equestria do you mean 'real elements'? I've never heard of any of those!" Rarity cried. This just caused Christian to shake his head.

"Of course you have not. Oxygen is what you are currently breathing, my dear. Now, tell me, if you represent Generosity, how exactly are you generous? Also, which 'elements' the the others possess?" Christian asked.

Rarity harrumphed. "I am generous because when someone needs something of mine, I give it. When someone is in need, I help." Christian looked confused.

"So, by helping others, you are magical, somehow?"

"Yes, I am. I am the Element of Generosity.

"Of course you are. Now, what do the others represent?"

"Fluttershy is Kindness, Rainbow Dash is Loyalty, Pinkie Pie is Laughter, Applejack is Honesty, and Twilight Sparkle is Magic."

"Fluttershy is the tasty morsel I met in the forest...Rainbow Dash is most likely the one with rainbows everywhere...Applejack must be the one with apples on her flank...and Pinkie Pie must be the attention seeker. Which leaves the lavender unicorn as Twilight Sparkle."

Rarity was somewhat surprised. "That was a very logical assumption." Christian simply nodded.

"Now, Rarity, what about the lizard?"

"Who, Spike? Oh, he's not an Element. He's Twilight's personal assistant."

"Yes, yes...so, on the topic of the lizard..."

"He's a dragon."

Christian looked visibly shocked. "A dragon." He repeated simply. "That puny thing is a dragon? A real, fire breathing dragon?"

Rarity glanced at him. "Surely you have dragons where you come from..."

"The dragons in my world are mythological, just like pegasi and unicorns. And magic."

"You don't have magic? That's dreadful!"

Rarity noticed Christian taking a quick look at the door, and smiling evilly before looking back at her. She thought nothing of it.

"Not as dreadful as the crush little Spike has on you."

That caught her attention. "How...do you know about that?"

"Oh, it is written all over his face. He looks at you like a regular Adonis."


"Never you mind. So, your reaction suggests that you know he likes you. And yet...you do not let on. Why is that?"

Rarity looked very, very uncomfortable. Exactly what Christian was looking for. "I...I don't want to talk about that..."

"Why not? Do you not like dragons?

"No...I mean, yes...but not..."

"Does Spike mean that little to you, dear Rarity?"


"Why not, Rarity? Tell me why."

"I DON'T LIKE HIM BACK! I DON'T HAVE A REAL REASON, I JUST...CAN'T LIKE HIM THE WAY HE WANTS!" Rarity yelled at the human before her. Getting something like that off of her chest felt great, even if it was to a complete stranger, and to a monster such as this one.

That feeling immediately vanished upon hearing the door slam.

Rarity looked towards the door in shock, then back towards Christian, who had a satisfied grin plastered across his face.

"You...knew he was listening..."

"Yes I did, my dear. Now, run along before your situation with Spike gets any worse."

Rarity glared at him, unable to comprehend that something could be so...evil...tears began to fill her eyes and she ran out of the room, charging through the door and running to her boutique.

Christian put his hands behind his head, satisfied with his progress.

They brought us here against our will...I will get them back for that. But if this is all it takes...

Christian smirked to himself.

Too easy.

This is the next step in the lives of the only humans in Equestria, Christian and Georgina.

Sorry, Geo.