• Published 16th May 2015
  • 2,133 Views, 27 Comments

Through The Looking Glass - Darkryt Orbinautz

They came down from the stars. The ponies called them heroes. They call themselves Decepticons. But whatever they are, they've made life good for the citizens of Equestria ... and Queen Celestia will not tolerate such insolence against her reign.

  • ...


Shards of crystal debris flew everywhere. A cloud of dust billowed out from where Superion smashed the gate, the impact rattling the ground. The frightened and confused townsfolk fled as far as they could in any direction they could.

Galvatron raised his hand. “Decepticons, attack!” At his command, the Decepticon forces converged on the gate, rushing towards and engaging their Autobot foes.

Sombra cast a magic spell, raising huge pink crystals from the ground. Another crystal, this one blue in color, appeared underneath Sombra, raising him to the eye-level of the Decepticons.

“I swear by my life, you will not take the Crystal Empire, Autobots!”

“BIG TALK, SMALL PONY.” Superion said.

“Leave him to me.” Galvatron told Sombra. “I'll take care of him. Superion!” Galvatron addressed the combiner. “You would do well to leave this place, or I shall have to fight you. I warn you. Since the last time we fought, I have only grown even more powerful.”


Galvatron smirked. He clenched his fist, enveloped in a pink, glowing aura. “I'll show you.”

Galvatron unfurled his fingers, firing a beam of light at Superion. The beam, with the intensity of a cutting torch, scorched and melted Superion's body as it traveled across. Galvatron directed the beam in diagonal sweep, first burning Superion's lower torso before raising the beam up across Superion's chest and through his shoulder, melting the parts connecting the limb there. The limb dangled from Superion's side, held only by a few unaffected tethers which would give way at the slightest show of force.

“ARRGH!” Superion screamed. One might think it was because of the pain of the searing beam, but he was more upset about his arm being disconnected from his body. “YOU GOING TO PAY FOR THAT, GALVATRON!”

“Will I?” Galvatron asked smugly. He jumped into the air, flying under his own power, and launched another blast from his palm, striking Superion in the stomach.

While Galvatron did battle with the giant, the rest of the Decepticons engaged the Autobots, keeping them at bay.

“Come on, boys!” Rodimus said. “Show them clowns what yer made of, eh?”

“Yeah!” An Autobot cheered, raising up his gun. “We're made of sturdier stuff than them, yeah!” The Autobot took aim his pistol, but this enthusiasm did nothing to prevent a well-aimed shot from Soundwave from blowing his pistol out from his hand.

“You were saying?” Starscream asked.

“Ah, lucky shot!” The daring Autobot charged at Starscream, who flipped out his arm-blade and cut the Autobot across the stomach. The Autobot staggered, and Starscream seized the chance, lifting him by the head and tossing him a fair distance. The Autobot groaned and stayed on the ground, incapacitated.

“I'll bet you think you're some hot stuff, don't ya?” Rodimus asked. “Well, let me tell ya, takin' out one of us don't mean a thing, got it?”

“Got it.” Starscream smiled and advanced on Rodimus. “I'll be happy to take out ten of you, if it would mean anything to you.”

“Ah ...” Rodimus fired a shot at Starscream, knocking Starscream down. “Keep him off me, will ya, boys? I don't feel like messing with him today.” He proceeded to back away from Starscream.

“Hey, why do you get back out of the fight?” One of the Autobots demanded.

“Cause Optimus made me the squad leader of this little shindig, see? So I have to be relatively safe so I can, you know, lead.” Rodimus's was brimming with smugness.

Soundwave knelt by Starscream's side, helping him up. “Are you okay, Starscream?”

“I'm fine.” Starscream put a hand on Soundwave's arm, reluctant to accept his help. “Keep the Autobots out of the city! Out here, they're exposed, but if they have a chance to get inside, they'll use the buildings for cover and take hostages.”

“Hmm.” Rodimus crossed his arms and laid back. “Sounds they don't want us getting into the city, boys.” Rodimus tilted his head, taking note of the position of his Autobots. “And it looks like … Ricochet!”

“Eh?” Ricochet asked, grappling with a Decepticon.

“Youse got a clear path to the entrance of the city! Get in there and grab a hostage or two, maybe make a mess.” Rodimus ordered.

“On it, boss!” Ricochet decked the Decepticon he was fighting and made a beeline for the broken gate.

“No!” Starscream shouted. He attempted to chase after Ricochet, but a shot in the back from a laser brought him down to his knees. “Grr!”

The Autobot who had shot Starscream was giggling to himself, giddy and pleased with his cheap shot. He quit laughing when Starscream returned a retaliatory shot, knocking him to the ground as well, and Starscream followed up with a vengeful barrage of lasers, producing several holes on his body.

Inside the Crystal Empire, Ricochet took stock of his surroundings, observing the fleeing townsponies before him.

“Hmm … yeah! I could raise a real ruckus in here!” Ricochet boasted, holding his weapon and looking for victims. His eyes fell on one pony with pink crystals growing out of his back and flanks. The pony ran away from him, but tripped and fell.

Ricochet approached him. The pony turned around and raised his hooves up to shield himself from whatever horrible fate the mechanical monster had in store for him.

“P-please! I'll do whatever you ask, just let me go!” The pony begged.

“Hmm.” Ricochet considered this. “Maybe I could use you. Get you to sing my praises and tell Optimus Prime how lucky he really is to have me. Maybe your testimony would even help me get a promotion! Nah. On second thought, it's more fun to see you squirm.” Ricochet aimed his gun at the pony.

