• Published 5th Jun 2014
  • 15,273 Views, 813 Comments

Daily Life of an Equestrian Ninja - PianoPony

Even being a ninja and knowing that you harbor one of the world's most feared beasts can't prepare you for everything. Naruto learned just that when a white pony with wings and a horn appeared one morning at his doorstep.

  • ...

Chapter 36 - Confession

It was the talk of Canterlot. The heroes who had saved Equestria once again were invited back to the royal palace. There, a grand ceremony was to take place, honoring their actions from the day before.

Most of Ponyville and many other ponies from Canterlot and the rest of Equestria had gathered in the throne room, where Equestria’s rulers, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, would soon appear in order to congratulate the heroes.

Meanwhile, just one hallway away from the throne room, in a small room, were six mares and a stallion, the wielders of the Elements of Harmony, and Equestria’s second-time heroes. Standing against the room’s walls were many vanity tables, and the room’s large windows showed a beautiful view to the castle’s garden, where Discord’s statue stood once more.

Rarity has been nervously trotting across the room from side to side for a while now, opening drawers at random and searching through their contents while looking at the vanity tables’ mirrors from every possible angle.

“I may regret askin’ this,” Applejack said. “But what are you doin’, Rarity?”

“Oh, Applejack! I can’t handle it!” Rarity cried as she raised her hoof to her forehead. “I have no idea what the lighting’s gonna be like in the throne room! Is it natural? Is it magical? I did my make-up for two hours this morning and I still have no idea if I used too much eyeliner, or too little! Not to mention my mane was—”

“Would you quit your worryin’?!” Applejack asked, covering Rarity’s mouth with her hoof. “You’re shinin’ brighter than my apples after a morning shower,” she said with a smile.

Rarity smiled back at Applejack as she lowered her hoof. “Thank you, Applejack.”

Meanwhile, at the other side of the room, Naruto was quietly gazing at his own reflection in one of the mirrors. Today, for the first time, he didn’t wear his jumpsuit.

“Are you worried about your looks too, Naruto?” smiled Twilight, who trotted towards him.

“No, not really…” Naruto replied as he turned to the Unicorn.

“It’s about that ‘confession’ you told us you were going to make today, right?” Twilight asked. “Are you really going to go through with it?”

“Yeah,” Naruto replied. “I have to do it, no matter what!”

“Don’t worry. I’m sure everything will turn out fine,” Twilight smiled. “We have a lot of weird creatures here in Equestria. You would fit right in!”

“Hey, who are you calling a ‘weird creature’?!” Naruto cried in protest. “Well, that’s not the confession I was thinking about, but yeah. I know you and the others will still accept me, no matter what!” he then thought, smiling.

“By the way, where’s your jumpsuit, Naruto?” Rainbow asked as she flew towards him. “First time I’ve seen you without it.”

She looked down at Naruto, who had no clothes on save for his forehead protector and his weapons bag.

“It’s kinda funny, actually. When I decided to make my confession, I suddenly got a lot more comfortable with being a pony,” Naruto explained. “And when I transformed this morning, the jumpsuit just didn’t stay on!”

“Maybe being comfortable with who you are on the inside, makes you more comfortable on the outside too?” suggested Fluttershy who joined in on the conversation.

“Yeah, I guess it does,” smiled Naruto. “I won’t doubt any of you, or myself anymore!”

“Can we go already?!” Pinkie cried. “I can’t hold my excitement much longer!” she called as she began to rapidly jump in place.

The door was opened with a golden glow. The two Princesses stood at the entrance, smiling from ear to ear.

“It’s time,” said Princess Celestia.


The grand doors to the throne room opened with a fanfare of trumpets. The seven ponies at the entrance looked around in awe. The floor was covered by a red carpet and huge chandeliers hanging from the ceiling reflected the light piercing through the colorful windows, made of stained glass. Banners were hanging from the ceiling next to the walls, and the entire room, with the exception of the red carpet in the middle, was filled with many ponies, cheering at the arrival of the heroes.

