• Published 16th Jun 2014
  • 5,375 Views, 111 Comments

Luna's Week Off - Wolfsalvo

After a months worth of time has passed, Mark decides to take Princess Luna up on her offer to visit her in Equestria. Romance will ensue and Mark will need to make a fateful decision by the end of his vacation.

  • ...

Morning After

“My dear Mark~. Time to wake up my little human...~.”

My body ached and my body yearned to return to slumber, and yet something firm yet gentle was caressing my bare chest and side. A sudden heat pressing against my cheek kept me from falling back under; and with it came a sudden sense of joy. When the heat was removed from my cheek, something delicate was ragged across the top of my face; tickling my nose and lips.

“Maarrrk...” there was a titter of sound that took me a moment to recognize as someone giggling, “I didn’t wear you down that much my dear Mark. Up... time to get up. I have something special planned for today~.”

As my mind dragged itself from the dark comforting vestiges of sleep, I recognized Luna’s voice cooing softly in my ear as I began to wake up. A pleasant smile was soon plastered across my lips. She giggled again softly as her lips soon connected with my own. It was only in that instant that I became keenly aware of how sore I was in certain areas, as well as where all her hooves were currently located. My breath became caught in my throat right after her body rubbed against a piece of my anatomy.

My eyes shot open as a mild discomfort shot through my body just from the physical contact. Luna didn’t seem to notice as her muzzle left my lips to instead nuzzle into my neck sensually, and she laughed softly while a nearly suppressed groan left my lips. While memories of the night prior flooded to the forefront of my thoughts, my arms sluggishly snaked around Luna’s back. My fingers dragged through her fur, but I barely made it past her wings when she shot up and straddled my gut with her hind legs on either side of my body. Her forelegs were positioned on either side of my head. It gave me quite the view.

“Good... now that you are up, let us go bathe.”

Luna stood up with a flourish of her wings, and as she turned and stepped down from her bed, I begrudgingly moved into a sitting position. It was then that I became keenly aware of how many aches and pains were hidden around my body, and yet a glance towards Luna showed just how peppy she was this morning. Her fur was matted and tufted in a few places, yet her step and eyes showed just how much energy she had. Just seeing her in such a mood brought a smile to my pained face.

A twist of her neck brought her eyes around to look back into my own. Her cheeks puffed out as her smile widened, a titter of laughter escaped her muzzle, and then she asked teasingly, “Well, are you coming or not?”

Despite sighing softly and grimacing through the pain, I moved towards the bed with a chuckle of my own afterwards. I did feel a tad crusty anyways...


Taking a seat at the dining table just alone wasn’t a new experience, but after sharing so many close moments with Luna; it felt just wrong. I half expected to feel her comforting presence press against my side, and yet when none came I instead found myself yearning it. No. The reason she wasn’t here to eat with me was she ‘had something to prepare’ for later in the day.

“Prince, what would you like for breakfast today?”

At my side stood a new chef, her coat being a rich vanilla coloration. Unlike the other chef, she was a Pegasus instead of a Unicorn.

Leaning back in the chair, I chose this time to simply ignore the title and ask, “Does the kitchen serve eggs?”

The mare nodded her head in confirmation, and I proceeded to ask more about what was on the menu. When I had a fairly acceptable understanding of what was served, I made my meal request, and she quickly returned to the kitchens.

A few minutes passed by in silence before I heard the doors open to the hallways. I looked over and saw a human guard approaching. I sat just a tiny bit straighter as I noticed his path was taking him towards me. I minutely glanced down at the handgun and sword resting at his hip.

“Prince, may I have a word with you?”

Hearing the ponies’ call me by my new title was strange but understandable, as they had two Princesses that governed their country for whoever knew how long. The guard in front of me however was no pony, even if he currently wore pony style armor and served under the crown. Hearing a human call me Prince sounded just plain awkward.

I gestured to the seat a few down, “Sure... about what?”

The guard grabbed and pulled a chair back away from the table, and his golden armor clanked as he sat down. His eyes drifted towards the other empty seats as he asked, “Have you gotten word on back home yet?”

Back home?

My response was a bit guarded, “What do you mean?”

He rolled his hand in the air as he reiterated, “You know, the other side of the portal. Have you heard any news yet?”

My jaw tightened from his sense of theatrics, but I shook my head. I heard the double doors open once more, and in walked a beaming lunar princess. I gave her a smile and nod as she cantered towards the guard and I, her gaze drifting to the other humans backside.

Bringing my attention back to the guard, I asked, “Why? What is happening that I should be aware of?”