“Please!” The pony, panicked and fearing for his life, rolled over and tried to push himself up. The crystal growths on his body began to glow. Trying to get up, he put his hooves on the ground, and a pink glow emitted from them.

“Huh?” The pony was befuddled by this. The ground below him also began a pink glow, which traveled in a straight line from his hooves to Ricochet's feet.

“Eh?” Ricochet questioned, right before pink crystals burst from the ground underneath him, entrapping his feet in a crystalline prison. “Hey! What's the big idea! I can't move my legs!” Ricochet flailed and struggled. The pony took his chance to flee and get to a hiding place.

“Oh, I know!” Ricochet said. “I'll blast my way out!” He aimed his gun at the crystals and fired, destroying them, but damaging his foot as well. “AAAh! Bad idea, bad idea!” He waved his smoking foot around, trying to cool it off.

On the outside of the city, Rodimus noticed Superion's battle with Galvatron. Despite Superion's impressive strength, the battle wasn't going too well for him.

“Hmm. Looks our big boy isn't taking a little beating.” Rodimus mused.


Rodimus turned to see Sombra standing before him.

“Sombra, right?” Rodimus asked. “What did youse want?”

“I have no grudge against you, Rodimus.” Sombra said. “Take your Autobots and leave now, and I will allow you to depart in peace.”

“Sorry. No can do.” Rodimus shrugged, giving Sombra a fake sympathetic smile. “Optimus and Celestia don't want me to come back without someone's severed head.”

“I see. Will your head suffice?” Sombra's horn shined with a brilliant light. Crystalline structures popped out from the ground around Rodimus, entrapping and encasing him a in a circle of minerals.

“Youse think this is gonna be enough to hold me?” Rodimus fired at a crystal, his laser blast causing it to explode into uncountable pieces. But rather than the open space he expected, there was instead more crystals behind it. Rodimus grimaced, able to hear the sound of the ground shredding and ripping as more crystal growths emerged around his pen at Sombra's prompting.

“Yes.” Sombra said with a smile. “Yes, I do.”

“All right.” Galvatron murmured, flying to the side to avoid a rocket from Superion. “I do believe it's time to end this. Rumbler! You're up!” With Rumbler by his side once more, Galvatron attached the drone to his arm and took aim, firing a massive blast into Superion's chest. The blast tore Superion's chest in two, and the force of the blast sent Superion stumbling backwards.

Superion couldn't see from the smoke billowing out of his chest. When the smoke clear, Superion didn't have time to react the sight of Galvatron's fist fast approaching his face

The same way as the first time they fought, Galvatron's fist smashed Superion's face in. Superion's visor shattered, leaving little pieces of glass on the ground, and his faceplate cracked. Superion thought to curse Galvatron, but the thought couldn't leave his mouth before he crashed to the ground.

“Huh.” Galvatron said. “They don't make combiners like they used to.”

“Oh man!” An Autobot exclaimed. “Galvatron just took out Superion! We should get out of here!”

“What?” Rodimus yelled, though he couldn't see over the crystals surrounding him. “No! Stay and fight it out, youse! What, youse think just because we lost Superion, that means it's time to throw in the towel and call it quits!?”

“Uh, yeah!” An Autobot responded. “Superion is a combiner! He's huge! He's powerful! And Galvatron took him out with a punch! What chance do we have against something like that?”

“Quit yer whinin'!” Rodimus snapped. He growled at the sound of car engines revving up and rumbling. The Autobots were transforming into their vehicular modes and driving off. “Where are youse goin'!? Get back here and fight until we have a trophy to show Celestia and Optimus!”

“What's the matter, Rodimus?” Galvatron's reflection appeared in one of the crystals. “Are the Autobots not respecting your authority anymore now that Optimus Prime is back?”

“Grr!” Rodimus fired at the crystal, destroying it, but Galvatron's reflection appeared in crystals adjacent to it.

“You do know it's only a reflection, right?”

Rodimus looked up to see Galvatron floating over him.

“This ain't over! Not by a long shot!” Rodimus pointed a finger at Galvatron before getting an idea. He jumped onto the crystals and climbed out, escaping from the enclosure. Rodimus jumped off the side of the crystal and transformed, landing on the wheels of his car mode, his chassis bouncing from the impact. He revved his engine and drove off, joining his fellow Autobots in retreat.

“Aw, come on, guys!” Ricochet shouted, limping out from the Crystal Empire. He had managed to free himself from the crystals, but his other leg was still encased in a shiny pink clump. “Wait for me!” Ricochet attempted to transform, but with the crystals stick to his leg, he ended up in an unbalanced car mode, lacking the clearance to fold up properly. As a result, he tilted to one side. Galvatron and Sombra were so amused at his misfortune they let him go, despite the opportunity to take him prisoner.

“I'd say that went well.” Sombra said.

“Yes, quite.” Galvatron agreed.

Sombra looked towards the Empire. “I suppose I should address the citizenry following such a crisis ...”

Galvatron nodded to agree. Before they could go in, Scorpan appeared in the wreckage of the gate. He seemed hesitant to come out, as if expecting something and knowing he was going to be disappointed.

“Scorpan!” Galvatron said. “What do you think? We just beat an Autobot squadron into retreat. What do you say? Are we worthy now?”

“Mmm. No.” Scorpan said, crossing his arms. “I did not witness your defeat of this Autobot squadron. Therefore, it proves nothing.”

“What?” Galvatron was a little offended. “We beat an entire Autobot squadron! And a combiner!”

“I didn't see it. Therefore, it didn't happen.”

“We have more than a dozen Decepticon eyewitnesses here who will corroborate my story!”

“How do I know you didn't invent this story and get your Decepticons to collectively agree with it?”