The seven ponies then trotted forward towards the pair of thrones at the other side of the room, where Princess Celestia and Princess Luna stood. On the way there, Twilight nervously smiled at Spike, who waved back to her, smiling as well. The baby dragon stood at the front of the crowd, just below the stage. Next to him were standing Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, smiling as well from ear to ear.

Naruto looked around to see that he knew most of the ponies there, many of them recurring customers, friends and acquaintances. He waved at Spike, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, who all waved back at him. He then smiled at Princess Luna, who stood at her sister’s side. Luna blushed a little and turned towards her sister, although her sight was still on Naruto. Her mouth curled into a small smile as well.

With Twilight leading the group, the seven ponies trotted up the small staircase leading up to the thrones.

Princess Celestia smiled at the group, before looking up and scanning the crowd standing below her. When all the whispering, excited ponies quieted down, she began to speak.

“We are gathered here today to once again honor the heroism of these seven friends,” said Princess Celestia.

“’Tis the second time these ponies have saved Equestria from the dark forces that threaten us all,” Princess Luna continued. “This time, they have stood up to the villain Discord, and saved Equestria from eternal chaos!”

The crowd of ponies all burst into loud cheers.

“Therefore, in the name of all of Equestria,” Celestia spoke over the ponies. “We would like to bestow upon them this small gesture of our gratitude and respect! Princess Luna, you may do the honors.”

Luna smiled as her horn lighted up. A blue aura formed around a pair of huge red curtains on the wall to her left, which then moved aside to reveal a huge painted glass window. The window showed Twilight, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow, Pinkie and Naruto all using their Elements’ light against Discord.

“Woah, cool!” Naruto thought in awe as he looked upon the huge painted glass.

The crowd burst once more into cheers, as streamers and confetti began falling down from the ceiling. The seven ponies turned towards the crowd and waved at them smiling from ear to ear.

“If there’s anything any of you would like to say,” Princess Celestia said, looking over the seven ponies. “Now is the time to do so.”

“I have something to say,” Naruto immediately said as he trotted towards the front of the thrones’ stage. The cheering of the crowd slowly died down as all eyes turned towards the orange stallion.

“Uhh… Hello, everypony,” Naruto began awkwardly, looking around at the large crowd in front of him.

“Hi, Naruto!” Pinkie answered cheerfully, waving from behind him.

“For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Naruto Uzumaki. I manage the Uzumaki Ramen stand in the Ponyville market,” he briefly introduced himself.

“When I faced Discord yesterday, he caused me to lose faith in myself and in my friends. He caused me to think that I was completely alone, that there was nopony by my side. It was one of the scariest things I’ve ever faced,” Naruto said, looking over the ponies.

“Naruto…” Princess Luna muttered.

“The reason for that is a certain secret I’ve been keeping, one that Discord threatened to reveal. It’s a secret that caused me to be completely alone for most of life. I was terrified of having to go through this loneliness again, and that’s why I couldn’t bear to tell it to anypony,” Naruto continued.

The ponies all stared at Naruto, some showing understanding, others confusion.

“That fear caused me to lose myself, to forget who I was. I felt like I was in some kind of dark pit,” Naruto said quietly. “But then… my friends reminded me of who I was, and they promised me that no matter what my secret was — they’ll always stick by my side!” he said as he smiled at Spike and the Cutie Mark Crusaders, who smiled back at him.

“It was then that I realized what friendship meant to me — friendship is the bravery to be true to yourself, to never hold back who you are from your friends! And because I consider all of you my friends… I want to make a confession,” Naruto said, before taking a deep breath.

“As some of you may know, I arrived at Ponyville a little before the Summer Sun Celebration, and I stayed there since. I told everypony that I came from the city, but that was a lie,” Naruto admitted. In response to that, some ponies began whispering amongst themselves.

“The truth is… I’m not from Equestria. I’m not even really a pony. I came here from another world,” Naruto confessed, looking around at the many ponies. At the last few words, any noises or talking in the crowd had completely died down, and a tense silence lingered in the air. The ponies all stared at Naruto in an odd mixture of confusion and anticipation.

