• Published 5th Jun 2014
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Daily Life of an Equestrian Ninja - PianoPony

Even being a ninja and knowing that you harbor one of the world's most feared beasts can't prepare you for everything. Naruto learned just that when a white pony with wings and a horn appeared one morning at his doorstep.

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Chapter 2 - Meet the Ponies (Part 1) [Upd. 19/10/2014]

“Oh, it’s easy, Naruto! One hoof in front…” Pinkie demonstrated slowly by taking a step. “And another… And another-another-another-another-another”, she accelerated to the point where she ran around him so fast she blurred.

“Uh, thanks, Pinkie. That was… useful,” Naruto muttered sarcastically as he rose to his new hooves.

After getting some practice and understanding the basics of walking on four legs, the two Earth ponies trotted into town. Naruto finally came to see that at least some of what Pinkie told him was true- walking around were ponies with horns on their heads, and in the sky and on the ground were ponies with wings. Naruto’s eyes began hurting a bit after a while. Never in his life had he seen such a… colorful population.

The town center was bustling with activity caused by many ponies, most of them Pegasi fixing the exterior of the large building.

“It doesn’t look that bad. Why all the repairs?” Naruto inquired.

“Didn’t you know? The Summer Sun Celebration will be hosted here the day after tomorrow!” the pink pony explained.

Meeting a completely clueless gaze from him, she explained. “Basically, Princess Celestia is coming here to raise the sun on the longest day of the year.”

“Pfft… Ahahaha!” Naruto burst and literally fell down on the ground laughing, causing several ponies around to gaze at him. Pinkie Pie burst out in laughter as well just for the sake of joining him.

“You… Pfft… Actually believe someone raises the sun?” Naruto groaned between laughs, barely breathing.

“Bahahaha, hilarious, right?” Pinkie wiped a tear of laughter from her eyes.

“Wait… So were you joking?” the orange pony finally asked after catching his breath.

“Nope,” Pinkie answered with a smile, starting a minute-long silence.

“Anyway…” Naruto began. “This is a really nice place, Pinkie, but I have to go home. Do you think anyone here could help me?”

“Home? That Konoha place? You can always just ask everypony where it is, but I doubt you’d find anypony that knows.”

“What about really smart people—Er, ponies? The type that read books all the time? They should know something, right?” he persisted hopefully.

“Hmm… Nope, not anypony who lives here. Ooh! Ideaaaaa!”

Naruto gazed at her questioningly.

“Princess Celestia knows everything, and I mean EVERYTHING! Just ask her when she comes during the Summer Sun Celebration,” she suggested with a beaming smile.

“Alright then… But you said it’s in two days, didn’t you? What am I supposed to do until then?”

“I don’t know, just walk around. Maybe somepony will need your help. There’s a lot to do. I’d start with the town hall if I were you,” she pointed to the large building in front of them.

“Well, alright then,” Naruto replied as he looked at it for a moment. “Thanks, Pink—,” he began, only to find out she was gone. “I wonder if everyone here’s a ninja like her…”


Naruto’s jaw dropped slightly in amazement as he entered. The building already seemed huge from the outside, but on the inside it looked even larger. The brown wooden walls were already partially decorated with ribbons of several colors, and large flags with one of two pictures on them: two ponies, one white and one black, the sun and the moon in the middle between them, or two pink ponies with a large heart between them on yellow background.

“No… Green definitely won’t cut it. Orange? Not a chance. Now, blue…” a white Unicorn was talking to herself, her back side towards him. Naruto’s jaw dropped to the floor as he saw several ribbons of different colors floating around here, surrounded by light blue aura. “I’ve never seen this kind of jutsu before! Or is it just a wind jutsu?”

After he got over the shock, he trotted over to the white pony, which he soon remembered as the one talking to Pinkie before. “Hey there, do you need help with anything?”

The white mare turned her head towards him, revealing a pair of deep blue eyes matching his own. She had long eyelashes and was wearing elegant, light purple makeup. “Ah, very good. I was just requir—,” she began, but froze when she looked at him.

“Those… Those clothes!” she suddenly yelled. Naruto took a few cautious steps backwards as she started pacing towards him.

She came to a stop a few inches from his face. That’s when he got a first good look on a Unicorn’s horn. It was a lot shorter than he had imagined Unicorns in myths to have, but maybe it was due to her swirly, purple hair, which he found quite beautiful, hiding some of it. She began circling around him, taking mental notes at each and every feature of him and his jumpsuit that she noticed. Beads of nervous sweat started forming on his face, as he could only guess what her next move would be.

