• Published 19th Sep 2014
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The Adventures Of Tia & Woona - StevieBond

Celestia and Luna get up to a lot of fun whilst learning to become the Princesses of Equestria

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The Canterlot Carnival

In the days that followed, Tia and Woona found out about the upcoming carnival by themselves when a poster outside the castle wall was shown by the entrance with several more around the town of Canterlot. All the ponies around the town were beginning to fill up with excitement and since it would be a once in a lifetime event, it would be one carnival nopony could to afford to miss...well, almost nopony.

When it was the morning of the carnival, Bond was the first to wake up before the royal family were, the carnival was about to start around 10:00am and finish by 3:00pm. It was thirty minutes before it was due to start when Bond was in the kitchen, he had just had what he called a brunch meal, when he heard Tia and Woona walk in and Woona was feeling excited about it.

"I can't believe the carnival is here, I'm so excited for it!" Woona exclaimed.

"So am I, Mother says that it's a once in a lifetime event." Tia added.

Bond was almost tempted to tell Woona the truth beforehand, but not only could he not find it in his heart to do so, he would also be breaking his promise of keeping it a secret until Woona learnt the reality of being a Princess of the Night forever herself.

"That's...good to know." was all he could reply, feeling a little down.

"Is something wrong?" Tia asked.

Bond quickly thought of a good answer to change the subject. "Well...there is, I just wish that I could get back to my own timeline soon."

"Well, I'm sure Starswirl is working as much as he can to make that happen."

Just then, the parents walked in.

"Morning children." Cosmos said before he looked at Bond who put on a smile, "And morning to you, Bond."

"Morning father." Tia and Woona replied.

"So Tia, are you looking forward to your first appearance at the carnival in Canterlot?" Galaxia asked.

"Yes mother, it's gonna be fun." Tia answered.

"Yay! Carnival!" Woona added with happiness.

"Umm...Woona, isn't it supposed to be your bedtime?" Bond asked.

"Bedtime? But I wanna go too."

"You can't Woona, we went over this twice before." Cosmos replied, "Your mother and I know you're still young, but you're a princess of the night and you must sleep during the day so you can raise the moon at night."

"But...but..." Woona protested who suddenly lost her smile.

"I'm sorry, but duties first, families second as we said before." Galaxia said.

"But I will get you a bag of doughnuts from the carnival when we come back." Tia added.

"Oh...okay, thank you, Tia." Woona sniffed before she left the kitchen and galloped out of the room in tears.

Bond felt really sorry for her and so did Tia, but there was nothing they could do to change the King and Queen's minds.

"She'll be alright, Tia, she still needs to learn to accept the change and adapt to it." Cosmos assured.

"More like fill her heart with darkness." Bond muttered.

"Bond, are you coming as well?" Galaxia asked.

"If you don't mind, I'll stay here and keep an eye on Woona, just in case she tries to sneak out."

"Good thinking, Bond. We'll be gone for a long amount of hours, but we'll be back by late afternoon." Cosmos responded. "Come on, Tia...let's get going."

"Okay Father." Tia replied.

Soon Galaxia, Cosmos and Tia then left the kitchen and out of the castle as they walked on their way to the carnival down at the Canterlot town, whilst Bond went to the sister's bedroom to check up on Woona.

He knocked on the door slightly.

"Woona, are you alright?" Bond asked. "It's only me."

There was no reply, he opened the door quietly and looked inside...the whole room empty, minus a window opened.

"Oh no!" he exclaimed, "Woona must gone out through the window and flew away...I gotta find her quick before her parents find out."

Bond then thought she must've went to the carnival on her own by flying, so he flew out through the window and looked around for Woona, turning his head into all directions until he looked down and then along the green fields to spot Woona among the flowerbed.

Woona then noticed a butterfly and got curious about it before loads more butterflies came fluttering around her and then as if by magic, they began to pick up Woona by the tail and mane and she was being flown away with no chance of being able to break free of their hold. Bond then thought that the King and Queen must've planned this in advance by having the creatures magically enforce the rule of Woona's bedtime.

"NOOOOO!" Woona yelled as she began to cry again.

"Sorry Cosmos and Galaxia, but I have to disobey this one." Bond said to himself as he zoomed through the butterflies, knocking them off balance which allowed Woona to be free and flew towards Bond and hugged him, looking for protection.

The butterflies regrouped and began to try and grab Woona, but Bond put up a shield around him, preventing them from getting closer. Bond along with Woona then flew far, far away from the castle and out of Canterlot to a safe empty ground.