He gave a shrug and said, “Not much important really, except you are all over the news.”

That was big news considering that the castle staff only started calling me Prince just yesterday and even bigger since we were on Equestrian soil and not on American soil. News travels fast I suppose.

“Greetings guard.”

The guard looked to his side and gave a somewhat odd bow from his seat and replied, “Princess.”

Luna pulled a chair out and sat just beside me, her wing reaching out to brush against my arm. I turned to look at her just as she asked, “What are you two discussing?”

Her gaze was directed at me, so I gave her my simple reply. I gestured towards the guard, “We were discussing the news, and how I am in it.”

“Oh,” Luna’s gaze shifted towards the guards, “Is that so?”

When the guard was looking between the two of us, he cleared his throat and nodded, “Yes Princess. I came back from my leave last night from the other side. Your prince here is all over the news; paper, internet, television feed. I felt it is important to bring this up, as it can have negative repercussions as well.”

My brow furrowed at the implications as well as his meaning, and I asked a bit nervously, “You don’t think someone would try something, do you?”

The guard frowned a bit as he shrugged, “When I took my daughter to a concert, somebody tried to murder her on the stage.” His answer didn’t boost my confidence. “Sir, you are now in a position that many only dream about. Whether it is being associated with the either Princess through diplomatic means, romantically, or the fact that you are now in a position of power; people will be jealous of that power and will seek to either exploit it from you, or to take it away from you. I have noticed that reaction isn’t as common here in Equestria, but now that you are a Prince, you must consider the daily threats to your life.” His attention shifted towards Luna, and he spoke without considering my opinion, “With your permission Princess Luna, I would like to train him in self-defense, if only to better increase his life expectancy.”

I turned and looked at Luna, and I found her expression somber, while her eyes did gaze sadly into my own. It was a part of reality I hadn’t thought about or even considered during my conversation with Celestia the day prior. Her muzzle parted, and it was like a gong sounded in my head as she said, “I can’t argue against the merits, so I give you my permission. You will have only a few hours today, and that will only be after I have had time to eat with my husband. Now, is there anything else you wished to discuss?”

Luna finished as the kitchen doors swung open. The guard must’ve taken that as a que to depart, as he stood up and gave a short bow, “No. Have a good day Princess. I will send for you later Prince.” And with that he turned took his leave.

After the chef, Vanilla Swirl I learned is her name, set the food and drinks down and then left, Luna moved her chair even closer. I looked over as I pulled the table and righted my chair, and as our gazes connected, we simply drank in each other’s eyes. I had learned even more complications would now follow me with my new role, and yet they were manageable and acceptable since I was becoming the husband to a Princess.

Leaning back against my chair as I let out a breath, I heard Luna ask, “Would you still have become my prince if you had known about the chance of a threat on your life?”

I let loose an involuntary laugh despite the lack of humor due to the topic, with my eyes wandering back to Luna; or more specifically her lack of crown. It brought a new question to the forefront of my mind, but now wasn’t the appropriate time to consider asking it.

Shrugging my shoulders a bit, I answered back truthfully, “I would have... I’m just surprised I didn’t think about that possibility myself beforehand.” My answer seemed to satisfy Luna to a point.

Self-defense training...? Never took a course before, but I suppose it is time that I learned how to fight in some way, especially if I will eventually be facing fanatics that adore Luna or Celestia.

That brought a smile to my lips, and for some strange reason I got a mental image of a man frothing at the mouth with a pen and picture of Luna. Fanatics.

Pushing the gloom to the side, I gestured towards the food in front of us and said, “I hope you don’t mind, I ordered enough for the two of us.” Cracking a grin, I added, “I thought you would want to eat as soon as you got here, considering how much you worked last night.”

I looked over and found Luna blushing as she regarded me with curiosity. Her head bobbed down once towards me and she asked, “If that is so, perhaps you should take the first bite? You may need the energy yourself later, my dear human.” She said playfully, her ever endearing attitude present as she went back to her food. Yet after a few bites she turned back to me and said, “While you are at sparring practice, I will be speaking with Tia before our departure... I will collect you when it is time for us to leave.”

Grinning, I decided to rib her a bit, “Hmm... I see. While I work out, you will be sipping tea...”

She lowered her food down and gave me a minx of a smile and cooed out, “I will make it up to you tonight, my dear Mark...”

The clip clop of my hooves softly clinking while I moved from corridor to corridor resounded with clarity only achieved through being entirely alone. Lost in thoughts and fantasies best kept to oneself, I felt my wings fluff as I felt my muzzle curl into a devious smirk. My beloved Mark was a breath of fresh air in my world of responsibilities and politics, and the thought of him was enough to send my heart racing.

