• Published 19th Sep 2014
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The Adventures Of Tia & Woona - StevieBond

Celestia and Luna get up to a lot of fun whilst learning to become the Princesses of Equestria

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Bond's First Week

Tia and Woona were writing down what they learnt today and it was Woona's turn to write it all down.

"Dear dairy...jackpot!" Woona joked before she spoke seriously, "I mean, my elder sister and I learnt that it is wrong to disobey orders from grown ups, because if we don't behave, we won't learn to become better ponies, or in our cases, princesses."

"Agreed little sister." Tia nodded.

Just then, they heard the door open and looked to see thier parents looking a little better and smiling.

"Children, we have news for you." Cosmos announced.

"We have found a guardian that is ideal for you to look after for us" Galaxia said.

Bond Racer then walked in and saw the two of them looking at him.

"Hey-hey-hey, kids!" Bond greeted.

"Wait a minute, he's got wings and a horn?" Tia asked.

"Yes, he is an alicorn and he's going to be making sure you two behave well before the day of your time to rule arrives." Cosmos replied.

"Bond, we'll have a room prepared for your stay in one of our room towers." Galaxia added as she left the room.

"Cool, how's the room service?" Bond asked.

"It will be far beyond the privileges our daughters have." Cosmos replied, before looking at Tia and Woona, "Now children, be nice to your guardian while he makes himself at home."

Cosmos then left the room, leaving Bond with Tia and Woona.

"So kids, ready to have your rebelling world turned upside down?" he asked with a goofy expression.

"Nuh-uh! We'll never surrender to you, mister." Woona exclaimed.

"Hold on sister, I wanna know more about this alicorn." Tia intervened.

"Well, at least somepony is willing to know more about me than my name and pony type." Bond boasted.

Woona moaned as she walked to another part of her room towards her toys.

"Yes...so how did you become an alicorn?" Tia asked him.

"Why it's simple...I was born as an alicorn, no strings attached." Bond replied.

"Does that mean you're a puppet?"

"No, no, it's an expression. It means I was born just like any other pony. Maybe it was a blessing or something, I can't really tell."

"So, how did Mother and Father found you?"

"Well, what I'm about to tell you both will shock you, but you must keep it a secret."

"Secrets are for babies." Woona said from across the room.

"And from what your parents have told me, that's pretty rich coming from you." Bond retorted as he looked at Woona.


Bond turned his attention back to Tia, "Anyways, the secret is this...I'm not from around here. In fact, I'm not from the same timeline."

"What, I don't understand." she said with a confused expression.

"I come from the future of Equestria and it's not exactly perfect, but it's 'peaceful' enough."

"The future?"

"Yes, I was with Twi-err I mean I was with a few unicorns, working on the latest magic experiment, when a time spell went horribly wrong and it created a portal that sucked me into it and before I knew it, I fell out of the portal and landed on one of the castle towers where you parents were."

Woona then put her toys away and walked towards Bond.

"What's a portal?" Woona asked.

"Well, let's just say that I was supposed to gone back a thousand years from the future, but it appears that I went back five extra centuries as well in order to stop something terrible from happening."

"Does something bad happen a thousand and five hundred years from now?" Tia gasped.

"Yes...but you're going to have to wait to know what it is until it arrives...it's all I can tell you. Now I think it's bedtime for both of you.".

"Awww, but I wanna stay up." Woona moaned, "I'm the princess of the night after all."

"Not yet Woona...and you know, I think someday, you're gonna drive me and everypony else crazy." he added.

"So crazy that one day you'll turn into an evil chaotic spirit and wreak havoc all across Equestria, causing Tia and I to turn you into stone for a thousand years?"

Tia and Bond could only shorten thier eye pupils at what Woona just said...was Pinkie Pie around at the time?

"What the...I just don't even...ugh, whatever!" Bond sighed, "Let's just call it a night and I'll come back here to watch over you tomorrow after breakfast, okay?"

"Okie dokie." Woona replied.

"Have a good night, Bond." Tia added.

"Goodnight to you both, see you in the morning."

Bond then left their bedroom with a headache and a dumbfounded expression, looks like his first few days with the young fillies would be an uphill challenge for the time being.

