• Published 16th Jun 2014
  • 5,372 Views, 111 Comments

Luna's Week Off - Wolfsalvo

After a months worth of time has passed, Mark decides to take Princess Luna up on her offer to visit her in Equestria. Romance will ensue and Mark will need to make a fateful decision by the end of his vacation.

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Visit to Canterlot

(Luna’s P.O.V.)

Walking from my bed chambers and towards the throne room, I was ready to take over my duty as the guardian and watcher of the night. I felt well rested, but I didn’t feel excited, nor did I even feel an ounce of happiness, no; I felt saddened really. It has been four weeks since my birthday celebration, and I hadn’t seen Mark, nor had I heard any kind of word about a human looking for me. While I had come close to visiting him myself, I was always stopped by my royal duties to Equestria.

Letting out a quiet sigh as I walked into the dimming and open throne room, I made my way towards the balcony that overlooked the gardens that resided on the grounds of the castle. The walk through the empty throne room was anything but joyful, as it usually had been, but I shook my head to clear it before I reached my sister. While she had my full trust, I didn’t want to disturb her too much with my own problems. One of these nights, I was going to make time to go and visit the humans’ world again, and try to find his home again... if I could remember where it was.

Stepping beside my sister, she smiled towards me, which I did in kind, and she said, “I take it you slept well?”

Nodding my head, I looked towards the sky, and began to bring the moon up with my magic, being careful not to move it too fast. While Celestia lowered the sun on one side of the horizon, I brought the moon higher and higher on the opposite side. “Sister, when dost thou think our schedule will be free once more?”

From the corner of my eye, I saw her look towards me with a curious expression, “We still have a few trails and meetings with multiple human convoys and diplomats for the next few weeks Luna.”

Nodding once again as the moon was put into position, I looked towards her and said, “Thank you sister... have pleasant dreams.”

It wasn’t until she was walking back down the hallway did I look towards the night sky, and very carefully spread my wings. One of the things that always relaxed me was to take a quick flight before walking through the castle grounds. Making sure to take off without a sound, I eased my way higher into the sky where the cooler air would feel more comfortable along my fur. Sighing as I closed my eyes, I stretched my wings out as far as I could, allowing the sensation that the wind brought to fully be felt under each feather. Taking my time to fly higher into the sky as I located a stray cloud, I flew over it, before easing myself down onto the pillow like surface, before I crossed my hooves and resting my head atop it.

What if Mark forgot my name, and that is why he hasn’t come to visit yet?

Looking down towards the ground, I let my gaze land on those that were walking the darkened streets of Canterlot, but found myself watching each human longer than any pony that I saw. The few that happened to be looking up tended to be humans.

No, he wouldn’t forget my name, just how I haven’t forgotten his own. Maybe he is just busy, how Celestia and I have been...

Using my wings to propel myself across the sky at a languid pace, I moved over the night sky as a shadow upon the dark expanse of the night sky. I wasn’t one to shy from responsibility, but I wanted just another night to ignore my responsibilities, if only to spend it with Mark once more. I have been alive for over two thousand years, with only half the number been spent on Equestria. From all those birthday celebrations, most were memorable, but none held such an importance as the one spent among humans four weeks ago.

Lowering my head some more, I knew I was alone, as no other Pegasus flew this late, as most were tucked away warmly inside their beds. Just the thought of a bed, and even my recent thoughts of Mark brought my mind back to him, and his bedroom. Celestia and I both had large beds compared to the smaller ponies of Equestria, but Marks bed, it was so much larger than my own. I was surprised when I had first seen it, but I hadn’t thought too much about it at the time.

Getting to my hooves and jumping from the cloud, I felt the air blowing over my coat of fur. Throwing my wings open and feeling them catch the wind beneath them, I sped over the tops of the roofs of buildings, gliding towards the castle gardens that I would walk through. It was as I landed did I notice one of the night guards approaching me from the castle, and it seemed he had news of some sort. Moving towards him so that I could receive whatever news he had for me, I was hoping it wouldn’t be another late night meeting with an ambassador from the human world.

When he reached me, he bowed his head slightly, before he spoke, “Princess Luna, a human is requesting an audience with you.”

It was just as expected, but I nodded my thanks, before I glanced up, and saw the balcony to the throne room, and I said, “Thank you, please have him sent to the throne room, I will meet him outside the doors...” Before I flew to the balcony, the guard nodded again, before he began to walk away...

(Mark’s P.O.V.)

Looking towards a pony that was sitting behind an oak desk, I read the sign above her head, and knew this was the right place to be for now. Shifting the straps on my backpack, I walked up to the desk, and waited until she looked up towards me with a tired expression. Being as polite as I could, I asked, “How many bits will this get me?”