“It is quite striking. I have never seen anypony wear anything like it! I could make an entire line based on this concept!” she said with admiration in her voice. “Who designed this?” the white pony asked quietly, yet assertively.

“I… don’t remember? It was a long time ago…” Naruto has never met someone who was this interested in clothing, and especially his jumpsuit, so he was quite surprised.

“Really now? It’s in a rather good shape,” she said as she felt it. Naruto tried to take a step back, when he noticed he was surrounded by the same aura from before, and couldn’t move. Before he could even try doing anything about this, the aura disappeared and he could feel his limbs’ mobility once more.

“And that headband…”

Naruto puffed his chest. It was his pride and joy. The plate used to belong to Iruka-sensei, his teacher from the Academy, which he also looked up to as a big brother figure.

“It looks like a snail that fell over and can’t get back up. What does it even mean?”

Naruto’s chest sunk and his head fell low. “A… snail?” he muttered. That was the worst insult he’d ever heard.

The white pony shrugged as she continued on. “Your mane is rather cute. Beautiful color, but it should really be straightened out. It’s pretty messy. And those whisker marks… Are you sure you weren’t drawn on by some prankster, dearie?”

“Err, nope. They were always there.” He was getting slightly embarrassed and irritated by the criticism, but knew she didn’t mean to hurt his feelings, so he decided to bear with it for a little longer.

“Well, no matter. They are quite endearing, and they do make you stand out,” she smiled. “However… I simply have to say that the crème de la crème… is your. Smashing. TAIL!” she suddenly exclaimed and grabbed it.

Naruto panicked and took a few quick steps forward, but Rarity matched his steps and kept cuddling it. “How did you do it? It’s so soft and fluffy… It’d take me hours to do that with my hair! What lotion did you use?”

Giving up, he decided he might as well be over with it. “Nothing. It’s… natural.” He wasn’t sure if he was lying to her or not, though, since he really didn’t do anything to it, but also didn’t have a tail at all without the transformation.

“If we shave it off and let it regrow repeatedly… we could make the best wigs in all of Equestria! We’d be rich! RICH I TELLS YA!” she suddenly exclaimed, her face looking suddenly a bit insane.

“Hey, hey! No way!” he frowned at her, nearly terrified by her and her suggestion.

Rarity coughed. “Oh… Ahem. Sorry, I got a tad carried away,” she blushed and let go of his tail.

“A tad…?”

“Ah, where are my manners? I forgot to introduce myself,” she smiled. “My name is Rarity. I own the best fashion store in town—Carousel Boutique. You should really drop by sometimes. First order is free as long as you bring that marvelous tail with you!” she chuckled, but eyed it closely again.

“I’m Naruto Uzumaki. I’m a nin—Err, traveler. I came here for the Summer Sun Celebration,” he quickly improvised. “Best not let them know I’m a ninja. I still can’t be sure this isn’t some kind of weird, really well put together trap, right?”

“I see. Then I welcome you to Ponyville. I do hope you’ll enjoy your stay,” she smiled at him. “So you were coming to assist in the preparations, correct? I’m sorry, but I need a Pegasus right now. I need to hang those ribbons on the ceiling.” She motioned to a pile of blue ribbons lying on the floor next to her.

“Miss Rarity! Somepony’s here about the red ribbons your ordered!” a male voice called from outside.

“Coming!” she called back. “Sorry, darling. Try asking some other ponies around if they need help, or maybe try finding a Pegasus for me,” she said as she trod outside.

Naruto looked around the town hall. There was nobody around for the moment. He grinned, and then stood up on his hind legs and crossed his front ones. “Release!”

With a puff of smoke he was back in human form. Then, he crossed the two fingers of each hand for his favorite, most used jutsu—“Shadow Clone Jutsu!” he exclaimed, and nine more Naruto’s appeared beside him.


A few minutes later, Rarity walked back into the town hall, a bundle of red ribbons floating beside her.

“Hi Rarity, finished already?” Naruto asked, standing in front of her. He was back in his pony form.

Rarity’s jaw and the pile of ribbons fell down as she looked around. The entire ceiling was now decorated with the blue ribbons. “How did you… I don’t think even Rainbow Dash could pull something like THIS off! We’re way ahead of schedule thanks to you!”

“Heh, what can I say? I’m a guy of many talents. Well, see you around, Rarity!” And with that, he left the stunned Unicorn behind, chuckling.

Rarity smiled to herself. “Now I have some time to relax. Spa time, here I come!” She dropped down all of the red ribbons, putting them off until later, and happily marched outside.


