• Published 16th Jun 2014
  • 5,372 Views, 111 Comments

Luna's Week Off - Wolfsalvo

After a months worth of time has passed, Mark decides to take Princess Luna up on her offer to visit her in Equestria. Romance will ensue and Mark will need to make a fateful decision by the end of his vacation.

  • ...

Deep Thought

Chapter 7: Deep Thought

Stroking a hand through Luna’s mane slowly, I kept my fingers wrapped around the back of her neck while letting my other hand rest across her body. Her head was resting against my chest as she dozed, her happy hums having dissipated the longer I worked my hand across and through her mane. The simple gesture of running my hand slowly yet repeatedly through her mane brought an eerily calm peace over me as I continued to think over my deep thoughts. It also provided a lethargic sedative for my normally affectionate and energetic mare, the proof being in the fact I wasn’t sure if she was asleep or simply enjoying herself. Either way, I was content to maintain the motion if only to please her.

Tilting my head back and looking towards the leaves of the tree that Luna and I sat beneath, I took in a deep breath and held it for a few moments. My eyes danced between the sparse sunlight that streamed in through the branches above, the semi twilight effect having a surreal feel to the environment that I found myself in. It was the perfect setup in the perfect location for deep thoughts. Letting out the pent up breath slowly, I brought my head down and gazed affectionately at Luna, simply staring where her eyes were hidden beneath her mane. The ethereal wind flowed gently and slowly, almost as if it too was relaxed from the current setting.

You have no idea how special you really are Luna, and I don’t have the words with which to describe you in order to make you understand. Before the beginning of this week, we hardly knew each other aside from that chance meeting at the nightclub, and yet... we clicked. You are funny, kind, affectionate above all else sure, but you are something else entirely. You may be old and wise, yet... I can’t see you as any of that. You enchant me like no other, and yet, I somehow manage to do the same for you as well. I have met your family, your friends; I have experienced your culture in your kingdom, within your city, all at your side.

From a chance meeting and becoming something between a fling and friends, we are now so much more than that to each other. I love you, and you I. We have known each other for less than a week... but I have spent more time with you in this short week than I do with any one of my longtime friends in an entire month.

It may just be your culture that makes you so affectionate and accepting towards me, but with your age and knowledge, I know you don’t cave in to simple instincts. And yet, you are already ready for that next step... and you have essentially prepared me to be willing to make that leap as well...

If Luna was awake, I knew she would’ve reacted to how my heart suddenly picked up pace. I felt heat slowly spreading across my face as I glanced down and then across my mare’s slender and beautiful figure. Her wings were fluffed at her sides, not quite tightly resting against her sides, and her forelegs were held against her chest as she slept on top of my body. If it wasn’t for the cushion supporting my lower back, being reclined in this position would’ve been extremely painful. And yet with that cushion, this posture was made possible, and this situation was made doable.

Pulling my gaze from her flank, I grinned a bit in embarrassment despite being out here in the gardens alone with Luna. I felt more of like a pervert checking out my sleeping love, and yet, I knew that was a foolish notion considering how Luna wanted something along those lines. It is even more foolish to feel that I should ogle over her physical features while she is awake compared to right now.

Nice curved flank I suppose... it is a wonder you don’t have stallions and even men lining up and all attempting to date you, or even your sister. I guess I was lucky you took a liking to me that night, or else I never would have met you; or at least never have had the chance to court you. I didn’t only gain a marefriend that night, but I gained a Princess unknowingly.

My grin shifted into a subtle smirk, with my eyes slowly moving back to ogle over my pretty princesses flank. I wasn’t at the perfect angle to really see every little curve, but what I was much more than pleasing nonetheless. Her flank was by no means large, but it wasn’t anywhere near even being considered average size. Being a quadruped meant Luna gained some rather pleasing traits, essentially making her muscles tight and compact; especially her hindquarter muscles. Her flank was shapely, rounded in such a way it almost brought a shiver down my back, and yet, it sent my hormones spiraling far above normal conditions.

