• Published 16th May 2015
  • 2,133 Views, 27 Comments

Through The Looking Glass - Darkryt Orbinautz

They came down from the stars. The ponies called them heroes. They call themselves Decepticons. But whatever they are, they've made life good for the citizens of Equestria ... and Queen Celestia will not tolerate such insolence against her reign.

  • ...

Glass Hopes

In the forest, the Decepticons had an amiable wait for their leader to return. Motormaster leaned on a tree, arms crossed, while Side Swipe sat on a rock, using forest materials to sharpen his blades.

They were a little concerned with Starscream returned, as he was hurried in his steps and there was a clear sense of urgency surrounding him.

“Ah … you're okay.” Starscream said. “Everyone, listen. I would like to apologize again for my behavior earlier. I believe you can all tell that I'm stressed and frustrated and doubtful of my abilities of being a leader. But that's no reason to take it out on you. Just because I can't help but see my own faults in myself doesn't give me the right to call out those of others.”

“Apology accepted.” Motormaster said.

“Glad to hear it. However, I'm afraid now that I've got that out of the way, there's not much time for hugs and feeling good about ourselves.” One could feel Chrysalis' disappointment from a mile away. “A new player has entered the game. He calls himself Sideways. If you have the chance, I want him caught and interrogated. We don't know who he is, his goals, his powers and abilities, and where his influence is in effect, though he implied he had a great deal. Until we know more about him, he should be considered a priority-one threat.”

“Priority-one?” Motormaster asked.

“Is that how we organize threat levels?” Cliffjumper asked. “By numbered priorities?”

“Er, it's … well, we're hardly an active military right now, so I hope you'll excuse me if I use more casual language.” Starscream said. “But yes, I believe that's correct. Either way, we should consider him a threat on par with Celestia or the Autobots until we can confirm otherwise.”

“I don't understand.” Chrysalis asked. “You've only just met him today. How can you say he's on the same level as Celestia?”

“We don't know what his capable of or what resources he has at his disposal. Believe me, Chrysalis, when it comes to military handling, nothing is more dangerous than something that's “unknown.”” Starscream answered.

“Hmm.” Chrysalis looked to the ground and thought about this.

“You're forgetting something.” Side Swipe said. “What he did look like?”

“Decepticon-like. Purple and lavender, with horns on his head and a visor. Yellow highlights. If I were to guess, I'd say his alternate mode is some kind of space ship or Cybertronian craft. Be on the lookout, everyone. Keep your optics open.”

The Decepticons nodded, confirming they understood how serious of threat Sideways could be.

In the upper hills of Canterlot, Twilight Sparkle and her friends returned to Celestia's castle halls.

“Ah, my little ponies! You have returned.” Celestia approached them at the royal foyer. “How goes your efforts against the Decepticons?”

“Quite well.” Twilight Sparkle answered. “We've erected a force field around Ponyville to keep those no-good Decepticons out. I mean, we'll still need to get around to, you know, mercilessly hunting them down and executing them sooner or later, but they won't be any trouble for Ponyville anymore.”

“Good. Good!” Celestia nodded. “You have done well, my pupil, as have your friends.”

“Thank you, my queen.” Twilight bowed, humbly accepting her mistress's praise.

“Uh, excuse me.” An Autobot came in from outside and walked up to them. “There's some odd fellow hanging around outside the castle. He's looking for Pinkie Pie?”

Celestia and Twilight looked to Pinkie for an explanation of this.

“That's me.” Pinkie Pie said. “Take me to him.”

The Autobot nodded. He proceeded to escort Pinkie outside the castle and to their mysterious guest, standing around as the Autobot guard had described. He was a curious fellow, of a Decepticon's build with purple colors.

Pinkie Pie raised an eyebrow at him. “Do I know you, stranger?”

“Why, Pinkie Pie!” The odd bot curled his hands together. “Don't you recognize your old pal Sideways?”

Pinkie Pie let out a gasp. “Uh – uh … no, it's not that. It's just … I don't think we've met each other in person before. What are you doing here?”

“I was wondering if I could have an audience with your Queen in there.” Sideways pointed to the castle door. “Celestia, I think it was?”

“Er, what for?” Pinkie asked.

“Oh, nothing, just a little business proposal.” Sideways said. “So, will you announce me, or will I have to barge in there uninvited?”

