• Published 7th Nov 2014
  • 2,699 Views, 48 Comments

Power Ponies Secret Origins - Grenazers

A trade Paperback containing six of the original Power Ponies origin stories, including one about a certain sidekick.

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Mistress Mare-velous



It was a late into the night for the city of Maretropolis. Ponies are in their homes, tucked away in their soft comfortable beds, wrapped in their warm blankets, sleeping peacefully into the night.

However, not everypony is asleep during the night, for two shady looking ponies, they're about up to no good. The brown stallion lead his orange colored companion to a jewelry store. The orange stallion then proceed to go up to the door and took out his lockpick.

Within a minute the stallion successfully unlocked the door and they both entered the building. Once inside the two snatch all the gemstones they can get their grimy little hooves on. By the time they were done, the entire store was empty.

Just as they were about to leave, the orange stallion notices the cash register and decided to takes some bits as well. He picked the lock and the register pop opened. Before he could grab the gold coins, the alarm went off, surprising both the thieves.

“What did you do?” The brown stallion yelled.

“I don't know!” The orange stallion responded. “The register must a have an alarm system!”

“Forget the bits, we got the diamonds, so let's leg it!”

The two stallions bolted out the front door and galloped along the sidewalk. As they continue to gallop, two spinning things came right at them. The first one hit brown stallion's leg, tripping him. The second one hit the orange one in the head, knocking him down. They recovered quickly and looked at the projectiles that hit them. It was yellow horseshoe. Their eyes widen as they knew who threw these.

Lifting their heads up they can see a costumed mare, glaring right at them. The mare wore a scarlet suit that covers her entire body. A black balaclava covers her head, hiding her identity. The mare had her tail and mane tied in green wraps.

“It's Mistress Mare-velous!” Said the brown stallion.

“That's right boys, it me!” She replied. “Now give up now or we'll have to do this the hard way.”

The two looked at each other and back to the mare. Both suddenly sprinted, galloping in two different directions.

“Hard way it is.” She said as she took out another pair of horseshoes from her black saddlebag and threw them in two different directions. The first horseshoe ricochet off a wall and lamp post before hitting the fleeing brown stallion. The orange one went into the alley, the horseshoe behind him bounce off a garbage can before hitting its mark.

With both stallion out, Mistress Mare-velous rounded them up and left them on the street, along with the two bags of jewelry. The costume vigilante then left, just in time when the police arrived.

Two officers saw the knocked out the crooks on the sidewalk. “What happened to those two?” The young white officer asked.

“Mistress Mare-velous, is what happened boy.” Answered the older black stallion.

“Mistress who?”

“Right forgot, you're new here aren't you Officer Stock?”

“That's right sir.”

“Well Stock, Mistress Mare-velous is a recently new vigilante that taken to night, fighting crime.” The black stallion explained. “Only a few months since she started and she has already apprehended over a hundred of criminals.”

“All by herself?” Stock asked, sounding disbelieving.

“That right Stock, Mistress Mare-velous is a highly capable fighter. Heck, this one time she was surrounded by a dozen of them and she single-hoofedly beat them all down!”

“Wow, this mare sounds amazing.”

“She sure is kid, now come. We gotta lock these two up before they start waking up.”

The two officers hoofcuffed the two criminals and put in the back of their police carriage. Officer Stock spotted yellow horseshoe on the ground and picked it up. “What is this thing?”

“That's a hoofarang, Officer.” A feminine voice answered.

Stock turn around saw mare. She was an earth pony with a sandy color coating, greyish blue hair and orange eyes. The mare was wearing a similar blue police officer uniform like him.

“Officer Sand Castle!” The black stallion greeted. “Nice to see you here.”

The mare smiled. “Nice to see you too, Officer Roadblock.” She then return her gaze back to the young stallion. “That's a weapon Mare-velous uses against criminals.”

Stock examined it, but found nothing of interest. “Looks I an ordinary horseshoe.”

“That's because it is an ordinary horseshoe.” Castle then picked up the second yellow horseshoe off the ground. “Here catch.” She threw the metal shoe at Stock in swift movement.
Officer Stock caught the horseshoe and looked down at the two he is possessing. “What am I suppose to do with these?” He questioned.

“Keep it, throw it away, doesn't matter.” She answered. “Officer Roadblock since you two have already got to these criminals, I'll be on my way.”

The mare left the scene and was on her way home. However, before going there she stop by in a alleyway and picked up a large plastic bag near the dumpster. She trots all the way home to her apartment. Going up on the elevator, she reach her floor and went to her room.