Princess Celestia said nothing, and merely looked straight at Naruto, her mouth curled into a mysterious smile. Luna stared at Naruto worriedly.

Naruto once again took a deep breath, before closing his eyes and crossing his front legs. “Transformation Jutsu, Release!”

A cloud of smoke came to appear around the orange stallion on the stage. Within a few moments, the cloud had dissipated, revealing Naruto’s true, human form. He could see more than a few jaws dropping to the ground all around.

“My name is Naruto Uzumaki. I’m a ninja from the Village Hidden in the Leaves,” Naruto introduced himself as he looked down at the crowd.

“Woah! No way! Did anypony know that?!” Pinkie shouted a few moments later, shattering the silence and causing several ponies to look at her. “Nah, I’m just kidding. I already knew it,” she then whispered to an amused-looking Princess Celestia.

“But that’s not the only secret I’ve been keeping,” Naruto said. The ponies began whispering amongst themselves again. Naruto tensed up a bit, clenching his fists. He then took a moment to relax before continuing.

Naruto closed his eyes once more, and focused on the seal in his abdomen. Immediately, a red cloud started flowing out of it. The cloud then condensed next to the floor of the stage, growing larger and thicker, before a red pair of eyes appeared in it. Before long, the cloud had changed into the miniature nine-tailed fox, his size almost the size of the ponies.

The ponies all fell completely silent and stared at the fox in astonishment. The fox stared back at them, just as shocked. “That Naruto… He actually went and did it!”

“Sixteen years ago, when I was just born, a creature called the nine-tailed fox attacked my village. He hurt a lot of people and nearly destroyed everything,” Naruto retold. “But then, my dad, who was the leader of my village, decided to seal part of him into me, in order to stop the destruction.”

“Woah! No way! Did anypony know that?!” Pinkie shouted once more, shattering the tense silence and causing several ponies to glare at her. “Okay, this part — I really didn’t know,” she quickly admitted.

“But everypony in village continued to hate him for what he did to them, and to their friends and families,” Naruto continued. “And because part of him was in me, they hated me and were afraid of me too. That’s why I was alone for most of my life, why it took me a really long time to make any friends…”

“Discord threatened to use this secret against me. He told me that if you knew about the fox, you would hate me too, and I’d be alone again,” Naruto said as he looked at the fox. “I believed him, and it caused me to turn into a coward who couldn’t even talk to his own friends! That’s when I really felt like I was alone…”

“But now I know. I know that as long as I’ll be true to myself, I’ll have nothing to fear!” Naruto called, looking once more over the ponies.

“And I know that true friends…” Naruto smiled back at the six mares alongside him. “Will always be by my side.”

Rarity and Pinkie were wiping their tear-filled eyes, and Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow and Twilight were smiling at Naruto.

“As I said before, I consider each and everypony of you as my friends,” Naruto turned back to the crowd. “I just hope that you can all forgive me for lying to you, and that we can all still get along,” he concluded, looking down at the many ponies gathered down below.

Celestia and Luna smiled at each, and then at Naruto. “I’m very proud of you, Naruto,” Celestia thought. “You’ve definitely grown a lot since you first arrived in Equestria…”

“You’re one of the bravest ponies I had ever met, Naruto,” Luna thought. “I’m lucky that my sister has brought you here. It’s thanks to your bravery that I can stand here today, by your side.”

The pony crowd kept on staring at Naruto and the nine-tailed fox, as if slowly processing everything they had just been told.

“Uh, this is probably kind of confusing,” Naruto then said awkwardly, scratching his head. “So if you have any questions, just ask me.”

Pipsqueak, who stood in the front row, was the first to raise a hoof. “Um… Do you eat ponies, Naruto?” the little colt asked hesitantly.

“No, don’t worry,” Naruto grinned. Pipsqueak smiled back, clearly very relieved.

Cheerilee, who stood next to Pipsqueak, then raised her hoof as well. “Excuse me, Naruto. Does the fox bite?”

“Oh, uh…” Naruto muttered. “Well, probably not if you don’t piss him off,” he said after looking at the miniature tailed beast briefly. The fox was still standing still, staring down at the many ponies below the stage.

