• Published 9th Aug 2014
  • 5,665 Views, 192 Comments

Equestria's Heir of Conduits - Akuma Kazama

They say they were a legend, but one survive and now his son will take his place, to show them that they were never monster they thought they were, but he'll show them, he isn't but with they choices he make's will change the course of

  • ...

Chapter 8: A Nightmare's Second Chance; Protector+ (Un-Edited)


As Nightshade vision clears up, he notices he wasn't in the castle anymore, as he looks around he heard a soft whimper and looks towards the sound and saw Nightmare Moon struggling to stand, he narrow his eyes and started to walk towards her as he started to remember everything she did in trying to stop him and the girls, the things she might have done to him and Barbara and in almost killing Twilight, a growl escape his lips that got her attention.

Nightmare Moon looks up in time to see a kick to her chest pushing her on to her back as Nightshade got on top of her, his hand on her neck, causing her to gasp "you.......fucking......bitch" he growls out in anger as she gasp in pain and tries to talk "please..........all.....we ever.......wanted.......was for........my little......ponies to.......love our......night" she chokes up as tears came out of her eyes, making him pause.

Nightshade thought for a minute, sure she didn't harm anyone at the beginning, except when he got her attention and saw the guards get launch, all she wanted was for others to notice her night, he for one enjoy the night more than the day, hell he even saw her memories about having her night be appreciated, even before she transform, he looks down at her and instead of seeing a tyrant, he saw a lonely mare, wanting her night to be loved, but she tried to hurt his friends and the citizens in Ponyville.

Nightshade only had one thing in mind 'what do I do?' he thought to himself as he felt that he was in a crossroad, not knowing what to do.


Nightshade was slowly putting pressure on her neck as he could see her struggling for air, but as he saw her eyes, he could see the guilt slowly rising in them and soon saw that she accepted her fate, till he remember something his father once said that caused him to loosen his grip and slowly let got of her neck, making her gasp for her and to tenderly hold her neck as she looks up at him, only able to muster up one word "why?" was all she ask him.

He looks at her with a sad smile "that's not who I am, my father once said 'Forgiving does not erase the bitter past. A healed memory is not a deleted memory. Instead, forgiving what we cannot forget creates a new way to remember. We change the memory of our past into a hope for our future' since then I moved forward, not letting anything stop me for a better future and you can change that as well, if your willingly" he said as he got up and extended a hand towards her, giving her a small and gentle smile that got him a small blush from the dark alicorn.

As she tenderly grab his hand, he pulls her up as Luna appears as well, confuse she looks around till she spotted Nightshade, she gasps and ran towards him, hugging him "Sir Nightshade thou is alright" she exclaim happily as he lets out a small chuckle as he smiles at her "was there ever any doubt?" he ask as they both let out a small giggle as they did, he felt a warm feeling going through his body.

Luna looks over to Nightmare Moon and saw the guilty look on her eyes and with that, she went over to her and hug her, surprising her as Nightmare Moon looks down at Luna, seeing a small smile filled with forgiviness, causing her to choke in sob and soon hugging her back, Nightshade saw this and gave a warm smile at the scene, soon a bright light cover his vision.

Back in the Sister's old Castle

A groan escaped his lips as he slowly open his eyes to be greeted by sunlight and Barbara looking down at him in worry till she notices him waking up and quickly hugs him "Nightshade! your okay!" she said with relief in her tone and also getting the attention of the other girls, who were looking at their new accessories, they run towards them and started to ask him question after question.

"Y'all alright Sugarcube?" "Oh My Gosh, you alright dude" "You okay Nighty?" "Are you okay Darling?" "Uuuumm, are you okay, if you don't mind me asking" "Are you okay Nightshade" said each girl in their own way as they looks him over to see if he had any other wound on him while he gave them a small smile while saying "am fine girls, nothing to worry about" he said as he slowly got up, using the katana to support himself a bit.

Suddenly the brightness of the Sun’s glow drew his attention. He looked on in surprise at the newest arrival. It was none other than the Princess of the Sun herself Celestia, she stood around 6 feet 9, almost 7 feet tall, even in heels, white fur with a light green, blue, pink and looks to flow in the wind as it switches to other colors as well, wearing a white with yellow dress that shows off her curves and impressive bust size, a E-cup size, light violet eyes, she also wore a golden tiara with a few other accessories.

The ponies bowed in reverence of the new arrival, except Nightshade who was looking around the room for someone, while Twilight ran up to her and happily hugged the ruler, overcome with so much emotion that any thought of decorum flew out the window to which the taller mare returned the gesture, “Twilight Sparkle, my faithful student I knew you could do it“ as the Princess said that, Twilight seemed stunned at this revelation “Princes…you…you made it seem like it was an old fairy tale. Nightmare Moon’s returning…why?” she ask her mentor.

Princess Celestia looks at Twilight and smiles at her “I told you that you needed to make some friends, nothing more, I saw the signs of Nightmare Moon's return and I knew it was you who had the magic inside to defeat her, but you could not unleash it until you let true friendship into your heart, to which never would have happened if you were approaching it like a mission, your feelings wouldn't have been genuine. Now I hope another as well will be ready to open her heart.” Celestia turned her attention to Luna and was about to call her till she notice another figure next to her, causing her to go wide eyed "Nightmare Moon!?!?" she screams out in shock.

