• Published 9th Aug 2014
  • 5,658 Views, 192 Comments

Equestria's Heir of Conduits - Akuma Kazama

They say they were a legend, but one survive and now his son will take his place, to show them that they were never monster they thought they were, but he'll show them, he isn't but with they choices he make's will change the course of

  • ...

Chapter 5: Conduit vs Goddess of the Night part 1 (Un-Edited)

Author's Note:

Things are heating up here, holy hell and also I would like to say sorry for this long delay on the chapter, my internet company shut down their servers for maintenance and didn't say when they would be back up, so I switch up to another company, connection is bit more faster than my old one, so I'll be able to finish my stories, also please be patience with me, I know some of you want to know what happen next, but between this internet problem and some personal one's, my time sometimes is short, but in my free time I continue to write the chapter's or add more parts, so please bear it with me and I'll bring the chapters up as fast as I can.

with that out of the way, hope you enjoy the story, remember to comment if you find any error I might have miss, if you like it, remember to show that support by liking it, favoring it and following it, so enjoy and catch ya'll later!!


Both Nightmare Moon and Nightshade looks at each other, neither one moving while on the other side, Twilight and Barbara we're looking at them, in scare for Nightshade and fearing for his life, while he just looks around quickly, never letting Nightmare Moon out of his sight.

As he looks around, his brain starts to work in overdrive 'ok, I have Delsin's power of copying other powers, so now I have magic, now the question is........HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO USE IT!?!?' he roars in his mind, thinking of any solution, while dodging Nightmare Moon's attacks, he try to call his own new magic powers, but was only able to make a spark, making him curse mentally, till an idea pop into his mind, looking down at his chain, he unwraps it from his arm and swings at Nightmare Moon, magic flow through it and to everyone's shock, a blast of magic came from the chain and towards her, causing her to make a shield, but a small crack appears on the shield, making Nightmare Moon worry and Nightshade to grin.

Nightshade ran towards Nightmare Moon, while dodging her blasts of magic, not being able to smoke dash is really bad, but the year of training he did paid off, as he dodges her attacks left and right, once he was near he lashes out at her with his chain, magic flowing through it, turning his chain into a long magic whip that he was able to use easily, but only for a short time, before being push back by a blast wave of magic from Nightmare Moon.

Nightshade flew a few feet away and recover from the blast, wrapping his chain around his arm as he slowly got up, wiping some blood of his chin, while Nightmare Moon dust herself off "impressive young stallion" she said with a mocking tone, Nightshade growls lightly, standing up, Nightmare Moon smirks darkly and summons her magic, send a bolt of lighting at him, to which he quickly dodge to the side, soon later getting up, running as he dodges more bolts of lighting.

Meanwhile both Twilight and Barbara were slowly making their way towards the elements "come one Barb" said Twilight quietly as they slowly made their way towards the elements, getting near to them.

But just before they could reach the elements, Nightmare Moon appear in front of them, her horn glowing, readying a magic bolt "and those thou think thee is going?" she ask darkly, causing both girls to freeze in fear and for Nightshade to go wide eyed, running towards them, everything started to to go in slow motion, Nightshade could feel his heart pounding into his chest as he tries to make it over in time.

As he runs towards his vision started to fade and soon replace with another scene of a young colt and filly about to get crush by a falling building and a few feet in front of him he saw, himself? He squinted his eyes a bit and went wide eyed seeing a face he only seeing in pictures 'Delsin!?!' he thought in shock, seeing the lone human conduit running to save the kids, as he ran towards them, Nightshade notice that Delsin was flowing with magic or more specific around his feet, just as Nightshade blink, he was gone in a flash, as if Delsin just teleported, seeing him grabbing the foals and soon once more flashing away from the falling building.

As the memory fades, Nightshade could hear Delsin's voice as he saw the move "Flash Step" as that was said, his vision got to normal and saw himself still running towards Twilight and Barbara, as new information enter his brain, as that happen, on instinct he was channeling magic on to his feet.

Soon Nightshade felt it as he flash in front of them, arms spread out as he took the magic blast straight on, protecting Twilight and Barbara, soon time continues on, as Nightshade was sent flying into a wall, getting Twilight and Barbara to go wide eyed "NIGHTSHADE!!!" both yell in shock and fear while Nightmare Moon was slightly impressive, but was smirking nonetheless.

Nightmare Moon then turns towards them, her smirk still in place and charges her magic once more, but before she could react, there was another flash and suddenly Nightshade appears in front of her, delivering a strong punch to her stomach, knocking the air out her lungs and pushing her away from them with a magic enhance punch. Nightmare Moon was send flying a few feet till she use her wings to stop herself from crashing, holding her stomach in slight pain as she stares at Nightshade shock, as he stands there, arm stretch out cause the punch, his front torso was slightly burn cause of the magic blast, but overall was fine, although panting slightly heavy.

Nightmare Moon growls, charging her magic once more while Nightshade tense his legs and suddenly vanish in a flash of light, appearing in front of her, shocking the three girls once more, taking the chance, he started delivering a serious of punches at Nightmare Moon, pushing her bit back, but when he was about to deliver a right hook, she grab his punch, twist it around and knee him in the stomach, knocking the air out of him and soon started to swing him around, launching him into a wall as she fires a blast of concentration of magic, pushing him a bit more into the wall.

With a grunt, Nightshade push himself off the wall, falling to his hands and knees to the ground, his clothes dirty and cut in a few places, blood slightly seeping from his head, mouth and a few cuts on his body as he slowly stands up.

Nightmare Moon narrow her eyes at him and said "why those thou keep fighting us? Thee will perish by our hands and thou know's it" as she said that Nightshade stood up fully, breathing heavily.

He lifts up his head, causing her to slightly gasp and unconscionably take a step back, his eyes were glowing white (neutral in karma for his magic) as he slowly starts walking towards her "like I said, am fighting not for me, am fighting for my friends, for Ponyville and like before for YOU!!!" he roars at the end as a burst of magic as it wraps around him, slowly healing his wounds, only slightly.

Once it was slightly heal as his head snaps towards her direction and suddenly vanish in a bright flash, but before she could react, Nightmare Moon hunch over as a fist impacted into her stomach, knocking the air out of her lungs, she only caught a glimpse of white glowing eyes before a kick hit her to the side of her stomach, launching her into a wall, shocking Twilight and Barbara at his new found strength and power.

Nightshade soon vanish once more, using Flash Step to reach Nightmare Moon, when he was near, he lets his chain loose and wraps it around both of Nightmare Moons leg, and before she could react, he pulls the chain, dragging her with it, smashing her and dragging her around the room, till he let her go and send her flying to the other side of the room "give up Nightmare Moon and let us free you from that darkness!" he yells out at her as he watches her slowly get up, magic flowing around her, healing her up, as her mane cover her eyes, but suddenly magic burst out from her body as her face snaps up, showing an angry snarl directed at Nightshade.

As she looks at him, she snarls and shouted (Royal Canterlot Voice) "WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS, THOU SHALL DIE FOR THY MEDDLING!!!" she shouts as more magic came from her, as this happen Nightshade got ready for the worse as he slightly gulps and could only think one thing 'oh shit' was all he thought as he prepare himself for the worse, but suddenly heard running looks to his left seeing Barbara standing beside him, taking a fighting stance as well, causing him to go wide eyed and before he could say anything, he heard movement to his right and saw Twilight also getting into a fighting stance, even thought it was a sloppy one, he looks into their eyes could only see their determination.

With a sigh, he looks over to Nightmare Moon as a smirk slowly forms on his face, both side's getting ready to fight, but neither notice the elements giving of a slight glow.