Sliding a hundred dollar bill across the desk top, she took it with the magic from her horn, before bringing it beside a small plastic sign near the edge of her desk. I saw her eyes shift from the bill and plastic sheet of paper a few times, before she said in an even more tired voice, “This will get you... two hundred bits. Do you want a bag for your bits sir?”

Nodding my head as she slid the bill into a slot on her desk, she stood up and made her way towards a door near the back of the room. I wasn’t sure why, but I assumed it was to get the bits that were used for currency in Equestria, I had heard that you could get your money’s worth in Equestria, but I wasn’t sure how far two hundred bits would get me, but I knew where to go for currency. If Equestrian currency transaction were anything like I had come to hear, I would be able to stay here for the entire week if I budgeted my money out, but before I even thought about using any of it, I had an important mare to go meet.

I had wanted to come and visit her sooner, but I needed to pay my bills before I started to save money, and I had to notify my boss I would be taking a week off to go visit someone important. What he didn’t know, was the important person, was actually the co-ruler of Equestria; a fact I think would’ve made him nervous. Looking around me, I was surprised to see more ponies out this late at night, as from my own experience where I live; they were almost never awake this late at night.

“Alright, here you go sir. Do you need any assistance or directions?”

Looking back forward and seeing a small brown bag resting on the desk, I reached out and took it, before I said, “Yes, actually. I am here to visit Princess Luna, and I have absolutely no clue as to where I would be able to find her.”

This caused her eyes to widen a bit as her senses became more alert, and it seemed that she was now fully awake as she gave me a curious look, before she said, “The castle is down the main road... you will take a right at the front of this building, and follow it to the widest street, where you will make a left. Would you like me to get you a chariot?”

Glancing down at the bag in my hands, I looked back towards her and asked, “How much will that cost?”

“That would only cost you ten bits sir.”

Smiling slightly as I opened the bag, I took out ten small circular pieces of metal, and placed them on the counter; It is almost like paying for half the price of a cab ride.

When the bits levitated into another slot on her desk, she nodded towards me before she said, “Right this way sir...”


Stepping out of the chariot, I had to crouch down, as it was made to fit ponies, instead of humans, and as I gazed up at a magnificent sight, I didn’t notice the chariot roll away. As I gazed up at the sight in front of me, I couldn’t help but marvel at how long it must’ve taken for the ponies to construct such a massive structure... until I remembered they had the ability of magic and flight. Looking down as I walked forward and towards the large front doors where two guard like ponies stood guard, I felt myself smirking the entire time.

Stopping in front of the guards, I looked between them, as a question formed in my head, as I wasn’t sure if I should continue, or if I was supposed to just walk right on in. Taking it as being a better choice to ask them first, I didn’t know how to make it sound professional, so I asked, “Am I allowed to go inside... or what?”

The guard standing closer to me spoke instead, “State your business.”

Feeling a bit nervous now as his tone sounded a bit more on the hostile side than I had been expecting, I replied with a slightly shaky voice, “I am h-here to see Princess Luna... I h-had received an invite a few weeks a-ago.”

The guard that had spoken before quickly went inside, while the other one said, “Wait here, and do not go anywhere while what you say is confirmed.”

Nodding my head, I couldn’t help but look around absently, and that was when I saw all the various businesses that were on the street. A few looked like regular ends stores you would go to for the basics you would need, while a few others focused on specific goods, such as clothing, furniture, and something that resembled a barber shop of some sort, though I couldn’t be sure; as ponies didn’t have that much fur to need cutting. Maybe it is just for the basic grooming needs or something that has to do with style...

Turning my head and looking at another section of the landscape I was around, I spotted what looked like the pony version of barracks, though I couldn’t be sure. For all I knew, it could just happen to be a storage shack or something more mundane.

There really wasn’t much to do while I waited here, and as I was about to try and start a conversation with the guard, the other one opened the doors and said, “If you would follow me.”

Nodding as I made my way through the small opening, I felt my jaw slacken slightly at the sight before me, even if it was just the entrance. Before me rested a large walkway with outcropping hallways on each side, and three large crystal chandeliers over large intervals of the red carpet that stretched out before me. Following the guard as he was walking away, I saw we were walking towards a wide marble staircase, which glowed a luminescent white aura in the light of the torches or magic lightings that were all around the hallway. All in all, everything was grander than I had expected, even though after my research and basic knowledge about royalty and castles had made me come to expect something like this; just on a much smaller scale. It was beautiful to see it all, and the further I walked into the castle, the more my admiration grew, and my disbelief only further hindered my ability of basic thoughts.

