• Published 5th Apr 2012
  • 1,616 Views, 48 Comments

The Edge Of Harmony - Alazak

Pearl a pony with a head full of stories travels to Ponyville to meet her child hood hero.

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CH 2

The train ride was excruciatingly long. Every moment was a moment that kept her away from her dream, but every passing mile was a mile closer to it. How many years had she dreamed of this, to meet Twilight Sparkle? From the moment she was told the story of Nightmare Moon and how Twilight had braved great dangers to gather the legendary Elements of Harmony to vanquish the everlasting night.

Pearl's mother had been in Canterlot years before she was born and had seen Twilight Sparkle and her companions in passing at a summer sun festival. Her mother had always told her that Twilight Sparkle was a real pony and the tales that Twilight had written in her book were true; the confrontation with an Ursa Minor, chasing away a dragon that threatened to cover Equestria with its darkening smoke. Pearl flipped through her treasure. She recounted the pages as they passed by, so many stories, each one bringing a torrent of pleasant memories.

“Oh my, that's a very thick book.” a soft velvet voice broke her reminiscing. Pearl shook her head and looked over to the owner. A light peach Pegasus hiding in her long golden blonde mane. “I'm sorry, my mother always told me it was rude to interrupt but I've never seen some one look so happy reading a book before.” She was a lot younger than Pearl, by at least a few years.

“It’s fine,” Pearl smiled to the stranger. “My mother always told me to speak your mind and reach out to new ponies.” Pearl put her book away and turned back to the peach Pegasus. “I'm Pearl, daughter of Coffee Pot and daughter of Tea Kettle; we run an antique store in the greater Manehatten area.” It was too much for her new friend, her head was swimming with attempting to process the info, “Oh my, are you alright?” Pearl got up and went to her.

“I'm... I'm Autumn Breeze, My father is...” Pearl stopped her.

“There is no need for all that; I get a little carried away,” Pearl's smile got even bigger. “Where will the train take you? I'm on my way to Ponyville. And why are you on a train?” Pearl thought for a moment, “I thought the Pegasus flew everywhere. I even heard they laugh at the earthbound ponies in their lack of 'freedom'?” Autumn blushed and hid in her hair.

“I can't fly.” Autumn said softer than a whisper. Pearl was taken aback. A Pegasus that can't fly, that's unheard of. “Well it’s not completely true, it’s more like I'm afraid to.” That was even more of a shock, could it be true. If this wasn’t happening in front of her she would have laughed it off.

The two sat in silence for a moment. Afraid to fly, no way, was it possible. She had always loved the stories of the fabulous Wonderbolts and actually saw them in Manehatten a few years ago, there captain was amazing. She can remember the rainbow trail left in her wake as she passed through the black storm clouds of her team. The fierce determination in her movements as if she could escape from the world, it was magical.

“Are you there?” Autumn was waving a hoof in front of Pearl's lost face. “Is it so shocking,” Pearl snapped from her memories and into a look of sheer will. Autumn cringed a little.

“Autumn Breeze,” Pearl stood on her hind legs, startling Autumn. “I have an eye for things that are more than they appear, and I can see more about you than you can ever realize. Come with me to Ponyville. Fear is only the dark keeping out the light of life.” Autumn had no idea what to say. Pearl held out her hoof to her. Autumn was completely caught up in the moment, her eyes widened to the spectacle in front of her. She took her hoof and stood with Pearl. “That a girl.” Pearl put her hoof around the peach Pegasus and pointed to the passing scenery. “Flight could surely be yours if you reach for it, mother always said there is nothing in the way of your dreams if you don’t let them distract you.”

“You’re a strange filly Pearl,” Pearl giggled and gave a toothy grin. “We'll see each other again, I promise.” Autumn freed herself from Pearls overzealous dream and trotted down the aisle to another cart and out of sight.
Passing her came an official pony wearing a blue transit uniform; his dark gray coat was nicely trimmed as was his short black and white mane, topped with a hat.

