• Published 16th Jun 2014
  • 5,375 Views, 111 Comments

Luna's Week Off - Wolfsalvo

After a months worth of time has passed, Mark decides to take Princess Luna up on her offer to visit her in Equestria. Romance will ensue and Mark will need to make a fateful decision by the end of his vacation.

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A Movie Double Date

Without much conscious thought of the matter and my whereabouts, I pulled the mare in bed with me closer and buried my face into her mane, feeling the last vestiges of slumber slowly easing away from me in waves. My arms wrapped tightly around the mare as she let out a soft mutter of disturbance, my ears hearing my name leave her muzzle as a soft exhalation of air. I grinned as my eyes cracked open just enough to see the deep rich cobalt coloration of her mane, and as my hands clasped onto one of her roaming hooves, my jaw cracked as I yawned widely.

Taking in a deep breath, I felt familiar and happy memories spreading throughout my mind as I took into account my current position. I didn’t bother pulling away from the mare in my arms, finally realizing I was quite literally spooning Luna as she continued an oblivious slumber. I grinned as I eased my grip from around her to something a bit more comfortable, my arms merely rubbing against the underside of her body and allowing our bodies to transfer heat. I felt her breathing deeply and slowly, and the soft thump, thump, thump of her heart reminded me that she was still in a deep sleep. She was relaxing, resting really, and I wasn’t going to disturb that at all any more than I could help. Her soft fur caressed my bare chest and arms, and the feeling of her wings twitching every so often against my chest and upper arms only lent my imagination to what she was dreaming about.

Closing my eyes as I planted a soft and gentle kiss against her neck, I held my lips there as I thought about the previous night and all that it had entailed. Luna, my fair and beautiful mare, had quite a reckless adventurous streak in her that lasted millennium long. I grinned as I pulled away, fighting down the chuckle as I thought about her story the previous night... during our bath. Her description of how she handled situations, approached the problems of that time period, and the end results had all been more than entertaining. I could understand how during that time frame such actions might not have been the best course of action, yet for her and myself they proved to be fond and humorous stories of the past.

Settling back down in a comfortable thoughtful peace, I gave Luna my full attention despite her lack of activity, content in simply feeling her warm body pressed up against my own. I pulled my head back enough to look over her, watching her ears give barely noticeable flicks from atop her head as she let out a soft adorable sounding sigh. Her mane continued its ethereal dance in a non-existent breeze, the swirling sea of constellations and random stars that flecked her mane sparkling as she slept. If it wasn’t for the constant and even beat of her heart, I wouldn’t be able to tell the difference if she was asleep or not.

Turning and looking for whatever had woken me from my peaceful sleep, I found neither abundance of darkness or light, nor did the pressing urge of a need for restroom services make itself known. The door was still sealed tightly closed, and nothing was out of place, and the bedroom balcony door was still cracked open wide enough to let in a breeze, yet nothing more. I felt a bit confused, as well as curious exactly why I was unable to fall back asleep so easily. A quick glance towards the balcony showed it was in the early hours of a new day, the sun not quite blazing in radiance just yet, with the last vestiges of darkness slowly seeping away. The castle offered an unobstructed view of the entire valley all around for many miles away I had heard, but with my arms wrapped around a certain Alicorn, I wasn’t about to trade my current comfort for a view I could look at any other time.

Only when the sunlight began to truly stream into the room did I feel Luna beginning to stir from her sleep. It wasn’t too long before she let out a long drowsy yawn, her wings stretching but being halted by my encompassed arms. Instead of removing my arms entirely how I had done last time in this situation, I merely lessened my grip and slid my hands down to rest on her softer fur; her belly essentially. Luna giggled quietly as she let her wings stretch out to their full extent, each pinion and quill quivering as she woke herself up.

When her wings folded back at her sides, I gave her stomach a soft rub as I said softly, “Good morning, my beautiful princess.” My hands played with her short soft fur while I planted a soft kiss to the side of her neck, “How did you sleep?”

She maneuvered herself to face me before she gave me a smile and nuzzled her cheek gently against my own, her soft fur caressing the thin stubble that was forming on my skin. Her wing lifted up and then draped over my body as she took in a deep breath, before she let out a happy sigh. I looked into her eyes with humor as she did the same to me, and finally spoke in her beautiful voice, “My sleep was exemplary... thy comforting embrace only made it that much better to wake up to.”

Giving her a wry grin, I leaned forward and planted a kiss on her lips, one she returned with grace. Our eyes closed as we savored this kiss, and it was with a pang of regret that I knew in less than forty-eight hours, I wouldn’t be able to share this level of intimacy with her for another long amount of time. I grasped her hooves and squeezed them tightly, memorizing every single sensation. However, our kiss ended much sooner than I wanted it to, except I cherished it nonetheless as I took in a deep breath and opened my eyes.

