• Published 16th May 2015
  • 2,133 Views, 27 Comments

Through The Looking Glass - Darkryt Orbinautz

They came down from the stars. The ponies called them heroes. They call themselves Decepticons. But whatever they are, they've made life good for the citizens of Equestria ... and Queen Celestia will not tolerate such insolence against her reign.

  • ...


At the ancient, decrepit Castle of the Two Sisters, the doors creaked as they were pulled open by the ebony flow of magic.

Queen Celestia and her entourage, made of Twilight Sparkle and her companions, walked through the doors.

“What are we doing back here?” Twilight wondered.

Rainbow Dash took a worried glance out the windows. “Uh, not to question your wisdom, Your Excellency, but shouldn't we attempt to do something about the alien planet pressing up against Equestria's atmosphere?”

Celestia put a glare on Rainbow Dash. In a second, Rainbow Dash was silenced.

“When I want your mathematical concerns, Rainbow Dash, I will ask for them.” Celestia said. ”And perhaps I will do something about Cybertron, but not right now. Come. I want to show you something.”

Celestia lead Twilight and her friends up the stairs, back to the room where they had found the Cyber Planet Key.

“Do you know what she wants that's back in this dusty old place?” Fluttershy whispered to Twilight.

“Actually … I might just have an idea.” Twilight whispered back.

“Shh!” Spike raised a finger to his hands. “Her Majesty would not have brought us here without good reason, and I doubt it was so you two could whisper among yourselves!”

“The same goes for you, Spike.” Celestia said sharply.

Spike was humbled and blushed. Twilight giggled at his embarrassment.

Celestia set foot into the second floor of the building. She looked up, reminiscent and wistful. “Of course … it makes perfect sense we would find the Cyber Planet Key here. Bury one artifact under another pair of six.”

“Your Majesty?” Twilight Sparkle asked, confused by what Celestia meant.

“It and they are two of a kind … ancient artifacts of imaginable power from a bygone age.” Celestia said. “To think ...to come back here after all this time.”

Celestia approached the pedestal where Sideways had plucked the Cyber Planet Key from.

“Star Swirl, if you're still out there ...” Celestia said. “I want to you know … I'm sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't have prevented what Sideways did. I'm sorry I exiled you. You were a worthy friend, and a valuable tool.”

Celestia raised her hoof, gesturing her followers to approach the pedestal with her.

“Long ago, I had a sister.” Celestia said. “We ruled together harmoniously, always in sync with another, each of always in tune to the emotions of the other. We enjoyed our pastimes and shared almost everything. But then one day, something … corrupted my sister. It filled her head with all this nonsense about truth and liberty and freedom. Which would have been all well and good on its own, except it led her to attempt to overthrow me. She and I were equally matched, so I had to turn to a power other than my own and banished her inside the very moon which she would raise and lower every night and dawn.”

“Wait ...” Twilight Sparkle said. “I think I know this story. I think I read about it in a book once.”

As the girls approached, Celestia placed a hoof on one of the pedestal's arms.

“I'm going to show you girls something.” Celestia said. “Something old and forgotten, ancient and powerful. I never thought I would lay eyes upon them for a second time. Something I never thought I would need again.”

Celestia pressed down on the arm. The pedestal rumbled, rotating around until it revealed six arms branching out at different locations on the pedestal, each arm ending in a curve which held a sphere inside. Each sphere was marked with a symbol. Symbols which resembled the Cutie Marks of Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash.

“I think I know what these are ...” Twilight Sparkle, putting her hooves on one arm and lifting herself up to take a closer look.

Each sphere was lifted in the air by Celestia.

“These are the items of magical power I used to banish my sister so long ago. A group of six, charged with a magic unlike any other in Equestria, capable of great things … greater than you or I could dream of. The perfect weapon to counter the Cyber Planet Key and end the Decepticon infestation of our planet.”

The spheres shook in Celestia's magical grasp and began to crack.

Twilight, awestruck, paid rapt attention as Celestia freed the objects of power from their shells. She realized they were the same ones she had read about in her book. She knew what they were.

“The Elements of Harmony.”

The Decepticons, having a moment's peace, took the time to recover from recent events and take stock of their situation.

“I know Megatronus said we should be looking for Tirek ...” Cliffjumper looked up at the sky. “But shouldn't we do something about Cybertron first?”