“Ponyville, next stop. Ponyville have all your belongings ready, and thank you for using The Manehattan Express.” This was it; Twilight Sparkle was only a few moments away.

The train pulled up to its destination. A quaint little place, the Ponyville train depot. The Manehatten station was massive compared to the brightly colored single arrival station in her new home to be. A lot less ponies filled the area than she expected and only a few exited the train also. She searched for Autumn Breeze but to no avail. How hard was a peach flightless Pegasus to find? She gathered her belongings from the terminal and headed into town. The excitement of all the new things to see and the beginning of her search were quickly met with fatigue. She hadn't eaten since she left this morning and the weight of her bags was sapping her strength and her excitement. She looked around and saw she had made it to the center of town. The buildings were an old colonial style, mix matched coloring was a pleasant view to the solid gray of her home town. The town reflected itself on to its residents, the bustle of the towns folk were lively and vibrant. They smiled and spoke in a sort of singsong roar.

Pearl sat in an open air cafe. The strain was too much; she needed food and a rest from the long trip. “Welcome to the Sugarcube Corner Cafe. Can I get you something?” Pearl rolled her head back to see a tall yellow stallion wearing a funny stripped hat.

“Uhh, yeah. A dandelion sandwich and water, please.” The waiter disappeared and left Pearl to her luggage and thoughts. “I'm finally here; I always imagined it to be exactly like this. And Twilight had described it well.” Pearl turned when she heard the waiter return and spill her water.

“Did you say, Twilight? As in Twilight Sparkle?” The waiter had a paler complexion to him.

“Yes I've moved here to find her,” Pearls eyes lit up. “Do you know her?” The waiter wiped up the water and replaced the glass with a spare. “My mother told me she still lived here in Ponyville.” She reached for her water and noticed a sparkler in a cupcake. “I don't remember ordering that. It's pretty though.”

“You’re new in town. I can tell and it's what she would have wanted. And yes, Twilight still lives in the old library, but that’s a lost cause.” He turned and left Pearl alone perplexed at his words and the sparkling sugary confection. “Welcome to Ponyville.” He called as the swinging doors closed behind him.

With her energy restored, Pearl took her things and set out in to the small town. It was all she could do to not race up to every one she saw and ask directions to her dream. It was a small town and according to the stories the elder oak tree that served as Twilight’s home was somewhere in the center of the square. Her mind still hung heavily on what the yellow stallion said 'lost cause'. What in Equestria could that mean? Her bag was still heavy though, maybe stopping by the junk store was a better idea. She could drop her things off and see where it was so she could resume the search on a lighter hoof. “More detours,” she said aloud as she pulled the address from her saddle bag and looked to her new destination. “Now if I was a junk store where would I be?” She scratched her head as she joked to herself.

“You would be across the bridge on the other side of the park. It's not far really,” There was that velvet voice again interrupting her train of thought.

“Autumn Breeze?” Pearl turned to see the peach Pegasus behind her. She happily trotted over to Autumn and gave her a hug. “I looked all over the station for you. You should have said you were getting off here and we could have come together.” Pearl looked over Autumn's shoulder to see an older cream yellow mare Pegasus behind her watching from a safe distance. “Hello?” Pearl called out to her.

“Pearl, this is my mother, Fluttershy. And mother, this is Pearl. She's the pony I meet on the train. She's going to be staying at the Pots Emporium that was opened in town.” Pearl looked at the two Pegasi side by side, a perfect match siding the color of their coats and mane, even down to the scared and weak look in their eyes. Not a helplessness that makes you feel bad for them but a look that you would sacrifice the world to protect.

“Fluttershy, why does that name sound so familiar?” Pearl looked at Fluttershy. There was something haunting about her; she was defiantly Autumn's mother. It kind of made Pearl chuckle to herself. Even the feel of the pony’s character felt like she’s known her whole life. “Pleased to meet you. Then maybe after I put my things up you can help me locate the Oak Tree Library?” Pearl looked at the pair of pegasi to see them stare blankly at her. “What? I'm sorry did... I … say something wrong?” Pearl cocked her head to one side as Fluttershy stepped forward.

