• Published 5th Jun 2014
  • 15,273 Views, 813 Comments

Daily Life of an Equestrian Ninja - PianoPony

Even being a ninja and knowing that you harbor one of the world's most feared beasts can't prepare you for everything. Naruto learned just that when a white pony with wings and a horn appeared one morning at his doorstep.

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Chapter 11- ‘Ninja’ is not a Valid Occupation (Part 1)

Author's Note:

The next few chapters will be a bit heavy on the silly side, but have some bearing to the plot later on.

Please enjoy, and don't forget to comment and review!

P.S: Over the next month and a half expect no updates. I'm abroad. The story will resume with full force at the end of August!

Chapter 11- ‘Ninja’ is not a Valid Occupation
(Part 1)

It was early morning in Ponyville. Naruto walked inside Rarity’s kitchen, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He had complied with her offer of a sleeping place, and actually found it to be the comfiest place he’d ever slept in. The guest room he occupied was far too girly to his tastes, but the large bed with its silky covers definitely did the job, providing him with the best sleep he had in a while.

Naruto looked in surprise to see Rarity already up. “Good morning, Naruto. Have you slept well?” she asked kindly. She had a pink apron on and was busily working on a breakfast for the both of them. She was moving around with her magic a pan and a spatula, while simultaneously cutting some vegetables. Something with a really good smell was sizzling in the pan, and Naruto’s rumbling stomach sounded its anticipation.

“Yeah, thanks a lot, Rarity!” Naruto replied as he sat down.

Rarity turned around, hovering two dishes above her head. On one was a large omelet, with a siding salad made of tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers and onion. The other had a sandwich filled with daisies and a similar salad.

“I was worried humans don’t eat flowers. That’s according what Fluttershy told me yesterday. I hope omelets are to your liking!”

“Yeah! Itadakimasu!” he called as he dug in.

Rarity watched in interest at how he used his hands to grab the fork and knife. “This looks so much more convenient than hooves. I’m a bit jealous,” she thought. But luckily for her, she also had magic, so she wouldn’t actually need to use them.


A while later, after they finished their meal, the two walked together to the entrance, where was Rarity’s clothing and fashion store, Carousel Boutique.

“Tell me, Naruto, how are you going to spend your time here?” Rarity asked as she walked towards one of the many drawers and floated out a measuring tape.

“I really don’t know… Don’t suppose they have ninja missions like back home, right?” he chuckled as the measuring tape went all over him.

“I don’t think so. If you ask me, you should start as an apprentice for somepony,” Rarity suggested, somehow focusing both on the tape and the conversation seamlessly. She also wrote down the results at the same time.

“So, what’s this for?” Naruto asked, as he couldn’t ignore the string hovering around him any longer.

“Last night you told me that ‘jutsu’ of yours wears off when you sleep, haven’t you? This means I have to make a pajama for your human form. You simply cannot walk around all day in those clothes!”

“Oh yeah, I guess so,” Naruto chuckled.

“But… Why do you not take them off? Only the nobles in Canterlot wear garments all the time,” Rarity asked.

Naruto’s face immediately turned redder than Applejack’s apples. “W—W—What are you saying?! I can’t off my clothes here! You’re a girl! Well, a mare, but still!”

“Well, the stallions here also walk around without any clothing. I do not understand what all the fuss is about?”

“Humans don’t go around naked! You’ll see our… You know…”

Rarity gasped. “Oh, I’m so sorry! I didn’t know how formal you humans are. Hmm… Now I am a bit curious to see both your world and what’s under there,” she eyed you-know-where.

“I don’t know about the first one, but the second is DEFINITELY NOT HAPPENING!” Naruto thought.

“Well, it doesn’t become of a lady to interfere with a gentlecolt’s business, so let us leave it at that,” the white mare smiled. Naruto let out a sigh of relief.

“By the way… How am I gonna pay you? This must be really tough, sewing human clothes for the first time…”

“Oh, don’t be ridiculous! I did say my first job for you will be for free, didn’t I?” Rarity chuckled. “Besides, I do enjoy a challenge once in a while.”

“Hey, I know!” Naruto exclaimed. This made Rarity stop measuring every single part of his body. “I guess… I could try sewing? That way I can both repay you and find something to do for a while.”

“Hmm…” Rarity pondered aloud as she looked over him, and then focused on his hands. “Something this complicated-looking can’t possibly be bad!” she grinned.

“Alright, we shall give at a shot,” the white Unicorn said, then turned towards one of the many cloth hangers, on which lay many clothes. To each one was attached a note about the price of the repair and of the name of clothing’s owner.

“These are some of the simpler jobs I have here waiting. If you do well on those, we might go on to more advanced projects! Oh, how delightful it would be to have my own protégé!” she said, excited.

