• Published 16th Jun 2014
  • 5,375 Views, 111 Comments

Luna's Week Off - Wolfsalvo

After a months worth of time has passed, Mark decides to take Princess Luna up on her offer to visit her in Equestria. Romance will ensue and Mark will need to make a fateful decision by the end of his vacation.

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Lunch Date

(Mark’s P.O.V.)

Giving Luna a smile as I saw her looking towards me with that same happy expression, I reached a hand over and held her hoof. Just that simple gesture got her eyes to light up and her smile to widen. Chuckling a bit, I leaned forward and asked softly, “Do the other ponies always whisper this much when you go out?”

She giggled softly, before she shook her head and said just as soft as I had, “No, it is most likely due to my outing being accompanied by thou instead of guards or my sister.”

Nodding my head, I only pulled my hand away due to our waitress coming over carrying a platter of steaming food over to our table. She was one of three human workers I saw in this restaurant, and despite hiding it well, I could tell she was nervous when she took Luna’s order with barely perceptible shaking hands.

Steamed vegetables over a bright green salad was set in front of Luna, and my own plate was set in front of me with two grilled cheese sandwiches with fries on the side. I looked back at the waitress and thanked her, before redirecting my attention to Luna and smiled warmly. Lifting up my glass of Root beer, I tilted it towards her as I smiled widely, “To avoiding the wrath of the sun...”

She giggled as her eyes closed, and she brought a hoof to her muzzle, before her eyes peaked towards my own and she lifted her glass of lemonade with her magic and tilted it towards me and said, “To spending lunch with friendly faces.”

I felt my smile widen, before we both leaned in and clinked our glasses off of each other’s, and then we both proceeded to drink. I knew it was foolish and most likely seen as goofy by any and all others that had been watching us, but I was spending time with Luna, and that was all that really mattered.

When I set my drink down, Luna was gazing at me happily while there was a faint blush over her cheeks, yet before I could even inquire why, she stated more than said, “We will both be in trouble when we do return to the castle.”

Nodding my head as I felt a bit of the joy leave me, I could only shrug as I said, “I figured it would be like that. But for now, I am content to just enjoy your company...”

(Princess Luna’s P.O.V.)

My heart fluttered weakly as soon as those words left his lips, and it was with a reluctance that I kept myself restrained in my seat. If he was so hesitant about engaging in a passionate kiss in the safety of his bedroom with me, then I knew I would most likely embarrass him if I partook such an action in the eye of the public.

Forcing my gaze downwards as my smile refused to leave my muzzle, I used my magic to pick of a fork, before gathering up some of my salad and happily munching on it, but not in the absence of my mind. No, for I was already formulating a plan on when I could gain a kiss from him. And if not gain one, then I would present him with my own. I wanted nothing more than to feel his lips on my own as I had on the night of our birthday’s celebration.

In due time my dear Mark...


(Mark’s P.O.V.)

Scratching the base of Luna’s neck absent mindedly as we made our way back to the castle, I was content to just let my feet walk on as I felt Luna’s incredibly soft fur along my hand and under my fingers and nails. Lunch had been pleasant, if somewhat awkward when half the restaurant seemed to be gawking at me as I ate casually with Luna.

Now however, it was even worse, as we were walking down the road towards the palace, and no matter which way I looked, ponies seemed to stare in disbelief while. While they tried to hide it, I was easily able to see them staring at us in intervals, and while the humans that were walking or working didn’t do so as badly as the ponies, I could still easily read the surprise that was written all over their faces.

From what I had gathered from online information and what I had gleamed from my friends that were fond of the ponies and their world... like Sal, the royal sisters hardly if ever were seen on personal outings, let alone dates. I could only imagine what it was like for the local populace to see a human walking with one of their princesses.


