• Published 9th Aug 2014
  • 5,658 Views, 192 Comments

Equestria's Heir of Conduits - Akuma Kazama

They say they were a legend, but one survive and now his son will take his place, to show them that they were never monster they thought they were, but he'll show them, he isn't but with they choices he make's will change the course of

  • ...

Chapter 3: A Journey to the Elements (Un-Edited)

The group of six mare, one dragoness and stallion move forward into the forest, Twilight was able to get an old map of the forest, so they took the basic and safest path she could find on the map, while they kept on walking, the girls told their reason why the forest was dangerous, as well as Rainbow Dash saying other things to scared them, Nightshade had an eyebrow raise at her trying to scare him, flying near him as she says it, thought it did scare Fluttershy, who cling to his arm at the scare attempts.

Nightshade looks around for a bit then asks “so, what exactly makes the Everfree Forest so dangerous, anyway? looks peaceful to me, beside the darkness around us” as he said that, a trembling and clinging Fluttershy looks at him “You s-say you’re not s-s-scared?” she ask with a stutter on her voice, Nightshade rubs his neck sheepishly “Actually.....” he admitted a bit “this is the creepiest place I’ve ever laid eyes on. But I’m just wondering, what precisely make these woods so unnatural? Why do the animals eat each other here? Why do the clouds move all on their own accord? I mean it reminds me of the place back where am from, near Manehatten.”

“Well no one knows” said Rainbow Dash in the spookiest voice she could muster, as she hovers over. “You know why? Because anyone that’s came in here has… never…. come… OUT!” As if on cue, the ground gave in as soon as her voice rose to a shout! Suddenly the ground collapsed before them, trees washing away in the sudden landslide and nothing but blackness was suddenly visible before them, with the rolling ground under their feet, Nightshade push Fluttershy away in time for her to take to the sky and catches Rarity while Rainbow Dash catches Pinkie Pie with her grabbing on to Barbara.

Twilight and Applejack we're sliding down fast, while Nightshade was able to grab onto a root on, trying to get his bearings, soon later Applejack also was able to grab a root as well, while Twilight kept sliding and almost fell down the cliff if she didn't grabbed on in time to the edge. But just before she could fell, in the blink of an eye, she found herself hanging on to Applejack’s hands while the rest of her dangled over a cliff, Applejack was trying her hardest to pull Twilight up, but couldn't “Applejack!” she screamed in panic and fear “what do I do?” Applejack looked into Twilight’s eyes with a completely straight face. “Let go,” she instructed calmly.

Twilight looks at her with a wide eyed expression "WHAT!!! ARE YOU CRAZY!!!!" she scream in more fear, AJ shifted onto her rump and braced herself, digging the heels of her cowboy boots into the soft earth to save them both from tumbling over the edge. Her gaze returned to Twilights's and she put everything she had into her next words “trust me Sugarcube, let go” she said with strength and a firm tone that everything will be alright.

Twilight looks at Applejack in the eyes and could see the honest true coming from her eyes, so with a deep breath she lets go and falls down, screaming, but suddenly gets caught, she opens her eyes to see that both Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy caught her, Twilight smiles at them and was about to speak, till on Fluttershy's side, more weight got there, making all three fall a bit down quick, soon getting control over this, she said "sorry gals, am not use to carrying a ponies weight, beside small animals."

Applejack saw the girls down on the ground, but not Nightshade and just when she was about to look around, the edge she was on gave in and broke apart, getting everyone's attention, all of them going wide eyed "APPLEJACK!!!!" the girls scream, Nightshade lets go of the branch and use his powers to push himself forward to the edge, once near he leaps off and dives down, using his powers as smoke thrusters, going towards Applejack.

Applejack for her part was wide eyed in fear, as she looks up at the shinning moon, as she looks more, she suddenly saw a figure jumping off and diving towards her, now seeing it was Nightshade, using his powers as he gain distance from each others, she could see it in his eyes, the determination on catching her, made her blush a bit at this.

Nightshade for his part was pushing his power's through his arms to catch up with Applejack, gritting his teeth a bit, as he was getting near, he move his left arm forward to catch her, slowly reaching her, everything went in slow motion for both Nightshade and Applejack, as his hand grab her arm, soon pulling her to him and into a hug, twisting his body around, so his back was towards the ground, his whole body soon cover in smoke, wrapping around Applejack as well.