Last night’s late adventures with my said human stull flitted behind my eyes... the smells, tastes... the sounds! It all sent my heart racing and my mind wandering to the possibility of what tonight may bring.

Nearly walking muzzle first into the wide double doors that led to my sisters’ chambers, I felt my cheeks start to blaze as I saw the guards on either side of the door look ever so slightly away. Shaking off the near embarrassment, I pushed the door open with my magic without a word and quickly stepped in through the threshold. Once inside, I took a moment to get my bearings. The sound of soft writing came from her bed chambers instead of her study, and curiosity compelled me to sneak forward rather than announce my presence.

There sitting on her bed and writing in a notebook the likes of the human culture used, my sister continued to write unaware that I was present. I took a moment to look around her chambers, and I found the soft cushions and relaxing furniture all barren. There was only a small platter of cheese and crackers set off to the side on a night stand; so Tia had been out and about by now this morning.

Once I stepped into the room, her eyes left the paper and her muzzle curled into a smile as she greeted, “Sister, so good to see you... I trust your morning has been pleasant?”

I couldn’t get the feeling she knew something behind those pink eyes of hers, yet I simply smiled as I trotted in, “Aye sister, I have.” I wanted to flaunt my experience the previous night, but my interest in the notebook held my attention more so, “What are you working on Tia? A letter to a coltfriend?”

Her cheeks puffed out as she smiled and let loose a titter of laughter. Her eyes sparkled as she muttered, “Lulu... you and I both know I am much too busy to be courting a stallion, much less at my age.” The scoff that left me was entirely accidental but nowhere near unnecessary as I gave my sister a critical eye. She and I were only a few centuries apart in age, and she was claiming we were old... or old by our standards. Before I could say anything however, she deflected my attention to another subject entirely, “Lulu, have you and Mark talked about him possibly living here in Equestria yet?”

Immediately my cheeks began to burn beneath my thankfully dark fur, and I answered, “No, we have been... preoccupied as of late.” My mind presented me with a mental image of him and I passionately sharing a kiss. Once rooted, the image didn’t leave.

“Oh. Preoccupied with what?” Tia cooed out, and instantly I knew why I had that feeling earlier. Her eyes betrayed her and Mark’s knowledge on how and where to touch became clearly obvious.

Tia and I had shared stallions before, and in the olden days, at the same time. With modern culture however, such practices were unheard of and practically never mentioned. I felt a bit coy about admitting such with my cultural lessons now at the forefront of my mind, “Mark and I have been giving each other our passion for the other. As of last night, he is my mate...”

The dark tint on my sisters’ cheeks mirrored my own as I turned my attention back towards the notebook. From my vantage point to the side of my sisters’ bed, I could see an elegant drawing encompassing the entire page, with little notes here and there. I couldn’t hold my tongue and asked, “Sister, what are you working on?”

She glanced at the notebook page, before she smiled and used her magic to rotate it just in front of my own. The better view showed just exactly what she was working on. It reminded me of a ballroom during our younger days...

“After watching a few of those movies that the guards are so fascinated with, I had a few ideas for the next Grand Galloping Gala!”

Before long, she began to delve into the world of fine design and themes that would mix human and Equestrian culture together in a bold blend. From what kind of drapes and fine dining ware to use, to who and how many should go, and back to what events should or shouldn’t be hosted during the Gala. Music, art, food, people and ponies, activities; she included everything that would make or ruin the night.

While I nodded or gave noncommittal ideas, I felt myself slowly losing my thoughts to what Mark and I could possibly do while in Stalliongrad. The weather was colder this time of year, but the lakes and rivers were kept thawed out year round. There was a spot down the Trotten Stream that I knew would be remarkable to go hide in. With the branches creating twilight beneath the canopy, the gurgling stream, nearby, and the brisk air beneath the shaded grass; I could enjoy every moment with Mark.

“Luna... is something on your mind?”

I blinked out of my daze and found Tia gazing at me with concern. The corners of her muzzle were starting to fall to a frown.

“S-Sorry sister, I was just thinking is all. Will you have any need for the sky chariot today?”

The downfall of her lips halted momentarily, and a few moments passed before she said, “I didn’t intend to, why, did you have something planned?”

Leaning over onto the bed and nudging Celestia over with a leg, I heard her giggle softly as I hit her ribs just right. “Since you won’t be using the chariot, I will be going with Mark to Stalliongrad.” A thought flashed across my mind, and despite original thoughts, I suggested, “Since you can’t find a stallion yourself, you can come with and share mine Tia. Just like old times.”

