• Published 16th May 2015
  • 2,131 Views, 27 Comments

Through The Looking Glass - Darkryt Orbinautz

They came down from the stars. The ponies called them heroes. They call themselves Decepticons. But whatever they are, they've made life good for the citizens of Equestria ... and Queen Celestia will not tolerate such insolence against her reign.

  • ...

Glass Kings

Out in the woods by Ponyville, there were Decepticons a-creeping.

Starscream stuck his head out from behind a tree, taking a quick look to make sure their operation was still as planned, and his operatives hadn't done something to jeopardize the mission.

Starscream stuck a finger to his head, pressing a button and activating his commlink. “This is Starscream, checking in. What's your status, Chrysalis?”

“I'm fine. We're grabbing as much bread as we can. Really, Starscream, you worry too much.”

Considering the nature of our mission, and the fact we just lost our leader, I will not be faulted for worrying.

“Starscream, you keep worrying like that and letting little things get to you, you'll get wrinkles!”

Robots can't get wrinkles.

“My point still stands. If you keep going on like this – oop, gotta go!“

Starscream heard a door creak open on Chrysalis' end of the line.

“Hey!” A masculine pony with an Italian accent exclaimed. “What's going on here, eh?”

Starscream smirked to himself as he heard the clatter of Chrysalis' hooves on the wooden floorboards as she ran to get out. The mission may have been at risk, but Starscream couldn't help but satisfaction at the vindication of his worrying.

See? My worrying doesn't seem so wrong now, does it, Chrysalis?” Starscream dared to raise up higher, trying to get a good look at inside Ponyville..

“Har-har-de-har. That's not funny.”

Do you need the rest of us to come get you?

“No, no, we got all under control. We're hopping into Cliffjumper now.”

Inside Ponyville, the pony chased Chrysalis and her squad of four Changelings as they made off with bags of bread. One of the Changelings looked behind them to see the pony still chasing them, even after they reached their rendezvous with a car-mode Cliffjumper. Cliffjumper opened his doors and the Changelings hopped inside.

Cliffjumper wanted them to hurry it up and hustle along. “Come on, people! Go, go, go! Let's hustle!”

“Oh, don't get your turbines in a twist.” Chrysalis crawled into the driver's seat. Once all the Changelings were in, Cliffjumper slammed his doors and revved his engine.

“Ooh nooo!” The pony exclaimed, realizing he was never going to catch up to the Decepticon car once it took off. “Now I will have to bake more bread!”

“Hey!” Chrysalis shouted through Cliffjumper's lowered car window. “At least you can bake more bread! The pones in Canterlot can't even manage that!”

The baker pony gave them an odd look. “I don't understand. If you just wanted bread for the Canterlot ponies, why wouldn't you just pay for it? I'd be happy to make you a sale!”

“Because!” Chrysalis shouted back. “Do you know what Celestia would do to you if she found out you were collaborating with the Decepticons? She'd probably separate your head from your neck or something! This way, when we steal it and she finds out, all she can be mad about is that you couldn't stop a theft, rather than being mad about you working with those she's dubbed 'criminals!' We're stealing this bread from the rich (or at least the financially stable) to give to the poor!”

The baker tilted his head. “So … what, you're like giant robot Robin Hoods?”

Chrysalis giggled. “Sure! I never thought about it that way!”

Cliffjumper's engine gave a loud whir, and off they went, Cliffjumper tearing up the dirt roads.

Starscream smiled at a job well done.

Mission accomplished. He thought. Now, on to phase two …

The ponies of Canterlot were lamenting their lot in life. For a brief period, celestial war machines had liberated them from their cruel matriarchy, and for a while, life was good. But in the span of a single day, their tyrant and oppressor had driven out the giants and reclaimed her throne from which she was long absent. To make it even worse, she had brought new giants of her to ensure her wills were enforced, her law obeyed.

Out on a market square, an Earth pony colt walked up to a fruit stand. The owner of the stand wasn't looking forward to the customer. It would be the same thing as it always prior to the Decepticons taking over. The pony looking to buy fruit wouldn't have the money to pay full-price, and the owner would have rotten or unhealthy crops which wouldn't be worth the price tag anyway, assuming he even got them out of the ground in one piece. They would agree for the customer to pay less than asked for a tomato which was shriveled up and discolored. And this dance they would repeat, only now it was slightly more worrisome under the hateful optics of watching Autobot sentries.