I felt myself stop in my tracks as I heard a masculine voice call my name from behind me, and I in turn felt Luna stop moving as well once my hand trailed down her back from when she had still been moving. Turning and looking behind me as I brought my arm back to my side, I saw an elderly man standing in front of a store. Yet it was the man’s face that drew my attention as a nagging feeling that I knew him from somewhere. Taking a few steps closer to him as a wide smile stretched across his features, I felt myself get taken aback as I took him into a deeper light.

“Mark my boy, is that really you?”

His voice struck a chord deep within me, and it stirred a few memories I had from when I was slightly younger. His face began to appear more in my minds memory in quick flashes; a man in a fisher’s hat, the smile of an elder in a shooting range, and then seeing him at a restaurant. Swallowing thickly as I felt Luna come up beside me, I saw his eyes shift, before I asked, “Clyde...?”

The man’s eyes didn’t shift back to my own right away however, before he bowed a bit and said in a formal tone, “It is a pleasure to see you outside on such a fine day Princess Luna.”

Luna stepped past me as she inclined her head forward some as she spoke in a tone that sounded more like royalty than she had ever used around me, “Thank you sir.”

The elder stood back up, before his smile widened, and he next addressed me with a teasing tone, “Mark my boy... ha ha... I knew you loved to test your limits, but I never expected to see you walking about with royalty...”

I felt a wide smile spreading over my lips as I walked forward, and Clyde did as well, and we met in the middle with a firm handshake, before we clapped each other on the shoulders, and I couldn’t restrain the chuckle as I shook my head and asked, “So this is where you’ve been hiding yourself old man? No wonder I could never find you!”

He chuckled merrily, before he said, “Aye, the work here is better... much more interesting too when the folks you work with love their jobs!”

When we separated, he quickly added, “Happy belated birthday! I may be old, but I can still remember the birthday of a good friend.”

Luna walked up beside me, and I happily reached over and pulled her into a one-armed hug and practically exclaimed, “Luna, I want you to meet Clyde. Possibly one of the best friends I have ever had!”

I saw her smile as she inclined her head and said, “Pleasure to meet you Clyde.” She stood straight as she leaned into my side and asked, “Pray tell how you met Mark?”

“Oh boy, that story...” He let out a wry chuckle as he shook his head, before he asked, “First, would you two like to sit down? Nopony will be coming to my shop as it is technically closed right now.”

Glancing over at Luna, I saw her look back at me with a gentle smile as I asked, “Would you mind if we stay for a while?”

She shook her head, and I turned back to Clyde and saw him giving a curious gaze that shifted between Luna and myself, before he turned and led us towards a store front that had a large jewel painted over it, with the store name being ‘Clyde’s Jewelry’ over the top of it. The closer I got, the wider my eyes got as I saw the large emeralds and jewels encrusted over various pieces of jewelry.

When we entered the store, he reached over the counter and grabbed a chair, before handing it to me. He pulled another, larger chair out from the other side of the counter with a grunt of exertion, before setting it down along the wall. Then he grabbed a foldable chair out from underneath a table beside said wall. He gestured to the chair before saying, “That seat is for you Princess. Please excuse me if it isn’t to your liking...”

“It is fine.”

Before I could get a word in, Clyde acted as the gracious host I knew him as, “Would either of you like anything to drink before we continue?”

I shook my head as I leaned back, and Luna said, “No thank you. Mark and I just finished lunch...”

Her answer brought a wide smile to his lips, before he inclined his head and winked towards me as he asked, “Oh, Marky took you out to lunch, did he? It is only fair for me to warn you Princess, when I last saw Mark, he was a terrible flirt. Don’t be too surprised if he tries to steal a kiss soon...”

I felt my cheeks warm up after that last remark, and I could only glare at him as I couldn’t quite find my voice to form words of denial. I shifted my gaze to morbid horror when I heard Luna giggle, and when I looked over at her, she gazed at me affectionately as she said, “Then I shall just wait and expect one instead...”

That was a request in disguise if I ever heard one...

Averting my eyes from her own, I felt my heart hammering away as I looked towards the ceiling, taking deep breaths to try and steady my embarrassed nerves. When I felt that it was safe enough to speak, I looked back down and towards Clyde to see he was smiling widely; eyes twinkling and wrinkles drawn taunt over his expressive features. “You were going to tell Luna how you met me?”

