• Published 5th Apr 2012
  • 1,614 Views, 48 Comments

The Edge Of Harmony - Alazak

Pearl a pony with a head full of stories travels to Ponyville to meet her child hood hero.

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CH 16

“Oh my Twilight it has been a long time. I see you’ve added a few new tricks.” Trixie circled Twilight as she emerged from the gaping hole in her home. “But they were no match for me, the great and powerful Trixie.”

Twilight couldn’t wrap her head around what she was seeing. Never once did the mirror show Trixie returning, and this powerful. “How did you break my shield?” Trixie only widened her grin showing of her pearly whites. “I don’t have time for this now, what do you want?”

Trixie stopped to Twilights left side, “No TIME! How dare you presume yourself above Trixie and tell her such things in that selfighous tone.” Trixie became enraged and let a blast of magic fly from her horn to strike Twilight across the face for her insult.

Twilight only gave her defence a moment of thought, instantly dissipating the attack before it hit her. The magic died in an array of blue and purple sparkles that seemed to just linger in mid air. “That is exactly how I see this Trixie. Now what do you want?”

Enraged, Trixie stomped the ground and sent a wave of magical energies across all of Ponyville. The spell was massive, a large spell circle etched with archaic runes and patterns that Twilight didn’t recognize. Trixie didn’t flinch while creating the spell she only glared at Twilight and scowled. Twilight began to back away from the powered up unicorn, how was this happening what was she up to? Twilight’s mind raced with questions and why now. The spell stopped growing and suddenly began to turn and shift as the towns folk looked on in wonder of what was transpiring.

“A gift for you Twilight,” Trixie smiled as her spell began to intensify. “what kind of reunion would this be if you were the only one around to enjoy it?” Twilight didn’t understand what Trixie was talking about, then suddenly glowing masses of light began to form. “I have suffered for so long because of you! I was cast out of town after town! I struggled like you could NEVER understand! That day fifteen years ago changed Trixie, it was true I used a lie to gain admiration to the lesser ponies that I put my little show on for. But then YOU ruined it, the humiliation I suffered that day took a long time to recover from and I even changed my ways and became a better mare, I climbed back into the good graces of my peers through diligence and back breaking work.” Trixie raged at Twilight and her spell became more and more erratic. The balls of light began to take shape and she could see ponies in them. Trixie stamped her hoof again to gain Twilights attention.

“You will listen to Trixie!” She raved and let loose a torrent of wind that knocked Twilight over. “As I was saying I made it back to my former glory and finished my journey to Canterlot and was accepted by the Celestia’s School for my talents, but even there Trixie played second fiddle to YOU! Every day I would gain my professors admiration, only to hear ‘Almost as talented as Twilight.’ ALMOST!” Trixie began to burn with white fire Twilight became scared, she knew that she was once held in the highest regards among Canterlots professors. “That was of course until you wrote that book.”

Twilight cringed when the mention of her book came in to the conversation. For days she peered into that mirror and it told her time and time again that it was the fastest way to achieve her goal. Even writing it made her feel sick at times, but it was all for a greater purpose. She knew the book was both inspirational to those who would learn from it and take away the lessons of friendship and what those that saved all of Equestria had gone through. But it was also meant to show her friends who they really were, the mirror showed it as the knife that would drive them apart but they would become better ponies for it. And for a time she thought she could accept the responsibility that was given to her. But when the moment came to shoulder that responsibility she choked and hurt a friend.

“That book destroyed the life I fought so hard to rebuild, you assassinated me with your thoughtless words and I paid for it. I had risen above the Trixie I once was, I had become a better mare and deserved the respect that was owed to me. But they couldn’t see past that book and your portrayal of me. I read that thing hundreds of times beating myself up for being that pony, but then I realized I wasn’t that pony any more and deserved an apology.” Trixie Finished her spell and the orbs of shimmering light formed and became her friends. She was taken back when they suddenly appeared from nowhere. All of them stood in a circle around her except Fluttershy. And Twilight noticed them held captive in what looked like stockades.

