• Published 19th Sep 2014
  • 2,618 Views, 19 Comments

The Adventures Of Tia & Woona - StevieBond

Celestia and Luna get up to a lot of fun whilst learning to become the Princesses of Equestria

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Princess Of The Sun

Two thousand years ago in Bethlehem...oh pony feathers, barely five seconds in and already I mess up.

Let me start again...ahem!

Two thousand years ago in Equestria, long before the reigns of Celestia and Luna were a possibility, there lived two Alicorns who bore all the powers beyond anypony's imagination, they were the original founders and the first born leaders of the world. They were known as King Cosmos and Queen Galaxia.

With their powers combined, they had whatever it took to create and rule the world of Equestria which they named after the birth of time. When Cosmos and Galaxia took the reign, they set to make it a world of where harmony, peace, love and friendship would be existent as often as possible.

"Look Cosmos, isn't our vision of the world coming to light in front of us?" Galaxia asked as they began to work designing the castle by the big mountain in the centre of the world they would call Canterlot.

"Yes my dear Galaxia." Cosmos replied with a smile, "This world will always stand tall with all the powers of good roaming the lands as they show off the beauty of the day and the night...like how radiant you are today."

Galaxia smiled back at him, "You were born to be a charmer, but I am proud to be with you as my loyal husband."

However, it wasn't always fine and dandy when settling the world when the creation was done. As time went by, it was no longer a world of just ponies, other animal forms arrived into the world featuring griffins, dragons and in some cases, zebras.

Of course, bringing them all together in harmony was not simple, it took time with a few rough moments dealt with, such as the one evening when the ponies themselves did not live in actual harmony with there being friction between the earth ponies, pegasuses and unicorns and it took all their might to bring them together which became Heart's Warming Eve.

However, negotiations with the other animal lifeforms took much longer, especially when a war broke out between the ponies and the griffins, but eventually, an treaty was made between all lifeforms and so for a long while, Equestria began to live peacefully with the main centre of the world focused on the castle in Canterlot where the King and Queen ruled for Five Centuries which during that time, many cities around the land were founded, with Cloudsdale and Canterlot being the most popular places.

The roles were perfectly suited to them, Galaxia took charge of raising and lowering the sun whilst Cosmos took pride in the responsibility of doing the same with the moon so they could bring forth day and night for their subjects in order to have the circle of life travel forever.

During that time, the King and Queen had grown more proud of their marriage, but they knew that they couldn't rule Equestria forever and would have to pass on the leadership. So agreeing to a special night in the castle, they kinda...got busy...if you catch my meaning.

When it was confirmed that Queen Galaxia was pregnant with Cosmos's foal, they shared an emotional moment of love and happiness, believing that their foal would one day be given the leadership to rule Equestria and to help raise and lower the sun.

"Galaxia my darling, are you well?" Cosmos asked the day after their announcement to Equestria.

"Of course and I know you'll be with me when our dear and loving foal arrives." she replied back before sharing a kiss with him.

The months then passed along by with order and peace, along with increased but reasonable discipline issued throughout the world...until the one blessed day when Galaxia went into labour with Cosmos by her side and were rushed to the finest hospital in Canterlot, hoping the delivery of the first born princess would be a success.

The process took a while as Cosmos waited outside the room, along with several other ponies who all had different issues, but hey, this is about the princesses, not some random background ponies who can pop up from nowhere...I'm watching you, Pinkie.

Shortly, a door opened and out came a doctor, no it wasn't Doctor Whooves, just a normal doctor and walked over to Cosmos with a gentle smile.

"Our royal king, you may see your wife now and your new born foal." he said calmly.

Cosmos then followed the doctor into one of the patient rooms to see his wife Galaxia looking a little messed up in her mane, but she smiled when Cosmos walked in to see her.

"Cosmos, my darling...it's a filly." she said in an almost tired manner as he walked over towards her side to see the newborn foal she was holding.

"It is what we both wanted...she is a beautiful one, my love." he replied as he kissed her.

"What should we call her?"

