• Published 9th Aug 2014
  • 5,665 Views, 192 Comments

Equestria's Heir of Conduits - Akuma Kazama

They say they were a legend, but one survive and now his son will take his place, to show them that they were never monster they thought they were, but he'll show them, he isn't but with they choices he make's will change the course of

  • ...

Chapter 6: Conduit vs Goddess of the Night part 2 (Un-Edited)

Author's Note:

And here's Chapter 6 and part 2 of Conduit vs Goddess of the Night, hope you enjoy it, let me know in the comments what you think about it, if I need to change anything or something, give it your support with a like and fav.

As both parties look at each other, Nightshade turns towards Twilight and whispers "Twilight, if you can, am gonna need you to cast a shield spell when she cast a bolt spell on me, Barbara and of course you, also if you can, retaliate with a few spells as well, got it?" he ask, not wasting time in the matter, they were in a life or dead situation and was gonna make sure they make it out alive.

Twilight gave a shaky nod, her horn glowing lightly with magic, he then turns towards Barbara "with some information I know about dragons, I know you are slightly resistance to magic, a fighter and can use your flame, can you do any of those" he ask the dragoness in a whisper, Barbara nodded slightly and said "yeah, but my flame isn't big, so I can only use it up close" she said as he nodded, looking back at Nightmare Moon, who was readying up a spell.

Once the spell was charge, she launches it at them and Twilight on cue uses a shield spell on them, blocking it from the spell, Nightshade on cue ran towards Nightmare Moon with Barbara right behind him as she let out a small stream of fire from her lips.

Nightmare Moon saw this and once more fire a few lighting bolt spell at them, Nightshade saw this and grabbed Barbara's arm, son both vanish in a flash, appearing in front of her and before she could react, Nightshade moved to the side, revealing Barbara who was taking a deep breath, soon letting loose a burst of green flame at the Goddess, who barely had time to summon a shield, but that cost her as Nightshade once more use Flash Step, appearing in front of her and punch her on the stomach, knocking once more the wind out of her lungs, he then follow up with an uppercut, follow by back kick, pushing her a few feet away from him and Barbara as they both move back for extra space.

Nightmare Moon growls and summons ethereal swords around her, sending them at him and Barbara, Nightshade saw this and reacted quickly, grabbing Barbara bridal style, getting a blush from the dragoness and uses Flash Step, dodging left and right.

As he continues dodging, Twilight was charging up another shield spell, once finish she yells out to them "guys, over here quickly" as Nightshade her heard, he quickly flash towards her, while dodging Nightmare Moons ethereal swords, once near Twilight activated the spell, protecting all three from the attack.

Nightshade looks around, looking for anything they could use for a distraction, he soon notice a rusty sword nearby a suit of destroy armor with a plan slowly forming, he ran towards the sword, surprising Twilight and Barbara at his action, Nightmare Moon saw him and quickly started to launch bolts of magic at him, but he kept using Flash Step, dodging left and right as he made his way towards the rusty sword.

Once he was near, he dove forward, sliding towards the sword, once it was at grabbing reach, he took it, doing a 180 and standing up quickly, sword in hand, pointing it at Nightmare Moon, he looks at the sword, noticing it wasn't much rusty, but still look dull.

Nightshade got into a slightly sloppy sword stance that he was able to learn only a few steps from his aunt's books, he held the sword on his left hand, while he let loose his chain on his right hand, getting ready for another hard fight.

Nightmare Moon scoffs at this "thou thinks thee can hurt us with that puny sword?" she ask with a slight snarl as her magic flows out of her, making a few sparks appear around her, Nightshade didn't answer but ran towards her, ignoring the shouts of Twilight and Barbara, as he was getting near, he Flash Steps to the side and swung his chain as it took the form of an Energy Whip, snapping at Nightmare Moon, who quickly summon a shield to protect herself, but as it collides, a small shock-wave of magic appear at the contact.

Nightshade gave her a slight smirk "if I can get a reaction like this, then yes" he said back, once near he swung his sword in a downward slash, making contact with her shield and causing sparks to fly as he tries to push forward.

But Nightshade had to jump back quickly to avoid a slash from Nightmare Moons Ethereal Swords as they floated around her, she gave a evil like smirk and soon the swords at him, ready to strike him down, while he takes a sloppy defense stance, blocking as much as he could, but still got a few slashes on his body 'shit, I got to think of something quickly or else am screwed' he thought, blocking another slash, but grunts as he feels a slash at his back.

Both Twilight and Barbara could only watch in shock and fear, Twilight try casting a shield around him, but it didn't reach in time or would get cancel, she felt helpless that's when she remember the Elements, looking over to the left, she saw the Elements on guarded 'this is my chance!' she thought with determination, she looks over to Barbara and told her what she was gonna do, at first she was a bit nervous, but agreed and soon both of them ran towards the elements in order to help Nightshade.

Meanwhile Nightshade was having a hard time protecting himself, he was panting heavily, cuts and bruises all over his body, he looks over to Nightmare Moon who was giving him a smug look.

Nightmare Moon slowly walks towards him "thou is a formidable foe, but thou will fail" she said as she charges up another spell, aiming at him. Nightshade was panting hard, holding the sword in a weak defense, readying himself for the spell she was about to cast and just as he got ready, she blasted him into a wall, causing him to cough up blood and to knock the wind out of his lungs as he slides down to the floor.

As that happens, Nightmare Moon lets out a evil like laugh, getting Twilight and Barbara attention, causing them to gasp and scream out "NIGHTSHADE!!!!" this got the mare of the Moon's attention as she looks over to them, seeing Twilight next to the Elements, getting the spark for them, she quickly teleported towards them to stops her.

