• Published 16th May 2015
  • 2,133 Views, 27 Comments

Through The Looking Glass - Darkryt Orbinautz

They came down from the stars. The ponies called them heroes. They call themselves Decepticons. But whatever they are, they've made life good for the citizens of Equestria ... and Queen Celestia will not tolerate such insolence against her reign.

  • ...

Glass Castles

Megatron blinked his weary optics.

He sat upright, a hand on his head as he tried to readjust to his surroundings. “Where am I? The last thing I remember was … Celestia blasting a hole through my chest.” He looked down and inspected himself, surprised to see his chest was in pristine condition.

He also appeared to be in space, with stars under his feet and swirling nebula's but an arm's reach from him.

“Hahahaha!” A deep, booming voice laughed.

“That voice ...” Megatron fumbled around as he tried to stand up. “I know that voice.” Looking up, he saw the familiar image of a crown-wearing Decepticon, identifiable by his large shoulders and the caterpillar treads on his arm. “Megatronus?”

“It is good to see you again, my prize pupil.” Megatronus said. The starry ground beneath him formed a square plate and carried Megatronus to Megatron.

Megatron looked around. “Where are we?”

“That is … difficult to explain.” Megatronus said. “We are in a celestial realm which teeters on the brink of reality, only one misplaced counterweight away from becoming a plane of non-existence.”

“Sounds cheerful.” Megatron said.

Megatronus went into another round of jolly laughter. “Hahaha! You always were one for the dry humor.”

“How am I here?” Megatron asked. “Aren't I dead? Didn't I get a hole blown through and thrown off a cliff or something? I don't know, I was kinda dying, so my perception may have been a bit off, but I think that's what happened.”

“You are correct.” Megatronus said. “You were dying. You died. You are dead. However, I was able to convince … let's call them my friends, to allow me to pluck you from the land of the dead and bring you here into this realm, which teeters between existence and non-existence.”

“And thus between life and death.” Megatron said.

“You always were a sharp one.” Megatronus said. “However, there is a catch to your … “unlife” would be a misnomer, as that's usually reserved for the undead … to your reverse quadruple negative life, in that if you leave here and return the land of the living, you will return to the state you were.”

“Dead.” Megatron said. “Dead and a broken, shattered, smoldering corpse.”


Megatron looked around, taking in the beauty of the cosmic plains they were on. If he so wanted, he could reach and grab a star in his hand.

Megatron turned back to his former mentor. “Why am I here?”

“Excellent question.” Megatronus walked away. “You and I are not the only ones with access to this realm. You are here because of a being named Sideways. I require your assistance. I need your help to fight him on this plane. I cannot fight him by myself.”

“Sideways?” Megatron walked with his mentor. “Who is he?”

“Difficult to say.” Megatronus said. “Sideways is malleable to the very core of his Ember, assuming he even has one. He has been spying on Equestria, waiting patiently for the right time to make his move. As it happens, the right time for him is now. He has already set his plots in motion. He manipulated Celestia into reactivating your dormant Decepticons and used his influence to ensure they would escape.”


“Sideways can affect subtle manipulations into the development of unfolding events. It is not much, but it serves his purposes.”

“This Sideways character you speak of … he does not sound like the type for truth and justice. Why would he want my Decepticons to be reactivated and escape?”

Megatronus stopped and turned to Megatron. Megatrouns held up his hand, and an image appeared in it. A projection of a round, circular device with a tab on the bottom, surrounded by intricate technical detail and with the imprint of a horseshoe in the center of the device.

“Because of this.” Megatronus said. “This is Equestria's Cyber Planet Key.”

Megatron raised an eyebrow. “Cyber Planet Key? I've never heard of such a thing.”

“You wouldn't. They come from a time long before you were born, Megatron.” Megatronus clapped his hands together, making the Cyber Planet Key hologram fade into mist, and the skies above them to show an image of Cybertron, the Transformers' homeworld.

“Eons ago,” Megatronus gestured upwards to the Cybertron projection, and Megatron saw multiple spaceships leaving the planet, “Ancient Cybertronians set out on a voyage to map out the cosmos and share their wisdom with other species on other planets. To both demonstrate their abilities to disbelieving species, and to protect themselves from threats, they carried with them Cyber Planet Keys, receptacles of knowledge and power which manifested from the Key as a form of pure energy.”

Megatron regarded the ships in the hologram.

“Each of the ships landed somewhere. Few, if any of their passengers ever returned to Cybertron. Though whether that was because they chose to stay in the lands they found or if something prevented them, I cannot say for certain. But on the planets they landed, they left the Cyber Planet Keys behind. Over time, the Keys became buried and lost to both the ancient Cybertronians and whatever species they may have found. Buried underground for thousands of years, the Keys began to shapeshift and morph, taking on the characteristics of the planet they were on. This is how Equestria has a Cyber Planet Key, despite its lack of contact with Cybertron.”

Megatronus' mood became solemn.

“Sideways aims to renew and escalate the fighting between the Autobots and Decepticons on Equestria. He intends to have them fight to find and control the Cyber Planet Key of Equestria, ideally ruining Equestria in the process and turning it into a barren wasteland, devoid of life. At least, that's where he's starting. His true goal, his long term plan, his endgame, is to find the Cyber Planet Key himself.”

Megatrouns snapped his fingers, and two rotating globes appeared in front of him.

“This represent Equestria and Cybertron.” Megatron said after looking at the globes for a minute. “Don't they?”

Megatronus nodded. “Correct. If Sideways obtains the Cyber Planet Key, he will use its power to bring Cybertron to Equestria.” A beam of blue light shot from the Equestria globe to the Cybertron globe, and the Cybertron globe was pulled towards the model of Equestria. “He will bring the two planets closer and closer and closer until …”

The two globes smashed into each other, each of them shattering into a million pieces from the impact they had on each other.

“Boom.” Megatronus said.

Megatron was so terrified by the idea he could only repeat what Megatronus said. “Boom.”

“it's best not to think too hard about it.” Megatronus said.

Megatron let his mind wander. This was a catastrophe by any measure of the word, an apocalypse scenario at every level. He couldn't help but think about the lives lost and the destruction wrought by such an action. Cybertron and Equestria, both reduced to floating chunks of space debris. The impact and explosion of the planets would kill all life on both worlds. He thought about the poor Equestrians on the planet. He imagined the oxygenated corpse of some poor pony floating through space, drifting around the cosmos before becoming enmeshed into an unfortunate Cybertronians' wires and entrails …

Megatronus gave Megatron a smack to the back of his head.

“Are you thinking too hard about it? You're thinking too hard about it. I told you not to think too hard about it.”

“Sorry.” Megatron rubbed his head. “There's something I don't understand, though. Why go through all this trouble? Why would Sideways resurrect the Decepticons? Surely it would have been better for him to focus on finding the Key and leave the Decepticons alone, dormant and inactive, where they couldn't stop him?”

“Sideways does not limit himself to just one option.” Megatronus said. “While he most certainly would like to use the Cyber Planet Key to bring Equestria and Cybertron together, he knows he cannot predict every outcome. So if he can lay Equestria to ruin by restarting the war, he will do that. If he can bring destruction to Cybertron by bringing the Equestrians there, he will do that. If he learns a magical Equestrian song which somehow causes others to spontaneously dance themselves to death -”

“I'm starting to get the picture.” Megatron said. “But why, though? What purpose does he gain by destroying Equestria and Cybertron? What end could that possibly fulfill?”

