• Published 5th Apr 2012
  • 1,616 Views, 48 Comments

The Edge Of Harmony - Alazak

Pearl a pony with a head full of stories travels to Ponyville to meet her child hood hero.

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CH 19

Trixie stepped into the throne room in Canterlot with her head held high. “Lord Gallatais I, The Great and Powerful Trixie, present you the mirror of foresight directly from Ponyville.” Trixie gave a bow and moved aside as a pair of dark coated palace guards clad in black armor pulled a cart into the throne room with Twilights mirror in all of it’s glory.
“Ah, yes my greatest champion. I see you have accomplished your mission.” Gallatais walked down from his high throne and to the mirror. “So splendid, I can feel it’s energy. So much trapped archaic energy, I can remember teaching this to Starswirl so long ago.” Gallatais stroked the mirror lost in the past.
“I have set up a room with Twilight's notes and inscribed the proper runes.” Trixie gave a proud laugh.
“Good, you have done well. Now my daughter and I have a meeting that needs attention, and I need you to go and visit Sorrow.” Gallatais shot Trixie a sharp glare. Trixie began to bow and back off. Trixie left and the night guards dragged the mirror away. “She’s gone you can reveal your self now.”
From the darkness of the throne room a cloaked pony emerged. “You’re a harsh master, I can see not much has changed.” The pony walked around Gallatais, her voice perked a smile from Gallatais. She wore a dark cloak that hid most of her features but Gallatais knew.
“Tell me my amethyst pearl where has my daughter hidden herself away to?” Gallatais had returned to his throne.
“You fiend, of all the despicable things to do. Give me my sister immediately.” The female pulled back her hood to reveal a stressed and angry Rarity, She stood strong with all her youthful glory. “I can see that you have what you wanted including Twilight’s silly mirror.”
“Oh no my dear, it’s not that easy. You see your little friends that have hidden themselves away have put me a bad position. They are hiding something that belongs to me.”
“Oh, and what would that be? That silly sword Pearl carried around everywhere? Too bad oh Lord whatever but she took it with her when she left.” Rarity flipped her hair and rolled her eyes as she looked around the throne room.
“Oh yes the sword,” Gallatais smiled. “a tragic loss I’m sure. I will reward this tidbit of information, Luna my child bring our new friend her prize.” Gallatais waved a hoof to another corner of the throne room and a spectral starlit Pony stepped into the light. Rarity took a step back in shock as she gazed upon the princess of the night.
Luna had slowly made the transition back to the armored queen that Rarity remembered from her youth. With the exception of her eyes being a normal shape for an alicorn she gave off an eerie feeling from her time as Nightmare Moon. “Ah, Rarity, it is so good to see you again. We have something here for you.” Luna gave a flap of her wing and a fog of stars set in a moonless night rose up, Rarity looked and began to see the shape of a pony form in the haze.
“Sister!” A sudden burst of happiness erupted from the fog as Sweetie Belle ran to her sisters side. “I was so scared, one second I’m in the boutique and suddenly these ponies came and snatched me up. I... I just didn’t know what had happened to you.” Sweetie Belle cried into her sisters cloak.
“It’s okay, it’s all going to be alright. I’m here now and we’re going home.” Rarity stroked her weeping sisters mane and tried her best to comfort her.
“Perhaps we've misunderstood the deal.” Gallatais dissolved into smoke and crept across the floor to the unicorn sisters. “You may leave this place freely but my prisoner stays.” The two ponies turned shocking glances to Gallatais who had reformed towering above them. “The information you have given me is not good enough to completely exchange this sweet,” Gallatais brushed his cosmic tail under Sweetie’s chin. “innocent bargaining chip.”
Rarity swept her sister behind her and stood up as close to Gallatais’ face as she could. “Now you see here you vile ruffian, I passed you information that hurt to give and now I WILL have my sister and leave this dreadful place.” She tried to back slowly to the palace doors but was cut off by Luna.
“Don’t be like that Miss Rarity, I will give you your sister, in time. But I will need more information before I do so.” He shot a glance to Luna who gave him a smile back. “If you tell me where my dear Celestia and your ex-friends are hiding, the two of you are free to leave right now. But if you insist on not telling me,” He paused for a dramatic second. “I’ll give you these little visitations for little information.” Gallatais nodded his head and Luna gave another flap of her wings summoning another bellow of mist to snatch away Sweetie Belle.
Rarity cried out as she went to grab her sister. “You BASTARD! Bring my sister back this instant!” Rarity began to glow a soft blue, tears began to stream down her face and her face began to turn red with rage.
Gallatais’ face twisted as Rarity spouted more threats. He began to scowl and tense up while he watched Rarity scream at him. “ENOUGH!” Rarity choked back the rest of her argument as Gallatais began to glow and radiate a low heat. “Know this child, your sister will be safe under my care. If you wish to keep her that way you will feed me information, unless you wish to divulge the whereabouts of my daughter than you may take her here and now.”
Rarity took a scared step back as Gallatais spoke. She shied away when she heard what Gallatais wanted from her. “I can’t do that, I can’t just betray them like that.” Rarity’s face dropped to the floor. “Will you keep her safe?” Both Luna and Gallatais exchanged a smile. “Do you promise!?” Gallatais slipped his tail under her chin and brought her eyes to his.
“We have a deal then.” Gallatais gazed deep into Rarity’s red, tear stained eyes and smiled.