Luna gazed back at me endearingly, her bright and rich cobalt eyes shining and causing my heart to skip a beat. I released one of her hooves and brought it up to her muzzle and pushed a thumb against her cheek as I caressed the side of her face, and act that she seemed to enjoy as she seemed to blush a fair amount. My smile fell into something much more... tame, and I leaned forward and closed my eyes, instead planting a kiss against her cheek, before I whispered softly, “My beautiful mare,” my tender expression shifted into a grin momentarily, before it fell back into the tame smile, “I really do love you.” I felt a bit cliché as I looked into her eyes with another phrase stuck in the back of my throat, yet I swallowed thickly before speaking, “I’m glad you fell that night Luna... both times actually.” I smirked as she gave me a coy yet joyful expression, her eyes giving me a look that said ‘go on’ more than her silence. So I complied, “or else I wouldn’t have been able to catch you.”

She giggled softly, before she inclined her head towards me and spoke just as softly, “I am glad that thou caught me as well... or else I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to get to know you...”

Giving the lunar princess one last tender smile, I shook my head softly as I eased my way into a sitting position, the blanket falling away from my chest. I reached my arms up and stretched my body out, a tense groan leaving my body as I did so, before I stopped and yawned once more. Throwing Luna another glance, I found her still lying down, gazing up at me with a thoughtful expression. Her eyes followed me as I got up, but with a quick smirk thrown her way, I turned and went to my backpack, intent on retrieving some pants and perhaps a comfortable shirt. After many thrown words, and a playful threat on Luna’s part, and a brief explanation, I had slept in only my boxers with Luna last night, a somewhat awkward situation when I had first got into her bed with her. Yet a much more enjoyable sleep than I had expected.

When I pulled on some jeans and a fresh shirt, I looked back at Luna just as she was moving into a sitting position, her gaze never leaving my own as I gave her a once over. Long slender legs, shapely curves in all the right places, a strong figure, and the most adorable blush. I eyed her outstretched wings for a bit longer, my lips tightening into a wider smirk as she laughed softly, before she asked, “What is it you are looking at, my dear Mark?”

Giving her a wink, I said back, “Only the most beautiful mare in all of Equestria.” It was only the truth, and I couldn’t come up with any embellishment to everything I could say about her. Her lips pulled into a smile, yet the silence that had settled was destroyed by the sound of a deep hungry gurgle. Luna’s blush wasn’t for naught, as I felt a pang in my gut. I felt a bit heated in my cheeks as I suggested, “Perhaps now it is time to go grab a bite to eat... eh-heh... before something like that happens again...”


Taking a bite of eggs from my fork, I sat there and thought of what Luna and I could do today as an activity. We have eaten with each other both at the castle and at restaurants, swam together, joked with each other, and even simply sat relaxed and spoke with one another. I had seen various activities around Canterlot during our treks through the cobblestone streets, and while any number of them would be enjoyable, I felt an inkling of doubt at the back of my mind.

‘Man dates Equestrian Princess: A New Beginning Or An End?’ I can see it now, if social media hasn’t caught wind of this yet, then how long until word of this gets back home to Earth? I don’t see anything negative aside from the standard idiots making a big deal about this... but should I really be parading around Canterlot with one of their Princesses on a date?

A gentle nudge against my elbow brought my awareness back to present, and as I looked over, I saw Luna levitate a spoonful of soup or broth of some kind into her muzzle. A gentle smile stretched across her lips as her shoulder remained within close proximity of my arm, though her eyes continued to face her bowl instead of me. Despite the actually valid and concerning train of thought, I gave a soft smile as I returned to eating my breakfast, though not without bending my arm just enough to remain in constant contact with Luna’s soft fur.

After a few bites and sips of soup, Luna broke the rather comfortable silence we shared, “What have you been thinking about, my dear Mark?”

Glancing over at Luna from the corner of my eye, I turned and met her gaze fully once I saw her looking at me. “I was trying to figure out what you and I could do today, my beautiful mare.” I gave a reassuring smile as I buried my previous thoughts on the matter, though as I did, I couldn’t help but ask, “Most of the ideas have involved activities around the streets of Canterlot, is that something that would provide an issue?”

Luna’s soft smile turned into something a bit more jovial as she giggled gave a few soft laughs. Her eyes twinkled with mirth as she dropped the spoon into her bowl and turned to face me fully, though her expression adopted an expression I hadn’t seen before. Her posture changed as well while she brought a hoof to her chest and said rather elegantly, “A Princess must maintain positive public relations and make frequent appearances if she wishes to maintain proper respect from those she rules over.” Her smile widened as she asked, “What is it you wished to go do?”

Clipped and short, I chuckled, though I felt a bit of heat wash across my body with a wave of awkwardness, before I said a bit hesitantly, “Well, the only unofficial date we had was when we went and had lunch together. I was thinking, what about going to watch a movie?”