As he trotted down the street, Naruto noticed the sun getting slightly lower in the sky. “Someone raising the sun? Haha, as if…” he muttered to himself.

As he continued walking, he felt something lightly tugging his tail. Deciding to ignore it, he slightly picked up his pace. The sensation of tugging turned into petting, and as much as he found it pleasurable, which he found rather odd, he had to investigate the cause of it. Rapidly turning his head around, he saw a yellow Pegasus with pink mane and tail staring at him, her right front hoof at his tail. She was hovering a few inches above the ground, her wings flapping silently.

The Pegasus stared at him, her gaze and expression frozen. He did the same for a minute, until he decided to open his mouth. “Uh…” But the moment he did, the Pegasus blushed deeply, made a weak, high-voiced squeak, and flew away.

“Hey, wait—,” he started, but she was already far out of earshot. Looking down, he noticed a small, brown bag on the ground. Touching it with his front right hoof Naruto could feel hard, tiny things inside. “Probably seeds. I wonder why she had them…”

He picked them up and looked at where she flew towards. That direction lead very quickly to the outskirts of town, not far from where he entered Ponyville from. Without anything better to do at the moment, he shoved the bag into one of the pockets of his jumpsuit and walked in that direction.


Not long after he was past the buildings of Ponyville, Naruto could see a house overgrown with vegetation. Another peculiar feature that house had was the many birdhouses scattered around it. The house was located just beyond the creek Naruto crossed before arriving at Ponyville, downstream of the bridge he used.

As he walked past the short bridge leading to the house, Naruto noticed many small animals staring at him—bunnies, birds, squirrels, and from the corner of his eye—a bear, or so he thought, as it disappeared during an involuntary blink.

*Knock knock* He pounded lightly on the door.

The door opened ever so slightly, to reveal a turquoise eye framed by a yellow face and decorated by pink hair.

“Hi there,” Naruto began. In response, the mare took a step backwards.

Naruto tilted his head, baffled at her reaction. “Um, you dropped this earlier,” he reached out from his pocket and handed her the small bag.

Thank you,” the mare muttered, taking the bag.

“What was that?” Naruto asked with a smile. He heard her, but wanted to get her to speak to him normally.

Thank you,” the mare whispered even more quietly than before.

Naruto let out a sigh. It wasn’t going as he had hoped, and he did what he came for, so he turned around and walked away.

Just then, he heard the door opening, and felt a slight tug at his tail. Naruto grinned, having figured out the key to get the shy mare to speak. He gave a sneak peek to see her stroke his tail as gently as one would a newborn puppy. “I’m Naruto Uzumaki,” he started conversing.

“I’m Fluttershy,” she said back to him in a daydreaming voice, as if not fully listening. She had a look of joyful calmness as she kept stroking his tail.

“Appropriate name,” he chuckled mentally. “So I take it you like animals? You sure have a lot of them here.”

“Oh yes, I love all kinds of animals. I take care of orphan animals until they are adopted by ponies who want them, or are ready to go back to the wild.”

“I see, that’s really nice of you. By the way… You like my tail, huh?”

“Oh!” she exclaimed, quickly letting go. “I’m really, really sorry, Naruto. The moment I saw it I thought it was a fox’s and couldn’t help but pet it. Foxes are pretty rare around here,” she explained to him, flustered. “Come to think of it, I’ve never seen you around here before, Naruto. Did you move into Ponyville?”

“Oh no, I’m just visiting here for the Summer Sun Celebration. I don’t have much to do at the moment, so I’m just going around seeing if anybody—*cough*—anyPONY needs some help. How about you??”

“You already did much help. Thank you, Naruto,” the yellow Pegasus said, showing the brown bag. “Although… I suppose I could use some help feeding the animals inside. I have to rehearse the bird choir for Princess Celestia’s entrance in two days.”

“Alright, no problem,” Naruto nodded, and followed Fluttershy inside.


About an hour later Naruto left Fluttershy’s cottage, after having fed all of the animals in her house, minus the ones in the birdhouses which were too high for him to reach and he had to leave for Fluttershy to handle.

“Heh, feels like I’m back to the D-rank missions I did back when I became a genin, like finding lost pets or cleaning backyards,” Naruto thought, a smile of nostalgia on his muzzle.

“Ugh. Speaking of cleaning…” he muttered as he smelled the air around himself. “I really hope those birds didn’t take a dump on me while I fed them.” What he didn’t know was that resting on his head was a large, white splotch of dubious origins.

Walking back through the streets of Ponyville, he suddenly felt a drop of water hit his snout. And then another one on his back, and another on the base of his tail.