“The proof is right there!” Galvatron gestured to Superion's inactive form.

“How do I know you didn't find him like that, and then bring him here?” Scorpan said.

Galvatron made a displeased face. “Scorpan, I'm beginning to suspect you are deliberately being as unhelpful as possible.”

Before their conversation could continue, and Scorpan could either confirm or deny Galvatron's suspicions, there was a groan.

“URGH ...” Superion stirred. He lifted his hand up and placed it on the ground, causing a miniature quake which shook the ground beneath Scorpan and Galvatron's feet.

Superion rolled over and pushed himself, getting to his knees before standing up.


“Stunticons!” Galvatron ordered, pointing at Superion. “Do your thing! Take him out!”

“We're on it.” Motormaster and the other Stunticons rushed to the front. Climbing up on each other, they merged into Menasor, ready to face his rival.

“RRAGH … SUPERION … CRUSH MENASOR.” Superion lumberd forward.

“We think not, villainous cur!” Menasor replied. He ran at Superion and attempted to deck him, but Superion caught Menasor's fist in his hand. This did not discourage Menasor, who made do by headbutting Superion's head, causing them both to recoil from the pain.

Superion produced a weapon – a large, large cannon – and fired, blasting a hole into Menasor's chest. Menasor stood strong despite the damage.

Superion, getting an idea, moved and aimed his cannon around Menasor and at the rest of the smaller Decepticons. He would blow them to pieces.

“No!” Menasor shouted. He drew a sword from a hidden compartment somewhere. Charging at Superion, Menasor swung the sword, cutting off the barrel of Superion's gun. Superion aimed the gun at Menasor, willing to take both Menasor and himself out with an explosive blast from his dysfunctional weapon. However, Menasor thrust his sword through Superion's chest before Superion could pull the trigger.

“Ooh ...” Superion groaned, his shoulders losing their tension and Menasor's sword sticking out from his back. Superion fell, pushing himself further into the blade before summoning up the strength to separate into his component Aerialbots, which freed from the sword. The Aerialbots converted into their jet modes and took off for the skies.

Menasor, unwilling to let them escape, arched his arm back and threw his sword at them. The sword twirled through the air, missing one of the Aerialbots by a narrow margin before landing blade-end first in the icy ground of the Crystal Empire.

Menasor let out a sigh before separating into the Stunticons. Motormaster walked over to reclaim his sword, grabbing its handle and plucking it free of the ice.

Galvatron turned to Scorpan, whose jaw was hanging. “Are you impressed now, Scorpan?”

Scorpan caught himself and pushed his jaw back into place. “Er, yes, I am. I will tell my brother of you. But know this. If you wish to defeat Celestia, you must recruit more followers. You must gather an army the likes of which this or any other world has never seen. And you must be prepared to sacrifice several of them before you cause Celestia's downfall.” Scorpan turned away from Galvatron, taking flight with his wings.

"Followers, huh?" Galvatron said, rubbing his chin. "I might be able to do that, between the Decepticons, the Changelings ..." Galvatron paused. He had plenty of followers already. "Okay, got that covered. But ... sacrifice them? They're not pawns, they're people. Ponies with dreams of what they'd do without Celestia and Decepticons with dreams of they would do without the war!" Galvatron scowled. "I'll not sacrifice anyone, Scorpan, no matter how necessary you think it might be."

With the Autobots beaten back, Galvatron, the Decepticons, and Sombra went back inside the Crystal Empire's limits. There, the citizens began to make their way out from their hiding places and regarded Sombra and Galvatron both with awe.

“Do not worry. There is no need to fear. The Decepticons and I have driven off our attackers. You are safe now.” Sombra said. “That said, there is something that I would like to address.”

“Sombra, we just fought off an attack.” Galvatron said. “They need a moment to unwind and shake off the stress. Perhaps now isn't the best time to-”

“Hear me, my citizens.” Sombra continued, ignoring Galvatron. “I have turned you into crystal … aberrations in the hopes of protecting you. In hopes of keeping you safe. Hoping to give you the power to keep yourself safe. Recently, it's been brought to my attention that … this was wrong of me. And I agree. Regardless of how I may fear for your safety, how I might worry, it was not my place to force this transformation on you. I am sorry. If any of you wish to have these changes undone, you need only to come see me in my tower. There, I will undo the spell on you.” Sombra closed his eyes and nodded to show he was done speaking.

“Are you kidding?” A pony said. “Undo the spell? No way!”

Sombra was surprised. “I'm sorry?”

“Yeah, we may not have liked it at first.” A mare spoke.

“But after what happened today, we get it. We really get it. We understand what you were trying to do.” Another pony said.

“One of those Autobots was going to shoot me.” Another stallion said. “But these powers you gave us let me defend myself. They saved my life. Why would I want to get rid of them?”

“And after that showing you made today … where you went out to the front lines and fought the Autobots with these brave soldiers ...” Another pony gestured to the Decepticons. “We would be fools not to accept you for our leader.”

“We will follow you to the ends of Equestria, King Sombra.”

“I ...” Sombra fought back a tear. “Thank you, citizens. That means so much to me to hear.” Sombra wiped a tear and nodded, resolving his courage. “Any of you who still wish to undo the spell, you may visit me in my tower. The rest of you, if you willing to remain this way … if you are willing to train, to fight and join the Decepticons against Celestia's corrupt regime … go to the library. We'll use it as a barracks and begin training you as an army to fight Celestia.”

The citizens raised up their hooves and cheered. Several of them departed from the crowd and headed for the library.

Sombra, smiling, walked after them.

Galvatron folded his arms, pleased with the way things were progressing. “Well, it looks like we'll be able to make good on that “recruiting followers” notion of Scorpan's.”

