• Published 5th Jun 2014
  • 15,273 Views, 813 Comments

Daily Life of an Equestrian Ninja - PianoPony

Even being a ninja and knowing that you harbor one of the world's most feared beasts can't prepare you for everything. Naruto learned just that when a white pony with wings and a horn appeared one morning at his doorstep.

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Chapter 10- Complication

Chapter 10- Complication

Naruto paced through the large doors, to find himself in a similar hall to that in the old castle’s ruins, where he fought Nightmare Moon.

Celestia and Luna both smiled at him from their thrones, which were at the top of a staircase leading up to them.

Naruto looked up at them, rubbing the back of his neck. “Um, should I bow or something?” he asked awkwardly.

“There is no need for such formalities,” Celestia smiled. “Naruto Uzumaki, I have looked forward to seeing you again,” she said as she got up from her seat and walked down the stairs towards him, Luna at her side.

“For your help at saving my dear sister, you will forever have my sincere gratitude,” she said as she bowed to him.

Naruto took a step back, surprised. “Well, y’know, I was just doing the right thing,” he said modestly as he rubbed the back of his neck.

“Indeed, I felt that choosing you was the right thing to do. I am very glad to have been correct. I apologize for leaving you in the dark these past two days, but I had to test whether or not you were truly worthy of the Element of Bravery.”

“Huh? What do you mean?” Naruto didn’t know what to make of any of it. As Celestia finally raised her head to look at him, Naruto’s eyes went as wide as saucers. He finally understood why she seemed so familiar.

“Y—Y—You!” Naruto yelled as the realization descended upon him. He took off the Element, transforming back to normal, and pointed at her furiously. “You're the one who kidnapped me! You owe me a cup of ramen!”

Despite the outburst, Celestia smiled calmly and nodded. “That’s right. That was me. I came to your world specifically to bring you here, so that you could use the Element of Bravery to save my sister, Princess Luna.”

“But why me? Why didn’t you simply pick somepony— Argh! Somebody else!”

Celestia looked at her sister sorrowfully. “You are aware of what transpired here a millennium ago, aren’t you?”

“Yeah… You had to banish Nightmare Moon to the moon to stop the eternal night,” Naruto answered sadly as he stared at Luna.

“I originally planned to use the Elements to uproot the evil that had possessed my sister’s heart. But… I could not, since I was unable to use the Element of Bravery. With a heavy heart, I decided that I had no other choice but to banish Luna, so that her powers would not bring ruin upon Equestria and all those who live in it.”

Luna looked down shamefully. Naruto put a comforting hand on her back, its height at the line of his waist. She stared at him with blue eyes as deep as the ocean at night.

“A few weeks ago, when I felt that my sister’s imprisonment was coming to an end, I immediately began scouting for somepony who would be able to use the power that I could not. That way, I could save my sister instead of banishing her again. By that time, I knew that the one I sought was not a being of Equestria. A curse prevented that.”

“A curse? Was that the one mentioned in the book?” Naruto inquired.

Celestia nodded. “Indeed. The curse stated that ‘nopony shall ever be able to use it again’. It seems that first word was quite literal,” she smiled bitterly.

“So basically… You went to a lot of different worlds to find someone that will be able to use the Element of Bravery and save Luna?” Naruto asked to reconfirm.

“Exactly. I have been watching you for a while, Naruto, back in your own world. And I finally came to a conclusion that you were the one I have long sought.”

Naruto nodded. “I see. I’m really glad I could help you out then,” he smiled at the two sisters. “Now then… Since you brought me here, you can also take me back, right?”

Celestia and Luna exchanged gazes. “What’s wrong?” Naruto asked in worry. He didn’t like this one bit.

“Well… You should just see for yourself,” Celestia replied briefly. Her horn lighted up, and shot out a beam at the middle of the room, forming a round window of fog. Then, the fog slowly dissipated to reveal a large town. A mountain alongside it showed huge carvings of five faces into it. Naruto didn’t take half a second to know that this was his home, Konoha. Well, half of it. What was left after Pain ravaged it.

“Oh, don’t worry about the town,” Naruto chuckled. “That happened s a few days ago.” He had thought that Celestia thought she somehow did it when she came into his world.

“Naruto,” the white princess said calmly. “Look closer.”

