• Published 19th Sep 2014
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The Adventures Of Tia & Woona - StevieBond

Celestia and Luna get up to a lot of fun whilst learning to become the Princesses of Equestria

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Her Name Is Woona, She Was A Rebel

The procedure on thier second born foal wasn't as bad this time since Cosmos and Galaxia had gone through this before, however the moans and screams were just as loud for poor Cosmos and Tia as well, since she had to still be with them for the time being.

Inside the hospital, Cosmos and Tia were in the waiting room, hoping that Galaxia would be able to cope with the same process as before. They couldn't twiddle their thumbs as they had hooves, not hands obviously, but as Cosmos looked up at the ceiling, Tia looked around the hospital to notice that not everything was as a normal hospital would be.

The first thing she noticed was there was an innocent lion walking from the ward room to another hallway, not tempting to eat anypony since it had a cone around it's head.

"ROAR! How can I get back to eating with this cone around me?" The lion moaned at the unicorn nurses, "I look like a victrola."

"What a great idea, then we wouldn't have to listen to you complain." one of them replied before using her magic to change the lion's expression and started playing some old jazz music which made the mares dance around the lion.

Tia looked back with a confused expression, he turned her head to another part of her view to see a depressed pony coming out of a room with a doctor.

"So in summary, it's nothing serious." The doctor said to him, " just lay off the chilli and you'll be fine."

Then, a pony beside them laughed.

"Don't you laugh, moron, I've been in the taxi with you!" the depressed pony retorted.

Both of them then left the hospital as the doctor went to the reception office.

As if that wasn't odd enough, she saw a lifeform never seen before, but it was singing "Like A Surgeon" over and over again down the hallway...wait, how did that even get here...I bet Pinkie went back in time and wanted to try something new.

"Father..." Tia asked Cosmos, "...why is this hospital behaving differently?"

"Well you see Tia...umm, in this world, not everything is straightforward..." he replied sheepishly, " ...and sometimes, you just gotta take the strange sides with normality and accept it when you rule the kingdom."

"Will I have my own guards when I become a princess?"

"Well Tia, you're not a Princess yet, but when you enter that doorway to your destiny, you will have the finest protection around Canterlot Castle."

"Just like you and Mother do right now?"

"Yes, as it is their duty to protect you always."

"What about my younger sister?"

"Well, we'll talk to you about that when she's older."

Just then, a doctor came towards them.

"Cosmos, your wife is stable and ready to see you with your second foal." he said with a smile.

"Alright...come on Tia, it's time to see your little sister."

Cosmos and Tia then followed the doctor into the same ward room as before to find her wife a lot more relaxed this time and holding their newborn foal in her hooves.

"Tia, meet your little sister...Luna." Galaxia replied softly as she shared a kiss with Cosmos.

"Ewwww..." Celestia commented.

The parents giggled as they looked at Luna.

"Can I call her something better?" Tia asked with a goofy smile.

"Sure, what do you wanna call her?" Galaxia asked.

"Umm...Woona." she said with a hint of pride.

"Alright, then from today, she'll be Woona to you." Cosmos replied with a wink, "I'm sure you both will learn as two loving sisters very soon."

"Now how about a family hug?"


Soon, Woona made few baby noises...probably agreeing to the idea.

The family got close into a group hug as they closed their eyes and smiled down as they held Woona close to them.

Sometime later, they were out of hospital and back at the castle, but with Woona now in their lives, they needed to make a bigger room for both of the soon to be princesses, so an empty room next door to their bedroom was changed and refurnished into a shared bedroom for both of them to sleep in.

Tia who was still in her filly years looked at Woona who was sleeping away during the day and smiled at her.

"You're gonna be a princess soon, just like I will be and then we'll be in charge of Equestria." she spoke to her quietly.

"Alright Tia, leave her alone, it's time for your magic session." Starswirl said as he looked into the princesses's bedroom.

Tia then walked away and out of the room, closing the door behind her leaving Woona to sleep peacefully.

Of course, a long time had passed since her birth and soon Woona was now in her filly years and was able to speak as normal, like her sister who had grown in size slightly and approaching towards entering her teen years.

However, Woona wasn't exactly an innocent sister as Tia was, she was often sometime a bit defiant by doing silly things and getting away with a few naughty things. But one day, Woona got her first taste of being a little rebel when she quietly sneaked into the kitchen and looked above to see a cookie jar on the table.

Tia then found her in the kitchen, seeing Woona trying to fly...but she couldn't yet.

"Woona, what are you doing?" Tia asked. "You know you can't fly yet."

"I can and I will, Tia." Woona said defiantly, "I want a cookie and I'm gonna get it from jar."

She tried to fly upwards but she couldn't even jump high, let alone flap her wings for long enough.

"I wouldn't do it, sister, Mother and Father wouldn't be pleased if they found out you tried stealing food."