He chuckled with mirth as he shifted his gaze back to Luna, “Aye... heh, it was actually a meeting of chance rather than one on purpose. I may remember it, but I may be rusty in a few places. Anyhow, it was a bright and hot summer day...”

Several Hours Later

Clyde, Luna, and myself had all been sharing stories about our pasts amongst each other, and while Luna was content to just listen to Clyde and I talk, she would occasionally share her own experiences. There was much laughter, a few gasps, and even a tense and then hilarious story from Clyde, before Luna had requested to use the filly’s room. So that was where Clyde and myself were, sitting across from each other, occasionally chuckling at some of the stories we had just shared.

That was, until he broke the silence with a question, “So, you and the Princess? You two really are dating lad?”

I felt my smile drop into something a bit tamer, but still a smile as I nodded reluctantly and said, “I guess you can call it that. We met at the bar. I was celebrating my birthday with the guys how I usually did, and I met her... albeit in a way that could’ve gone better. I later on discovered it was her birthday, and before I knew she was a princess, I treated her like I would any mare I had ever come across.” I felt my eyes glaze over a bit as that night came back to me with sharp clarity, before I continued, “I had broken up with a recent girlfriend not that long ago. It wasn’t a serious relationship, yet it still hurt with how much of a... er, horrible woman she was. Yet when I caught Luna before she fell into a puddle of beer... when I was looking into her eyes; something just felt... right.”

That part of my memory remained in my mind as I smiled fondly upon remembering that feeling, yet I returned to my surrounding soon afterwards when I heard Clyde let out a sigh, before saying, “Ah... how it feels to have young love.”

We let that hang in the air for a few moments, and as it did, I found myself thinking of Luna and what it possibly was that was between us. I did feel connected to her, and I enjoyed her company as much as she did my own, yet what I wasn’t sure about, was if she did view us as a couple, or just the dating phase. She did flirt in her own indirect ways, and she did seem to always hang on to every word that came out of my mouth, but then there was her status in this world, and her responsibilities.

But then there was her, not as a princess, but as a mare. My heart did flutter at the thought of her, and she apparently did like me; what she had basically hinted towards wanting earlier was proof of that. She was a beautiful mare that could most likely have any guy or stallion she chose, yet she had even hinted towards expecting me to, as Clyde embarrassing stated, steal a kiss from her. That thought alone was enough to make my heart jump into a higher gear...

I took her out to lunch... and she wants a kiss. I will gladly share one with her, but I don’t want it to just be meaningless. It may be an old trick, but perhaps I can just buy her a gift, and present that to her before asking to steal a kiss.

As I continued to think, I let my eyes wonder over the jewelry in Clyde’s displays, and as I looked among them, I allowed my mind to imagine Luna in any one of them, yet each time I saw one I liked, the imaginary Luna would wink towards me, and I slowly felt myself starting to blush as I continued to search for a gift I could possibly get for Luna. There wasn’t any that caught my eye, and I wanted it to be something I could possibly give that would be unique for her... something she didn’t already have since royalty could purchase anything I possibly could find.

That is, until Clyde chuckled. I looked over at him, and he got up and spoke in a knowing tone as he went around his displays, “I know that look Mark... and what you are planning isn’t a bad idea. Ponies may not view jewelry as something as priceless as we humans do, but they still enjoy the flattery. And I have just the thing. Come over here...”

Getting up and quickly making my way to the counter, I leaned forward to get as good as a look as I could, and I saw him pull a few cases out. When he placed them on the glass casing, he spread them out until there was five cases lined up side my side. Then he proceeded to open them one case at a time, and as he did so, tiny lights came on inside the cases and illuminated the jewels and necklaces. “You still have a flare for the dramatics I see...”