“Sideways and his masters see existence itself as a blight and life as a plague.” Megatronus answered. “So they travel between dimensions, doing all they can to rid the universe of existence wherever they go, destroying one planet at a time.”

“Sounds like a cheerful bunch.” Megatron quipped.


“I have one more question.” Megatron said.

“Ask, my student, and I shall do my best to answer.”

“Why me?” Megatron said. “Why choose me to help the fight against Sideways? Surely, as easily as you brought me from the dead, you had your choice of champions to choose from?”

“You were … convenient.” Megatronus said. “You were kinda dead, so you know, I figured, 'Well, he's not going to be doing much else, might as well bring him here!'”

“Hahaha.” Megatron laughed, but though he was amused, he wasn't satisfied. “It's nice to know you have a sense of humor, but that doesn't really answer my question.”

Megatronus was silent, staring at Megatron.

“You are my prize pupil. Need I say more?”

Megatron was flattered and awestruck.

Megatronus turned his head to the side, observing something in the distance. “Ah, and there are your companions.”

“What?” Megatron's jaw dropped when he looked and saw Starscream, Cliffjumper, Side Swipe, Soundwave, and Chrysalis manifest in the distance.

“Go, my faithful student. I have faith in you.”

“What?” Megatron saw Megatronus walking away. He reached out for his mentor. “Megatronus, wait! Where are you going?”

“I cannot help you anymore.” Megatronus' image became wavy. “Go. I know you will make me proud.” Megatron faded away into nothingness, disappearing.

Megatron sighed. He loved his mentor with all his heart, but darn if Megatronus couldn't be frustrating and annoying to deal with. Those ancient mystical types, they were all alike, being all vague and ominous and pressuring, tossing around words such as “chosen” and “destiny” while still not being really clear on what was going on.

Megatron redirected his attention. No use in worrying about it now. He turned to face his Decepticons, though it was all so surreal, he almost couldn't believe they were here, but Megatronus wouldn't lie to him. Would he?

“Starscream!” Megatron exclaimed, forgetting his doubts and worries for just one moment, taking in the joy of seeing his trusted lieutenant again.

“No.” Starscream deployed the blades from his left arm. “Nice try, Sideways, but you already pulled this trick once. Did you really think I'd fall for it a second time?”

Megatron stepped back as he was taken aback. “What?”

“I've been haunted by visions of Megatron in my sleep. I see him in my nightmares and in my dreams. I have had enough visions of Megatron's ghost for one lifetime.” Starscream let out a battle cry, jumping high into the air, his blade raised up, poised and ready to pierce and slash Megatron. “DIE, IMPOSTER!”

Megatron held out his hands trying to show he meant no harm. “STARSCREAM, WAIT!”

Starscream didn't have the patience for Megatron. Megatron jumped backwards to avoid being cut in half by Starscream's sword.

“Starscream, it's me!”

“Likely story.” Starscream sneered. He continued his attack on Megatron, slicing left to right, up and down, with the occasional thrust in an effort to gut him. Megatron dodged every attack by stepping backwards, ducking, or moving to the side. But he would not hit back. It wasn't until after some time did Starscream notice something; Megatron was being entirely evasive.

“Why won't you fight back?” Starscream asked. “Or at least defend yourself?”

“I'm not going to fight you, Starscream.” Megatron said. “You're my trusted lieutenant. The one I can always count on when the going gets tough. The one Decepticon I trust the most to tell me when I'm wrong.I will not fight back. I will not strike you. That would be counter intuitive to convincing you I'm the real me I will do whatever it takes to convince you. So, if I have to do this evasive dance with you for a hundred moons, I will do it.”

“Really?” Starscream asked. “So I asked you to, say, balance on a unicycle while juggling and kissing a pony on the lips, you would do it?”

“If that's what it takes, then yes. I would.”

Starscream gazed at Megatron. Starscream relaxed and retracted his blade. “It's really you, isn't it?”

“Yes, it is. Or at least, I think I am. It's confusing.”

“But how are you here?” Starscream asked. “You're dead. We saw you die.”

“I'll be honest, Starscream … I had someone explain to me, and I still don't understand it myself.”

Chrysalis let out a loud gasp. “Does that mean we're dead, too!?”

“That depends.” Megatron said. “Did you die or were you dying before you came here?”

“No.” Cliffjumper answered. “We were immobilized, though.”

“Then you should be fine.” Megatron said. “Granted, it doesn't seem like the normal laws of life and death apply here anyway. But now that you're here, I need your help.” Megatron pointed to Starscream. “Now, Starscream, I know I heard you say his name, but how familiar are you with Sideways?”

“We are all too familiar with Sideways. Why?”

“Because we need to take the fight to him and put a stop to his plans before they can be set in motion.” Megatron said. “I'm told we should be able to find him here, in this realm.”

“Sounds like a solid plan.” Starscream looked around, observing their environment. A vast, empty space, with seemingly nowhere to go and no place to hide. “But where do we start?”

In the cave, Twilight Sparkle rubbed her chin, thinking about what to do with the two little fillies she found uninvited in her lair. She seemed oblivious to their shivering and terror.

“What to do with you?” Twilight wondered out loud, pacing around Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon in a predatory circle. “I suppose I could try to brainwash you into forgetting you were here … or I could take you to Celestia, and she could hypnotize or brainwash into forgetting you were and then make you loyal servants. Hmm. But that might infuriate the Decepticons' enough they would disregard their pathetic moral code and start killing ponies useful to Celestia and I. Hmm.”

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon remained where they were, terrified and fearful for their lives.

“Hmm. I know! Tell you what.” Twilight stood behind Diamond Tiara, taking her tail and wrapping it around the filly's body. “How about you don't tell the Decepticons or anypony what you've seen here, and in exchange, I let you go without brainwashing you or vaporizing you or anything? That way, my project remains a secret, you get to leave with your lives, and the Decepticons aren't provoked by your potential mistreatment! What do you say?”

Diamond Tiara looked at Twilight, who was wearing a pleasant smile. A pleasant smile which did little the mask the mind of the psychopath behind her face.

Silver Spoon put a hoof on Diamond Tiara's shoulder. “We should do it, Diamond Tiara. We don't have any other choice.”

Diamond Tiara looked at Silver Spoon. In her head, Diamond Tiara wanted to shout at her. Wanted to scream at her about there was always a choice, like she had heard Cliffjumper and Side Swipe say in the past. But she knew of the choices she did have, none of them were good. Either agree to Twilight's conditions and betray the Decepticons' trust in her, or try to fight back and get brainwashed, enslaved, or vaporized for her troubles. They were a pair of Earth pony fillies; they didn't stand a chance against a psychotic magic user like Twilight Sparkle.

“Well, I don't want to think I'm pressuring you … but I'm pressuring you. This offer will only last for a little while longer if you don't buy it now!” Twilight made a broad, psychotic grin more befitting to her personality than the smile which came before it.

“Diamond Tiara ...” Silver Spoon said.

Diamond Tiara gulped.

“Fine. We'll do it.”

“You have chosen … wisely.” Twilight Sparkle said. There was a flash of light, and a floating paper appeared with a poof, as did a quill. “If you'll just sign your names on this paper saying you agree to all these terms and conditions, I can send you on your way.”

