• Published 5th Apr 2012
  • 1,614 Views, 48 Comments

The Edge Of Harmony - Alazak

Pearl a pony with a head full of stories travels to Ponyville to meet her child hood hero.

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CH 10

It had been so long since I could remember being this happy. So many days with the one I have come to love. A warmth that only could come from being this close to Celeslia’s Sun. I had spent so much time thinking, waiting, for my dreams to become a reality. I had hoped and longed for the prestigious rank of a member of the Wonderbolts. I had longed for the day I would fly among the clouds and dazzle countless ponies with my amazing skills.

It was all but a foals dream that I longed for all those years ago. I had my head in the clouds but my hooves on the ground. I shudder to think back to all the time I had wasted on the cold hard unforgiving ground. I had always been so rash, but they accepted me so I gave them everything. I felt at peace all that time even though it meant sacrifice, but I was willing to accept it for them.

“Dashie, are you alright?” A voice broke me from my daydream. “You seem so distant today. are you thinking about her again?”

Scootaloo the one constant in my life. It’s funny to think back on it so long ago I saw nothing in her but a nuisance. A second tail that my only escape was in the clouds that she adored.

“No Scoots the only one I can think about anymore is the only one I can see.” I wasn’t very savvy with words but I managed to make her happy sometimes.

“Oh, Captain that’s so touching I think I’m going to cry.” Wait that’s not the voice of my tiny winged angel. I looked to the side and there standing too close for comfort was Stormcaller. That meddlesome stallion, he had joined the Wonderbolts just after me and was very good. Well Fulttershy thought so enough to marry the guy. “Hey now don’t be like that, I came with what I’m guessing is good news.” He held out an object I hadn’t seen in ages, a rolled scroll with the royal seal.

“A letter from the Princess? What could she want after all these years?” I took the letter and thought maybe a request to perform at the palace, but why not send it to Scootaloo?

“Question though,” Cloudcaller looked to Scoots “have you seen my wife? She wrote me a strange letter a while ago and said she’d be coming for a visit?”

“I’m not Fluttershys keeper, though it has been a while since her last visit.”Scootaloo gave a warm smile to the memory that she held for Fluttershy. Of all my ‘friends’ she was the only one I still saw from time to time.

“No? Oh well if you see her send her to me.” Stormcaller gave us a smile and vanished out the office door. “Oh and you two should really get a room.” he gave one last pop back into my office to taunt us.

Scoot only gave a laugh and a peck on the cheek as she also disappeared from my sight. I had grown to pity my poor little pegasus. So tragic After leaving Ponyville and chasing my dream she chased hers. I had pushed her away so many times telling her to go home and leave me alone I wasn’t ready for any more pain that I felt from Twilights betrayal.

I spent so much time with Twilight and we shared so many memories, done so many wondrous things that when that night happened it felt worse than the cut she left. Sometimes it hurts when I think about Twilight and her everlasting souvenir she gave me that night. I laugh it off if only to mask the real hurt.

“So princess, what’s the problem?” I sat back at my desk to rifle through some paperwork that had been piling up, and now the princess added just another pressing matter. It only took a few moments to decipher her letter. “SPIKE’S DEAD!?!?” I cried out and quickly put my hooves over my big loud mouth. But there it was in Celestials elegant magically written pen. I read on, what was she talking about some kind of ghost and what the buck is a sword. But Spike, he had finally grown so handsome, and this Gall... Galla what kind of name is that for a pony. I was enraged Spike was a good friend and even though he lived in Canterlot he had come to a lot of our shows, it was so cute him being there all hidden in the background not thinking I saw him there. I was dumbstruck I couldn’t bring myself to even think if the others found out, Fluttershy would be devastated “Fluttershy!”

I raced through the Wonderbolt compound. Stormcaller couldn’t have gotten far that obnoxious peach pegasus, I had to ask him about Fluttershy. I don’t think I could ever forgive myself if anything happened to her. “Stormcaller thank Celestia I found you.” I burst in on Stormcaller followed by a few good cheers. I had come into the mens changing room.

“So nice to see you again Cap, you know Scoots is gonna get jealous if you stay too long.” Again with the jokes.

“Fluttershy, when was the last time you heard from her?” I shook that moron for all he was worth. “I think something bad is coming and it may come for her.” all the others gave me a worried look. “oh pony-feathers come with me idiot.”

