• Published 5th Apr 2012
  • 1,614 Views, 48 Comments

The Edge Of Harmony - Alazak

Pearl a pony with a head full of stories travels to Ponyville to meet her child hood hero.

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CH 18

Pearl held the gift close to her heart and shed a tear for the first time since her time with Gallatais. She thought of the last year, she was so desperate to meet Twilight Sparkle that she let every thing blind her to the obvious signs that something was amiss with Ponyville. Maybe speaking with Diamond and Silver about their hometown and why they left. And the largest clue that something was out of place was the fact that since the release of her book she disappeared from the public eye. She opened the lost keepsake and began to lose herself in it as she had so many times.


Pearl stood before Celestia, the sun Goddess leered down on the downtrodden pony. “Pearl you stand before me now as a criminal to all of Equestria. I saved you from your ultimate demise at the hands of my father so you may redeem yourself.” Pearl raised her head to look Celestia in the eye. Celestia’s stance held so much power, her very presence overwhelmed Pearl and even though she lost her Godlike power she still commanded vast amounts of magic. “Are you willing to fix what is broken? Are you prepared to do what is necessary?”

“But how, Gallatais has the Elements and we have nothing?” Pearl took a step back confused at what Celestia presented her with. “Look around you Princess, your sister is on his side. Twilight was beaten, and we’ve lost...” Pearl choked back tears that would never come. “Kindness.”

“But we do have hope.” A new voice pierced the darkness and Applejack stepped beside the Princess. “Ah told you once that you needed to make yer own decisions. So what’s it going to be?” She pulled off her hat and reached into the darkness. “You going to walk away,” Pearl took a step back as Applejack pulled Gallatas sword into the light. “or take some responsibility?”
Pearl reached out and took the sword she had held for so long and felt reinvigorated. It lacked the power that once inhabited the deep prison. But Pearl thought it strange that it still had no weight to it. “That’s a lot of Equestria to fix out there.” Pearl gave Celestia and Applejack a smile.
“It’s a lot of responsibility.” A new voice and Rarity stepped into the light. “To think we would meet again.” Still as young as ever, Rarity paced around Celestia. “Good to see some other ponies also.” She gave a glare to Applejack and then to the Princess.
“And I must speak with you Rarity.” Celestia gave Rarity the same stare that ran shivers down Pearls spine.
“Very well Princess I will be around this... place.” Rarity gave a disgusted look around. “Oh, and … Pearl was it, I have a something for you.” As Rarity left a small package dropped from the darkness.


“So Pearl where will you start.” Rainbow Dash hovered about two inches off the ground around Pearl. “Man this is hard, huf, I mean the princess has been getting word that cities all over Equestria are falling like dominos.” She stopped flapping and landed out of breath as Pearl loaded a saddle bag getting ready to venture across Equestria.
“Well Dash,” Pearl pulled her bags tight and turned to Dash. “I have a friend to rescue.” Pearl pulled a large cloak over herself and strapped the sword to her back. “Tell Rarity thanks for the gift.” And with that Pearl left the resistance.

“Look Hatred, Equestria is mine once again.” Gallatais stepped into the throne room followed by both Luna and a proud robed Trixie. The guards reluctantly bowed before the new ruler of Equestria. “Ahh, it feels so good to be alive again.” Gallatais sat at the throne, a sudden burst of power and a shimmering crown of glittering stars settled atop his head. “Now, onto more pressing matters. Hatred, the beasts of Everfree will ravage the land in a matter of moments.” He waved a hoof in the air creating a pulse of magic and a map of Equestria appeared filling the room. The map seemed alive with small flocks of birds passing over the windswept forests.
“Ponyville will be the first to fall, and I want Twilight’s mirror.” Trixie stopped in mid pace and looked at Gallatais confused. “Oh I’m sorry, perhaps the flattening of Ponyville maybe a delight to you. But even if it was the town that ruined you, it still holds Twilights mirror.” Trixie felt a little uneasy as Gallatais spoke down to her. “It is key to ensuring my reign over Equestria, with it I will have a heads up on any who would attempt to usurp me. And with it I can lead your kind to their prosperity.”
“Trixie has already bested Twilight and can surely just rebuild this mirror once Ponyville is nothing but a memory.” Trixie gave a proud speech to her liege.
“Oh,” Gallatais cocked an eyebrow as he watched Trixie step up to the map and survey what was going to be ancient history. “rebuild a precise artifact that took the personal student of Celestia, a prodigy that hasn’t graced the face of Equestria in generations, over a year to build and a decade to even decipher.” A sudden loss of color left Trixie's face a pale white. “Do I need to continue?”
Trixie backed toward the door bowing and sweating, heavily.