Silver Spoon grabbed the paper. After giving it a quick reading, she sighed her name on the paper. She handed it to Diamond Tiara.

Diamond Tiara read through the paper. Unlike Silver Spoon, she read it a second time, though she still didn't find anything wrong with it; the exact conditions Twilight had set, merely put into writing.

Diamond Tiara, with a sigh, wrote her name under Silver Spoon's. She knew this was a paper buying only her silence in exchange for her life, but she still felt as though she was selling her soul, and what good was a life without a soul?

“Excellent. Thank you.” Twilight rolled up the scroll and dismissed it, making it disappear.

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon left the cave. Diamond Tiara looked over her shoulder, expecting Twilight Sparkle to go back on her word, but Twilight only smiled and waved them off before retreating back into the cave.

Diamond Tiara walked with Silver Spoon to the river, but when they got there, she stopped and sank to her haunches, overwhelmed by her guilt.

“Hey.” Silver Spoon put a hoof on her friend's back. “I know you don't think we did the right thing, but we did the best we could with what we had.”

Diamond Tiara took in a deep breath. “Yeah … I suppose you're right.” Diamond Tiara resumed walking. “That doesn't make me feel any better about it, though.”

After expelling those snooping fillies from the cave, Twilight was eager to get back to work restoring Optimus Prime. So when her assistant, Spike, came and delivered a letter from Celestia, asking Twilight to come and join her on the other side of Ponyville at once, she was a little upset.

“Thank you for delivering the letter, Spike.” Twilight hissed, expressing her disappointment in a passive-aggressive display.

“You're welcome.” Spike said. “And hey … I know you're upset about me interrupting whatever you were working on, but Celestia said she wanted to see you.”

“But what I was working on was also for Celestia!” Twilight complained. “Well, mostly. Sort of. Kind of. It's for both of us. Just mostly me.” Twilight hung her head and sighed. “Spike? Thank you for walking with me.”

“No problem.” Spike said.

They arrived at the edge of Ponyville where Celestia had instructed Twilight to meet her. Celestia was joined by Rodimus, some Autobots, Shining Armor, Twilight's friends … and Sideways.

“Twilight Sparkle.” Celestia said. “So good of you to come. I'm so glad you could join us.”

“That's quite the party.” Twilight observed Celestia's company. “Must be quite the occasion. What's going on?”

“Sideways ...” Celestia halted as she said his name, her contempt not at all hidden. She gestured her head at him. “Claims he found a new lead to the Cyber Planet Key's location, inside of the Everfree Forest.”

“The Everfree Forest?” Twilight asked. “Are we sure it's a good idea to go in there? No pony has been in there for ages. Who knows what kind of horrible evolution could have taken place inside there?”

“We will have the Autobots to protect us.” Celestia said. “And should they fall, I am more than able to handle whatever creature thinks it will be able to make snacks of us.”

“Gee, thanks for the vote o' confidence …” Rodimus muttered. “All right, youse.” He said to the Autobots. “Let's move!” The group made their way into the forest.

As they marched, Twilight Sparkle walked over to Sideways, getting up close to his leg. “Gee, Sideways. It sure is convenient you find this lead to the Cyber Planet Key right after the Decepticons escape and you suggested we send a scouting party around the Decepticons' dam … which was in the completely opposite direction to where we're going now! It's an awfully big coincidence, don't you think?”

Sideways stopped and looked at her. “I don't know what you're talking about.”

“Hmm.” Twilight wasn't satisfied with his answer – she knew he was hiding something. Everyone knew he was hiding something. But she let the matter drop. She wasn't going to get any answers out from him now.

“Twilight Sparkle?” Celestia came over and spoke to Twilight in a hushed tone. “May I ask that you … refrain from asking Sideways any questions too serious? I will handle the questioning of him, when I deem the timing best.”

Twilight nodded.

Unknown to them, Sideways could hear every word they said. It didn't matter to him. They were so close to his goal, soon none of it would matter anyway, and he could drop his charade.

As they walked further and further down the path of the Everfree Forest, Celestia grew worried. She began to think she might recognize the path they were on. When they had gotten far enough, she knew she recognized the path, but it was too late to turn back.

“Here we are.” Sideways pushed a tree branch out of his way. Reaching their destination, he gestured towards the site of their intended goal. “According to my sources, the Cyber Planet Key should be inside.”

“Inside of that dinky ol' thing?” Rodimus asked. He and the others were right to be unimpressed; Sideways had led to them to what appeared to an abandoned temple, which had gone without care for years. If the stone once had any color, it had washed away. Cracks and crevices were along its surface, and some parts of it had fallen off and crumbled to the ground.

Celestia was the first to step towards. She had a look of awe on her face, as if seeing something she didn't think she would see ever again. “I know this place … it used to be a castle. I lived here once, with my …”

“With your …?” Fluttershy asked.

Celestia shook her head, pushing her memories aside. “Nothing. It doesn't matter now. Inside, everypony. I will have that Cyber Planet Key.”

“Sure you will.” Sideways mumbled.

“What was that?”

“Nothing!” Sideways insisted.

Celestia gave him a glare before being the first to enter the castle. The rest of the group followed her.

Once inside, Celestia ordered them to spread out and search the entire castle from top to bottom. As the Autobots began to toss the place, Celestia's gaze fell on and lingered to a staircase.

“Your Majesty?” Twilight asked, noticing Celestia's distant gaze. This was odd. It was unlike Celestia to seem so … distracted and spacey. “Are you all right?”

“Yes, I'm fine.” Celestia said. “I'm going to go upstairs and reminisce.” Celestia said.

“I'll join you.” Sideways said. “I've got a good feeling about there being a clue somewhere upstairs.”

“Wait a minute.” Rodimus said. “Youse ain't goin' anywheres without me ta … chaperone ya. After all, we Autobots got to stick together, don't we?” Rodimus was as suspicious of Sideways as Celestia and Twilight were, and he was not about to leave Sideways alone in a room with Celestia. Who knows what kind of trouble he could stir up?

“If you insist.” Sideways took this with grace. “The more the merrier.”

Taking Sideways' advice, Twilight's friends, as well as Rodimus and Grimlock, with a few other Autobots, joined Sideways and Celestia as they made their way up the stairs. All the Autobots had to duck in order to squeeze themselves inside the pony-sized staircase, but Sideways didn't appear to have any problem. Another one of his many oddities.

Reaching the top floor, Celestia stood in front of staircase. She was overcome with a rush of nostalgia brought about the sight of the floor and its décor, faded though it was.

“I had many good memories in here.” Celestia said. “In fact, I think I was still living in here when I first banished Star Swirl.”

“Star Swirl, eh?” Sideways looked around the room. “Ah, here we go.”

“Hmm?” Celestia and the others were confused when Sideways entered the room and walked towards a pedestal in the center of the room. The pedestal had six arms sticking out from the sides, each holding a small orb, with an intricate sculpture of the sun and moon on top of the pedestal.

Sideways approaching the pedestal made Celestia uncomfortable. It was clear to Twilight Sideways was about to dig something up Celestia would have preferred to stay buried.

“You can always tell when there's been Cybertronian influences hidden in the architecture ...” Sideways muttered.

Celestia scraped her hoof as Sideways began to investigate the pedestal. “Sideways, I've been meaning to ask you something …” Twilight had to hand it to Celestia; she was far more subtle with her question. “While discussing the Cyber Planet Key, you said something. Something that made me think. You mentioned the idea of sending somepony to the moon … and I'm wondering, how do you know about that?”

