• Published 19th Sep 2014
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The Adventures Of Tia & Woona - StevieBond

Celestia and Luna get up to a lot of fun whilst learning to become the Princesses of Equestria

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Sisterly Shenanigans

Woona was on her first day at the magic school in the castle, Starswirl had aged a little but not much of a difference was shown. Woona who sat alongside Tia was still much of a rebel inside and found classroom sessions to be a little boring, when it was just Tia on her own, things were quiet and sessions ran smoothly, but today, it was going to be very different and from Starswirl's point of view, not for the better.

"Attention Tia and Woona, it's time for our Astronomy session." Starswirl said as he used magic to write on a blackboard with chalk.

"Pssst, Tia." Woona whispered to her sister. "Look what I can do."

Tia looked at her sister to see her pulling weird faces.

Tia chuckled quietly, so that Starswirl didn't hear.

"Now this is where our planet is and here is the asteroid belt." Starswirl said as he carried on writing on the chalkboard.

Woona then stuck her tongue out whilst pulling faces and Tia began to giggle a little less quiet.

"Girls...what are you up to?" Starswirl asked as he turned around to see them both sitting innocently. "Hmm, if I may continue..." he then turned his back towards the chalkboard.

With Tia in her teen years, she gave into Woona's filly behaviour and started copying her sister with pulling faces and shortly, they were behaving a lot less appropriate, pulling faces at each other and giggling normally.

"Ahem!" Starswirl exclaimed as he looked at them...caught in the act. "So you find my lectures funny, do you?"

Tia and Woona shook their heads as if to say no.

"Then please be quiet and pay attention to my class session. Learning other subjects is as important as knowing about magic."

They pulled faces again as he turned his back, much to his disapproval of their behaviour.

When it was lunchtime, Tia and Woona were at a table where they shared a plate of food which was an apple, orange and a carrot. They both looked unimpressed, so being the filly rebels they are, Tia used her magic to transform the fruit and veg into a tiny pile of cookies which made them smile immediately and began eating them away.

"Hey sister." Woona said, "I'm bored now, can we play?"

"Hmm, what do you in mind?" Tia asked.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

They then looked at each other with smug looks.

"Staring contest!" they said together, "Go!"

Tia and Woona began staring at each other's eyes for a while, until Woona pulled a funny face which made Tia fall over in absolute laughter, it appeared that Woona won the staring contest very easily, even though she had help with her faces.

That afternoon when they had their lunch break, Tia and Woona were outside the classroom at the firing range with a sign saying 'Magic Target Practice'.

"Okay girls, its time to learn to use your magic for defensive purposes, by firing on this target." Starswirl said. "Celestia, you shall go first, take aim and then fire up to three shorts from your horn."

Tia moved forward and got in position, looking straight at the target, she got her horn glowing and took aim...she then fired a single blast of her magic beam on the target which hit the second inner circle, she fired a second time that went near the edge of the target and used her third shot, almost getting a bullseye.

"Hmm, it's a start for you I guess, maybe a few more lessons and you'll be hitting bulls-eyes every time."

"Huh, but I don't wanna hurt a bull in the eyes." Tia replied with worry.

"No, no, no, Celestia, it's an expression. It means you'll get a perfect hit everytime you aim for perfection...hehe, aim for perfection, get it?"

"I don't get it...much." Woona muttered.

"Ahem...anyway, Luna it is now your turn. Can you use your magic and hit the target three times?"

Tia moved to one side as Woona got into position, but she was a little hesitant.

"I don't know if I can do it." Woona said worryingly.

"Oh come now, all I ask is that you hit the target with your magic."

"You can do it, sister...just focus all your energy to your horn and aim." Tia encouraged.

Woona aimed and fired at the target twice and was close to the centre on both attempts. However, Woona was about to go for her third shot when she sneezed suddenly and zapped out a big blue beam which didn't hit the target, but it hit something else.

"Now where did that beam go to?" Starswirl asked before he sniffed something, "Is that smoke..." he then paused when he looked behind him to find his bottom part of the cloak was on fire.

"ARGH! SOMEPONY PUT IT OUT...PUT IT OUT!" he shouted as he ran around the whole firing range.

Woona then burst out laughing her head off and falling on the ground, Tia soon found it funny as well and she laughed at the event. It looks like Woona's aiming needed a lot of work as well as her concentration.