“This isn’t real.” Pearl tried her best to put her spinning head around what she had been told. “Starswirl is... has been...dead.” Her head began to ache as she looked upon the robed unicorn.
“And I still am. But that’s a story for another time.” Starswirl just gave her a goofy smile.
“How did I get here? Last thing I remember was fighting Trixie and everything started to get heavy.” Pearl could feel the sharp sting coming from her face and remembering shards of stained glass embedded in her flesh.
“And boy did she do a number over on you. No you were brought here by a Pegasus. She begged me to help you, and it was close. Trixie must not have been very thorough. You were practically dead when you arrived.” Starswirl turned and levitated a steaming cup of tea and held it for Pearl as she tried to drink what she could. “Ah,ah now drink it all. It’ll help regain some strength.” As Pearl drank Starswirl sat on a large mushroom and sighed deeply. “I’m sorry Pearl but all of this is my fault. A long, long, time ago I did something most regrettable and it set into motion a tragic series of events that you are now in the middle of. It caught up the royal family and it even stretched far into my lineage.” Pearl watched the old stallion look to the passing clouds. “I just didn’t create the spell that powered the mirror that Twilight Sparkle used to cause all of this, I used it myself.” Pearl didn’t know what to say, she thought that only Twilight had successfully used the Foresight spell and saw the events that lead the ponies to oblivion and attempted to stop it. “Well to be more accurate, I used just the spell and not the mirror.”
“I still don’t understand how you are here. let alone how I’m here.” Pearl’s mind raced a mile a minute with so many questions.
“Whoa there calm yourself before you pass out again. I know it’s hard to take in but when I gazed into the fractured future one thing stuck out more than anything else, the mirror. I had to create the formula and blueprints for it, because well every possible future said I did it.” Starswirl laughed. “to think I created Equestrias greatest spell only because the future said I did.” Pearl didn’t get his joke. “What no? Nothing, man you’re a tough crowd.” Pearl shook her head slowly and Starswirl just sighed. “But enough with that you need some r&r, we'll get to making you a hero tomorrow.” Pearl went to protest but Starswirl just waved a hoof at her and she passed out. “Sleep sound, dreamer.”