Side Swipe nodded. “Agreed. Two planets orbiting each other like that can't be healthy. Starscream, think you can pull the Cyber Planet Key out of Mega – er, Galvatron so we can use it to put Cybertron back in its place?”

“Let me see. May I?” Starscream asked for permission before going into Galvatron's innards, which Galvatron nodded and consented to the procedure.

Starscream bent over and pressed a hand against Galvtron's chest, activating a panel which caused Galvatron's chest to hiss, split open, and separate, revealing the internal structures inside. Starscream put his fingers inside to hold the wiring steady while he examined it. The Key was clearly visible inside Galvatron's structure, wrapped in wires and enmeshed into the metal surrounding it.

“No.” Starscream exited and closed Galvatron's chest. “The Cyber Planet Key's completely bonded to him. I'm afraid removing it probably would kill him, and I hope you all understand that I am unwilling to do that, seeing as I just got him back.”

“It's all right, Starscream.” Galvatron comforted him. Galvatron looked at his palms, tensing his fingers. “Allow me to try something. Seeing as the Key is now a part of me, perhaps I can access its power directly ...”

Galvatron continued to observe his hands as he walked forward. He looked up to Cybertron and reached out to it, pointing his fingers toward the sky.

Galvtron closed his eyes so he could focus. Dedicating all his mental energy to accessing the power which now lay within him. It worked. Each of his fingers glowed pink, producing an aura as the Key's power manifested at his fingertips. Each finger shot a color-matching beam of light through the sky, cutting the air and reaching across space to touch Cybertron.

Galvatron opened his eyes and smiled, proud of what he accomplished.

His hands shaking, Galvatron put all his effort into willing Cybertron to move. The planets rumbled and roar as Cybertron was pushed backwards, further and further into outer space where it belonged.

“Whoa.” Cliffjumper was impressed. “With that kind of power on our side, the Autobots shouldn't give us any trouble.”

“I wouldn't be too sure about that.” Sideways said. “The Autobots are tricky.”

Despite Side Swipe and Cliffjumper's banter, Galvatron remained focused on his task. Cybertron was getting further and further away, shrinking into the distance, moving inch by inch.

Galvatron's face scrunched up. He grunted, followed by his hands becoming shaky and unsteady in their aim.

This did not go unnoticed by Starscream. “Galvatron? Are you all right, sir?”

“I'm fine, Starscream.” Galvatron said. The beams his fingers were producing were becoming wavy and stringy, their energy fading as Galvatron lost his stamina. “Just ….” Galvatron grimaced his teeth. He raised his arms upward, determined to forge on and achieve his goals, despite his increasing clear lack of the energy or power to do so. “Uh!”

Galvatron, overwhelmed, collapsed to his knees, the beams from his hands disappearing. Cybertron remained looming over Equestria's sky, further away than it was before but no less ominous for its placement in an alien sky.

Starscream rushed to Galvatron's aid, putting a hand on his shoulder.

“I'm sorry ...” Galvatron said. “I can't do it … by Primus, how did Sideways manage to control and direct this much power?” Galvatron wondered how the inhabitants, Autobot and Decepticon, still living on Cybertron, must feel about having the planet beneath their feet pushed back and forth like an indecisive soccer ball which didn't know which team's goal it wanted to be in.

“Sideways was a lifeless shell, a data ghost. A virus made solid and brought to life by whatever dark masters created him. When he used the Key, it wasn't part of him, and so it wouldn't drain his systems nearly as much. Something with no life or soul in its form … of course spending its energies like that wouldn't drain it nearly as much as a living being like yourself, sir. It didn't ... tax him as much to use it. There was no life in Sideways for it to overwhelm.”

“Wait. When you say “something with no life or soul,” are you talking about the Cyber Planet Key, or Sideways?” Cliffjumper asked.

“Both.” Starscream answered.

"No, no, I just ..." Galvatron placed a hand on the ground to support himself. "I just need to practice some. I can feel the Key's power within me. It's not faded. It's not draining my energy. If anything, I'd say I overspent its energy, not the other way around. I just tried to push too far, too fast and overexerted myself, that's all. I need to practice using its power a little more before I can move a planet."

“You know ...” Galvatron pushed himself up, removing Starscream's helping hands, which were no longer necessary even if he did appreciate them. Galvatron put a hand to his chin and observed Cybertron. “I think I like it better this way. With Cybertron this close, we could use it to our advantage … we could return to it and bring back Decepticon reinforcements to Equestria and set up interplanetary trade with the ponies. Oh, maybe we could even build a space elevator! At this distance, it's entirely practical.”