This was all wrong there was something wrong with all of this, never once did foresight show this outcome. Was it hidden from Twilight? She gazed at her friends Rainbow struggled against the wooden prison and shook side to side complaining. Pinkie didn’t seem to mind and just stared at Twilight with a goofy look on her face like she had the last ten years of stories to tell her as if nothing had happened. Rarity on the other hand looked exactly the same as she did the day she left, except her eyes were older and Twilight could feel her staring straight through her. Then she saw Applejack, she was battered and bruised as if she had just been in a fight and lost, Gallatais, she thought to herself. Now the scene made more sense to her, this all must be his doing. Did he mess with the mirror somehow and hide this outcome from her?

“Good now that everypony is here lets get this over with.” Trixie stamped her hoof again this time causing a massive pulse to envelop the surrounding area. “Now everypony will see the Great and Powerful Trixie defeat Twilight Sparkle, the Element of Magic, and I will prove to them all that you are nothing more than just a pony that got lucky and was handed everything that she took for granted.”

“Trixie I am sorry for everything,” Twilight dropped her head to Trixie. “I know that book hurt a lot of ponies, most of which I cared for. But it was necessary. Over the years I’ve meet so many ponies that have stood outside my door and thanked me for giving them hope that determination and a strong belief in their friends would help them conquer any problem. So many shed tears for me and those in the book, but I just turned them away and hid like a coward I couldn’t face them knowing what impact it had on those that would suffer because of it.” Trixie became enraged at the apology, it wasn’t enough. She had been shunned for so long for her mistake and even after working herself to the bone to fix it, it still wasn't enough once it came back to haunt her. “I don’t want to fight you, I know you’re strong but in the end I am the Element of Magic and it will decide the victor. No amount of training will close that gap, no strategy will give you an advantage that the element can’t overcome. I’ve seen it time and time again. Now please take my apology and let my friends go before something terrible happens.” Twilight had lowered herself to her knees in front of Trixie in the hopes she would give up this fight.

“Oh my Magic, it is quite unfortunate that you think that way.” Twilight recognized the new voice and shot up to see a small wisp of smoke sitting on Trixies shoulder. “It was a noble gesture though. But did you know the Element of Magic isn’t anymore powerful or important than any other element. Each plays off its bearers strength and magnifies it to a pinnacle that if neglected or abused it turns on it’s holder.” Twilight frowned at Gallatais’ wisp, he must have gone to Trixie and convinced her to battle her to draw out the element. Trixie was a talented mare but there was no way she could stand against Twilights element. “So now Magic I would like to introduce you to Hatred.” It was then Twilight realized what was happening, Trixie was no longer just a talented unicorn she was now an element bearer and powerful enough to truly challenge her.

“Don’t look so surprised, did you truly think Harmony was the only force in the universe? Don’t be so naive. There are so many forces that govern the world and universe that even the most talented could never truly understand.”

“That may be ghost but I still do not want a fight.” Twilight turned away from Trixie and Gallatais. “I am truly sorry Trixie I hurt so many ponies in this futile quest of mine I’d rather not repeat it.”

“So it’s like that is it Twilight Sparkle? You would turn your back on me just like that? No, you’re not just turning your back on me but your friends.” Trixie looked to the four captives who just stared at what transpired. “I don’t know what you’ve been up to in that hole for all this time and I'm sure I don’t care, but I have come to take my revenge for all the misery you have caused, and looking around it seems I’m not the only one I’m doing this for. Your apology is hollow and heartless, you lack the remorse that could have saved you this humiliation. If you do not turn and fight I will destroy Ponyville and everything in it.” Trixie gave a slight twist to her hoof and a massive light beam shot from the magical circle she had created vaporizing a nearby building. “Since you have failed to show us that you truly care about this little town and those ponies in it, I will destroy it and crush you beneath my hoof and make you watch as everything you once held dear vanishes before your eyes.”