“Of course.” Pinkie said, though the moment the words left her mouth, she began to feel as if she was making some sort of mistake. “One moment, please ...”

Pinkie Pie went back inside where Celestia, Twilight, and the rest of their friends were having an animated and lively chat. Pinkie cleared her throat loudly, getting their attention and making them fall silent.

“Queen Celestia, my … friend Sideways has requested an audience with you.”

“Oh?” Celestia raised her eyebrow. “Very well. Send him in. “

Pinkie Pie turned her neck to the door and raised her voice. “Okay! You can come in! Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you ...” Like a proper servant, Pinkie Pie rolled her hoof through the air before stepping to the side and bowing. “The honorable (I think) Sideways?”

Sideways entered, ducking to fit in and squeeze himself through the pony-sized door. Once he made it through, he pulled himself up to full height. “Hey! How's everybody doing tonight?”

Celestia, Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash gave him stares which either blank, bored, or unimpressed.

“Tough crowd, huh?” Sideways joked.

“Speak your business.” Celestia said. “Who are you?”

“Like I said, my name is Sideways.” Sideways walked further into the room. “You could consider me something of a … contractor. I come offering a business proposal.”

“What kind of business?”

Sideways pointed his fingers at Celestia. “Your kind, Your Majesty. See, I know a few things about Decepticons. Whom I'm given to understand have given you trouble lately.”

“You have my interest. Go on.”

“Decepticons, by nature, want peace.” Sideways began, raising up a finger as though giving a lecture and beginning to walk around the room. “They want to negotiate. They want to live in harmony with all things.”

“So, Pinkie Pie ...” While Sideways continued his spiel, Applejack sidled up to Pinkie Pie to talk, invading Pinkie's personal space when she put her leg on Pinkie's shoulder and curled it around before dragging Pinkie closer to her. “I'm curious. How do you know Sideways? You've never mentioned him … a secret boyfriend, perhaps?”

“Something like that.” Pinkie pushed herself out from Applejack's grip. While the two of them talked, Sideways continued with his proposal. “A few days before the Autobots and the Decepticons landed on Equestria, he called me. He told me about the Autobots and Decepticons and exactly what was going to happen when they got here, even before Twilight found them and told us about them. Naturally, I didn't believe him, at first, but those first days, everything happened exactly the way he said it would. I haven't really heard from him since … I wonder why he's decided to show up now?”

"How come you never mentioned him before now?" Applejack asked.

"He ... he asked me not to. He asked me not to talk about him until he was 'ready to reveal himself.'" Pinkie Pie said. "He could see the future, so I thought it best to respect his wishes."

“If you offer the Decepticons peace, the Decepticons will offer you peace.” Sideways said, concluding his speech and brief political lesson on Decepticons.

Celestia leaned her head to one side, curiosity peaked. By now, she began to tire of Sideways' blathering, but his conclusion sparked her interest once more. “What are you suggesting, Sideways?”

“What I'm suggesting is that if you offer the Decepticons' amnesty, send someone to offer them a complete pardon to their crimes in exchange for being made your servants, they will accept it and serve you in the name of peace.”

“Will they?” Celestia was doubtful. “I have seen the Decepticons. I do not think that the Decepticons would be inclined to agree to such a deal, and I have doubts that I could control them even if they were.”

Sideways scoffed. “What? You? Not able to control someone? Pshaw. Where's that cunning schemer who got the Autobots under her command? Where's that manipulator who, cut off from any stabilizing influence, was able to convince the Autobots' combiner to serve her?”

“Hey, how does he know about all that?” Twilight Sparkle asked, whispering to her friends. Most of them shrugged and shook their heads, though Pinkie put a hoof to her chin in thought.

Pink spots appeared on Celestia's cheeks. “You flatter me, Sideways. Very well. Who of my envoys should I send to make this offer, I wonder?”

“I'm glad you asked!” Sideways said. “Because I would like to nominate, my friend and all-around great gal ...” Sideways spun around and clapped his hands before pointing at Pinkie. “Pinkie Pie!”

Pinkie Pie was startled by this nomination. “What? Me?”

“So much for him being your boyfriend.” Applejack commented. “How rude, to volunteer you like that. He completely threw you under the bus.”

“What do you say, Pinkie?” Twilight Sparkle asked. “Being the messenger of Queen Celestia is a great honor.”