“What are those things at the end of your hooves?” asked Lyra, as she pointed at Naruto’s hands.

“Oh, these? They’re called fingers. And these are hands, not hooves,” Naruto said. He raised his hands towards the ponies and started moving his fingers about.

“Oooooh…” said several ponies, awed by the odd appendages.

“Do you still have a cutie mark when you stop being a pony, Naruto?” Carrot Top asked.

“I… don’t think so?” Naruto replied. “Actually, I should really check sometime…” he thought in worry.

“Can you show us?” the orange mare inquired, since Naruto’s pants were hiding the part of his body in question.

“No!” Naruto shouted, his face red with embarrassment. “Not in public!”

“Why are you standing on just two hooves?” Berryshine asked.

“Why…? That’s just how everypony back in my world walks,” Naruto answered.

Thunderlane then raised his hoof. “Will you still make Ramen, Naruto?”

“Of course!” Naruto exclaimed, smiling.

“Alright!” Thunderlane cheered. “Your Ramen’s the best!”

“I love your Ramen too, Naruto!” another pony called. Other ponies soon voiced their agreement on the topic.

“What is this ‘Ramen’ you all keep talking about?” a gray Canterlot stallion asked a nearby brown Ponyville stallion.

“Just the tastiest thing EVER!” he replied enthusiastically. “It’s like a really savory soup with something like pasta inside, only the pasta’s kind of…”

“Are you going to add more flavors, Naruto? I’d really like to taste some strawberry-flavored Ramen!” a pink mare asked.

“Uh… Maybe,” Naruto said, baffled by the change of topics. “Thanks for liking my Ramen, guys, but don’t you have any more questions about my confession?”

“Nah. If you’re still making Ramen, then that’s all I need to hear!” one of the ponies said.

“Ramen! Ramen! Ramen! Ramen!” all of the ponies began chanting. The stunned Naruto merely stared at the crowd, his jaw dropped half-way to the floor.

“These ponies are all idiots,” the nine-tailed fox deadpanned.

“Luna, should we schedule a visit to Ponyville soon?” Celestia asked. “I am getting quite curious about this ‘Ramen’ everypony is talking about.”

“A marvelous idea, sister!” Luna smiled. “I can hardly wait!”

“Is Ramen the most important thing about all of this?!” Naruto cried, although his words were almost completely drowned out by the ‘Ramen’ chanting.

“I told you most ponies wouldn’t mind who or what you really are,” Twilight said with a smile, as she and the others trotted towards Naruto. “We have a lot of weird creatures here in Equestria. You and that… fox would fit right in.”

Twilight then looked again at the nine-tailed fox, arching a brow. “That is a fox, right? I know you called it the ‘nine-tailed fox’, but… Why does it have so many tails?”

“He looks kinda funny!” Pinkie beamed, hopping in place.

“It sure ain’t like any fox I’ve seen,” Applejack commented, as she took a moment to look at him.

This little guy destroyed your village, Naruto?” Rainbow asked dubiously.

“Well, regardless of his past behavior, he has an absolutely stunning coat!” Rarity complimented, eyeing him closely.

“Tsk. If you ponies are done gawking at me, then send me back, Naruto,” the fox scoffed in annoyance.

“Oh my, he talks!” Fluttershy cried and flew towards him. “Umm… hello, Mr. Fox. I’m Fluttershy,” she introduced herself quietly. A shy, and yet somewhat excited grin adorned her muzzle. Just a few inches of air were separating the mare and fox.

“Naruto!” the fox shouted and turned to the ninja, unwilling to get involved with the yellow Pegasus.

“Pfft,” Naruto snickered, pointing at him and Fluttershy. “You two actually look like you’d make a good pair.”

“NARUTO!!!” the unamused fox roared furiously, startling Fluttershy, and lunged at his Jinchuuriki. Naruto quickly closed the hole in the seal, and the fox vanished in a red cloud, before he could bite Naruto’s nose off. “Damn annoying ponies.”