It was truly stunning, and while I followed the guard up the stairs, I felt a smile grow on my lips. I had only been celebrating my birthday with my friends, and my quick reflexes had managed to get me mixed up with a Princess who I had caught, even if I hadn’t known she was a princess at the time. Shaking my head at the sheer luck I had, I let my eyes look back across the vastness of the hallway as the guard and I reached the top of the stairs.

Walking with him towards a set of large double doors, there stood the one I had come all this way to see. Luna was just the way I remembered her, tall, as beautiful as the night sky, and with a flowing mane that sparkled like the stars in a night sky. The shock that was stenciled across her face, along with her slightly open muzzle, both caused a light chuckle to come from my throat.

As soon as it was out, a smile grew wide across her muzzle, before she started to walk towards us with a slight prancing bounce in her step. I saw the guard stop with a stoic look on his face, though his eyes betrayed his curiosity. Letting my focus return to Luna, I shifted my shoulder so that my backpack wouldn’t interfere with any of my movements, which was a good choice from Luna’s next action.

She pushed against me as she nuzzled her head alongside my own as she pulled me close to her with her foreleg, and seeing it as a hug, I returned it in kind. Her fur was smoother than I had remembered, and as she giggled loudly, it wasn’t until then was I able to hear her say, “I'm so glad you could make it!”

When she pulled away, I saw the happiness that was spread throughout her face, before her eyes shifted past me, and a deep scarlet blush crept its way onto her cheeks. “Y-You are dismissed... thanks for bringing him to m-me...”

Looking over my shoulder, I saw the guard bowed his head, before he gave me a bewildered expression as he quickly walked off. When the door closed, I was once again being pulled into a hug by Luna, and I wrapped my arms around her neck, and I closed my eyes as I said, “Sorry I couldn’t come sooner, but I wasn’t prepared to leave until today.” Rubbing my hands gently over her fur, I felt her shudder briefly, before I opened my eyes and said, “I'm glad to see the night is just as beautiful, if not more so here in Equestria.”

As soon as I said that, she released her hold on me, only for her to place a hoof on my chest while she smiled brightly towards me with a blush on her dark cheeks. As she applied a bit of force behind her hoof, she said quietly with a small giggle, “I adore how thou flatters me... but please, not where others will hear thou.”

Smiling as I grabbed her hoof with my hand, I chuckled, before I replied smartly, “As you wish, Princess.” The smile only grew on her muzzle while I gently kissed the front, or topside, of her hoof. It wasn’t until I let go of her hoof did she look up into my eyes, and the expression in her eyes was probably the most adorable I ever had the pleasure of seeing. It wasn’t until she leaned towards me and planted a brief kiss on my cheek did we notice the sound of a nervous cough come from somewhere to my rear. The kiss ended abruptly as Luna made to put on an angry expression, which would’ve worked, if it hadn’t been for the shock in her eyes and bright red blush on her cheeks.

When she moved around me, I heard her hooves hit the ground harder than usual, before I turned around. There stood a still guard, but his eyes portrayed the fear he must’ve been paralyzed with, before Luna asked, “What is it that thou thought was important to interrupt this... important occasion?”

The guard swallowed thickly enough that even I heard it, before his voice spoke up, “P-Princess Celestia r-requests your presence...”

Luna lowered her head as she said, “Thank you... before you are dismissed, you must swear upon Celestia’s sun that you won’t speak of what thou saw here... dost thou understand?”

The guard quickly nodded, before he said, “I s-swear that n-not a word will leave m-me about the events I just w-witnessed.”

“You are dismissed.” The guard quickly retreated out the door he came in from.

After a few minutes of standing there, Luna looked behind her and directly at me, before she said, “If thou would excuse me, I must go talk with my sister... dost thou wish to wait for me in my bed chambers?”

Shrugging my shoulders, I said, “If you would prefer that, then I will wait for you in your room.”

Luna graced me with a small smile before she motioned for me to come closer, and soon, we were walking down the hall together. As we were walking, Luna’s wing found its way across my shoulders, and I found my arm draped over her back...

(Princess Luna’s P.O.V.)

Walking down the hall and towards my sisters bed chambers, I felt my heart fluttering as I did myself to keep from prancing. I felt like a foal that had just told its crush about their feelings, and it was taking all my self-control to not act like said foal. While I hadn’t admitted my feelings towards Mark to him, he was lounging in my own bed chambers. It was more than I could have expected, or wanted earlier today, and the thought that I was going to have a chance to spend a full week with him was more than anything I could have wished for.