I can’t argue that I don’t look forward to when we do get intimate, just... I want to take that step, but it feels... soon. Time wise I know it is soon, but with how well we know each other, it feels like I’m simply stalling the inevitable. You obviously want it as much as I do, and yet, I can’t help but feel like this is just wrong. Aren’t we supposed to wait until we have gone on like three or four dates before we should think about getting intimate...? Uh...

My grin fell, and I suddenly felt extremely confused...

First we went to lunch. Second we went to her private alcove with the small lake. And we just went to the movies earlier today. Slowly, it began to dawn on me. We have eaten with each other, slept with each other, and we even took a bath and helped bathed each other. We met each other’s friends, and I her family. Then realization hit. Holy shit! We crammed a few months’ worth of dating together in less time than a week! If it wasn’t for the time, I would be essentially blue-balling Luna!

The sound of clopping hooves reached my ears, and I paused momentarily to look around to locate the sound of the hooves. Luna and I were supposed to technically be alone in the gardens, and if not, not near any of the main paths that any visiting ponies or people would take. It wasn’t long before a bit of movement caught the corner of my eye, and I looked across the garden and saw a mixed guard patrol walking about twenty feet away.

Probably Luna’s ethereal mane and tale alerted them to our presence, but the Human and Unicorn guard both looked in mine and Luna’s direction at the same time. The tense expressions they had been wearing as they reached for their weapons disappeared and were replaced with shock. When they both stopped, the man did so in the Unicorn’s line of view; the Unicorn remedied that by poking his head around the man’s body to have an unobstructed view.

The two guards and I kept looking back at each other. Once I began to feel embarrassed, they started to grin. I brought my hand away from Luna’s neck to give them a gentle wave with my hand, hoping that would be enough to ward them away. I placed my hand back on Luna’s neck and began to stroke once again when she began to stir. Even from here, I could see the human guard suppressing his laughter, the equine guard instead smiling all the wider. If it wasn’t for the gawking guards, I would have found immense joy from having Luna suddenly muttering in her sleep as she cuddled up against me more than before.

Turning my gaze away from the guards instead to my mare, I focused solely on her now in order to ensure she was as comfortable as possible. Once again however, my nerves began to settle from the simple motion of my hand running slowly down the back of her neck. I smiled a bit, simply feeling content in the fact Luna was feeling at ease enough to sleep against me. I trusted her just as much as she trusted me. The only difference was, I wasn’t keeping her suspended a hundred feet above the ground simply with my body... and she wouldn’t have to grind against my groin just to get comfortable. Instead, I was simply repaying her from earlier by now keeping her under by gentle ministrations through her mane.

Hell, I shouldn’t worry about possible rumors spreading when it is going to go public soon. But now that the subject about going public is up, I should give the fact that I am going to become a prince a little more seriously. I am sure I can discuss that with Luna and or Celestia, but what about myself? I am a human, and if I become a prince, what does that entail exactly? Would I get royal duties with which I need to attend to? I would more than gladly attempt to assist Celestia and Luna with their duties, but if I was assigned my own, what would they even be? Surely I wouldn’t be expected to sit my own court, would I?

No... that isn’t something I would believe unless it was thrust into my lap all of a sudden, which I don’t see either of these two princesses doing in a thousand years. Maybe I would sit through court with Luna, aid her in any way I can, or possibly even make public appearances. But then that would mean I would need to be here. I might be able to arrange travel to and from Earth, but in the long run I would need to see about moving here to Equestria. Am I ready for that...?

Glancing down at Luna’s still form, I was just barely able to make out the smile that hugged her lips as she peacefully slept. Her hooves weren’t around my body how they usually were, but they were all in some place in contact with my body. I smiled sadly as an important fact slammed home. Is Luna even remotely ready for me to start a transition like that, compared to me simply staying here at her side?

That thought brought with it an iron weight that settled in my gut, a fact that brought with it unease and worry. I would need to tie loose ends on Earth before I could simply leave and start a life as royalty in Equestria. My home, my possessions, my bills, and a range of other life curve balls suddenly needed to be considered. I could easily pay off the last of my bills and inform my land lord that I would be leaving, and I could cancel my phone as that service still didn’t exist in Equestria yet. But canceling insurance and finding a way to sell or get rid of my car would be a bit more... time consuming.