“Autumn, love, take Pearl's things to the emporium and head home. I'd like to talk to your new friend.” Fluttershy gave them both a sad smile that filled Pearl with dread. Autumn did as she was told and hurried off with Pearl's things. “Don't worry Pearl, she’s a good pony and will get your things to your home without delay. But enough with that, tell me why would you want to find the old library?”

“I... I came all the way from Manehatten to meet my childhood hero, Twilight Sparkle.” The two ponies walked along through town and Fluttershy could only smile. The whole time putting Pearl a little on edge. “I grew up with the book she wrote and always wanted to meet her, because my mother had told me she was real and living in this town just like the book.” It was strange but Pearl felt as if she could tell this pony she had only meet a moment ago anything and feel safe.

“Oh, her book is what brought you all the way from Manehatten?” Fluttershy smiled again. “And what of her companions, Butterfly, Pink Smile, Beauty Gemstone, Rainbow Flash, and Apple Orchard?” Wait, she knew the characters from the book also, had she read it too? It was a bittersweet silence as they passed through town. The sun began to fall as they approached their destination. “Oh my, look, we're here.” They stopped in front of an ancient decrypt tree in the midst of town.

It looked horrid, its withered exterior clashed with the brightness of the surrounding town. The tree seemed to be dying; it was unkempt and gave off an aura that made Pearl shiver. It wasn't possible; the tree was nothing as she had read about. She tried to take in this new sight. Although the sign was set to open and the aged candle out front was lit to welcome visitors. It didn’t seem very inviting.

“I don't understand. This can’t be the old oak library I've read so much about.” Pearl reached for her book but remembered it was in her saddle bags that she gave to Autumn Breeze. But still, this couldn't be right.

“It does seem very wrong, right?” Fluttershy's voice trailed away into a sorrowful tone. Pearl began to approach the derelict tree in a sort of daze. “It's no use; the sign will change to closed if you get too close.” Fluttershy reached out to the distressed Pearl. And with that it did, as Pearl approached the open sign and the candle on the front door went out, looking as if no one was there to operate the establishment. “It's been like that for years. Even the door is locked and won't open even if you force it.” Fluttershy saw Pearl's eyes begin to water as if she was going to cry. “Oh, don't do that dear, you'll make me cry too.”

“This can't be right, everything is so wrong.” She stared at the tree in complete disbelief. Pearl fought back the tears. “That strange pony in the park with the hat was right.” She approached the door and tried to open it. Nothing. Not a budge. Not even movement in the old tree to tell if anyone was home. “I saved my whole life to come here and even convinced my father that I would fulfill my dream and be happy. I came this far I can’t let this stop me.” Pearl bucked the door a couple of times and still to no avail. After tiring herself out she leaned against the library door and began to sob softly. “The stories, they never said anything like this. To think, I was so naive to think it would be this easy.” She sat up and began to walk away from the tree toward Fluttershy who was waiting with tears of her own and open arms. Pearls face was stained with the tears of defeat. She only got a few feet from the shattered dream when the library door owned slightly, both Fluttershy and Pearl turned to look toward the darkness. A single purple hoof stretched through the crack, in it held a small book.

Fluttershy ran to the door, past Pearl, as the door slammed shut and locked again, dropping the book to the ground. “TWILIGHT, please come out. I miss you.” Fluttershy cried out as she beat her hoofs against the barrier. “You don’t need to do this to yourself anymore, please.” Fluttershy leaned against the door and cried.

Pearl was lost with the moment. A warning from her home town, a slight clue as she arrived, she even remembered Silver and Diamond from home they use to live here was it connected? There was more happening than she thought possible. What had happened to her hero? Fluttershy knew her and seemed very close to Twilight. Fluttershy had her own tears to wipe away as Pearl went to help the fallen mare up she kicked the book that was pushed from the darkness. 'The Fall of Friendship - by Twilight Sparkle' Pearl picked it up. She read the cover and thought to her collection. She had never heard of this one, it sounded much darker than all of her previous works. Was it a rare volume, perhaps an unreleased work? But that didn't matter at the moment. Fluttershy went to get up and Pearl rushed to her side.