Composing myself the best I could before I entered my sisters bed chambers, I forced the smile from my muzzle so that she wouldn’t be distracted from whatever she needed to discuss with me. Taking in a deep breath, I held it, and that was when I knocked on the large doors that separated Celestia’s room from the corridor I was in. The sound of a bottle being set down, along with a roll of parchment being rolled up came through the door, before a muted ‘Come in’ sounded from within. Letting the breath I had been holding out as I pushed a door open with one of my hooves, I looked over and saw my sister lying on her cushion that we slept on. I frowned as I stepped in, and I said a little disappointingly, “Tia, thou should be asleep… not still working.”

The light smile that I received from my sister did nothing to alleviate my worry for my sister’s well-being. “Thank you for your concern Lulu... but I'm only working for your benefit.” The scroll and ink well floated away, and went to reside on her desk as she yawned, before saying, “Ever since your birthday, you have been acting strange, and I believe I know why.” As she stood up, she smiled while stretching her wings out, before she finished, “I know you feel strongly for the human, Mark... so I am arranging a meeting for you to spend a weekend with him here in Equestria, free of your responsibilities.”

I felt my eyes widen, before I let out a small smile and quiet giggle, which made my sisters smile widen as she came closer to me. When she stopped in front of me, she sat down, but I couldn’t help but giggle louder, before I nuzzled the cheek of my sister, before I said, “That is unnecessary tia...”

“Nonsense lulu, your happiness is very important to me...”

Shaking my head as I backed away and sat down on my own haunches, I said, “No sister... it is unnecessary because Mark is already here... thou are working for no reason tonight...”

The widening of my sisters eyes was a clear indication of her surprise, and when she spoke, it was even more evident of her surprise from my news, “Luna, did you call him here?”

Giggling once more as I pranced my hooves in front of me a bit as my excitement finally got the better of me, I felt my smile once more return. I was doing all I could to once again regain my composure, but this time I wasn’t to succeed, so I just answered my sister, “No, he came by himself... he arrived not long ago!”

Celestia’s smile came back, before it dropped, and she asked, “Lulu, where is he at right now?”

Before I could think about my answer, it was already coming out, “He is awaiting my return in my bed chambers.” Once my answer was out however, I realized how that hadn’t been the best choice of words, and I flinched from the expectant gaze that was waiting for me.

“Lulu... I know you are excited and happy he is here... but you can’t have him staying in your private chambers.” As she stood back up and made her way towards her cushion, she added, “All the servants have already gone home, so you will need to find him a room so that he can stay the night, unless you wish for him to go to one of the inns.” Once she was finished, she lied back down on her cushion and lowered her head.

Nodding my head reluctantly, I turned around as I said, “I will make his room then sister... pleasant dreams...”

(Mark’s P.O.V.)

The feeling of something warm and soft brushing against my cheek brought my sense back to being aware, and as I opened my eyes, I saw Luna’s dark and sparkling mane. Bringing a hand up and placing it on her shoulder so that she knew I was awake, I turned my eyes to the side and saw her eyes open in return. I smiled as she pulled her cheek away from my own, before she spoke in a soft tone that sent shock waves through my mind, “Come with me Mark... thou must sleep in your own room...”

Pushing away from the wall I had been leaning up against, I stretched my arms out, before I felt Luna’s soft fur brush past my fingers. Looking over as I released the tension in my body, I saw Luna looking towards me with a smile, one that I gladly returned as I walked up to her side. Once more draping an arm over her side as we made our way towards the entrance to her room, I had a question that I had to ask, “Luna, if you are royalty, then how will I be able to spend time with you during my visit?”

As we made our way down the hallway, she looked over at me with a wide smile, before she said, “My sister is arranging for my duties to be postponed...”

Nodding my head as her horn suddenly began to glow with a dark ethereal aura, I looked towards a door just as it opened, and inside looked like a bedroom that was more suited towards what a guest would expect. It was still huge for just a bedroom, but it looked only half the size of Luna’s.

Bringing my arm from over her, I took it out of my backpacks strap, before I shrugged it off and placed it just inside the doorway, yet to the side and out of the way. Walking towards the center of the room where the bed, or cushion lay, I saw some blankets floating out of the closet on the far end of the room.

The cushion was quickly made, and I looked down at the bedding, before looking back at a curious and watchful Princess. Smiling towards her as I sat down, I leaned forward and turned my attention to my shoes, and began to take off my shoes, before my socks followed them to the smallest side of the bed. When Luna’s dark blue hooves covered by the dark bluish silver adornments came into sight, I looked up in time to watch her take a seat beside me.

Before I could ask her what she was doing, she leaned back and held her frontal hooves in the air, before she used her magic to levitate them off. I felt my eyebrows rise up in surprise as the feeling of butterflies took over in my stomach, and then the last two adornments left her hooves. As she looked over at me, the smile that was spread on her muzzle did nothing to hide the fact that she was blushing madly now, but as the door closed, then I wasn’t able to quite see her blush as well.