“What, it boosts sales... and it simulates the jewelry being in the sunlight.” He shrugged, before he said, “Besides, don’t you want to make the right choice on the first try? That will get you into bed with your marefriend faster... if that’s what you young’uns only care about still.”

I felt my face warm up significantly when I thought of Luna in that way, before I said firmly, “I believe you are wrong there old man; this gift is being thought of with my head, not my pants.”

He chuckled as he rolled his hand in the air a bit, before asking, “Anyways, do you see one you like?”

They all looked good, but I wanted to select something I thought would look good on Luna. She had dark fur, yet with a bright personality. Luna may be a princess, and she may be able to purchase anything she wants, but I wanted to get something unique for her... something as beautiful as she was.

My eyes kept getting drawn back to the one in the center, yet the one on the far left also seemed like an ideal choice. The difference between the two necklaces was one held a silver glow, while the other seemed to glow with a deep blue. The blue one reminded me of Luna, yet if I chose that for her, then it wouldn’t stick out as well if it was resting against her fur. Yet the silver one seemed to glow brightly as it shimmered in the light, throwing off many angles of dazzling light.

Reaching forward and picking that one up, I brought it closer to my eyes and looked at the metal closely, before Clyde spoke up, “That there is Quick Silver metal. I have a mare that is good with spells and loves jewelry... she enchanted that stuff so it won’t melt, and it does look quite good when it is solid.”

“How much are you selling this for?” I asked as I reached into the box and touched the surface of the metal, and felt it was actually a bit chilly to touch, before it seemed to warm against the skin of my finger.

“Considering what you are doing and who you are giving it to, consider it my gift to you lad.” I looked up at Clyde as I felt shock jolt through my system, before I asked, “Surely this costs a small fortune! The jewel alone must be a few hundred dollars!”

“Aye, that be true, but here in Equestria, that be a dime a dozen. If I was selling this, I would price it at fifty bits.”

My jaw dropped as I looked at the box in my hands, before I looked up and closed my mouth and asked, “Correct me if I'm doing my math wrong, but isn’t that like... twenty... twenty five dollars?” The smile I saw when I looked up confirmed it, and I could only shake my head in disbelief as I asked, “How rich is Equestria if their diamonds can sell for so little?”

“Heh, as much as I want to answer all the questions you seem to always have, you should consider making a choice before Princess Luna comes back... that is, if you intend on this staying as a surprise.”

His eyes twinkled, before I nodded my head in silent agreement. This was a gift I wanted to surprise her with later while we relax or possibly be walking. This would be a gift that I wanted to be sure she loved, rather than would like and forget it in a year. Sarah may have acted like she liked my gifts to her... but I can only guess as to why I never saw her wear any of them. I know Luna won’t be that way, but I still want this gift to be special for her. And I already know what I want to choose too...

Closing the other boxes and keeping the quicksilver necklace open, I brought it up and gazed at it, before smiling widely and holding a hand out to Clyde as I looked towards him and said, “Thanks Clyde. Glad we met all those years ago...”

He smiled cheerfully as he clasped my hand with his own, before giving it a firm squeeze and shake, “The pleasure is all mine lad! You managed to bring some excitement back into this old mans tired bones. That is for sure.”

Pulling away as I heard a door closing somewhere in the direction Luna had disappeared, I carefully and gently placed the box with the selected necklace in my pocket for safe keeping until the right time presented itself. For now however, I felt my smile widen when Luna came around the corner. As soon as her eyes met my own, she seemed to brighten a bit while her steps seemed to adopt a bit of a bounce to them.

I heard Clyde chuckle slowly, as if he knew exactly what was happening- which knowing him he most likely did- before he said, “I'm sorry Mark, Princess Luna... but I won’t be able to talk anymore. It’s about time that I open up my shop again.”

Luna and I both faced him with smiles, and as I nodded, I said a bit reluctantly, “It is probably best if we get going then... we have a... er, meeting with Celestia.” I shared a knowing look with Luna as my smile turned into a lopsided grin. Looking back towards Clyde who was now confused, I said, “Maybe one day I will tell you this story, but it is probably best if we don’t keep her waiting any longer.”