I watched from the corner of my eye and watched her eyes narrow, and I saw before I felt her wing slap the back of my head. She frowned and brought a hoof to her chest as I looked over and said defiantly, “I didn’t say I couldn’t, I said I don’t have any time. Besides, I am much too busy today to take a trip to Stalliongrad.” She smiled softly as she went back to drawing in her notebook, making a sketch of a pony in the middle of the ballroom. She mumbled softly, “Maybe next time. Give Mark my regards.”

I felt both elated that I would have Mark all to myself today, but I was also a little disappointed as well that I would be leaving my sister at the castle alone. Alas, I had my answer and I would possibly be able to coerce Celestia’s hoof into participating, if only to get her out some more. While I got up, she levitated the platter of cheeses over to the bed. I used my magic to snag a few pieces as I retreated out of the room.


Popping the last piece of cheese into my muzzle and staring down at the picture I finished drawing, I couldn’t help but smile at the little conversation that Luna and I shared not too long ago. I would’ve gone, but I had to meet with a few world leaders to discuss possible space exploration projects and deep sea missions. Each and every one of the meetings I would be part of in the next hour would concern land and resource development.

But the next few minutes were solely mine alone to do whatever it is I wished, and if that was to stretch out in bed as lazily as I could, so shall it be. If I wished to fantasize about what it would be like to have a mate as well... so shall it be. Looking back at my drawing, an Alicorn just in front of a human form, I felt myself smiling. If I wanted to fantasize about my little sister being happy... so be it.

Lowering my fists and looking over as the doors leading to the training room opened loudly, I felt a smile pulling at my lips despite my exhaustion. Luna walked in, and immediately all the guards -trainers and trainee’s alike- turned and bowed in respect to the mare that I now knew simply as my mare instead of a Princess. She looked around her and said authoritively, “Please rise.” She looked over at me and flashed me a genuine smile, before looking around her and speaking a bit louder, “I require two Pegasi to pull the sky chariot for mine and my Prince’s trip today.”

I felt my cheeks heat up from the way she pronounced ‘my Prince’, and two Pegasi stepped forward immediately after her request. I looked over and saw my trainer standing at a parade rest, and he gave me an almost imperceivable nod. I almost let out a sigh of relief to know training was over. Before we left though, Luna’s voice reached my ears again, “Thank you both. Please be ready and at the departure strip in twenty minutes.”

Turning and making my way to Luna’s side and then through the doorway beyond, I leaned over and asked quietly, “Should I go take a shower, my Princess?”

Luna leaned into me and turned her muzzle until her snout was pressing against my neck. She closed her eyes and I could hear her inhaling deeply. When her eyes opened, we were both blushing from her act, though I more so when I felt something hot and moist gently caress the side of my throat. My leg went stiff with surprise, and my next step was louder than intended as Luna pulled away. I looked over and saw her beaming widely, “Why would I want that? I enjoy your scent immensely, my love.”

Sweaty man equals a turn me on...?

Laughing a bit, I reached an arm over and pulled Luna closer, feeling thankful when it came to body deodorant, I didn’t go European style. No doubt the stick deodorant I used was keeping the worst of the smell at bay while she simply smelled the surface scent.

Shaking my head a bit to clear it, I glanced around and asked, “Where are we going Luna?”

“That my dear human, is a surprise.” She answered with a titter of laughter and a quick peck to my cheek. Even now this far into our relationship, I felt my skin burn and tingle where her lips had made contact for the briefest of moments. It gave me delight and brought a wide smile to my lips as I leaned into her in return. “Just know you will enjoy the location. It is truly breath taking...”

“I’ll take your word for it.” I replied while we continued down the hallway, knowing it would be just that. If Luna had taken the time to plan this trip out... it would be anything but disappointing.

Author's Note:

I understand this chapter has been a while in coming out, and even for me it feels fast paced and I know it isn't as lengthly as I would normally prefer -I at least wanted to keep every chapter at 6k+ words for this story- but that isn't possible with how infrequently I have been writing as of late. Work, family, and video games keep my attention most of the time, but I am trying to start back up. When I stopped, inspiration was rock bottom from lack of comments/reviews that gave anything in form of ideas or simply saying what was liked and what wasn't. I didn't have internet to chat with friends that were also authors, so there was no new inflow of inspiration or ideas.

Internet is now a thing where I live (out in the boondocks... 7miles just to get into the closest town for basic needs), a stable job that will pay my bills, and I am making new 'friends' with which I can hang out with. Well... if you count going to the bar and getting buzzed hanging out...

I need more friends my age group...