Feeling her move more onto the bed, I swallowed thickly, before I asked, “Luna, isn’t it wrong that we sleep in the same bed...? You are royalty, and I am just a regular person... isn’t there laws against that?”

Shifting so I was facing her while I remained on the cushion, I felt much more awake than when we had first entered this room. The sound of shifting was heard from somewhere on the bed, before Luna’s voice filtered from the darkness, “As far as I am concerned, thou are far from regular... you are very special to me. And did not thou call me a pretty mare?”

Chuckling, I decided to leave her first comment alone for now as I said, “I said that to be kind and polite... you are actually a gorgeous mare...”

I felt my breath get caught in my throat as her hooves suddenly grabbed me, and I was pulled into a hug by Luna as she let out an adorable sounding giggle. “That is why thou are so special to me...”

Chuckling as I hesitantly wrapped my arms under and over her body, I pulled her closer to me, but left room between us. Now that I knew where to look, I was able to see her eyes faintly through the dark. But now that I knew where to direct my question, I asked, “And why is it that I'm special to you? I know I might have given you the best birthday of your life so far, but that was just one night.”

“Because thou gave me a night that I will forever remember. It was the best night I have ever had, and it is thanks to thy efforts...”

Smiling now that she was finished, I felt her take in a deep breath, before she slowly let it out afterwards. Rubbing her back lightly, I could only marvel at how soft her fur felt, but that was before she whispered to me, “Dost thou want to go to sleep, or continue talking for the rest of the night?”

Chuckling while I stopped my ministration on her back, I set my head down as I said, “I think we should go to sleep, that way I can spend the entire day with you tomorrow.”

The tightening of her hooves on my back confirmed that, and I felt brief surprise as her wing was draped over my upper body, before I said quietly, “Sleep well, you wonderful mare...”

Opening my eyes as I felt something suddenly pull me closer, the small amount of sunlight that streamed into the room through the closed blinds revealed a surprisingly beautiful sight. While my arm was still underneath Luna, she had somehow come closer to me through the night, yet her wing remained over my body the entire time. While I gazed at her closed eyes the entire time, I was able to see the smile that was across her muzzle while she slept. Closing my eyes again as I shifted a bit so that I was a bit closer to her and more comfortable, I heard Luna sigh softly before she placed her head below my own and nuzzled against my neck.

Stifling a chuckle, I let a smirk cross my lips instead as her grip tightened around me some more. The dream I had last night wasn’t as strange as it would seem for others, no… what made it strange for me however, was the amplification behind it. I had irregular dreams about Luna about how we had spent the night together at the club that special night, but it was only as a friendly way. The flirting we had done with each other during that night time had of course been exaggerated during those dreams. The dream I had last night however... Luna and I had spent a day in Canterlot, almost how one would expect a couple to behave. The dream felt longer than usual, but it was the best dream I had in an extremely long time, not to mention; I wished it was true. Luna had told me that I was special to her, and while she was proving to be a very special mare to me, I was still hesitant about even thinking of a relationship with her.

While a few humans had in fact made successful relationships with mares or stallions, it was only an accepted practice to those that stayed in Equestria. I would be shunned, ridiculed, and possibly out of a job before I had a chance to even state my own case against those that were openly against relationships like that. Equestrians however seemed to welcome those relationships with open hooves, or wings if you went to the Griffon Mountains... which no human has yet.

Looking back to my dream however, I focused back onto how realistic it had seemed, and while I wanted to desperately delve back into it, I knew I wouldn’t be able to fall back into a deep enough slumber to even get close to dreams.

The sound of a yawn reached my ears as Luna’s hooves tightened around my back, before she whispered out tiredly, “...Mark?”

Opening my eyes as she pulled away, I smiled down at her as she gave another tired yawn, before her eyes opened, and she looked up into my eyes. We just laid there, doing nothing other than staring into the others eyes for a few minutes. While I had no idea what was running through her mind, I knew my dream from last night was playing over again in my head, and while I was remembering a certain part of the dream; I didn’t notice it was actually coming true. It wasn’t until her eyes closed and a smile crossed her muzzle did I realize exactly what I was doing. I felt panic well up inside my gut, and I failed to see the obvious expectancy from Luna as I changed my movement into just a kiss on the cheek.

I mentally let out a heave of relief, as that was a jump I'm not sure would have been received negatively or not. It was all caused from the memory of my dream the night before, and I had nearly reenacted what had occurred near the beginning of my dream; a full blown kiss...

(Princess Luna’s P.O.V.)

What...? Why? I... I t-thought he was going to give me a kiss like the dream we had... why did he change it...?