Soon time move forward as both Nightshade and AJ fell down, a smoke trail left by him, before any of the girls could react, they landed hard on the ground, creating a dust cloud around them, the rest of them ran forward "Nightshade!!! Applejack!!!" they scream in fear and panic for their friend.

As they make it to the crater, the dust cloud started to fade and soon they same a unharmed AJ on top of a smoking Nightshade, as his powers return to him, he looks to Applejack, who had her eyes close and shook her out of her funk, as she snaps her eyes open and looks around to see that she was safe "h-how?" she ask a bit shock and then looks down to see herself on top of Nightshade, quickly remembering and the position she was in, to which she quickly got off of him, blushing hard while he use his powers to quickly stand up, dusting himself off.

Nightshade soon finish dusting himself and looks over to Applejack "you okay?" he ask concern, all she could do is nod her head and as she did that, Rainbow Dash flew towards Nightshade with a grin on her face "that.......was.......AWESOME!!!!" she said and did a mid air flip, soon Twilight was in front of him "how did you survive that!?!? it's impossible to survive that kind of fall!!!" she said in shock, all the while he move a hand in front of her and show's her his powers once more "come's with the power's" was all he said, making her pout lightly.

Once that was done, they continue their journey to the sister's castle with Rainbow Dash telling them how she saved them, beside Nightshade saving Applejack as she continue to talk about it and was suddenly stop by a roar, follow by them screaming "MANTICORE!!!!" and surprisingly, it was Rarity who attacked first by doing what she had in mind at the time: bucking the manticore in the face. In response, the monster roared again, this time with much more fury. Screaming in fright, Rarity ran back to safety of her friends, the threat chasing after her.

Nightshade reacted fast and smoke dash forward and jump kicks it, making the Manticore stagger a few steps back, while he took a fighting stance, his powers flowing around him, soon follow Rainbow and AJ running to his side to fight off the Manticore, while Twilight stays beside Fluttershy, preparing her magic while Fluttershy shakes in fear of the beast and the beast roars, going to attack Rarity.

The manticore was just about to swipe off at Nightshade's side when it felt something land on its head. It was Applejack, riding the monster rodeo-style. The manticore expelled orange mare off its back, only to be encircled by Rainbow Dash. Dash flew faster and faster, creating a mini rainow-colored hurricane. The beast swung its tail, and in a mighty THWACK, Rainbow Dash was propelled backward. Nightshade smoke dash in her way and caught her, setting her down and quickly smoke dash at the Manticore, smoke/ember dancing around him, about to deliver a powerful blow till “WAAAAAIIIIIIT!!!!!” shouted Fluttershy, stopping the fight. She quietly walked toward the enraged enemy, and began to soothe him with baby-talk “what’s the matter, you big old fuzzy-wuzzykins?” she ask softly.

Twilight blinks a couple times in confusion. “…what? What are you doing? Run, Fluttershy! Run away, before that thing eats you alive!" the manticore showed Fluttershy thorn that was stuck in his paw. “Oh, you poor thing, don’t worry, I’ve got it. Now this is going to hurt just for a teensy-weensy second…” and with that she pulls it out, getting the Manticore to roar “RRRRAAAAAWWWWWRRRRRRR!” "FLUTTERSHY!!!!!" scream out the girls while Nightshade was about to smoke the Manticore, but the now-friendly manticore started to repeatedly lick Fluttershy’s hair in thanks until it resembled a massive cowlick with Fluttershy just giggling and skipped on her merry way towards her friends.

“…What just happened?” ask Twilight as she looks at the girls, then at Fluttershy, said mare turn towards her and smiles “Twilight......... you've got to learn that something’s big and scary, doesn’t mean that you can’t offer your hand in kindness for it,” lectured Fluttershy, then giggles lightly “besides, you should see how my pet bunny gets when I give him a time-out. That old softy back there is nothing compared to Angel” she said happily as she skips pass them, the rest following her, letting out a few giggles and Nightshade lets out a light chuckle

As they continue forward, the fog had returned, deepening around them once more as they again entered the thick forest, but this time at least, they had the road under their feet to help guide them.