“Uh, sir?” Starscream said. “I'd hate to burst your proverbial bubble, and I understand you're excited to build a space elevator. But if we can take advantage of Cybertron being here and do all those things, keep in mind; the Autobots can do the same thing.”

“Oh. Hmm.” Galvatron's mood was dampened and sobered by this reminder. He looked up at Cybertron, wondering what would be the best thing for both it and Equestria. If it weren't for the Autobots, leaving it where it was wouldn't be a bad thing, as they could begin relationships with Equestria's government (after they had overthrown Celestia and put a free republic in her place, of course). Then again, the current residents of Cybertron may not be appreciative of their homeworld being relocated to another solar system.

Galvatron shook his head, pushing these doubts aside. He had other concerns to address, and could do so with Cybertron being made a safer distance from Equestria.

At Canterlot, Optimus Prime was looking over the edge of the mountain, surveying the fields which were now his to conquer. He looked up and noticed something. “Hmm.”

“What's the matter, Oppie?” Twilight Sparkle walked up to him, leaning against his leg. “Something troubling you?”

“Cybertron.” Optimus pointed upwards. “It's moved. I don't like it. I was hoping to utilize its proximity to Equestria in some plans of mine, such as getting reinforcements or using plasma energy to cyberform the planet.”

"I wonder what's causing it to move, anyway?" Twilight wondered. "Galvatron. It's got to be that no-good Galvatron and his fancy-schmancy Cyber Planet Key."

"If that's the case, then I suppose there's no reason to worry about it too much. We'll deal with Galvatron when the time comes. And when the time comes, I'll kill him and take the Cyber Planet Key out of his cold, rusting carcass. Still ..." Optimus gazed wistfully at Cybertron. "It would have been nice to utilize the resources of my homeland to my advantage."

“Oh, don't worry, Oppie!” Twilight patted Optimus' foot, giving it tender rubbing with her hoof. “Just because it's a bit further away doesn't mean you can't still use it!”

Optimus looked at Cybertron for a moment. "Yes. I suppose that's true. You're right, Twilight Sparkle." Optimus Prime turned and walked away. "I can always count on you to cheer me up. Though I don't why I need you to tell me things I could figure out easily for myself if I thought about it ... maybe, like some, and by some I mean Megatron, have claimed, it's because I'm insane. Ha ha! Unlikely." As he said this, his eyes were drawn to a passing bird, which he clenched in his hand. He shook his fist around before tossing the bird over the horizon like a pitched baseball.

Twilight put a hoof to her mouth and giggled. “It's no problem, Boss-Bot! Now why don't you come with me back to the castle? There's someone Celestia wants you to introduce you to … he's a foreign emissary and apparently, according to Celestia, he's very important!”

Needing some time to rest, Galvatron called for the Decepticons to break, which Side Swipe used to go find a ledge and stare into the distance, ruminating over recent events with a stoic, impenetrable expression on his face.

Cliffjumper followed Side Swipe there and watched from a comfortable distance. “Side Swipe? Are you okay?”

“I'm fine, Cliff. Thanks for asking. Why do you ask?”

“Hmm.” This wasn't quite the answer Cliffjumper was hoping for.

The bushes rustled and Chrysalis popped out. “Yeah, Cliff! Why do you ask?”

“It's just … I heard what you said to Optimus Prime when you fought him earlier. About Drench. I figured seeing Optimus alive again like that must have stirred up some feelings about your old partner.”

“I'm … fine, Cliffjumper.” Side Swipe said. He shook his head. “Thank you for your concern, but I'm fine, okay?”

“Drench?” Chrysalis asked.

“Yeah. Drench was Side Swipe's partner back he was still an Autobot.” Cliffjumper explained, his gaze shifting between Chrysalis and Side Swipe. “Drench started showing too much compassion for an Autobot – in other words, any sense of decency whatsoever- and Optimus Prime led them into an “ambush” and had Drench killed. Side Swipe was almost killed, too. That was what made Side Swipe defect over the Decepticons. He wanted to get revenge on Optimus Prime, and he hoped the Decepticons would let him do that. I'm worried about Side Swipe. Seeing Optimus Prime brought back to life while his friend and partner is still dead can't be good for his mental health.”