Naruto stretched his eyes. It was an early hour morning, at just about the time of day Celestia kidnapped him. The streets were mostly empty and only a few people were walking around. Wait… Walking? No. Everyone was standing for some reason. There wasn’t a hint of movement anywhere. He even caught a few birds frozen in the air above Konoha.

“Um, is this just a picture?” Naruto pondered.

Celestia gazed at him seriously. “I’m afraid not. A while after I came to bring you to Equestria, I used this to take a look and see how many had noticed your disappearance. It had stayed exactly like this from the moment when you were gone. In other words… Time in your world has come to a complete stop.”

Naruto gulped. “Well… It will be fixed if you send me back, right?” he asked hopefully.

Celestia shook her head. “I have to teleport with you into your world, I cannot simply send you back. And regardless, there is no guarantee that time will continue flowing once we did. If I were to be stuck in your home world, none shall be able to govern the day and night here, and Equestria will fall to ruin. This is not a risk I am able to take.”

Naruto lowered his head to gaze at the floor in disbelief. “So… I’m stuck here…”

“Naruto,” Celestia said in her most serious tone yet. “You have my word that I will send you back. Somehow, I’ll find a way.”

Naruto raised his eyes to look straight into her purple irises, and nodded.

“You’ve already made so many friends here, Naruto. I’m sure that if you’ll take this the best way you can, your time here will just fly by,” Celestia said as she smiled at him.

“Yeah, I guess so,” he replied with a heavy heart.

“Besides, I’d like us to talk some more at times, if you don’t mind,” Luna quickly added. Naruto didn’t notice, but her cheeks turned just a bit bright red.

“And regarding you true form… I will leave it up to your judgment, but please be careful as to whom you reveal your true self. I am worried that some ponies may… Not take well to it,” Celestia warned.

“Don’t worry, as long as I put this on it won’t be a problem,” Naruto flashed his Element.

“Oh, it slipped my mind,” Celestia said as she stopped using the magic, and the window vanished. “Guard! Please summon everypony waiting outside!” Celestia called.

The door was then opened from the other side by one of the guards. Immediately poured in a pile of ponies.

“W—We weren’t eavesdropping or anything!” Rainbow immediately exclaimed as she flew up from the colorful pile. The others got up on their hooves as well and walked inside the room.

“Um, guys,” Naruto spoke, turning everypony’s attention to him. “Looks like… I’ll be staying a bit longer,” he smiled sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his head.

Immediately afterwards, he was ganged by the creatures that only reach his waist in full height (Spike barely reached the middle of his thighs).

"Yay!" Fluttershy cheered (more like whispered).

“This is the best day EVER!” Pinkie Pie shrilled at the top of her voice.

Naruto smiled from ear to ear. “Well, no one will know I’m even gone when I come back… I guess I really should make the best of all this after all.”


A while later, after the ponies all relaxed from the excellent news, Celestia had asked them for the Elements for safekeeping. They all handed them to her, and Celestia put it inside a beautiful, decorated wooden box.

“Hmm… You look kind of strange without that headband, Naruto. I must confess, it has grown on me,” Rarity noted.

“Oh, right. I forgot about it for a while,” Naruto said sadly as he felt his exposed forehead.

Celestia nudged Luna, smiling. “Go on.”

The dark blue Alicorn stepped forward, slightly blushing. Her horn glowing the same color as her mane, an object floated from under her wings.

Naruto’s eyes widened in amazement. “My protector! You fixed it!” he called joyfully as he grabbed and tied it back to its place. “I just don’t feel myself without it,” he said, letting out a sigh of relief. “Thanks a lot, Luna!”

“It’s the least I could do for you, Naruto. From the moment when I first saw you, I knew you were somepony special. From the bottom of my heart, thank you,” she said as she gave him a beautiful, gentle smile.


Naruto (in pony form) and his friends all took the train back to Ponyville from Canterlot. It was then that Naruto got his first look of the big world he was now a part of. While Equestria was definitely beautiful, perhaps even more than his home world, Naruto was starting to get homesick. “And no one will even believe I was really gone…” The thought didn’t improve how he was feeling.

“Hey, Narutoooo!” a cheerful voice called from behind him.

The colt turned around, to find Pinkie only a few inches from his face. But the pink Earth pony looked quite different. Pinkie Pie had whisker marks drawn on her face, a piece of black cloth was tied to her forehead, and she crossed her front hooves. “Shadow Clone Jutsu!” she called enthusiastically.

Needless to say, nothing happened. But the moment Naruto saw her he burst into laughter, rolling on his train seat.