“Wait! Wait! Captain you’re not making any sense. What’s coming? And what do you mean it’s coming for my wife, have you met my wife? I’m not sure anything on Equestria would ever hurt her.” He was right for as long as I’ve known Fluttershy there was nothing she couldn’t handle, except: spiders, dragons, loud sudden noises, her own shadow. Who were we kidding she was scared of everything I shuddered to think if something or some pony wanted to hurt her. We got back to my office and Scootaloo was there reading the letter from Celestia her eyes filled with tears.

“Rainbow... Spike’s... he’s,” Scootaloo choked out what little she could before running to me giving me the strongest hug she could muster.

“I know I know,” I looked into her sad eyes, just like back then they held so much worry for me. “go home now, I need to take care of somethings. Go ahead and cancel my appearances for the next week, I know the Pony Press won’t like it but you can handle them.” with a sniffle she shook off the dreaded feelings and went out. Scootaloo had risen very high for a pegasus that couldn’t fly, not that she wasn’t good at it no, we found out after leaving Ponyville that she had what was called Underdeveloped Wing Syndrome. Her body grew as she aged but not her wings. It was also very rare, I had only seen one other pegasus with it but he was a little overbearing to begin with so I didn’t think much of it back then. But even with UWS she managed to get me on track and into the Wonderbolts and eventually she earned herself a place among the elite pegasus as our manager, that little filly sure had a way with coordination.


I can still remember the day her cutie mark appeared, I had just left Ponyville and needed to work out being tied up in the hospital for so long after Twilight and my falling out. I had decided to leave the ground behind and to never set hoof on it again,I did a few tricks just to get the kinks out of my routine and that’s when I saw her there just staring up at me with those big purple eyes.

“Go home kid I’ve got a goal to accomplish and there’s no room for tagalongs.”

“I don’t care there’s nothing to go back to, I’ve got a goal too ya know.” so obstinate that little filly.

She followed me for a few days just watching and taking notes on some paper she had brought with her. At night I would sleep a little lower to the ground and she would ask me the strangest questions. “Dash, do you hate Twilight? I heard she hurt you real bad, I don’t think I could ever forgive her for that.” I hadn’t thought about it much since getting out of the hospital. I was furious at her for what she did to me not only physically but that book. That accursed book, I really didn’t read it through before that night but laying up healing for so long gave me some time so I read it a little closer.

Rainbow Flash, man I hated that name it was so... so... well it was a little too close for comfort. She had lived my life, or so to speak, a lazy good for a forgettable laugh always causing trouble red pegasus. After reading that book at least a half-dozen times I really began to see the literary doppelganger in myself, I always thought I was soo cool. I could do anything, anything that was but accomplish my one goal in life, The Wonderbolts. Flash had the same dream, but she had let so many opportunities just pass her by. It was then I saw it, Flash was me and I hated me because of it, how many times had I let the Wonderbolt dream just pass me by? I had so much to offer but I only practiced to impress my friends and really didn’t try so I had fail year after year to join their coveted ranks.

“No kid I don’t hate her heck I kinda want to thank her, I’m not Rainbow Flash any more. Flash will forever sit on her cloud in a world of half truths, I’m going to Rainbow Dash the greatest Wonderbolt in Equestria.” I felt so good about myself that night.

It was over the next few weeks when I just couldn’t do it anymore, the long practices just didn’t seem to help and I had given up on Scoot leaving. She would take her notes and just watch every practice, she grew less and less amazed and more focused.

“Alright, I’ve got it Rainbow Dash.”

“Got what? And just Dash, please for the hundredth time.”

“Well Dash it’s your routine, I’ve got it figured out.” She held out that little note pad and I flipped through it. It was amazing it didn’t seem real she was just a little filly a school grade dropout and here I held a complex list of moves and feats that all seemed to fit so well together. “I know you probably think it’s stupid.”

It was a month later we went to a tryout and after putting that little piece of paper into action over and over again until it was perfect, I had finally done it. I was so overwhelmed i latched onto that little orange filly and kissed her for all it was worth. And after the initial shock was over it appeared her blank flank shimmered and a Microphone in the center of crisscrossing arrows appeared where it always waited. She had done it Scootaloo had broken me away from Rainbow Flash and turned me into Rainbow Dash. My dream had come true and it was all thanks to her, and I wasn’t letting her go any time soon.