As she shouted that, the others looks towards where the Princess was looking and to their shock, Nightmare Moon was next to Luna, who was slowly waking up, before the girls could get the Elements ready, a white light flash past all of them and got between them, revealing it was Nightshade as he extended his arms out in a defenses kind of why as he held his katana in reverse grip, shocking them.

Twilight was the first to shake it off "Nightshade, what are you doing? get out of the way, before Nightmare Moon-" "No" she was cut off by his sudden reply as he held his ground, as he looks at them, but more specific, at Celestia, who was looking at him back.

Nightshade looks at them with a blank look as they try to reason with him to move out of the way till Princess Celestia spoke "why are you trying to defend that monster?" she ask, but said it the wrong way as he send her a hard, cold glare that shocks her to the core, never receiving a glare like that from her little ponies.

As Nightshade glares at her, he said "cause I know what really happen to make her like this" he said, making Celestia goes wide eyed as he continues "this all happen cause of ponies not showing the night the same love the give their sun" he said as he looks at the Princess dead in the eye "and as her older sister enjoys it, she never notices her own sister slowly succumb to their own demons" he said as he looks behind him to see both Luna and Nightmare Moon awake, and listening to him.

He soon turns back towards the Solar Princess "but the thing is, she never was possess or taking over, it was all her own emotions, revealing her darker side, something that her sister could have prevent if she wasn't so ignorance" he said, getting gasp from the girls and Barbara as Celestia continues to looks at him, the guilty in her eyes, slowly showing "but even so, Nightmare Moon and Luna have something in common" he said while Celestia looks a bit confused, but lets him answer "their one in the same, to the point that both of them are your sisters" he said, making all off them, minus Luna and Nightmare Moon go wide eyed.

Before anyone of the girls could say anything, Celestia raised her hand to stop the girls from saying anything and looks towards Nightshade "and the reason to that?" she ask him as he looks at her in the eyes, unconditionally making the Solar Princess blush lightly "it's pretty clear that even you, would notice it, after all, Luna turn into Nightmare Moon, it wasn't dark magic possessing her or something taking over, it was her emotions" he said as he looks towards Nightmare Moon and gestures "she's Luna emotion in second form, to which his jealousy, loneliness and sadness" he said as he looks at Celestia, who couldn't help but feel ashamed of herself, since she knew that she cause her sister to get in that state.

Soon Nightmare Moon got up and slowly walks next to Nightshade, looking at Celestia with a guilty look "and we would li......I mean I would like to say, that am sorry for what I did those thousand of years ago and tonight......I just wanted our night to be loved and appreciated" she said as she bows her head in guilt and shame, but as she did, she felt a hand on her shoulder, she looks to the side to see it was Nightshade who put a hand on her shoulder as he gave her a small smile, to which she reply with one back and a small blush on her face.

She soon felt a hand grasp her own, giving it a light squeeze, she looks towards the source and saw it was Luna, giving her a small smile, to which Nightmare Moon respond with one of her own all the while Celestia looks at the scene, remembering when she had a moment like this with Luna and could see the resemblance of them on each other.

As she remembers those time, she took in mind what Nightshade said and looks between Luna and Nightmare Moon, as she did, she could see the resemblance and couldn't help but feel bad, she then looks towards Nightmare Moon's eyes and could see that everything she said and was doing was genuine, she looks towards them and took a deep breath as she starts to walks towards them, more especially towards Nightmare Moon and Luna, Nightshade saw this and took a few steps back while still being in range in case she tried anything towards Nightmare Moon.

As Celestia stood in front of them, she looks at Luna, then at Nightmare Moon, then back Luna, doing this a few more times, seeing more and more resemblance “Princess Luna and Nightmare Moon" she said, fully getting their attention, the princesses of the night, stood opposite of Celestia and looked hardly over the age or twelve or thirteen, It was obvious the Elements split her from her darkness caused this affect The Svelte alicorn had the makings of an early bloomer at that age with the same gown she wore in the Mindscape except reaching to above her knees instead of at her ankles, the way her ears held low and her expression the shame that the younger Alicorn held on to was obvious, she then looks over to Nightmare Moon and saw her wearing her damage battle outfit and gear, a few scratches here and there.

Soon Celestia looks at them both “It has been a thousand years sister...... I mean sisters, I’ve waited so long to say this” Luna and Nightmare Moon seems to seize up as they brace himself for her wrath “I’m sorry” both Luna and Nightmare Moon seemed stunned silence, but more so Nightmare Moon since her tone was sincere.

Despite remembering the memory she saw during the battle reminding her of their sisterly bond she felt and believe what was going to happen in the real world would be anything but that. “I failed to be there for you and because of my mistakes you had to suffer for a thousand years. No matter our differences we are family and we should never let anything tear us apart, Its time to put our differences behind us. We were meant to rule together, little sister. Will you accept my friendship?" she ask them.