Once in, Officer Castle went to her bed room and empty the content of bag onto her queen size bed. The items that came out was a red suit, a black balaclava, several long green pieces of cloth, and a black saddlebag contain various gadgets.

“I should really remember to pick up my hoofarangs before leaving.” She said to herself as she went to her washroom.

Thus conclude the story of the amazing mare, who not only works as a police officer, but also as the costume vigilant Mistress Mare-velous!


Mistress Mare-velous and The Magic Snake

At the Greystone Shopping Mall, a great battle was taking place. The battle was between our hero, Mistress Mare-velous and the villainous Pharaoh Phetlock and his mummy goons.

They been battling over an hour now and Mistress Mare-velous was out of gadgets.

“Darn it, I am completely out of my hoofarangs.” The mare commented as she hid from the mob of mummies looking for her. Our heroine is currently hiding in a toy store.

“Just wish I have more of my gadgets.”

Her eyes then caught the sight of something interesting. “What's this?” Sh said as he picked up a box that said Magic Snake Puzzle. “Magic Snake Puzzle?” She read out loud and look at the toy. It was a bunch of small green and blue triangle shape into a ball. She flipped to the back to read the description.

“A toy that can be shaped into anything, eh?” Mare-velous said as she opened the box and began twisting and turning certain parts of the toy.

Meanwhile, outside Pharaoh Phetlock was getting impatient with his minions. “Hurry up and find Mistress Mare-velous, I don't got all day!”

“I'm right here Pharaoh!” Announce by a voice above.

Looking up, everypony spotted the red costume wearing mare. Before they could do anything, Mistress Mare-velous launch bunch of horseshoe shape magic snake and knocked a bunch of them down. She then took out a boomerang shape magic snake and swung it downward, knocking out numerous goons out. The few remaining goons she dealt with easily with her baton shaped magic snake.

Pharaoh Phetlock watched as Mare-velous took down all of his minions. He was about to gallop out of there but he felt something tugging on his collar. It was Mare-velous using a hook shaped magic snake on his collar. She pulled him back and smack him in the face, knocking him down.

The battle was over and our heroine was victorious.

The Original Magic Snake Puzzle
Over 25 trillion possibilities! Don't be fooled by any substitutes!

Mistress Mare-velous and The Lasso of Eva

It was another quiet night in the city of Maretropolis. Mistress Mare-velous was on top of a the building patrol the area. So far everything was quiet, no criminal activities at all. With nothing to do, this gave Mare-velous some time to look at the scenery.

Before her is the spectacle city of Maretropolis. She marvel the city's architectures, amaze out how ponykind can build such large structures that can reach the sky. Time like this reminds her of why she puts on the costume and protects the city from the criminal scums that lives in the shadows.

All of a sudden she was brought out of her though when spotted something. Looking through her binocular, Mare-velous saw three shady looking stallion breaking into the history museum.

“Now why would those guys break into a history museum?” She questioned. Normally the criminals around here would aim for places that contain something of value, like bits or gems. Now the history museum, she wasn't sure what they were after, but whatever it is can be dealt with after, for now she needs to apprehend them. Mistress Mare-velous then took out her grappling hook and swung her way there.

Once she arrive at the museum, Mistress Mare-velous stealthy follow their trail, leading her to a large room. Inside the room was various items relating to a certain part of history. The three stallions seems to be interested in one of them as all three surround a glass case displaying a yellow rope.

She kept an eye on them as she move closer. Mare-velous then notice a group of tied up ponies near them. They were all night guards, struggling to break free. She then notice one individual that wasn't like the rest, this person was a griffon.

Upon getting a closer look at her, Mare-velous's eyes widen, recognizing her. 'Isabelle!' She mentally said in her head.

In that instant memories of the past came flooding in, memories of when she was young. She grew up in a unloving and unstable family. She grew to hate everything and would let out her frustration on them. This got her into a lot of trouble, especially in school where she badmouth teachers, skip classes, and even get into fights with ponies.

Then one day Isabelle arrived and set her straight. She got involve with her, helped her out, listened to her problems and even solved some of them. Isabelle showed the mare the errors of her way and made her into a better pony.

The two develop a close friendship with one another and the mare spend more time with her then she does with her own parents. Mare-velous was grateful for what she did for and was sadden when Isabelle left to follow her dreams. Despite her leaving, Mare-velous took her advice to heart and made something of herself.

Back to the present, Isabelle stopped her struggling and stare at the costume heroine. Mare-velous silently told her to keep quiet. The mare then trot pass her griffon and was nearing the three stallions who were in the process of trying to break into the glass case.