Right as they begun to carry out this transaction, their attention was drawn elsewhere. First by the sound of rocket engines, followed by ponies clamoring and pointing at the sky in awe.

“Look, everypony!” A mare pointed at the sky. “It's the Decepticons!”

“Decepticons?” The Autobots standing guard exclaimed.

Starscream, in his vehicle mode, was streaking across the sky, doing fly-bys and sweeping over the market square area.

“We'd better call Celestia.” One of the Autobots said and walked off to fetch their Queen. The other Autobots remained and aimed their weapons, attempting to shoot Starscream down with their laser-fire.

Starscream was undaunted and continued flying while barrel-rolling and somersaulting to avoid their blasts. He flew over the area one more time and dropped his payload – a huge sack stuff to the brimmed with fresh bread. The sack hit the ground and split open, revealing its contents to the ponies.

The ponies were eager to receive this gift and immediately began crowding around the bag.

“Easy, easy, everypony!” A stallion cried out as greedy hooves began to swipe loaves from the bag. “I know we're all hungry, but there's no need to trample anypony! There's plenty enough here for all of us!”

His mission done, Starscream turned around and flew off towards friendlier skies. Meeting up with the rest of the Decepticons, hidden somewhere where the Autobots couldn't find them, but they could see the results of their work, Starscream transformed to robot mode and descended to greet them.

“Excellent.” Starscream braced his fists against his hips with a smile. “We've got the ponies of Canterlot some extra bread. Good work, everyone.”

“I wouldn't celebrate just yet. Look!” Cliffjumper pointed to the square.

The other Autobot was returning, and Celestia was in his company. He walked with her to the square, w where Celestia stopped and observed as the ponies grabbed the bread from the sack.

“So, as you can see, the Decepticons gave them some bread.” The Autobot said. “I figured you might have some choice words about that. What do you want us to do?”

Celestia drew her head up and held her gaze to the sack. With a countenance like a wrathful dragon in her eyes, it did not take long for her to make a decision.

“Burn it.” Celestia said. The Autobot began to move. “But only half of it. Divvy it up into two piles and burn one. I want these ponies to understand they live as I see fit, so to express a small shred of mercy would do that quite effectively.”

Grumbling at Celestia's, to him, over-complicated way of handling things – if it were up to him, he'd just burn it all and be done with it – the Autobot nevertheless complied with her demands. Marching up the sack, his mere prescene was enough to cause the ponies to back away from the bag.

The Autobot bent down and scooped a large portion of the bread into his arms. Dumping it onto the ground some distance away, he pulled out his weapon and fired at the bread, the heat from the laser more than enough to set the pile alight.

As the devastated ponies watched the food go up in flames and go to waste, Queen Celestia stepped into the middle of the square.

“Obviously, in my long absence, you have forgotten my rule. You have forgotten how I govern my kingdom. So I say, let this be a reminder to you all; you eat, you drink, you breath, you live solely at MY discretion.”

Queen Celestia turned back to the flaming bread.

“I admit, It has been a long time since I first set out to conquer Tirek's land. So for now, I will forgive you and let this slide. But this was one reminder.” Queen Celestia turned her eyes on the crowd and glared. “I do not want to have to give another. Understand?”

The terrified ponies bowed their heads and nodded, some of them going as far to drop to the ground and put their hooves over their heads in fear.

Celestia maintained a neutral expression. She gave the untouched, still-edible bread a disdainful gaze, as if was beneath her notice, not worthy of even existing in her presence.

“Enjoy your bread.” Celestia said in a level tone, despite the inherent cruelty in her statement. She began to walk away to return to her castle.

Watching all of this unfold, Starscream scowled and shivered with rage, his fists clenching. Unable to contain his anger, Starscream put his fist through the nearest wall of a building.

“Starscream!” Chrysalis yelled, and the other Decepticons expressed their concern as well.

“Careful!” Cliffjumper said. He looked around to be sure nopony had noticed. “You don't want the Autobots to know we're here, do you?”

“You're right.” Starscream brushed his hand against his head. “I'm sorry. I'm just so … frustrated at our – our impotence!” Starscream stomped the ground. “We lost Megatron, and I know in my Ember that he would want, more than anything for us to help the impoverished ponies of Canterlot. We tried and almost succeeded, but then Celestia had to come and ruin it, and with the full force of the Autobots around, there's nothing we can do about it!” It was obvious to everyone Starscream was frustrated, even without him swinging his arms around and throwing his fists aimlessly through the air.