“I … well.” Pinkie Pie grew nervous, before seeing Celestia's comforting and beaming, if with a touch of smugness and knowing, smile. “I'll do it.”

“Excellent. That's what I like to hear.” Celestia said. “I will send a missive out with instructions for Starsquawk and his Decepticons at once ...” Celestia began to walk up the stairs to her room.

Ever toadying, Twilight Sparkle followed her up the stairs while also correcting her. “It's Starscream, Your Majesty.”

Somewhere out in some woods, Starscream moved through the trees. On occasion, the tips of his wings would rustle the leaves on their branches. When the information of Celestia's offer made it into his hands, he couldn't believe Celestia's arrogance, presuming he and the Decepticons would even want her pardon. Still, he figured at least meeting with her messenger couldn't hurt. He might as well at least learn the exact terms and conditions of the deal before rejecting it outright.

Arriving at the designated meeting spot, Starscream discovered Pinkie Pie sitting on a tall rock.

“Ah, you've finally arrived.” Pinkie held up a scroll. “Shall I begin?”

“You may, though don't expect too much. I'm just here to listen to the terms of your proposal before I say no.” Starscream crossed his arms.

“Fair enough.” Pinkie cleared her throat and began to read from the scroll. “Hear ye, hear ye, for all who would listen, by the decree of Queen Celestia. The Decepticons, as you know, have been a rebel group and thorn in my side for some days. By stealing and redistributing wealth, they defy my principles. They break my laws. But it is not too late to turn this around. If the Decepticons will submit themselves to my total and absolute control, I, Queen Celestia, hereby decree that I will give them official pardon for all their crimes. In exchange, I ask only that the Decepticons act my servants, willingly and unquestioningly, and work together with the Autobots, so that we may all live in peace.”

Pinkie Pie the scroll down. “Well? What say you, Starscream?”

“I say, 'You have got to be kidding me with this scrap.' Peace? She wants peace?” Starscream balked.

“Careful, Starscream.” Pinkie Pie said. “Queen Celestia is a powerful pony. You don't want her for an enemy. After all, just look at what she did to Megatron.”

“I'm well aware of what she did to Megatron.” Starscream growled. “I was there, you know. I saw it.”

“Then you should know that continuing to defy her is a path that will only lead to your destruction.”

“Maybe it will, or maybe ...” Starscream put his fingers to his chin, thinking. He looked around. “Did you … come alone?”

“Yes.” Pinkie said. “My friends and I wanted this to be a civil conversation, so you'll forgive us for not sending an entire regiment of troops, won't you?”

Starscream smirked.

“That, aside from thinking I would ever agree to this, was your first mistake. STUNTICONS! GRAB HER!”

Pinkie Pie's eyes went wide and she grimaced. The Stunticons came out from behind the trees and bushes.

Pinkie turned around and hopped off the rock, attempting to run away, but the Stunticons were as fast as in their robot modes as they were in their vehicle modes. Tackling himself to the ground and sliding as though he were a baseball player reaching for the home base, Drag Strip grabbed Pinkie and curled his fists around her. “Got her!”

Drag Strip stood up, holding Pinkie by the tail and letting her hang and swing.

Starscream came up to Drag Stripe and inspected his catch. “Good work, everyone.”

“Release me at once!” Pinkie yelled, waving her legs around. “When Celestia finds out about this, you have no idea how much trouble you'll be in!”

“I think you overestimate your importance, Miss Pie. Nevertheless, she should prove useful as a bargaining chip. Come on.” Starscream raised his hand over his head and motioned for the Stunticons to follow. “We'll head back to camp and see if we can't find some duct tape or something to bind her with.”

“Dear Queen Celestia,” Celestia read aloud from a letter. “We have seized your messenger, Pinkie Pie, and taken her hostage instead of agreeing to any deal you might propose. We will hold onto her and keep her safe and unharmed until such a time that we are ready to make a deal with you, once we have figured out, what, if anything of value to us you might be able to offer. Hugs and kisses, Princess Chrysalis.”

Once the information about Pinkie's kidnapping made its way to Celestia and her servants by way of this letter, Twilight Sparkle became upset. “Oh no! Poor Pinkie Pie!” Twilight clutched at her cheeks. “Oh, I knew we shouldn't have sent her to face those mean Decepticons alone!” She buried her face into Celestia's chest. “We have to go rescue her!”

