• Published 5th Jun 2014
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Daily Life of an Equestrian Ninja - PianoPony

Even being a ninja and knowing that you harbor one of the world's most feared beasts can't prepare you for everything. Naruto learned just that when a white pony with wings and a horn appeared one morning at his doorstep.

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Chapter 27 - My Little Assistant (Part 3)

“I’m back!” Naruto announced as he returned to the Ramen stand. In there, Spike was busy kneading new noodles, while the clone who stayed back was doing the dishes.

“Great, I can finally leave!” the clone who stayed back quickly called, relieved to be taken off dishes duty. “Release!” he called as he made the appropriate hand seal, and disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

As the clone vanished, the memories of what happened at the stand flew through the other Naruto’s mind. “Woah, you’ve really improved at making Ramen, huh Spike?”

“And where did he get that apron?!” Naruto sweatdropped, noticing Spike was wearing a pink, frilly apron with a large, red heart at its middle.

“Yeah,” Spike smiled as he took a break, wiping the beads of sweat off his forehead. “Though kneading the noodles is still pretty hard, if you ask me.”

“Oh, right,” Spike remembered as he began fidgeting with his claws, a worried expression forming on his face. “How was Twilight? Was she still mad at me?”

“She wasn’t mad anymore, don’t worry,” Naruto assured.

Spike let out a deep sigh and seemed to relax. “Well, that’s a relief. And how was the suit Rarity made for me?”

“Oh, your suit was nice, Spike. I bet you’ll like wearing it,” Naruto replied.

“Really?!” Spike asked in excitement. “I wish I could see it! I hope you showed Rarity my gratitude, Naruto!”

“Oh, uh… Don’t worry, it all went smoothly, Spike,” Naruto replied, not mentioning a certain slip of the tongue he had back there.

“And how was Rarity? She must have been swamped with work, with all the dresses and suits she had to make. At least all that’s behind her and she can finally get some rest before the Gala!”

“Actually… Save for your suit, she’s making all of them again,” Naruto revealed.

“Huh?! Why?!” Spike cried.

“Well, the others didn’t really like their dresses, and Rarity refused to let me wear what she made when she found out I was going to be with Luna at the Gala,” Naruto explained.

“B-B-But what about her own dress?” Spike asked, distressed.

“Rarity’s dress? I bet she finished hers first,” Naruto replied.

“No!” Spike shouted. “When I first talked to Rarity after she took up making the dresses, she told me she’ll save hers for last!”

“So what’s the problem?” Naruto asked.

“The problem is she’ll never finish it in time for the Gala, Naruto!”

“Really?” Naruto asked. “Remind me when the Gala is again?”

“Tomorrow night!” Spike answered, getting more and more panicked.

“Tomorrow night… Wait, really?!”

“I can’t leave her alone in this situation!” Spike called, taking off the pink apron. He then jumped off the stool he stood on and ran towards the door.

“Hey, where are you going?!” Naruto called as Spike reached up to the door’s handle. “I need you to make instant Ramen!”

“Sorry, Naruto. But Rarity needs me even more,” Spike replied with a serious expression and opened the door.

Naruto quickly galloped towards him and put his hoof on the doorknob. “Wait! What if I go instead?”

“But I gave her my word!” Spike insisted.

“What do you mean?” Naruto inquired.

“I promised Rarity that whenever she’s in trouble, I’ll be there to help her! It just wouldn’t be right if I didn’t do it myself…” Spike explained, looking away.

“Look, if I go as you again, then it’s just like you went yourself, right?” Naruto asked.

“Well…” Spike mumbled, looking conflicted.

“I need you here too, Spike! Please!” Naruto called, giving his best pleading smile.

“Well, I…” Spike muttered, looking back and forth between the door and Naruto. “Alright,” he finally sighed. “I’m counting on you.”

“Just leave it to me!” Naruto called and crossed his forelegs. “Shadow Clone Jutsu!”

“I’m off to Rarity’s,” the clone that was already there said. “Transformation Jutsu!” he called, transforming into Spike, before dashing off.

“Great!” the other Naruto replied. “And I’ll…” he began, when he noticed the pile of dishes in the small sink. “Gah! Dishes duty?!”

The real Spike stared a few seconds more at the door, before letting out a sigh. He then slowly trudged back towards the stool.


‘Spike’ ran as quickly as he could to his destination — Carousel Boutique, which also doubled as his—hopefully—temporary home, in order to fulfill his unofficial ninja mission of helping Rarity with the dresses for the Gala.