Twilight's mouth hung open as she watched another building vanish in white light. “TRIXIE, stop this madness!” Twilight gathered a jolt of raw magical energies and fired it at Trixie as she reveled in her destruction. The flew swiftly and precise, but just as Twilight did to Trixie before the attack was met with little more than a thought before it dissipated.

Trixie just smiled under her hat as she had finally gained her battle to reap her revenge.


A line in the sand had been crossed, Trixie Stood proud and ready for anything Twilight had to offer. All the years of preparation fill finally come to fruition this day. Twilight looked to her captive friends and see their mixed emotions on what was happening, they seemed happy to see her but at the same time Twilight could see the distaste behind their eyes at her for letting all of this get out of hoof. She wanted to speak to them but the realistic threat Trixie posed was enough to keep Twilight’s head in the battle.

“Very well if you won’t make the first move Twilight, allow Trixie.” Twilight readied for the assault Trixies horn shimmered and Twilight could feel the ground beneath her become warm to the touch, Twilight popped out of the way just as a red pillar of light engulfed the spot she stood a moment earlier. “I still see teleportation is your speciality Twilight, oh how they raved about you at the school.”

Twilight appeared behind trixie and let loose a sparkling ring of magic to trap Trixie, Twilight hoped she could end this battle fast and without harming the enraged unicorn. The circle hit its mark and Trixie fell to the ground with a heavy thud, her hat falling to the side.

“Oh my that was a wonderful shot Twilight, too bad it didn’t hit.” Twilight was caught off guard as Trixies voice came from beside her, the ensnared Trixie burst into a torrent of light and colors. Twilight barely managed to dodge another bolt of magic erupting from the ground. “Did you know you can determine a teleports end by feeling out vibrations in the air?” Trixie had appeared once again right next to Twilight as she came out of a teleport. She spun and launched a quick stunning spell at the sudden Trixie. It hit its mark and Trixie reared back crying out then passing out. “Oh, poor... Rarity was it?” Twilight’s eyes widened as the unconscious Trixie faded into the bound white unicorn. “I told you once Twilight you will suffer.” A tear rolled down Twilights eye as she looked around and saw a dozen Trixies laughing at her.

The battle had raged for what seemed like an eternity every Trixie Twilight defeated turned out to be nothing more than an illusion. “You seem tired Twilight, don’t tell me you’re about done? Is this all the mighty Element of Magic is capable of?” Another in a long line of taunts from the hidden Trixie.

“Stay calm Twilight, she’s a show mare and illusions seem to be her thing.” Twilight whispered to herself to help calm her down. She had never battled another pony in a one on one duel of sorts.Trixie had lived in the everfree for years and battled the inhabitants for supremacy, so she was much better at fighting than she was. Another pillar of light, Twilight dodged it but she knew she couldn’t keep up dodging forever she had to think of something fast.

“Stunns, disabling magics?” Twilight jumped at Gallatais’ voice net to her. “You can’t seriously believe that you can stop her without getting a little violent?” The tiny wisp had latched onto Twilight and began a new round of taunting.

“This is your fault, you could have come for me yourself, but no you had to get more ponies involved. I hate you Gallatais.” Twilight shook her head and Gallatais dissipated.

“Hate is such a strong word Magic. I told you in the Palace I would come for you last, Hatred will defeat you and your element will be mine. Just give in you can’t beat me.” Twilight’s face burned with anger as the herd of Trixies laughed at her.

“Fine Trixie, Gallatais! You want a fight,” Twilight stopped as a pillar of light engulfed her. “Lets fight.” The pillar exploded and Twilight stood unharmed, her eyes began to glow a brilliant white and an aura of pulsating purple magic surrounded her.

She vanished and with a massive *pop* Twilight appeared and vanished faster than Trixie could keep track of as Twilight assaulted each of her clones. Each gave out a short yelp as they burst into shards of glassy light. It only took a split second but all the fake Tixies had vanished leaving nothing but a colorful battleground and her friends. Twilight looked around to find the real trixie, no more Illusions were going to distract her. No more miss nice pony, Twilight had resolved against actually fighting Trixie but it looks as if that plan was no longer an option. Twilight hated herself almost as much as Gallatais for going this far but there was little choice left to her.