“You.” Celestia pointed her snout at Sideways. “You were the one who suggested we send Pinkie Pie alone. What is the meaning of this?”

“Hey, calm down!” Sideways raised his hands in a mock surrender. “How was I suppose to know the peace-loving, noble Decepticons would be willing to take hostages?”

“Perhaps you underestimated the desperation of their situation.” Celestia recalled. “They are outlaws who have lost their leader and any civil influences they once had. And without Ponyville to raid and pilfer, they can do nothing for Canterlot.”

Sideways raised a finger. “There's an easy way to fix this.”

“Oh? What would that be?”

“You don't really have anything of value to the Decepticons at the moment. Place in your Royal Guard? Forget it. Your official pardon? They don't care about your opinion. But what you do have is a ship full of their inactive comrades.”

Celestia looked to Rodimus. “Rodimus, is this true?”

“Uh … yeah, I guess.” Rodimus scratched the back of his neck. “The boys and I had been meanin' to take all of their bodies and smelt them down for recycling … between losin' Superion and guardin' Canterlot, we haven't really had the chance.”

“Well, there you go!” Sideways said. “You just march on down over to the Nemesis, reactive the Decepticons there, take them prisoner, and tell Starscream you'll give them to him in exchange for Pinkie.”

“One pony in exchange for several Decepticons? Such a trade seems … unequal.” Celestia said.

“Ah, but that's where the beautiful part of it comes in!” Sideways said. “You got the Autobots to obey you. You could control them. I've heard stories about your exploits, Queen Celestia. If anypony could get those Decepticons to come to heel and obey, it's you.” Sideways continued to sing Celestia's praises. He knew her ego was her weakness.

Celestia blushed from her praise. “Well … I am quite fond of psychologically breaking my opponents … and I have dabbled in mind control spells from time to time.”

“See? You've got everything you need! Go down to the Nemesis, reactivate the Decepticons, and convince them to serve you!” Sideways said. “Then, when you offer to trade them to Starscream for Pinkie Pie, once the trade's complete, they … well … I think you can see where this is going.”

“Indeed.” Celestia nodded. “Everypony, let us be off to the Nemesis at once! I seek to expand my growing army of war machines.” Celestia led Twilight Sparkle, her friends, and the Autobots out of the castle.

“Sumthun tells me this ain't such a good idea ...” Rodimus muttered before following them. He didn't trust this Sideways guy. What's his deal, eh? But Rodimus knew better than to pick fights just because he didn't trust someone – he didn't trust half his fellow Autobots, most of the time – and decided he would be … selective about when he would confront Sideways. After a delay, he followed Celestia out of the room.

“And while you're off doing that,” Sideways said to himself once they were all gone, striking a heroic pose with the shield on his arm giving him the look of a knight, “I shall rescue Pinkie Pie.” Sideways once again began to visually distort into static before fading away.

Starscream walked around, wondering what to do with Pinkie Pie.

“I demand you release me at once.” Pinkie Pie complained, made to sit on a rock while the Decepticons kept an eye on her.

“Not happening, sweetheart.” Side Swipe coldly informed her. “So, Starscream, what do you want to do with her?”

“I don't know yet.” Starscream rubbed his temples. “She's certainly more useful to us alive than dead. My first thought would be to interrogate her, but I'm not even sure Twilight or Celestia trust her enough to give her any useful information.”

“Twilight Sparkle trusts me!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed. “I'm one of her closest friends!”

“Hush, dear. The adults are talking.” Side Swipe said.

Pinkie glared at her. “Has anypony ever told you're are excessively mean?”

Side Swipe shrugged.

“Pinkie Pie, are you sure Twilight trusts you?” Starscream asked. “How do you know? What have you done to earn that trust?”

Pinkie was going to give an answer, but she stopped short of speaking. Her mind was twofold; first, she thought about Sideways, and how she hadn't told Twilight about him. Second, she determined she wasn't going to give Starscream anything useful he could go on.

Pinkie crossed her legs and turned away. “I'm not telling you anything.”

“Pinkie Pie, it really is in your best interest to be forthright with us.” Starscream tried to reason with her. “Tell us what little you know, or I will have to give serious consideration to torturing you.” Starscream wasn't much for torture. He found it risky and unreliable in getting good results, and it soured relationships with prisoners, not to mention it was uncivilized. But if he planted the idea in Pinkie's head he might torture her, it might scare her enough to make her crack,

“I doubt that. You don't strike me as the type to resort to torture so easily.” Pinkie Pie said.