While I did feel disappointed that he hadn’t given me the kiss I had been awaiting, I couldn’t blame him for his hesitation. Even in the dream version of a day where we spent time with each other, he had been hesitant to accept the kiss I offered in our sleep. While I didn’t quite want only a small kiss how I was receiving, I accepted it graciously, and smiled as I felt my wing quiver over his body.

When he pulled away, I saw the bright red hue that resided over his cheeks, and I let out a small giggle as he looked towards me with an embarrassed expression, before he said, “Good morning Luna... did you sleep well?”

Moving my head towards him, I planted my own kiss lightly on his cheek, before I said, “I slept well... how did thou think of your dreams last night?”

“Oh, um...” I fought to suppress the giggle I felt tickle the inside of my throat as Mark suddenly seemed to adopt an even darker shade of red, and it was as he glanced in my eyes did I realize an important fact, none of the humans knew of my ability to go into a dream and shape them. That made it all the better as I waited for his reply, which soon came, “My dreams were... great... b-better than usual... what about yours?”

Smiling as I moved to get up, I folded my wing back in its place at my side, before I looked back to Mark and said, “My dreams were more than pleasant.”

Bringing my hoof adornments closer with my magic, I levitated them onto each hoof so that I could continue on with my day. The first thing I had planned was to go with Mark to the dining hall before too many ponies were walking around the castle, but as for what we would do after that... I hadn’t a clue.


(Mark’s P.O.V.)

Stepping out and into the hallway with Luna, I saw not another soul in sight as I looked down both ways of the hallway. Luna simply walked past me, and as she moved down the hallway a bit at a slow pace, she looked back towards me over her shoulder as she said, “Are you coming Mark?”

The smile and light giggle she let out afterwards was enough to make me smile, and I took a few large steps in her direction. When I was at her side, I evened my pace out a bit, and I continued to walk alongside her, but it wasn’t long before she leaned over and rubbed against me did she say in a bubbly tone, “I'm so glad thou came...”

Looking over and into her light blue eyes, I saw that she was practically bursting with joy, and it made me all the happier to once again give her that happiness. Nodding my head, I brought a hand up and laid it on her shoulders, and said, “I'm glad I did as well... though I wish I had been able to come sooner.”

She snuggled herself a bit closer to me, before she asked, “And why was it thou were unable to attend this trip sooner, rather than just now?” Glancing over and into her questioning eyes, I saw they held a deep curiosity.

Turning my attention back down the hall, I tried to keep my tone as radiant as she herself was, “I needed to earn some money to pay my bills, along with saving my money so that I could still experience the highlights of Canterlot.”

“If thou required money, I'm sure that my sister would have allowed us to aid you.”

Chuckling a bit as I pulled Luna closer to my side, I felt her lean her head against my shoulder a bit, before I said, “I wouldn’t have ever thought of that, nor do I think I would be too fond of the idea of asking royalty for money for my vacation...”

Before she could say anything more, I heard a quiet, but audible grumbling sound make its way to my ears. The sudden flaring of her ears, along with her lightly pulling away, was all I needed to know that the sound had been her stomach growling, and rather embarrassingly too if I do say so myself. The quick glance in her direction showed she now had rosy cheeks, along with an embarrassed expression.

“I didn’t hear anything.” I said, before I felt a chuckle escape my lips, and I pulled her closer to me once more. This simple motion was enough force to make my own body rumble unhappily, before she too knew my stomach was rather empty. This time, it was my turn to become rosy cheeked, and Luna to look into my eyes with a knowing look... before we both broke out in chuckles and giggles respectively.

Coming around a corner, Luna and I spotted a large door that was flanked by two armored ponies, and as we approached, Luna and I quickly separated from each other’s bodies. Her body was no longer rubbing alongside my own, and my arm was at my side, instead of hers. That isn’t to say the guards most likely didn’t see our actions, though they did good at keeping it hidden.

Before we even reached the doors, they were opening outwards so to grant us entry, and while we both walked past the guards, I felt a wave of aromas barrage my nose. I didn’t falter in my steps, but I did falter when it came to my senses, as the smell of freshly baked breads, pastries, and the warm aroma of food washed over me. I felt my eyes widen a bit at the hints of spices and herbs being used for whatever the cooks had, but that wasn’t all, there was even the smell of sweets buried underneath all that goodness!

I wasn’t the only one affected by these smells however, as I heard Luna sigh happily, before she was once more pressing into my side. The smile I felt running over my lips was probably only matched by Luna’s, but I was still reveling in the smell that came with this room, and with a quick glance at the side of the walls, along with what appeared to be a two way swinging door, I instantly knew; this was the Princesses equivalent of a dining room.

“Ah, did you two sleep well?”