Far above the shattered lands of Equestria soared a orange and purple streak. It darted the skies and would on occasion swoop in closer to the earth for a better look. The speed and precision was spectacular like an aerial show the orange dot would doge in and out of cloud cover not to be discovered by passing predators. Since the disappearance of Princess Celestia the skies had been littered with airborne menaces and the ground was extremely dangerous to stay on for more than a few moments.
“She has to be here somewhere.” Scootaloo spoke softly to herself. She wanted to avoid any contact with monsters even though she could lose them in a flash. “Common Dash where are you?”
It had been a happy day when she and Dash arrived in Ponyville, dozens of ponies had gathered around to admire Rainbow Dash, former captain of the elite Wonderbolts. And even a few gave Scootaloo some congratulations on her stack of achievements. She had come home after so long but it felt as if she had never left, she and Dash found that Dashes old home only had minor neglect to it, Dash thought that Fluttershy kept the place together as best she could. Even the long overdue reunion with her crusader friends was warm and welcoming. But just as they began to feel at home, the tragedy of Trixie appeared. Dash had vanished as did the others and Scootaloo was beside herself when she found out Fluttershy had come to pass.
It was hard to not cry as she flew, it had been about a week since Dash was whisked away from her. Scootaloo with a heavy heart left Ponyville to search for her, even Cloudsdale was put into the back of her mind as she flew as fast as she could to find her lost love.
She searched all the hidden places Rainbow Dash had taken her on their little getaways. She soared to the highest peaks of Dragon infested mountain tops, to deep into the darkest of Diamond Dog passages. But nothing, not a rumor only glimmers of the past. Scootaloo decided to rest in an ancient Pegasus city long abandoned since before Celestia came to power. The city had been the one great Pegasus capital that trained the warriors of old to fight hordes of griffin aggressors to even entire flights of dragons. But since Celestia banished away those that would bring about the destruction of her Equestria there had been no need for it in over 1000 years. She slowly walked through the city admiring the craftsmanship of the old Pegasi that built it so long ago, it was a marvel that it managed to stay together and not drift away after so many centuries. Faded murals of Pegasi history detailing ancient victories over the dragons and portraits of heroes long lost in history. She never knew their names but they stood so strong in their portraits, clad in shimmering armor and with a glare that made Scootaloo feel slightly uncomfortable.
“He was the grand general Storm Hammer.” Scootaloo jumped at the sound of the voice that broke the silence. She turned and there stood the Lord of the Alicorns himself Gallatais. “I remember him well. He lead many victories against the Dragon King.” Scootaloo readied for him to come for her and backed away as he approached the faded and torn painting. “He died at the claws of the Dragon King. I was there I can never repay him for his bravery that fateful day, I owed him my life.” Scootaloo gave Gallatais a strange look as he began to rebuild the painting making it look brand new. She could see General Storm Hammer more clearly, his orange coat was perfect and gleamed with pride. His deep pink eyes stared deep into her soul as she looked closer she could feel his inspiring presence even though the painting.
“How did you find me here?” Scootaloo snapped at him.
“Oh, I’m looking for the same thing you are my dear. The ex element of Loyalty, Rainbow Dash.” Scootaloo went back into her offensive stance and wanted to flee so bad but she thought it would be no use. “Now, now my little pony, I have Twilight’s mirror in my possession. I will have to say I’ve looked into it for so long I just don’t get it. Every time I look for my missing daughter and her miscreants I keep getting blocked. It’s as if something is jamming the future.”
“Aww, too bad for you that your little toy is broke.” Scootaloo didn’t understand where he was going but a little taunt wasn’t going to kill her.
“Oh yes, but not broke you see that’s where you come in my orange little tart. In every instance just before I lose sight of them I see,” Gallatais looked to another mostly destroyed painting. It had a calmer elegance to it than most of the others. All the pegasi lay frolicking in a large cloud bank each one had a crown of sky lilies, a very rare and exotic flower that only grew in the clouds. Nopony knew exactly why but their sapphire blue color was sought after by many, Scootaloo had one for a long time Dash said she had flown to the end of Equestria just to find it for her. And then Gallatais turned to Scootaloo like a lightning bolt. It was so fast it startled her for a moment. “you. I wonder why that is?”
“Because I’m going to find her just you watch.”
“Will you now?” Gallatais smile a crooked little smile and went back to the painting of Storm Hammer. “Scootaloo, do you know why I respected Storm Hammer?” Scootaloo cocked her head to the side confused. “I respected Storm Hammer because he was a pony that truly knew what was important. You see Storm Hammer lost his daughter in a battle a long long time ago, She was a fierce warrior just like her father and wanted to prove herself every moment she got. She would put herself at high risk and somehow always come out on top. she made Storm hammer extremely proud, but deep down he died little by little knowing that she may not be so lucky one day. And then that day came a horde of dragons attacked the lands you know call Equestria and I came and asked for his help in its defense. He agreed and sent two hundred of his finest with his daughter at the command. The war was long but one dark moonless night a surprise attack caught us off guard Storm and his daughter rose to the occasion and defended the troops as they readied for battle, but while Storm Hammer saw victory that day his daughter fell from the heavens.” Scootaloo slowly began to shed a tear as she listened to Gallatais story. “Now you see child he could have saved her that night but lost the battle. But he knew what was truly important, he loved his daughter more than I had ever seen anypony love their child but he gave her up to secure the future she died to create.”
“That was so sad, but I don’t understand what that has to do with me?” Scootaloo wiped away her tears.
“It has everything to do with you, think back to the one you search for did she teach you nothing? She held her loyalties in check after all those years. Her dreams, her team, even deep down the friends that she had thought betrayed her, and even you. But look at you what unselfless loyalties have you kept?” Scootaloo wrapped her wing around and began to stroke to remembering what had been given up for her.
As she sat in that moment of silence a flood of memories began filling her head; flashes of the past, laughter with her team, nights with her love, wave after wave crashed into her mind. All the long nights she worked herself to sleep on routines, the heartbreak finding out that she would never truly fly. A fountain of tears poured from her eyes as Scootaloo realized. “I’m her Equestria. She could have saved her self that day but instead she passed it on to me.”
“Very good child, you know I have never lied to you, so when I say you will find her again you can know it to be the truth.” Gallatais stood over the teary Pegasus waiting for her to move.
“My team needs me, Cloudsdale needs me.” She shot up and gave Gallatais a stern look. “Mark my words you may conquer Equestria and have your little victory but you shall never have Cloudsdale. I will find Rainbow Dash and when I do, she WILL have a city to come home to.” And with that Scootaloo spread her wings wide and rocketed out of the city and back towards Cloudsdale.

“I don’t understand father, why go through all of that?” From Gallatais’ shadow Princess Luna began to materialize.
“Oh, you see my child there is more to the story. Storm Hammers daughter didn’t die that day. No she was found by a very troublesome apprentice of mine and brought back to health. Unfortunately he never lived long enough to see her again. She did follow in her fathers hoofsteps though and helped create Equestria.” Gallatais walked up to a one last portrait and hit it with a bit of magic recreating the image of a blue power Pegasus with the name Commander Hurricane inscribed at the bottom in a shining golden tag. “No, that little love struck filly will find her way in this new Equestria and it will lead her to her prize and mine.” He smiled to himself as he watched the streak of purple and orange fade into the distance.

Comments ( 1 )

Great chapter but fix the spacing between the paragraphs. I felt like I was reading a large block of text; just a tip :ajsmug:

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