“Ugh!” Starscream clenched his fingers and let out a frustrated groan. He gave Pinkie Pie a bitter glare. “I'm going to take a walk to clear my head while I figure out what to do with you.” Starscream turned around and walked into the forest. Side Swipe watched him go before turning his gaze on Pinkie, who huffed and turned away from him.

Once far enough to be alone, Starscream sighed to himself. He didn't know what to do about Pinkie. He didn't know what to do about much of anything right now.

“This is ridiculous.” Starscream said to himself. “I'm the leader. I should know what to do. I need help. I need an adviser of some sort. I need guidance. I need … Megatron!?”

Starscream rubbed at his optics to clear them of debris. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. Megatron was standing before his eyes, as polished and clean as any well-maintained machine, rather than the broken mess Starscream had seen him last.

“Megatron, sir?” Starscream, out of instinct, saluted his leader.

“It's good to see you too, Starscream.” Megatron approached him. “I appreciate what you've done, and I want to know you've done a good turn as Decepticon leader, but now it's time to give the title back to me.”

“Of course, sir.” Starscream nodded. “Just one thing, though; how did you recover? The last time we saw you, Celestia had turned you into a smoking wreck.

Megatron smiled and waved his hand as if this was nothing. “That's not important right now, Starscream.”

Starscream narrowed his eyes. “Hmm ...”

Queen Celestia returned to the conjoined wreck of the Autobots' Ark and the Nemesis with a squadron of Royal Guard and Autobots to attend her.

“I got a bad feeling about this ...” Rodimus muttered, though he didn't speak out to avoid Celestia's wrath. He saw what he did to Megatron, and he wasn't going to suffer the same fate.

Celestia climbed into the Nemesis and returned to the hall where the Decepticons lay dormant, exactly as they were the last time she was here. Her horn glowed and surged with a purple spell before sending out bolts of electricity in all directions, directing power into the Decepticons' systems and bringing them back online for the first time in months.

“Ugh ...” A Decepticon groaned and rubbed his head, sitting upright. “What happened?” He noticed his fellows getting up, sharing in his disorientation and confusion, and turned to the one most likely to have an answer. “Shockwave, where are we?”

“I … do not know.” Shockwave answered. Celestia was stuck by the massive cannon replacing his right arm, and his single, cyclopean eye. “The last thing I remember was the Autobots attacking our ship ...”

“Ahem.” Celestia cleared her throat for their attention.

“Who are you?” Shockwave asked. He and the rest of the Decepticons got to their feet.

“I am Queen Celestia. You are currently on my land, Equestria. Your leader, Megatron, is dead. I have disabled your weapons systems." To prove her words, Celestia's horn glowed a dark, star-patterned purple, which enveloped the Decepticons' arms and lifted them, showing she could control their bodies and 'proving' she had disabled their weapons. "I am here to offer you a choice. You can choose to become my loyal servants, where I will enable your weapons ... or you can be slaughtered by the Autobots waiting outside.”

“Megatron is dead?” A Decepticon asked. “How?”

“I threw him over the edge of a cliff.” Celestia told him. This caused all the Decepticons to recoil in fear. “I understand that this is a lot to take in at once, so I will leave you alone to discuss it amongst yourselves. I will return after you've some time think it over.” Celestia smirked and left.

“Oh, geez ...” The Decepticon muttered. “What are we gonna do?”

“The first thing we should do is establish chain of command.” Shockwave said. “Without Megatron, we will need someone to speak for the group.”

The Decepticons looked around.

“Uh, well … without Megatron or Starscream around, that makes the highest ranked Decepticon here … you, Shockwave.”

Shockwave's single eye froze at this realization. Shockwave shook his head and his nerves returned to him. “Yes, I see. Second, we must determine our options ...” Shockwave began to pace in lines. “Obviously, serving Celestia when we've learned she's killed Megatron is something I would reservations over, but if the Autobots are out there waiting for us, and our weapons are disabled, then we have to give some it serious consideration.”

The Decepticon snarled. “You can't be serious!”

“I am, Blitzwing.” Shockwave said. “Acting rashly before we have carefully considered all available options can only lead to ruin.”