“Um… anyway,” Twilight said, brushing off what just happened. “That was really brave of you, Naruto. Telling the truth like that to everypony must have been pretty difficult.”

“Hehe, thanks,” Naruto smiled, crossing his arms behind his head.

“But to be honest, I was just really lucky,” Naruto said, turning to smile at Spike and the Cutie Mark Crusaders. “I was lucky to have friends who showed me that I don’t need to be afraid of showing who I really am.”

“Any time, President Naruto!” the quartet called happily.

“Why is Spike calling me that too?” Naruto sweatdropped.


Not long afterwards, the crowd had dispersed and left. Naruto had then asked to talk to Celestia and Luna privately, while Twilight, Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie, Rainbow, Rarity and Spike were waiting for him outside.

“So then, Naruto,” Princess Celestia said, getting straight to the point. “What did you wish to talk to us about?”

“About the nine-tailed fox…” Naruto replied. “I just wanted to say that I’m sorry for hiding it from you all this time. I just thought—”

“Please, listen to me, sister!” Luna called as she rushed to Naruto’s side. “I had known and even met the creature called the ‘nine-tailed fox’, and it was I who enabled it to be set free from the seal inside Naruto! If anypony is to blame for putting Equestria at risk because of it, it is I!”

“Putting Equestria at risk? Why are you saying that, Luna?” Celestia asked, sounding surprised.

“I… I haven’t said it before,” Naruto said, taking a step forward. “But the small fox you all saw before is just one tiny part of the fox that’s inside me,” he said, clutching his stomach. “And… he’s still powerful. Really powerful.”

“In fact…” Naruto said, looking down. “Back in my world, there were more than a few times when I got really angry. So angry that I couldn’t control the fox’s chakra. When it happened, I couldn’t tell between friend and foe. I just hurt everypony and everything around me…”

“Naruto…” Luna muttered.

“If there’s one thing I’m still afraid of, it’s that I’ll lose control again,” Naruto said. “And I don’t think that there’s anypony here in Equestria who can stop me if that happens. So, if you think I should leave Ponyville, I’ll understand.”

Celestia closed her eyes, seemingly deep in thought. Luna looked at her with a troubled expression.

“I’m proud of you, Naruto,” Celestia finally said, smiling.

“H-huh?” Naruto asked. “What do you mean?”

“While it’s true that surpassing and conquering your fears takes bravery, Naruto,” Celestia answered. “Admitting your fears also requires considerable courage.”

“Of course, neither of you had put Equestria in any risk without my knowledge,” Celestia said. “I knew all along about everything that transpired during your battle at your village, and I’ve seen the fox’s rampage when you had lost control of it.”

“I told you I had been watching you before I brought you here, didn’t I?” Celestia smiled. Naruto’s eyes widened in astonishment.

“W-wait, you knew?!” Naruto cried. “You saw how dangerous I was back then and you still brought me here?! Why?!”

“Because,” the white Princess answered calmly, “I wanted to believe that you have the power to change that destructiveness into something good. When you’ve used that power after your battle with Discord, I became certain that I was right in bringing you here.”

“What are you talking about?!” Naruto yelled. “I couldn’t do anything to help him! I wanted to change him, to make him see that there’s a better way, but I failed!”

Celestia turned to look outside the window, from which the statue garden could be seen. Discord’s statue was back in his place.

“Unlike you and the others, Discord doesn't believe in the Magic of Friendship,” Celestia said with a solemn expression. “However, I believe that your words and your feelings might have begun to get through to him.”

“Perhaps, one day,” Luna said. “If you do not give up on him, you will be able to make him understand as well.”

“After all,” Celestia continued. “Isn’t that your…?”

Celestia and Luna both looked expectantly at Naruto, who slowly managed to smile back. “Yeah… My Ninja Way!”

“Oi, brat! If you’re all done being corny, then let me out!” the nine-tailed fox suddenly said. “I want to talk to them!”

“Huh? Why?” Naruto asked.

“None of your damn business! Just do it!” the fox shouted.

“If there’s anything else you would like to say, you are welcome to do so,” Celestia smiled.