“Storm what did Fluttershy’s letter say?” It had taken some coaxing but Scoots finally went home.

“It was strange she asked if Autumn had gotten here safe and if she wasn’t too scarred.” He thought back to his letter. Autumn Breeze was his and Fluttershy’s foal, and she was the spitting image of her mother including a personality to match, I never understood the attraction. Stormcaller was an obnoxious loudmouth and grew up in Cloudsdale, He joined the Wonderbolts from the academy right after I got in from a tryout. When Fluttershy came to see me graduate and dawn my uniform for the first time he swooped in and used that upperclass charm to sweep her off her hooves.

It was like a match made in a comic, the charismatic fool and the shy princess. Autumn had come to every show since she was old enough to watch and even ventured out to see us by herself. She had an accident when she was small and didn’t fly because of it, I always wondered if I was so good that I leached the flight of those around me. “I must have gotten it early because I haven’t seen Autumn since Manehatten a few weeks back. And whats wrong what had the manager so upset?”

I explained the letter and tried to do so that he would understand. He still didn’t get it. “For Celestias sake Storm there’s something coming after the element bearers and your wife is one. You know Kindness I'm sure she mentioned it at least once.”

“Well she is really kind, if ya know what I mean,” He winked and nudged me with an elbow, I wasn’t amused. “I mean, yeah I’ve heard the legends and read that book by the recluse. Loved the red pegasus by the way. Oh don’t give me that look, I kid, I kid.”

“Well if you see her I’m holding you personally responsible for her safety.” He stood at attention and gave a mocking salute.

*Huff* *Huff* “Well we’re here, finally now what?” I turned to see a sweaty white earth pony at my office door. I was stunned what the hay was this earth ponies can’t come up here. “Rainbow Dash I hope?” She asked me nearly passing out.

“Who are you and how did you get up here. Cloudsdale isn’t exactly a casual stroll for your kind.”

“Maybe she flew.” Stormcaller chimed in with more useless jokes.

“Ignore her, hello Loyalty,” and there it was the strangest thing I had ever seen a large metal object spew a black smoke and it spoke to me, at least I think it was speaking to me. “You have something that belongs to me and I have come to collect.” It was him the Gallasomething from the Princesses letter and the earth pony that accompanied him.

“You, you killed Spike!” I leapt from my desk and attacked the ghostly pony only to pass harmlessly through it. “Storm get out of here! Thats an order!” and like a flash he bolted out my office window. “You want my element to bad I don’t have it anymore. Go see Twilight I think maybe she still has it.” I gave him a smirk as I backed up to my desk. I hadn’t even thought about that chief artifact I had used to defeat gods and angry spirits, It would be nice right about now though.

“Again the bearer thinks of trinkets as the power of harmony,” the mass swirled in anger, what did he mean again has he met one of us before?

“If you have hurt Fluttershy I’ll.”

“Fluttershy?” It turned to the white pony, they exchanged some words and she seemed to shed a tear. “No Kindness, just a generous collection.” I swear I saw the thing smile at me. So it got Rarity, well see had become very estranged over the years. We held an event in Canterlot not long after I became captain after Sorin retired and Scoot begged me to go with her to see Sweetie Belle. I will have to say that mare was loaded, that manson was massive but there was nothing, no warmth no love. I remembered her old shop was never really into the whole fashion thing but it was so bright and inviting. Not that place it loomed over Canterlot and made us want to escape faster than I could fly.

“Well you still can’t have it I’m using it at the moment.”

“Another so attached to its belongings but never knowing what they have I see. Using it? No, it’s crying out for me I can feel its pain. So much betrayal.” It spoke to my very soul I could feel his words sink its fangs into my subconscious. my loyalty sustained by betrayal?

“No, you don’t know what you’re saying I’m loyal I have stayed true to my team and to the one I love. I’m still the element of loyalty and its going to stay that way now leave this place.”