“Good now that you have accepted this goodbye Twilight.” Twilight turned to her house and saw Trixie, the real Trixie, step out.

Twilight concentrated and gathered a massive amount of magical energies. In her self appointed exile she had seen a timeline in which she was a warrior. she watched the broken version of herself and remembered the spells that the other her used to battle some strange unknown enemy. At first the version of her scared her, but after time it was like watching herself become the strong mare she needed to be. Trixie didn’t even flinch at the feeling of the air being drawn into Twilight’s spell, she just slowly calmly walked toward her and prepared a spell of her own she had developed battling the few dragons that inhabited the Everfree. Unicorn magic was powerful but nothing compared to the deep, vast, well of might the dragons controlled.

Trixie had trained and trained by herself for a long time but never really had any combat experience, she had ran and hid from the denizens of the Everfree for a long time, she was confident of her skill but knew better than to take a beast head on without a little preparation. So she started small, she found the Timberwolves were among the best to test battle, quick skilled and would kill her if she choked. So he watched and found that their were lone wolves that she could fight and not have an entire pack surround her and take her out. Her first fight was as scary and unnerving as she expected, the beast didn’t have any care for her theatrics and her illusions proved useless against the beasts sense of smell, it was a long fight but invaluable in experience. After that she no longer feared battle she craved it finding larger and larger monsters to fight.

That was until she found a dragon, It was much different than the other dragons she had read about. It’s scales glistened with a silver sheen and it had an elegant speech pattern. She had read that dragons were a beastial race that wanted nothing more than to hoard treasure and eat whatever or whomever they found. But this creature proved to be much more than just a beast, she confronted him and boasted her power over the other creatures i the forest but he didn’t care and would ignore the tiny yapping pony. Infuriated she unleashed her magic at the dragon only to have him swat her power away as if waving away a fly. She left the dragons presence after her power seemed to have no effect on the dragon, Trixie poured herself into her books and pratice day after day challenging the dragon and being swatted away each time. For months she honed her skills until when she challenged the dragon she managed to shatter one of his silver scales. She readied for a counterattack but the dragon only spread his wings scooped up his treasure and flew off. Trixie didn’t understand, he didn’t seem mad at her nor did he want revenge at her attack, he just left with all of his treasure. All of it except a single book.

Trixie watched as Twilight’s spell came to it’s peak, a mass of wind and light swirled above her a spark of purple lightning would arc out and scorch the ground around Trixie but she stood fast. “No more illusions I see, you could have accepted my apology and i wouldn’t have to come down to this Trixie. Remember you brought this upon yourself.” Twilight let loose the ball and shed a tear for resorting to violence once again.

“No Twilight just one more illusion.” Twilight didn’t understand it but it seemed as if the ball was coming right for her instead. Twilight panicked was this another trick or had Trixie done something. there was no time with the ball coming closer she could feel the wind blowing her mane and cutting at her body. In a panic she teleported away to face Trixie.

A deafening explosion and the world went silent the ball had hit its mark the shattered Library was torn to shreds in the blast and her friends were ripped from their prisons and tossed asunder. Trixie stood over Twilights broken body and smiled at her. “What, how? *cough*” Twilight had been hit at ground zero and lay in a crater injuries scattered across her body.

Trixie stepped into the crater and enveloped Twilight with her magic lifting her off the ground. Twilight cried out in pain it was too much she had sustained too her cry filled with blood and she coughed it out. “My, my that doesn’t sound very pleasant I’m glad it didn’t hit me. And for how? Well lets just say the final illusion is going to knock your socks off.” Trixie began an uncontrollable laugh as Twilight watched the world around her melt away and ponyville come into view. The real Ponyville, no creator the Oak Tree Library was still there with a large hole in it and her friends had vanished from laying on the ground and were now standing fine watching with wide eyes as was all of Ponyville.