Ponyville was rampant with chaos as the residents ran about in a panic. A small pack of Timberwolves had breached the forest and entered the town. The moment Celestia vanished with Pearl and company, the beasts felt her presence vanish and began their assault. A deep piercing howl and the trampling of branched paws echoed throughout the township, the Timberwolves sniffed out the hiding residents as they ran for the safety of their homes.
In a back alley a foal ran for it’s life, sweat raced down the young ponies face as fast as she could run. She looked back to see if she had lost her pressure, a timberwolf had noticed the young pony had separated from the herd as they ran for cover, it savored for the taste of pony flesh after so long being trapped in the darkness of the forest. A cautious moment of relief passed until the foal ran head first into a trash can knocking it over in a loud crash alerting the wolf of her location. The foal panicked as she saw the alley was a dead end, tears began to well up as she heard the wooden scraping of the wolves branchy legs enter the alley. The foal saw the timber wolves glowing red eyes stare directly at her from it’s dark thorny face another threatning moment and came a loud bark at her. It’s tone cut through her paralyzing her in place unable to do anything.
“Man what is with these things there every where?” The wolf stopped and turned to the new voice.
“Well dua, Pound it’s an invasion.” Two ponies stood at the alleys entrance looking at it.
“Hey! I know it’s an en..ava..whatever, shut up Pumpkin.” The wolf focused and saw a pair of ponies arguing with each other, a male pegasus and female unicorn, bickering back and forth.
“It’s not fair Pound we finally get pinkie back and before you know it, she's whisked away before we could throw her a party.” The female gave a showy faint into the others arms.
The wolf snarled as it watched the two taunt it. Again they began to talk nonsense to one another until the wolf became fed up with listening and readied to strike while they were distracted.
“Hey Pumpkin why are you always so... so dra... overly... Ghhha get off me.” Pound pushed his sister away and they began arguing again. The timberwolf lunged at the pair of siblings fangs at the ready and wanting blood. It sailed through the alley and right into the back of Pumpkin and directly through her and Pound. The wolf crashed into the street and shook itself off.
“I don’t know Pound I thought timberwolves would be smarter?” The wolf shook off the fall only to see the devilish grins of the two tricksters.
“Ah, Pumpkin don’t be so presumptuous I mean look at it. It’s nothing more than a wild animal, aww look Pumpkin I think it’s mad.” Pound stroked his sisters head as she leaned it on his shoulder. The timberwolf growled and lunged again at the duo passing harmlessly through them once again.
“Hey kid get home, this is going to get ugly.” Pumpkin gave the cowering foal a warm smile and messed her mane up. The foal stopped shaking for a moment and collected herself. “There you go sweetie, now run home and hide.” Pumpkin shooed the foal out of the alley and she took off toward her home where her mother looked worry for her. “Aww Pound, did you see that?” Pumpkin wiped a tear from her face as the wolf lunged at her passing through her once again.
“Fer all thats holy! Pound Pumpkin get rid of that thing and git to the farm on the double!” Both Pound and Pumpkin came to attention at the sound of authority. The wolf took advantage of their distracted stillness and attacked Pound hoping to land a hit, pound only smiled and grabbed a nearby trashcan covering the wolves head in it.
“Ha! Pumpkin if you would.” They gave one last grin at each other as the timberwolf struggled to free itself from the metallic prison. A quick smile and a touch of magic Pumpkin levitated a small pipe and began to bang the trashcan causing the timberwolf to cry out in pain and run for the hills.
The pair erupted in laughter as they watched it slam into a nearby building. “I told you Pound bait and trap would work.” Pumpkin nudged her brother.
“Bait and trap? I thought we were doing good cop bad cop?” Pound gave his sister a confused look. She only turned away with a hoof to her face and a silent shaking.