Everything can be resolved when the time comes, but for now, I should worry about the present. I have an answer for my princess, but that can wait until tonight. More pressing matters should be discussed before I truly begin attempting to... mate with my mare.

Moving my hand that was settled on Luna’s back in small circles, I closed my eyes and let myself simply relax and enjoy the cool air that blew through my hair. Here I was on vacation, being offered a once in a lifetime deal that I wouldn’t refuse, and worrying about the small things. I should focus more on questions like so; Do I love Luna? Yes. Does she love me? She has expressed it in multiple ways, so yes. Do I want to stay at her side and vice versa? We have done that nearly the entire time since I arrived.

The math added up perfectly.

We have spent our time with each other and we clicked in ways like none other, and we were compatible with each other’s personality. I wasn’t used to spending so much time around a single creature willingly, yet with Luna, it was a comfortable closeness. At times it felt overbearing, but I only experienced that when put into an awkward situation.

Luna and Celestia have had it less than ideal though. Luna was all frowns when she entered the club that night, and it was her birthday nonetheless. Even when she was at my home as I was changing, she hardly gave anything more than brief satisfaction. Yet ever since I arrived, she has been nothing but joy. I only saw her frown a few times. I really have brought out the best in this mare. Hell... she even got her sister to tease me.

God... once this week is over, shit is going to get rough. We will prevail, but I am not looking forward to making the consecutive plans for those days I am back on Earth.

Luna tensed suddenly beside me, her wing flaring out and shaking as I looked down at her. She shifted a bit as her wing settled across my front, her muzzle nuzzling into my chest as she asked, “Mark, why did you stop...?” Her tone was weak and questioning, her sleepiness muddling her question.

Raising my eyebrows, I resumed my motion with a quiet chuckle, “Uh, sorry about that...”

She only responded by pressing her cheek against my chest, a sigh leaving her muzzle as she slowly started to doze off again. When she had been shifting and pressing her body firmer against my own, my heart would flutter weakly. This mare had me hooked and lined...


Walking down the corridor alone for the first time since arriving here at Canterlot castle not only felt strange, but it also left me feeling... vulnerable. I understood entirely that there was no safer place in all of Equestria than here in the castle, and if I needed assistance there was always a guard visible down a corridor at all times. For the rare times when there was no guard nearby, there seemed to be a maid or other pony that belonged in the castle nearby; I was safe and in the event I got lost, there would be someone or somepony nearby to give me directions. It was comforting in the least.

Turning down another hallway and making my way towards my destination, I felt a bit uneasy as I found yet another seemingly endless passageway in front of me. I could understand the need for maps in this castle, yet maps of the castle corridors and such were never made... or so I’ve been told. A cartographer would have many challenges mapping the halls of this castle. The vast halls I traversed was just one of many levels...

A few more turns, a brief trek up two flights of stairs, and another turn brought me to my destination. The entire trek from Luna’s bed chambers to here probably took the better part of an hour, and as I stopped in front of the large imposing doors, I glanced between both guards. They in turn remained as motionless as physically possible, and even more so still. Turning back to the doors, I took a step forward and raised my hand to the edifice, and then proceeding to rap my knuckles along its surface rapidly several times. With the empty halls and wide open space, I half expected some sound to echo compared to the dead silence that instead reached my ears.

There was a muffled call from behind the doors, and then the guards in unison used their magic to open the doors. I moved over the threshold and made my way into Celestia’s personal adobe, immediately finding a large difference not only in layout, but the décor of Celestia’s chambers compared to that of her sisters. Large and spacious, it felt almost like I had left a castle and stepped into a comfortable living room of a family home, the large and filled bookcases lining the walls near the even larger fireplace bringing a study like feel to the room. The cushions and other various seating near small coffee tables brought an almost relaxed feel to the room; the setup actually reminding me of my room when I was at college.