Sideways ignored her. “There it is.” He placed a hand on the pedestal and pushed in, causing a panel to sink inside of the side of the pedestal.

Everypony was surprised by the rumbling made as the pedestal moved, dragging itself across the floor and deeper into the room. Revealed, hidden beneath it, was a block of metal far more advanced than anything the ponies who lived here could have conceived of.

The metal block rose up, elevating itself up beyond the floor. It clicked and buzzed and whirred. It broke apart, separating into several pieces as though it were a living Cybertronian in the process of shifting between their two modes. The structure rearranged itself into an ornate column, decorated at the top with the design of a castle turret, with blocks shaped to resemble a hand held a round device in the center. The device was round and circular, with mechanical detailing around it and a horseshoe imprinted in its center, with a tab on the bottom which appeared to be meant for inserting it into something.

“Is that …?” Twilight asked.

“The Cyber Planet Key?” Celestia said. “It must be.”

“Yes.” Sideways put his hand on the Key. With a moment's hesitation, he plucked the Key from its holder. “Finally … after all this time, it's mine.”

“I wouldn't be too sure about that.” Celestia said.

“Huh?” Sideways turned around and saw the Autobots are aiming their weapons at him.

“Thank you so much for your help in locating this Key, Sideways.” Celestia told him with a great, big smile. “But you have demonstrated to me that you are more trouble than you are worth. Now that you have found the Key, you are no longer of any use to me. Hand over the Cyber Planet Key, and I will allow you to leave with your life.”

Sideways looked around the room. He looked at Rodimus, who had a gun trained on him, and he looked at Celestia, who was getting impatient, and Twilight, who looked angry.

“Oh, Celestia.” Sideways said. “You really don't know what you got yourself into, do you? Don't worry. I'll keep my word. You can have the Cyber Planet Key when I'm done with it.”

“What are you talking about?” Celestia said.

“Yeah!” Fluttershy spoke up. “I mean, we have you surrounded and at gunpoint, not the other way around! What could you possibly do?”

Sideways snapped his fingers.

Celestia, Twilight's friends, and the Autobots were lifted off the ground, suspended and floating in mid-air, unable to move.

A patch appeared under his feet, as though Sideways or someone had punched a hole through the floor, and through the hole, Celestia and her minions could see space. The patch began to spread through the floor and to the walls, consuming the room in starry darkness. Once it had consumed the entire room, and Celestia's group were looking at stars, with nothing to show the world they had left behind, they were released from whatever bindings Sideways had placed around them. They were dropped to the ground, now subject to gravity again and able to move on their own.

“What?” Celestia and Twilight were among the first to stand up and recover. “Where are we? What is this place?”

“Now that, is an excellent question.”

Celestia and the Autobots all expressed their surprise when Megatron and the Decepticons approached them. Megatron in particular was an unexpected and undesired surprise, but the Autobots were able to regather their resolve and steel their nerves, aiming their weapons.

“Too bad I don't have an answer for you.” Megatron said, smiling and not afraid of their weapons.

“Hey, you, uh, want to put those things down so we can talk?” Cliffjumper asked, pointing to the Autobots' weapons.

“How are you here?” Celestia growled at Megatron. “You're supposed to be dead. I know this. I was the one who killed you!”

“Yeah, yeah, yep, yep.” Megatron said. “You're not the first one to ask me that today. Heck, I even asked myself that. But however I'm here, I'm going to guess you were brought here by Sideways, and the important thing is that we all work together to stop him.”

“What?” Cliffjumper and the other Decepticons were shocked. Though it was hard to say whether they more or less shocked than the Autobots.

“Megatron, you can't be serious!” Side Swipe said.

“Work together? With youse?” Rodimus asked.

“Look,” Megatron said, “Sideways' plans threaten us all. If he succeeds at what he's set out to do, he will destroy both Equestria and Cybertron utterly. Now, you Autobots tend not to care about saving lives, but what you do like to do is conquer planets, and I imagine you might like an intact planet left to rule over.”

“Yeah? So, what of it?” Rodimus asked.

“If Sideways has his way, you won't have any planets to rule over.” Megatron said. “That is, unless you feel like taking over a bunch of useless, disconnected patches of space rock.”

“What are youse sayin'? Youse saying Sideways is goin' to destroy Equestria, or something?”

“That's exactly what I'm saying!”

Rodimus scratched at his goatee. “Yeah. Yeah, all right. We'll work together with youse. But only so we still have a planet to rule, yeah?”

“Excuse me?” Celestia said. “Don't I get a say in this?”

“Ah guess.” Rodimus said. “Mind, I'm pretty sure youse would like to keep that pretty kingdom of yours in one piece, yeah?”

Celestia grimaced. She averted her eyes. “Yes.”

“Then it's settled.” Rodimus said. “We'll work together to keep Sideways from blowing Equestria to kingdom come, huh? Put 'er there, Megs.” Rodimus offered his hand to Megatron. “Let's shake on it.”

Megatron hesitated before reaching his hand out.

“I wouldn't shake hands with an Autobot.” Starscream said. “You never know if they might be carrying a bomb in them.”

“Fair enough.” Rodimus began to retract his hand, but Megatron reached his hand out and took Rodimus' by force. Rodimus smirked as the two shook hands, cementing their truce.

“Megatron!” Starscream exclaimed.

“Relax, Starscream.” Megatron said as he pulled his away from Rodimus' hand. “It's not like I'm going to make a habit of it.”

“Okay!” Rodimus clapped his hands. “To get started, we need to figure a few things. First thing is, where are we? Second thing, how did we get here? And three ...”

“How can we get out?” Starscream asked.

“I believe I can answer all of those for you.”

Sideways appeared, manifesting from the ground like a ghost going through walls.

“You're here because I need you to be busy elsewhere while I get to work.” Sideways said. He noticed Megatron. “Funny. I wasn't expecting to see you here.”

Megatron shrugged. “Coming back from the dead, showing up uninvited … I'm full of surprises!”

“So you told us why we're here.” Starscream said. “Care to answer the question of how we can get out?”

“Despite what you might think, actually, yes, I do!” Sideways said. “See, I don't need all of you here permanently, just long enough to put my plan in motion. So because of that, I'm willing to be a little lenient.”

He snapped his fingers, and walls rose from out of the ground, forming a labyrinth behind him.

Sideways pointed to the maze' entrance. “ There's an exit at the center of the maze. Solve the maze and get to the center, and I will let you all go back to Equestria and the normal, mortal world. Granted, I expect that you can solve it, but like I said, it doesn't need to distract you indefinitely, just long enough. Either way, solve the maze, solve the puzzle, you go back home. Aren't I generous? Even if “home” gets to be, mmm, shall we say, a little less intact while you're gone.”

“Oh yes.” Starscream quipped. “So very generous.”

“I'll leave a hologram of myself to guide – well, mislead, really – you around the maze. When you solve it, he'll be the one to teleport you back home while I get busy. Have fun and good luck! I'd say you're gonna need it, but you'll need a lot more luck for the part that comes after the maze where you return home to the remains of where Equestria once was, don't you think? Toodles!” Sideways gave them a wave and disappeared the same way he came, sinking into the ground. As he said, a fuzzy hologram of Sideways appeared to take his place.