“Why ...” Another Decepticon spoke up. “That makes me so mad, I could … I could ...” The Decepticon, without meaning to, activated his arm-mounted weaponry and fired into the wall. Shockwave and Blitzwing observed the results with widened eyes.

“Are we sure she's disabled our weapons systems?” Another Decepticon asked as smoke billowed out from the hole in the wall. “Think about it. She doesn't strike me as the type to be overly truthful.”

“Wait. I just thought of something.” Blitzwing said. “Even if she didn't disarm us, there's still Autobots out there. We don't know how many. We're not so stupid as to just rush into a firefight blind … are we?”

“Hmm.” Shockwave mulled it over. He contemplated his arm-cannon.

Shockwave aimed his arm-cannon at the wall.

“Or are we?”

Outside the ship, Celestia returned to Twilight and Rodimus.

“You're back! How did it go?” Twilight asked.

“I think it went well.” Celestia said. “I explained to them the situation and what their options were. I've left them alone to they could make a decision between themselves.”

“Yeah, okay.” Rodimus kept his eyes trained on the Nemesis. “You disabled their weapons, right?”

Celestia gave a nervous grin.

“Please tell me you disabled their weapons.” Rodimus begged.

“Sort of.” Celestia said with a wince, causing Rodimus' mouth to hang agape. “Unfortunately, I've not studied your Cybertronian systems enough to know how to actually disable your weapons systems … but I told the Decepticons that I did and I demonstrated my magic to trick them into thinking as much. We should be safe, so long as they don't call my bluff.”

Rodimus calmed down. “Yeah, yeah, okay ...” Rodimus stroked at his beard. “We should be safe, then, even if they do figure it out … I mean, those Cons may be stupid, but they ain't so stupid they'd just run out here with every weapon they have blazin'.”

Rodimus' calm demeanor crumbled and his hopes were dashed when an explosion breached the hull of the Nemesis. Blitzwing stepped out from the smoking crater.

“THAT'S WHAT I SAID!” Blitzwing announced before transforming into a tank and blasting indiscriminately at the area around him.

Shockwave and the rest of the Decepticons weren't far behind, Shockwave leading the group as they made their made their desperate gambit for escape.

“Better to die free than to live as slaves! DECEPTICONS, ATTAAAAACK!” Shockwave aimed his arm-cannon and fired a well-aimed shot which blew up an Autobot's chest and blasted him onto his back.

The Autobots, taken off-guard by the Decepticons' nigh-suicidal charge, scrambled to get their bearings and counterattack. A firefight followed, with both sides exchanging heavy fire of yellow and purple laser blasts. Shockwave, standing at the front, should have been an easy target to take out and take down, but he proved nimble enough to avoid their shots and sturdy enough to take a hit or two. Making things more difficulty for the Autobots was Shockwave's cannon being powerful enough to decimate the rocks and boulders they were using for cover.

“Tanks, in front!” Shockwave commanded. “The rest of you, try to get to safety! Those of you can fly, aid those that can't! We'll cover you!” The Decepticons nodded and began relaying Shockwave's orders through the ranks. Another tank-based Decepticon joined Shockwave and Blitzwing, and he and Shockwave both converted to tank (or at least tank-like) vehicles. They rolled around on the battlefield, pushing their treads to go fast as they could while pelting the Autobot forces with heavy exploding shells. The other Decepticons turned to flight-capable modes and caught other Decepticons on their wings, flying them away over the mountain range.

“Why, you lousy ...” Rodimus aimed at the escaping fliers, but he was unable to get a shot before one of Blitzwing's shells landed in front of him, exploding and knocking him off-balance.

“Shockwave, sir!” A Decepticon saluted to Shockwave. “We're getting the last of them out now!”

“Already?” Shockwave asked. “That quickly?”

“Hey, do you want to stick around? Or would you rather get out of here as fast possible?” The Decepticon answered.

Shockwave had to concede to his point. Shockwave was quite grateful at this moment he and Blitzwing were select Transformers gifted with two modes. He converted into a laser satellite while Blitzwing and the other turned into fighter jets. Their engines roaring, they took off from the ground at blazing speeds.

The Autobots continued to fire at them while they made their escape, unable to accept the idea of a total loss. If they could clip just one of their wings and cause them to crash and burn, this day would have been worth it.

Shockwave wasn't going to stand for the idea.