In the days that followed, Bond Racer began to learn a little more about what Equestria was like back in those days and how the King and Queen ruled with force but gently. He also learnt that their daughters would one day take over the ruler-ship, starting with Tia who already had a taste of learning to raise and lower the sun and Woona who has yet to learn how to raise and lower the moon. He had also got to know their magic tutor, Starswirl and had some advice for Bond, based on his moments with the fillies.

On Bond's fourth day, he was watching over Tia and Woona as they were learning to use magic with a small tub of ice cream.

"Now remember Celestia and Luna, frozen foods melt easily at warm temperature." Starswirl explained, "You must learn to use magic and solve it in a short space of time."

He then opened up the lid and then brought out the ice cream from the tub with his magic and used a freeze spell on it.

"Alright, now we must learn the next spell and that is to increase or reduce the size of any object...watch carefully."

Starswirl then used his magic on the frozen shielded ice cream and soon the pile began to grow in size and got big, whilst the rest of us looked on, Bond was quite surprised to see how well mastered the spells were long before the future rolled by. The frozen ice-cream then grew smaller and back to normal size before it was put back in the small tub.

"See, it can be simple once you learn to use it and control it. Now why don't you two use your combined magic to perform the same steps as I did....be careful and don't try to make a mess, I still haven't forgotten about what happened to my cloak being set on fire."

Tia and Woona began to get their magic going as they lifted up the ice cream out of the tub and had it floating in the air, they then attempted to put a freeze spell on it which pleased Starswirl. But as always, something went wrong at that moment, they tried to increase the size of the ice cream, but they increased it too much and soon it became a little unstable to control. The freeze shield then broke and the ice cream covered most of Starswirl under it.

Bond saw what happened when he looked from the corner, he saw the two fillies looking worried, knowing that they were now in trouble again.

"That does it!" Starswirl yelled, "You are in serious trouble...allow me to call your guardian over."

"You don't have to, I'm already here." Bond replied as he walked over towards the fillies and Starswirl. "You two should be ashamed of yourselves..." he then paused before he pulled out a sweet sprinkler and sprinkled decoration on top of Starswirl. "...you forgot the sprinkles."

"UGH! Not you too!"

Tia and Woona burst out laughing, it seems that if a chance arises, Bond Racer can be humorous too

Later that evening, Bond, Tia and Woona were out in the Canterlot Gardens, but had a hard time watching over the little animals as after the sun went down by Galaxia, there was no moon rising up, they pondered why it wasn't happening when Cosmos came on by.

"Woona, it is time...come with me, please." Cosmos said as he began walking away.

Woona then followed him from the gardens, through the castle and out onto the field overlooking the hills. It was somewhat pitch black in the sky, as if a huge light was switched off that covered the room.

"Woona, your mother and I believe that it is time for you to learn your one responsibility that you must uphold for eternity." Cosmos said to her.

"What is it father, is it the moon?" Woona asked.

"Yes my little one, Tia is going to be the ruler of the daytime someday whilst you have the role of ruling over the night-time...tonight will be your first attempt at raising the moon, I will be here to guide you. But I must let you know now as this is very serious, once you learn it, I expect to see your cutiemark appearing, just like the one your sister has."

"So that's what the picture of the sun on hers is called, a cutie mark."

"Yes, it appears when a pony does something that is meant to be as their destiny, we all have a destiny when we are born and the day we find our cutie mark happens when we discover our own unique talent and we accept for all time."

"I understand, father."

"Good, now as you can see, the whole view around us is completely dark. Your mother has already lowered the sun and we're all waiting for the moon to be raised, but tonight, it must be you who brings forth the night. Do you understand?"

"I guess so..."

"Then we may begin...start by preparing your magic."

Woona began to concentrate as she closed her eyes and created a glowing aura around her horn in light blue.

"Good, now...focus all your magic and energy on the moon and stay focused at all times."

Cosmos then stood back and watched as Woona began to use her magic to lift the moon...but a few seconds in and already, the required strength of magic was beginning to strain on Woona, the moon was beginning appear from beyond the horizon. However, the moon was not able to be raised upwards as Woona had ran out of her magic energy.