“Pleasure meeting you Clyde. Thank you for the entertaining stories.”

I felt Luna’s wing wrap around my shoulders firmly as we turned to walk away, and as we did, Luna giggled quietly before saying softly in a teasing tone, “I'm still waiting for you to steal a kiss from me Marky...”

My face felt like it was suddenly on fire as my heart decided to complete a quick circuit, and I let out a weak sounding chuckle as I brought a hand up and stroked the back of her neck tenderly as I opened the front door. She walked out first, but as soon as I was beside outside and next to her, I felt her wing flutter against my hand as it refolded. Leaning to the side and whispering so none of the nearby people or ponies could hear, I felt my heart beat a bit faster as I saw a few eyes land on us, “It wouldn’t be stealing if you expected it.”

As we walked down the road towards the castle, the soft fur of her muzzle rubbed beneath my chin as her horn was pushed past my view, and I felt her nuzzle affectionately against my neck before she said just loud enough that I know that passing mare heard her, “Then I will just steal a kiss from you.”

The chance to make up on that offer is so tempting... but I still have my gift for later...

“Yet now I am expecting it, so you wouldn’t be stealing one, rather than giving me a kiss.”

And if you can’t steal one, then you would only need to take one. Yet you would be doing so in front of this entire street of onlookers... I think not even you would want that kind of attention.

As her head twisted a bit underneath my own, she let out a light laugh and said sweetly, “So then I will wait until you aren’t expecting it.”


(Princess Luna’s P.O.V.)

Arg! Mark and I could’ve been somewhere else by now... but no... Tia still seems to be upset, and now I can’t do anything with him until she is done... scolding us. I will never decline that for being a great idea though...

“...so now you and Mark are banned from the throne room until after his visit is over. Am I understood sister?”

Nodding my head as I kept a formal expression, I did well to hide my true thoughts as I cleared my throat and said, “Yes sister... I won’t consider anymore pranks until after Mark’s visit.” When Tia’s eyes narrowed and she focused her glare on me, I felt my formal façade crumbling as a giggle left my muzzle, before I said, “I'm joking sister.”

Her eyes didn’t lose the glare, before she looked to my side and spoke to Mark, “You two are allowed to go now... do try to keep her out of trouble.”

“Yes ma’am.”

With that done and said, I got to my hooves and prepared to leave, before Tia added, “Lulu... Twi and her friends will be joining us for dinner tonight. Try to allow Mark to prepare beforehand.”

I nodded before pulling Mark alongside me with my wing, and as we made our way out of the room, I looked over at Mark with a smile and asked, “Shall we go get ready for dinner then?”

My heart did a small summersault as he smiled warmly at me as he said, “Sure, but I need you to lead me towards my room, as I still don’t know where it is.”

Sidling my way closer to his side as I guided him down a turn into another hallway, I leaned in close before saying, “That is easy. It is one hallway from my room...”

(Mark’s P.O.V.)

As Luna leaned in closer than she already was, I felt my mind and body lock up as I both anticipated a kiss, yet felt it was too soon. The choice was out of my hands however as soon as her lips landed on my own.

I felt myself start to lean into it, but that was just when she pulled away with a wide smile and said happily, “Ha! I have stolen a kiss!”


After a few more blinks, I felt my face warm up even more when I fully realized what she had done, before I felt a smile cross my lips and a chuckle came from my throat.

Clearing my throat and swallowing, I knew when I wanted to give her the necklace I chose for her now, but I was going to make her wait for it... with possibly a bit of teasing as well. “I don’t need to steal a kiss from you Luna.” I saw a smile, along with a light blush appear on her cheeks, before I added, “I will give you something before we go to have dinner with whomever Twilight is, but first, we need to get ready.”

Her eyes lit up after I finished, before she pressed her chest against my own and asked, “Why not give it to me now then?”