Luna’s eyes sparkled brilliantly, and she happily gave me a firm nod as she said, “I have heard of movies before, but I haven’t visited the local theatre for a viewing... yes, I very much like that idea. Did you have anything in mind?”

My cheeks flushed with additional heat as she said that. I offered a somewhat abashed wry smirk while I shook my head, “No... I have no idea what movies even play here in Equestria...”

There was a titter of laughter before Luna said without worry, “Do not worry, Mark. I will simply send a guard to check for us.”

From a hidden alcove or somewhere where only she knew, Luna used her magic to ring a bell, the tinkling noise echoing loudly in the nearly empty dining room. I looked towards the source of the noise and found a small silver bell hovering steady near some potted flowers. The doors leading into the dining hall opened, and I looked over and found a cook walking in towards us. Luna flashed me a smug expression complete with a wink.

Five feet from Luna, the cook stopped and stooped into a formal bow, rising after but a moment as she asked, “What is it I can get for you today Princess?”

“If you would, please fetch me one of the guards.” Luna inclined her head towards the still open doors.

The cook glanced between Luna and I, before she gave an apprehensive nod and a bow. When she spun around and began to make her way towards the doors, Luna looked back towards me with a thoughtful expression on her muzzle. Her eyes displayed concern as she asked, “Do you suppose we should bring Tia?”

My smile fell instead to mirror her own, the question being unexpected entirely, but it brought a valid point with it as well that brought me into my own thoughts. Celestia and Luna hardly found, much less made, time for themselves to enjoy the lives they were given. They were frankly... workaholics...

Nodding my head and turning my gaze back to Luna’s, I found her watching me intently. “That wouldn’t be such a bad idea.” A grin cracked across my lips, “But Luna, while you are my date... who will Celestia take as hers?” My mare shared in my enthusiasm, her features brightening to a positive radiant glow.

“Princess, you requested a guard?” We both looked over to see a guard standing at attention. His spear in the nook of one of his hooves was held tall at attention, and something I thought about just recently gave me pause of mind.

It didn’t give Luna pause however, as she used her ever beautifully perfected regal tone to respond, “Yes, I have a task that requires completion as soon as possible.” She paused briefly to allow the guard confirmation, which he did with a nod. “I need you to go to the local movie theatre and see what movies, genres, and the featuring timing with which they will be displaying. When you return, do so at my sisters’ chambers, as that will be where Mark and I will be. You aren’t required to rush, but please be quick in returning.”

“Yes, Princess Luna.”

That was when it clicked into mind. These two royal sisters can have anything they want in their lives, have anyone they want to share it with, and do anything they please. They don’t because they are both effectively married to their jobs; these mares are literally workaholics. Looking towards the guard as he left, I smiled widely. Guards are by their very nature dedicated to protecting these two mares with their lives if the need was made, they know nothing else but their sense of duty if media is to be believed. They know nothing else other than the job with which they signed up to partake in. They are workaholics!

When Luna turned and looked at me with her own smile, I looked back at her with my revelation in mind. Joy and maybe a bit of personal emotion from seeing Luna smiling so widely caused me to admittedly react a little over the top. Shooting a hand out and snaking my fingers through her mane and around the back of her neck, I leaned forward and pulled Luna’s lips against my own. Heat coursed through my body as I closed my eyes, with a bit of surprise slipping into the back of my mind as I tasted vegetable soup.

Pulling away, I beamed at my mare as I said, “That’s it! We can have Celestia go with her favorite guard.” Luna’s eyes slowly opened, her eyes widening as she appeared to blush a deep scarlet. Her muzzle hung open as she looked towards me with bashful blank look; I had taken her by complete surprise. With a chuckle, I rubbed my fingers over her fur as I asked, “Weren’t you always looking for me to steal kisses the other day?”

With wings that were starting to flex and sporting a furiously bright blush, Luna giggled softly as she leaned forward hesitantly. None of the previous day’s confidence was present, though I didn’t mind as she said, “I’m still waiting for more... you merely caught me by surprise.” Her muzzle curled upwards from her blank shocked visage, her eyes dancing with mirth while she inclined her head towards my own, “Please do so again... it makes the day seem so much brighter...”

Flashing my teeth in a smile, I could only comply.


Stepping into Celestia’s study and finding said mare hunched over many documents, I tightened my arm around Luna’s withers. Luna in turn tightened her wing around my back, and as Celestia looked up, she gave us both a warm greeting, “Luna, Mark! To what do I owe this pleasure?” The quill in her magic set itself into an ink pot, her shoulders seeming to lose tension just by leaving her work behind.

Luna looked towards me, so I took the lead, “We were actually wondering, would you like to go with us to watch a movie?”

Her eyes widened fractionally while her lips tightened into a forced smile, and her muzzle lowered as she let out a soft sigh. She shook her head and spoke sadly, “Thank you both for the offer, but I have too much work to get done before I spend time enjoying myself.” Her horn lit with a golden glow that also surrounded a teacup, her eyes glancing down momentarily.