Taking careful aim with his cannon, Shockwave opened fire on the mountain. The impressive display of firepower shattered the mountain and caused boulders to come pouring out from it, rolling and bouncing down.

“AVALANCHE!” Rodimus shouted, raising his arm on reflex, even though it wouldn't do him much good against a boulder.

“You don't have to tell us!” Twilight and Celestia joined Rodimus in running for cover. While the Autobots were busy trying to avoid being crushed by boulders, Shockwave and company made their escape.

“Starscream, why won't you believe what I tell you?” Megatron asked.

“Because it doesn't make sense!” Starscream snapped. “Celestia damaged you beyond repair. Yet here you stand, as good as new! Why won't you tell me how you were repaired?”

“Because it doesn't matter, Starscream.” Megatron insisted. “The important thing is that I'm well now, and I'm ready to resume command of the Decepticons.”

“It doesn't matter?” Starscream said. “Megatron, think! If you have access to some miraculous self-repair technology, don't you think I and the Decepticons deserve to know?”

“Okay.” Megatron raised his hands up in a pretend surrender. “I can see that you're stressed right now, and that you're having trouble processing this. Right now, let's just focus on the important things, okay? I know you have Pinkie Pie in captivity. Listen to me, it is very important that you let go.”

Starscream gave Megatron a blank stare. Steeling his nerves, he glared and growled. “That's it. One, there's no way Megatron could know we have Pinkie Pie in captivity. Who would have told him? Two, even if he did, he wouldn't tell us we need to let her go for no reason – he might have some moral objections to keeping a hostage, sure, but he would recognize the tactical advantage she represented.”

“What are you saying, Starscream?”

“I think you know what I'm saying.”

Starscream deployed the arm-blades from under his wings.

“I'm saying I've had enough of this.”

Starscream leaped at Megatron, aiming to slice Megatron with his blades. Megatron quickly drew his own sword and blocked Starscream's intial blow.

“Starscream!” Megatron stepped backwards as Starscream came at him with a fury, attempting to rip him apart. Megatron blocked every blow. “Listen to reason!”

“I'm through listening to you, imposter.” Starscream tried for a vertical, overhead cut, but Megatron was able to guard against it. “The only things you can do for me are tell me who you really are or die, and I think we both know at this point you're not going to take the first option.” Starscream continued his efforts to hack apart the imposter Megatron, despite his resilience and skill with a blade.

In the forest, the Stunticons, Cliffjumper, and Side Swipe continued to stand guard and watch over Pinkie Pie. Pinkie Pie huffed and sulked on her rock, though she had yet to try to escape.

“Hey … Cliffjumper?” Motormaster asked. “This Sideways guy … do you think Starscream made him up?”

This piqued Cliffjumper's interest. “What do you mean?”

“I mean, do think Starscream made him up so he could have an excuse for his behavior towards us? I mean, we haven't heard or seen him since Starscream mentioned him ...”

“What? Oh.” Cliffjumper chuckled. “I know what this is about.” He walked over to Motormaster and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Hey, I know you're upset about Starscream insulting you and your team, but he's not a bad guy. He's also not the kind of guy to make up an imaginary friend to blade his bad attitude on. Starscream may be a bit of an emotional wreck right now, but he takes his responsibilities seriously.”

“Hmm.” Motormaster didn't seem convinced. Something began to buzz behind him and Cliffjumper. “What's that?”

Motormaster and Cliffjumper turned around to see a massive glob of static hanging in the air. It took up a rough humanoid shape before gaining color and solidifying into Sideways.

“Hello, gentlemen!” Sideways greeted them, holding his shield up to them. “I'm here because I believe you have a friend of mine.”

Side Swipe was the first to leap into action. Brandishing his swords, he charged at Sideways and jumped, attempting to land a decisive blow on Sideways' head. Sideways raised his shield, and Side Swipe's sword banged uselessly against it. Side Swipe attempted to hit Sideways with his other sword, but Sideways revealed he had a sword of his own and blocked it. Forcing Side Swipe's sword down, Sideways spun around and kicked Side Swipe in the gut, knocking him away.

Cliffjumper pulled out a large gun and got ready to fire, but Sideways was ready for him, charging Cliffjumper and swinging his sword against the gun, knocking it out of Cliffjumper's hand.

“Stunticons, combine to form Menasor!” Motormaster ordered.