Scorpan returned to his home in the distant land he hailed from. An eleborate castle, made of yellow-brown brick, stood tall over the landscape. Scorpan flew in through a window at the highest floor, arriving in his brother's throne room.

“Scorpan.” Tirek said, sitting on his throne. “You've returned.”

“Indeed I have.” Scorpan said.

“Where have you been?”

“Oh, nowhere.” Scorpan said. “Just visiting some odd fellows. They call themselves Decepticons. They wanted to propose a alliance with you.”

“What for?”

“They are possessed of the notion that together, you and them can defeat Queen Celestia.” Scorpan said, walking towards the entrance. “In the best interests of our kingdom, I tried to discourage such a foolish notion and did not grant them permission to see you or agree to an alliance.”

“What?” Tirek snapped, standing up from his throne. “Scorpan, you fool! Do you not realize how valuable potential allies are in our fight against Equestrian's tyrant? If we are to stand a chance against Celestia, any potential ally or asset must be courted!”

“But Brother!” Scorpan said. “They are fools. Surely you don't really expect to be able to defeat Celestia, do you?”

“That is exactly what I expect to do, Scorpan. Though how can I expect to do anything when you sabotage our chances of gaining allies?”

“Brother, please. Cease this foolishness. If you continue to go down this path, it will lead to the ruin of our country and our people. Ruin, I tell you! Celestia cannot be defeated, only contained.” Scorpan said. “She is invincible.”

“I disagree, Scorpan. She can be defeated, and she is not invincible. Everyone has a weakness. It is merely a matter of finding out what it is and how to exploit it. Now, go back to the Decepticons! Apologize for your rudeness and inform them I wish to speak with them as soon as possible! Teach them the knowledge we have of Celestia's enemies.”

“Brother -”

“Go at once, with all due haste!” Tirek ordered.

Scorpan stood there with an expression of shock on his face. He covered his face and sighed. Tirek had never raised his voice at him before. “Yes, Brother.” He turned towards the window and spread his wings.

Galvatron, his arms behind his back in a controlled, disciplined pose, marched through the Crystal Empire, Shockwave and Starscream by his side. They visited the library.

They were well-timed, as Sombra stepped out the library entrance.

“How goes the training, Sombra?” Galvatron asked.

Sombra shook his head. “Not good. They mean well, and their hearts in the right place, but … they're still citizens, not a military unit. If I can't get them into shape soon, they won't stand a chance against the Royal Guard.”

“Keep trying.” Galvatron said. “You'll get there. Shockwave, Starscream, give me an assessment. What's our tactical standing as of this moment?”

“We would do well to use the Crystal Empire as our new base.” Shockwave said. “It is a long way from Canterlot, and there is plenty of open space. Nowhere for the Autobots to hide or set up any outposts or forward bases.”

“Advantage-wise, we're tied with the enemy, sir.” Starscream said. “We have you. They have Optimus Prime. We have Chrysalis and Sombra. They have Celestia, who may be powerful than the two of them put together. We have a combiner and they have a combiner. And I think the crew of our ship had another combiner from before we came to Equestria. Abominus, I think his name was.”

“And I believe the Autobots also had a preexisting combiner, so that puts us at a tie again.” Galvatron said.

“Don't forget.” Shockwave pointed to Galvatron's chest. “We do have the Cyber Planet Key.”

“Though the Key is powerful, it's only a slight advantage in the grand scheme of things.” Starscream said. “Even as powerful as Galvatron's become, I don't think he can win this entire thing. The fighting is going to drag on unless we can come up with something to tip the scales in our favor.”

“I may be able to help you with that.”

“Scorpan!” Galvatron expressed his surprise as Scorpan descended from the sky. “What are you doing back with us so soon?”

“I have talked to my brother.” Scorpan said. “He is … interested in your idea of an alliance. He wishes to speak with you as soon as you can get to him. He has also ordered to make up for my previous rudeness. So … I apologize.” Scorpan bowed, his wings flaring out in an elegant flourish to his bow.

"Funny. I sense your apology is insincere" Side Swipe said.

"You doubt my sincerity?" Scorpan asked, putting on a smug smile. "That's not a good sign for our alliance. Nevertheless ..." Scorpan shook his head. "In addition, Tirek wishes for me to share with you something we know." Scorpan said. "It may just be the advantage you're looking for."

“What is it?” Starscream asked.

“Celestia's enemies from long ago.” Scorpan said.

“If they're from long ago, they're not going to do us much good in the present, are they?” Shockwave asked.

“Perhaps they can. If you can find them.” Scorpan said. “Their names … are Nightmare Moon and Discord. Discord was a spirit of order who used his magic to share his generosity with the ponies, giving them anything they asked for. Celestia and her sister Luna, when they were still united, couldn't tolerate such a thing and used their magic to turn Discord into ice. He is somewhere in the Everfree Forest.”

“When they were still united? What do you mean by that?” Starscream asked.

“That brings us to Nightmare Moon.” Scorpan said. “According to what we've learned, Discord was able to cast a spell on Luna before he was frozen. The spell purified – or corrupted, depending on your point of view – Luna, who displayed a sudden interest in the values of truth, liberty, and freedom. These values have no place in Celestia's Equestria. So they came to blows. Celestia ultimately prevailed and used some lost magic to banish her sister to the moon. Legend has it that, on a predetermined date, Luna will return from her banishment and attempt to bring about a new age of perpetual sunlight so nopony can hide their crimes in the darkness of night.”

“Poetic.” Galvatron said. “But not entirely helpful to us.”