She hovered to him a black jacket. There was a noticeably large hole smack in the middle of its backside. Other than that, it looked perfectly good.

“One patch should do the trick here, dearie,” Rarity smiled at him in anticipation.

“Oh, right!” Naruto recalled. Rarity looked at him questioningly. “How do I sew?”

Rarity only blinked a few times before responding.


“And that’s about it. Did you get it all down?” Rarity asked as she finished her lecture on using a sewing machine. Naruto nodded.

“Good, then I shall head upstairs to wake my sister. She has to go to school soon.”

“Oh, I didn’t know you have a sister,” Naruto said in surprise.

“Ah yes, her name is Sweetie Belle,” Rarity smiled. “She is simply an angel!”

“How come I didn’t see her yet?”

“She went off to sleep early yesterday. It’s hard for fillies her age to stay up all night,” Rarity explained.

“Oh, that’s right… The Summer Sun Celebration…”

“Well, I’ll be back later. Don’t worry, I’ll lead her through the back entrance, so feel free to stay in your human form. Although I do adore that tail of yours…” she turned around and walked out.

“Did you say something?”

“Oh no, please go ahead! I’m counting on you!” Rarity called as she disappeared up the stairs.

Naruto shrugged. “Oh well, let’s get to work!”

The young ninja laid out the coat under the machine, put the patch on and started working.

Ten minutes of work later, Naruto brushed away the sweat created by his deep concentration and raised the coat with a proud smile. Which then all but vanished as he saw the patch was not only attached to the back of the coat, where it should have been, but some of the stitches also got through it and onto one of the sleeves, which he accidently laid under it.

“Heh, no problem for the future Hokage of the leaf,” Naruto smirked as he proceeded to pull the sleeve out… Which caused it to rip, the end still attached to the patch and the coat’s backside.

“No problem! I’ll just reattach that, piece of cake!” he exclaimed as he proceeded to remove the end of the sleeve, only to pull with it the patch, which in turn ripped out more of the coat, enlarging the hole on the back.

Naruto bit his bottom lip, frustrated. He finally managed to separate the ripped sleeve from the patch, and then proceeded to attach the sleeve. On the wrong sleeve. “Gah!”


A while later, Rarity returned to the Boutique. “Well then, how did it go? I’m sure you managed to perform splendidly, my dear pro— Yahahah!!!”

Her jaw dropped as she finally laid eyes on what used to be called a ‘coat’, and was now a very bold piece of modern art. “Oh, by the name of Celestia!” she cried, seemingly about to pass out.

Naruto scratched his chin, chuckling. “Yeah… Well, practice makes perfect, right? I’m sure the next one will be awes—”

“No!” Rarity shrilled, startling him. “Ahem. What I mean is… Your talent as a ninja is going to waste here! You should definitely find a more… Befitting occupation.”

Before Naruto could even get a word in, he found himself at the entrance to the Boutique, floated there by Rarity’s magic.

Naruto let out a sigh. “Transformation Jutsu!” he called before anypony could see him. As usual, out of a cloud of smoke appeared an orange Earth pony, wearing the Konoha protector and the top of his jump suit of his human form.

“Argh, what was I thinking?! I’m a ninja, for crying out loud!” he yelled as he trotted into town. “This pony land is getting in my head…”


“So, who could use my help…?” Naruto pondered as he walked down the street.

“Hey, watch out up ahead!” a voice called from behind him.

Naruto jumped to the right barely in time to avoid a young Pegasus with an orange coat just like his and a purple mane and tail, who was riding on a scooter.

“Nice move, mister! Sorry, but I’m in a hurry!” she called without even sparing him a look.

“Oh, right! I’m sure Twilight will have an idea! She seems like a bookworm!” Naruto lighted up, as if that didn’t just happen. “Now where was the library again?”

He looked around and was met with a huge oak tree to his right. “Oh.”

Naruto knocked on the door. “Come in!” a familiar voice called, as the door was surrounded in a purple aura and opened to the inside.

The orange Earth pony trotted inside to see Twilight walking from the door to the kitchen to his left. “Oh, good morning, Naruto! What brings you here?”

“Morning, Twilight. I was just looking for a job and—”

“Hey!” an angry voice called from upstairs, as a purple and small head poked into the room. “The position’s filled!”

“Don’t worry, Spike. I’m not after your job,” Naruto chuckled.

Spike nodded with a serious expression and went back upstairs to do his business.

“So, a job for a ninja, huh?” Twilight asked, as she sat down on one of the chairs in the room, motioning him to do the same. “I don’t really know though, what do ninjas normally do? Other than duplicating themselves and using flashy balls of magic, I mean.”