Looking at the sky ahead, he saw completely clear skies. When yet another drop fell right between his eyes, he stretched his neck upwards even more to see a cloud floating directly above him.

“What the—” was all he could say before he was completely showered from head to tail. After taking a moment to recover from the shock, he spat out the water that got into his mouth. “What’s going on here?!”

“Hey there, new guy,” a cheerful voice called from above the cloud, which Naruto noticed had changed from gray color to white. With a muffled thump, the cloud dissipated and vanished, revealing a light blue Pegasus with colorful rainbow mane and tail. The Pegasus smiled at him. “Hope you enjoyed the surprise shower.”

“Hardly! Now I’m all wet and my hair’s all droopy,” Naruto frowned. “Why did you even do that?”

“You honestly don’t know?” she asked in surprise. “Never mind, it’s better that you don’t know,” she said, badly hiding a chuckle. “And about the wetness… Just let me fix you up.”

With that said, and again no time to brace himself, she flew around him as quick as a tornado, creating a rainbow swirl around him. Eventually slowing down to a stop, she landed a few feet from him to look at the results. “I call it the ‘Rainblow Dry’. So, what do you think?”

“Hm. I feel fine,” he mumbled, and placed a hoof on his now dry mane. This made him freeze. “Wow, great job. Now I know how Pinkie’s mane-do feels like.”

“Ahahaha! Don’t worry! It looks great on you!” called the mare as she burst into wild laughter. “By the way, I’m Rainbow Dash. Fastest Pegasus in Ponyville—wait, scratch that—in all of Equestria!”

“Oh really? I doubt that,” Naruto teased as he straightened out his mane and tail. Her bragging sounded a little unbelievable. Moreover, he was convinced that his ninja speed would ensure he’d beat that pony, no sweat, human or pony form alike.

“Is that a challenge?” she asked in a serious tone, but was smiling in excitement nonetheless.

“You bet it is,” Naruto answered, sharing that exact same smile. “By the way, my name’s Naruto Uzumaki.”

“Strange name… Alright, Naruto. A quick race to the end of the street. And since you’re an Earth pony, I’ll give you a ten seconds head start. You game?!”

“Start the countdown,” Naruto answered, kicking at the ground with his front hooves one after each other, getting ready.

“Alright, Naruto… You start in three… two… one… GO!”

Naruto dashed ahead at full speed, barely slowing down just to avoid a collision with the ponies walking down the street.

Rainbow watched from high up as he had already made half of the way in the head start she gave him. “Not bad for an Earth pony. Not bad at all. However…”

The ten seconds came to an end, and Dash flew ahead, leaving a rainbow trail behind her.

“Ha, it was a mistake giving me that head start, Rainbow,” Naruto thought smugly as he was just one house away from the end of the block. But just then, a rainbow arched down and touched the ground in front of him, and from it the rainbow-maned mare appeared on the finish line, a victorious grin on her muzzle.

Naruto’s eyes widened as he attempted to stop or swerve to avoid her, but it was too late and he collided into her. The two ponies rolled a few feet before coming to a stop, Naruto above her. The two of them then started laughing, and Naruto helped her get up.

“That was the most fun I’ve had in a while now! You’ve got a lot of spunk, Naruto. I’m sure I’ll enjoy having you around,” she said happily and raised her hoof. Getting the hint, Naruto raised his own and bumped it.

“Say, Rainbow, do you have anything you need help with for the Summer Sun Celebration?” Naruto inquired.

“See those clouds above Ponyville?” she pointed upwards. “My job’s to clear them all.”

“Wow, it’s almost as if you can control the weather!” Naruto proclaimed, surprised.

“What do you mean by ‘almost as if’? That’s what us Pegasi do, you know,” she replied, baffled by his statement.

“Are you serious?! You can control the freakin’ weather?! What kind of jutsu is that?!” Naruto asked with his eyes nearly bulging out from the shocking information.

“By Celestia’s name, were you born yesterday? Wait… Ju-su?”

Naruto scratched the back of his head. “Err… Just kidding?” he chuckled nervously.

“Right… Anyway, as I just demonstrated, I can clear the sky in ten seconds flat. So I’ll just do that tomorrow. No prob’,” she said nonchalantly.

“Alright then. I’ll go see if somepony else needs help.”

“Go check out Sweet Apple Acres,” Rainbow advised. “They probably have their hooves full. They are taking care of the catering for the Celebration.”

“Gotcha, see you later, Rainbow!” Naruto replied as he set off.

“That was kinda fun,” he thought to himself. “If there are more ponies like her around here, maybe I should take a vacation here from time to time…”

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