Scorpan shrugged. “Who knows? Some think that this year is the date Luna will return. And if you can find Discord, perhaps you can free him, and he can aid you. Do at least try to seek them out and recruit before you go fighting Celestia, or I will have to continue calling you fools. Now if you'll excuse me …” Scorpan spread his wings and took flight. “I really have somewhere I must be.” Scorpan flew and left them.

“Somehow I get the impression he's going to call us fools anyway.” Starscream said.

“Probably. But we mustn't let Scorpan's rudeness turn us off from this alliance or any other advantages. Although ..."

"What?" Starscream asked. "What is it?"

"You heard what he said about Discord." Galvatron said. "I'm not sure I want someone willing to brainwash to get his way like that on our team."

"Maybe not." Starscream nodded. "I understand your concerns. But that was Scorpan's version of the story. I think we should seek out Discord and hear his side of events. Even if it is true, it's not like we have much choice. If we want this alliance to work, we have to talk to Tirek, and Scorpan won't let us do that until we've made some effort at recruiting these people."

"Very well. We are going to do some research into Nightmare Moon and Discord and search for them. If Scorpan's information proves correct and we can find them, we'll do our best to recruit them.” Galvatron said. “Summon the Decepticons. I want multiple teams to work on this.”

Starscream and Shockwave both saluted Galvatron and ran off to gather the Decepticons. Galvatron turned away, feeling a bit chafed to have recruit a known mind-manipulator into his ranks.

Celestia, Twilight's friends, and Optimus stood on an overlooking cliff.

“I look forward to meeting your foreign ambassador again.” Optimus Prime said. “I did enjoy our stirring discussions about what the best way to behead someone is.”

“You'll get your chance to discuss it more soon.” Twilight Sparkle said. “Just be patient.”

“He's arrived.” Celestia held her hoof for silence as their visitor arrived.

Scorpan, descending from the sky like a shadow of the night. He landed at the edge of the cliff. “Hello, Optimus. Celestia.” Scorpan bowed. “Always a pleasure to see you again.”

“And you as well, Scorpan.” Celestia bowed her neck at him, though everyone could tell this was simple a matter of being polite. “How go your efforts?”

“Not so grand.” Scorpan pursed his lips. “I have told the Decepticons of Nightmare Moon and Discord.”

“What? Why would you do such a thing?” Celestia snapped. “This knowledge in Galvatron's hands … it could prove devastating!” Celestia exclaimed. It unnerved Twilight to see Celestia so distraught. She was normally so calm, even in some of the scariest situations.

“I had little choice in the matter.” Scorpan said. “My brother directly ordered me to do so. I was in a tight spot. As bold and irreverent as I may be, I am not yet willing to risk openly defying my brother's orders. Perhaps if your Autobots defeated the Decepticons in the Crystal Empire, we wouldn't be having this problem. I go through all the trouble of letting you know the Decepticons are at the Crystal Empire, and for what? Just to watch the Decepticons beat them back and emerge triumphant?”

“Watch it.” Optimus Prime said. “Those are my Autobots you're insulting. Twiley, I've changed my mind. I don't like talking to him anymore.” Optimus glared at him.

“Regardless …” Scorpan said. “Aside from perhaps causing Discord to enter the fray, this changes nothing. Our deal still stands. You will help to, ah, dispose of my brother. With his death, you will annex his lands.”

“And in exchange for your help in defeating him, you will be given his lands, serving as a lord under me.” Celestia said. “I have not forgotten.”

Scorpan nodded. “I will meet with you again as soon as I have something worth your notice.” Scorpan exited with his wings, leaving the scene.

Celestia watched Scorpan leaving for a few minutes before turning and going back to Canterlot Castle. Twilight's friends joined her, though Twilight stayed with Optimus Prime for awhile, staring at the sky with her boyfriend.

As peaceful as Optimus and Twilight were, it couldn't last. Goldbug, clutching at his shoulders and limping, came up to them.

“Optimus! Optimus. There you are. I've been looking everywhere for you. I haven't been able to find you in moment of calm since you came back online!” Goldbug complained.

“What is it, Goldbug?” Optimus asked, turning to him. “Twilight Sparkle and I were enjoying a nice moment of cloudgazing, so it had best be something good.”

“I want to register a complaint. During your absence, do you have any idea how Rodimus and Twilight Sparkle treated me!?” Goldbug yelled. The fact he was raising his voice at Optimus Prime meant nothing to him in this moment. “They cut out my Ember and spliced it into pieces to make the Aerialbots! I want, nay, demand justice! Retribution! Some form of compensation, at least!”

Optimus Prime looked to Twilight Sparkle. “Twilight Sparkle, is this true? Did you and Rodimus spliced Goldbug's Ember to make the Aerialbots?”

Twilight giggled. “Okay. You got me. Yes, we did.”

“Resourceful of you.” Optimus said with an approving voice.

“Well?” Goldbug asked, raising his hand.

“Well, what?”

“Aren't you going to do anything? Some punishment to Rodimus and Twilight for treating me like a resource instead of a living Cybertronan being? An apology, at the very least?”

“Goldbug, through Twilight's efforts, I was able to get five new soldiers and a combiner from your Ember. I'm not too concerned. You can survive without a few pieces of your Ember.”

“What? But … but ...”

“Oh, hush. You're still alive, aren't you?”

Goldbug fell silent. “Fine.” He walked away, grumbling to himself.

“What a whiner.” Twilight Sparkle said.

“Yes.” Optimus said. “Come, Twilight Sparkle. Let's return to Canterlot. I grow tired of staring at clouds.”

“Whatever you say, handsome!” Twilight Sparkle followed Optimus back to the city.