Bond landed down and Woona got off his back, she was glad that Bond came to rescue her, but she still felt sad about what she was told earlier and began to sniff, trying to not cry again.

"Oh Woona, I'm so sorry to see the day you're having...I want them to change their minds, I really do, but I cannot do that as I am sure their magic exceeds way past mine." Bond said with sadness.

"It's not your fault, Bond." Woona replied as she wiped her tears away, "I'm still young and I only want to have fun at the carnival...I wish it was during the night as well."

Bond then smiled as he believe this was the time to tell her something.

"Actually Woona...about that, I don't think your parents were told about that small print that were in the posters." Bond said.

Woona then perked up, "What do you mean?"

"Well, a week ago before the carnival, I wrote a letter and gave it to the pony who is in charge of the whole carnival event and I asked him to do a big favor."

"What did you do?"

"Asked him to put on the carnival show through the night as well as the day so that you could go to it when you raise the moon and he said he would be willing to do that on one condition." Bond then sighed in embarrassment, "I have to do a guilty pleasure performance of my choosing."

Woona suddenly jumped up and hugged Bond.

"Oh my gosh! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" she yelled happily.

"You're very much welcome, although I'm not looking forward to embarrassing myself."

"But you'll do the performance for me, won't you?"

"Of course."

Bond and Woona flew back to the castle and when they were inside, Woona went straight to the sisters bedroom and closed the window before she went to sleep, as for Bond, he went back to his tower room as he began to rehearse his soon to be embarrassing performance.

Many hours later and the rest of the royal family were back at the castle, just in time for dinner as well. Bond was already down at the kitchen, thinking of his upcoming night performance when Galaxia and Cosmos came in.

"Bond, may we have a word with you before dinner, please?" Galaxia asked.

"Sure, what is it?" Bond responded.

"Well, first of all...is Woona alright?" Cosmos asked.

"Yes, I checked up on her. She was upset and was crying a little, but after I talked to her, she cheered up slightly before going to bed."

"I guess that is something." Galaxia said, "Secondly, when we were at the carnival, one of the ponies said that the carnival was going to last through the night as well which surprised us."

"Which then got us thinking, after Woona wakes up and raises the moon, she can go to the carnival event. Looks like she will be able to enjoy the once in a lifetime event after all." Cosmos added.

"That terrific news." Bond replied with a genuine tone so as to keep the real reason a secret.

It was then dinner time and the whole family were around the table, nomming away. Bond had left the castle to go to the carnival so that he could get ready for his night time performance. Galaxia and Tia who had already been to the carnival, said they weren't going as they needed sleep. So Cosmos was the only pony available to be with Woona and through all of it, Woona promised to keep it all a secret until the performance.

Later that evening, after Woona woke up and had her dinner, she went outside to raise the moon and did it in a matter of seconds. She was now resting after doing so when Cosmos came outside.

"Come on Woona, it's time for the night-time carnival, I hope you're looking forward to it now." Cosmos said as he walked outside the castle towards her.

"I am father, I'm just happy that I'll get to be there...but to also have a member of my family with me." Woona replied.

The king smiled back and hugged his little daughter as they walked to Canterlot to see the carnival show, which was about to start.

"So who's opening the night event?" one pony said.

"Well apparently, some magic pony who claims this is to be a guilty pleasure." another one replied.

Soon, the lights on the stage dimmed and the curtains opened to see a mare who was standing behind a mic on the right side of the stage, with a shadow of a familiar alicorn behind it who was standing on his two backlegs. Just then, music began to play and the performance was under way.

When the performance was over, he was treated to huge cheers from the crowd. Bond was relived that the performance was over, he saw Woona with her father and waved at her and she waved back.

Soon, the carnival was finally finished and since it was a once in a lifetime event, it would never return again...well until Ponyville came along and changed all that, but that's not for this timeline, okay?

Cosmos and Woona were enjoying the night time, there was no need for words as they continued to look at the stars in the night sky as they shared a father and daughter hug. Bond watched over from the tower room and smiled with a feeling of being proud that he was able to save Woona from having a sad and lonely heart.

Bond then walked into his room and got under the duvet covers and fell asleep, he was very tired after doing all that dancing and rapping, but he forgot about the embarrassment as it was well worth it in the end. However, he was still concerned about getting back to his own timeline, but he would have to wait for now and hope for the best...

Author's Note:

There was no other way for Bond to do something that's terrible but funny than that. :P