“Those two some time ah swear they're related to Pinkie.” Applebloom looked around to the chaos that fell her hometown and thought about to do to defend it.
In her thought she didn’t see a stray wolf sneak up on her flank. It waited until Applebloom had dropped her guard to strike.
It was too late the unaware pony heard the snarle too late as she turned to see a snout of teeth headed directly at her. Applebloom held up a hoof and attempted to block in a futile move to save herself, but the bite never came. Applebloom slowly opened her eyes to see the beast's maw inches from her face but hanging in mid flight. “It’s not safe to stand around like that Applebloom.”
Applebloom recognized the voice. She took a step back to see the wolf had been impaled with a large metal object, and a pony covered in a large flowing cloak.
“So ya came back hua,” Applebloom wearly stepped to the side of the dead wolf and approached the cloaked pony. “Pearl.” Pearl pulled back the cloth covering her face and looked at Applebloom with a sad face. “Anypony else know you’re here? And even so haven’t you done enough damage?”
“I...” Pearl found it hard to talk. A hard lump choked her as she fought to say something to Applebloom. “I should have listened to you that day.” Pearl tried to shed a tear but nothing. “I was mad, I lost sight of what really mattered, but I wanted...” Pearl stopped as Applebloom placed a hoof on her mouth.
“Water under tha bridge Pearl.” She gave a smile. “Is mah sis alright? After that fancy light show Celestia put on we didn’t know what to think.” Pearl nodded.
“She’s fine, she even knocked some sense into this thick head of mine.” Pearl smiled as did Applebloom. “But Applebloom I need to know where is Autumn Breeze? I need to make things right again and I figure starting with her would be a good start.”
“I think Gallatais took her to Canterlot after your Houdini act. So are ya really going to try and fix all of this Pearl? What could one Pony really do?” Applebloom gave Pearl a worried look.
“I’ve found it’s amazing what one pony can do.”