This was how they had been operating since Megatron died. They fled into the forest around Ponyville and began running operations to steal supplies and resources from the far-better-off Ponyville and bring them to Canterlot for the ponies there to use. As the baker pony had put it, they were like a bunch of giant robot Robin Hoods. Some days, they were actually quite successful and make the ponies' lives easier … others … other days were like this one, where Celestia showed up and sabotaged their efforts while also twisting to her own ends, leaving the bread the way she did so the ponies would recognize her “mercy” and kneel before her.

“Decepticons ...” Starscream raised his hand and made a gesture, closing his fist. A signal to the other Decepticons to follow. There was an obvious bitter taste to his voice. “Let's go. We're done here.” Starscream proceeded to lead them away from Canterlot.

Celestia and the Autobot guards returned to the castle. The castle was built with wide, open space meant to impress visitors, as befits a royal palace, but the open space and raised ceiling also made it possible for the Autobots to walk around freely, though only just. Although getting in and out of doors was something of a bother.

As they returned to Celestia's throne room, the Autobot guard couldn't help but express his dissatisfaction.

“Look, all I'm saying is that if we were gonna do that, we should have burnt all the bread. Not just half of it. And maybe shot a few of the townsfolk, too. You know, make an example out of them.”

Celestia and the Autobot entered the door to her throne room, where Rodimus stood watch. Celestia turned to the Autobot.

“Tell me. On your world, do they have military rankings where you come from?”

“Uh, yes, but I don't see how -”

“Then you should know,” Celestia interrupted him, “that soldiers not question their superiors, nor their queens.” Celestia walked away from the Autobot, making it clear she was going to have the last word.

“Aiee ...” Leaving Celestia be, the Autobot went to Rodimus and engaged in conspiratorial whispers. “Rodimus. how long are we going to have work for her?”

“As long as a time where it's beneficial to both us. She wants an army, we want a base and a claim to the planet.” Rodimus said. “So calm down and pipe down.”

“Calm down? While trying to work for this witch? Where's Optimus Prime?”

“Optimus Prime is dead and lying at the bottom of some river. So for the time being, I'm the leader, and I say we follow her, capaschie?”

“Optimus … is dead?” The Autobot's jaw hung open. “N-no. I can't believe it.”

“Ricochet, my friend, the sooner youse accept it, the better it'll be for all of us.”

Ricochet paused. After a moment's consideration, he nodded and left the room, leaving Rodimus to observe Celestia by himself.

“I'll tell youse one thing, though.” Rodimus muttered under his breath after Ricochet had left. “That time may be running out sooner than youse might think ...”

Celestia, meanwhile, paid no mind to the Autobots or their whispering. Let them conspire among themselves, she thought. She would deal with it only when it became a problem for her. She looked up and out at the window, regarding the sky with wary, thoughtful eyes, as though the sunlight beaming down on her reminded her of difficulties and trials long past. Of enemies thought dealt with long ago.

“These … Decepticons continue to be a thorn in my side.” Celestia said. “I need some way to deal with them, but what?” Celestia continued to regard the skyline. “I should visit my faithful student.”

She broke away from her reminiscing and left the throne room. Passing Rodimus on the way, who had his arms crossed and his optics tracking her movements, Celestia acknowledged his presence with the barest of nods.

Making her way through the castle, Celestia found Twilight Sparkle in her old study room, which Twilight proved more than happy to take up residence in once she and Celestia patched things up between them. She was hunched over on her desk, pouring over a book.

Celestia leaned against the doorway, crossing one leg in front of the other. “And how are you this fine morning, my faithful student?”

Twilight was caught off-guard by Celestia's surprise visit and scrambled to face her, making a mess of her desk in the process. “Oh, fine! Just fine, Your Majesty. To what do I owe the honor this visit?” Twilight went up to Celestia and nuzzled her chest, a gesture Celestia returned with a nuzzle of her own, reaching her neck down and curling it around Twilight's neck.

“Oh, nothing much.” Celestia said. “I just thought I'd stop by and see how my faithful student was doing. Are you adapting well to life back in the castle?”

“Mm-hmm.” Twilight nodded, continuing to enjoy their tender nuzzling. “ … you know one of these days, we're going to repeat nuzzling each other like this and it's going to end with one of us taking a knife to the other?”