The sound of hooves clopping reached my ears, and I looked over to find Celestia walking out from an adjacent room. Her muzzle had a smile, yet once her eyes met my own, her lips curled into an even more pleasant one. She walked closer as she spoke, “To what pleasure do I owe this visit, Mark?” Giving Celestia my own smile, I gave a nod to her, pleased with the fact that her earlier demeanor had changed so much just from going to the movies with Luna and I; she was radiant now instead of simply trudging along.

Glancing towards the other room briefly, I managed to glimpse her work area from earlier, before I returned my attention to Celestia. “I actually came here to talk with you, and perhaps help lessen your work load in the process.”

Celestia’s smile didn’t waver for a second, though she did let out a titter of amusement. “Mark, there isn’t much you can help me with, but I can offer you an ear to speak to.” She walked up beside me and wrapped a wing around my back, and then gently ushered me deeper into her room. I looked towards her office once again and found the paperwork from before had been greatly reduced to a fraction of its size. That was admittedly impressive...

Bringing my gaze to bear, I found Celestia was guiding me towards an area that had a few cushions set up around a table. The table had a tea set already steaming on top of it. I turned my head towards Celestia enough to speak to her unhindered, “Well, if I am to become a Prince soon, I should learn how to do some of the work...”

The implication was out in the air now, and Celestia didn’t miss a beat. “Oh,” Her muzzle curled into a smirk as she looked back at me with a twinkle in her eye, “And does Lulu know about this yet?” Her wing unwrapped from around my back, and we both took our respective seating across from the other. I only looked down in thought, not sure how I wanted to proceed. Celestia took the initiative first, “Is this perhaps what you wished to talk about?”

“Er... similar, but not quite the same thing.” I folded my hands on top of the table as I looked up into Celestia’s understanding gaze. I could only wonder how many times a stallion had been in my position before. “I am waiting to tell her tonight for several reasons. What I really wanted to talk with you about is concerning me becoming a Prince. I... I am unsure if I am ready to become a Prince. I am just an ordinary man on Earth, becoming royalty; that is a big change.”

Speaking my earlier thoughts out loud brought with it a sensation I hadn’t experienced earlier; I was starting to feel overwhelmed all of a sudden. It was almost as if admitting and confronting the facts vocally was different than simply thinking about them how I had in the gardens. I also didn’t have the comforting feel of Luna’s mane waving across my hand...

Celestia began pouring tea into two separate cups as she hummed softly, “That is understandable Mark, but you won’t be doing this alone. Luna will most certainly be with you almost every day to help you get acquainted not only with proper procedures, but also how it is to be a part of royalty. I will also be here, should you ever have any questions you feel only I can answer, or Luna cannot.” She offered the tea to me, which I gladly took and then drank slowly from it. The hot liquid slightly burned going down, but it soothed many of the worries that were just starting to surface. “Now, what are your main concerns?”

Taking another soothing sip of tea, I peered down blankly into the murky liquid, idly wondering what kind of tea it was. “My biggest concern is my transition from Earth to Equestria. I will need to go back at the end of this week and start the process of ending my life on Earth. I will need to settle various accounts that are a part of living, let my boss and landlord know I will be leaving, and I will need to find out what to do with my personal belongings...”

Celestia lowered her tea enough that she could speak over her cup, “If you so wish, you may bring your personal effects with you. If Canterlot is to be your new home, then we can accommodate your possessions.”

Smiling a bit, I knew for a fact there was enough that I couldn’t get rid of everything. Yet then that smile fell as I lowered my cup, “That brings around my second concern. I don’t doubt for a second that Luna will wish for us to continue sleeping in the same beds, but I also understand there will be times when our schedules may not correspond with the others. Will I have my own bedroom, or will I be sharing space within Luna’s own chambers?”

“That is something you must discuss with Luna... but if the need does come up, I am more than certain we can get you a room near Luna’s.” She lifted her cup to her muzzle and drained the last of her tea, a soft smile spreading across her muzzle as she asked, “Now Mark, is there anything else troubling you?”