“She truly is something isn’t she Twilight? To think all she needed was just a little push.” Twilight looked and saw Gallatais, the real Gallatais, standing in the towns square along with Pearl, Autumn Breeze, and the Princesses. “And now childern I will take what is mine and the dawn of a new era will begin!” Gallatais stepped up to Twilight and took her from Trixie. “As promised you have proven yourself better than Twilight and have earned your place as the greatest unicorn in Equeria. Stand at my side now Hate and let us usher in my rule.” Trixie stepped up to Gallatais and stood with him. “Now Magic your element is mine.” Gallatais closed the aura around Twilight and it stopped at her center, she fell to the hard ground. All present gasped as she coughed up another spout of blood. Gallatais held the ball of element energy. “Pearl I have gathered my elements and you are now free, but will you go to the flock or will you stay here and rule with me?”

“I... I can’t I told you before I would find a way to stop you. That hasn’t changed.” Gallatais gave her a disgusted look and turned away from her. Pearl rushed to Twilight’s side and held her in her hooves. “I’m soo sorry Twilight, I never thought it would come to this. I’m sorry.” Pearl held her and cried softly. The others had rushed to her side as well Applejack had woke up from her unconscious state to watch the events unfold. Pinkie Pie cried with her and looked to the other three. Both Princesses had arrived Gallatais broadcasted Twilight and Trixies battle over every city in Equestria. Pearl looked at the others “I don’t think I can ever ask for your forgiveness after what I did to each of you but know this I will do anything to make it right.” Pearl gave an icy stare at Gallatais, she watched as he absorbed the last element and returned to his true glory.

Gallatais could feel the world around him for the first time in over a millennia, he could feel the wind as it passed through his glistening coat it left a slight tingle on his fresh skin. The ponies around him could only stare and the Princesses went pale as they felt a wave of focused magic wash over them. It was exhilarating the feeling of life after all this time after gathering the other elements and gaining a solid form he was still lacking this sensation this feeling of life. Autumn Breeze Stood next to the reformed Alicorn, she stood only staring at Pearl holding a defeated Twilight.

“It’s a wonderful day to be alive again, But Pearl my champion I’m disappointed in you. I knew you were stubborn but look around you my plan has come to fruition and the bearers of harmony lay defeated at my hooves. Come now give up on this fantasy of defeating me and join us, It will only take a matter of days before Equestria falls and I once again stand watch over the ponies as I once did all those centuries ago.”

“No Pearl, don’t listen to him,” everyone looked as Twilight stood up from Pearls arms. She was still in shell shock from taking the brunt of her own attack but she stood strong. “we will fight you Gallatais. I know we can defeat you, no matter how long it takes.” Gallatais only smiled and brushed his starry mane from his face.

“Now Twilight look at you, broken defeated and yet you still think you can fight me? I have your element and those of your friends, surely they won’t try to fight me?” He gave a sly smile at the troupe of huddled former element holders.

“Hey her name is Twilight Sparkle not Shirley.” Everyone looked to see Pinkie Pie step forth. “And you seem really sure of yourself mister ghost. But I know a secret.” Pinkie gave the confused Twilight a warm welcoming smile.

“What are you babbling about you ninny?” Trixie Stepped up.

“Well if I told you it wouldn’t be a very good secret now would it?” Pinkie only waved a hoof at her. Trixie began to burn with rage.

“Hah, you are still quite the laugh aren't you my little pony?” Gallatais stepped between Trixie and Twilight group. “Pearl I will not ask again, stand with me and live forever as a hero or fall now and be forgotten as your hero did so long ago?”

“No.” Pearl stood up to Gallatais and took a deep breath. She knew he would follow up on his promise of taking her out for defying him but she didn’t care. Weather she would be remembered for releasing him on Equestria for the rest of eternity or just the first in a long line of ponies that will fall denying him she didn’t care this was her choice and she was proud to make it.

“Very well, if this is your choice then so be it, good bye Battle.” With that a massive light encircled Pearl and she vanished.