I jumped slightly at the sound of another voice in the room, and with a quick look, saw Celestia watching Luna and I with a humorous expression over her muzzle, and a light twinkling in her eyes. She appeared to be in the middle of her meal, though she didn’t appear upset at our intrusion, and it was Luna that answered her question first. “We slept well sister, thank you.” She even surprised me when she wrapped one of her wings around my back, before she stated, “The chefs seem to have outdone themselves today sister, it smells absolutely wonderful.”

It was then that I noticed something off about the Princess, as when she smiled, she had a hint of humor to her tone as well, along with the twinkle in her eyes being all the more present. It seemed like she was looking directly at me, but while she did, I also heard her clear her throat, before she said, “Indeed, it does. I informed them that my sisters’ special somepony was visiting today, and that this was his first time in Canterlot... so they wanted to make sure he got the best they can offer.” I looked towards Luna, with a question in mind, but before I got to voice it, Celestia grabbed my attention again, “Ah-hem... as Flaming said, ‘the stallion that captured the Princesses heart deserves the best that can be offered’.”

Feeling my cheeks warm up a bit, it was only with a sideways glance that I saw the bright red hue of Luna’s cheeks did I know that it was much worse than I had understood. “SISTER!”

The tone that Luna used, along with my limited knowledge on the term ‘special somepony’ left me with a few scratches of information. Slowly piecing them together, I was going to ask my question, but it was at that moment that a dozen or so ponies rushed into the room through what must’ve been the kitchen doors. I watched as plates of food were either carried, moved through the air with telekinesis, or were rolled with a cart; and they were all coming towards Luna and I.

When they stopped, plates descended onto the table around us, and through the entire time, I felt Luna pressing against me, but still sending a glare towards her sisters’ humorous expression. Feeling a small nervous chuckle come up out of nowhere, I looked towards the plates in front of us so that I wouldn’t have to look into the eyes of either of the royal sisters. When I had left my small home last night, I hadn’t expected this to be how they would act around me, or for this to be the way royalty behaved. Now however, as I looked at the plate full of what appeared to be hash browns and some kind of dipping sauce, I realized how much they seemed to behave just like a regular family. I wasn’t expecting them to be like this... but I like it...


Glancing away from the plate in front of me, I saw a fiercely blushing Princess sitting beside me, before she spoke in a hushed whisper, “I would like for you to partake in an... activity, with me after breakfast.”

Smiling as I nodded, I wasn’t sure exactly why she was trying to speak as quietly as she could, but I felt it was probably best if I did the same for now, “Sure, I did come here to spend time with you, so I don’t see a problem with going and taking part in this activity...”


“I didn’t know this was the activity you meant when we were talking earlier!” I hissed out in a whisper as Luna finished maneuvering a massive whoopee cushion beneath the pillow that Celestia apparently sat on. As soon as Luna and I had finished eating, I had very little warning before I was practically dragged out of dining hall, and to her room; where she had a surprisingly large stash of miscellaneous items that she would use to occasionally prank her older sister. After that, well... that was where I am now.

There was a sound of hooves clopping over stone, and Luna looked over my shoulder quickly, before she made some final adjustments with the pillow’s placement. When she nodded, I saw the already wide smirk growing even more, before she wrapped a wing around my back and pulled me with her towards one of the rooms’ massive pillars.

We had barely made it around the giant marble pillar before the doors opened loudly, and I heard Princess Celestia’s voice filter into the large empty room. “Silver bolt, if you would, please return and escort the human diplomats into the throne room. I believe that today it is a mining proposal, and I would rather speed through my duties today.”

“Yes Princess Celestia!” Replied a feminine voice, and when it did, the sound of hooves on stone sounded again. While one pair went further away, the other grew louder, along with the sound of humming. Looking down when I felt some pressure being applied to my body, I saw Luna was leaning against me. Her eyes were closed as she held a hoof to her muzzle, and I saw her shaking lightly. While I heard a few giggles escape, they were luckily very silent.

Peaking around the cover of the pillar, I saw Celestia was now past us and approaching her throne, and she was flanked by two other guards. While she hummed obliviously, I felt a bit of my own laughter actually beginning to draw closer, though I was still feeling extremely nervous. This wasn’t just a girlfriend’s sibling that was about to be embarrassed, but royalty... and in another world nonetheless!

Princess Luna’s head and horn appeared below my own, and at the perfect time to see the two guards flanking her take positions on either side of her throne. Neither of them seemed to notice us, and while that may have been a good thing, my attention was still focused on Celestia, who was by now at the top of her throne. She turned around to sit down, but just before she did, the throne room doors opened up wide again. Pulling my head back behind our cover, I looked in the other direction, and saw some people walk in, all of them were wearing black suits, had black ties over their white button ups, and a few seemed to be carrying folders.

