• Published 9th Aug 2014
  • 5,665 Views, 192 Comments

Equestria's Heir of Conduits - Akuma Kazama

They say they were a legend, but one survive and now his son will take his place, to show them that they were never monster they thought they were, but he'll show them, he isn't but with they choices he make's will change the course of

  • ...

Chapter 4: A Nightmare's Truth; New Power's? (Un-Edited)

Nightshade groans awake, slowly opening his eyes to see himself in some kind of dungeon "the hell? GIRLS!?!" he screams out in shock, looking around and tries to move, only to see he was chained up and hang up on a wall, he try using his powers, but felt extremely drain "the hell? why do I feel so empty?" he ask himself, feeling weak, he looks around for anything he could use.

Another groan could be heard, he looks towards the source and saw Barbara hanging on the other side, seeing her unconscious body, he tries to break free, but couldn't he could only feel more weak

A dark feminine chuckle could be heard, follow by a familiar voice "thou is finally awake" Nightshade, looks up to see Nightmare Moon in front of him with a predatory grin, he let out a growl at her and tries to grab her, but couldn't with his tied up hands, causing her to chuckle "thou is really amusing, thinking that thy have won or can" she said, tracing a finger on his left cheek sensually, making him jerk his head away.

Nightmare Moon just chuckles darkly yet seductively "now, now, thou will be good or thy little friends will be killed" she said with a light sneer, at that Nightshade snarls and tries to break free "you fucking bitch!!!! what did you do to Barbara, to them!!!" he yells at her, till she move and punch him in the gut, causing him to hunch over, while she smirk at him "thou will be silence" she said darkly, Nightshade looks up at her and just growls at her as she just laughs at him, turns around and starts walking away "and now to finish off the rest of thy allies" she said, walking out as Nightshade looses conscious.

With Twilight

Twilight groans lightly and slowly wakes up, she open her eyes and looks around seeing herself in another room, but soon notice that Nightshade, Barbara and the girls weren't there, before she could yell out for them and dark chuckle was heard and she looks towards the source making her go wide eyed in fear, seeing Nightmare Moon in front of her with a dark grin.

Twilight went wide eyed and looks around for her friends, then looks at Nightmare Moon, then looks behind the Alicorn and saw the Elements, she took a deep breath and got up shakily, getting ready to face of the Mare in the Moon.

With the girls

The remaining mares groan awake slowly, the first one to wake up was Applejack, who groan and looks around, seeing the others "ya'll alright?" she ask them, till she notice that Barbara, Twilight and Nightshade wasn't with them "huh where is Nightshade, Twilight and Barbara" she said and as she said that, the others woke up and look around, not seeing them and soon they got worry.

Each one getting up, Rarity helping Fluttershy up, soon they started to look around for the other three, calling their name to see if they could get a reply, but when they didn't get one back, they got worry, never noticing a few magic burst coming from a tower outside.

With Nightshade

We could see Nightshade hanging on the wall, thinking on anyway to escape, he looks up slightly, seeing Barbara still knocked out, he continues to look around trying to find anything he could use, Nightshade held his head in shame, he felt weak, he felt hopeless, as he continues to look down, he snaps his head up, his eyes widen, remembering what his aunt told him before.


A 10 year old Nightshade was panting in the backyard of his aunt's house, smoke and ember dancing around him as he continues to practice with his powers, he looks towards the tree in front of him, he kept panting till he straighten up, he started to take a few deep breaths, focusing into his core, where he felt his power.

As he continues to focus, smoke and ember started to swirl around him, like it was focusing around him, as he does that, a few feet away was his aunt, smiling at him, seeing his determination in training his powers, as she watches him call upon his power from his own body, as she saw the progress she smile wider seeing Nightshade do a move, it only took his father to master in two years, yet he did it in two weeks 'you would be proud of him, Shade' she thought as she continues to watch over Nightshades training.

Flashback Ends

Nightshade smiles at the memory and soon started to focus on his core and just like before, he could feel his power starting to flow around him, he looks at his body seeing smoke and ember dancing around him, once he had enough, he let it all out and burst into a cloud of smoke/ash/ember, soon reforming onto the floor, taking a few deep breaths, once he got his breathing under control he went to get Barbara down from the wall chains, while thinking 'hang on girls, we're coming.'

With Twilight

Twilight was panting slightly, the Elements around her and the special she had for the spark at the ready as she looks at the shock Nightmare Moon, seeing she was about to be defeated by a foal.