As the dark shadows grew thicker, and the fog grew heavier about them, the close group stepped into a thicker canopy that formed overhead, preventing any bright light from piercing the woods. Nightshade let his powers flow through his arms to light up the area around them a bit, as the girls huddle a bit closer to him for the light and the slight warm he gave out with his powers. Soon they we're surrounded by trees and as they stare on, a face formed in the woods before them, giant and bestial with gaping jaw and demonic eyes.

Unmoving and unblinking, the dark monster started them down... right up until Dash spoke up "there... is another, to the right.” Pointing and gasping softly, the group started to move to the left in hopes of shifting away from the gathered hunting demons, only for a third to appear to their right... and then a fourth, a fifth....... soon, they were surrounded, more than a dozen bestial unmoving and unblinking faces each panting for breath and light by an baleful fire that glowed inside their open mouths, its blue grey flames dancing wildly.

Nightshade started to draw on more of his powers, knowing they wouldn't be able to fight so many bestial demons without his assistance. Twilight was doing the same with her magic, same with Rarity, Barbara got in a defensive stance, breathing a bit of green fire, the rest got ready as well, till the sound of laughter? reach their ears, as Pinkie was bowled over before the closest of the beasts, bawling with delight.

All those gathered turned their gaze back and forth from one another in shock at the situation before them. They gasped, even as the face before them suddenly faded as realization sunk in that it was simply a gnarled tree trunk, once the fog’s dim light had faded. “Wh... What?” Pinkie Pie darted from one demonic face to another, still laughing, while offering an assortment of odd reactions to the monstrous faces that lay before them. Even making funny faces in return, sticking out her tongue and acting like a monster herself even as she said, “Bleh. Ooo!” as she continue to do that, Nightshade and Barbara couldn't help but chuckle/giggle at the pink mare.

Twilight gasped in shock as even more of the demon faces winked out, clearing form the woods and revealing still more gnarled trees, she turned to call out harshly to the jester attempting to drive away the demons and their shadows “Pinkie, what are you doing? Run!!!” but the silly mare’s response was so very different from what the gathered friends could have ever expected, as in a singsong voice she called out. “Oh Twilight, Nightshade, girls, don't you see?” she paused for a breath, then true singing suddenly broke out, follow by instruments “When I was a little filly and the sun was going down...” Twilight's shoulders fell and looks towards Rarity “tell me she's not...” Pinkie pops out between those two and sang “the darkness and the shadows, they would always make me frown,” continued the boldly singing filly. She continued dancing and darting about from one beastial face to another, laughing out before the faces even as a kick here and a wave of a hand there drove away still more of the ghost lights. Quickly, it became clear something more was happening here. Not one of demonic faces had been real, and still none of them had moved, Rarity's own exasperated tone confirmed her fears “she is.”

Pinkie pops up beside Nightshade, who was looking at her amusingly as she sang “I'd hide under my pillow, from what I thought I saw, but Granny Pie said that wasn't the way, to deal with fears at all!” Dash had to turn to look around, her eyes wide, suddenly realizing what Pinkie had already started, her voice questioning the joyful mare, as she looks towards her. “Then what is it?” she ask and got her respond “she said, Pinkie, you gotta stand up tall, learn to face your fears, you'll see that they can't hurt you, just laugh to make, them disappear!

So Pinkie skips happily towards a demonic tree and laugh at it “Ha! Ha! Ha!” and to their shock the face poof out of existent, who could question the results of this, as suddenly with this silly song and swift laughter, Pinkie had removed over half the demons’ presence. The dramatic effectiveness of this display of joy before the dark spirits around them drew an audible gasp from the gathered herd.

Soon Pinkie took the spotlight once more and sang her heart out “So, giggle at the ghostly, guffaw at the grossly, crack up at the creepy, whoop it up with the weepy, chortle at the kooky, snortle at the spooky!” after that, she took a deep breath and sang in one go “and tell that big, dumb, scary face to take a hike and leave you alone, and if he thinks he can scare you, then he's got another thing coming, and the very idea of such a thing just makes you wanna... hahahaha... heh...