Once she was in range Mare-velous pulled out three hoofarangs and threw it at them. As the hoofarangs spun near to their targets, the stallions did surprisingly dodged it, resulting in the three projectiles to break through the glass and turning on the alarm.

“Quick get the lasso!” One of the stallion shouted. A grey stallion with a goatee snatch the rope and all three were making a quick getaway. However, Mare-velous jumped in and block their path. She swung a fist at the green stallion, but he blocked.

The stallion then swing his other fist and smacked her in face. She recovers quickly from that and swung another fist at him. The stallion simply evaded the attack and tripped her.

Mare-velous fell hard onto the ground and was to get up, but the blue stallion kicked her in the rip. He was about to continue the beating, but his partners stopped him. “No time to waste on this mare, let's go!”

The three galloped out out of the room, leaving the injured mare behind. Mare-velous slowly stood, still feeling the pain in ribs. Those three weren't like the usual thugs she dealt with before, they were more skilled fighter then the regular thug, former soldiers perhaps?

Well it doesn't matter who they are, they are still criminals and they are about to get away. As she left the room to go after the three, Isabelle was using her talons to cut through the rope.

Near the museum entrance, the three stallion were about to reach the door but the one holding the rope was knocked down by a hoofarang. Mare-velous jumped down from the second floor and toss two more at them. The two stallion dodged the hoofarangs and prepared themselves for combat.

Mare-velous went after the blue one first and was just about to hit him, but he used her own momentum to flipped her over to his buddy, who then struck her down.

The mare swung her legs below the green stallion, tripping him. Before she could dish out some more damage, the blue one hit her from the back. Disoriented, the green stallion bucked her, launching her away and landing near the down grey stallion with the rope.

She tried getting up, but her pain wasn't allowing it. She looked up and saw the two stallions approaching her. The mare was now wounded and defenseless, she could try another hoofarang, but they would easily dodge it.

She just wish she had something to fight those two with. Then all of a sudden the rope next to her came to life and attack the blue stallion. The rope wrapped itself around the terrified stallion, preventing him from moving. While his partner tried to pry the rope off, Mare-velous was still surprise at what she just witnessed.

“Mare-velous! Use the rope!” Shouted a voice from above.

Looking up, the mare spots Isabelle on the second floor. “Mare-velous, the rope is commanded by telepathy, use it on those two!”

Mare-velous return her gaze at the two and simple though, the rope slithered around and tied tied itself on both the stallion's hoof. The rope then made the two hit each other. She kept on doing this until the two were unconscious. Once they were out she commanded the rope to let go of them, and the two dropped to the ground.

“Uh, what happened guys?” Said a gritty sounding voice from behind. Mare-velous turn around and saw the grey stallion getting up. She grab his head and smack it onto the marble floor.

After he was dealt with, the mare stood up. When she did the rope flew towards her. She grabs the rope and looked at it. “What are you?”

“That is the lasso of Eva.” Isabelle answered, flying down from the second floor. “Eva was a mighty griffon warrior and this lasso was her trusty weapon. With this lasso, Eva defeated hundred of foes, destroyed whole armies, and brought down entire kingdoms. This is single talondly the most strongest weapon ever.”

Mare-velous let the information sink before asking her question. “OK nice history lesson, but what does it have to do with me?”

Isabelle put a talon under her beak and though about it. “Well since you can command it with telepathy, there can only be one explanation. You're the reincarnation of Eva!”

Mare-velous stare at the griffon confusingly. “That doesn't make any sense!” She exclaimed. “Besides, I'm not even a griffon!”

“Mare-velous, reincarnation doesn't mean you'll be reborn again as the same species. It means you'll reborn as something else.”

“Well whatever, here take this.” The mare gave the rope to the griffon.

“You don't understand Mare-velous, this lasso belongs to you.”

“I can't keep a priceless artifact.” She retorts.

“Believe me, this lasso will be more useful to you then here in this museum, collecting dust.”

Mistress Mare-velous though about this and then trots away with the lasso. Taking out her grappling hook, the costumed mare swing out of the museum. Isabelle looked at her fly off before turning around and headed towards the police.

On top of a building across the museum, Mistress Mare-velous looked down from the top, spotting the police entering the building. She then lift the lasso up to meet her gaze.

“Well little buddy, guess you're with me now.” Mare-velous said as she attach it to her saddle.

The heroine then jump off the building and disappeared into the night, returning to her sacred duty of patrolling the city.


Author's Note:

Two done four to go.

Well hope you enjoyed this tale of how Mistress Mare-velous got her lasso. Also Magic Snake came from these comic strips.
Superman in the case of the snake shapes

Hulk and the magic snake

Spiderman and the mystery of the museum snakes