Removing my arm from around Luna as well as stepping away from the hold of her wing, I stopped a few paces between the royal sisters. I glanced back towards a curious Luna, before facing a just as interested Celestia. That was when I struck, “Celestia, you, Luna, and I all know, you two work way too hard, way too often. You’re a princess of Equestria, but I am sure you work harder than anyone,” I chuckled briefly, “or anypony else. I know it is a lot to ask, but I am only asking for a few hours of your day. A few hours that I am sure you would enjoy.”

Celestia only nodded instead of offering much emotion. Her cup was set down where it had been before, “I understand Mark, but it is my duty to ensure the well-being of Equestria. If I don’t do this work, nopony else will.”

“Sister, surely you see the wisdom in taking a break to enjoy yourself?” Before I got a chance to add anything else, Luna had spoken.

Celestia’s resolve cracked, uncertainty flashing behind her eyes. That was good. I just needed to point out a fact for her now. “Celestia, after a while at work, your body needs a break. When you go back to doing a task after a well needed break, it makes it all that much easier.”

There was a sharp knock against the door that cut off Celestia’s reply, her attention dancing past Luna and I. She called out, and the door opened to let in a guard.

The guard stopped just inside the study and turned to face Luna. From somewhere under his armor he produced a piece of paper. He held it under his muzzle as he read it out loud, “All the shows start every two hours. There are three romance, two comedy, two adventure, one racing, and... er, a mature viewing only. The first three... The Prince and The Princess, Silver Skies, and Bittersweet Memories. The Comedy is Ted and Ted 2. The adventure shows are... The Lost Human and Kingsman; Royal Guard Edition. The racing show, er... movie, Fast and Furious; Pony Power.”

Nobody spoke after the stallion finished, yet as discretely as I could manage, I glanced between both Princesses, noting how they both were waiting with very faint blushes. It would seem I wasn’t the only one waiting for the title of the last movie, yet nobody was going to find out what it was unless someone popped the question. So...

Clearing my throat garnered me the attention of everyone in the room, which was two more pair of eyes than I was comfortable with. I gave the guard a nod while asking, “You said there was also a mature movie as well. What is it?”

The sound of wings ruffling reached my ears, but I didn’t want to see just who it was that those wings belonged too. I was afraid it might be Celestia...

With a glance down at the paper, the guard turned to face the ground instead, “The Human And The Heated Mare.”

“Well... that explains it.” I muttered to myself, though I doubted it didn’t reach the others. I took this opportunity to speak, “So... mare’s... what movie do you feel like watching?” I asked as I glanced between the only females in the room. Yet as I looked towards Luna I felt a bit mischievous as I purposely gave her a critical eye and said, “Not including that last one.”

The resulting combination of blood flowing to her face, as well as the tightening of muscles across her body was well worth it. Her wings flexed, her muzzle scrunched up in an adorable fashion, and her stance seemed to become a bit more solid. I wasn’t sure what it all meant, but she glared at me all of five seconds before turning away with an embarrassed scowl. I looked to Celestia, who I found observing us with a neutral expression, but as soon as her eyes met my own, her cheeks took on a red flame of their own and she averted her eyes from my own.

Shaking my head in disbelief while I let out a short laugh, I turned to the guard, who in turn looked back at me unwavering. He at least held onto the fact that he was a grown adult, “What showing did you wish to see, sir?”

Let’s see. I’m sure watching that last one would be quite a treat with present company, but I do not want to know what the outcome would be if I went to watch that kind of film with both of this nations’ leaders. Not to mention... that would be the most awkward situation to boot. I wouldn’t need to worry about trying to give Luna the royal wing boner. Hell, she was ready to get cozy in that bath last night. Taking her to... ‘The Heated Mare’ would only invite that kind of activity.

Just that thought alone brought a bit of nervousness to mind, but I fought down the rising heat as I glanced over at the mare that now invaded my thoughts. Seeing her looking at me coyly didn’t help in the slightest with those kind of thoughts jumping around about my companion. Ok, that movie is definitely off the list until we know each other... better. But what is a good movie to take leaders of a nation to? Romance would be typical, racing not so much of a good movie date. So that narrows it down to adventure or maybe even a comedy. There was a big hype about Ted, but I never personally saw it. Kingsman though... that movie was good. Royal Guard Edition? This may just appeal to them better than anything else.

Fresh and ready, I did well to banish my last thoughts as I said, “Unless Celestia or Luna object, I believe Kingsman Royal Guard Edition would be a good choice. I am rather keen on seeing the Equestrian version of that movie.”

Turning to Luna, I waited for her answer. It came in a curt nod, her cheeks still very much lit with flame as she did so. I knew what I had thought about... I wasn’t sure what an experienced Equestrian Princess would have thought about. Probably something un-princess-like.