“Okay. I see what you're saying. I can sense Side Swipe's troubled, too. But no, seriously, Drench?” Chrysalis struggled to hold back laughter. “Even by your Cybertronian standards, “Drench” is a terrible name!”

“Look who's talking. At least none of us are named for that thing caterpillars do when they're making cocoons.” Cliffjumper said.

“I'll have you know Chrysalis is a pretty name for a pretty Changeling!” Chrysalis responded with an indignant flick of her mane, but it was all in good fun. She and Cliffjumper shared in laughter.

Cliffjumper sobered up, though, turning his attention back to Side Swipe. Cliffjumper knew sometimes it was best to leave a sensitive subject alone. But he also knew sometimes one needed to press a person for their honest feelings, because otherwise they would keep denying it to themselves, burying it under denial until it boiled over an inappropriate moment.. And it was impossible to know whether it was best to do one or the other until he had already offended the person.

“Are you sure you're okay?” Cliffjumper asked. “I mean, if you are, it's fine, but if you're not, I want you to come talk to me.”

Side Swipe shrugged and let out another sigh. “You know what? You're right, Cliffjumper. Yes, I am upset about Optimus Prime being alive again. I am furious that he gets the chance to live again while Drench is still a pile of rusting scrap somewhere on Cybertron? What kind of universe do we live in where upstanding individuals like Drench are left to rust while disgusting heaps of slag like Optimus Prime are giving a second pass at live? What kind of world do we live in that tolerates such an a gross imbalance between the good people and the bad people? What world? What land? What universe? What peaceful loving god lets something like this happen while not doing anything to stop it!? AAAAAH!”

Side Swipe spun around towards them, pulling one of his swords and slicing through the air, lashing out against the cruel indignity and indifference of the universe. Perhaps if he timed his strike right, he could cut the classical element of air itself in half and inflict a wound, a scar on the universe, the way the universe had wounded and scarred and wronged him.

Cliffjumper and Chrysalis exchanged worried glances to each other.

"I suppose I may have gotten carried away." Side Swipe admired his blade, turning it towards sunlight, where the light bounced off the edge of the blade, making it gleam. He put the sword back in its holder.

Side Swipe turned around to face Cliffjumper, his face grim and serious.

“But make no mistake. It will be my blade that ends Optimus Prime's life – for good this time.”

Cliffjumper grimaced. “All right. If that's what you want. Just … don't let Drench be a reason to act reckless, all right?”

“On the battlefield, Drench is my reason for everything I do.”

Cliffjumper put an uncertain hand over his head. “That's what worries me. Hmm?” Cliffjumper and Chrysalis turned around as the bushes rustled once again.

“Hello, gentlemen.” Galvatron and Starscream emerged from the trees. “I hope you have a good chat by yourselves, but I've recovered from my attempt to remove Cybertron from the atmosphere, and am ready to turn my focus to ah, shall we say, less astronomical goals.” Galvatron patted his hands together. “So, where do we stand on Sombra? We know Megatronus told us he would know how to get Tirek. Do we know where he is?”

“Yes.” Chrysalis said. “After you defeated Optimus Prime the first time, he went back to the Crystal Empire protect it and keep it safe from Celestia's clutches.”

“The Crystal Empire, excellent!” Galvatron pumped his fist. “Uh, do we know how to to get to the Crystal Empire?”

Chrysalis giggled. “Come on. I'll show you.” Chrysalis flapped her wings and took flight. “Sombra and I have corresponding since he left. I'm sure if I write him a letter, he'll be happy to send us directions. You know, just in case we get separated.” Chrysalis gave Galvatron a friendly wink.

Galvatron nodded, approving of Chrysalis' thoughtfulness. “It never hurts to be prepared.”

Galvatron, Chrysalis, and the Decepticons traveled to the Crystal Empire without much challenge. Galvatron, Chrysalis and Starscream flew together, and while Cliffjumper, Side Swipe, and the other Decepticons with ground-based alternate modes had trouble with some rough terrain here and there, overall it wasn't a difficult trip.

The Crystal Empire, inside of a land covered with snow, came into view. It was a sight to behold, with a circular wall surrounding it. Huge spires of blue crystals protruded from the ground within the walls. Galvatron thought they resembled watch towers. Other, smaller spires littered the ground outside the wall. But the most striking structure was a huge tower set in the middle of the city, which seemed to made of crystal and form a miniature castle, tall enough to cast an eye over the entire city. Which, Galvatron thought, must have come in handy for Sombra to keep watch over his citizens.