“Hi!” The hologram said. “I'm a hologram and essence of Sideways, and I'll be your de-tour guide this lovely evening! Is it evening? I can't ever tell in all this celestial plains … they're always stars everywhere. You'd think somebody was infatuated with them or something ... anyways, if everyone's ready, let's get started!”

The hologram of Sideways blinked and disappeared, only to reappear high above the maze, floating in midair.

“We should split up into groups.” Megatron said. “We'll cover more ground that way.”

Rodimus nodded to show he agreed. After some dividing of their ranks, the Autobots and Deceptions ran into the maze.

Back on Equestria, Sideways, this one in a more solid body than his fuzzy hologram, walked onto a grassy clearing. A wide open space with a circle of trees around him, with nobody around to bother him or distract him from his work.

Sideways held the Cyber Planet Key. He held it front of his visor, regarding it for a moment. After waiting for it for so long, it was almost hard to believe he had it in his possession now. But he did, and that was all that mattered.

Tightening his grip around the Key, Sideways held it up over his head. The Key, at Sideways' urging, began to glow, pulsating with golden light. Charged with power, its energies active, the Key shot a beam of blue light into space. First it reached the sky above Equestria, then it breached and passed through the atmosphere of Equestria, before at last escaping the planet and reaching its goal – outer space.

And with it, Cybertron.

In the cosmic realm, the various groups made their way to the maze. Starscream, paired up with Megatron, went down one path and bumped into Grimlock and Fluttershy.

“Hey, aren't you two supposed to be going another way?” Fluttershy leered at them.

“We were going another way.” Starscream said. “It's a maze. Multiple paths lead to the same place. You do know how mazes work, don't you, Fluttershy?”

“I know what a maze is.” Fluttershy glared at him.

“Perhaps we can use something to track our paths. Like breadcrumbs.” Starscream said. “Fluttershy, you think you could rip out a few tail hairs and leave them behind you as you explore the maze?”

“As if! I'm not messing up my perfectly good tail for you losers.” Fluttershy said.

“Fluttershy, if we want to get out of this maze, we're going to have to work together. That means we have to cooperate, and work with each other, not against each other.”

Fluttershy huffed.

“Fine. I'll figure something out.” Starscream said. “Maybe I can use my blasters and leave scorch marks ...” Starscream aimed his blaster at the wall and fired. The wall parted, causing the energy to pass through it, before reforming. “Well, there goes that plan.”

Sideways' hologram, floating high in the sky, positioned himself as though he was laying on his back with his hands underneath his head. “Try all you like. You'll never get out of my maze in time.”

Megatron looked up at Sideways' hologram. “We'll see about that, Sideways.”

“I guess we will. Of course, I wouldn't put much faith in the words of a math genius who can't calculate his way out of a war.” Sideways said.


Sideways' hologram leaned forward. “Megatron, you were leader of the Decepticons, right? Fought the Autobots in the war on Cybertron? So tell me, how come, with your skill in mathematics, you were never able to calculate a way to win and end the war? It is because you're not as good as you think are? Or maybe it's because you enjoyed the conflict? You enjoyed the rush, the thrill of battle, sending your soldiers out to fight?”

“How dare you suggest a thing!” Megatron shouted. “I have done everything I can within my power to end the war. Maybe it wasn't enough, but don't you dare say I didn't try!”

“And you, Starscream.” Sideways' hologram went on. “When Megatron died, he made you leader of the Decepticons, didn't he? Too bad you couldn't lead them anywhere but dead ends. Why, you lead them right to where they could no longer get into Ponyville!”

Megatron looked at Starscream. “Starscream, is this true?”

“No!” Starscream said. “There was a force field! Twilight Sparkle and her friends put up a force field! We couldn't get in. It wasn't – it wasn't my fault. It wasn't my fault!”

“Starscream. Starscream.” Megatron put his hands on Starscream's shoulder. “Starscream, I believe you.”

“You do?”

“Yes. Sideways is trying to drive a wedge between us. He's trying to distract us from our goal by preying on our doubts. But if what you say is true, and Twilight Sparkle did put up a force field … then it wasn't your fault. Do you hear me? It's not your fault the Decepticons couldn't get into Ponyville.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“And you, Pinkie Pie.” Sideways' hologram switched targets. “It was so easy to manipulate you. All I had to do was call and tell you about the future and controlling you was as easy … well, pie. It took you a while to come around at first, but after you did ...”

“What are you talking about?” Pinkie Pie snapped. “The only thing I did was call you back when your … prophecy came true.”

“Ah, but that wasn't all, was it?” Sideways said. “No. If you didn't have some faith in me, you wouldn't have agreed to go meet the Decepticons for a truce negotiation, would you?”

“I ...” Pinkie stammered.

“Pinkie Pie, don't let him distract you!” Megatron shouted.

“Quit twisting the situation around to fit your own preferred viewpoint! I did that because Celestia asked me to, and that's it!” Pinkie looked away. “Still … I can't help but somewhat guilty. Perhaps if I had said something. Maybe if I told Twilight Sparkle what was going on … we would have be able to catch before your plans got as far as they did.”

“Doubt it.” Sideways said. “Even if you did get suspicious quicker, you would have never caught me.”

“So … to that end ...” Pinkie Pie turned to Twilight Sparkle, who was with her. “I'm sorry, Twilight. I'm sorry for letting Sideways manipulate me as much as he did, even if it wasn't really much.”

“Oh, Pinkie Pie … I forgive you!” Twilight pulled Pinkie Pie into a hug. “He fooled all of us. Well, really, by the end of the Day One, Celestia and I got suspicious of him, but still, it's the thought that counts.”

Pinkie Pie smiled.

“Oh, hey, you know what? Speaking of prophecies, you know that prophecy Star Swirl predicted? The one about the Transformers coming to Equestria? The one that led Celestia to banish him?”

“Yes?” Celestia asked. “Where are you going with this?”

“That was me. I did that.” Sideways said. “I reached back in time a few hundred years, and I got into his head, and I gave him visions of the Autobots and Decepticons coming down from the stars to land on Equestria.”

“What? But why?” Celestia asked.

“To find the Cyber Planet Key, of course.” Sideways said. “I had to wait for the right time. I needed everything to be just right, and I mean absolutely perfect, before I could go out and get the Key. By giving Star Swirl those visions, it gave Equestria a chance to get ready for the coming of the Autobots and Decepticons. A chance you squandered, by the way, Celestia. Instead, you drove him away and banished him to the faraway lands. You tossed aside your best friend … because of something I did.”

Celestia halted, her jaw dropping and eyes widening as the implications in Sideways' words set in.

“You've been a manipulator your whole life, Celestia.” Sideways said. “Yet all this time, right under your nose, you yourself were being manipulated and didn't even know it. I can't imagine how that must make you feel ...”

“Celestia!” Megatron shouted from across the maze. “Ignore him! Don't let him distract you! You can worry about it all you like later, but right now, we need to focus on reaching the end of the maze!”

Celestia snapped to her senses. “Though am I loath to admit it, you are right, Megatron. We must keep Equestria from being destroyed.” Celestia darted off, seeking to explore the maze.

“Well done, Megatron.” Starscream said. “I didn't think she would listen to you.”

“We all have things we care about, Starscream. Even if Celestia only cares about saving Equestria so she still has a planet to rule over.”