There was more that I wanted to discuss with Celestia, but I had expected a more thorough conversation over the matter of my living arrangement. I had been prepared to stay on that subject longer than the short amount of time that we had. I blinked a few more times, Celestia’s own expression turning more amused as time passed.

“Uh... I have one more major one.” Once my thoughts got back on track, I felt the earlier anxiety return, except this time I was more than a little curious as well. Celestia offered a supportive smile as I began, “Political figures always make some kind of speech or public relations campaigns. Will I be required to do that myself? As in making public appearances and giving speeches?”

Celestia’s outward appearance didn’t change any, but I felt for just a split second that her gaze turned mischievous. It was just for a moment, so I couldn’t really question if I really saw it or not, nor was I given the time to think it over. “Despite being a ordinary man, as you say, you are quite perceptive Mark. For your answer though, the normal answer would be no, but since you will be becoming a Prince through becoming a mate, instead of being born into the role, it wouldn’t hurt if you made public appearances around Equestria, with or without my sister or I.” Celestia used her magic to refill both my and her own tea cups. “Once you are ready, after you finish your personal business of course,” her gaze turned towards my own pointedly, “Lulu and you will visit some major cities around Equestria. This will not only allow the residents of Equestria to recognize you as a part of the Royal Family, but it will also get my little ponies accept you as well.”

Wrapping my fingers around the grip of the tea glass, I grimaced as I brought it to my lips, but paused. Looking away from the tea and to Celestia as she drank her own, I let out a sigh while mumbling, “Geez, talk about the upcoming news feeds...”

Celestia’s eyes darted to my own, a soft smirk hugging her lips.

I took a sip of tea from my own cup, looking up and ignoring my pressing thoughts when Celestia’s voice rang clear, “Now that it seems you are done with your questions, would you mind if I asked a few of my own?”

Lowering the tea momentarily, I shook my head briefly, “Not at all, what do you want to talk about?”

This time she didn’t conceal a mischievous grin from stretching across her muzzle. Her eyes twinkled while her cheeks took a bit of pinkish color to them. I didn’t drink from my tea, only for a few moments to pass in silence. She obviously has something she wants to say... but maybe she is thinking about not saying it. With that thought, I gave an equivalent to a mental shrug of my shoulders, and then took a sip.

“Are you interested in knowing how to please an Alicorn...?”

Hearing Celestia ask that question, and in a casual tone nonetheless; I practically choked on the tea before I had the rational thought to prevent such a reaction. Tea spilled not only on the table, but over my chin and most of my face. What didn’t spill out of the cup sloshed around threateningly, so I quickly placed the cup down on the table; only to spill a bit more in my haste. I brought my gaze up towards Celestia’s, astonished she would offer that information with so much nonchalance. Our eyes met, and I saw the playful and yet dead serious look she held.

My head said no...

But deep down, I knew exactly what this could mean. The prospect of knowing how to please Luna, I couldn’t say anything other than yes...

Taking a seat at the large dining room table, I knew it would be many hours until Luna was finished arranging whatever it was she had planned, but after spending several informative hours with Celestia, I was willing to wait. The new knowledge I had obtained would prove... useful in the least, and pleasing at its best. While mainly it had been enlightening, I couldn’t help but feel... wrong with the fact that Celestia was giving me advice on the topic; knowing who I intended to use it on.

If I had a sibling, I wouldn’t go to their soon-to-be lover and tell them how to please my own flesh and blood family, even if they seem like the decent type of person. Yet... if Celestia and Luna did share stallions... or males in general back then, then does it really matter in that aspect? I know I read about herd mentality... but I never thought that royalty would’ve fallen under that category. I shouldn’t be surprised though, what with the lack of a fair male to female ratio in this world, and both Princesses being, well, princesses. That is just something I should have expected.

Still... I knew at least half of the erogenous zones, used half of them myself, and have established that lover’s mentality on both sides of our relationship. And yet... there was so much I still hadn’t known about the body of an Alicorn. Three species, all their traits and all their specifications rolled into a single bundle, and I am expected to please that? I don’t doubt that Luna won’t have a good time herself, but... for how long can I hold out for? How long do I participate in foreplay?