“Oh but you reek of betrayal, the friends you abandoned so long ago and tossed aside to create new ‘loyalties’. It hurts sometimes doesn't it?” A smoky trail came and tangled across my scar. My scar, it was true that it burned when I thought about Twilight and the others. But I had Fluttershy, my oldest and most dearest friend. “even their elements hurt from your betrayal their loss of loyalty. Tell me Loyalty is changing your feathers that easy? just toss aside the old and fill the void with selfish needs?” the fangs sank deeper and I couldn’t think Twilight she lashed out at me and caused me so much pain but I never thought about her pain, we all turned on her in a hoofbeat and didn’t think of any pony else.

“Yes, I cut my ties with their loyalty, and replaced it with my own.” I couldn’t think my mind seemed to go blank as I watched the dark cloud surround me. It was so pleasant so calm, but no I’ve felt this before. “No!” I cried out and the smoke ghost dissipated. “I know this trick I’m no foal that monster Discord tried this turning us on each other and ourselves.” He retreated to the white mare. “No I have stayed strong to Loyalty and this burning mark reminds me every day of the life I left to pursue those that were in need of my loyalty.” He hissed at me and took a full pony form.

“Very well Loyalty I shall have to take you by force then.” He reared up and slammed his spectral hooves to my floor and it shook knocking me down.

“Wait I have a deal for you then.” He stopped. “You can have the element under one condition, In three days time you have to catch me.” This was my gambit, I was the fastest pegasus alive out running him for three days would be a snap.

“And if I lose?”

“You turn yourself over to the princesses.”

It stopped and thought for a moment. “Gal, she’s Rainbow Dash. THE Rainbow Dash, the fastest pegasus who ever lived. I want this over with as much as the next pony but...” that mare was right I am fast.

“I accept, but you cannot leave this city. you may hide but I will tell you know it will do you no good.”

“Fine and you can not harm another living soul while you’re here, you got that?” It nodded in agreement. i held out my hoof to seal our deal and he shook it.

“Three days Loyalty, now run run fast faster than you have ever run in your life.”


And I did just that, I flew like the wind It was tiring that damn ghost was everywhere it seemed, I would stop for a breather and from below me a tendril of black smoke would threaten to catch me. I knew what he was trying, he would just tire me out and then catch me when I passed out from exhaustion. But there was a reason I chose three days, I could last four days of rigorous training and nonstop speed flying without a break so three would be simple.

I went straight to Scoots that first day to tell her not to worry about me.

“I can’t believe you Dasie, why don’t you just send for the princess in the first place. He KILLED Spike! He was a good friend of mine also.”

“Do you really think he would go quietly? Don’t worry this will be a sinch, Remember that time I flew across Equestria? It’s still a record and no one will ever be able to beat it.” I boasted to my love, she worried but at least this way we will all be safe as long as he keeps his promise. “Woot, gotta dash it's here.”

I would check in on her from time to time, just to make sure. Stormcaller was no help he still hadn't seen Autumn or Fluttershy. He told me he’d look after Scoots also when I was away.

It was the second day and I swear that damn ghost was cheating. A thin wall of smoke hazed over Cloudsdale like a fog. Ha, a cloud over a cloud I figured Storm got a laugh out of the irony.

“Come quick it's Scoots.” Stormcaller had found me and Scoots needed my help, he must have taken some time off because he wasn’t in his uniform. His black mane complimented that peach coat so well, I can see Fluttershy fell for both charm and looks. I rushed home I didn’t care if it was a trap. If he did anything to my Scoot I’d... I’d... I don’t know but it wouldn’t be pretty.

“Scoots are you...!?” I burst in through our front door to find her and that white filly drinking tea. “alright?”

“Oh Pearl I’m so sorry to,” She gave that Pearl a hug and looked up at me. *squee* “Dashie sit have some tea.” Scootaloo had her eyes red and puffy from all the crying she had done. “Oh I’m fine I swear. This is Pearl and she’s that, sword’s?, prisoner.” The Filly gave me a weak sile and a wave. My eyes darted around looking for that sword and the black smoke.

“He’s not here. if that's what you're looking for. I’d rest he has plans for you tomorrow. Do you see the fog around Cloudsdale.” She sat there and pointed out the window. “It will begin to close tomorrow and you will be trapped.” That sneaky ghost. But I will admit its a hell of a plan.

“But get this Dashie there’s going to be a small opening just before it catches you. Its your only chance to escape him.” It was a speck of good news from Scoots.

“Why share that with Scoots you know she's going to tell me?”