“Hmm. Let's see. Fight a combiner when I'm all here for is a hostage rescue mission? Yeah, I think not.” Right as Motormaster jumped into the air to assume Menasor's torso, Sideways flung his sword, which cut across Motormaster and impaled him in the leg. Motormaster fell back to the ground. For good measure, Sideways stomped, sending out yellow pulses of energy from his feet, which tripped up the Stunticons who were going to be Menasor's legs.

Breakdown and the other Stunticons ran to Motormaster's aid. “You all right, boss?”

“Yeah, I'll be fine …” Motormaster groaned as he tried to pull the sword out of his leg.

All of his obstacles either dealt with or at least delayed, Sideways approached Pinkie Pie.

“Sideways?” Pinkie asked, surprised to see him.

“Come on, little filly.” Sideways scooped Pinkie Pie up into his arms. “Let's get you home.” Sideways distorted and turned into static, fading away. The sword embedded into Motormaster's leg faded away with him.

Elsewhere in the forest, Starscream had not let up in his duel with Megatron. With Megatron blocking every blow, even while he had only one sword in comparison to Starscream's two, Starscream was quite surprised when Megatron blocked his most recent attack and froze.

“Huh?” Starscream wondered.

The imposter Megatron at last showed its true colors. It distorted and glitched, fading into static the same way Sideways had done before dissipating into nothingness.

“Starscream, sir!” Motormaster was limping on one leg, trying to get to Starscream with the rest of his team, including Cliffjumper and Side Swipe.

Starscream turned to them. “What is it, men?”

“It's Sideways, sir.” Motormaster said. “He came and he overwhelmed us. He … retrieved Pinkie Pie. I'm sorry, sir. We couldn't stop him.”

Starscream looked back to where the Megatron duplicate had been moments before Motormaster's arrival. “Ah, that must be it.”


“While in the forest, I met with an illusion of Megatron. Some kind of ... apparition, for lack of a better word. If I were a betting mech, I'd say he was conjured up by Sideways to distract me so I wouldn't be anywhere near when he came to retrieve Pinkie Pie.” Starscream said. “And perhaps to shake me up a little, which I must admit, I somewhat am.”

“Seeing a Decepticon who you know is supposed to be dead can have that effect.” Cliffjumper said. He was speaking from experience.

“One more thing, sir.” Motormaster said to Starscream. “I'm sorry for not believing in you.”

“Uh … huh?” Starscream asked.

Cliffjumper held his hand up for Starscream to relax. “Don't worry about it. It's nothing.”

“If you say so.”

At Celestia's palace, the Autobots, having survived Shockwave's attempt to bury them under tons of rock, regrouped.

Celestia herself had taken to sitting in the foyer, reflecting on the days' events.

“So ...” Twilight Sparkle walked up to Celestia and sat down next to her. “Sideways rescued Pinkie Pie. That's good, right?”

“I suppose.” Celestia said. “Tell me, Twilight Sparkle, do you not find it odd that Sideways was the one who suggested we send Pinkie Pie to negotiate with the Decepticons, and then Sideways was the one who suggested we go the Nemesis to use the Decepticons as collateral, only to rescue Pinkie Pie himself?”

“Hmm. No, that is pretty strange ...”

“And is it not odd that, the same day Sideways make this recommendation, the Decepticons in the Nemesis were able to escape from us?” Celestia asked. “I cannot help but feel as though that is not a coincidence.”

“I have to wonder what this “Sideways” character's true goal really is ...” Celestia raised her head up and looked out the window, where Sideways was perched on one of the castle's turrets.

Outside the castle and a fair distance away from where Celestia could hear him, Sideways, hunched and bent over as if he were a gargoyle, muttered to himself.

“Where are you, my pretty little Cyber Planet Key?”

Author's Note:

Glass Hopes. Referring to the hope of seeing Megatron again being shattered by the realization he's an illusion.

Perhaps Starscream should have realized Megatron was a fake earlier, but I digress.

Special thanks to my fedorasarecool for proofreading this chapter and helping to point out some minutia which might otherwise take a reader out of the experience.

He also suggested reading Sideways' lines in the voice of John Barrowman, who at the time of writing, has been playing Malcom Merlyn on the CW's Arrow. Merlyn manipulates both sides of a conflict to achieves his own ends, rather like Sideways is doing.