“Ugh. Sometimes I think you might be a mind reader, Celestia,” Naruto sweatdropped. “Well, here goes…”

Naruto focused on the moon-shaped hole created in the seal by Luna. Not a moment later, red fog started flowing out of Naruto’s stomach, and collected on the floor. The fog grew thicker and thicker, and was slowly receiving the form of an animal. A pair of red, glowing eyes appeared in the fog, before it vanished, leaving in its stead a miniature version of the nine-tailed fox.

“It seems that we finally have the chance to talk, nine-tailed fox,” Celestia said as she looked down at the fox.

“Yeah…” the fox replied, staring at the two Princesses. “First of all…”

He then turned around to look at Naruto. “You, brat! Get out!”

“H-huh?! What do you mean ‘get out’?!” Naruto demanded. “You can’t just come out here and then tell me to get out, you stupid fox! And what’s with all the secrecy, anyway?!”

“Like I told you before — it’s none of your damn business, you stupid brat!” the fox retorted. “Now get out of here before I—”

“Naruto!” Celestia called. The fox fell silent, and both he and Naruto turned to look at the Princess. “Perhaps it would be wise to do as the fox asks.”

“Really?! You too?!” Naruto cried.

“Please, try to understand, Naruto,” Luna said.

Naruto’s face went redder and redder. He seemed like he was going to erupt like a volcano for a moment.

“ARGH! FINE!” Naruto finally shouted as he turned around and grumpily walked outside, his hands in his pockets. “Stupid fox and stupid Celestia hiding stupid secrets…” he muttered to himself on the way out.

After Naruto had closed the door after him, the nine-tailed fox turned towards the Princesses. “I want some explanations, Princess Pony.”

“About what?” Celestia asked, seemingly not bothered by the odd nickname.

“You and Luna know far too much, and ever since I met you, I had a feeling that we had already met. Moreover, this world definitely has some connections to mine, including those ‘Elements of Harmony’. All of those connect to one thing!”

Celestia narrowed her eyes at him. “What are you trying to ask, exactly?”

“Why do those seven jewels contain the Sage of the Six Paths’ chakra, and what’s his connection to this world?!”


Meanwhile, unusually loud voices were rising from the sealed pit at the middle of the Everfree Forest.

“Damn that Disssssscord! He’d failed again!” hissed the voice of one of the figures surrounding the stone table that stood at the bottom of the pit.

“Just like last time,” Fear said in his juvenile voice. “He’d failed to destroy even a single Element! Not to mention, the heiress still lives!”

“Bahahaha! I knew we should have gotten rid of that stupid useless idiot when we had the chance!” complained another voice in a rapid tempo. He had an unusually high voice for a male.

“Settle down, all of you. Those foalish Element bearers have only managed to delay the inevitable,” Hatred Hex said calmly. “However, it’s been made clear that we need to carefully ponder our options… The new bearers are not to be underestimated.”

“Sir, if I may speak?” another voice spoke.

“Yes, Deceit?” Hatred replied.

“Allow me to be the one to destroy those foolish Elements bearers. I have a feeling that the perfect chance for me to strike shall soon present itself,” Deceit said in an elegant, calm tone, which unlike Hatred Hex’s terrifying growl, sounded almost seducing.

“Heh. Do as you wish,” Hatred Hex grinned, revealing a set of dangerously sharp canines. “But in the meantime, we must focus on weakening the seal once more.”

Author's Note:

The Discord arc is finally completed! Please share your thoughts with me in the comments below.

How will Naruto now fare in Equestria now that he's revealed his secret? And what will the nine-tailed fox do now?
To be continued in the next chapter: Naruto's Day Out.

Comments ( 37 )

And meanwhile... Konoha is gone.
Oh forget. Akatsuki still seaching the nine tail.

The start of any crossover usually involves Twilight and her failed spells or Celestia and her chessmaster tendencies. I can't believe all the ponies care about is ramen.

I'm glad that you've left the possibility for Discord to be reformed in the story. You can sort of tell that he's in a situation where he believes he has to do what he does.

its good nice work and can you put it on fanfiction?...