“That’s chakra, not magic,” Naruto corrected. “And those are just the jutsu I’m good at. Everyone in my world has their own kind.”

“That’s really interesting! So ninjas are like the Unicorn parallels of your world, right?” the purple mare asked enthusiastically.

“No, ninjas don’t have a horn, or wings for that matter…” he answered in slight disbelief over the conversation. He then looked to the back of the room to see a quill surrounded in purple aura running across a scroll in the same rhythm he spoke in. “She’s recording me?!”

“So tell me, how do you use that ‘chakra’ of yours without a horn?”

“Well… I just focus and… Release it, I guess? That’s what I did when I learned to walk on trees and water…”

The quill dropped down and Twilight jumped up. “You can walk on trees?!” her eyes were beaming in excitement. The orange pony immediately regretted what he just said.

“Spike! Get down here, you’ve got to see this!” the purple Unicorn yelled.

In response the baby dragon walked down. “What’s up?” he questioned.

“Naruto can walk on trees, and he’s gonna show us! Isn’t this amazing?! This could be the scientific discovery of the century!”

“Woah, really?! Can all ninjas do that?! Can you teach me to be a ninja?!” Spike immediately asked.

“Wait, I never said I...” he began, but then sighed. There wasn’t any way around it. He turned towards one of the many bookcases, focused some chakra into his hooves, and then started walking up it on top of the books.

“This. Is. AMAZING!” Twilight squealed. Spike also gazed at Naruto with eyes full of wonder, his jaw lowered. From corner of his eyes, Naruto saw the quill dipping in ink and then writing so quickly it was a wonder the scroll didn’t catch fire.

Naruto jumped down from the bookcase. “So do you have any idea on where I might be able to work?” he resumed the topic of interest.

“Well, maybe the Pegasi could use a hoof. Can ninjas fly?!” she grinned from ear to ear in anticipation.

“It’s so obvious you’re just trying to wring more information on ninjas from me!” Naruto thought as he glared at her a bit angrily. He let out a sigh and decided to disclose this last piece of knowledge with her. “No, ninjas don’t fly. At least no ninjas I met until now.” As before, the quill was running smoothly on the scroll.

“Come to think of it, why don’t you transform into a Pegasus? You’ll be the very first flying ninja, at least in Equestria!”

While it did seem like she was trying to gather more information about him and chakra, this time she really did capture his interest. “It would be really cool to fly or use magic…” he thought with a smile.

The orange colt crossed his front hooves. “Transformation Jutsu, Release!”

“Alright, let’s give it a shot!” the blond human said. “Transformation Jutsu!” he called as he envisioned himself as a Pegasus.

Naruto looked backwards at his sides, and his heart sank when he saw no wings. Feeling his forehead too, he couldn’t feel a horn either. He looked exactly the same as any other time he transformed into a pony.

“Well, there goes my experiment to see if you could become an Alicorn. Oh well,” Twilight said in disappointed. Naruto frowned at her.

“Yeah, right! Princess Naruto! Now, that would be the day!” Spike called, rolling on the floor and laughing.

“Well, I guess since ninjas are so physical, being an Earth pony really fits you,” Twilight smiled, finally returning to the topic for which Naruto came there in the first place. “Really, of all the places I saw you working for the Summer Sun Celebration, Sweet Apple Acres seems like the best match for you.”

Naruto facehooved. “Right, I should have known that. Thanks, Twilight!” he said as he got up.

“Oh hey, since you’re here already, I’d like to hear more about—” Twilight started, but as soon as she did Naruto doubled his pace and was already far out of earshot.

“Isn’t it great, Spike?! Now not only I can make every week a report about friendship, I can also make one about ninjas!”

“Yeah. Reports, how exciting,” the young dragon answered sarcastically as he picked up a feather duster from a table and started cleaning the bookshelves.


Naruto smiled as he saw and smelled the familiarity of the farm he’d worked at for two days. The smile grew when he saw a familiar orange mare treading out of the barn, a large wagon tied to her and rolling steadily behind her.

“Hey, Applejack!” the orange colt called as he trotted towards her.

“Well, I’ll be…” Applejack muttered with a smile. “Morning, Naruto! D’ya come for some more good ol’ apple bucking?” she greeted.

“Yeah, got room for one more? Or a hundred, maybe?” he chuckled, as he tied the wagon to himself as well to help Applejack.

“Ah appreciate da offer, Naruto, but none of them ‘jutsus’ today, ‘lright? Big Mac and Granny Smith will get suspicious if we’re doin’ too much progress in a day.”

“Oh, alright,” the orange ninja replied, a tad disappointed, but nonetheless eager to do something while he’s in this world.

“So, any other family members of yours I haven’t met yet?” Naruto asked casually as they walked towards the vast groves of apple trees.