In the Everfree Forest, a withering, decaying forest, plants and bushes rustled as Decepticon search parties combed the ground in search of a figure who, for all they knew, may not have even been there anymore, or had even been there at all.

“Must we go through here again?” Blitzwing complained to Shockwave as they passed some bushes and trees. “I swear we were just past this grove ...”

“Not so.” Shockwave said. “The last groove had a hedge made of four bushes. This one has a hedge made of five bushes.”

Blitzwing rolled his eyes. Or as close as he could get with a visor. “Shockwave, I really don't care about your lessons in spatial math and botany.”

“Quiet.” Shockwave said. “I think I see something. This way.” Shockwave led Blitzwing out from the trees and into a clearing.

The clearing was an oddity for a forest. There was a waterfall which led into a lake, both of which were frozen over, ice and snow radiating in the area around them. In the center of the lack was an ice sculpture. An odd sculpture. It seemed to be some kind of serpentine creature with the head of a dragon, the front hoof of a faun, the legs of a lion and an eagle, and the tail of a donkey.

“Is that him?” Blitzwing asked.

“It's an ice sculpture in the middle of the forest. I suspect it is. Call Galvatron! Let him know we've found it.” Shockwave said.

Blitzwing made the call, tapping a communicator on his wrist. Several minutes later, Galvatron, Sombra, Chrysalis, and the Decepticons had gathered around the frozen lake.

“So that's him, huh?” Side Swipe asked. “Discord.”

“Yes, I would assume as much.” Galvatron said. He put a foot on the ice to see if it could hold his weight. Feeling the ice was solid, Galvatron tapped his feet, producing a thumping sound. “This lake is frozen all the way to the bottom.” Galvatron approached the sculpture of Discord.

“Are you sure that's safe to walk on?” Chrysalis asked.

“It's frozen all the way down.” Galvatron said. “It's more like walking on a glacier than a lake.” Galvatron arrived at the sculpture and inspected it. Sombra and Chrysalis soon came to join him.

“Now, how we do get him out of here?” Galvatron touched his fingers to the sculpture, careful not to disturb it too much, lest he break it. What effect that would have on Discord, Galvatron did not know and had no intention of finding out.

Sombra narrowed his eyes at the sculpture. “I've got it! He's encased in ice, isn't he?”


“I know the magic of the Crystal Empire. Ice and crystals are my domain.” Sombra said. He backed away from the statue and aimed his horn at it. “I can get him out of there.”

“I've never seen you perform any spells with ice.” Galvatron said. “Your proficiency seems to be with crystals. They're not quite the same thing. Are you sure this will work? Are you sure this is safe? What if it backfires?”

“Galvatron, please … have faith.” Sombra said. “What's the worst that could happen?”

“You could accidentally kill a creature who is stuck in a perpetual imprisonment, ending his life without him ever having a chance to say a prayer or make a last wish?” Galvatron said.

“Oh, so pessimistic.” Chrysalis said. “Go for it, Sombra! You can do it! I believe in you!”

“Bleh.” Side Swipe turned his head in disgust. “She's so perky. How do we put up with her?”

“By not suffering from a serious case of angst?” Cliffjumper suggested.

“Silence!” Galvatron said. “I believe Sombra would appreciate being allowed to focus.” Galvatron nodded. “Despite my reservations, you may proceed, Sombra.”

Sombra nodded in thanks. He focused his gaze on the sculpture, glaring at it with intensity. His horn lit up in a pink, wavy glow.

“It is working?” Side Swipe asked.

“Quiet!” Cliffjumper said.

Sombra closed his eyes. The wavy aura of his magic fluctuated. He grunted with effort.

Right as Galvatron was about to suggest Sombra should stop, he heard a crack. He turned to the sculpture of Discord. A cracked had formed on the face. It was working.

Soon, more cracks began to appear over the sculpture. They covered the sculpture, until finally the ice shattered and broke off, revealing a brown and yellow-tinged creature with a red dragon's snout. As the ice came off, the lake and waterfall around it also unfroze, implying some sort of link and sending Galvatron, Chrysalis, and Sombra into the water,

“FREE! FREE! OH, AFTER ALMOST A THOUSAND YEARS, I'M FREE!” The dragon-headed being exclaimed. He noticed Galvatron, Sombra, and Chrysalis flailing in the water. “Oh, here. Let me help you with that.” The being clapped his fingers and pillars of water shot out from the lake, supporting the three beings and carrying them to the shore.

The being flew over to Sombra. “Are you the one who set me free?”

“Yes.” Sombra coughed out some water. “I am Sombra. Are you Discord?”

“Why … I am.” Discord said. He bowed at Sombra and lifted the horns on his head up like a hat. “I thank you for freeing me, Sombra. You have no idea what it's like to be locked up like that! Frozen … unable to move your limbs … and so, so cold. Brr!” Discord wrapped his arms around himself and shivered. “Thank you again.”

“You're welcome.”

“So ...” Discord clapped his fingers, conjuring a walking stick and a top hat. He put the hat on and took the stick, leaning on it. “I presume you wouldn't have gone through the trouble of freeing me unless there was something you thought you could get from me. So, what was it? Tell me. Come now, don't be shy. I'm always ready to grant a little pony's wish!”

“Wish?” Chrysalis asked.

"Hello, Discord. I am Galvatron. These are the Decepticons." Galvatron said. "Before we discuss what we're really here for, I have a question of you."

"Shoot, my good sir." Discord said.

"We were told you used your magic to alter the mind of one Princess Luna. Is this true?"