“Oh, yes, I'm aware. But until that day, I intend to enjoy it while it lasts.” Celestia lifted her head and cast her eyes on Twilight's desk. “Why don't you show me what you've been working on?”

Twilight separated herself and clapped her hooves with a smile, eager to show off her work. “Come and see, come and see!”

“Oh, you look so cute when you get excited about research.” Celestia joined Twilight on the desk.

Twilight ran to the desk and picked up a book from it, levitating it into the air with magic. “I've been reading over Star Swirl's writings and trying to decipher hidden meanings in the text.”

“Ah, Star Swirl!” Celestia exclaimed. “He was one of my favorite retainers … it's still too bad he went insane and I had to exile him.”

“I know.” Twilight said. “They called him Star Swirl the Crazed. They said he was crazy! That he was mad! That his so-called prophetic visions were the hallucinations of an old, decaying feeble mind! Well, as it turns out, he might have been crazy, but he also might have been on to something.”

“Oh?” Celestia bent down to read the book over Twilight's shoulder, quite curious to learn if Star Swirl wasn't as crazy as she thought.

“Yes. There's a lot in here that doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but he was right about one thing.” Twilight held the book in her hooves. “Somehow, he was able to predict the coming of the Autobots and the Deepticons to Equestria. Look, see? Right here, it says “And from a comet made of iron and steel that they use to travel among the stars, the metal giants will descend upon Equestria. They will crash their comet into the base of a mountain in the far north of Canterlot and pour out from therein ...” Just like the Autobots' and Decepticons' ships crashed into a mountain near Ponyville!”

“Why, you're right.” Celestia said. “There is no way this is a mere coincidence. I will assign a team to investigate this at once.”

“Oh!” Twilight raised her hoof, bouncing on her hooves. “Can I lead the investigation?”

“Of course, my student.” Celestia said. “However, I have another task I need you to complete first. Tell me, during my time away, did you make any friends in Ponyville?”

“Yes, actually!” Twilight put a hoof to her chin, smiling as she recalled the good times she had with her friends. “There's Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkimendia Diane Pie.” It was only after saying their names out loud did Twilight realize giving Celestia the name of her friends might be a bad idea, given Celestia's manipulative nature and general nasty disposition. “Whyyyyyy do you ask?”

“Because ...” Celestia said, wrapping Twilight Sparkle in her wing and picking her up. “If you trust these ponies, and if you have faith in their abilities, then I want you and them to be my new task force to eliminate the Decepticon stragglers! I have some suspicions they are operating around Ponyville, and it would behoove me to have a task force who know their way around the area.

Twilight nodded, accepting Celestia's reasoning, and she saluted her Queen. “You can count on us.”

Out in the backwoods on the outskirts of Ponyville, the growl of car engines could be heard. Cliffjumper and Side Swipe drove through the forest, wheeling and rolling around until they came to a stop on a rough ledge near Ponyville, close enough any potential Autobot guards could be watching.

“Okay, we're here.” Cliffjumper opened his door. “Now go find your contact. And make it quick.”

Diamond Tiara put her hoof on Cliffjumper's roof as she climbed out. “Cliffjumper, why are you in such a hurry? Do you not want to see my friend?”

Cliffjumper sighed. “It's not that, Diamond Tiara, it's just … I don't want anything to happen to your friend. If Celestia finds out she's been our informant about what we can safely steal from Ponyville … I don't even want to think about it.”

“Don't worry.” Diamond Tiara assured him. “She won't. Silver Spoon is careful about that.” Diamond Tiara gaze further down the ledge, where a silhouette of a small pony was coming into view. “Oh, there she is!”

Diamond Tiara ran towards her friend, eager to embrace her friend. “Silver Spoon!”

“Diamond Tiara!”

Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara hugged each other, Diamond Tiara taking care to avoid bumping Silver Spoon's round glasses.

“It's so good to see you again!” Diamond Tiara said before putting some distance between her and Silver Spoon. “So, do you have any news for us?”

Silver Spoon shook her head. “Nothing good, I'm afraid. Twilight Sparkle recently came down from Canterlot and got together with her friends. Why she's here or what they're working on, I couldn't tell you, but they're definitely up to something.”

“With Twilight Sparkle and her friends ...” Cliffjumper begin.

“”Up to something” is a pretty safe bet.” Side Swipe finished.