Leaning forward with a gentle smile on my lips, I brought a hand up and slid it under her jawline, cupping her cheek tenderly as I softened my gaze. When her eyes fluttered closed and she leaned into the palm of my hand with a happy sigh, I took that as my cue to continue on. Moving a little bit closer until I felt our breath intermingle in the air between us, I felt her tense beneath my touch as I felt her breathing start to come out in short but quick puffs. I heard the air rustle a bit through her wings as they fluttered against her sides, and her breathing grew even more sporadic while she began to lightly tremble in anticipation. Sliding my hand up to rest on the side of her face, I let my thumb gently stroke the area directly below her ear. Moving past her lips, I let my breath wash over her ear as I whispered heatedly, “Because waiting makes it all the more enjoyable...”

I pulled away quickly, leaving her standing there for a few moments as her body slowly stopped its trembling, before her eyes snapped open. Then she glared towards me and let out a huff of indignation as she said, “You are cruel...”


Curling my fingers around the towel I left hanging outside the shower, I pulled it off the rack and into the shower with me. The water was off, I was fully bathed, and there was a helleva lot of steam that made everything seem fuzzy. I had luckily gotten Luna to let me bathe alone, and then proceeded to make sure she was indeed making her way back down the hallway. I know most guys would love to take a shower with their beautiful girlfriends... yet she asked as if that is normal in this culture. Sure, the shower may be bigger, but I can only assume that is because ponies would need to move about more to fully wet their fur. Hell... it is like being in a waterfall again for me, except instead of ice cold water, this time it is below scolding hot...

I wonder how much it would cost to get a shower like this in my home actually.

Shaking my head as I brought the towel up to start drying my head, I allowed myself to inhale the pleasant cotton like smell that seemed to linger on all the towels. Still though... when she asked if I wanted company in the shower... she seemed to be flirting, yet she still seemed like she was being totally honest. And you can’t just be casual about something like that... it’s impossible without showing some kind of signs.

Letting out a sign as I moved further down my body, making sure to get every spot where water was, I felt confusion flood my mind as I thought back on how she had been acting earlier. Luna and I may have gotten along better than I would’ve hoped back on Earth, and yes I had viewed her as a regular pony... before I knew she was a Princess, and she still doesn’t seem to mind that I'm doing so. Yet we still hardly know each other. We know how each other act, but when it comes to knowing each other, we still know so little, yet we have already kissed twice...

If it was anyone else, I would say they are moving too fast... but it seems too good to be true at times. From what I have heard... I must be the luckiest damn man alive on this side of Equestria and Earth. The second living being to capture the hearts of any Princess of Equestria and I even managed to kiss her multiple times. She acts like she has known me since we were childhood friends, yet right now... we are still so different, yet I have never gotten along better with any past girlfriends...

Sappy as hell, but the more I think on it, it’s almost like love at first sight. Throwing the towel to the side as I got out of the shower, I paused as I reached for my clothes as I remembered that night with perfect clarity. I still remember it... when her eyes looked into my own, I couldn’t find the will to even look anywhere else. It didn’t matter that she was a mare... I felt like everything just... connected... everything seemed perfect in that one moment.

Letting out a dry chuckle as I made a silent promise to myself, I grabbed my clothes and started to put them on one at a time while I cursed myself for my stupidity. It is clear she has feelings for me, and I do for her... but how deeply do these feelings run? I know you don’t just sleep with anyone. Did I really make such a good impression on her than she really does like me? Did I really unwittingly catch the eye of a Princess of Equestria without so much as being myself?

I don’t know any of the answers to these questions, but I do know one thing. I will treat Luna to the best week I can give her. Starting with that kiss she was apparently been dying for...

Tugging the collar of my shirt into a more comfortable position, I smiled as I grabbed my toothbrush, and went to work on making sure my breath at least wasn’t horrid. I remember hearing stories from my friends on how they were either the ones that had the bad breath, or their girlfriend was the one... and I did not need to subject Luna to anything less than perfect.