Soon arriving at the front door, Naruto could hear a non-stopping sound of galloping from Rarity’s room. He then climbed up the stairs and opened the door, to see Rarity frantically running around, pulling out more fabrics, threads and tools from the drawers of her many cabinets with her magic. She was so busy she didn’t even notice the small Dragon standing at the door. However, what really stood out about her now was her unkempt mane, a state Naruto would have never thought he would see her in.

“Umm… Need some help, Rarity?” Naruto asked cautiously.

“Ah! Spikey! You’re here!” Rarity cried. “Thank you so much for coming!” she called as she quickly levitated a pile of colorful fabrics towards him to hold.

“Argh! You’re… welcome…” Naruto muttered, barely able to keep his balance. The stack of clothes was almost too heavy and tall for his small transformation to hold.

“Oh, it is simply a nightmare! A nightmare, I tell you!” Rarity cried as she quickly hovered a turquoise cloth to one of the vacant mannequins in the room, and began cutting it with scissors held in her magic, glancing once in a while on a pattern she drew and was hanging on the wall. “There’s just so much work to do!

“But… didn’t you volunteer to make the dresses again?” Naruto asked, watching Rarity working through folds in the stack of clothes he was holding.

“Well, of course I have!” Rarity replied, still not sparing him a look in order to not break her concentration. She then floated up some green cloth from the Naruto’s stack and began cutting it into thin strips, before laying them in an orderly fashion on the turquoise cloth and beginning to sew them together. “I simply could not disappoint my friends!”

“But what about your own dress? Spike told me— *cough* You told me that you were saving yours for last.”

“That cannot be helped. A promise is a promise, and I cannot disappoint my good friends!” Rarity repeated, still working tirelessly. “This would probably cost me some sleep hours… But I’m sure it will all be worth it in the end!”

“Well, if you say so…” Naruto replied, unsure of her reasoning. “And what about Princess Luna’s dress?”

“AH!!! I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT IT!!!” Rarity screamed and ran past Naruto to the mannequin at the far end of the room, causing him to lose his balance and being covered in the stack of clothes he was carrying.

“Oh, what am I gonna do, Spike?” Rarity sighed as she removed the white cloth covering Luna’s dress. Naruto dug his way out from underneath the clothing to look at it. At the moment, it only comprised of a purple base, some golden X markings dotting it in several places, and a golden outline of a crescent moon on its left side. The back part of the dress was covered in glittering, semi-transparent lavender fabric of a sort he had never seen.

“I do not think I have time for it!” Rarity thought, deeply worried. “If it comes down to it, I might actually have to…”

“Alright, Rarity,” the white Unicorn said as she took a deep breath. “No resting, no eating and no sleeping. Those dresses will be ready, and they will be perfect if it’s the last thing I do!”

“Uh oh,” Naruto thought in response to that. Knowing Rarity and her dedication to her work, he knew she wasn’t just saying that.


Two hours later, much to Naruto’s surprise, Rarity had managed to fully recreate Fluttershy’s dress from scratch. She had then sent him to get the yellow Pegasus to come again and see it.

“That’s very kind of you to help Rarity, Spike,” Fluttershy smiled at him, as the Pegasus and Dragon climbed up the stairs at Carousel Boutique.

“Oh, it’s nothing. Anything to help my Ramen st—I mean, a good friend!” he coughed to mask his slip of the tongue.

Fluttershy soon reached Rarity’s room and opened the door. “Hello, Rarity,” she smiled at the white Unicorn, who was sewing something golden to a dark purple fabric with her sewing machine.

“Ah, Fluttershy! Great you could drop by again!” Rarity smiled and trotted towards her. She looked just as distraught as before, due to the pressure from her work.

“Your new-new gown is ready! I completely revised it and I know you’re going to LOVE it!” Rarity announced and promptly showed her the way to the small dressing room in the back of Rarity’s bedroom.

“I knew Rarity could make it all work out in the end…” Naruto thought in relief as he watched Fluttershy disappearing behind the magenta curtain.


Not long afterwards…

Fluttershy stepped out of the dressing room wearing her new dress.

“Don’t look, Spikey! Bad luck!” Rarity called as she led Fluttershy to a large mirror. In response, ‘Spike’ hid his face with his claws, but made sure to look between them at Fluttershy.

Naruto studied the dress carefully, trying to find any glaring differences between it and the old one. Soon enough, he reached a conclusion. “I don’t get pony clothes.”

“So, what do you think?” Rarity asked hopefully.

“I… love it,” Fluttershy replied in a tone that sounded somewhat like a sigh.

“Great!” Naruto exclaimed. “Let’s get to the next one!”

“No, you’re just saying that!” Rarity called out, staring into Fluttershy’s eyes.