“Well said.” Starscream said. “I can't wait until this is over and we can have you leading the Decepticons again.”

Megatron stopped and turned towards Starscream.

“Starscream … I'm not coming back. I can't lead the Decepticons. Even if I do find a way out of this realm, I won't return as me, but I'll go back to being a corpse. When this is over, you will still have to be the one to lead them.”

Starscream gasped. He turned his head from Megatron, silently cursing this dimension for getting his hopes up.

“Hey.” Megatron placed his hands on Starscream's shoulders. “Look at me. I have faith in you. I have every confidence you can and will do a fine job leading the Decepticons to victory.”

Starscream was stunned into silence. He nodded, accepting Megatron's words.

“Now come on.” Megatron said. “We have a maze to solve.”

Blitzwing arrived at the Decepticons' dam carrying a load of supplies. As he was presenting them to Shockwave, he noticed something odd in the sky. “Hey, what's that?”

Shockwave looked up. It appeared a huge star was being pulled towards Equestria, closer and closer. As it got closer, Shockwave could see it was not a star, but a planet. A familiar planet, no less.

“Is that … Cybertron?” Blitzwing said.

“I am not a scientist.” Shockwave said. “But I am fairly confident in saying that this … is not supposed to happen.” Shockwave continued looking around and he saw the blue beam which seemed to be connecting to Cybertron. He was able to follow the path of the beam beam and determine its point of origin. “We should investigate.”

In Canterlot, the Autobot Ricochet was noticing the same phenomenon and came to the same conclusion as Shockwave.

“So, Megatron, how come you never could end the war?” Sideways' hologram continued to pester and pick at Megatron over this. “Surely, with your mathematical mind, you could have calculated a solution?”

Megatron stopped where he was and glared at Sideways. He was sick of this game and was going to end it now. “Tell me, Sideways. If I have the number ten, what does that tell me? That tells me I must have some combination of numbers that add up to ten. The same thing applies for one-hundred, or one-thousand.”

“Okay.” Sideways' hologram agreed.

“I may not know what numbers add up to ten – maybe it was five and five, maybe it was eight and two. But the point is, I know what numbers I have and what can go into it. Now, suppose I'm out on patrol, and I come across an Autobot. What he will do? Will he attempt to open fire? Will he retreat? Was he out scouting, or possibly trying to defect? If he retreats, it is because he doesn't want to fight me, or is he trying to lure me into an ambush? Or maybe he was working on some project that he doesn't want me to find out about. Is your head spinning yet?”

“A little bit.” Sideways' hologram said.

“So you see ...” Megatron said. “Even with all my mathematical genius, even I cannot predict everything an Autobot is going to do. That is why I haven't been able to win the war, and that is why your questions, although they seem thoughtful, are meaningless.”

“Well, I, uh ...” Sideways, for the first time, didn't know what to say.

“There's one more thing I don't get, though.” Megatron said. “You reactivated the Decepticons in order to help find the Cyber Planet Key, yet you were able to find it anyway. So really, it shouldn't have made any difference as to whether the Decepticons were active or dormant, so … why?”

“My masters were searching for the Cyber Planet Key.” Sideways sad. “Other entities did their best to prevent them from finding it. Reviving the Decepticons was supposed to help me find it when they couldn't, but wouldn't you know it, after that happened, they were able to pierce the fog and locate the Key. It won't matter. Either way, the Decepticons aren't going to be active much longer!”

Megatron turned down the corner of the maze and noticed something. “Could it be …? Quickly, Starscream!” Megatron and Starscream ran down the hall of the maze. They reached their destination.

They had reached the center of the maze.

“Ha!” Megatron pointed at Sideways. “We did it, Sideways! We beat your game and found our way to the center of the maze! Now you have to send us back.”

“I, uh, well … you all have to get to the center.” Sideways' hologram said. It was obvious he was stalling for time, not ready to admit defeat.

“Really? Fine.” Megatron said. He placed his hands around his mouth and shouted. “Everyone! Follow the sound of my voice!”

Sideways' hologram snapped his fingers.

“No!” Megatron's voice came from another direction. “Follow the sound of my voice!”

“Don't listen to them!” Megatron's voice came from a different direction. “Follow the sound of my voice!”

“Really?” The real Megatron asked. “You're going to try to distract us with more clones? I've had enough of this.” Megatron raised the cannon on his arm into the air and fired, sending out a blast which acted as a flare to everyone else. The clone Megatron copied his movements and fired their own blasts, but their efforts were in vain. Everyone had seen where the first blast came from and made a note of it, and were heading there. And in case it wasn't enough, Starscream fired a few shots to remind everyone else of where they needed to be.

The Autobots, ponies, and Decepticons all gathered in the center.

“We're all here.” Megatron said with a smirk. “Now you have to let us go, Sideways … unless you'd like to try to another twist?”

“I ...” Sideways' hologram was at a loss for words. “You know what? I was hoping to have Cybertron a little closer to Equestria by now, but it doesn't matter. All in all, ultimately, putting you in the maze achieved my goal, which was to keep you away from me until it was too late. So I suppose I can't complain.”

Sideways snapped his fingers, and they all engulfed in a flash of light.

The Autobots, Decepticons, and ponies were all dumped out of a portal onto the Canterlot mountains. Starscream had lost track of where Megatron's corpse was when he was first killed by Celestia, but wherever it had been, after all everything which occurred in the other dimension, it was with them now, joining in the pile as Sideways' portal dropped them all to the ground.

“Where are we?” Starscream asked, getting to his feet and remaining focus.

“Looks like a way underneath Canterlot.” Rodimus said.

“What in the name of …?” Celestia asked in surprise, looking up at the sky.

It didn't take for long for both of them to notice the distant image of Cybertron coming into view over the planet. Examining its position, Starscream calculated it didn't pose a threat to Equestria yet, but if it got any closer, it would begin to affect Equestria's gravity.

“We gotta find Sideways and put a bullet into 'im, and fast.” Rodimus said. “But how are we gonna dod that?”

“Something tells me we'll find him over there.” Starscream pointed at the tractor beam which was tethering Cybertron and Equestria together.

Cliffjumper insisted on swinging around and picking up Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon on the way. “They deserve to see this. This planet is their home, too.” He said.

The group made their way over to the forest, where the rest of the Autobot and Decepticon forces were already set up and out in force, doing their best to stop Sideways and bring him down.

“Attention, unknown Cybertronian!” A Decepticon shouted at Sideways. “Stop what you are doing, or we, under the authority of the Decepticons, will have to place you under arrest for … well, I'm not sure what kind of crime moving a planet constitutes, but we'll think of something!”

When Sideways didn't answer, the Decepticons opened fire.

Sideways, with a brisk calm, stepped out of the way, dodging their lasers. The light of the Cyber Planet Key pulsated in his hand, and the Key fired a beam at the Decepticons. The Decepticons ducked for cover, the Key's beam tearing apart the trees and destroying everything else in its path. Let there be no doubt; it was powerful, and it had the capacity to destroy things both large and small.

“Aw, geez!” A Decepticon swore, hand on his head. “The only thing that could make this worse would be if Optimus Prime showed up out of nowhere, back from the dead!”

“Don't be ridiculous.” His fellow Decepticon chided him. “Optimus Prime is not going to show up out of nowhere. Don't tempt fate like that.”

Twilight Sparkle chuckled. “Well, actually ...”