Where will Luna want the act committed?

I felt a chill run down my spine at that last thought, that truly being something that did bring with it a certain amount of nervousness and excitement. There were only three places I could think of that Luna may wish to go and to seal our relationship; her room, a bath, or even the little hidden alcove with the small lake near the top of the hills. All were secluded, all had been locations that we were alone together and enjoyed the others company, and I soon found myself weighing pros and cons about each location.


When the voice of a question being directed to me finally registered, I looked to the side with a start and found a chef standing beside the table. It was one of the Unicorn chefs, but for the love of my life I couldn’t remember his name. I blinked once, feeling heat flush into my cheeks as I spoke, “Sorry, but what did you say?”

He shuffled from one hoof to the other before repeating himself, “I was asking what you wanted to eat or drink, sir.”

Offering a smile, despite how hollow it felt with what my most recent thoughts had been, I took a moment to think about that. I did feel a little hungry, but I would save my appetite for when I ate with Luna later this afternoon. For now however, “Does the kitchen have any kind of soda?”

The chef noticeably brightened, his expression showing a bit of what... interest, or maybe even appreciation? Either way, he nodded while saying proudly, “The kitchen does. I had it stocked with all of the most popular brands early this month!”

Giving a brief nod as my smile became a little less hollow; I now knew what his expression had been. When a new drink is introduced somewhere, it doesn’t always sell as good as the well-known brands. If he stocked the kitchens just this month, then it was proving that it wasn’t a waste that he made that decision if people and or ponies started to choose soda.

“Alright then, I will take some Sprite. I will wait until later to eat.”

He offered a smile as he said, “As you wish, Prince.”

His remark caught me by surprise, but before I could confront him, he was already gone and on his way. I didn’t even have a chance to call him back, the doors to the kitchen swinging shut by the time I had even considered that as an option. It wasn’t that it didn’t strike my fancy, but to be called a prince implied that I was a part of royalty. Celestia and I had already spoken on the matter, but I hadn’t been made a prince yet, much less earned the title. As far as I knew, none of it was official yet... to the public that is.

“In deep thought, are we?”

The deep rumbling voice that came from above me drew my attention to the speaker immediately, and the surprise I felt was instantly replaced by a healthy dose of disdain. Floating on his back on nothing but air while he paddled through imaginary water with his arms and legs, was Discord; master of spaghetti monsters.

Despite the displeasure of only having him as a speaking partner, and the fact that even Luna didn’t like him, I could only think of how wide of a smile that shy little Fluttershy had worn while openly speaking with him. My frown lessened to a tight lipped expression, and I decided to humor him, “Recent events and considerations tend to do that to a person, Discord.”

In a flash of dark light, he appeared right in front of me, a valet uniform covering much of his form as he held a crown atop a plush velvet pillow. He was grinning ear to ear as he asked, “Your crown, highness.”

My eyes were drawn to the colorful crown, with its embroidered gold ornate swirls, and the large ruby set within the center spire. I brought my gaze up to Discords and asked flatly, “Isn’t that Celestia’s crown?”


The answer reached my ears before Discord even needed to say anything, and I glanced expectedly towards the large double doors. Nothing happened, and I looked back towards Discord, only to see he had vanished already. In his place was a sticky note, and on that sticky note read;

I couldn’t take Luna’s crown

When I finished reading the note, a tall cold glass filled with clear bubbly liquid was placed in front of me by a yellow glow, and I looked over just as the cook asked, “Would you like anything else, Prince?”

A glance at the soda, and then back at the cook, I felt more questions rising, but not nearly as many as before. Instead shook my head and spoke softly, my mind already going to other places, “No... that will be all for now.”

As he departed, I was once again left to my thoughts on the matter at hand; the thoughts of a man about to become a prince...