“No, I do like it,” Fluttershy insisted. “It’s nice.”

“’Nice’?” Rarity repeated, unimpressed by the compliment.

“Nice,” Fluttershy replied, her voice still lacking any enthusiasm.

“Well, ‘nice’ sounds good enough to me,” Naruto said and ran towards Fluttershy in order to show her out. “Let’s start working on the next one now! See you later, Flutte—”

“Hold it, Spike!” Rarity called, stopping him. “Number one rule — nopony leaves my store unsatisfied! Are you satisfied, Fluttershy?!”

“Well, um… I guess?” she answered nervously.

“Is that a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’?” Rarity pressed, trying to get a clear answer.

“Umm… Both?” Fluttershy replied, and started to back away from Rarity and her severe, slightly intimidating facial expression.

“Which is it?!” Rarity insisted, matching Fluttershy’s steps and keeping a constant, short distance.

“Please stop asking me this…” Fluttershy pleaded, and soon found herself backed against the wall.

Naruto merely glared at the scene, wondering how he should stop Rarity’s interrogation, if at all. “Rarity can sure be scary sometimes…”

“Tell me, tell me, tell me, TELL ME!” Rarity roared. Naruto unwittingly took a few steps back, quite intimidated as well.

“Alright!” Fluttershy finally yielded. “If you really want to know…” she began, taking a deep breath. “The armscye’s tight, the middy collar doesn’t go with the shawl lapel, the hems are clearly machine stitched…”

Naruto’s jaw dropped as Fluttershy kept on pointing more and more flaws to the dress’s design, most of each were tailoring-related terms he didn’t even get.

“…and the overdesign is reminiscent of prêt-à-porter and not true French haute couture,” Fluttershy finished.

Rarity’s jaw was at floor level when Fluttershy finished, and Naruto kept looking back and forth between the two mares, nervous about the outcome of the situation.

“But, um… You know… Whatever you want to do is fine,” Fluttershy quickly rectified her earlier criticism, or at least attempted to.

“Well, I…” Rarity began, looking quite at a loss. “Alright… I’ll make sure it’s just the way you want it to be.”

“Are you sure it’s not too much of a bother?” Fluttershy asked.

“Yes, darling…” Rarity replied with a sigh. “I’m quite sure.”

“Alright then. Thank you, Rarity,” Fluttershy smiled and returned to the changing room to take off the dress.

“Oh, Spike… I wonder if I’m doing the right thing here…” Rarity said, not really raising a question for ‘Spike’ to answer, and neither was he able to anyway.


Over the next hours, Naruto doubled both as Rarity’s errand boy and her assistant, while making sure he wasn’t revealing his true identity.

One by one, he brought each mare to Rarity so they could work out the details for their revised dresses. However, one of them posed a bit of an issue.

“Spikey dear, could you go and fetch Twilight now? She mentioned something about constellations and I shall probably require some guidance,” Rarity asked as she was sewing cloud fluff to the rims of Rainbow’s colorful dress.

“Uh… sure,” Naruto replied. He put down the stack of clothing he was holding in his claws and the spool of blue thread he was holding with his tail, having gotten used to using it relatively well in Spike’s form.

Heading to the door, Naruto could hear Rarity conflicting over Rainbow’s dress. “Cooler? Rainbow Dash wants a cooler dress? And twenty percent? Just how should I input that? Adding another color would only enhance it by sixteen percent…”


*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

“Coming!” called a mare’s voice.

A few moments later, the red wooden door opened to the inside, revealing the interior of the town’s library and the librarian herself.

“Oh, hello Naruto,” Twilight smiled at the orange Earth pony. “What brings you here?”

“Heya, Twilight,” Naruto replied. “Rarity asked for you to come to her shop. She needs instructions on your dress.”

“Oh, great!” Twilight replied. “Just let me get my equipment…” she said before heading back inside.

A few minutes later, accompanied by a lot of noise of falling items and the sound of a hissing cat, for some reason, Twilight returned to the front door with a mobile projection screen. “Let’s go!” she said happily before marching outside, the screen floating by her side.

“Spike! I’m leaving to Rarity’s! Keep up the good work!” Twilight called before closing the door.

“Sure, whatever…” a moderately annoyed ‘Spike’ was heard from the inside.

“Poor me…” Naruto’s clone thought with a half-smile, imagining all the kinds of book-related torture he must be going through. “Well, it was all his idea. Or mine too, I guess, since I am him…”

“So how come Rarity sent you?” Twilight asked as the two began walking back to Rarity’s. “Shouldn’t you be working at your stand now?”