Both of the Decepticons ducked for cover as Optimus Prime proceed to show up out of nowhere, flying in on the scene with fire blazing from his back from a newly-installed jetpack. He was in a new body, one different than before, with pronounced towers on his shoulders, a thinner midsection, and slimmer, more athletic legs, all topped off by a yellow sword in his hands.

“What's this?” Celestia asked.

“You remember when I said I knew just the 'bot for the job?” Twilight Sparkle said. “Optimus Prime was that bot. I've been working on him for awhile now, trying to resurrect him. Just before you called me over to the Everfree Forest, I managed to active him. There's still a few kinks and glitches in his body I need to work out, but he's functional!”

“What is going on?” Optimus Prime demanded in his booming, thunderous voice which reeked of death, destruction, and doom. He picked up one of the Decepticons by the throat. “What has been happening in my absence?”

“Optimus!” Twilight shouted for his attention, Celestia and her running up to him. “Optimus, put the Decepticon down. There will be plenty of time to kill all the Decepticons you like later, but right now we have to focus on stopping Sideways!”


“That robot there.” Celestia pointed. “We'll be brief on the details; in his hands, he holds a Cyber Planet Key, a device of unimaginable power which he intends to use to bring Cybertron and Equestria together, shattering both planets to pieces. He must be stopped. Even now, you can see Cybertron hover over Equestria's atmosphere.”

“That doesn't sound bad to me.” Optimus Prime said.

“Even if both planets are utterly annihilated, leaving you nothing left to rule over and taking you with them?” Side Swipe asked.

“Sounding slightly less appealing now that you mention that, yeah.” Optimus said. He began to look at Side Swipe. “Hey, don't I know you?”

“Maybe, but you should focus on stopping Sideways for right now.” Side Swipe said, glaring at Optimus.

“All right. How do we do that?” Optimus said.

“I may have a solution for that.” Starscream said. “While you were all talking and getting Optimus Prime up to speed, I was observing Sideways. I noticed the beam he fired at my fellow Decepticons. He seems to be able to control and direct the Key as long as he's holding it, using it to put out an enormous amount of energy.”

“Yes, so?” Cliffjumper asked. “How does that help us?”

“I believe, if someone were able to simply put their hands on the Key, they might be to wrest control of it away from him.” Starscream said. “Whoever does it would have to fight Sideways in a battle of wills to decide who ultimately controls the Key, but it could be done … and whoever does could redirect the energy Sideways is using to tow Cybertron into Sideways himself, which just might be a crazy enough idea to deal with him … permanently.”

“But who could we get do that?”Chrysalis asked. “And are you sure it will work?”

“Both good questions. As to whether I'm sure it will work, I have a degree in theoretical physics and it's the best I can come up with. As to who will do it, it would have to be someone with an iron will. ”

“Someone determined ...” Side Swipe said.

“But also someone who's willing to risk their life in what may well be a suicide mission if it doesn't work.” Starscream continued. “Someone with absolutely no sense of self-preservation or regard for their own well-being … hmm.”

Optimus Prime was dismayed to see himself the end of several stares. “Why is everyone looking at me?”

Sideways tilted his head upwards, taking in the view of Cybertron. Here he stood, moments away from victory and the complete and total destruction of both Equestria and Cybertron.

Until Optimus Prime flew over him.

“What?” Sideways exclaimed. “Where did you come from?”

“I am Optimus Prime of Iacon. I ...”

Optimus, hovering above Sideways, reached out and put his hand on the Cyber Planet Key.

“Am your undoing.”

Optimus began to exert his will over the Cyber Planet Key, commanding its energies to flow into Sideways. Sideways widened his stance and dug his feet firm into the ground. He would not be overcome.

Optimus Prime felt differently.

Their bodies began shaking, overwhelmed with the effort of trying to exert their will over the Key. Optimus pushed. Sideways pushed back. They pushed back and forth, alternating in a tug of war for control of the Key and all its powers.

The Key began to yield to Optimus. Little balls of golden light appeared around and stretched, forming tendrils which wrapped around Sideways' wrist. They traveled further up his arm, reaching his chest and head. The tendrils continued to wrap Sideways up, coiling around his entire body.

Sideways' visor began to crack. He grunted and tensed up, trying one last attempt to force his will into the Key and get it to reject Optimus Prime's commands. More and more of his body began to crack and splinter, falling apart.

Sideways' succeeded in causing the Key to let out a blast of energy which threw Optimus Prime off, but It was too late for him. The cracks covered his entire body, and he could stand no more. Light poured out from the cracks, the energy inside attempting to escape. A container could only hold so much energy and Sideways' body was well over its limits.

Sideways fell to the ground, on his sides.

“ … I'll have my revenge.”

Shafts of golden light burst out from every part of his body, beginning with his head and traveling downwards. Sideways contorted and twisted until, with light shining from him everywhere, his body was consumed by a spectacular explosion which saw the entire surrounding area bathed in gold light The area where his corpse once was replaced with a crater in the ground with a weak trail of smoke rising up from it.

Optimus Prime walked towards it. He bent down and picked up the Cyber Planet Key, claiming his prize.


“What?” Optimus Prime was caught off-guard as Side Swipe charged at him with swords raised. Optimus, forgetting about the super powerful artifact in his hands, met Side Swipe's challenge, taking his broadsword and blocking Side Swipe's blow.

“I realize something.” Optimus Prime said. “I do know you. You were a traitor who defected to the Decepticons.”

“Only after you betrayed Drench.” Side Swipe said.

Side Swipe jumped back, avoiding Optimus' attempt to slice him horizontally.

Starscream came rushing by in jet mode. With Optimus distracted by Side Swipe, he snatched the Key from Optimus Prime's hand.

“I've got it!” Starscream yelled. “MOVE MOVE MOVE!”

“This is for Drench!” Side Swipe took one of his swords and ran it through Optimus Prime's chest, cracking his windows. Side Swipe jerked his sword and did a backflip, transforming into car mode and driving away from Optimus Prime as fast he could before Prime could make sense of what was happening.

Starscream led his team back to where they had left Megatron's corpse. The Autobots pursued them and were hot on their trail the whole time.

Starscream's Decepticons gathered around Megatron's body, limp and lifeless on the ground.

“Do you think this will work?” Cliffjumper asked. “I mean, I get the Key is powerful and all, but it will bring Megatron back from the dead?”

“It's worth a try.” Starscream said. “And even if it doesn't, it's better than the Key is in our hands, rather than those of the Autobots.”

“Starscream … be realistic.” Side Swipe said. “Are you sure putting the Cyber Planet Key inside him will work?”

Starscream looked at Side Swipe.


Starscream plunged the Cyber Planet Key into Megatron's chest, shoving through the metal and connecting the Key to Megatron's core.

Megatron's optics opened and his body began vibrating. Similar to what happened to Sideways, shafts of blue light shot out from Megatron's mouth and eyes.

“Ah!” Optimus Prime exclaimed, climbing the mountain and arriving at the Decepticons' location. “There you are, Decepticons!” He saw Megatron. “What's this?”

Megatron's body was lifted up into the air. Starscream and the other Decepticons, sensing an imminent release of energy, ducked for cover and took defensive positions.

Optimus Prime raised an arm to shield himself.

Megatron's body let out a huge wave of energy which radiated outward. He was encased in a sphere, a blue ball of energy, and turned into a shadow.