Tia and Woona were back in class afterwards and Starswirl was by the window, he felt a little irritated by today, but still showed reasoning towards them, he had a spare cloak and was ready to do one last lecture for today.

"Anypony want to guess what our third and last lesson of today will be?" Starswirl asked positively.

"Is it flying lessons?" Woona asked happily.

"Actually no, I can't teach you how to fly, that's down to your parents."

"No way, come on, show us you can fly." Tia said.

Suddenly, both of the fillies used their magic to lift up Starswirl who was shocked at being lifted up.

"Alright, first of all, I am a unicorn. Secondly...put me down!"

"Awww..." The two fillies moaned as they stopped using their magic.

"Now moving on, our third lesson of the day is numeracy..." he paused to notice that he was actually outside of the room by the window instead of inside.

"Oh not again...WAAAHHHH!" he shouted as fell a while before splashing into a large pool of cold water.

"Wait, Starswirl doesn't have wings." Woona pointed out.

Then, they once again burst out laughing, they were having a lot of fun today, despite them being silly fillies and not behaving properly, due to thier rebel periods...all forgetting that their parents would know about it all.

When today's class sessions were over, Tia and Woona were back with thier parents and around the dining table. There was complete silence during dinner and no sign of happy faces, especially from the parents who were told what happened today.

Cosmos sighed as he looked at the fillies with disappointment, "Children, you are apart of the royal family and even though we can understand your behaviour because of your age, it is not right to behave in such an inappropriate manner and Woona, this applies to you more than your elder sister since you were the one who started it."

"But your Father and I have discussed this after we heard what Starswirl told us today." Galaxia added, "We have decided that you are going to have...a guardian to watch over you both when we cannot."

"What's a guardian?" Woona asked.

"A grown up pony who looks out and keeps an eye on what younger ponies do whenever possible, but is not related to a family." Galaxia replied.

"Mother, I don't think we need a guardian, I'm old enough to look after myself." Tia protested.

"Well unless you want to face the paddle, you two will stay in your room for the rest of the day." Cosmos told them sternly.

"No! Not the paddle!" Woona yelled lightly.

"Alright, we'll go to our rooms now...let's go, Woona. We have a lesson to write in our diary." Tia sighed as she got up and walked away from the dining room.

"Oh yes, keep writing lessons you've learnt in that book." Galaxia said to them.

Cosmos and Galaxia then left the dining room and walked upstairs to the highest tower in the castle to look over the horizon. It was almost time for the moon to rise, Galaxia lowered the sun as Cosmos raised up the moon to start the night.

"I hope someday, our daughter Luna will be able to take the reign of being the Princess of the night." Cosmos said.

"I hope so too my dear, but I don't believe that she will learn until we hire a guardian as soon as possible." Galaxia responded.

"But who are we going to find? I don't see any normal foalsitter being more than capable of watching two filly alicorns."

Suddenly, as if right on cue, a bright light shone in front of them before it turned into a portal that was a medium sized circle. Then, a pony showed up from the portal and landed hard on the balcony floor, the portal then closed up and disappeared in a bright light.

"Ow! Talk about a crash landing." The pony moaned before getting up and noticing who he was looking at. "YES! I did it...I went back to the past..." he then turned and looked at the sky, "...in your face, Doctor Whooves!"

"Excuse me, pony, but mind telling us who you are." Galaxia said.

"Oh yes...my apologies." he replied before clearing his throat. "I am...Bond Racer."

"And you are from the future?" Cosmos asked.

"Yes indeed, I am also an alicorn as you can see...your Lordship." he replied as he went to bow before something clicked in his body. "Ow! I need to lay off going to the sports gym for once."

Cosmos and Galaxia looked at each other and smiled and nodded in unison.

"If you would kindly, Bond. Please follow us into our castle, we have a favor to ask you and two fillies we want you to meet." Galaxia requested.

"Cool! I'm great at looking after young ponies." Bond boasted slightly.

Cosmos, Galaxia and Bond then left the balcony and walked downstairs, past the throne room and into the fillies's room. The King and Queen then believed that Bond Racer could be the guardian they were looking for and wondered if it was fate that brought him to the timeline...but whatever they thought, the rebelling days of Tia and Woona would be about to turn upside down.

Author's Note:

Images by T-3000: http://t-3000.deviantart.com/