"But they don't need to know, if we be quiet....ooof!" Woona landed down on the floor and sighed, "Oh who am I kidding, I can't get up there."

"But I can..." Tia intervened, "...hmm, I tell you what, if I fly up there and get that cookie jar, we share a few, okay?"

"Yeah! That would be cool, thanks, sister!"

Tia then flew up and grabbed the cookie jar with her magic and brought it down by Woona. They opened up the lid and inside the jar was indeed full of cookies with no room for more...and now, it was going to be the opposite.

"Well sister, I still feel this is wrong, but those cookies do look tasty." Tia said with a hint of worry.

"Don't be such a scaredy bunny, nopony will ever find out." Woona assured with her big smile.

Tia sighed and shrugged before they got to taking a couple of cookies out of the jar and ate a cookie each.

"Mmm...delicious cookies." Woona said as she munched away her second cookie.

"No Woona, don't eat anymore or we won't be hungry enough for dinner later." Tia said worryingly.

"Alright, fine...but they are so yummy." Woona sighed as Tia placed the cookie jar back on the table.

Suddenly, they began hearing hoofsteps coming their way which startled them slightly.

"Oh no! It's one of our parents...quick, let's get out of here!" Tia whispered, trying not to yell as she then jumped and flew out of the kitchen window.

Woona felt nervous as she tired to run and fly away, but she couldn't fly, so she tried to sneak into one of the cupboards when the kitchen door opened.

It was Cosmos who must've been looking for the children, he was about to walk out until he spotted a few crumbs on the floor and seeing the cookie jar on table above the crumbs.

"Hmm, that is strange. Who's been eating these cookies at this time of day, it's almost dinnertime." he said curiously.

He then used some kind of magic and looked around the kitchen, before he opened a cupboard door on his right to see Woona hiding behind a cereal box....uh oh, caught red-hoofed in a way.

"Woona, kindly get out of the cupboard please?" her father asked firmly but gently.

Woona did as she was told and walked out of the cupboard with her face down, looking at her father's hooves.

"Now, what do you to have say for yourself?"

Woona didn't reply, she knew she was in trouble, seeing the crumbs on the floor.

"Come on now, these cookies couldn't have been eating themselves."

"Is that possible?" Woona asked stupidly.

"Don't play silly with me, young filly, you are in big trouble." Cosmos lightly scolded, "You know that dinnertime is when you have food, not stealing anything between meals."

"I'm...I'm sorry..." Woona replied who looked like she was about to cry.

Suddenly, Tia flew through the window into the kitchen.

"Woona, is the coast clear, has he-" Tia cut herself off, noticing her father there. "...uh oh."

"Tia, what are you doing here?" Cosmos asked with a stern expression. "Were you involved in this?"

Now Tia, being the elder sister and knowing better, decided to do the right thing. "Yes father, I helped Woona get the cookie jar down and we ate a few." she confessed.

"We're sorry father...I only wanted a few cookies...please don't punish me." Woona begged as she began crying.

Cosmos sighed, seeing his two daughters sad and guilty of their actions made him reconsider.

"Alright...I can see that you both are sorry for what you did and that you learnt something from this." he replied gently. "In future, I would like you both to write in this book which we call a diary, what either of you or both of you have learnt so you can go back to it when you grow up."

A book then appeared in front of them with the words 'The Princess Diaries' written on the front cover.

"Now, I will let you both off just this once and I won't tell your mother about it, but you must swear that from now on, you will not steal again as having a family member of our stature who does it is not a good reputation to show for our family."

"We promise father." Tia and Woona said together said as they went towards him and hugged his left foreleg.

Cosmos began to smile and hugged his daughters back for a few moments.

"They you may go to your room and write in your dairy what you have learnt today, we'll call you as soon as dinner is ready." he said as he left the kitchen.

"Okay Father...let's go sister." Tia said to Woona as they left the kitchen and trotted to their shared bedroom, carrying the diary with her magic.

Tia and Woona were in the bedroom and with a quill and ink ready, Tia began to write down their first lesson in thier diary.

"Dear diary." she started, "Today me and my sister Woona learnt that it is wrong to steal and that we must learn to take responsibility for our actions and do the right thing."

"Yes Tia." Woona agreed, "I learnt that if I have done something wrong and I get caught, I must tell the truth and be ready to face whatever punishment there is."

"Especially when it's close to dinner time, because that would make our parents not happy with us."

"Right, but since we did something wrong for the first time, we were let off only once, but we promise to never do it again."

Tia then finished the sentence and closed the diary book, before they heard a voice call them.

"Tia! Woona! Dinner's ready!" Galaxia called from another room.

"Coming, mother!" the two replied in unison as they trotted out of the bedroom and into the dining room not far from the throne room, with warm and happy smiles on their faces with a learnt lesson now stored in their minds forever.

Author's Note:

Another reference, this time it's in the title...let's see who gets it. :P