She started to focus her magic into the five orbs of the Elements, a spark slowly forming around her horn, as she does this, Nightmare Moon saw this and quickly turn to smoke, dashing towards Twilight, but made it to late as she pushes the mare away, as the Elements starts to glow, making her look at them in horror, while Twilight smiles in victory, till they drop down around Nightmare Moon, showing it didn't work and causing the dark blue mare to laugh out in victory, stomp on the ground hard, breaking the stone elements into pieces, making Twilight watch in horror.

As Nightmare Moon continues to laugh, both never notice a slight cloud of smoke, flowing in the air a bit, nor did Twilight notice Barbara running towards her till she was next to her "Twilight! are you okay?" she ask, getting both mares attention, but before Twilight could speak, Nightmare Moon yells out "you!?!? how did thou escape!?!" the only answer she got was a smirk from the teen dragoness, causing the dark blue mare to growl.

But before she could react, a blast of concentrated smoke hit her head on, causing her to jerk backwards, hissing in pain as she looks towards the source, seeing Nightshade, but she then notices his whole body in some part of his body was leaking out a steam like smoke of his power, as his eyes glow a orange color, he clench his fists as more smoke circle around his fist, the chain he was given before wrap around his right arm securely. (Imagen Luffy's Second Gear, but without the purple line and instead of steam is smoke)

Nightmare Moon growls at him as her horn flares to life, Nightshade got into a evasive stance he made himself for the use of his smoke dash, but more extended it.

Both look at each other, waiting on the other to make a move, to which Nightmare Moon attack first, sending a blast of magic towards him, but Nightshade lean to the left and burst into a cloud of smoke going left, appearing in a crouch and jump, turning into smoke, dodging another blast of magic, in mid-air, he twisted around, using his smoke powers and let the wind flow around him, helping dodge another blast of magic, soon he smoke dash once more down, appearing in a crouch and launch forward, when he was near, he turn to smoke, dodging a blast of magic in point blank and causing Nightmare Moon to growl in annoyance.

Nightshade soon appears behind her, leg sweeping her legs out, catching her by surprise and knocking her down and quickly punch her on the stomach, knocking the air out of her lungs an as he did that he was push by a blast of magic, causing him to grunt and crash into a wall, he pulls himself off the wall as Nightmare Moon gets up, meanwhile Twilight and Barbara were away from the fight in a safe distance.

Nightshade grunts, leaning forward and made a mad dash at the dark blue mare while she summon ethereal blue swords, sending them at him, as he watches the swords get near, he smoke dash left and right, dodging the swords as best as he could, be still got cut around his body, once he was near he let loose the chain, his smoke powers flowing through the chain and swung at the Alicorn mare, hitting her hard and causing her to stagger slightly in shock.

He saw the opening and continue his assault on the mare, swinging the chain around his body and hitting her with ease, like it was second nature to him, as he continues his onslaught, Twilight and Barbara watch in awe, seeing Nightshade fight against a Goddess and be able to push her back, as he continues to attack Nightmare Moon, she recover and caught the chain, pulling on it and dragging him towards her, to which she grab him by his throat "ENOUGH!!!!" she bellow loud at him, causing him to gasp and let go of the chain and struggle to break free.

Twilight and Barbara saw this, yelling out "NIGHTSHADE!!!" as they shout this, Twilight started to prepare a magic blast, but before she could cast the spell, she was knock back by a spell, courtesy of Nightmare Moon.

While Barbara went to check on Twilight, Nightshade saw this and lash out his hands towards her, grabbing her arms, but as he grabs her, the same feeling as before when he grab her in Town hall, the same energy started to flow into him, causing them both pain, but more to Nightshade, as visions filled his mind, memories starting to flood his mind.

Nightmare Moon/Princess Luna's Memories

As the memories play, a young female voice spoke as the memories shows an image of a young mare looking at the moon "oh Tia made the moon glow, pretty" said the young mare, soon her horn started to glow, her face full of concentration, but after a few minutes stops and looks up, seeing nothing new in the night sky, causing the mare to sigh sadly.

The memory soon change to a teen Alicorn mare running towards a running yelling out a name "Tia, Tia, Tia!!! come look, I did it, I raised the moon!!!" said the mare as she knocks on the door, on the other side was a older mare, doing a stack of paperwork and scroll, till she heard the young mare and gave a tired sigh, replying "I can't right now Lulu, am busy" she said, never noticing from the other side of the door, the young mares sadden and hurt face, her head low, till she said "okay sister" slowly turning around and walking back they way she came.