“Hmm.” Galvatron transformed and, along with Starscream and Chrysalis, landed a few feet away from the main gate of Empire's wall. “You know, I was expecting that trip to be more difficult. You know, more fraught with peril and dangerous beasts and that kind of thing.”

“Quiet.” Starscream said. “You'll jinx it.”

Chrysalis walked up to the gate and knocked on it three times, her hoof barely making a sound against the massive crystalline door. “Sombra!” Chrysalis backed away from the gate to wave her hoof. “Yoo-hoo! It's Chrysalis and some Decepticon guests! Can you see me from your watchtowers, or do I need to move a little further back?”

Chrysalis' question was answered by a rumble from the gate. The two massive slabs of crystal separated and began to move, retracting the left and right and opening the way inside.

Chrysalis and the Decepticons walked in, where Sombra was ready to greet them at the gate.

“My friends!” Sombra ran up to Chrysalis, taking up Chrysalis' hoof and kissing it.

“Oh, you.” Chrysalis giggled.

“It is good to see you again!” Sombra said. He gave an odd look at Galvatron. “Er, who is this Deception? I've not seen him before.”

“This is Megatron.” Side Swipe said.

“I go by Galvatron now.” Galvatron said.

“Galvatron? Is this like, some weird Cybertronian thing that I don't understand?” Sombra asked.

Galvatron waved his hand. “More or less. How are you, Sombra? Is everything well?”

“Ah ...” Sombra became deflated. “Truthfully ...”

“Hey, Sombra!'

The Decepticons turned their attention to what appeared to be a pony stallion walking down the street. It had a clear, crystalline coat which let the Decepticons see right through its body, and blue crystal growths lined its legs and protruded from his back and from his flanks.

The crystalline pony tossed a tomato at Sombra, hitting him in the side of his head and splashing tomato paste on Sombra's cheek.

“Things could be better.” Sombra rubbed at his cheek to wipe the tomato off.

“What are these?” Galvatron asked, stepping forward. More and more of the crystal-mounted ponies appeared, all of them in varying colors of varying gems – ruby, quartz, emerald. They stepped out from their homes and glared at Sombra before they noticed Galvatron and became awed by, backing away from him in fear and reverence.

“Those are my subjects.” Sombra said. “In order to give the strength to fight, to protect them from Celestia, I cast a spell on the entire Crystal Empire to turn them into these crystal creatures you see before you. I thought it necessary, and I still do. If they wish to be free of Celestia's influence, they must have the physical power to fight.”

“I can't understand why they would be so upset with you for that. It sounds like a reasonable trade to me. Physical augmentation for protection against tyrants.” Galvatron said.

“Ah, well … I may not have sought out their consent before turning them into this gemstone mutants.” Sombra gave a sheepish smile.

“That would explain it.” Galvatron frowned.

“I know it may not seem that way to them, but it's what's best for them.” Sombra said. “They need a way to be keep free and safe from Celestia's tyranny, and the only way to do that is if they to have the power to defend themselves.”

“I see.” Galvatron nodded. “Sombra, I am not impressed. Let the record show that I strongly advise against forcing your subjects to do what you think its best for them. That is the action of a tyrant, and doing “what's best” for the people, even if they don't want it, is how dictatorships form.”

“I hear your words, Galvatron, and I understand.” Sombra bowed his head. “However, even if I understand, I do not have to agree with it. I am resigned to the fact this the only I way can be sure my people can protect themselves in times when I cannot be there for them. In the meantime, how may I be of your service to you?"

“We're looking for someone.” Galvatron and Sombra began to walk down the road, Galvatron forgetting he was still new to this people, causing them to flee in fear at his approach.

“It's okay, everypony!” Sombra assured them. “He's a friend of mine. He will not hurt you.”

“Oh, well that makes us feel so much better, coming from you!” A pony shouted. Others rallied behind him and began to throw insults and jeers at Sombra, mocking him.

“You were saying?” Sombra turned back to Galvatron, ignoring the crowd. “You were looking for someone?”

“His name is Tirek.” Galvatron said. “I was told he be an invaluable ally against Celestia. And I was also told you would know how to find him. Do you know him?”

“Not as such. However, I do recognize the name. Tirek. Tirek. TEAR-WRECK.” Sombra rubbed his chin. “Where have I heard that name before?” Sombra raised his hoof. “I've got it! It was at the library!” Sombra broke into a gallop.