She then fainted backwards and panted in almost exhaustion, she slowly got up and felt sad that she couldn't raise it...her father sighed before he used his magic to raise the moon and he made it look effortless as he raised it up to the sky in seconds.

"I'm...I'm sorry Father...I couldn't do it, I really tried and wanted to, so badly." Woona said as she looked at her father with a sad expression.

"It's alright Woona...nopony is perfect at doing something for the first time, even I wasn't a perfect alicorn when I had the task to raise the moon." he assured, "But from now on every night, I need you to keep trying. When your Mother lowers the sun, I will bring you outside of the castle so you can look at the horizon and then, raise the moon to begin the night."

"Okay father, I promise...I'll try and try again."

"That's my little daughter..." Cosmos said as he smiled and stroked Woona by the head. "...now let's go inside, you need your sleep after your first attempt."

Woona nodded as they walked back into the castle with the moon, shining all across through the night, watched over by the King.

The next day arrived and luckily for the two fillies, it was the beginning of the weekend, so they had no lectures today, but they still had a lot to learn on growing up. The two sisters enjoyed their day out in the fields away from the castle whilst Bond as always was there to keep an eye on them.

When it was the beginning of sundown, Woona already left the sisters room and began to walk out of the castle, but she wasn't alone as Bond trotted along beside her. They were now on the green pasture overlooking the horizon and Cosmos showed up from behind them.

"Good evening Bond, I didn't expect you to be outdoors during the night." Cosmos said to him.

"To be honest...I was bored, so I decided to find out why Woona was doing here, sitting outside." Bond replied.

Cosmos then noticed his daughter, "Ohhh, I see you're already in position to try again?"

"Yes father, I've saved all of my energy and magic today by reading and this time, I'm gonna do it!" Woona replied with determination.

"Commendable spirit, Woona, but we'll see if your second attempt will prove that claim."

"Pardon me if I may interrupt, but are you sure you can do I this time?" Bond asked Woona.

"Of course I'm ready." she replied.

"Well if you want, I could try to get it started for you..."

"Wait...you can't do that, Bond. I have to do it on my own...but you can give me support just in case."

"Alright...I'll just stand where I am at the moment."

Woona said no more as she closed her eyes and got her magic aura going. Then with all of her might, she began to raise the moon and at first, she was struggling whilst Cosmos and Bond looked on.

"Wow...this is really tense." Bond commented as he suddenly had a box of popcorn, "Popcorn?" he asked Cosmos.

The King could only look back, confused and shaking his head.

Woona wasn't distracted as she carried on, raising the moon and sure enough, she began to stand on her backlegs and raised her forelegs, focusing on the moon that began to rise upwards.

"Come on, Woona! You can do it!" Bond encouraged. "Ooof, ooof, ooof!" he added waving his forelegs like a fan at a rodeo.

Woona stayed focused on her second attempt before she finally had the moon raised high enough to cause all the starts to appear across the night sky and the moonlight shone down to the land.

Woona then slightly tumbled forwards as she laid in exhaustion again.

"Father...is it there?" she asked as she tried to get up.

"Yes my little one, it's up there and all for everypony to see. You have raised the moon successfully and look." Cosmos replied as she pointed to a small light shining around Woona's flank which then a black bubble could with a pale moon appeared.

"I did it! I raised the moon and got my cutiemark!"

"Oh, did you?" Bond asked with a grin, "I wasn't looking."


"Just messing with you...I saw all of it...I never knew you could pull it off at your age, that was incredible!"

"Yes...I am very proud of you tonight, Woona. Your mother and sister will be delighted to hear of this wonderful news." Cosmos added.

"But now, I think it's time we called it a night as I'm sure there'll be time to talk about some possible changes." Bond suggested.

"Agreed...let's go to bed, Woona...have a long rest until the morning, you have earned it."

"Okay, father." Woona replied.

Cosmos, Woona and Bond all went back to the castle when Galaxia and Tia heard about the news and they were very happy and proud too. But somewhere down the line, Tia and Woona are gonna find out that earning their cutie marks doesn't mean it's over, as Cosmos and Galaxia will be talking about it very soon.

But for now, the royal family can sleep well after that night's wonderful moment.