Flushing once more from unintentional but not entirely unwelcome thoughts, I turned to Celestia and found she was much better composed than Luna or I. She gave a more dignified nod as well as offering a reply, “That is a wonderful idea Mark. I do believe you and Luna have convinced me to come along.”

Her saying just those two sentences pleased me better than I had expected, and I let out a relieved breath while turning towards the guard. He stood straighter when I faced him, an interesting result, but I ignored that for the time being to instead ask, “When is the next listing?”

“An hour and a quarter from now, sir,” he answered after glancing down at the paper.

Looking back at Celestia, I asked, “So Princess, ready to go see a movie?”

Her smile said it all...


“You really have never seen a movie before Celestia? As in you never went and seen an actual movie in a theater?” I asked in complete disbelief. Celestia shook her head as she mumbled a bit in embarrassment. “Earth and Equus have been in contact for several years already... you really have never even stopped by one just out of curiosity?” Once again, Celestia shook her head.

“I have seen video’s and shows on flat screens before Mark. Those are the same, yes?”

“Not exactly...” I looked to Luna, feeling a bit saddened by the newest revelations. These two mares have been missing out on so much, so much that I wasn’t sure if I could introduce them to everything within a month even if I had the time. Looking ahead, I spoke to both Princesses, “Well, as a fair bit of warning, I am unsure if the Equestrian version is clean, but typically deaths in movies or shows aren’t in any way real. Mostly acting and good graphics. Now, with that being said, you two will be in for a treat. Kingsman is a very, very good movie.”

Luna pressed into my side as she asked, “What is it about?”

Grinning widely, I felt Celestia bump into my other side as she apparently wanted to hear too. Looking towards Luna, I spoke in a dramatic but quite tone; I didn’t want the gawkers around us to hear me acting goofy. “It is centered around a secret society of spies, who protect the world through very action oriented means. They are gentlemen, but they are very good at their jobs. I don’t want to ruin it too much... the movie will explain it if they keep it similar to the original.” Giving Celestia my attention, I nodded towards her and said, “I’m sure it will be all the more interesting now, since it includes the Royal Guard. I am sure they will have filmed parts of Equestria and incorporated that into the movie.”

Our walk returned to a somewhat silent endeavor, though we continued our small talk as we went. Unfortunately, Celestia had ignored Luna and I to instead go alone, so that left me walking in the middle of both rulers of this land. Already I could tell rumors were going to spread by how every single person and pony gawked towards our little procession. The rich and noble not so much, but that didn’t stop everyone else from stopping to stare.

I knew it would be news for a human to be dating Princess Luna, but I can already see it. People and ponies will speculate, and with me being the only living soul between these two... well, Sal will die of a heart attack if he sees me in the newspaper like this.

Chuckling softly, I tilted my head towards Luna and whispered, “I know humans will think so, but now ponies will think I am dating both of their Princesses.”

Luna glanced over, her smiled turning into a grin as she laughed. I saw Celestia look over from the corner of my eye, but Luna spoke just loud enough that I knew her sister heard, “Nonsense Mark, Tia and I haven’t shared stallions for centuries!” She laughed again, her gaze dancing with mirth as she looked towards her sister, “isn’t that right sister?”

I looked towards the elder sister, unknowing of the wink Luna sent her sister’s way. Celestia smiled as well, a soft laugh leaving her muzzle as she shook her head. “Yes, you are correct Luna, it has been centuries.” And then Celestia’s gaze took on a somewhat predatory expression, “but we haven’t shared a human before.”

Celestia pressed closer, her wing finding its way around my back and over Luna’s. I glanced at Luna and found she didn’t even appear adamant about the suggestion, her eyes dancing with the same expression of her sisters. It was then that I realized just how uncomfortable I was becoming between the two of them, yet I couldn’t find it in myself to move away as I was being held in place by both of them, and we were already maintaining a forward momentum. I swallowed thickly, remembering just how hard it was to convince Luna that we wouldn’t take a bath together in those first days. Yet now I had her and her sister both acting that way right in the middle of a major street in the capital city of Equestria.

“L-Look ladies. I’m not complaining, but humans are, uh... we like one on one relationships.” I couldn’t hide the stutter in my voice, as I wasn’t sure if rejecting a princess was the brightest idea. Luna and I hardly knew each other the beginning of the week, but I have spent every day since at her side, getting to know her and getting to the point I was at with her. This however, was very uncomforting.

The word is monogamous! Why didn’t I remember that sooner!?

Celestia giggled, and then she pulled away and refolded her wing against her side. I looked over at her as she turned away and kept an eye on where we were walking. Luna however pulled me closer to her with a tight wing-hug, her own laughter echoing in my ear before she gently kissed the side of my neck and affectionately nuzzled me briefly.