“The library?” Galvatron ran after him.

“The Crystal Empire's library is one of the oldest and most extensive in Equestria.” Sombra said. “There is a wealth of knowledge there not found in any other library. I've seen Tirek's name in a book I read once. I'm sure of it!”

“Are you certain?” Galvatron asked as they arrived at the library and Sombra went up the steps. “If this lead doesn't pan out, Sombra we don't have another one.”

“You have my assurances.” Sombra climbed up the steps and stopped at the door. “Though it may take me some time to find which book it was.”

Sombra gave a reassuring smile, which Galvatron returned. Sombra went into the doors, and Galvatron could hear him sorting through the books. Sombra used his magic to lift multiple books at a time, flipping through the pages of one before tossing it aside and looking through another.

“No. No. No. No. I didn't even know our library had a book on making goat cheese. I'll have to check this one out sometime. No, no, no, no. Yes!” Some time later, after making a messy pile of tossed-away books, Sombra grasped a book with his hooves, dropping all the books his magic held and creating more of a mess in the library.

Sombra observed the mess he made. Books littered the floor as far as the eye could see. “Eh. I'll clean it up later. Galvatron!” Sombra ran out the door, running down the steps with the book in his hooves. “Galvatron, I found it!”

“You did?” Galvatron asked.

“Yes! It's right here, in this book on foreign lands.” Sombra opened the book and placed a hoof through its page. “It says that Prince Tirek is the ruler of a place called Ponyland, which lies northeast of the Crystal Empire and far, far to the north of Canterlot. Special features of the place include its active volcanoes, valleys, and a warm climate.”

“Yes, that's all very nice. But how do we get into contact with him?” Galvatron asked.

“Let me see … oh, this is interesting! It says that Tirek possess a Rainbow of Light, an artifact of magical power that Tirek uses to defend his land from invaders.”

“Rainbow of Light? Yeah, that sounds like the name of an artifact of unimaginable magic power … and one we could use against Celestia. No wonder Megatronus said to seek him out ...”

Sombra lifted his head up. “What?”

“Megatronus.” Galvatron told him. “My old mentor. Oh, right, you weren't there when he showed up. He was the one that told us to go find you to get to Tirek. Does it say anything about how to contact Tirek?”

Sombra scanned the page. “No, but it does specify where his castle is located. Chrysalis!” Sombra shouted, and Chrysalis was there in a flash.


“I will require the assistance of one of your Changelings.” Sombra said. He conjured a piece of paper and a quill and proceeding to write on it. He rolled the scroll up and handed it to Chrysalis. “Have them deliver this to the castle of Prince Tirek. I've written directions inside.”

Chrysalis nodded. She prepared to run off, but stopped. “Are we sure sending a single Changeling is a good idea? They are used to being a swarm, you know ...”

“Send two, if you're worried. Send ten. Send a hundred! Just make sure that letter gets to Tirek!” Sombra snapped.

“Gee, all right, Mister Boss Pony! You want me to get you a coffee while I'm at it?”

“Oh, would you? That would be lovely.”

Chrysalis rolled her eyes. “What kind?”

“A double espresso with extra cream, please.”

Chrysalis saluted. “One letter-carrier to a distant foreign land and one double espresso with extra cream, coming up right up!” Chrysalis flew away.

Moments later, Galvatron and Sombra looked up and could see two Changelings flying over the Crystal Empire's skyline. Chrysalis soon returned with the espresso and handed it to Sombra.

“Thank you.” Sombra said, taking a cup.

“Can I get you anything, Galvatron?” Chrysalis asked.

“No, thank you.” Galvatron sat down on the steps of the library, arms crossed. Sombra joined him, taking a cup of his espresso, and they were both soon joined by Chrysalis.

“So ...” Sombra began.

“I don't feel like making small talk right now.” Galvatron said.

“I see. This business with Tirek has you tense, doesn't it?” Sombra said.

“I suppose it does.” Galvatron said. “We have no way of knowing if those Changelings will make it to their destination, let alone there and back in one piece.” Galvatron stood up. “I should be out there. I can fly. I should go with them.”

“Sit down.” Sombra said. “I understand your desire to be doing something, but there's no reason you should have gone with them. They can protect themselves, for the most part.”