“Well, ‘sides from Big Mac, there’s good ol' Granny Smith an’ Apple Bloom, my darlin’ little sister,” Applejack answered cheerfully.

“Oh, just like Rarity. She told me she has a younger sister too,” Naruto noted.

“That’s right. Though ah don’ think they really know each other. Really a shame, cause they both don’ have their cutie marks yet. Far as ah know, Apple Bloom’s havin’ a hard time cause of it.”

“Wow, is it really that bad here to not have it?” Naruto asked in surprise as he gave another look at his vacant hind side.

Applejack saw him doing that and smiled. “Don’cha worry ‘bout a thing! It’ll come when yar ready!”

“So, can we expect ya to become a full-time worker here?” she asked. “Ah’ll need to pay ya if so.”

“I’m not really sure. I’m just trying to find my place here for now, and working here seemed like the best fit for me,” he explained.

“Ah see. Heck, maybe ya’ll get yar cutie mark here too? If ya do, we’ll adopt you into the Apple family!” the orange mare laughed.

“Sure, I guess. Thanks,” he smiled, albeit half-heartedly. “Pony family members… That’s… Really strange,” he thought.


A while later, the two reached the designated section of the apple orchard, where they saw a familiar, large red colt already bucking some trees. As he saw the orange duo, the colt smiled.

“Morning, Big Mac,” Naruto greeted as he began untying the wagon from himself, as did Appleack.

“Morning, Naruto,” he answered casually. Naruto jumped.

“That’s the first time I heard him saying a word other than ‘Nope’ or ‘Eeyup’,” he thought, stunned.

“Well, let’s get to it, boys! Da day’s short, and there are plenty of apples to be bucked!” Applejack said merrily as she removed a few wooden buckets from the wagon.

Naruto did the same, and proceeded to one the trees, which was loaded with red, juicy fruits. As he carried each bucket to the trees with his mouth, he couldn’t help but think how inefficient this is. But nonetheless, a satisfying, chakra-filled kick to the tree made him forget all about this as the red load descended into the buckets.


A few hours later, Naruto wiped a sweat of satisfaction from the line between his blond mane and his beloved protector, and smiled at Applejack. Big Mac had left a while ago, having finished filling his wagon to the brim.

Applejack grinned at him. “Well, ah think we’re just about done—“

“It’s not fair!” a voice suddenly yelled.

Naruto turned his head back to see a young filly walking towards Applejack. She was half his height, with a light yellow coat and a red mane, a large pink ribbon tied to it, and had ember-colored eyes. She wore an angry expression on her face.

“How’d school go?” Applejack asked in worry.

“We had a lesson ‘bout cutie marks today, and of course everypony laughed at me for not havin' one!”

“Ya worry ‘bout it too much, sugarcube. Ya’ll get one eventually. Everypony does,” Applejack said with a reassuring smile.

“Well, ah don’t want one eventually! Ah want one now! What if ah end up being the oldest pony in history to not have a cutie mark?!”

Naruto smiled, thinking he could cheer her up. “Sorry, but the title’s taken,” he spoke. The filly then noticed him for the first time. She looked at him in surprise.

He trotted towards her. “I’m Naruto Uzumaki,” he introduced himself. “Who’re you?”

“Apple Bloom,” she answered grumpily as she gazed at his hind side. “Hey, you don’t have a cutie mark!” she called, stunned.

“Yeah. See? It’s not the end of—”

“Applejack, ah don' wanna end up like him! No offense,” Apple Bloom said. Naruto, however, was just a tiny bit offended.

“Now that ah think 'bout it, ah was the last one in mah class to get a cutie mark. Same fo' were Granny Smith and Big Mac,” Applejack said after a short delve to her memories.

“Ah don’ see how that’s supposed to make me feel better. It probably means that bein' the last one to get a cutie mark runs in the family!” Apple Bloom groaned as she laid her head on one of Naruto’s apple-filled buckets.

“Oh, ah know! Since y’all have apples for cutie marks, mah oughta be too!” the filly exclaimed, beaming and gazing at her elder sister expectantly.

Applejack read her younger sisters' mind, letting out a small sigh. “A’right. Naruto, can you take these here apples to the barn? Ah’m goin’ with Apple Bloom to the market to do some sellin’.”

“Yeah, you got it,” Naruto replied as he unloaded the last apples onto the wagon and put on top of them the wooden buckets.

“Who knows? Maybe all this cutie mark hooey will be settled today. Come on down when yar done, ‘kay?” the cowmare asked.

“Yeah, maybe I’ll get my cutie mark too,” Naruto chuckled. Apple Bloom looked back at him as she and Applejack trotted to the barn to prepare heading for the market.

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