Dark clouds loomed over Canterlot, deep menacing shadows lurked in every alley. Nopony was seen in the streets that once bustled with the upper crust of pony society, now populated by ghostly apparitions of scouting ghouls from the underworld. Glowing red eyes leered at the single soul that dared to walk the deserted street. A thin fog creeped along the ground masking the cobblestone that once shone brilliant in the midday sun. Pearl glanced around from ghast to menacing ghast, they would hiss at her as she passed and slither through the mist in an attempt to sneak up on her but never coming too close.
Pearl stopped as she reached her destination, a massive old church stood before Pearl. Stained glass told the glory of Celestias glow over the ponies she watched over. Abandoned after Celestia's disappearance like the rest of Canterlots lesser residential area, the local residents fled for safer towns hoping to stay out of the larger cities in fear of being caught in a cross fire with monsters toppling buildings, Pearl recalled a tragedy in Fillydelphia where a hydra knocked over a small building on top of a group of fleeing ponies killing them.
It had taken a little time to bribe and beat information out of various ponies in canterlot to find where Gallatais was holding Autumn Breeze. Pearl looked up and down the street expecting to see more than just specters and vacant homes. She approached the aged door as a single candle lit up a nearby window, Pearl took a cautious step back and waited to see who opened the door.
“Pearl, is that you?” Pearl felt tears well up in her eyes for the first time in ages. It was Autumn Breeze, Pearl instantly recognized the velvet voice of the lost angel. “What...how?” Autumn was taken back when Pearl lunged through the doorway and embraced Autumn in a crushing hug.
“I found you Autumn!” Pearl began to cry and strangle Autumn. “But wait, we have to get out of here.” Pearl sprang into action, she galloped around the small dusty room in a panic.
“Calm down, Battle.” Pearl froze when she heard the new voice. The shrill harsh voice cut Pearl deep, it was as if a massive spear was driven into Pearls heart when she turn to see none other than Trixie standing at the head of the cathedral. “Why in such a rush? You should sit and stay a while, relax and take a load off those stained hooves.” Trixie made her way toward Pearl and Autumn knocking aside the rickety pews that stood in her path. Pearl took a defencive stance and readied the blade from her back. Trixie stopped. “Oh... come now Battle don’t be like that, we are the bearers of War, we shouldn’t fight with each other.” Trixie tilted her head as she spoke and began a wide circle around Pearl.
“I don’t want to hear anything you have to say Trixie, I’m taking Autumn from here and leaving. you can tell your master I will find a way to defeat him even if it is with my dying breath he wil be stopped.” Trixie stopped and began to laugh.
“Come now Battle, if you keep saying such outlandish things ponies will think you’re off your rocker. Twilight has been defeated and I have the mirror in my possession, it is only a matter of time before The Great and Powerful Trixie learns it’s secrets and crushes the resistance and Finishes Twilight like the dog she is.” Pearl felt a rush of anger as Trixie spoke, she lunged at the laughing pony in an attempt to cut her down where she stood.
“Silence!” Pearl shouted as her blade struck home and Trixie just stood there unaffected. Pearl took a step back and saw a thin blue aura between the two ponies.
“So rash, even without Lord Gallatais’ element that would have been nothing. And there is one more thing you should know before you embarrass yourself further.” Pearl and Trixie circled one another cautiously watching what the others next move would be. “Even if you managed to slip a fast one over Trixie Autumn would not follow you anyway. Isn’t that right Sorrow?” Both Trixie and Pearl looked to Autumn Breeze.
Autumn began to fluster and stuttered nervously trying to tell Pearl something. Pearl rushed to her and tried to calm her. “Autumn what does she mean you won’t come with me?”
“Well... it’s just... I...” Autumn backed out of Pearl’s grasp and took a deep breath. A sudden crash of thunder and lighting startled the two ponies as it began to rain. “I can’t leave here Pearl I just can’t. There is something important I must take care of. Please understand. You have to run from Gallatais, he means to hurt a lot of ponies you must run and...” Another crash of thunder broke out and light hoof steps could be heard near a set of stairs leading to the upper floor of the church.
Pearl’s eyes grew when she saw a small foal emerge from the stairs. A young pegasus filly with an orange coat and curly red and light blue two toned mane peeked at the three ponies standing in the main church. her eyes were filled with fear and her cheeks streaked with fresh tears. Autumn galloped over to the crying child and held her tight petting her head and trying to calm her down.
“There, there Lucky it’s just a little storm nothing to be afraid of it like all things will pass.” The foal seemed to take her words to heart as she stopped crying as began to yawn and rubbed her tired eyes. “That’s a good girl now run along to the others and go to sleep I will be there in a moment.” Pearl was dumbstruck, what was going on? Others, what had happened to her friend?
“They’re orphans,” Trixie snuck up to Pearl and spoke softly into her ear. “some from before and some fresh from the mass exodus that befell Canterlot and other small towns. They flocked to Sorrow and begged for her to help them. It was all so touching.” Pearl felt her legs give out as she listened to Trixie talk. “I can relate really, I was also an orphan in a time long long ago.”
“I’m sorry Pearl I... I can’t just leave them. Of all the pain and sorrow in Equestria theirs is the greatest.” Another crack of thunder and Autumn turned to the stairs, she began to ascend as she turned to her friend. “Run from here Pearl never give up, I know you can beat Gallatais you just have to believe.” And with that she was gone.
“So sweet the pain of absence.” Trixie began again. “Lord Gallatais want’s you dead Battle, you betrayed him that day and made him look like a fool in front of all Equestria. I can’t blame him really Trixie knows of this humiliation and what it can do to a pony, God or otherwise.”
Pearl jumped away from Trixie and readied her sword once again. “Gall is only using your weakness to control you Trixie. He will toss you away as soon as you have ceased to be useful.”
“Come now, that wasn’t very nice of you to say such a thing.” Tixie taunted as she put a hoof to her head pretending to look hurt. “Lord Gallatais has a great plan for Equestria and just to be apart of it has elevated me to a higher state. Even IF he wishes to toss Trixie aside all of Equestria will have known that I was apart of it all. I helped bring Equestria into a shining new era! Yes Pearl Trixie knows that Lord Gallatais shall throw me away in time but until then Trixie shall play her role and master Twilight’s mirror, and finally crushing her like the insignificant bug she is.” Trixie laughed cackling maniacally.
Pearl couldn’t listen to Trixie any longer she knew her strike may be blocked by Trixie's magic but it didn’t matter she had to try and put a stop to Trixie here and now. While Trixie was caught up in her own victory she struck. Clutching the sword in her teeth Pearl thought only of the fight at hand and stopping Trixie.
“Foal, you have failed once at striking The Great and Po...” Trixie’s eyes narrowed as her magical barrier was shattered in Pearls swing. Trixie was slow to react but managed to teleport a short distance away. Pearl finished her swing and felt it connect with the empowered magican, an audible popping sound and Trixie vanished only to reappear a short distance away clutching her chest and torn cape. “It hurts Trixie! You monster how DARE you strike The Great...” Again she was interrupted as Pearl followed up with another focused strike.
Pearl passed through another barrier and Trixie barely dodged a direct attack to her neck, a few strands of hair scattered in the air as Trixie evaded. Trixie stomped a hoof brimming with magic sending out a wave of force causing Pearl to slide away from Trixie. Trixie thought fast seeing Pearl begin a sprint to her once again, a quick burst of magic flew from her horn at an attempt to retaliate against her attacker but it was easily knocked away. Pearl was on top of Trixie before she could mount another spell, Pearl began to swing her sword with a precision that surprised both Trixie and Pearl. Every stab, lunge and slash was barely evaded and some took a little bit of Trixie with them. It looked to be a one sided fight with Pearl on the defensive and Trixie doing all she could just to stay alive.
“Trixie doesn't understand. How is this happening?” The battle had wound up at the top of the church altar, Trixie was panicked as she was barely able to land a single blow to her attacker. Pearl never felt so focused but unable to bring herself to land a vital blow to Trixie. She wanted to finish Trixie so bad, she wanted to end the life of the one who destroyed and humiliated her foal hood hero. She thought back to Gallatais and how he used her and now he was using Trixie. Pearl shook her head clear and realized she was standing over Trixie with the sword to her throat, Pearl saw the scared look in Trixie's eyes. She could feel her fear as she watched sweat roll down Trixies light blue forehead.
“Finish Trixie now.” Trixie put up a brave front to hide how scared she was.
“No, I won’t be used again.” Pearl backed away. “Look at us Trixie. Gall has us jumping through his hoops, and for what?”
Trixie gathered herself and dusted off what was left of her cape. “For Equestria.”
Pearl was caught off guard by Trixie’s answer, she felt the harsh stab that was the gravity of Trixie’s purpose. She willingly gave into Gallatais’ insane plan working for the betterment of Equestria and what was Pearl doing? She was stunned for a moment attempting to take in what was happening right before her, Trixie took advantage of the moment and struck out at Pearl.