“Perhaps you aren't aware I've recently had an object of unimaginable power implanted into my chest and grafted into my systems.” Galvatron said. “I can blow away the strongest of opposition!”

“Oh?” Sombra was not impressed. “I can will crystals to form from the soil around me and create complex structures and impenetrable shields with the eye of a sculptor. Yet, somehow, I haven't defeated Celestia in combat. ”

“I see your point.” Galvatron returned to his seat on the stairs.

"Besides, I doubt if Tirek would prove receptive to a giant alien marching through his front door. The Changelings will be much less intimidating."

One of Sombra's subjects walked by them, a tomato in her hoof. She was planning on throwing it at Sombra, but she saw Galvatron and reconsidered.

“He will not hurt you.” Sombra assured her. “If you wish to throw that tomato at me, then by all means please do so.”

The mare looked at Galvaton. “Is that true?”

“If you wish to throw a tomato at Sombra, I will not stop you.” Galvatron said. “However, I would ask you not to do so. Surely that tomato could be better used by feeding your family or yourself?”

The mare looked at the tomato for a moment. “You're right.” She took a big bite out of it and walked off.

“Thank you, Galvatron.” Sombra said. “For your assistance.”

“Sombra, I'm still concerned by you making your citizens into this crystal creatures. A good king would not alter his subjects without their permission.”

“I know.” Sombra looked into his cup. “I'm just … afraid for them, that's all. Afraid Celestia and her army will come for them in the night and whisk them away as prisoners, or worse. I have to defend them somehow, and I can't keep an eye on all of them all of the time.”

“I understand that, but you can't just go around turning ponies into monsters without their permission just because they're afraid. If they want this transformation, let them have it, but don't force it on them if they don't want it.”

Sombra closed his eyes and nodded. “I understand your concern. Once Celestia is deposed and no longer a threat to the safety of my citizens, I will undo the spell ... assuming, of course, such a feat is possible. Which I have reason enough to doubt.”

“Good.” Galvatron said. "Don't worry about Celestia. We'll make it happen."

“Look!” Chrysalis pointed upwards. “The Changelings are back!”

“That was fast, even for fliers.” Galvatron observed. He and Sombra looked up and saw an unpleasant sight. The Changelings had returned in the company of what could only be described as a demon. A primate creature resembled an ape, with fur all over its body, with a pointed snout and wings from a bat on its back. Its fur was a charcoal black, its skins a striking bright shade of carmine red.

The Changelings and the creature descended to the ground. The Changelings were as unnerved as Sombra was, running away from the creature and going to their matron Chrysalis the firs they got.

Galvatron stood up to confront this intruder, his fists clenched for a fight. “Who are you? State your business!”

“I am Scorpan.” The creature gestured a hand to its chest, speaking in a deep voice with a small rasp to it. “Brother to and ambassador of Prince Tirek. I received your letter and thought it best to come down here myself with all haste. You want to see Tirek?” Scorpan pointed at Galvatron. “You have to go through me first.”

“Is that a threat?” Galvatron asked.

“Merely a statement of fact. What is your business with Tirek?”

“I am Galvatron, leader of the Decepticons. I look to forge an alliance with Tirek. I am told we have a common enemy – Queen Celestia of Equestria.”

This caused Scorpan to raise an eyebrow.

“I believe if Tirek and I were to unite and combine our resources, we would stand a chance of defeating Celestia and ending her tyranny on Equestria.”

Scorpan put a finger to his chin. “And what makes you think you have the power to stand up to Celestia? She consorts with dark forces.”

“Well, would you believe me if I told I was killed by her once already?” Galvatron said. Scorpan had a shocked, disbelieving expression. “I think the fact that I didn't stay dead proves I am a match for her. But if that's not enough for you ...” Galvatron raised his hand, ready to demonstrate the Cyber Planet Key's power.

“No, that's not necessary. It's enough.”

“Please.” Galvatron said. “May we see Tirek?”

“I am impressed. Those killed by Celestia's hooves usually stay dead.” Scorpan put his fingers together. “However, no one gets in to see my brother … without first proving their worth.”

Galvatron bowed. “I understand. What must I do?”

“We'll start with something simple.” Scorpan raised his finger. “First, you must find a flower that grows in ice. Find such a flower and bring it to me, and then I will decide whether or not you're worthy from there.”

Galvatron nodded and stood up. He walked back to Sombra and Chrysalis.

“Well?” Sombra asked. “What did he say?”