As Nightmare Moon got there, her ethereal swords at the ready to strike Twilight and Barbara, time slow down as both girls saw the blades getting near them, as Twilight continues to summon the spark for the Elements, just as the swords were about to reach them, a spark appear around the Elements, causing a bright flash to cover them, follow by the sound of blade meeting flesh.

As the light dies down, Twilight and Barbara looks up, causing them to go wide eyed and scream, while Nightmare Moon was slightly wide eyed, but was smirking, right there, blocking Nightmare Moon's ethereal swords was Nightshade, each sword stabbing him through his chest, stomach, shoulder, arms and legs as he hunch over the two girls, protecting them from the swords.

Both girls were shock at what they are seeing, but before they could shout out to him, the swords were pulled out of him with a sickening 'squelch' and he was thrown at them, pushing them away from the Elements as they started to glow around Nightmare Moon, causing her to panic "no, no no, no, NO!!!" she shouted as she was about to try to cast a spell, while both Twilight and Barbara were trying to stop the bleeding on Nightshade, but as Twilight puts her hands over his wound, he slowly was absorbing a bit of her magic to heal some of the wounds.

Twilight looks up just in time to see Nightmare Moon shatter the Elements, causing her heart to sink "no...." she whisper to herself, seeing their only hope be destroy in front of them as Nightmare Moon let's out a victory laugh "the night will last FOREVER!!!!" she yells out as her mane turn an eternal night sky blue, flying into the sky and creating a night blue like sky.

Just as Twilight and Barbara were about to lose hope, they heard a familiar shout "hold on sugarcube's we coming" follow by other shouts of their names, soon five familiar mare's appear by the entrance of the room, as the spotted Twilight, Barbara and Nightshade, but when they saw him, they went wide eyed and quickly ran towards them, while Nightmare Moon scowls at them as her magic started to flow around her, charging up her magic.

Soon all five mare got in front of them, protecting Twilight, Barbara and Nightshade from Nightmare Moon, making Twilight and Barbara go wide eyed at seeing them getting in front of them, to protect them.

Nightmare Moon looks at them and said “you truly are a fools, I was going to make your death quick, but now I’ll truly make you suffer, this battle was over the moment the Elements shattered yet you continue to prolong the inevitable” as she said that, she flare her magic once more to prove her point.

At that moment Twilight had an epiphany, the answer had been staring her in the face the whole time and she hadn't seen it until now, she…she would not give up, she got up, leaving Nightshade with Barbara as he heals “It’s not over, you think you can destroy the Elements of Harmony just like that? Well, you're wrong; because the spirits of The Elements of Harmony are right here in these ponies” the shards of the five elements began to glow with new life and surround the five ponies, the five and the dragoness looked at the phenomenon in awe.

Twilight then looks towards Applejack “Applejack, who reassured me when I was in doubt, represents the spirit of... honesty!” The element reconstituted. The element of Honesty now resided on the farm mare’s neck in the shape of a gold necklace with an orange and green apple-shaped gem, then towards Flutthershy “Fluttershy, who tamed the Manticore with her compassion, represents the spirit of... kindness!” once more the Element manifested into a gold necklace but with a pink butterfly-shaped gem, shaped similarly to her cutie mark which suited the animal talker, this time it was now the Pony of Laughter “Pinkie Pie, who banished fear by giggling in the face of danger, represents the spirit of... laughter!” her shape was that of a blue balloon-shaped gem that looks similar to her cutie mark, then she looks towards Rarity “Rarity, who calmed a sorrowful serpent with a meaningful gift represents the spirit of... generosity!” the proper pony’s gold necklace contained a purple diamond-shaped gem, similar to her cutie mark, then towards RD “and Rainbow Dash, who could not abandon her friends for her own heart's desire represents the spirit of... loyalty!” and who could forget the boisterous flier whose element manifested as a gold necklace with a red thunderbolt-shaped gem, similar to her cutie mark, “the spirits of these five ponies got us through not only your forces but every challenge you threw at us, thanks to them and another friend of mine I finally realized the truth behind the elements” as she said that, the five mares floated in the air.

Nightmare Moon scoffs at her "your still missing the six Element and without it, you'll fail" she said as she floats in the air as her magic flares more to life. But confident, Twilight Sparkle continued “but it did! A different kind of spark, I felt it the very moment I realized that they are willingly gonna fight for me, Nightshade and Barbara is the moment I realized they care for us, just like I care about them. The spark ignited inside me when I realized that the ponies I met and that traveled with me here this night are my friends, hence how I discovered the secret that recreates the sixth element, ignited by the spark that resides in all of us…the element of... magic!” at long last the lost sixth element manifested itself as a gold tiara with a set of oval-shaped sapphires and a magenta star-shaped gem, similar to Twilight’s cutie mark. It rested upon her head and with that the Elements activated.

But before they could do anything, Nightmare Moon shouts at them “I WON’T BE DEFEATED BY THE LIKES OF YOU!” with that she fired all the power she could muster at them, a blast that is to kill them, but before the beam could reach them, a grey blur flew in front of them and soon summon a shield, blocking the attack from hitting them, to which soon cause an explosion to happen around the figure.

As the dust settles in, the figure could be seen as Nightshade, causing the girls to gasp, but soon the notice he had his arms stretch towards Nightmare Moon as a white shield was hovering in front of him and the girls, blocking the attack, but soon they looked closer to him and notice a white glow around him, but Twilight knew what it was 'he's using magic!?!' she thought in shock and awe.

Nightshade lower his arms as the shields vanish, revealing his eyes glowing white as he looks towards Nightmare Moon, he grins at her "round 2" was all he said as he got into a fighting stance 'I need to give the girls a chance, if what that books says is true, I need to stall her' he thought as he got ready to fight for his life, their and Luna's.