When I turned to regard my mare, Celestia spoke, “Relax Mark, we were just having some fun with you.” I turned back to her as she continued, “I may not have spent time enjoying the necessities of human technology, but I have spent plenty of time learning about your kind. I promise, without Luna’s expressed consent, I wouldn’t flirt with you. I understand your species preference to a single mate.”

Again with the wording! It must run in the family...

Letting out a slight chuckle, I also let out a shaky nervous breath to steady my nerves. They had indeed tricked me and got me believing I was soon to be expecting to, as they would say, court the two of them. It would appear Luna wasn’t the only one with a trickster streak in her. That merely let me know I would need to watch them in the future.

“Oh! Here we are!”

Looking up, I saw we were indeed at our destination, and judging by the build and design of the structure, it was human funded and human owned. Seating was going to be cramped...

Throughout the movie, Celestia, Luna, and I had become fairly acquainted with one another in ways I hadn’t anticipated. The introduction to the movie had been based somewhere in the Gryphon empire, and that had been the first simulated death they had witnessed. While there had been gasps, flinches, and some minor questions, it wasn’t until the movie began to drag on did I truly experience something strange. Luna had, as I expected, latched onto me as soon as the first bit of action started, and as time went on, she had migrated to holding onto half of my body. The characters ranged from Ponies to Gryphons, and even Humans to Minotaur’s.

When the latter half of the movie came by however, when the action and violence really kicked in, I had experienced a second pair of hooves latching onto the other half of my body. By the end of the church scene, which admittedly did appear more gruesome when Gryphons and Ponies were the ones being shot, stabbed, maimed, and generally maimed alongside Humans; it was worse than the original in its gruesome sense. So there I was, sitting in a seat, my body split in two between two mares. While Celestia held onto my arm and half of my left body, Luna spared no expense when she latched onto my right side. So when the human representative of Eggsy received the offer by the trapped princess, a mare with a well programmed set of wings that went well with her horn, Luna had giggled into my ear.

The last of the movie had gone by without much of a hitch, and I had willingly allowed both princesses to keep their separate hold on me. Yet once the princess and Eggsy were about to get busy at the end, Luna of course had been willing to whisper into my ear ‘how I was her gentleman’. That of course was her hinting towards something else, her tone being all I needed to identify that fact. It wasn’t until the end of the movie did the lights come on, and the others in the theater see just the predicament I found myself in. I had shared a kiss with Luna just as the lights had come on, and Celestia had yet to release my side.

Our first time at the movies as a group, and I had both mares hanging off of me. This was definitely going to spread rumors...

Over two hours later, the three of us sat down around a table in Celestia’s study, tea and an afternoon lunch in front of us as we got comfortable. We sat around the table and divided it into thirds, and as I glanced between Luna and Celestia, I asked, “So... what did you two think of the movie?”

Celestia was the first to respond, “I must say I was pleased by what I saw. Some parts reminded me eerily of Equestria’s early... war like days, but it had a charm to it as well. Tell me, do groups like the Kingsman exist in your society today?”

“Possibly, or maybe not. If they do, they wouldn’t be all that secret if we knew about them.” I answered back. It always was good to leave someone wondering. Though I was sure she would need clarification on another point. “Most of what you saw in the movie is realistic, bar the fact some of the deaths would never happen, or some of the special effects just don’t exist in modern day life.

Luna loosed a giggle, before she looked towards me, “Mark is quite a gentlemen sister, and he is my gentleman.” She turned towards her sister, “And I am a princess. We both saw how humans react with their royalty...”

Ah yes... I had forgotten about that scene.

Ignoring the fact that Luna was again hinting towards something, I turned towards Celestia and said, feeling a bit teasing myself, “Speaking of Gentlemen. Celestia, do you have a gentleman, or even a gentlestallion?” I dished it just how I received it, and the blush I had begun to support was spread to Celestia’s cheeks as well. I looked back towards Luna with a smirk of my own, glancing purposely across her entire body, and I intentionally peeking over the edge of her table towards her flanks. I caught a glimpse of her Cutie Mark before I ceased my action, lifting my gaze to a pair of brilliant azure eyes; I saw I had managed to bring a flame to her cheeks as well.

“My affairs are my own Mark. Your concern has been duly noted, and it is appreciated in the fullest.” Celestia sat tall and proud, her eyes betraying the fact she was going to make a joke. Her eyes shifted ever so slowly to her sisters and she gave a non-too subtle wink to her sister. “I am sure you two will have fun tonight sister, but do please try and keep it to yourself. I do not want to explain why strange noises were coming from your room to the guards and castle staff.” She next looked at me, “And you Mark, know that by committing such an act with my little Lulu, you will be marking yourself under strict scrutiny by myself. You will become a Prince of Equestria by doing so.” She leaned in close and whispered loudly, “I find it in good will to warn you, Lulu tends to have a wild side...”