“Just how long has she been in there like that, Ms. Fluttershy?” Pearl asked as the two ponies escaped from the tragic scene. It was all too disheartening for Pearl. This all couldn't be her hero. Twilight Sparkle, a hermit in the center of a town, and no one seeming to want to help. What had happened? The waiter at Sugarcube Corner giving a cryptic warning, the orange pony with the hat in Manehatten warning her even before coming this far. What was it all about?

“Along time dear, longer than it should be for any pony. Especially her.” Fluttershy answered as they approached a large light bluish building, her voice as distant as her eyes. “Pots Emporium,” She read out the sign, as she wiped her eyes. The Pots Emporium was a fitting match to the rest of the surrounding towns buildings a large front window was covered. “I take it this is yours?” they stood outside the front door. There were lights on in the place and they could hear someone trotting around on the inside. It had been some time and Luna’s moon had risen to cover Ponyville in its beauty. “That must be Autumn, I told that girl to head home.” Fluttershy laughed as she took a deep breath and went inside.

Pearl stepped into her new home; it reminded her of the junk store back home. Except there was an excitement about as Autumn looked at all of the antiques with excitement. It’s like she had never seen anything like it before. A lot were still in boxes but the larger pieces stood out and gained great admiration from the peach Pegasus. Pearl had finally noticed Autumn's cutie mark; three red maple leaves blowing across her flank Pearl thought to herself a calming mark for someone running about like a mad pony. It was nice to see her happy as Pearl had just been apart of miserable scene moments before.

“Mother, have you seen such wonderful things before?” Autumn cried out her voice louder than Pearl had ever heard it. “Clocks and spoons, and tea pots. Their all so pretty.” Pearl blushed a little; she had never seen a younger pony so excited about old junk.

“No Autumn, I haven't,” Fluttershy smiled to her daughter, Autumn hopped up to Fluttershy and her eyes were wild with excitement. Fluttershy brushed Autumn's misplaced hair from her face. “Well, Rarity had a fancy tea set a long time ago, but I think Sweetie Belle broke a couple of cups when she was learning magic.” Fluttershy giggled to herself as she recalled the memories of Rarity’s twisted face as she tried to encourage the young unicorn but wanted to cry for her tea cup. “And what about going home after running that errand?” Fluttershy gave Autumn a stern gaze that made the Pegasus cringe.

“I'm sorry mom. I just got caught up in all this.” Autumn held her hoof out and scanned the boxes. “There so wonderful, elegance of elder craftsmanship.” Autumn sat after the overexertion. “But I am sorry mother, you look distressed?” Autumn rushed to Fluttershy's side. “You didn't go there again, did you? That is a place of lost hope.” She held her mother tight. “Twilight is lost to us, a closed off champion that let a single mistake destroy her.” Autumn could feel the warm tears drop to her shoulder.

“This can't be. I dreamed for so long of meeting her and one day myself following her as a hero, to help those that need it to right wrongs that no one else can stand against.” Pearl held her head low as she passed the pair of Pegasi. “Am I a lost cause as well?” She closed the door to the upper living level of the store. Fluttershy and Autumn Breeze collected themselves and left Pearl to her thoughts.

How, how was this possible, so many things were processing through Pearls mind. She searched for the answer; she turned to the only comfort. She went back into the dark store to search out her book; surely it would bring her some comfort. She rummaged in the dark for her saddle bag, but as she thought about the book cold realization shot through her. How would the words of a recluse that closed herself off to the world bring her any comfort? She was lost in the darkness. She sat against the wall and sighed. She started to cry softly and kicked the bag violently. It flew across the room and dislodged the old tomb; it slid and landed next to another book. “Damn her, she did this. How did all this happen?” Pearl went to retrieve her treasure. “The Fall of Friendship?” the title slowly came to her. The tree and the darkness that gave forth the prize. “So tell me Twilight, how far did you fall?”