Everyone stared at Naruto and Pinkie, smiling from ear to ear. After regaining control of his breathing again, Naruto wiped the tears of laughter from his face. “Thanks, Pinkie. I really needed that.”

“Ah know ya’re sad ‘bout not going home, Naruto, but ya can always have us to count on!” Applejack said.

“Yeah, don’t worry! We’ll have tons of great times together!” Rainbow Dash added.

“Whenever you need us, Naruto, we’ll be there for you,” Fluttershy smiled.

“And since Twilight will be moving into the library, you are free to stay in my house as long as you want,” Rarity offered once more.

“Right! Thanks, everyo— Um, Everypony!” Naruto replied happily.

“After all, we’re all friends, aren’t we?” Twilight asked, grinning.

“Yeah, we are! Believe it!” Naruto answered with all his heart.

“If you’re all done being sappy, can we all go celebrate at a good restaurant when we get to Ponyville? I’m starving!” Spike complained, rubbing his stomach.

Naruto’s stomach spoke his agreement for him, making everypony and him chuckle. With everything that happened the past hours, he had no time to think about his stomach.

“Yeah! A big victory like this demands huge bowls of ramen as a reward!” Naruto called cheerfully. “I hope there’s some tasty ramen in Ponyville!”

“Um, Naruto?” Twilight asked, directing his attention to her. “What’s ‘ramen’?”

Naruto gazed at her, bewildered. “You’re… Joking, right?” He looked around. Everypony had shared her baffled expression. The most horrible news he’d yet to hear here had slowly sunk in.

“NOOOOO!!!” Naruto yelled at the top of his lungs. “I WANT TO GO HOMEEEEE!!!”


Back in the royal palace…

“I do not understand, sister. Why did you not tell him the truth? Hasn’t he done what you’ve requested?” Luna inquired.

“Indeed, he has. And I was not lying when I said that I am grateful,” Celestia answered as she looked at the view behind the large window next to them. “But unfortunately, I fear that Equestria’s troubles have only just began. Now that you’ve been finally freed, they would be able to make a move, for the first time in over a thousand years. If I sent Naruto away now, Equestria would surely be doomed to fall into its own shadows.”

“I understand that, sister, but why not tell him the truth? Hasn’t he proven his worth already?” Luna questioned.

“Because I cannot fully trust him yet. He must still prove to me the strength of his heart here in Equestria,” Celestia replied. “While his powers and abilities are indeed remarkable, not to mention that he can use the Element of Bravery, there is something deep inside him. Something terrifying. You felt it too, haven’t you, little sister?”

“Yes, of course I have, big sister. But… I trust him completely to be able to control it. Just like the Old Sage once did,” Luna said as she stared deeply at her older sister.

After a brief pause, something clicked in Luna’s mind. She smiled and closed her eyes. “The Old Sage… Is that why you chose Naruto, sister?”

“They do have that same air about them, don’t they?” Celestia smiled as well. “Though, I could only dream that one day, Naruto will be able to finish what the Sage had started. If that is even possible.”

“But Naruto is not alone. Together, who knows what they can accomplish?” Luna said and turned her gaze to the view outside.

“Well said, Luna. Well said,” Celestia answered as she smiled up at the blue sky.


Meanwhile, at an unknown place…

A dark shadow flew down to a seat at a round table. Six more chairs surrounded it. The dark room the table was in, ten feet in length and width, and an unseen ceiling, was poorly illuminated by torches burning in green flames. The walls were all made of gray stone. There was only one, doorless entrance to the room, behind where the shadow had taken its place.

As the shadow had settled, its features became sharper and sharper, but it was still painted black completely, due to the poor lighting. Its shape was that of a large pony, and his eyes were purple, the pupils like a cat’s.

He looked around at the other seats, each occupied by similar dark figures, slightly smaller than him.

“My brothers…” the shadow’s deep voice rang, echoing in the small room. Its deep tone could send a chill down anypony’s spine. “After a thousand years of imprisonment on the moon by the detested Celestia, I have finally made my return! Now, it is only a matter of time before we shall assume our rightful place in the world once more!”

Author's Note:

This is it for the first arc of my story!
I hope you've enjoyed, and don't forget to review!

In the next arc, Naruto tries finding his place in Equestria, and he gets a 'small' help doing so.
Updates will be slower over the next few weeks, since I'll be abroad. Please stay tuned!

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