At this, Pinkie Pie took one deep breath and sang out, stretching her arms up high “Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh!” as Pinkie carried on, the others couldn't resist the joyful display of the delighted fuzzball of pink energy. All were laughing warmly and feeling somehow a bit of this day’s stress had dropped off their hearts, a sudden flash enters Nightshades mind and tickled something he heard before, but couldn't remember, but let it slide for now.

As all the trees vanish, the girls, dragoness and stallion, slowly calm down their breathing, smiling as the feel more energetic somehow, beside Pinkie having more and still giggling, soon they continue forward, the fog was clearing out and soon found themselves near a lake, the waves thrashing around, follow by the sound of crying? they follow the sound, to see a sea dragon with a short/long mustache, as he thrashes around, causing the small tidal waves.

As they got near the sea creature, it/he/she? gave a loud cry and splash water all over them, when it/he/she thrash around, Nightshade had a twitching eyebrow while Barbara, who was next to him, blew a small flame to dry some of their clothes a bit, soon they heard him, showing it was a male as he said "oh what a world, what a world" the sea serpent cry out in agony, Twilight walks forward, once her clothes dried off, thanks to Barbara and ask "excuse me sir, but why are you crying?" the serpent looks at them and said "oh I don't know, I was stand here, minding my own business, when out of nowhere this strange blue smoke cloud flew by me and taking my beloved mustache clean off" he told them, leaning down to show his cut of mustache.

Then he started to act more dramatic and said "and now I look simple horrid" as he said that, he fell back into the lake, once more splashing water on them, Rainbow Dash look a bit ticked off and mutter "oh give me a break" to which was follow by AJ's reply's "is that what this fuss is about?" but what they didn't expect was Rarity to get in between and say "why of course it is, how can you be so insensitive" she said as she walks towards the serpent, who had his head lay on the ground in front of them.

All the girls look at Rarity as she goes on about the Sea serpents looks, meanwhile Nightshade was thinking on what the Serpent said 'blue smoke cloud past by? either a surviving smoke conduit or Nightmare Moon' he thought as he kept thinking, soon felt another wave of memories enter his mind, but he soon found himself in some kind of void, he looks around in confusion "where am I?" he ask himself out loud as he walks forward "please help me" whispers out a voice, he looks forward to see a younger version of Nightmare Moon, but difference, the mare was young, light blue mane, tail and fur, night sky eyes and also an Alicorn as well, Nightshade saw her slowly fading away, so he started to jog to catch her.

But as he started to jog, the mare started to fade a bit faster, he soon had to go into a sprint to catch up to her, he extended his right hand forward, but he was too late, his hand went into a cloud of smoke, he soon felt himself grab something, he quickly jerks his hand back to him and saw himself pull out a long chain, that wrap around his arm "the hell?" he ask himself, looking at the chain, wrap around his arm, but as he inspects the chain, he heard a light whispers "that is all I can do for you, please.....help me.....please" whispers the voice, he soon found himself being shake awake by a worry looking Barbara, he blinks a few time and looks at her, as she said "hey, you okay? you spaced out on us" she said to him.

Nightshade looks at them, till he felt something on his right arm, he looks down and saw the chain wrap around his arm tightly, he quickly put his hands/arms into his jacket's pocket and smiles at them "yeah, just thinking" he said and they nodded in respond, but AJ looks at him a bit more till they cross the lake with the help of the Sea Serpent, who now had a purple mustache on his missing one and notice that Rarity cut off her own tail to help the Serpent.

As they continued down their path, the fog cleared up, Dash had taken over the lead of the group, able to now see the others from the air after taking flight. The mare scouted high overhead whipping back and forth in the air above them, hunting. And then, she spotted their objective; a castle ruin on the other side of a short gully. There was even a bridge across the gap, though it couldn't be too sturdy, considering its age. Shooting back to the ground before the group, she couldn't help but offer a proud grin. “I found it! Its only a few hundred feet ahead across a old wood bridge” she told them as they sigh in relief.

The murmur of joy from the others was clear, even Pinkie Pie cried out with delight “Way to go Dashie! You've done it” grinning with delight, she posed proudly and accepted the congratulations from all those around, before turning to guide them on. Only as they arrived at the bridge did they realize the real problem before them, the bridge must be a hundred years old and had been allowed let go, hanging over on the far side, as if someone had untied it.