The entire group of them, pony and Decepticon (and displaced Autobot) alike, were surprised by a loud noise coming from Ponyville. It was a whistling, vibrating hum, echoing with a sense of power. A pillar of pink light rose up from the center of Ponyville, stretching high into the sky. Pulling itself upwards, it vibrated like a loose, strummed string of a violin in use.

“What's that noise?” Side Swipe asked.

Cliffjumper and Side Swipe, acting on their first instinct, transformed to robot mode and prepared themselves for a fight. Side Swipe drew his swords, looking around for

“What … is that?” Cliffjumper asked, awed by the glowing, vibrating pillar.

“I don't know, but whatever it is, we should get Starscream to come check it out.” Side Swipe put down his swords, and he and Cliffjumper transformed to their vehicle modes and popped open their car doors. “Come along, children.”

Diamond Tiara climbed inside Cliffjumper's door while Silver Spoon decided to ride in Side Swipe. The Decepticons turned over their engines and drove off, never looking behind them to see the pillar of light creating an umbrella made of pinkish-purple energy over itself.

Meanwhile, inside Ponyville proper, Twilight Sparkle and her friends met and conversed, discussing the merits of their new responsibility of being an anti-Decepticon resistance group – and in the case of Pinkie Pie, questioning their credentials for it.

“It makes no logical sense.” Rainbow Dash said. “”Twilight Sparkle has faith in you” is not valid criteria to give us the job of removing the Decepticon population from Ponyville. How are a statistical analyst like myself, a daredevil pegasus, a dietitian, a unicorn who enjoys anything to do with mud, and an Earth pony who hates anything to do with mud, possibly qualified to deal with giant alien robots equipped with advanced technology?”

“Oh, Rainbow Dash. You're always so … logical, so … pragmatic, so … boring.” Fluttershy said. “Getting rid of the Decepticons will be fun! It's a great honor that Celestia has given Twilight and us the task of dealing with them, and besides … this is a great opportunity to earn some favor from Queen Celestia, and you can't say no to that, can you?”

“I'm not saying I don't realize the honor we've received, or that I don't see the potential for advancement by doing a good job and pleasing the Queen. But still, is it really logical to choose us for this? We have no advanced training, no weapons, no organized military structure … from my understanding, it seems the Decepticons have their own military structure.”

“You want structure?” Twilight Sparkle asked, some distance away and with her horn shooting light into the sky. “How's this for structure; I'm the closest thing to royalty in this group, and therefore I'm the leader and you all follow my orders. How's that for structure?”

Fluttershy gave Rainbow Dash a look. “Well?”

Rainbow Dash shrugged. “Eh. Good enough, I guess.”

“Don't worry, Twilight!” Fluttershy saluted. “You can count on us! In fact, just call us “Decepticon Hunters!””

“Good!” Twilight said. “Now be quiet. The force field spell is about to take shape, and I need to focus.”

The umbrella at the top of the pillar begin to shoot out multiple beams of light, which crossed each other and overlapped, multiplying it was a solid half-sphere. The sphere began to grow and increase in size, descending on Ponyville and encasing the city and its outskirts inside a glowing, sparkling, pinkish-purple dome.

Not too far away, Side Swipe and Cliffjumper and their pony friends returned to Ponyville, this time accompanied by Starscream and the rest of the Decepticons.

“All right, we're here now.” Starscream said, sounding apathetic. “What is it that you wish us to see, Cliffjumper?”

“It's really weird.” Cliffjumper said. “It's like this tower made of energy. It started in Ponyville and went into the sky – oof!” Cliffjumper smacked himself against the dome, his arms splaying out against the dome. Cliffjumper recovered and pushed himself off, his hands still on the dome. “That wasn't there before.”

“What's this?” Starscream asked, now sounding much more interested and curious.

Fluttershy flew up to meet him, flying in the air until she was on level with Starscream's face. “It's a force field, you bucket of bolts!”

“A force field?” Starscream asked.

“Yep!” Fluttershy said. “See, we know you've been hanging around Ponyville and stealing things, so Twilight Sparkle used her magic to put this force field up which will let us in … but keep you out.”

“Is that so?” Starscream asked.

Starscream held his arms out, readying the blasters mounted to the side of said arms. He unleashed a furious barrage of laser fire on the force field, pelting it with energy bullets. It had no effect, failing to damage or weaken the integrity of the force field in any way.

Fluttershy laughed at Starscream. “Too bad. So sad.”