“Oh god... this will be both funny, yet horribly cruel at the same time?”

I had whispered it, yet Luna seemed to have thought I shouted it, as she quickly pushed a hoof to my lips. She brought her head up beside my own and whispered, “Shh... you will ruin it...”

Returning her hoof to her own muzzle, I joined her on looking around the other side of the pillar, and I saw Celestia smile widely towards the group of humans, before she spoke in a cheerful voice; much too cheerful for what was about to happen. “Ah, welcome to Canterlot! I understand that your group is here to discuss the business of mining in Equestria?”

It was then that Luna’s prank struck... Princess Celestia went to sit down, and,


All was silent in the room...

All had stopped moving...

The group of humans had stopped short, and it was then that I saw their varied expressions. I would have laughed at their expressions, but when my eyes landed on Celestia, all laughter that I had ceased to exist.

Her cheeks were glowing redder than I would’ve thought possible, and her white fur did very little to hide it. Her mane, while it did cover half her face, still didn’t cover her up enough to hide her embarrassment. The guards as well had their own expressions, yet they as well seemed embarrassed for some reason.

A silent giggle emitted from beside me, and as it slowly grew into loud laughs, I become all too aware of all the eyes that were now on me and the laughing Luna. I hadn’t realized how out of cover I was until Celestia cleared her throat. In a quiet, yet commanding tone, she said, “M-Mark... L-Luna... would you mind coming here?” There was a flash of light from beside me, and when I glanced over, I noticed I now stood alone. I had done my research when I was at home... so I knew she had just left without me. “M-Mark...”

Slowly stepping out from behind the pillar, I felt my cheeks begin to heat up, but they still weren’t nearly as red as Celestia’s. Stopping when I was five feet shy from the pillar, I shifted my eyes towards my fellow humans, who were giving me surprised, upset, disdained, and even an angry expression, before looking back at the Princess. I wasn’t sure what emotion was running through her eyes, but I knew I didn’t want to know, so I looked back down at the ground.

“Would you care to explain what you and Princess Luna were doing in here?” It sounded like she already knew, but apparently I was supposed to say it for her.

“Oh... um... y-you see... mmHMM... w-we were in here to p-place a whoopee c-cushion in your throne.” Shifting my eyes over the tile, I hesitantly added, “I c-can say it wasn’t my idea P-”

There was another bright flash, and when I looked over, Princess Luna was standing beside me. Her wings instantly wrapped around my body, before she looked towards Celestia and said, “We will see you at lunch time sister!” And then there was another flash, and I instantly found myself standing in the middle of what appeared to be a garden. Tree’s surrounded Luna and I, and there was the sounds of birds chirping, and when I heard the sound of water, I looked over, and saw a fountain.

Magic was just used on me, and it was strange...

Then the words to the forums on Equestria came back to mind, and something someone posted on understanding magic came back to me. ‘Magic is a very complicated thing to understand, and while you can look at the long and boring explanations of everyone else, here is my explanation; go with it and don’t question it.'

I did just that, I shrugged the bizarreness off...

Feeling the wing tighten around my body momentarily, I looked over to see Luna happily smiling while she let out a few giggles. We stayed like that for nearly five minutes, and while I was content to just stand there, it began to approach an awkward feeling as we both noticed just how close we were getting. While my arm was simply wrapped over her shoulder, it was her wing that was pulling me closer to her.

Coughing gently, I pulled myself away from her body. She lowered her head as a sheepish grin manifested itself on her muzzle, and at the same time, she quickly pulled her wing away from me and refolded it against her side.

Against my better judgment, I pulled her closer with my arm while I chuckled, trying to ease some of the awkwardness still in air. Luna raised her gaze to meet my own, and the nervous smile was still over her lips. Smiling a bit more, I nodded past her and towards the giant castle before saying, “I had thought I was going to have to explain what happened to Celestia all by myself when you disappeared like that.” Chuckling a bit more as I shook my head, I merely let out a long sigh, before I said, “I shoulda known better than that.”

Luna giggled lightly as she leaned against me, and nuzzled me briefly as she said, “No, but she will want to... discuss, with us our actions during lunch.” She let out a tired sigh, before shaking her head as her smile dropped to a small grin, “Alas, it was worth it...”

“What if I just take you out to lunch?” The smile that instantly spread across Luna’s muzzle was a welcome sight, and even infectious a bit. When she let her forelegs prance in place for a bit, I let out a soft chuckle that seemed to make Luna realize what she was doing; because soon enough she was blushing through her dark bluish fur.

After she seemed to get a control over her embarrassment, she smiled as she asked, “Where did thou wish to take us then?”

I felt a smile forming on my lips, before I said teasingly, “That my lovely Princess, is a surprise...”