“Nutbunnies... well it looked like the bridge isn't an option now is it?” Pinkie said with a crestfallen look as she spoke, but was nearly be bowled over by Dash's slight nudge to the ribs “what? come on, this is no challenge, I'll just fly the bridge back over again.” how could so small a flight in the thinning fog be any real trouble, right?

Nightshade had a feeling something was gonna happen as him and the girls look to Rainbow Dash, who flew to the other side, tying one end of the rope and went to the other one, till the fog started to pick up and before they lost sight of her, three Pegasus appear, walking towards her, Twilight yell out a warning, but the fog cover the whole area "what are we gonna do!?!" ask a worry Pinkie, follow by Fluttershy nodding in agreement, Nightshade was looking around left and right, Barbara was trying to calm down Fluttershy, since she was shaking a bit.

Before anyone could react, they heard a yell from the other side "LET ME GO!!!!" "RAINBOW DASH!!!" scream the girls, Nightshade curse and ran forward, focusing all of his powers to his feet and launch himself high in the air and smoke dash forward, into the fog.

Meanwhile RD was trying to fight off three of the Shadowbolts that wanted her to join them and leave her friends behind, but she wasn't going to abandon her friends and they didn't take her answer likely, soon they attack her, while RD trying to fight them off, the two stallion Pegasus held her in place, while the mare walks forward with a dagger "sorry, but you and your little friends are in the way of our mistress, you should had accepted our offer" said the mare with a sneer, about to stab RD, who close her eyes, praying for a miracle.

Before the mare could stab RD, she was tackle to the side, the figure extended his arm to the stallions and fire two blast of smoke at them, letting RD go and giving her the chance to fly off and free. Rainbow Dash looks down and saw it was Nightshade who tackle the Shadowbolt mare down, to which said mare was struggling to break free from his grip, while also trying to stab him with the dagger she had in hand

Nightshade was struggling holding the mare in place, though it didn't help, since the outfit she was wearing was revealing a lot of cleavage and he was trying not to look, while holding her arms in place, so she didn't stab him, while she pushes harder to stab him, Nightshade quickly smoke dash through her and was above her, quickly delivering an elbow drop to her back, getting a yelp of pain, he rolls to the side and dodge her swipe with the dagger as he looks at her, she growls at him, soon she and the other stallions vanish in a cloud of smoke, heading towards the castle ruins.

They jog lightly towards the castle ruins, well Twilight ran, follow by Barbara following behind her, soon they made it inside and the girls with Nightshade saw Twilight levitating five stones around her, looking at each one and gently puts them on the ground, Pinkie ran forward and started to count them "one, two, three, four, five.....wait, there's only five!?!?" she said, making Twilight worry "but where's the six one?" she ask looking around.

But before any could react, a green smoke started to filled the room, the girls, Barbara and Nightshade started to feel sleepy, slowly one by one fell to the floor, knocked out into their dream realm, Nightshade was on his hands and knees, using all his willpower to stay awake, his vision was slowly getting blurry, he looks up from the floor slightly, to see a pair of familiar heels, walking towards him, soon stopping in front of him, he try looking a bit more up, but soon the darkness consume his vision and he fell into unconsciousness, the last thing he saw we're the girls, been gather.

Author's Note:

Surprise Twist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey there Dante here, bringing you Chapter 3 of Equestrias Heir of Conduits, now I know a few are a bit tick off I was taking so long, but hey if you had the crazy life I had, you be off for a long time to sort it out, still am sorry for the delay, so am trying to make them work and making sure to have them on and posted, also sorry for any bad grammar or error, once more my native tongue is Spanish, but am looking for any proofreader and co-writers in case of this, but if you find anything wrong, let me know in comments or pm, anyways enjoy and remember to comment on anything wrong with it, remember that my native tongue isn't English, so please be patience with me and sorry if it's a bit longer, my brain was getting creative.

and enjoy this Second Son picture and also if anyone is good at drawing anthro, I would be grateful for an anthro verison of Nightshade for the image of the story, if you are, then pm me and we'll talk