As more memories enter his mind, he saw a few of the mare casting a few spells, to reading books, practicing fighting styles and final one where she was looking at everyone out playing and having fun in the day, while they sleep during the night, it continue show that as the mare whispers quietly to herself, her voice filled with sadness "why doesn't anyone enjoy my night? why thou they sleep during my beautiful night, why?" she ask herself quietly, letting out a few tears fell, as Nightshade saw this, he started to realize why Nightmare Moon wanted to spread eternal darkness.

As the memory continues on, he started to see the jealousy in the young mares eyes to the older mare, seeing everyone enjoy the day and not her night, soon witnessing the Nightmare Moon's transformation, he continues to watch, as she went and fought the older mare, he could see the older mare having a hard time fighting Nightmare Moon, seeing that it was her sister, till he appears in the final moment, seeing Nightmare Moon over the older mare, grinning evilly at her "the night shall be everlasting, they will never see their precious little sun" she sneer at the mare, till he notice the older mare blast her and pull out one last trick, noticing that they were the Elements of Harmony.

As the older charge the spell and fire at Nightmare Moon, he saw the beam continue towards the moon, till he notice the face of Nightmare Moon printed on it and heard a whisper as the memory started to fade "am so sorry Luna, please forgive your elder sister, for being selfish and never noticing, please forgive me, please" as the whisper finishes, he suddenly appears in a dark abyss, floating around aimless as he looks around till he notice in the distance a small patch of earth?

As he looks closer he could see the young mare on her knees, crying into her hands, whispering over and over 'am sorry' or 'please forgive me Tia' and over the mare he could see Nightmare Moon looking at the mare sadly.

Back to reality

As the memories finish their was sudden burst of raw magic that cover both Nightmare Moon and Nightshade, blinding both Twilight and Barbara "what's happening!?!" yells out Barbara at Twilight as they couldn't see anything else.

With the girls

As they others continue to look for the others, a sudden noise caught their attention, following the noise they found the source at a nearby tower, as they look at it, Applejack yells out "come on yall, looks like their alright at it, we better hurry" they others nodded and quickly went down a corridor, towards the tower.

Back to the fight

As the surge of magic continues, it suddenly let out a huge burst, separating both Nightshade and Nightmare Moon away from each other, both crashing into walls, Nightshade let out a pain groan as he slowly pulls himself out from the wall, landing on his hands and knees, breathing hard, but as his vision clears, he notice a white flow of energy/magic around his arms (white for neutral till he chooses his path) causing him to get wide eyed, remembering something his aunt said 'this can't be.....did I really....?' he thought to himself till he heard a groan from the other side.

He looks over and saw Nightmare Moon getting out of the wall, glaring at him, but was slightly more soft "w...w..what have thou do? h...h...how did thou see thy memories of thy night?" she ask, slowly standing up, while also earning a confuse look from Twilight and Barbara.

Nightshade slowly started to get up, but slips slightly as he spoke "I.....I inherited my ancestors power's" he said, slowly getting up, putting his hands on his knees "though I n...never thought I get his specialty" he grunts out, fully standing up, the energy still flowing around his arms, he looks down at it, then back at Nightmare Moon seeing her charging up another spell, going wide eyed, he rolls to the side, dodging the fireball she launch.

Nightshade moves his hand forward to try and launch a spell or anything, but only a slight spark appears, making go wide eyed 'the hell!?!? I can't cast a spell?' he thought, looking up, seeing a giant ethereal sword going towards him, causing him to jump back from it.

He slowly got up and saw the anger face of Nightmare Moon "still thou fights, after seen thy memories, thou knows our reason and pain, yet thy fight, why!?!?!" she demanded as Nightshade got up, ready to fight, powers or not, he looks at her with a serious and determination on his face "cause am fighting for my friends, am fighting for Ponyville, am fighting for the world, but right now...am fighting for YOU!!!!!" he roars up without fear as a slight spark of energy flows around him, both stood there, watching each other, Nightshade looks at Nightmare Moon determined to fight for his belief of his and was gonna do it, even if it kills him.

Author's Note:

Well here's chapter 4, looks like the true nature of his powers came to light, but..........is that all? who knows, if you want to know and find out, stay tune and look out, cause this is just starting.

Also I would like to say sorry for this delay, I had a serious family/personal/university problems and I could ignore them, so I was busy this past weekend, so am sorry for the delay, but am working to recover the lost weekends and days, but please be patience with me, also once more am sorry for any bad grammar or error, once more English isn't my native tongue, but am also looking for any willingly proofreaders and co-writers, since mine either left FIMFiction or change user name, since I can't find him, so if your up to it, please pm me and we'll talk.

Well I hope you enjoy the story, remember comment/review, follow if your interesting in finding out what happens next, like if you find it awesome, favorite to show your support, till next time!