Discord heaved his head and sighed. He looked down on the ground, shame apparent in his eyes. "Yes. It is. But please, you must understand. It was a desperate situation. Ponies were without hope while Celestia continued to tyrannize and subjugate the countryside. I had to do something, and the best way to do that was to try to target Celestia through what would leave her the most vulnerable to attack. And that was her sister."


"Really, it wasn't so bad ..." Discord said. "Luna was starting to have some doubts about her sister and her place in the world. It was easy to convince her to do something. I just ... went a little too far and convinced her of a little too much, that's all."

"All right." Galvatron crossed his arms. "I suppose I can understand your reasons for why you did what you did, though I'm not sure I can overlook it and condone it. We are fighting to defeat Celestia and free Equestria from the iron grip she has on it. We were hoping you could be an ally to us. Will you aid us?"

"Fighting Celestia is certainly a noble goal ..." Discord said. "But I'm not sure how much help I can be to you."


"Yes." Discord said. "I'm a very generous spirit, but if you want to utilize my power, you have to obey the rules. See, back in the day, before that dreadful Celestia turned me to ice, ponies would come up to me and ask me to grant their wishes. And as long as it wasn't something bad, or naughty, or that would inflict pain on others, I would grant them … so long as they prefaced them with 'Would you please …' If you don't say that, I can't make anything for you. Obviously, things I make for myself are an exception." Discord tapped the cane to his hat. "And don't ask me to explain why these rules are there. I only learned they were there through experimentation, and my experiments told what they were, but not why they exist or who put them there."

"But we're not asking you to make anything. We're asking you to become our ally. Totally different." Cliffjumper said.

"Now, now, Cliffjumper. I know how to handle this." Galvatron said. "Discord, would you please be an ally to us in our fight against Celestia?"

Discord pointed the cane at Galvatron. "Well said, sir, well said! I knew you could figure out a workaround! Yes. Yes, I will."

"So … what? This was some sort of secret test to see if we could handle trying to use your powers?" Side Swipe asked.

"Yes, it was." Discord said. "But everything I said about those rules are true. So before I allied with you, I needed to be sure you understood the limits of my magic and could be patient with me."

"With that exact amount of careful phrasing needed to get anything out of him, I doubt he's going to be much use to us on the battlefield." Side Swipe said. "There's not a lot of time for logical verbal phrasing when you're under fire."

"Perhaps. But perhaps he does not have to be on the battlefield to be helpful to our cause." Galvatron said. "Contact Scorpan. Let him know we've found Discord."

A Decepticon nodded and left to do as Galvatron said.

"Oh, and one more thing ..." Galvatron said, turning to Discord. "I need your word, Discord. Can you promise you won't use your magic to affect the minds of my Decepticons? Or any one else?"

Discord brought a hand over his heart, holding up his other hand in a solemn vow. "You have my word, Galvatron. I will not use my magic to manipulate the minds of anypony else, be it they alien or pony."

Galvatron nodded. "Good to hear. I'm going to hold you up to that."

"You'll get no trouble from me." Discord said. "Well, unless Celestia kills every last one of you and tries to capture me and bend me to her will."

Galvatron glared at him.

"Just kidding. I'm kidding, I'm kidding!" Discord assured him. "Learn to lighten up every now and then, hmm? I would sooner die than let that wench bend me towards her nefarious purposes."

"I like him." Cliffjumper said.

"You know what, Discord?" Galvatron said. "You're starting to grow on me."

Returning to the Crystal Empire, the Decepticons awaited Scorpan's arrival.

Scorpan did not keep them waiting long.

At least he's punctual. Galvatron thought to himself. “Hello again, Scorpan.” Galvatron greeted Scorpan. “As you can see, we've managed to find and recruit Discord to our cause.”

“So … you have.” Scorpan was surprised and flabbergasted to see Discord present among the Decepticons.

“Between him and Sombra, to mention our alliance with Chrysalis, I'd say we're doing pretty good with raising up an army.” Galvatron said. “So … can we visit your brother now?”

“Yes.” Scorpan said. “He is eager to speak with you. Come.”

Scorpan led them to his lands. It was a long trek, but the flying ability of the Decepticons made it easier on most of them, with them giving rides to the more earthbound amongst them.
They arrived at Tirek's castle. Galvatron was taken in by how big it was. It was bigger than Celestia's castle. Knowing Celestia, Galvatron couldn't help but think Celestia disapproved of this fact and wanted to demolish the castle as soon as possible. As opposed to just adding an extension to her own.

As they approached the front gates, Galvatron noticed enormous, pig-esque monsters standing guard. They were humanoid in shape and the size of a Transformer.

“Please. Disregard them. They are my brother's servants.” Scorpan said.

“Those are some servants ...” Cliffjumper said as they walked past.

Scorpan advised them while the castle was quite large and could hold the Decepticons in total, the throne room did not have enough room for all of them to sit comfortable. So Galvatron a representative team of himself, Starscream, Cliffjumper, Soundwave, Side Swipe, Chrysalis, and Sombra to meet Prince Tirek.

“Presenting ...” Scorpan announced them. “Galvatron of the Deceptions ...and company.”

Galvatron and his team entered the room. Galvatron saw Prince Tirek sitting on his throne. The prince had the disposition of a beast, similar to his brother, Scorpan. Tirek had strong resemblance to an ape or a chimpanzee in the build of his face. His body was equine below the waist, with a long torso and four legs ending in hooves. His fur was a snowy while, while his skin was an inviting shade of pink. It made Galvatron think of bath soaps and reminded him of Chrysalis.

“Galvatron!” Tirek said. “A pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

“And yours as well, Prince Tirek.” Galvatron showed his respect and bowed.

“Please, stand.” Tirek said. “I would like to have an eye-to-eye conversation with the being who may be just be the key to defeating Celestia.”