“He said I had to prove I'm worthy before I'm allowed to see Tirek.” Galvatron said. “He wants me to find a flower that grows in ice, but I've never heard of such a thing. A flower, by its very nature, requires sunlight and heat to thrive.”

“Wait, wait, wait.” Sombra said. “Do you say a flower that grows in ice?”


Sombra turned to the lift. His horn glowing blue, he plucked a patch of flowers from a nearby patch of snow. He presented the ice-blue flowers to Galvatron, who was fascinated by the flower petals which seemed made of ice.

“Such a flower may be impossible on Cybertron, Galvatron, but here in the Crystal Empire, they're a dime a dozen.” Sombra explained.

“I see.” Galvatron clutched the flowers in his hand. “Well, I hope the fact that you plucked them and not I won't invalidate the effort.”

Galvatron turned and approached Scorpan, who was waiting.

“Here you are, Scorpan.” Galvatron presented the flowers. “Flowers that grow in ice.”

“I, uh, I ...” It was obvious from his expression Scorpan hadn't been expecting Galvatron to return with the flowers. “Uh, yes. Very good.” Scorpan took them. “Uh … next you must find me … a bowl of love. A bowl of love sweet and pure!”

“A bowl of love?” Sombra said. “Scorpan, what's to stop us from just giving you a wooden bowl full of water that we've used a dye or syrup to color pink?”

“Nothing, I suppose.” Scorpan looked away.

“You also seem to be stuttering quite a bit.” Chrysalis said. “You weren't before. Why the change?”

“Well, I ...”

“Scorpan.” Galvatron said. “Be honest. Are these tasks really meant to prove us worthy, or are they just menial tasks you come up with as an excuse to prevent us from seeing Tirek?”

Scorpan frowned. "So, you've caught on to my game." He backed away.

"Game? Scorpan?" Galvatron asked, becoming concerned. Scorpan's eyes darted to his side, where the handle of a sword pointed out. Galvatron saw it too, and he could see on Scorpan's face Scorpan was thinking of drawing the weapon out.

"Scorpan, please ... don't." Galvatron said. "I don't want to fight you. I want to be your friend, even though you're making it difficult. I want to be Tirek's friend. Please ... don't. Don't."

Scorpan's hand reached for the sword.

Galvatron, by pure reflex, raised his arm and pointed Rumbler's barrel at Scorpan, Rumbler giving off a high-pitched whine as it charged with energy.

Scorpan's eyes darted across the area. He saw Chryalis' and Sombra's horns lighting up, preparing magic spells.

"Don't." Galvatron begged one last time.

Scorpan removed his hand from his sword, chuckling a bit. "Very well. I admit it. They're just menial chores meant to keep your hands and hooves busy so I have a reason to deny you access to my brother's castle. My brother welcomes all visitors, and I believe he trusts too much, so if I wish to deny visitors' entry, I must find a convincing excuse to turn them away that he will accept."

“But why do you want turn us away?” Chrysalis asked. “We could help each other!”

“So you say. But despite your claims, while I believe my brother may be help you, I do not think you are capable of helping him.”

Galvatron had to resist the urge to grab Scorpan by the neck and throttle him. This was a political situation, not a violent one, even if things had gotten a little tense for a minute, and he had to be diplomatic. “Ambassador Scorpan, if you will allow me to present my case to Tirek -”

“Galvatron!” Blitzwing came running up to them. “Galvatron!”

Galvatron turned. “What is it, Blitzwing?”

“We've got Autobots!” Blitzwing answered. “Autobots at the front gate!”

“What?” Galvatron exclaimed. He, Sombra, and Chrysalis followed Blitzwing to the main gate of the Crystal Empire. Scorpan lingered behind them, following them but in no hurry to catch up.

When they arrived at the gates, Galvatron was greeted to a most familiar yet unwelcome sight; Superion's massive form looming over the main gate, his fists raised high to do some smashing.


Superion brought his fists down, smashing through the gate and shattering it into a thousand pieces. Smoke flowed from the destruction and massive amounts of debris were flung through the air.

Author's Note:

At the time I wrote this chapter, it seemed to have a very comedic bent to it. Though less so upon a re-read.

My proofreader pointed out more logical fallacies in this chapter than he did the last one, which I can't help but feel as an indication of quality, as I wrote this chapter faster than the previous one ... a bit of that whole getting it done right versus getting done fast angle.