Well that was interesting. Looking forward to more.

I always enjoy the slice of life sections the most I think. They're nice an happy with medium conflict. The adventures of every day life are excellent.

6809526 Wasn't Naruto's world set on pause when he was brought to Equestria?

6809836 As Kurama said, some of those ponies are stupid. Though that's not the word I'd use for it. Simple and lovers of good food, it's a good combination.

6811775 You talking about time line or Time Zone Universe?

6811783 Naruto's universe time zone.

Interesting chapter to wrap up the arc. Heh, I find it amusing that the ponies are more concerned about the Ramen, rather than the normally powerful Nine-Tailed Fox...which is currently in a small, cute-sized form. Heheh, poor Nine-Tails, being like that must be hurting his pride a bit, especially around Fluttershy. Can’t wait to see the next arc~!

But everypony in village continued to hate him for what he did to them...
> Add ‘the’ after ‘in’.


I'll get to fixing those.

Poor nine tails LOL
Can't take a break from ponies heh


Ooh, a brand new reader!
I hope you'll continue to enjoy the story!
Unfortunately, it's on an unofficial hiatus ATM, but I think you'll enjoy it as it is enough.

7063305 John Cena?
Lol I kid.

More Please!

Guessing manynhave guessed this by now, but my money is on Starswirl.

Comment posted by PianoPony deleted May 7th, 2016

After reading this story one thing that has me left me wondering is.
Why didn't Celestia hire Naruto instead of kidnaping him and lying to him?, a mine cart of "small jewels" and she could hired him for at least ten years!. (and coincidentally getting him away from Akatsuki with Tsunade's blesing)

Hmm... Someone got a case of writers block? Hey, happens to everyone. Just be sure not to rush the next chapter. (Even if it has been several months.)

If anyone needs me, I'mma re-read this story from the beginning.


I'm afraid it's a combination of both a writer's block and lack of ample time to write, my friend.
Master degree and full-time job really take their toll on me...
I'm still lurking on the site and I do work on the next chapter once in a while, but there's really no telling when it will be out.
As always, thank you for your continuing support!

7369412 Hey man, I've got a story Ive been working on for two years and I haven't even released it yet.

I feel ya m8ty

(But anyways, even it takes a while to come out, just know that i don't even LIKE Naruto, so take some pride in the fact you got someone who got bored after 3 episodes is interested in a story about it lmao)


Woah. I guess I should be a bit proud then. :pinkiegasp:
That's too bad though, I think Naruto is awesome!

It's been a while my friend, since a review your way, I did send. Even though new content you did not make, I shall re-read the story for memories sake. I was wondering if anything was in the works, so I won't feel like a person who lurks. Again it's me with my shtick, SilverFangia, the rhyming critic.


Thank you for your care!
As I wrote to Skittles only two days ago, I just don't have the time and inspiration to work on the story.
It's not dead, just in a coma.
I do hope I will find the time to progress it in the future though...

“Just hold on a second!” he called as he ran once more behind another building and performed the same trick as before.

Didn't you tell me you were bad with rhymes?

7426828 Sarcasm doesn't translate through text very well

ok i tride but i cant this is shit, well no not shit just not for me i kinda want to read on only to see the reaction naruto will have when celestia reavles he chould have gone home any thine he wanted but i cant the whole 'hole in the seal' was what killed it for me. may be i chould have accsepted it after they became frends but uesing it as a point to make him frends, i'm rambeling now so ill just post this ....

see what happens if i let my mide go i write what i think

8069820 I think it's what they're hoping isn't going to happen.

1 year......... UPDATE POR FAVÓR!

Wait... You mean starswirl the bearded right?! That unicorn mage twilight idolizes so much?

Please upload more chapters for this story soon as u can I'll be waiting my friend and keep it up I'm really hooked on this story alot please upload more chapters

Veety interesting indeed.

Seems like its a moot point sadly. Story is dead from the looks of it.

No more cross-overs!

Continue com essa história por favor tá muito legal mesmo eu amei essa história por favor

More good

the story came out so shitty that I wanted to puke🤢

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