A loud crash of lightning struck a nearby tree splitting it in half sending burning sparks into the street. And with a shattering of glass Pearl was cast into the rainy street. Trixie stood in the church laughing at Pearl through the broken stained glass window. Pearl reached for her sword and saw her hoof covered in blood. Her eyes blurred as rain fell into them and she felt sharp pain in her face. Trixies began to taunt her but she was drowned out by a loud ringing in her ears and the pounding of the rain all around her. Pearl went to stand but a blast from Trixie sent her flying into the burning tree, She hit it hard and a loose branch fell on Pearls leg trapping her beneath the smoldering heat. She cried out and was answered by a clap of thunder.
“And to all the brightest lights, your final moment will be nothing more than a flicker in a sea of darkness.” Trixie stepped through the stormy night her magic keeping the cold harsh rain off of her. “Good bye Battle, it was a fun ride but now it ends.” Trixie flooded the area with a sparkling blue magic, Pearl struggled to free herself but she slowly realized she was unable to breathe.
Pearl gasped for air as it became thicker and harder to take in. A quite pop in her ear and Pearl could feel the pressure begin to crush her slowly. Pearl felt tight and everything became numb as she drifted into unconsciousness. This was the end of her adventure, she laughed to herself as she thought back to her friends and family only to realize the struggle they must be going through now that Equestria was on its end with monsters and nopony to defend them.

“Wakey, wakey there sleepy head.” Pearl stirred to a chipper male voice calling out to her. “Time to get up and face the day!” The voice called again. she went to open her eyes but only one seemed to obey the command. “Ah, there she is. You took quite the beating back there.” Pearl was startled to feel alive, every nerve in her broken body screamed as she tried to move about. “Whoa there nelly, I wouldn’t try that so soon. That Trixie did you something fierce.” Pearl tried to gather her location out of her one good eye. It was blurry but from what she could tell she was safe and the sun was up. Beams of sunlight shone through cracks in the trees and she could see what looked like tiny lights dance on red toadstools littered about the area.
“Wher...” She went to sit up again but was meet with a rush of pain causing her to black out momentarily.
“The Everfree forest.” Pearls one eye narrowed as she heard the news. “Calm your self Filly you’re safe I promise.” She still hadn't seen the owner of the voice but he did sound reassuring to her as she lay on the soft ground. “That's a good girl just lay there and rest.” Pearl gave in to the comforting warmth that surrounded her. Then she saw him, her savior came into view. A tall light blue coated stallion sporting a cape and pointy hat cascading with dazzling stars seemed almost alive, in the back of her mind it reminded her of Gallatais’ coat. She watched him levitate a vial of something around and figured him to be a unicorn. “Oh, dear where are my manners.” He stopped as he saw Pearl staring at him in silence he mouth hinged in shock. “My good lady I am none other than Starswirl the magnificent!” A small display of whirling stars spun around him and exploded into a burst of cosmic dust. He held a pose for a moment waiting for her to react, but all Pearl could do was faint. “Not exactly the reaction I was hoping for.”