Cosmos didn't need to ponder over it, he already had one in mind, "We shall call her Celestia and she'll be the Princess who will bring forth the sun as it will be her upcoming duty."

"A wonderful name my dear husband..."

They then got close and held their newborn filly Celestia with their focus away from the outside world, knowing the times ahead would be all they wanted to be...most of the time.


It was a clear and bright morning over in Equestria with no raincloud in sight, until it was pointed out that the machines at Cloudsdale had broken down and needed to be repaired before any light clouds could be made to move across the blue sky.

Over in the Canterlot Castle, Celestia or Tia as she was called in her early years was sleeping away in her little cot that screamed royalty designed all over it. She had just about all of what she needed in order to keep her protected from her nightmares, thanks to her father's magic of the night.

Cosmos who had to work all through the night joined his wife in their bed with their baby sleeping area in the corner of the room, whilst Galaxia woke up and began to start her day with Tia by her side. She kissed her husband before she got out of bed and walked over to Tia who had just woken up and blew a raspberry right off the bat.

"Well, good morning my sweet Tia." Galaxia said to her, "Did you sleep well?"

Tia of course couldn't reply as it was far too early for her to say a word yet, so she replied in her baby talk.

"I am pleased, your father and I love you very much and we'll always be there for you."

Tia then held her hooves out with a concerned look or sorts and moved her backlegs in the air.

"Looks like somepony wants to have...what do they call it, dear?" she asked her husband.

"Upsies, according to one of our subjects...zzzzz." Cosmos replied before going back to sleep.

"My darling, you've been working a lot...come on Tia, it's time for you to look around our family's kingdom."

Galaxia then picked up and cradled Tia into her hooves before noticing a weird smell around her.

"Somepony needs a diaper change...let's get you out of here before your father notices your royal stench!"

Galaxia took Tia out of their bedroom and down the hallway to one of the changing rooms beside the huge bathroom, she disposed of the dirty diaper and placed a clean one on Tia, with a sprinkle of baby powder she was all clean again. The Queen took her out of the changing room and walked into the throne room to start her normal day of ruling over the lands in the daytime with Tia being carried and moved around by the Queen's magic.

Tia was cheering and giggling away, enjoying being moved around and floating up for a while.

"You are so adorable, Tia...I love you, my sweet filly." she sighed as she brought her closer to her hooves and held her as Tia cuddled her Mother before she sat on her throne chair and beginning to write a few notes on a scroll.

The days flew on by since then before the days turned into weeks and then into months as Tia began to grow up and learning more of her surroundings, whilst her mother and father carried on with their royal leadership but never hesitate to show their love to Tia.

When she was in her filly hood, she began to take her first lessons about learning and using magic, which is where the original magician of the world who learnt all the magic through books came in. He was known as Starswirl The Bearded and because of Tia being apart of the family, she was home-schooled by the magician, but her first day wasn't exactly perfect as they got underway with the first session in the study room.

"Okay Celestia, as I must call you, what can you tell me about unicorn magic?" Starswirl asked.

"Oh, oh, oh, it's magic...you know." she replied.

"Yes, but when do unicorns and alicorns start using their magic?"

"When they have magic surges that come and go?"

"That is correct cause it only happens when baby unicorns and alicorns have them, although the magic surges disappear completely as you age in time and therefore must learn to start using magic with proper care and attention if needed." he then walked over to a table to show a few items on display. "Now, why don't try using your magic to raise these objects, starting with the lightest."

Tia looked closer to see a brush, a small mirror and a bucket full of water.

"Now, to use your magic, try to get your horn to glow so it's ready."

Tia did so as she focused and soon, she had a gold coloured aura around her horn.

"Good, now you're ready to use magic, try to lift the brush first."

Tia concentrated by looking at the brush and then began to lift it with her magic, very slowly.

"Very good Tia, now put the brush down and move on to this mirror...and try not to break it if you want to spare yourself seven years of bad luck." Starswirl advised.

Tia then put the brush down and then focused her magic on carrying up the mirror and placing it gently on another table.

"You're doing very well, Tia, you're learning quick. I'm sure you'll become a powerful alicorn with magic soon...now for the third part of this session. Try to lift up that bucket of water from that table, above my head and over to the other side of my desk."