“because I want out, I'm tapped worse in this than you can ever know. I owe him BIG. but if he loses tomorrow he will keep his word and leave me alone and go to the princesses.” That made since.

“So relax he’s spread too thin to play tricks on you right now.” I didn’t like this pearl she seemed to disillusioned, so lost.

“Tell me Pearl how in Equestria did you get up here?”

“Gallatais is an Alicorn ghost he's using his magic to let me walk on the clouds. That and we watched Scootaloo use cloud stairs to get here.” It was true since Scoots couldn’t fly we had made a set of stairs for her to get home from her trips to the ground. And the earth pony in Cloudsdale wasn’t new, Twilight and the girls did it ages ago to watch me fly for the princess. But even though it was a relief that he wasn’t running me ragged any more something was fishy. I couldn’t put a hoof on it but there was something very wrong, but I was too tired to question it any further.

Finally the last day arrived, and just like they said Gallatais began to close the fog over Cloudsdale I searched for where a possible opening would appear. I made Stormcaller look also, at least he would be good for something. The net had shrank and became more clear that ghastly face seemed to follow me across the inside of the bubble and mock me as it got smaller.

It took most of the day but It had finally gotten to the point I couldn’t run any more, Cloudsdale arena was the final point of his net. Pearl was waiting with a teary eyed Scootaloo. I readied for the final assault.

“It’s been a good chase Loyalty, but now we will put you element to its greatest test.” Test what was he talking about?

The bubble was at its end and He opened his mouth to strike me with some kind of weird spear thing from his mouth and from the opposite end a hole just big enough to slip out appeared.

“See ya ghost I win!” and I went to zoom out before he knew what hit him. But I went nowhere. I was held tight, I turned and in my horror Scootaloo held me fast and cried. “You tricked me you cheated what did you do you her? You Promised not to harm anypony!” I went to buck her off me. she may feel bad later but if she was possessed somehow she wouldn’t know anyway.

“No Dashie, He can fix me, he promised to make my deepest dream come true. I’m so sorry but he can give me wings.” I was stunned. We had tried and tried to fix her wings and even find an alternate solution for the problem but nothing was any good, UWS was incurable and I knew it ate her up knowing she would never know the joy of flight that every pegasus before her knew. It must have been her own personal hell to love the strongest flyer to ever live and never be able to share in their euphoria. “He can fix me he promised.” she held fast and cried out the same words.

“You can still save yourself Dash, just kick her away and you will be free.” That Pearl stood at the gap in the bubble taunting me, She seemed like she was a walking zombie, more of that Gallatais’ work I guessed.

“Is it true? Can you fix her?”


It was all I needed from the possessed Pearl. He was right though it was the ultimate test of loyalty, save myself and sacrifice the one I loved more than anything in the world. Or stay and lose, I hated losing. So I decided, I took Scootaloo by the chin and raised her face to mine. “All this time you have filled my dream with such reality, so for the you that made my dream come true I will sacrifice anything to make the one I loves dream come true.” It was so beautiful we held each other and I held her tight with a deep passionate kiss as I felt a sharp cold spike pierce my heart.

“I’m glad you were my element of loyalty Rainbow Dash. As per our deal you are no longer the element of loyalty. And the one known as Scootaloo as promised I have granted her the strongest fastest wings in equestria, wings that have gone down in history without equal.”

Gallatais’ words rang through my aching head. He was a smart ghost he knew I wouldn’t cast off Scootaloo to save myself. And at least she got the one thing I could never give her no matter how hard I tried. I awoke to the sound of a loud squee and a cloud shattering bang. I looked to the sky and it was like seeing my angel again for the first time. Her wings were massive, strong and looked like they could fly for days.

“I’m so sorry Dashie please forgive me, I just couldn’t resist. He fixed the for a moment and I felt the ground leave my hooves, it was intoxicating.” She gave me those puppy dog eyes and there was just no way to stay mad at her. “Please Dashie could you fly home with me It's something I’ve always wanted?”

“Sorry kiddo not today, go on ahead of me I’m pooped. Cook me up something special, you know what I like.” I gave her a weak smile and she did as she was told. “The strongest wings in Equestria hua. good for you kid.”

And on that day Rainbow Dash’s heart felt lighter than the very clouds she walked home on. She stretched her tiny wings and thought “It’s a good day to retire.”