Princess Luna looks down for a minute till she shouted "I'm so sorry!" she ran up and threw her arms around Celestia, more happy tears running down her face, "I missed you so much, big sister!" Celestia began to tear up as well and said "I've missed you, too" she then looks towards Nightmare Moon "and how about it? let's end this now and be a family........sister?" she ask, causing Nightmare Moon to go wide eyed and tear up a bit, soon joining in the hug, soon all three alicorns were hugging each other.

The girls all cheers at the scene, happy to see the alicorns happy as Nightshade smiles at the scene, never noticing a light blue glow on his back, except Barbara, who walks towards him "hey Nightshade, your back is glowing" as she said that, everyone looks towards him and soon notice the glow as he tries to look over his shoulder, but turns around, showing the mares that his denim jackets two headed eagle had change with the blue eagle been a bit more bigger while the red one was a bit more smaller.

The girls were confused, except Celestia, who was wide eyed and slowly walks towards Nightshade and looks at the symbol "it can't be...." she whispers to herself and turns Nightshade around and looks him deep in his eyes, as she did that, it cause him to blush as the Princess of the Sun looks at him deeply, till she gave him a warm smile "tell me, your name is Nightshade, yes?" she ask as he nodded her head, making her smile bigger remembering an old friends last words 'this world will one day be in peril, but before that day comes, a hero will be reveal and last of his own kind will help bring harmony and peace' were the words she thought as her only friend told her that.

She then lets go of him and smiles at him "thank you for helping in rescuing my little sister and opening my eyes to Nightmare Moon" she said as Nightshade just gave a slight grin "no problem, am happy to help those in need" he said as he smiles at her, then a both Lunar Goddesses, who blush in respond, soon Celestia thought of something and looks towards Nightmare Moon, who looks back at her "we need to do something about your appearance or our little ponies will go into panic" she said as Nightmare Moon sadly nods in agreement, she knew that her subjects will fear her.

Then all three alicorns started to discuss on the issue of which race they would turn Nightmare Moon into and what name she would have in that new form, as they talked, the mane six and Barbara walks over to Nightshade, soon asking him a lot of question, more so, Twilight "how were you able to use magic? How is it even possible!?" she ask him in shock while her new friends thought the same thing, all he did was give a nervous chuckle "well.....it's started like this......" he said and a soon started to explain, how we was able to somehow absorb a bit of magic from Nightmare Moon at Town Hall and then later on in the fight right here, he then explain the few visions he receive with abilities for him to use with his magic, as he explain all that the girls were in slight awe at his tale while Twilight had pull out of nowhere some paper and quill, writing everything down.

Before he could say anything else, a bright light got their attention as the girls and Nightshade looks towards the source to see, Celestia's horn glowing as she uses a spell on Nightmare Moon to which her body slowly started to change, as soon has it happens, the lights fades down, to reveal a new Unicorn mare, she had a midnight blue fur with a darker blue mane, she was wearing a similar dress like Luna, so her Cutie mark was visible, showing with was the night sky with the full moon in the background, she soon open her eyes to reveal ocean, almost lunar blue eyes.

The girls looks at the new unicorn in awe as said unicorn looks at her new look, she then looks towards the other two alicorn "so......uuum, how do I look?" she ask shyly while they smile at her "you look good" said Celestia while Luna nods in respond, smiling at her, then she looks towards the Mane Six and Barbara, who also said that she looks good, great, beautiful, etc. making her smile and then she looks towards Nightshade, who was inspecting his Katana for a bit till he felt a gaze on him and looks towards the unicorn and smiles at her "you look beautiful Nightmare Moon" he said, causing her to blush as she looks towards the floor shyly till she said "call me Midnight Moon" she said as the now named Midnight Moon smiles at him and the rest, as they smile back.

Soon the group finish up there and started to make their way back to Ponyville, Princess Celestia and Luna talking with each other to catch up with Twilight sometimes asking a question, AJ and RD were talking with each other, about who was the bravest or stronger or even the fight of Nightshade with Pinkie saying that he was awesome, doing sound effects, Fluttershy and Rarity were talking about a few other things while Rarity mostly talk about how brave Nightshade was in protecting them as they prepare the Elements with Fluttershy adding her own opinion and finally was Nightshade, who had his Katana resting on his shoulder while talking with Midnight and Barbara.

As they made their way back into town, Nightshade couldn't help but think that his life will take an interesting turns of events, but he couldn't help but grin at his life getting more interesting 'let's see what the future brings to life' was all he thought.

Author's Note:

I hope you enjoy this newest chapter of Equestria's Heir of Conduits and for also voting in his path, so welcome to Equestria Newest Protector; Nightshade...........but for how long while that last for? who knows, only time will tell, also keep on showing your support with liking and favoring it, please comment on what ya think of it or if anything is off, that might stress me out, but I would like to know your opinion so I can make it better and once more, please remember that my native tongue is spanish, so bare with me on any error or grammar, if you see any tell me on the comments and I'll fix it when I can.

Also if any of you are interested, I would like to see if any would be my proofreader and editor, so things like that don't happen, but for now I hope you enjoyed this chapter, laterz!