Tia did exactly that, but just as she had the bucket above Starswirl's head...

"Ah-choo!" she sneezed, causing her to lose focus.

The bucket went smack on his head, covered in water...he was not only seeing stars literally, he was also soaked and looking displeased.

"Umm, oops..." Tia said, trying to play innocent.

"Bless you, Tia...and not to worry, nopony is perfect on their first day." he replied as he took off the bucket and his hat in total embarrassment.

Eventually though as the weeks went on, she became more confident in using magic and the King and Queen could only watch with pride, seeing their daughter growing up with magic quite quickly.

It was then on one fateful night where it was almost time for the sun to be raised, but Galaxia thought it would be time for Tia to take over the duty of raising the Sun for the first time. The family were on the clear hills far away from the castle, as they looked on the horizon of where the moon was about to be lowered to make way for the sun.

"What are we doing out here, mother?" Tia asked.

"I'm going to teach you how to raise the sun and once you do that, you'll be able to lower the sun to make way for the moon." Galaxia replied.

"But why me, mother?"

"It's because your father and I although we love you so much and take pride at how we rule, we can''t keep on ruling Equestria forever and that one day, you'll be the next ruler of peace and harmony."

"Me the next ruler?"

"They say that the leadership of the kingdom comes first and families second, but showing this with no regard to feelings would only lead to sadness, anger, hate and darkness. We can never allow that to happen." Galaxia explained.

"Is that why you show much love to me and all the other ponies?"

"Yes my dear child, it is important to stand firm and rule over the kingdom with discipline but within reason."

Tia looked back at the night view, thinking that at her age would she be ready to take on a role that important.

"Now, it is time for you to learn to raise the sun and take your first step towards your destiny." Cosmos said.

"Umm, okay..." Tia replied who wasn't sure.

She then got into position as her mother stood behind her for guidance and support.

"Just relax and remember what I and Starswirl taught you, Tia, you must concentrate." Galaxia encouraged.

Tia then lit up her horn and began to use her magic to start raising the sun as her Father lowered the moon at the same time, it took a strain on Tia at first to get it going and it looked like she would not be able to do so.

"No, I won't stop Mother." Tia panted, "I don't know if I really can, but I will try again."

"You can do this Tia, we believe in you, just believe in your power." Cosmos assured.

Tia then tried again and focused even harder with her magic, suddenly, the sun began to rise beyond the horizon but Tia kept going and before they knew it, the sun was now up in the sky and showed off a clear day.

"I did it...look, Mother, Father...I did it...just like I said I would..." Tia panted before she fell backwards in exhaustion.

The parents picked her up and held her together, before they noticed a small bright light appearing on both sides of Tia's flank, it showed an image of the sun, the parents could only share a moment of silence with happiness.

"I am so proud of her, my darling...she is precious." Galaxia said.

"Yes my dear, this was her first time, but someday, she will get used to her new role." Cosmos replied, before he pondered about something, "But we do need another alicorn who can watch over the night and have the burden of raising the moon."

"I agree, but where can we find another pony so powerful to have that responsibility?"

"We don't need to search, don't forget, I am the master of love."

"My dear!" Galaxia giggled, "Not in front of our daughter, she's sleeping."

"My apologies my love, let's go home and carry the conversation further."

Galaxia nodded in agreement as they put sleeping Tia on Cosmos's back and her firmly secure before they flew up and returned to the castle.

After debating it a bit more, they agreed that another foal would be the solution to have a powerful alicorn who can bring forth the night with the moon, but this time in advance, they had a name ready and agreed on for their second foal....they hoped it to be another filly.

With no more time wasted, the power of love took over them and shared a night of complete romance...

And here is where the main part of the story begins...now can somepony get me a drink around here before I pass out and not telling the reader what happens next? I mean seriously...ahem! Umm, apologies reader, I suffer from severe fourth wall breaking habits, which is what Pinkie Pie calls it.

Author's Note:

A free cookie will be awarded if someone is able to spot the song reference here. ;)