Steam leisurely drifted upwards in gentle waves, swirling whenever Luna or I exhaled. The lighting was turned low in the bathing chambers tonight, creating an atmosphere that was both relaxing and comforting for Luna and I to bathe in. With Luna’s form resting in my lap, with her body wrapped around my own, I felt entirely at ease. Our eyes were closed as we simply enjoyed the others presence, her muzzle resting against my shoulder as she occasionally rubbed her head against my own in affection.

My arms held her against my body, and her hooves kept me pressed against her body. Her wings created occasional ripples in the water that I could feel lapping against my biceps, and the sensation of her magic coursing around various spots on my body was sending shivers down my spine despite the nearly scolding hot water. Her muzzle would part for the briefest of moments to gently kiss my shoulder or to nip the base of my neck.

Tell her already!

My mind yelled at me to tell my lunar princess of my decision, the part that wanted nothing more than to become more intimate with a mare that wanted the same. She expressed her interest already, and the fact that our... anatomy... was so close couldn’t be mistaken as anything other than how comfortable we already were with one another.

Yet as I opened my eyes and looked over her shoulder and at her extended wings, my courage to simply slipped away into the darkness that surrounded us; the desire was still there but the words were gone. I closed my eyes with an inaudible sigh, my arms slipping down Luna’s back by a foot as I rubbed my head against her own.

She won’t mind, quite the opposite. Ask her...

My body rebelled against my mind, the words just not forming once I dug the courage up. It was frustrating for a whole other reason, and yet, it brought relief. It wasn’t something that I was ready to confront after less physical time than a week, but with how well Luna and I just... clicked, I was doing us both a disfavor by not manning up already.

Actions speak louder than words if you can’t find what to say...

Just as that thought flitted across my mind, my hands reflexively clasped as if to pull Luna closer, yet instead I felt my hands wrap around and then squeeze the joints of Luna’s wings. This caused a shudder to wrack Luna’s body, her muzzle leaving my shoulder as she gasped daintily into my ear. That gasp brought an explosion of heat to my face, and an earlier conversation came to mind. Earlier in the week when I had asked her what would happen if I grabbed her horn...

And then the conversation that I had shared with her sister only hours ago came to mind as well, giving me a whole new objective in mind; with a new way of conveying what I wanted said to my mare.

Sliding my hands down Luna’s body, I kept my touch light. Luna giggled softly, pulling away so she could look me in the eyes. When her gaze held my own, I smiled innocently towards her as she asked, “Mark, did your hands wander on accident, or on purpose?”

My hands settled on her flanks, and I began to rub small intricate patterns across her fur firmly as I thought of my reply. The mischief in Luna’s eyes began to turn into something a bit more... flustered and excited as I eased my fingers across the surface of her flank. Her smile deepened as her eyes lost their focus somewhat, and I chose that moment to speak. “They may have acted on their own, but they did so with what I had in mind.” As I spoke, her eyes narrowed as she focused intently on me. “Why?” I asked, “Did you expect something else?”

Just as I finished, I moved one of my hands and purposely pulled her tail away from her body firmly enough to be noticed, but gently enough to avoid causing discomfort.

This act brought a scarlet color to her cheeks, and I noticed some water droplets were flung from her ears as they shot forward. Her muzzle opened as she asked, “Mark, are you aware of what your actions imply?”

I grinned in return, playing with the area that her tail met her body in a toying fashion, my reply close behind, “I am aware...”

The corners of her lips quirked up, and her forelegs rose from the water and settled on my shoulders. With deft precision, her hips shifted and lowered her body just enough, and her voice sounded quiet as she asked, “Are you making a request?”

Just say yes!

My heart was racing, the sound of blood pounding just behind my ears seeming to blot out all other sound as I gazed up into Luna’s beaming visage. The dim lighting created an eerie aura around her, and yet it seemed to make her glow with her own radiance as well. Her wings stretched free from the water’s surface, and as her body shifted once more, I felt deep in my chest my heart skip a beat.

Breathless, I gave my response, “I a-am...”

Luna’s cobalt eyes seemed to twinkle, and without missing a beat, I felt her steal my breath...