There was a blinding flash of light. When the area cleared, there was something floating where Megatron's body was, only standing upright. It had something of a superficial resemblance to Megatron, but it wasn't. It was a Decepticon who was mostly purple, with a crowned head, silver, boot-like legs, and a large rotor assembly on his right arm.

“Megatron?” Starscream asked.

“No.” The figure answered. “Not Megatron. Megatron was an excellent commander, but his self-doubts kept him from acting to his full potential. I have no such limitations. Yes, in a way, I am Megatron, but I have been reborn. I am new. I am the Decepticon this world needs. I am the liberator of the oppressed and the voice of true freedom! I … AM … GALVATRON, SLAYER OF TYRANTS!”

Cliffjumper let out a whistle. “Okay. I'll admit. When the Optimus Prime of my world comes back to life, he doesn't usually make that grand of an entrance.”

Galvatron surveyed the area. Floating to the ground, he locked eyes with Optimus. “Optimus Prime. My old enemy.”

Optimus Prime brandished his sword. “Good to see you again, too, my hated, loathsome … wait, wait a minute, hold up. Did you say Galvatron?

Galvatron shrugged. “I come back to life in a new body and I give myself a new name. As you do.”

“I suppose.” Optimus Prime said. “HYAAH!”

Optimus Prime lunged at Galvatron. Galvatron raised his arm, causing Optimus Prime's sword to get stuck between Galvatron's rotor blades. The two pushed at each other.

The other Autobots, Twilight Sparkle, and Celestia made their way up the mountain.

“Come on, Oppie!” Twiight Sparkle said. “Get him! You can do it!”

Optimus Prime applied more leverage and pressure to his sword. “Yield, Galvatron! You never able to defeat me on Cybertron; why mess with tradition? Surrender now, and I will grant you a quick and merciless death! Or perhaps I'll let you live to be my pet. I'm sure Twilight Sparkle would love to play with you!”

“Oh.” Celestia swooned, putting a hoof over her chest. “What poetry. An Autobot after my own heart.”

“Hey!” Twilight smacked Celestia in the leg. “He's mine! Go get your own Autobot!”

“Surrender and die, right after I already came back to life? Hmm … no thanks!” Galvatron kicked Optimus Prime in the stomach, sending him staggering backwards.

“Grr ...” Optimus Prime clutched at his midsection.

Galvatron began winding up his rotors, the blades spinning. “So, Optimus, how are things back at your base?”

“I wouldn't know.” Optimus said. “I've only been on my feet for a little while, and most of that spent dealing with that Side-whatever person. I haven't really had a chance to check in with the rest of the Autobots ...”

“I hear Rodimus has been doing a fine job.” Galvatron said. His rotors continued to spin, building up momentum. “In fact, I'd say he's been doing a better job than you ever did!”

“What?” Optimus growled.

“Optimus!” Twilight shouted. “Can't you see what he's doing? He's stalling, trying to distract you by riling you up!”

“Thank you, Twilight Sparkle.” Optimus Prime calmed down and readied his sword. “I can always count on you to keep my on-task.”

“My pleasure, dear!”

Galvatron frowned. “Well, it's nice to see you two have what I assume passes for a happy, healthy relationship among Autobots, but still … you two are disgusting.”

“Oh, please, Galvatron. Don't tell me you've never snuggled up to that tall Changeling you hang out with?”

“No, I can't say I have.” Come on. Galvatron thought, looking at his rotors. Just a bit more …

“Well, it's been nice to chat.” Optimus Prime growled and raised his sword up. “But now it's time for this battle to end with only one of us victorious.”

“I couldn't agree more!”

Galvatron aimed his rotors at Optimus Prime. With the energy built up inside them, and the power of the Cyber Planet Key, Galvatron was unable to unleash a torrent of wind – nothing less than a directed cyclone – at Optimus Prime and the Autobots. The strong winds blew Optimus Prime and the others off the mountain, forcing them over the cliff edge and sending them tumbling down.

His foes vanquished for the time being, Galvatron turned to his trusted men. “We should move, Decepticons. If I know Optimus Prime – and I do – then getting sent to the bottom of a mountain by a tornado is only going to put him off for so long.”

“Yeah, okay, but first I gotta say ...” Cliffjumper pointed to the bottom of the mountain, where the Autobots were lying in indistinct heap. “That was pretty awesome.”

“You will not have to worry about Optimus for a little longer yet, Galvatron.”

Galvatron turned to the face of the voice. “Megatronus?”

“Yes.” Megatronus said, appearing as a blurry hologram. “My apologies I could not do more to help before now. Well done on how you handled Sideways. I can no longer sense his influence in my realm.”

“Well ...” Starscream said. “We couldn't have done it alone. The Autobots helped too … I suppose.” Starscream said.

“Why are you here?” Galvatron asked.

“To help you.” Megatronus said.

“I thought you said you couldn't help me any further?” Galvatron countered, crossing his arms.

“I did say that. And it is true. Right now, I am somewhat … cheating.” Megatronus said. “You see, there are others … a council, if you will, of powerful beings. Beings who I must make a request to before I am allowed to act and use my powers to influence events. However, there are … certain alternate versions of myself of less noble intent and less virtuous goals than I, who they can perceive. Thus, it is difficult for me to convince them of the purity of my intentions. That is why I have been unable to render greater aid to you, Galvatron. But now I am disregarding the rules in order to help you with your goals.”

“I appreciate that, Megatronus.” Galvatron smiled. “What goals did you have in mind?”

“You seek to defeat Queen Celestia and liberate Equestria from her.” Megatronus said. “It will help you to know the real reason she recruited the Autobots. She recruited the Autobots to help her in her war against a being called Prince Tirek. Seek him out. He can help you. He possesses not only additional soldiers to help you, but a defensible base and a means of manufacturing that Celestia has that you do not. I believe a friend of yours can help you locate him. I think his name was Sombra.”

Galvatron bowed. “Thank you for your help, Megatronus.”

“You are most welcome, my prize pupil.”

Megatronus' image flickered a moment before disappearing.

Galvatron turned back to the Decepticons. “Well, Decepticons, it would seem we need to make allies with this Prince Tirek.”

Author's Note:

The "council" and "friends" Megatronus refers to are the rest of the Multiversal Thirteen, a recurring presence in Transformers fiction. Megatronus' reference to less virtuous versions of himself refers to The Fallen, an antagonist in some Transformers fiction, most notably the self-titled Revenge of the Fallen and the Season 1 Finale of Robots in Disguise 2015.

Sideways' "masters" is an allusion to Unicron, who Sideways is typically related to in his appearances. However, I decided it was best to not have Unicron's shadow hanging over this story, so I used the plural form of masters, and leaving open a possible interpretation that he's working for Lovecraftian horrors (who have sometimes pop in Transformers from time to time).

Megatronus' design in this story is based off the RiD 2015 version, with the purple and red colors of Alpha Trion, whose role as the mentor of the main leader of the good guy faction Megatronus takes over in this mirror universe story.

I will admit that the scene where the Decepticons rush Optimus Prime for the Key may be just a bit too fast-paced, with lots of things happening at once.

So now you see why the scene with Optimus had to be included in the last chapter; because there really wasn't a good place to put it in this chapter, and the moment it became clear Optimus was coming back, most readers would figure out that Megatron would come back as well.

Optimus and Galvatron's new bodies are, of course, based off their 2012 Botcon toys.