“Sister! I do not!”

Leaning back in my chair with a weak laugh, I picked up my tea cup and brought it to my lips. I took a sip as Luna looked at me with aghast to what her sister just said. I merely gave her a wink. We were all teasing each other here; royalty having fun.

I looked back at Celestia and asked, “Would I really be considered a Prince just by becoming Luna’s mate?” My breath felt short after saying that. It echoed in my head. Luna’s mate...

Celestia gave me a look that somewhat reassured me, “As a matter of fact, if we so pleased, we could announce you as a Prince of Equestria now if it suited you.”

That not only drew my full attention to Celestia, rather it caught and surprised me much more than anything else ever had. I couldn’t help but gape from that more than stellar news. Looking down at the half empty tea cup, I swirled its remaining contents around as that bit of news sank in. I glanced towards a still blushing Luna, and I mumbled more to myself than to either of them, “I didn’t want to date Luna to become a Prince, but I suppose a Princess does need a Prince.”

Draining my cup of the remaining liquid, I set the glass down. Interesting turn of events...

What man wouldn’t want to become a Prince, and to live happily ever after with his beautiful Princess? Luna has been nothing but an absolute gem, a true darling to the letter. I would love to become her Prince, and I would even now willingly share in her duties just to make her job easier on her. I know there are the hidden perks as well if I were to become her Prince... but. I will be leaving in just two days to go back home, and I will need to save money and take unpaid vacation days to visit again. I could always take a Nat Geo contract for Equestria, and that would help, but that isn’t a permanent solution for Luna and my relationship...

Shaking my head, I felt my smile fall just a bit. “Well ladies. Perhaps we should take this free time to relax and enjoy ourselves. We can think about and discuss my coronation later...”

“Mark?” Turning my head until my ear pressed against Luna’s chest, I hummed softly to let her know I am listening. From my position, I could hear her heart steadily beating in her breast. I fought not to fall asleep, as her hooves didn’t stop their ministrations in the slightest; she was running a hoof through my hair, with the other tracing intricate designs across my bare back. “If I asked, would you become my Knight? My Prince in other words?”

Burying my face into her fur, I hummed thoughtfully despite already knowing the answer. My mind was in a haze from the feeling of her hooves moving across my back and through my hair. Yet my mare wanted an answer, so I turned just enough that my mouth was free to answer. “Luna, I will become your Knight in shining armor if you so wished it. If you want me to be your Prince, then yes, I would become your Prince.”

Luna’s thighs pressed tightly against my hips as she too hummed in acknowledgement, though she was much more pleased than simply letting me know she heard. I unfortunately felt almost like I was starting to slide off of her, so I had to set my hands on her barrel and half lift half drag myself up onto her body. Her hind legs tightened around my hips as she grunted demurely in pleasure, I myself feeling a bit of heat creep into my body as I had to wiggle into a comfortable position atop of Luna’s body. It was only after a few more grunts on Luna’s part that I finally managed to get into a position that was both safe and comfortable enough that I could stop grinding against her. I set my head down onto her neck and now heard her pulse racing much faster, and Luna giggled as she resumed her ministrations.

“If it wasn’t for the hundred foot drop Luna, I would’ve jumped off by now.” I said; my embarrassment and annoyance quickly disappearing behind a veil of joy from her touch alone.

Breathless and clearly enjoying herself, she pulled me against her body momentarily, “Nonsense my dear, fortunately for me, my body is big enough for you to use in many ways.” She giggled knowingly, “Besides, if you fell, I could catch you before you hit the ground. You have nothing to worry about, my handsome human.” I felt her take in a deep breath, “I am not complaining about how you get comfortable either, my Mark.”

I wanted to glare at her, but I was being pacified at the same time. Instead I grumbled weakly to myself and then said a bit louder, “I have been grinding into your hips for the past hour, I'm not surprised you aren’t complaining. Each time I do so is just more pleasure on your part...”

“It doesn’t have to be that way, my dear.” Luna let out a heavy breath, and I instantly felt much more alert when I felt my pants gently tug downwards once more. I knew they wouldn’t go anywhere until Luna managed to take my belt off, but the feeling of her magic sliding over my skin under my jeans was as tantalizing as it was bothersome. I didn’t stop her however. Her magic cut out after a few moments without her venturing truly around my groin.

Luna’s hooves both cradled my torso against her own, her breath washed through my hair, and hind legs went slack once again. Her soft fur pressed up against my chest and the undersides of my arms was a very comfortable sensation.

“Luna?” I kept my voice low and even. When Luna hummed softly, I continued, “Can you promise me something?”

“What is it you want me to promise, Mark?” Her tone had a sense of concern with a touch of curiosity to it.

“I need you to promise you won’t tease me for my next question. Can you promise me that?”

“I promise...”