Starscream shook his fist in one hand and pointed with the other. “If … no, WHEN we get through this force field, Fluttershy … I'm going to kill you first.”

“Oh, I'm so scared!” Fluttershy put her hooves on her cheeks and adopted a mock-fearful pose.

Her taunting was too much for Starscream to take. Deploying the blade from underneath his arm, Starscream yelled in fury and slashed at the force field. It did little better than his blasters on the force field, succeeding only in creating puddle-like ripples in it from the area where Starscream's blade struck it, but it did at least have the effect of startling Fluttershy and getting her to shut up.

“Decepticons … fall back.” Starscream ordered, turning away from the force field so he didn't have to see Fluttershy's smug, satisfied smirk.

Starscream and the Decepticons returned to their hideout in the forest. There, they began to discuss their next move, for a given value of “discussion.”

“So … what do we do now?” Cliffjumper asked.

“I don't know, Cliffjumper.” Starscream walked and rested his hand on a tree. “Allspark help me, I just don't know ...”

Silver Spoon felt sad for Starscream. She stared him for a moment before Diamond Tiara tapped her on the shoulder. Silver Spoon turned around and was surprised by Diamond Tiara pulling her into a hug.

“It's a good thing we got you out of Ponyville when we did.” Diamond Tiara said. “If I couldn't see you, I … I don't think I could handle the idea of not being able to see you through that force field.”

“I don't think I could have handled not being able to see you!” Silver Spoon replied, returning the hug with fervor.

Starscream watched the two fillies. Seeing them so happy to be with each other should have made him feel happy, but it didn't. It did nothing to lighten his mood. He put his hand up to his forehead, covering his face. “Maybe … maybe we should just give up on Ponyville and Canterlot.”

Diamond Tiara and Chrysalis were shocked. “Give up?”

“That's right, give up. Retreat and regroup and fight Celestia and the Autobots from somewhere else … maybe head into the mountains. Maybe we can find people who we can recruit to our cause and build an army elsewhere before returning to Canterlot.”

“As your friend, I have to say I'm against this course of action.” Chrysalis said.

“Yeah!” Diamond Tiara said. “You can still take Canterlot and Ponyville from that meanie Celestia!”

“How, Diamond Tiara?” Starscream snapped, his frustration reaching a boiling point. He began to point at the Decepticons and their allies and call out what he, in his anger, perceived as flaws. “We have a a few Decepticon stragglers …” He pointed his finger at Chrysalis. “A bunch of squishy, pink insects ...”

“Hey!” Chrysalis objected.

“A dimension-displaced Autobot who doesn't even belong here ...”

Cliffjumper said nothing.

“A violent, ill-tempered turncoat ...”

“Sustained. That I am.” Side Swipe looked down at the scarred-over Autobot symbol on his chest.

“And a combiner team so fresh off the assembly line they might as well still BE on the assembly line!”

Motormaster crossed his arms, speaking for all of the Stunticons. “Well, now that's just mean.”

“Against the entire Autobot army, sans Optimus Prime, and Queen Celestia, and we all saw what Celestia did to Megatron!”

There was a moment of tense, awkward silence.

Chrysalis spoke. “Well … at least it doesn't have Optimus, right?”

“Oh, right. Because the removal of ONE AUTOBOT is going to make such a drastic difference … even if it is Optimus Prime.” Starscream glared at Chrysalis.

He hung his head and rested his hands on a tree. He shook his head and looked up at everyone.

“ … I'm sorry.”

Starscream took his hand off the tree and attempted to compose himself. “Please excuse me. I need to be alone for a moment …”

Starscream turned and walked away into a deeper part of the forest, leaving the Decepticons behind. Chrysalis, always wanting to be there for her friends and provide a shoulder to cry on, attempted to follow him. Cliffjumper stopped her, putting his foot down in front of her and shaking his head.

Starscream walked. He didn't bother to keep track of how far away from the group he was getting. He stopped when he happened to entered a clearing in the forest.

Taking the opportunity to sit somewhere which wasn't so cluttered by trees, Starscream went into the clearing and stood in the dead center of it. Clear thinking required clear spacing, or so Starscream had heard Megatron tell him more than once.

Starscream let out a sigh, unsure of what to do. How could he lead the Decepticons out of this situation and into a better one? Could he lead the Decepticons into a better one? Was he fit for command?

“Oh, poor Starscream. All the world's woes are on your soldiers.”