“Oh! Uh…” Naruto stuttered, forgetting the crucial discrepancy. “I… Uh… Oh, right! I left a clone there!” he said.

“Oh, I see,” Twilight replied, before letting out a sigh. “I sure wish I could make clones too…”

“I guess it is pretty convenient to have on daily chores,” Naruto conceded. “I usually only use them when I go on missions, so I didn’t really think about this until now.”

“Huh… So is going on missions your usual routine?” Twilight asked. “I guess you’re pretty bored here in Equestria without those missions…”

“Well… At first I was really bored,” Naruto admitted. “But after a while I guess I just got used to this, and started spending time by hanging out with lots of ponies. It was kind of fun to get to know everypony,” he smiled.

“That’s great to hear!” Twilight giggled. “Oh, by the way…”

“Yeah?” Naruto asked, looking at her.

“Have you spent some time with Spike recently? Like a really long time?” Twilight asked with a concerned look.

Naruto froze in place. “Crap! Is she onto me?!”

“Uhh… No! What makes you say that?!” he stuttered nervously, resuming walking as if nothing had happened.

“Well… It’s just that recently Spike was talking and acting kind of weird lately…”

“W-Weird?! Weird how?!”

“Well, he asked me if we had any books about Ramen and ‘dongo’ or something like that, he kept on shelving the books with the spines facing inside and in the wrong order, and kept on tacking ‘believe it’ or ‘ya know’ to the end of his sentences… In short, he’s acting a bit like you, don’t you think?”

“Great… Aren’t I just the stealthiest ninja ever?! Remind me to ask Kakashi to help me work on that sometime…” Naruto mentally noted. “I just hope I don’t forget all my ninja skills by the time I get back,” he half-smiled.

“Well… Who knows…? Maybe it’s all the Ramen he eats?” Naruto suggested, dearly hoping Twilight would buy that.

“Yeah. Or maybe he’s undergoing some weird Dragon puberty,” Twilight giggled.


Soon enough, the duo reached Carousel Boutique.

“Thanks for your help, Naruto,” Twilight smiled at him. “Well, I’ll see you later then,” she said as she opened the door and trotted inside.

“Ah! Wait! I’m coming too!” Naruto called, galloping to the entrance as well.

“Why?” Twilight inquired.

“I… Uhh… I’m just helping Rarity out, ya know,” Naruto blurted.

“Wow, that’s really kind of you, Naruto!” Twilight said, impressed. “I thought you hated tailoring.”

“Well, Rarity needs help, so…”

“If you had to report to the Princess, I bet you could write a great friendship report!” Twilight smiled. “Well, let’s go!”


“We’re here!” Naruto announced as he and Twilight entered Rarity’s room. The white mare was working on a dark purple dress in the back of the room, sewing small pieces of golden fabrics onto it.

Rarity wiped a few beads of sweat as she turned to look at them with a smile, although her red-shot eyes and messy mane could tell just how exhausted she was. “Great to see you… Wait… Naruto?!” she asked, baffled. “Where’s Spike?”

“What do you mean ‘where’s Spike’?” Twilight asked. “He’s at the library.”

“At the library?” Rarity asked, puzzled. “But darling, he was here up until—”

“What she means is,” Naruto quickly spoke. “There was so much work piling up at the library he couldn’t come! Right, Twilight?”

“Well, yeah,” Twilight confirmed, surprised with Naruto’s sudden outburst. “There’s a lot of work because of the Gala. I just wouldn’t make it all in time for it without him!”

“Oh, I see…” Rarity muttered. “But will I make it in time?” she thought in worry.

“Well, I’ll be here to help you out from now, alright?” Naruto suggested.

“Thanks, darling. Much appreciated,” Rarity said swiftly before hovering a stack of fabrics onto his back.

“Shall we start working on your dress now, Twilight?” Rarity asked.

“Right away!” Twilight exclaimed happily and unfolded her projection screen.

“The first constellation I want you to add to the dress is Libra,” she said as light from her horn projected an image of the constellation onto the screen. “The positions of the stars should be arranged as though we were looking at them from a latitude of…”

“Ugh, studies,” Naruto thought in disgust, trying to block Twilight’s words out as much as he could.


“Too soggy,” Naruto said as he examined the contents of a bowl of dried Ramen. “Too crispy,” he dismissed another bowl.

“Spike! This one’s just a pile of ashes!” Naruto shouted, showing the purple dragon a bowl of gray ashes.

“I-I’m sorry!” Spike cried, fidgeting with his claws. “I just can’t recreate the ones from earlier! I’m not really good at fire breath control…”

Spike has now been practicing Ramen drying for a few hours. But unlike the preparation of fresh Ramen, which he had gotten down with relatively no hitches, turning it into transportable, instant Ramen had proved to pose quite a challenge.