Letting out a breath, I chuckled briefly as I gathered my thoughts. I would’ve forgone this question if I didn’t trust Luna how I do now, but I had full faith that she would honor her word. So I took a leap of faith, “I hear how you occasionally word your sentences Luna, but I need to know in all honesty. When you add those hidden meanings to what you say, are you simply teasing me? Are you testing me to see how I will respond? At times, it’s almost like you are suggesting what you say, like you want it to happen. Is that so?”

From my place atop of Luna’s body, ear to her throat, I could hear her sharp intake of breath. She was having physical reactions to what I had just asked, but I wanted to hear it from her own muzzle. Just hearing her pulse quicken into irregular intervals as well as feeling her limbs tighten around me was enough, but I had to see for myself.

Lifting my gaze to Luna’s, I found she had sank a foot into the cloud we were currently situated on top of, but that wasn’t what caught my attention. Luna’s eyes never strayed from my own, and her gaze was strong; nervous, but firm. “I hadn’t expected you to be so blunt about it.” She smiled softly, her tongue darting out to run over her lips. “To answer your question... I do wish to get better acquainted with you, my dear human. We have kissed, we have slept, we have bathed... we have enjoyed each other’s company. But I want to have real fun with you, my not so little human.” Her forelegs pulled me further up her body with the aid of her magic, and she gave me a tentative kiss on my cheek. “I watch how you respond to see if you will be willing to go further. I suggest scenarios to see, as you humans say, if you will take the bait.”

We were a hundred feet over the cobblestone walkways that surrounded the castle, give or take a few dozen feet. There was a rule in place that forbids anyone, or anypony in this case, from flying over the palace grounds unless given strict consent by either of the two Royal Sisters or Commanders of the Royal Guard. The cloud Luna and I were on was large enough that nobody would be able to see us from any angle, and that was if we were entirely on it instead of partially in the cloud. Those at ground level wouldn’t hear anything short of a shout from how high up we were, as the background noise from the surrounding city would keep everything we said confidential. Despite all of those facts, I still felt the need to whisper as quietly as I could, “What would happen if I took the bait?”

My heart was skipping every other beat as Luna’s muzzle opened a bit, before her eyes mirrored the wonderfully happy expression she now beamed. I didn’t look away from her eyes, and I hardly blinked as I waited for her answer. She nuzzled my cheek with her own, one of her eyes always locked on my own. Her muzzle slid across my cheek to stop beside me ear, her eye gave a wink, and she said hotly into my ear, the heat washing across my skin, “We would make shameless love.” Her tone sounded husky all of a sudden, her breath washing over my neck in a heavy exhalation, “Why, did you want to try something right now, up here?”

My eyes widened, making me suddenly aware that what I had said must’ve sounded like more of an invitation than just speculation on my part. Clearing my throat, I knew acting fast would salvage the situation before it became awkward. “Not entirely Luna.” I chuckled halfheartedly, entirely aware of the crestfallen look that crossed her features. I wasn’t going to let that last long however. “I have been considering it however... I just need more time to completely think it over.” It was true that I needed more time to think it over, but what Luna didn’t know was I would have an answer by tonight if possible. Her expression didn’t return back to that beautifully lust filled gaze, her smile wasn’t even full, but she did nod that she understood. That just left me with a very difficult question.

Am I ready to bone my princess?

Author's Note:

This document had remained stuck at 2,400 words for a while, and I had experienced that writer’s block for the longest damn time. I knew what I wanted to write, I knew what needed to be done, and even after speaking with a few friends and a few readers, I had formulated just exactly what I needed to do. That doesn’t mean it came easy, as the actual process of writing everything came in increments. Once I got underway however, that is when I really started to get some progress down. It has been a while, but I managed to get 6k words down this week for this chapter. I can’t promise that my writing speed has returned, but hopefully, this means I can start giving a regular update every month, if not every two weeks. I will not make promises that I will stick with one story, as I really want to finish Rainboom Anomaly before giving time to my other stories.

Note: If any of you haven’t watched Kingsman yet, I highly recommend it! I hadn’t originally planned on using it for the movie, but when that last scene came up, I knew exactly what movie I was going to use...

Note 2: I have always thought using thou, thy, thee and all the other words that are mostly associated with Luna would be something good to maintain while writing Luna's Dialogue, but I have always felt a little stung when I was told I don't know how to use it, or if I was using it improperly. It is true, I don't know how to use it, I just assumed. So unfortunately, I will refrain from using the archaic type of speaking for Luna any longer. For those that may hate me for the choice, it isn't like it really matters anymore, it is canon now that Luna speaks in modern terms now.

Now, this is a question that must be answered with your reviews, as I know this topic is both good and bad when handled poorly. Should Luna and Mark go further with their relationship? As in, should they get intimate? I will be asking a few of my writing friends their opinion as well. I will consider this little vote like U.S. Elections; popularity vote versus representative voting.

*Shrugs* What can I say? I’m American...