As I brushed my teeth, I let myself remain lost in thought as I tried to bring up everything I knew on keeping those of the opposite sex pleased. Mares might be different in some respects, but the only differences were really appearance, and how they liked to be touched. I still don’t know why, but apparently touching a Pegasus’ wings is a sign of affection, yet that would be like touching a woman’s shoulders; different area but still a big reaction difference.

Luna is an Alicorn... she has the body of all three pony races, so that would mean she has all of their enjoyment spots. Earth Ponies like their shoulders and haunches to be touched, Pegasi enjoy their wings being massaged, and Unicorns enjoy having their foreheads rubbed near the base of their horns while magic is being used. Since Luna has wings and a horn, then wouldn’t she naturally enjoy all three relaxation spots just how a regular pony would?

I would’ve preferred getting this information from Sal, but he has been busy... I'm just glad Bob had this information on hand. If he didn’t, well then I would’ve been coming here with none to very little knowledge on Equestrians. And that would not have been something good considering I want to make this the best week in Luna’s life.

Rinsing my mouth, then using some deodorant and a very light coating of body spray, I smiled at the reflection I was seeing in the mirror, before turning around and making my way back to my room. All I needed now was to slip on my shoes and grab the box that had the necklace in it. Yet just as I left the bathroom and was into my room, I heard a knocking on the door, so I called out, “Come in!”

The door shimmered with a blue glow, and that was enough of a hint for me to know who was coming in, so I wasn’t surprised when the first thing I saw was a long slender blue hoof move through the opening before the entire body of a certain blue Alicorn step into my room. She smiled as she looked over at me, “Are you almost ready?”

I nodded towards her as I sat down on the edge of my bed, before I asked, “I’m almost ready... would you mind coming over here though?”

When I looked up and saw her prancing over towards me with a wide grin, I could only flash her one of my own, before I reached over and grabbed the necklace box from the nightstand. Ok... one chance to make this perfect...

Getting to my feet as Luna stopped in front of me, she smiled happily as she leaned forward enough to take up my entire vision, and then I heard her inhale deeply as her eyes closed. She let out a heavy sigh as her eyes fluttered open and then she said, “You smell nice.”

Smiling as I took a step back, I brought the box up and asked, “So, are you ready to see the gift I got for you earlier?”

Her mane seemed to sparkle a bit more as her eyes locked onto the box in my hands, before she seemed to smile as widely as she could. She nodded fervently before she said, “I had actually forgotten...”

Chuckling, I slowly opened the box for suspense, and while I did so, I watched her carefully in case her expression revealed that she didn’t like it. Yet as the box slowly opened, I saw her eyes beginning to widen as her muzzle lost the smile. Her eyes were sparkling brightly as her muzzle dropped open a bit, and I saw her wings hug her body tightly. The built-in light that the box featured created a glow as the light reflected off the solid Quick Silver, creating an aura of silver around the box and over the entire front side of her body.

Everything was silent for a few moments as her eyes roved over the necklace, before she cooed out quietly, “It’s so... magnificent...”

I stepped forward a bit hesitantly as I asked softly, “Would you like me to put it on for you?”

Her eyes shifted from the necklace to my eyes, and as she gazed at me with the most affection I had ever been subjected to, I felt my face slowly starting to warm up. Her smile along with a gentle nod was all I needed, yet then she sat down as she practically purred out, “Yes... that would be lovely.

Smiling as I took the necklace out of the box, I saw it was bigger than it had originally seemed. As soon as it was hanging in my hands and in full view for any to see, even the dark blue gemstone seemed to shine with a hidden inner light, and I felt myself smiling wider as I opened the two clasps on the back. Reaching forward and wrapping my arms around her neck, I kept my eyes locked on her own beautiful azure irises while I worked to secure the necklace. She giggled happily as she leaned forward and nuzzled against my cheek as I finally secured the necklace, and I put my arms around her neck and pulled her into a hug.