“Who's there?” Starscream raised his arm blasters, ready to fire at the smallest sound. Looking around the clearing, he discovered a Cybertronian standing a few feet from him. The Cybertronian was purple and pink, with yellow highlights, his face little more than a visor with some horns on his head. The angular design and points on his body seem to suggest he was of Decepticon origin, but Starscream had never seen him before.

“Your grasp on leadership is tenuous, Starscream.” The stranger said. “You're stressed, you're frustrated, you're doubtful, and everyone can see it. You're transparent. You're like, oh, how did that old famous Cybertronian poem go? A glass king. “Brittle and fragile as he is / A glass king cannot rule.””

“Who are you?” Starscream demanded. “What do you want?”

“Name's Sideways.” The stranger introduced himself. “You might consider me a … contractor, or sorts.”

“A contractor?” Starscream said. “I'll accept that. But the question remains, what do you want?”

“I want to help you.” Sideways said, holding his hands out in an open, welcoming gesture. “I know you're trying to fight Celestia and the Autobots. I can help you with that. You just need to agree to a few terms and conditions, including licensing fees, and I can give you everything you ever dreamed of. I can make you a capable leader. I can make it so Megatron would look down on you and be proud of what you've accomplished. I can give you victory over the Autobots. Your name will be written in Cybertronian history – no! Cybertronian legend!” Sideways walked up to Starscream. “All you have to do is shake my hand.” He presented Starscream with a hand.

Starscream looked at Sidways' hand contemplated the implications of what if he were to take it.

“Come on.” Sideways said. “The other Decepticons are a few yards away. No one will have to know but you and me.”

“That's a fair point.” Starscream continued to look at Sideways' hand. Everything he could ever want. Victory over the Autobots, and his name immortalized as the hero who beat the Autobots and put an end to Celestia's reign. And no one would ever know he had struck a deal with Sideways to make it all possible.

Starscream reached out and took Sideways' hand.

“Yes ...” Sideways hissed. “Huh?” Sideways was confused when Starscream's other hand wrapped around his wrist.

From Sideways' perspective, the world turned upside-down as Starscream lifted him up and tossed him into a tree. When Sideways had regained his bearings, he found himself held by Starscream at knife point, with Starscream's arm blade pointed squarely at his neck.

“Make a deal with a strange mechanoid I meet in the forest, with horns on his head and a mask on his face? You may as well have put “demon's bargain” on your chest in bright, flashing lights. What kind of fool do you take me for?”

“A rather big one, actually, seeing as you didn't take me up on that offer. Trust me, Starscream, You'll regret not doing that.”

“You'll forgive me if I'm not willing to take your word at face-value. Now, I'm going to ask you questions about who you really are. If I'm satisfied with your answers, I'll remove my sword from your throat.”

“I make it a habit to be the one asking questions, not answering them.”

“Well, I'm afraid today you're going to have to make an exception.”

“Actually, no, I won't. And I'll tell you why. Come closer … I'm not gonna hurt you, I promise. I just want to show you something.” Starscream decided to take Sideways at his word on this. After all, he promised and Starscream did have a blade to his neck. So Starscream complied and leaned in closer. “Closer … closer … ”

When Starscream's face was inches away from him, Sideways' appearance began to distort. It became blurry and fuzzy, making him impossible to perceive even to Starscream's advanced cyberoptics. The image of Sideways became more and more distorted, before he dissipated completely with a 'blip.' It was if he had …. faded out of reality, somehow.

And so Starscream was left alone in the forest, wondering about this mysterious stranger, who he was, and what he wanted.

Author's Note:

Sideways' design is a repurposing - for those that don't know, that's a Transformer thing where an existing design is used for a completely different character - of the Transformers Universe 2008 Ratbat ... who was a purple and yellow redeco of Cybertron Sideways. See?

Perhaps it might have might more sense for the car in the opening scene to be a Stunticon, given that the one Stunticons' defining characteristics is their speed, but Cliffjumper is a main character. So he gets to steal the screentime.

In Chapter 2, Megatron's dilemma wasn't supposed to be about concerns about the Ember-splicing, but about creating new life specifcally for the purpose of war, which is a lot more ethically and morally challenging than just reservations about splitting up easily divided Embers.

I accept that it really did not come out that way.

Shattered Glass Silver Spoon uses Regular Universe Sweetie Belle's colors, by the way.