“I beg your pardon?” Galvatron asked.

“I know you have fought Celestia before.” Tirek said, tapping his fingers. “I have fought her before. I believe that together, with our combined experience and our combined forces, we have a chance to end her reign at last.”

Galvatron smiled. “It is nice to know you have faith in my troops and I.”

“Well ...” Tirek stepped out of his throne. “I look forward to working with you, Galvatron. May this be the start of a wonderful and long-lasting partnership!”

“Yes. That would be nice.” Galvatron said. “I have a question, though. As Scorpan was leading us up here, we saw several monsters throughout the castle. Where are those from? I'm just asking to be sure everything is … ethical here.”

“Ah. I understand your concern. Rest assured, those monsters are the way they under consensual circumstances. They are my citizens.” Tirek walked back to his throne. He went to a table Galvatron hadn't noticed before. On the table was a bag tied with string.
Tirek placed his hand on the bag. “I turned them into monsters with my Rainbow of Light, to use as soldiers to defend against Celestia.”

Knowing Tirek had done the same as he, Sombra felt both at once guilty and justified in what he did to the Crystal Empire's denizens. Though unlike him, Sombra reminded him, Tirek had asked for consent.

Tirek picked the bag up, holding it in contemplation. “I want for nothing more than to undo the transformations and let them go back to leading normal peaceful lives … but I can't. Not when I know Celestia is loose. Not to mention those Autobots she's acquired are more than a match for my citizen soldiers, even in their monstrous forms.”

Tirek put the bag down.

“But all that is going to change.” Tirek said. He pointed to Galvatron. “Now that you're here, Galvatron. With my Rainbow of Light and my monsters, and your Decepticons -”

“Not to mention Discord and the Cyber Planet Key.” Chrysalis interrupted.

Tirek glared at her, not recognizing the name of the Key. “With your Decepticons and Cyber Planet Key, the final defeat of Celestia is within our grasp. All we have to do now … is come up with a strategy. And hope it works.” Tirek added glumly.

Galvatron nodded. “I will get my best tacticians in here to discuss with you and your officers. Have no fear, Prince Tirek. Together, we WILL defeat Queen Celestia. We just have to believe and have a little faith.”

Tirek smiled.

“And, you know, not let our guard down and beat Queen Celestia into the ground without giving her chance to get back up.” Side Swipe said.

“Er, yes. That too, Side Swipe.” Galvatron said.

No one noticed Scorpan glowering in the corner of the room, looking displeased.

At Canterlot Castle, Celestia was looking out the window, enjoying a bonding moment with Twilight Sparkle as they stared at the sky.

Twilight Sparkle reached for a knife she hid under her cloak. She grabbed it, considering stabbing Celestia with it. She weighed the potential benefits and losses from the action. She could let out all her revenge, her anger, her hatred. A conflict boiled inside her, her renewed affection for her mentor doing battle with her lingering resentment of the exile Celestia imposed on her.

It would be a massive blow for Canterlot and its allies to lose the Queen, especially now, when they were so close to making a huge move against their enemies. But it wouldn't make a sweet revenge against her? For Twilight to kill her at the eleventh hour, and take Celestia's place as the leader of their great, conquering nation? It would show Celestia a thing or two.

Well, no, it wouldn't. Because she would be dead.

Twilight shivered as Celestia's hoof wiggled under her cloak. Celestia brushed her hoof across Twilight's body until it reached the hoof holding the knife. Twilight gasped as she realized Celestia knew.

"Must you?" Celestia asked. "On the eve of such a pivotal moment for us both? For Canterlot? I know this will happen one day, but do you have to make it today? Perhaps a better question ... can you really go through it? Do you still hate me that much? Or would you try to maintain our relationship and continue to mend the broken fences between us?"

"Tell you what ..." Celestia said, taking her hoof off. "If you really want to kill me ... if you really hate me that much, then you can go ahead and slit my chest open. I'll make no effort to stop you. But bear in mind the responsibility you'll be taking if you usurp me."

Twilight pulled the knife out from her cloak. She held it in her hooves, regarding it, tapping one hoof to the knife's edge. She gave it an intense stare. After thinking about her options for several moments ... she held her hoof out and dropped the knife to the floor with a clang, the knife twinkling on the floor before stopping.

"Good choice." Celestia said, her tone hinting she knew Twilight would choose not to go through with it. "I'd like to keep you around, too."

Twilight smiled and blushed, seeing the error of her ways. She nuzzled against Celestia's leg to show her affection and loyalty. Celestia brought her leg around Twilight to let Twilight know she was forgiven.

A Guard came into the room, holding a letter. “Your Majesty? Correspondence from Scorpan.”

“What?” Celestia said. “Bring it here.”

The Guard went up to Celestia. Celestia used her magic to take the letter from him and opened. She read it.

“What's it say?”

“It says Galvatron and Tirek have begun to discuss strategy with each other.” Celestia said. “Drat. I was hoping Scorpan could keep them apart for a little while longer ...”

Twilight sat down on her haunches. The heaviness of the moment washed over her. Their two most powerful enemies, together at last and united against them. “What do you want to do?”

Celestia glared at the letter for a moment.

“Gather your friends. Grab your brother. Grab Optimus Prime and the Autobots. Grab everyone and everything you possibly can. We are going to march into Tirek's land … and slaughter all those who dwell within. Let there be no mistake, Twilight. This will be the final conflict. I want no Decepticon to escape from this battle. All of them conspirators, beheaded. Tirek's castle razed to the ground. Galvatron and Chrysalis' heads in my possession. Any other outcome is not acceptable.”