When her fore hooves slid under my arms, she looked towards me with the most beautiful smile I had ever seen on her face, and I brought one of my hands out from behind her to cup her chine in my palm, and as I ran my thumb over the side of her jaw, I said softly, “I wouldn’t doubt you are the most beautiful mare in all of Equestria.” Her smile seemed to widen, but that was when I chose to finally steal a kiss from her lips. I felt her hooves tighten around my back, and we both closed our eyes simultaneously as we pulled each other as close as we could.

Time seemed to hold no rule on reality as we tilted our heads in opposite directions, and I felt her slowly deepen the kiss while I followed in her footsteps... er, or hoof steps. I heard and felt her sigh happily, and I felt myself smile wider as I decided to initiate one of the things I had learned from Bob before my departure.

Sliding the hand that was holding her chin up the side of her head, I gently wrapped my fingers around the tip of her ear and applied a very small but still supple amount of pressure that caused her to actually moan into our kiss. The next moment was wrought with much embarrassment as I snapped my eyes open to see her wings were fully open, and that was when something Sal had told me came to mind.

Luna fell against my chest as she purred happily in a questioning tone, “Why did you stop...?”


Oh god... I just gave Luna a wing boner... what do I do in a situation like this!?

“Won’t we be late for dinner?” I asked as I felt my heart hammering away against my chest.

Her wings fluttered faintly, before she said happily, “They can wait a few minutes for us to get there...”

She leaned up against my chest and caught my lips with her own once more, and despite the shocking revelation I had made due to her moan catching me by surprise, I found myself leaning into this new kiss. Her lips felt like the softest thing from either of our two worlds, and as her muzzle opened and I felt myself do the same with my mouth, I found it harder and harder to resist deepening the kiss myself. That is, until I fought back a laugh when then a very peculiar thought popped into my mind; resistance is futile...

Yet Luna and I froze when we both heard the sound of hoof steps and footsteps echoing outside the room... and through the open door. This time when Luna and I separated, we did so entirely until there was a noticeable gap between us. Luna and I weren’t looking away from each other, but I could easily see the scarlet blush on her cheeks... I could only assume that I was much worse.

The voices still kept getting closer, and I was seeing something that would still embarrass Luna, so I said with a nonchalant tone, “So... you still have a wing boner...”

Her eyes widened like saucers, before her blush increased in intensity while she forced her wings back to her sides, and that was when a pony guard and human soldier wearing golden armor appeared in the doorway. The man knocked on the doorway and said, “Princess Luna... Princess Celestia is waiting for you and Mark in the dining hall.”

Luna and I both made the mistake of looking over at them, and it must’ve been written over our faces what just occurred before they arrived, as I saw the mare look away nervously, and the man’s face lit up with a grin, before Luna said firmly, but still in an embarrassed tone, “Thank you... you both are dismissed, now please leave us.”

They both left without a word, and I glanced at Luna, before asking, “Should we go this time...?”

She nodded, before she let out an embarrassed giggle and began to walk with me to the open door, before she said promisingly, “But we will continue that at a later time...”

Author's Note:

Welcome back to chapter 2 of Luna's Week Off everyone! I know it may seem like I am posting late, but I actually need to change it so that I update once in every 2 weeks. I got 5 active stories undergoing writing, with a few projects on the side that I am working on as well while I write these main stories. Mainly, if you all like Daring Do, that's one of the side projects I'm working on.

I understand that this chapter is different to the last and the ones before it, as I had seen a recent episode where Luna does not use Thou, Thy, Thee, and the such inside the show anymore. I plan on having it slip out occasionally, and if you all accept it, I can chalk it up where Luna hadn't wanted to learn modern speech until after she met Mark, though that in itself is wrong with canon.

Here's a few notes;
~Bob is sorta like a troublemaker/ trickster, and if you want to confirm it, just go back to Luna's Night Out and you will see where he teases Mark a bit in that story. Sal was the level headed serious friend.
~Resistance is Futile... I remember hearing that one time, and I felt it just fit this chapter for a bit of humorous relief.