“Look, you’re pretty much a Ramen master now!” Naruto said. “All you have to do now is to turn it into instant Ramen!”

“Well, maybe I can’t do it!” Spike cried. “Maybe I’m just not cut out for this whole instant Ramen business!”

He then let out a sigh. “I knew I wasn’t meant to work here,” he said and took off his pink apron, laying it on his stool.

“What was I thinking to myself…?” Spike asked quietly as he trudged to the Ramen stand’s door. “I’m sorry for wasting your time, Naruto.”

As Spike reached his hand to the handle, it was suddenly caught by an orange hoof. He looked back and was surprised to see a very angry Naruto looking straight into his eyes.

“You know what I hate the most?” Naruto asked.

“N-N-No…” Spike mumbled, a bit afraid.

“Quitters,” Naruto answered. “Those who give up on their dreams after barely even trying.”

“I-I didn’t quit!” Spike protested. “I just found out I can’t do it! What’s the point in keeping doing it if I know I’ll just fail?!”

“So what if you fail?!” Naruto retorted. “I remember times when everypony told me I should give up on becoming a ninja. I did a lot of stupid things, and I sucked at all my classes. But no matter what happened, I never gave up! And from then on, I made up my mind, and found my ninja way!”

“Your… ninja way?” Spike asked, his eyes shining with curiosity and anticipation.

“Never, ever give up!” Naruto exclaimed. “That’s my ninja way!”

“Your… ninja way,” Spike repeated, deeply impressed by the simple, yet powerful resolve.

“Alright! I won’t give up!” Spike finally proclaimed, his spirit completely renewed. He marched back to his stool and confidently tied back the apron around his stomach.

“I’ll keep practicing again and again, and I’ll make the best instant Ramen in Equestria!” Spike vowed. “Even if I have to burn all the Ramen in the universe!”

“Now that’s the spirit!” Naruto laughed. “Wait… all of it?!”

Spike hopped onto the stool and started pouring another serving of Ramen to dry. “Thanks, Naruto. Has anypony ever told you that you give great motivation speeches?”

“Great what now?” Naruto asked, unaware to the power of his words.

“Never mind,” Spike chuckled. “Well, here goes again,” he muttered and took a deep breath, preparing to release his inner flames.


“How are you doing, Rarity?” Naruto asked in concern, soon after Twilight had left.

“Fine,” the white mare replied, stitching another star to Twilight’s dress.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, I’m quite sure,” Rarity replied. Her shaking hooves had caused her to miss hitting the star with the needle, creating a tiny, yet unnecessary puncture in the dress.

“Don’t you want to take a break? You’ve been working since morning non-stop,” Naruto noted. “I could really use a break myself…”

“WOULD YOU STOP BREAKING MY CONCENTRATION?!” the white mare suddenly snapped, furiously gazing at Naruto with her blood-shot, tired eyes, causing him to flinch and take a step back.

“S-Sorry, Naruto… I’m just so exhausted from this work…” Rarity muttered, “But I cannot afford to take a break! Not with the Gala starting so soon!”

“Can’t you just drop the others’ works? That way you’ll have only Luna’s and your dresses to do,” Naruto suggested.

“No! I would never allow my best friends to go in dresses they are unsatisfied with! Do you have any idea how much the Gala means to us?!”

“Umm… Not really,” Naruto admitted flatly. “Well, at least drop my suit. I’m completely cool with it as it is now!”

“I’m not remaking your suit for your sake, Naruto!” Rarity growled. “I’m making it for Luna’s!”

“I… Huh?” Naruto baffled, Rarity’s words completely going over his head. “I don’t get it.”

Rarity rolled her eyes. “It’s a mare thing, Naruto. I cannot expect you to understand.”

“Well, alright… But what about your own dress? Will you finish it in time?” Naruto inquired.

“Darling, please hoof me over the sky blue fabric,” Rarity asked, completely ignoring his question.

Naruto turned his head, nearly causing his neck to cramp, and found the fabric laying on his back. He pulled it out of the stack of fabrics and hooved it over to the white Unicorn. “Thank you.”

“Can’t I do anything to help her?” Naruto thought in worry. “I almost wish I could sew too now…”

Author's Note:

Hi, everypony!

Remember the blog post in which I said this was the last part of this mini-arc? Well...

But for a good reason!
The chapter was stretching out way beyond 7,000 words, and I think delivering the story bit by bit is a better way than by huge chunks. That means it shouldn't take very long to update the story again.

Anyway, next time is the real ending!

Yes. Probably.

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